The Golden Throne EXPLAINED By An Australian | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and girl warmer 40K is not short of mysterious and wildly overpowered devices the necron pylons capable of literally putting hell in the naughty Corner Planet Killer a ship that can quite easily kill planets the Throne of Glass which does something amazing but no one really actually knows what it is however all of these pale in comparison to the legendary Golden Throne Mankind's magnum opus this device is so Advanced and complicated that the Emperor of mankind the smartest being in the Galaxy merely modified it to suit his needs rather than actually created it even the best and brightest Minds in the Imperium aren't sure how to properly maintain it just doing their best to keep it running as if it fails and boy is it failing then the human race will die along with it either way it's an incredible piece of law that is worth talking about today before we get started being ugly is a choice everything from your hair to your shape to your size to your style can be changed for the 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product with such a massive discount code before so you'd actually be a bit of a drongo not to at least try it she is the geology for sponsoring this video today I will go over the lore of The Golden Throne its Origins power and purpose as well as some of the pretty interesting things it's been used for for the last 10 000 years let's get into it Throne became the Big East spicy life support system Eternal torture device it had a variety of uses most of which nobody actually knew about but before we get into those uses where did this device actually come from who created it if not the emperor well once again it's a bit vague with a number of potential Origins for it the current leading theory is that it was a device from the dark edge of Technology where mankind had ascended to godhood through pure science nothing was out of their grasp AI with souls and sentience mechanical worms that could devour space time time traveling ships you name it they could probably do it so it's not a stretch to think they also managed to create a device that allowed one to project and amplify their psyche to a Godlike degree the only issue with that logic is that back then there was like no psyches so who the hell was The Golden Throne actually designed for maybe the emperor had it commissioned during Mankind's technological Peak then either lost it for a time or put it into storage either way the biggie claims it was found on terror and brought to the Imperial Palace to be repaired and heavily modified to be more specific to his needs however there's likely more to it than that in the current ERA it's stated that the mechanisms of The Golden Throne are failing no matter what the Inquisition or mechanicus does they can't seem to be able to maintain the core module which is the part the biggie found and then added his own modifications too no STC fragments no knowledge or forbidden artifacts seem to work hence the Inquisition turned to the dark Elder for Aid the dark Elder are confident they will be able to fix the Golden Throne is this because it was originally a creation of the elder or the old ones after all both of those xenos are incredibly psychic and it would make sense for them to have such a device or is it just the fact that the dark Elder are wildly good at working with semi-dead bodies either way the dark Elder kind of dogged the deal and was stopped before they could apply their fixes so the answer was never revealed I would say that The Golden Throne was influenced or even created using xenotech such as from the Elder then heavily modified by the emperor to suit his own exact needs although these days The Golden Throne is most famous due to its ability to guide and focus the the astronomicon originally that wasn't its purpose sure the astronomicon a bigger psychic laser beam Lighthouse thingo was still built on terror however the emperor could just power it varies are in psychic might whilst walking around and killing aliens and [ __ ] it was mentally draining Shore but he did it without too much dramas from across the Galaxy no the original use of The Golden Throne was so that the emperor could slice open the elders web wave project and create a man-made web way gate and guide his forces into it see the web way has its own level of sentience and defense mechanisms it hates anything other than Elder being within it and it will actively try and cut off confuse and sabotage unwelcome Invaders hence the emperor Loki used The Golden Throne to grab the web way by the balls and bend it to its will at least the parts he was colonizing so realistically The Golden Throne didn't come into genuine usage until towards the end of the great Crusade when Horus was chosen to become the war master and the emperor had returned to Terror he had to be sitting on the throne plugged in and ready to party in order to keep the way gate open and stable his plan was to eventually build up enough mechanicum infrastructure so that the gate would remain open without him clenching his [ __ ] super tight but that was a work in progress when Horus betrayed the emperor due to his male pattern Boulders sparking intense jealousy over his father's Luscious Hair as well as the resentment built from the fact that the emperor would have had to low-key engineer boldness into horace's genome on purpose she just went sideways Magnus attempted to warn the emperor about horace's betrayal but he did so like an idiot smashing a hole in the emperor's web wave project and killing thousands of Engineers the hole led directly to the warp which allowed countless demons to pour into the web way and slowly Drive The Defenders back the rupture of the web wave put an extreme amount of strain on the Emperor who began breaking his balls attempting to hold the project together in the hopes that Magnus could be retrieved and brought to Terror in order to Aid the emperor in fixing the project however with Horus manipulating Lehman Russ as well as Lehman being a [ __ ] [ __ ] Magnus was forever lost to the emperor meaning that the biggie was unable to fix the pro eventually been forced to totally abandon it and seal the Gateway however as the emperor wasn't an elder he didn't know how to seal off sections of the web way properly see the web way gets breached all the time whether that be by necrons or demons however it's not a huge issue as the Elder can simply close off the breech sections yes it does restrict the web way but but better losing small parts than the entire thing however the emperor's human web way wasn't as natural it was very mechanical and lesser to that of the Elder so the emperor wasn't able