What If I Made A Pokemon Game?

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[Music] on my channel I'd like to delve into topics revolving around me essentially coming up with and sharing a plethora fan-made ideas related to the pokemon world I make videos about hypothetical Pokemon regions that could be made out of real-life countries and areas I've made an evil team that I lead in the form of team buddy hashtag beyhive send all those to me on Twitter and all of the stuff links together in a giant shared universe I'm calling the buddy varus now for today's video I'm going to be creating another lengthy adventure that ties into said buddy verse although it's going to be somewhat different from all the past videos I've made rather than making a hypothetical Pokemon region or crafting another story for Team buddy I'm instead going to be detailing a pokemon game idea I've had for a long time well I'd say that most of the big videos I've made on my channel are all about sharing ideas I've had four possible Pokemon games the one I'll be detailing in today's video is kind of special because for all intents and purposes I like to think of this idea as my dream pokemon game I've been working on the design of this dream game for a couple years now and I've come up with a lot of detailed ideas relating to the mechanics events Pokemon lists routes battles characters and stories that would be in this hypothetical game unfortunately I don't have the skill to make an actual pokemon fan game you guys could play but I can write and edit a video so that's all I'll be sharing my game idea with all of you today I hope you're ready because this video is going to push the limits of health and fictiony I can be take this as a warning that what you're about to watch is definitely going to embrace its fanfiction Eastside but as I always say I wouldn't have it any other way for my videos buckle in because I think it's time we get this video started and I share with you guys one of if not my favorite concept I have for a Pokemon game all right to kick things off I wanted to go through a general overview of the SCI pathetical game structure and general premise I took some pretty big and dare I say crazy creative liberties with this game and some of its main mechanics and I feel like I should break it all down right at the start so the rest of the video isn't too confusing after I go over the core idea and some of the things I was inspired by for it I'll then go through a rundown of the game and its story including how your adventure would unfold moment to moments okay so the general idea of this game is that it would be a semi sequel slash spin-off to pokemon ultra son and ultra moon it would be set six months after the events of the games happened but it wouldn't take place in a lola instead and this is where the crazy part kicks in it would revolve around you the player being a new recruit of the ultra megalopolises ultra recon squad and traveling to different dimensions to save them from ultra beast threats now that's the core idea of my dream pokemon game and I'll be the first to admit that this is pretty crazy even for me I know some people might be turned away by the sheer insanity of this idea but before you bail out of the video I wanted to say that though my game concept may sound very out there and unlike Pokemon I still tried hard to make it fit into the Pokemon world and play pretty close to a normal pokémon game there are a lot of differences in changes I've made with this game structure compared to the official games such as there not being a Pokemon League to conquer the game focusing heavily on the idea of travelling between different dimensions but alongside all these alterations I made sure to include a bunch of things we've all come to expect from a standard Pokemon game you still receive a starter Pokemon you take with you on your adventure you get to catch battle and train Pokemon you find in the many dimensions there's a few evil teams you get to battle your Pokemon helped you overcome obstacles in the overworld and many other mainstay ideas from the official games are included in my hypothetical game I know it's gonna take some work to sell you guys on this idea and trust me I have a lot more to break down regarding the general concept but before I go through more details about it I wanted to address how I even came up with this idea and why I liked it so much that I consider it my dream pokemon game so for as long as I can remember I've always loved the idea of alternate realities different dimensions parallel verses and all things of that nature I'm not really sure why I like the concept so much but I just find it so fascinating and cool to see alternate versions of established stories and characters the idea that you can take a universe and characters you know and love and see them in such different ways or them with alternate histories is something I've always found engaging and just Oh bad I just think the entire idea is so cool now tighten this all back to Pokemon into my ultra recon squad game idea as soon as generation seven came out and it was revealed that different dimensions are indeed canon in Pokemon I knew I wanted to express my love for alternate universes with some kind of hypothetical Pokemon game built around them after brainstorming many many ideas some of which her way to where to explain I eventually decided on the narrative I talked about earlier where you're a new recruit in the ultra recon squad and travel between dimensions saving people from powerful ultra-beam attacking their worlds now I promised I'd break down this idea