We remade the Wolf mob from Scratch 5 different ways

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okay this is minecraft but with redesigned wolves man's best friend has been remade to provide you with some new friends some new items and even some new investment opportunities just just kidding but there's a particularly nasty wolf we'll need to watch ourselves around that we'll be getting to near the end of today's video all right let's check out the wolf remake by caleb known as the sheep dog it's a new wolf that does its best to blend in why do i already have a feeling about this it goes into a herd of sheep then kills them when near sheep it will attack them like a regular wolf however it has something extra for far away sheep okay well let's see some sheep lovely wow you guys look like you are definitely all one thousand count oh my gosh i can't wait to make you into a bed sheepdog oh look at you is that a detonation button on top of it what kind of sheepdog is this oh my gosh well it is definitely a wolf in sheep's clothing i have to say this is um i've read fairy tales about you so what does it mean by far away sheep i'm a little confused okay so i just summoned a sheep very far from the wolf sheep okay and i want to see what it's all about or sheepdog whatever it likes to call itself come on buddy okay well he's firing meteors whoa good boy okay he's firing off another one i don't know where this one's about to head wow that is a very far away sheep here we go here we go oh my gosh he's gone mad with power i want him as a pet okay apparently you can shear this guy oh oh gosh he's mad at me i mean i get it i just took his skin from him essentially okay okay okay easy enraged wolf wait you can't shoot your rockets at me now ken oh well i'm dead oh they likely won't like that so you'll probably want some well that's good to know okay he's doing his thing over there what did we get we got wolf do we get anything if we take him out let me see hey buddy hey buddy hey buddy wow you have a lot of health don't you yeah whoa did he just drop a weapon oh this was what was on his back weaponized ordnance launching firework platf no stands for wolf the p is silent this can be used to shoot rockets at annoying terrible sheep okay well we'll use that in a second first of all we can also use the wool to get wolf armor check this out don't mind if i do howl at the moon boys we got a nice speed boost as well as an invisibility boost that's pretty cool when you wear it you faster invisible great for sneaking around not bad oh gosh okay so if i shoot this off what where is it is it gonna is it gonna like target the nearest sheep it wow wow that has some serious range i wanna see the aftermath lovely yes yes how many of these can i fire at once oh my gosh like infinite it looks like bro oh this is so fun dude they're going nuts so many explosions poor guy never stood a chance oh he lived well all right so we're checking out doge courtesy of ambiguous chameleon much wolf very fun wow messed that one up the doge is a dear beloved friend but he's all about the money these days we've been keeping up with dogecoin uh i'm not a financial advisor so in order to attract their attention we're gonna need to throw down a whole bunch of gold and just like oh gosh it's hideous and kind of cute but mostly hideous much plastic surgery very wow okay are you my friend now but yes if there's one thing doge knows it's wise monetary investment oh throw him a golding and you'll get a dogecoin in exchange yeah again i'm not recommending one way or another what you guys do with this is i'm going to get in trouble aren't i look how cute it looks again kind of but if you just keep dumping your money and gold into dogecoin certainly something good is going to happen definitely guaranteed definitely results will not vary get back here i want more coins baby because you can use these coins believe it or not my friends for some interesting trades with the villager what do you got oh dosh okay we get the pointy dough stick for our trouble look at that slows down mobs when hit okay we also have doge mail summons friendly wolf pack when damaged i can get behind that and then we also have dough snack grant speed strength and dough sense oh boy oh boy i can't wait oh boy hold on a second now show up all the gear in a second but we can also use dogecoins to damage moz by throwing it at them and sometimes we'll get a return on our investment because occasionally what will happen oh boy um oh we can legit throw them okay to drop it we are throwing those coins and we are getting ironed for our trouble gold for our trouble maybe even a diamond here and there love yo i just saw the diamond show up oh he literally is my best friend although this isn't really doing much for damage maybe to the economy but you know details details can i kill one just one let's get one killed huh duh yeah