to just close off sections permanently as such even though he shut the web wave gate under Terror he now had to put most of his focus into keeping it shut otherwise demons would tear through the Imperial Palace and destroy everything including the astronomicon which would more or less do mankind hence the emperor took up his vigil on The Golden Throne putting about 95 percent of his focus into holding the webway gate shut all in all a massive [ __ ] L if the emperor had never attempted the web Way project or used The Golden Throne he would have been free to venture into the Galaxy and kill Horus himself however with him now being forced to sit on the throne he couldn't do jack [ __ ] about the heresy the emperor is the only being in the Galaxy other than maybe Magnus who's able to sit on the throne indefinitely without dying even malcolor one of the greatest psychists to ever live and a Perpetual could only sit on the throne for a few hours before his mind body and spirit disintegrated into dust even the power and life force of 1 000 psyches was only enough to power The Golden Throne for a short while as the emperor arrived in the web way to save his Warriors and bring them out to safety when the emperor was wounded by Horus and brought back to The Golden Throne it would become his life support system his Godlike weapon and his torture device all in one he merged his body and soul with the device not just sitting on it like he had been Before the Throne was also modified further to act as a genuine life support system and a conduit for the astronomicon previously it was specifically geared for the web Way project this allowed the biggie to tap further into its power at the cost of his body shriveling up and more or less dying the web way gate needed to remain lows hence that was one purpose of his Ascension however he also needed to guide the astronomicon note how I say guide instead of power previously before he had become the Galaxy's most powerful lithium vegetable he could power the astronomicon pretty easily from almost anywhere in the Galaxy now that his body was [ __ ] and he was focusing on the web way gate he no longer had the power to single-handedly operate the golden Beacon as well and so that's where the 1000 psycho sacrifice a day thing comes from they aren't devoured by the emperor at least not directly they are expended as many batteries for the astronomicon that the emperor now shapes and guides but cannot directly power anymore whether or not he feeds on their souls as they're getting [ __ ] blasted by the astronomicon isn't entirely clear however the misconception I'm clearing up is that they aren't sacrificed to the emperor directly although the breaking down of The Golden Throne is what has been attributed to the ever increasing rate of cycas that have been destroyed from their service to the astronomicon I hope I'm explaining it well but just think about it like this The Golden Throne and the emperor are one thing the ash astronomicon and the sacrifice cycas are another thing however one thing cannot survive without the other and they are heavily intertwined funnily enough even though it's often stated that if the Golden Throne failed or the Emperor died then demons would bum rush Terror and probably turn the soul system into another eye of Terror dooming the Imperium however the reality is different the emperor ordered Vulcan to construct the Talisman of seven hammers a dead man's switch that is to activate if the emperor is ever to be truly killed this Deadman switch would cause Terror to become completely and utterly destroyed breaking the web way gate and likely stopping the soul system from becoming another eye of Terror this is still super [ __ ] for the Imperium and it would result in a lot of Darkness however it does mean that Mars would live on and Mankind would have a chance to survive in various Pockets across the Galaxy like Ultramar the idea is that if a sufficiently large enough chaos force or Champion were able to actually kill the emperor then they would also die throwing chaos into a more chaos and giving the now [ __ ] Imperium some breathing room while they figured out what to do so we know the Golden Throne and keeps the web waste shut we know that it guides the astronomicon and we know that it keeps the emperor somewhat alive can it do anything else well yes as I said it also acts as a psychic amplifier and it's implied that the emperor is actually able to do battle with the chaos Gods denying them easy victories and preventing them from just opening warp gates over Terror and other human worlds this is why corn was able to dump a massive Army on terror when the Great Rift opened the opening literally knocked the emperor out for a bit meaning he could no longer fight the chaos Gods hence they were able to put warp riffs almost everywhere but if the throne is failing what is the point we're all [ __ ] aren't we well I made a video already that would detail the potential outcomes of a failed Golden Throne slash a dead Emperor and honestly not all of them are bad if the Golden Throne were to fail then sure Terra is gone however the emperor might be freed into the warp to become a genuine God and protect Humanity or he could reincarnate back into flesh and blood and do the great Crusade all over again all mankind could die a horrible death it's a theory that no one wants to tell test however I don't think we need to worry the Inquisition of activated dozens of contingencies sending out agents to track down artifacts that could repair the throne across the Galaxy the dark Elder are still interested in helping to fix it and even the custodies have sent a shield host to try and find the lost Forge World of morvan which is said to have the solution to the throne's problems I don't think GW is just going to be like all right guys we made enough money let's kill the emperor and end the setting so one of the solutions will work I mean just with the increased power the Emperors gained from the opening of The Great Rift maybe he'll just fix it himself I mean he literally beat the [ __ ] out of nurgle for a laugh so I think a few screws being loose in his chair isn't the biggest deal if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then pick up a major mini or buy a 2023 A3 nude cosplay calendar or pick up some 400k merch or join the patreon hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more golden content join the Discord more memes and I'll see you on the next one peace [Music] fall to me [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 456,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: tphgTN-pntA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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