a little bit more so let's go through some of the main parts of it shall we okay so as I've said numerous times already one of the big aspects of this game is that over the course of its story you'll be jumping between a handful of parallel universes instead of having one giant region you get to explore there are over five different dimensions of various sizes you can warp between each one of them is themed around a different official pokemon region I'll be it's an alternate version of the region that has some kind of twist compared to the official ones and all of them have numerous areas routes and towns you get to explore while each dimension doesn't have an entire region to traverse there's still a pretty good selection of familiar although new feeling places you can adventure through that give you a picture of what the dimension is like at large now what exactly do you do in these alternate worlds you may be wondering well your main goal in each dimension is that you're trying to find and defeat an ultra beast that has fallen into the world and is wreaking havoc there's one sometimes two ultra beast invaders in each world you have to track down and they're kind of like this game's replacement for Gym Leaders in a way they're the obstacle you're training up to confront in each dimension and you have to find and deal with them before you can move on through the game and travel to the next parallel universe if you're worried that searching for ultra beast is maybe a little bit too OneNote for you and you want more to do then you're in luck I took a a lot of time when creating the dimensions in this game to make sure that each one felt like a fully developed world that has its own story problems and lore you can get invested in your main goal in each dimension is still to hunt down a ub but you'll often find that each world you visit has a lot of other things going on and you can explore and take part in the events happening in the many parallel worlds I've created okay there is a lot more ideas I want to share with you guys but I think it'll be better if we get into the actual story overview for my dream game now and as I go through it I can detail everything more extensively without further ado this is the hypothetical story that would be present in my dream pokemon game as I stated earlier the story of this game takes place six months after the events of ultra Sun and ultra moon and in many ways I consider this idea to be a semi sequel almost more like a spin-off to the events that happened in them if you haven't played Ultra all the way through you might be a little confused as to what's happening in the beginning of the story what with your character being a resident of a parallel universe but I'll try my best to give as much context as I can for everything so the story won't be too confusing alright getting into the actual narrative now the game begins with you waking up in your room it's a beautiful day in the ultra megalopolis and you and your mother live in a tell apartment building in the heart of the city you've lived here practically your whole life and all things considered are a pretty normal resident of this massive otherworldly metropolis you get out of your futuristic sleeping chamber and can explore your room and find all sorts of normal things people in this dimension have a TV like device constructed from high-tech crystals is in the middle of the room with a brand new ultra tendo game console hooked up to it a desk with a computer like machine sits in the corner with many posters and notes hanging above it a very futuristic Auto closet which holds your entire wardrobe is on one wall while a large window that gives you a great view of the ultra megalopolis including megalo tower is on the other as you look out the window at the sprawling cityscape your TV like device gives off a couple beeps and notifies you that you're getting a video call from your mother the display flickers on and you see a woman in futuristic clothing giving you a beaming smile good morning dear I trust you slept well and are all ready to go she notices that you're still in your pajamas and tisks at you oh no don't tell me you forgot today's your big orientation day for the ultra recon squad I've been reminding you about this for weeks you look down sheepishly and she sighs and gives you a smile once more oh I can't stay mad at you sweetie just get dressed and meet me at the Ultra command center all right it's right next to megalo tower your mother gives a small wave goodbye and the screen blinks off you groggily decide to get ready for your day and while you're eating Ultra breakfast and packing your bag allow me to give a little bit of context as to what's happening as your mom just mentioned today's the day you finally get to join the ultra recon squad whoo the protectors of the Pokemon multiverse after all the events of ultra Sun and Moon in which a powerful Pokemon known as Nick Rose mutt broke free from mega low tower and terrorized in a lowland dimension the ultra recon squad decided that they needed to become bigger and better to help more people and Pokemon throughout ultra space they sent out a call for help and you and your mother were part of a small group of applicants that were accepted your mom started working with them a few months ago and today is finally when you yourself get to officially join the squad and help protect the multiverse you're finally ready to go on your adventure and leave your apartment building heading out onto the ultra megalopolises streets one thing I want to draw a special attention to here is that in this game you would be