literally the last one i had okay let's try out the pointy dog stick so this will slow down mobs when hit meanwhile my actual pet doge yeah now they are slower as you can see i can uh escape from them way more easily than before oh my buddy fits right in get him yeah yes man's best friend indeed what an investment i mean specifically in the pet not in the coin yeah so then if i grab the dough snack and what do i right click with it what do i do do i give it to you oh he's sad oh gosh how does it work ooh i don't know but i finally just took some damage and look what happened a pack of wolves appeared wow many packs of wolves oh wow and that knocks me back way far no don't go in the water we got business to attend to come on guys there we go there we go ah i see so the doge snack okay drop it on the ground you guys want hungry stop it bad bad bad bad oh oh okay i literally eat it i was like what do i do so i get strength speed night vision all sorts of goodies oh too cool okay i got a really good idea guys so i just gave myself resistance so that i can't take any damage now i'm just gonna let so many packs of wolves appear that it's just ridiculous bring it on yeah man we're not calling a baby so many wolves the funniest thing we have so many wolves that just showed up all over the place oh wow adorable love man i'm getting wow that's a lot of wolves okay i'm sold such a good boy i found a life hack if i'm poisoned they just keep on coming oh my gosh i'm gonna get into the dog breeding business don't lie okay so where are all the wolves maybe i need to call for them [Applause] sorry too much probably too much wolves are no longer found here in the overworld but instead they come from the sky come again they're called meteor wolves how am i supposed to reach them before we see them we need to get bones to tame these meteor wolves which now drop from vindicators as well as villagers which one is which one might be a vindicator one might be why you doing this to me ethan come on hey a good call indeed all right give me your bones because you're not good for anything else i got a bone to pick with you oh now you're stuck oh done deal thank you so much hey 20 villages right there okay anywho meteor wolves have a chance of falling down from the sky approach it and the meteor wolf will grow oh whoa whoa that was very fast well i want to see another let's see look at oh my gosh what is happening okay ethan not gonna ask questions meteor wolves will grow when you approach them let me see what we got here oh gosh big big boy whoa i easy oh that's just magma block okay so i can let me tame dame dame do you love do you love eat the bones eat eat the bones eat hey he loves me look at him sitting big boy dude imagine picking this thing up from the pet store plus what is this magnetic dust i assume we'll get to that in a second for now my cutie pie let's have you stand i want you to fight for me is he glowing he's glowing whoa this guy is definitely glowing on the sides of his body okay once tame the meteor wolf can fight for you however if it dies it will cause a pretty big explosion whoa yo he's mad with power check it out oh you got me a carrot good boy again yeah nuts so wait is this gonna oh good i thought that button might explode him oh my gosh it exploded him what happened okay i don't know what occurred but i do want to show off the explosion so i'm sorry buddy this is for your own good get it oh he he knows what i'm trying to do oh my gosh whoa he had a creeper hidden inside of him okay right though you might have noticed magnetic dust is dropped from meteors throw this on the ground with arrows to craft magnetic arrows one at a time though the whole stack and you lose okay good to know so here we go one at a time look at that hey these look pretty cool what do they do okay apparently mob shot with magnetic arrows will attract the meteor wolf and it will fire off its head as a mini meteor i gotta see this let's try with a simple cow first huh betsy what's good okay are you gonna oh it literally did wow good on you pup wow big brain multiple brains apparently otherwise i don't know how you would have pulled that one off oh yeah oh yeah whoa frozen in place look at that just keeps yo that's crazy looking what are you doing man that's funny hey nice effect there okay let's try out the sheep instead you get you get shot there we go love okay well that was he made quick work of that one okay how about another one you get it and let's see fires on off that is cool and then he begins going crazy as well uh huh literally levitating him and i ain't gonna ask questions okay well let's be another power he as i didn't know about okay hold on a second there's comet wolves too of course there are look at this wow love this okay come here i see the i see the baby interwolf in you it's okay buddy oh he's so friendly looking it kind of comet wolves are the same as