Just How Powerful is the Emperor Of Mankind Really? | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal the Emperor of mankind God Emperor biggie he who clocked the Galaxy's cheeks no matter what you call him but One Thing Remains the Same the master of mankind is obscenely powerful both in life and death the only things that actually match his power is his will and shitty parenting skills but just how powerful is the Emperor really we know he is a legendary psycho and in an insanely intelligent scientist but how much can he deadlift what are his skills with a blade like is he actually a small weak man who pretends to be powerful using his Advanced armor and psychic prowess or is he really the most powerful being in the galaxy in all forms before we get started there are things in life that we really should be doing but too many of us just don't one of the biggest ones especially for us blokes is skin care your oily or dry discolored acne ridden face is more than likely not just a case of rough genetics pretty much all of those issues can be sorted with skin care hence 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post-vegetabilization Status separately oh let's get into it [Music] the emperor regardless if you believe he was a Fail-Safe created by the old ones or the conjoined soul of thousands of shamans was born pretty bloody powerful he was a psychic before psychers were a thing stopping his own uncle's heart for murdering his father without even having to touch him Beyond his psycho skills the emperor was also a Perpetual an immortal being who more or less cannot be killed he would never age past his Prime and never truly die perpetuals also gained other not very explored Powers some were just like normal dudes like Alanis Pious notable more for their strength of Will and bravery than actual physical prowess other like erdar the mother of the primarks were like demigods taken out of Greek mythology able to turn into a monster that could take on four greater demons at a time whilst the emperor didn't get that silly he was described as being the greatest of them greater than even erdar so off the bat we can see that he was born into greatness as the emperor grew into manhood and his powers matured he used his wisdom if you can call it that to subtly God mankind as mankind entered the dark edge of Technology he actually went into hiding waiting for the age of strife to occur so mankind would be weakened enough for him to take control if he tried to take control during Mankind's golden age they genuinely would have been able to overcome him and if not kill him then at least lock him away so whilst he was easily the single most powerful human in existence he wasn't even close to being a God or powerful enough to out muscle Mankind in its peak during these few thousand years before the birth of the Imperium the emperor got really into his science most notably biomancy the ability to edit DNA to create super soldiers was his new hobby with this knowledge he created his custodies who remained to this day the greatest super soldiers mankind has other than the primarks however each custody was an unreplicatable work of art they took a shitload of time effort and resources to create as such he couldn't Mass produce them for his Galactic or even Global Conquest hence he used these skills to create the cheap yet effective Thunder Warriors from there it was the primarks and Space Marines with the successes that these inventions wrought it's clear that his initial key Powers was in his body but his mind he needed his armies and allegiance to fulfill his ambition there was just no way he could solo take the Galaxy even the creation of the primarks and the Estates wasn't entirely him erdar did half the work for the primarks while some scientists [ __ ] and she was a [ __ ] I'm not just being sexist did a lot of heavy lifting for the Space Marines the emperor had limits to his knowledge he wasn't all-knowing or seeing or omnipresent if he was the Galaxy probably wouldn't be such a [ __ ] right now in saying that he could see the future in great detail however he described it as being able to see the destination but not the infinite paths that could lead there also as it has been established in 40K the future is a Fickle thing random [ __ ] occurs all the time that throws all fussing and prophecy into the trash after all nobody foresaw giliman's resurrection and it actually gave tits Niche a massive headache despite that future seeing does come in clutch and was another of the empress K Powers he wasn't the best at it but he was better than most the thing about the emperor is that he is never satisfied there is always more power more knowledge to gain his hubris was so much that any source of power wasn't off limits he believed he could conquer it all even the darkest of power and to be fair he kind of could on mallage it seemed as if he bargained with the chaos gods or the warp itself to get a power boost as well as the knowledge and power required to create the primarks he then was somehow able to trick or out muscle the denzens of the warp without having to uphold his end of the bargain well at least not until the Horus heresy this new power hit him harder than a mega dose of trt to the scrotum with this boost of his psychic might the emperor was able to make an entire Legion of Marines kneel before him unconsensually someone forth The Souls of thousands of debt astartes as well as their Primark to fight for him and he could unleash Holy Fire that could burn millions of demons instantly he also had the rare and scary ability to obliterate a soul doing so on a number of occasions but most famously to Horus he could choose what people saw him as even Primark struggled to see past his Illusions he could increase his size dramatically by combining his biomancy with his psychic powers I mean just look how [ __ ] big he is here it's insane here's one of the two suckers in the Galaxy that can ignore and overcome the Pariah Gene blanks something that even Magnus can't do the other example for those interested is the gray Knight Hyperion any soldiers under his command become unbreakable a because they are so full of awe to be in the presence of their Emperor and B because his psychic Aura fills them with courage to add even more sugar to the spice the emperor did all this [ __ ] while still powering the astronomicon from half a Galaxy away so what about his physical strength and speed well funnily enough without his psychic might the emperor is more or less a normal dude whenever he isn't flexing or in battle his true wrestling form is an average man of average build and height so you could argue that his physical power is actually his psycho power but for the sake of not making this video Alpha Legion levels of confusing let's just keep the two separate he is strong as hell easily stronger than his sons during his first