able to explore more of the ultra megalopolis than just a single Street one of the most disappointing things about ultra Sun & moon for me was that the megalopolis was literally a glorified hallway and the first thing I did when planning this hypothetical game was make a detailed map of the megalopolis where it actually feels like an expensive city you'd be able to explore and interact with we'll get into more details on what exactly you can do in the various streets and buildings a little later but for all intents and purposes think of the ultra megalopolis as the hub world for this game for now you stroll down the street past megalo tower and spot a futuristic building with a large dome the sign out front says that this is the ultra command center so it looks like you found the place your mother mentioned you enter the building and find yourself in a giant room with many high-tech machines and devices everywhere amidst all the machinery and equipment you see her mother operating a circular station right in the center of it all she sees you through one of the screens and gives you a smile as she leaves her workstation to come and greet you hi honey looks like you were able to find the Ultra command center alright this is the headquarters for the ultra recon squad and now that you're a member I'm sure you'll be seeing this place a lot I know it might seem a little boring at first but trust me it grows on you after a while also I'm supposed to give this to you your mother grab some clothing from a nearby container and hands it to you this is the special ultra recon squad uniform everyone in the squad is required to wear them and not only do they protect us from ultra space energy but dare I say they look fashionable to boot go change into it and I'll call the rest the ultra recon squad here to meet you you magically change into your clothing and your mom taps a couple buttons on one of the devices attached to a wrist in a few moments four people walk out of various rooms and stand before you confidently these are the members of the ultra recon squad a man rocking some seriously awesome facial hair steps forward first and introduces himself ah you must be our newest recruit welcome player I am the captain of the ultra recon squad otherwise known as FICO I see your mother has given you your new uniform that's great and I hope it makes you feel like you're part of the squad speaking of our group we should formally introduce ourselves and go over what the elder recon squad is all about so Lee era if you'll please give our newest recruit a rundown another member of the ultra recon squad steps forward after necrosis mutt broke free from mega lo tera months ago and attacked another dimension alongside many other ultra beasts we here at the Ultra recon squad decided that we needed to become bigger and better to help other dimensions from otherworldly threats the third member of the squad dulse joins in - and that's our main purpose we travel around the multiverse saving people from ultra beasts that have invaded their dimensions and are wreaking havoc I've seen firsthand the destruction that is caused by these powerful entities and world's not equipped to handle them and it is our duty to help those being attacked by you bees everyone looks expectantly at the final squad member who is standing there humming to herself she's suddenly aware of everyone looking at her and crashes back to reality and I'm Safi everyone groans at this and zosky frantically glances around confused what's wrong why is everyone looking at me like that so see we planned the speech out did you forget your lines Oh nope I still remember them something about bringing back the light maybe everyone groans again and FICO steps forward once more oh well I'm sure we'll nail the speech for the next recruits theatrics aside is everyone just said our main goal in the ultra recon squad is to help those in other dimensions being attacked by ultra beasts well take you out on a little test run later so you can get the flow of how to handle confronting ultra beasts before we do that I think we should give you a tour of the ultra command center this will be a home away from home so it's important to know all about the facilities we have here FICO and the rest of the ultra recon squad whisk you away on a tour of their headquarters and your first stop is literally a few feet away because it's the room you're standing in your mother takes point on explaining this one and deletes you around the room this room is the data center and as you can see this is where we decipher and analyze a lot of information we're gathering from parallel worlds we set up many sensors within Ultra space and all the equipment in this room is able to receive data from them which I then process and review well most of it is kind of boring every now and then an energy spike will be detected in a dimension with normally low energy levels and when that happens we'll know that an ultra beast has most likely fallen into a world it's not supposed to be in and we can send someone to go and deal with it before it causes trouble this is a very tough job because your mother essentially has to decipher and track down where the energy signal is coming from in the vastness of the multiverse and so far she's had a spotless track record in finding unwarranted Ubese you continue on your tour although your mother stays behind because she has some very important work to do and FICO takes over leading the group and brings you to your next stop which is a break room connected to the data center it looks pretty high-tech which is to be expected and there's