meteor wolves but they do come with more magnetic dust when they land and they're a little bit rarer when they show up in game here's some spawn eggs so we can see what's going on oh yeah wow okay well it literally i did not realize that's what was causing it that's funny okay good boys somebody help me please bring puppy chow time to check out das's sled dog it can be tamed so you can attach a sled and ride around the sled dog is tame a new type of fish called the frost fish and this can be made by surrounding a cod with ice wow love that recipe check it out very easy you just gotta go fishing for it first but okay now that we've got more than enough cod and frost all up in this we can presumably ah damn the sled dog look wow he's literally gliding across the snow that is very powerful okay his feet are moving down there get over here buddy i want to feed you yeah yo he loves wow that's a snout so sled dogs spawn in cold biomes like this one but to save the ever finding one you can already press that button you can feed the sled i did that too okay a sled dog can't pull a sled it doesn't have one which is why you need to craft one and this is how you do it with some spruce planks and some red wool and gelate you got yourself a sled love before you use a sled you need to know how to control it the sled goes in the direction you face you can equip the sled on the dog by clicking near it okay equip come here buddy stop moving nice you've been equipped hey and he's pulling me oh i love yo check this out he's literally my best friend and he's pulling me around that's cool and wherever we look okay okay okay is where we go can he go off-roading he can oh but i took some damage doing that okay oh he even pulled me up it oh i love this actually this is really fun okay what happens if i get off of it he stays put oh what a good boy okay we're gonna practice our sledding skills by following this trail yup okay this is what i've been waiting for okay uh that's he's he's definitely taking me off-roading good to know he's capable we're back on track people who what is that new house alert hold on a second we're gonna make a quick pit stop buddy what is in here daily log by jefferson t oh he's my favorite author daily log march this guy wants us to make him a grave and then also get out of his house okay fine well you get one or the other dude play these games with me your dog's trying to kill me oh no this way go this way he is got a mind of his oh yeah i don't blame you for running okay this wolf remake sounds scary the devourer thanks cube developer oh wow what oh okay i don't know if i want to show you this one so you tell me wolves just have a chance of turning into this thing void spirits from the end possess their bodies granting these beasts powerful am i supposed to take it on look so we get a special item if we defeat it so i guess we'll give it a shot huh how do i oh gosh i'm nervous okay let's take him out oh yeah he's big big boy look at those teeth grandma what big teeth you have oh yikes that's a lot of those oh my gosh the fangs are crazy imagine just trying to look for an innocent little pup to make your own and then this thing shows up out of nowhere stop bad bad please please okay okay can we talk about this a little bit baby oh no no no look i'm sorry i didn't take you to the vet but now i don't have to oh think of the medical bills i saved so these are called devourer fangs and if i right click it looks like it gives off the same power that the devourer has so why don't we can i aim in whatever direction oh wow it literally follows the ground okay so check this out what's good honeys yo i just have bad aim i could i could spawn in a bunch of these though this is cool direct wall of them wow and it can hit multiple at the same time this is pretty neat i gonna lie and we can kind of spam it ain't mad about it oh it it can damage me though so you know you might want to be careful if you're deciding to use this against any innocent animals or creatures or friends or family or you know yourself if you're having a bad doubt guys comment below which wolf was your favorite and which mob you'd like to see us recreate next and see you later easy does
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 4,954,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, wolf, wolf remake, new wolfs in minecraft, minecraft wolf, doge coin, doge coin in minecraft, elon musk, doge, dog, minecraft dog, pet, pets, new pets in minecraft, dev vs dev, we paid 5 developers, we paid, we made, we remade, we developed, new pets, remake, villager remake, 5 developers, 5 devs, new mobs in minecraft, minecraft mobs, new mobs, 1.17, caves and cliffs update, new items in minecraft, new minecraft update, from scratch, wolf update, minecraft wolves
Id: _7yG5cyz1pE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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