meeting with Russ the emperor lost an eating and drinking contest to the wolf King it's unclear if Lehman was just genuinely such an alcoholic that he was able to win or if the biggie led him but regardless the emperor ended up punching Lehman in the face knocking him out in a single hit to be fair the emperor was wearing his power armor but how much was him and how much was his armor isn't known but if a Space Marine and power armor punched a Primark he'd probably break his hand when the emperor and Vulcan competed in a test of strength and endurance both unarmored they were evenly matched however the emperor was able to kill and carry a larger salamander for their final competition it also seems like the emperor deliberately matched Vulcan in the previous challenges and through the final challenge so that Vulcan would swear loyalty to him with Vulcan being one of if not the strongest Primark this shows that the emperor is above them all in strength his swordsman skills would be excellent but it's hard to know as they were barely tested he fought more like an anime protagonist than a swordsman as he would sweep through a battlefield slaughtering the enemy in their hundreds the emperor did once get grabbed by an especially massive orc the orc seemed poised to kill the emperor before horror saved him but once again it's hard to know if this was the emperor being genuinely taken off guard or a ploy to make Horus think he just saved his father what about his durability well it is quite rare that the emperor's durability gets tested but holy [ __ ] it certainly has been during his quick due with drachnian the mega demon impaled the emperor on a pronged Spear and hoisted him into the air this hurt the emperor drew blood and would have ruptured organs however after a minute of oh [ __ ] that hurt he was back in Action his fight with Horus was even more devastating losing an arm an eye and his throat despite this he was still alive enough to get to The Golden Throne and keep the Galaxy glued together for the next 10 000 years his durability stems from his Perpetual status more than anything psychers die just like normal people if shot or stabbed so it probably wasn't his Saka prowess keeping him alive just his immortality hacks that he was born with perpetuals aren't actually totally invulnerable just Mega hard to kill if you stab a Perpetual with a crystallized Shard of The Emperor's psychic might it can kill them like with what happened to Vulcan except he survived but that's beside the point there are alternate Futures where the emperor does receive true death if an enemy is able to fight their way to his Golden Throne but this hasn't been tested in the main timeline so who knows it is actually a point of debate within the 40K universe as well as its fandom as to what would happen if someone killed the emperor while he was on his Golden Throne would he regenerate back to full health would he stay dead and doom the Imperium to Perpetual darkness and doom speaking of Throne Emperor let's talk about Throne Emperor since becoming a deified battery the emperor's power has changed he is a mobile and struggles to pull his fractured Consciousness together despite this he is obscenely powerful able to fight out warp storms keep all four chaos Gods at Bay power the astronomicon I.E a massive warp Beacon that can be seen by the entire galaxy and even turn some of his followers into to Angelic superheroes the funny part is that most of these Feats of Power are done by accident more so someone tapping into his power rather than him deliberately focusing on them when gillymen woke up after 10 000 years of near-death stasis [ __ ] me his back would have been sore and met with the emperor he said that the emperor was like a Celestial entity no longer human but significantly more powerful than he had been living as a man after all the big ear gets countless sex tillions of prayers every day and has been consuming 1000 suckers a day for 10 000 years the dude is Juiced as [ __ ] definitely not a Natty anymore with the opening of The Great Rift the galaxy has been flooded with psychic energy empowering the emperor further and even allowing him to bring his Consciousness together a lot easier meaning chaos has inadvertently given the emperor the power he needs to achieve a total Victory potentially good work Abaddon but whilst his psychic might has gone off the charts his strength speed and literally anything else has gone down the bin so the emperor to merely communicate in most situations he has to say send a fragmented cryptic dreams to select few custodies who then have to have a number of meetings to try piece together whatever the [ __ ] their dad is trying to tell them so if we were to go Dragon Ball Z mode and put a power level comparison the current Throne Emperor has a higher power level however the Flesh and Blood emperor of the great Crusade was able to use his full power effectively here's a good example when Horus was wounded with a chaos knife and Ferris was decapitated by fulgrim the Flesh and Blood Emperor wasn't even aware of both events as they occurred and couldn't do [ __ ] to prevent them however when gillymen was High key killed by mortarion the emperor was able to project his power across the Galaxy cure giliman bring him back to life core mortarion a [ __ ] and then set nurgle on fire another example is that when the Flesh and Blood Emperor was confined to The Golden Throne after Magnus did something very wrong 95 of his Focus was on the throne he couldn't do [ __ ] with the war and could only communicate with the select few custodies now in his corpse form he's dealing with the same if not worse issues as he was when he was alive however now he interacts with the Galaxy creating living Saints and [ __ ] so overall the emperor's powerful is holy hell easily the most powerful entity in real space when he was out of his wheelchair and maybe even the Warped posties are Ascension the issue is that he struggles to coordinate his power or access all of it at the same time due to how fragmented his soul currently is invoking the emperor's name is enough to cause a demon's pain the cast gods are very wary of him he made some Elder harlequins reconsider if they truly were Superior to humans and the Orcs admire him as a Legendary God of War I don't think I really need to go on if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be where there is not only nude models in battle mace cosplay but also a boatloader hentai hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more overpowered content join the Discord for more memes and I'll see you on the next one peace [Music] fall to me [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 628,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: lk8SliZtnbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 17 2022
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