a small kitchen a couple couches and tables a TV like device and numerous doors on the far wall this here is our break room and living quarters I know that you and your mother commute from home so you won't need the rooms we've prepared for you but feel free to relax in the break room anytime you like maybe those can show you the recipes he's picked up from as many dimensional journeys Oh DOS you've got to make them a lumiose galette to get so yummy that's saucy please they're taking a tour there will be time for pleasantries later stop being so modest and show off your cooking skills Dulce the feast you made for the crystal Solstice was delicious I um FICO please continue the tour very well dulse but I'll expect a galette on my desk before the end of the day you move on from the room and the tour wraps up with you arriving at one last chamber although this one is pretty big and by the looks of it pretty important this is the dimensional gateway we've built and essentially this is how you'll be traveling to add the dimension dose why don't you go show the player demonstration so Lee era will you please get the gift we've prepared for our new recruits Sallee era disappears off screen and returns with a small box while dulse walks over to a giant control panel and starts pressing buttons after a few moments you see a large portal materialize in front of you for years we used the power of soul Kaleo and loon ala to travel between dimensions but recently we found that took quite a lot of energy out of them who he set to work to try and find an alternative to interdimensional travel so as to not overexert them anymore and we eventually created this spectacular device it not only can sustain five mini ultra wormholes at once but travelling between dimensions is almost instantaneous science sure is amazing so era walks up for you and presents you with the box here this is a gift from all of us in the autre recon squad to you you can't save people from an ultra beast without a beast of your own right this is a people a UB common in our dimension that you can use as a beginning Pokemon although the concept of being a pokemon trainer is still new to people in the autre megalopolis we in the ultra recon squad can personally vouch for how powerful the bond between trainer and their pokemon can be you take your starter people from the box and everyone cheers amidst the celebrations ah see almost like a Western confronts you and makes eye contact I challenge you to a battle player the room is shocked and za C looks around sheepishly what this is what you're supposed to do when you get your first Pokemon you have a battle with it to show your connection me and my new friends haven't had a chance to battle yet so I was just thinking that you know maybe everyone's still a little surprised by this but dulse thinks it over for a second and says za c that is a very good point you and the player shall have a battle and I'll analyze your combat to see what I can learn from it from my own battles dulcis words have literally given zosky life and she springs to action calling out her pokemon oh right if dole says it's okay then let's give this a try saucy calls out her pokemon which is in the lowland Diglett you call out your newly received people and your first pokemon battle then begins it's also Zhou C's first experience in pokémon battling to and after you defeat her she's surprisingly energetic whoa I've never felt such a rush like that before is this what being a trainer is like it's so much fun can we have another battle please I think I know what moves to have piglet use this time so see your pokemon fainted what do you mean Dolson Zhou see have a conversation about what exactly it means when a Pokemon faints and your mother walks in and sees you and your people standing victorious she's incredibly proud of you but says that she has rather serious news to share with everyone which is that she's located in ultra beast that has fallen into an innocent dimension the somewhat carefree attitude in the room quickly become serious again and all the members snap to attention all right seen this out this is the first mission the player here will take part in I want you dolls to lead them you've been in the squad a long time and are a great leader Zhou si you'll accompany dolls and the new recruits I know how much you want to become stronger and go on a solo mission and this will be good practice for you so Lee era the players mother and I shall stay here and monitor the situation dose nods and FICO presses a lot of buttons on the control panel and a small portal is presented in front of you when you're ready recruits step up to the ultra wormhole Dolson Zhou C will guide you from there good luck player and welcome to the ultra recon squad with FICO's words of encouragement said he walks over to a monitor to analyze some data and everyone else prepares for their upcoming mission as you're about to step up to the portal to begin said mission your mother stops you briefly she's very excited that you're going to travel to a new dimension and says that there's nothing to worry about Dolson Zhou C are professionals so as long as you listen to them you'll learn the ropes in no time your mother also informs you about your suits special technology integration called the ultra gear to break the fourth wall a little bit here the ultra gear is essentially your menu in this game and is a device attached that lets you call up a hologram overlay you'll find all sorts of things on this is where you'll find your pokedex all the items you've collected your current team a list of all the right Pokemon you can call a map of the dimension you're in a short-range communication device and so on after relaying all that info to you your mother gives you a hug goodbye and you approach dulse and za see who are standing in front of the wormhole alright it's time to depart follows aussi and i's lead and when you're ready step through the ultra wormhole this will take us to dimension 7.8 - 10a and once we arrive I'll explain more about our goal those steps through the portal and za z follows close behind giving you a smile and a wave it's now or never so you step through the ultra wormhole and for a brief moment you see the vastness and majesty of ultra space before a bright light flashes and the world distorts around you in an instant it's all over and you blink your eyes open to find that you're on a somewhat mountainous island in the middle of the ocean up ahead you see a pathway that goes up a large volcano to a small village and you're to ultra recon squad companions are at the start of the trail dulcis scanning the environment with his ultra gear while za c is staring at you curiously trying to suppress a giggle she says that you look a little frazzled by your first time going through an ultra wormhole but quickly mentions the after a while you'll get used to it dulcis Ultra Gear gives off a couple pings and he walks over to the two of you to share the data he's gathered it appears this dimension has suffered some kind of massive flooding in its past my sensors indicate that many buildings and structures are below the waves and the island were currently on was once a tall volcano in the region I'd like to get up higher so I can gather better data about this world and then we can see about tracking down the ultra beast we're looking for I saw a town up ahead so when you two are ready meet me there dose gives the curt nod and stiffly starts trekking up the mountain za C says that I better go make sure he gets there alright he's not really the worst when it comes to hiking there was this one time we were in a region called Kalos by its frost cavern and woah DOS hold on za c takes off after Dolson dat this point in the game you can explore the route in this new dimension at your leisure a few items are hidden throughout the route there's a lot of wild pokémon to battle all the Pokemon you'll find in this world are from generation three which I'll talk about why in just a second and you can catch any of them to add to your current team alongside your people you eventually make it up the route and find the town dulse was talking about it's built right into the side of a giant volcano and an old sign says this village is called new petalburg it doesn't look especially new but regardless you wander around the town after a little bit of exploration you find delsin's aussie by an outdoor storefront where the two have just purchased a map of the island and surrounding archipelago sassy and I have just bought a map of the area and scanned it into our ultra gear apparently my theory was correct and this region known as the Hoenn region was once mostly above water until something the locals call the arch flood happened and submerged the land I've just sent the map to your ultra gear so please take a look at it and we can discuss our plan for finding the ubii you open up the map soul sent you and diversion of Hoenn that's mostly covered by water is presented before you I think now is probably a good time to take a step back and talk about this parallel dimension version of Hoenn as a whole and just what exactly happened to it basically this version of Hoenn is one where T MOC was succeeded with their evil plan in Pokemon alpha sapphire and the entire world was flooded most of Hoenn was swept under water and those that were able to escape the ravenous torrents moved to high ground and built new villages and communities as you can see I was really able to play around with this flooded hoe ins layout and so I included a lot of old places you might recognize like mount chimney for tree city and sootopolis mixed in with some new landmasses that provide additional areas you can explore and find Pokemon in speaking of Pokemon on screen right now is a list of what generation 3 monsters you would to be able to find and capture in this alternate region obviously I couldn't put all of them in but I tried to get a pretty good selection for the most part as you're looking over the map Zeus is talking to the shop vendor who mentioned something rather interesting apparently some unnatural lightning storms have been happening towards the eastern Hoenn islands and it's caused a lot of problems getting supplies into town the town's leader Norman tried to go and see what was happening but unfortunately couldn't stop the mysterious electric storm as the sea turns back to both you and dole some what excited did you hear that you guys that weird lightning storm totally sounds like the ultra beast we're looking for how do you suppose we get to the other islands to check it out it does seem likely that that's our target most likely the electric emitting ub circuitry causing trouble we must do something fast so I think we should see if this Norman person can help us reach other islands you and za C agree with doses plan and locate the town leaders house it doesn't look like anything too special on the outside and when you enter the interior is no different a somewhat older man who you assumed to be Norman is meditating in the middle of the room and shows no reaction to the three in three dimensional squad members barging in is he dead I don't know if this is such a good no I'm not dead the man's eyes bluer Lee open and he gives a stone-cold expression to the three of you I've heard rumblings around town about three Outsiders who say they can stop the lightning storms plaguing the region I'm assuming that's you three correct yes we believe the cause of the lightning is from a very powerful Pokemon and we are well equipped to handle such a strong opponent although we were kind of hoping you maybe had like a boat we could borrow or a tube really anything we can use to get over there Norman ponder is dull sans Aussies words and after a long pause hands you and za za pokeball each here take my daughter's old Pokemon you can use them to surf around town and find this electrifying monstrosity though it may seem strange to suddenly trust three strangers with helping the region I'm afraid I don't have many options left just know this if this is all a trick in any way and your intentions or anything other than helping the region Norman's expression gets incredibly serious and his eyes burn with the intensity of someone who has seen countless Horrors you and the other two ultra recon squad members recoil in fear with saucy clinging to dull and dull stammers out reassurance that you're only here to help Norman somewhat lightens up and gives you all a nod you each thank Norman for his help and quickly shamble out of his house once outside the three of you let out a huge sigh of relief whoa that guy can get intense is mean-lookin rival a watchdogs thank you for letting me hold your handles and the rest of the dimension have been through a lot so it's understandable why he's so serious and you're welcome saucy I think we should go find the ultra peace now the three of you head down the mountain a little ways to a small dock and cut out the Pokemon Norman lent to you which is both a GI and Wailord and a Swampert what's kind of cool about this is that you actually get to choose which one you want as your ride Pokemon in this region with Swampert being much faster while Wailord is slower but has the chance to encounter rare pokémon like relicanth once you've chosen your ride Pokemon Dolson zosky choose the other and all of you climb aboard your new ride Pokemon friends and prepare to voyage across Hoenn you cast off from the dock and at this point in the story you have free reign to travel between three different areas you can go to them in any order you like and I wanted to quickly run through what these three places have to offer the first area we'll talk about is for tree city which I'll be honest is not the most exciting place in flooded Hoenn you can get a fishing rod here and find some rare Pokemon by fishing from the tree houses but aside from that there isn't much else to do here pertaining to the ubii or looking for the second island you can visit is south from fortree city and is mount pyre it's mostly the same as it was an alpha sapphire although there is one small difference which is that the entire mountain is slowly sinking back into the sea this has caused all the wild pokemon that lived there to go out of control and if you want to reach the summit and see a long-forgotten altar you'll have to fight your way through many frenzied pokemon the third island you can go to at least for right now is a new place that wasn't explorable in any other version of Hoenn it's an island located right here and discovered by a very dense forest it's one of the few places in this flooded Hoenn that has a lot of dry land and because of that many trainers and wild pokemon can be found here as you're adventuring through this island dill says that there appears to be a very high amount of energy here which leads him to believe the ultra beast could be hiding nearby you hear a rustle in the grass and then another one and dulcis suddenly knocked backwards you and zosky are surprised at this and out of the shadows you see a green haired teenager and a Gallade walk into view so you think you can just walk around stealing people's pokémon huh what are you talking about those water type Pokemon you have don't belong to you give them back or else but the old guy let us borrow them we're just trying to help the region dull still a little shaken by the attack tries to talk some sense into the kid but he just won't listen suddenly a weird electrical buzzing sound is heard and two giant lightning strike rushes towards all five of you the kid yells to his Gallade to use protect but it's too slow and gets knocked out instantly by the blast everyone turns to look at who did this and you see a strange collection of wires and cords swing to some kind of unheard rhythm before it turns around and runs away that's our target player that's you b03 lightning otherwise known as circuitry quickly we must go after it you start running to apprehend the electrical cable monster but the kid blocks your path what is this you mean that thing attacked me and my glade and now you're gonna run away I don't think so I've been catching a lot of new Pokemon in this forest so I can train up a new team and even though they're weak right now there's no way we're gonna let you get away you're suddenly flung into a battle against this angry green haired teenager on his team he unfortunately doesn't have his Gallade is that literally just got electrocuted and he uses a lot of lower-level pokemon he's been training up in the forest including a cascoon Zigzagoon and a Ralts you defeat him pretty easily and he gets incredibly frustrated dose runs past the kid to see if he can find the fleeing circuitry but returns a few moments later and says that it escaped into the ocean a wave of disappointment spreads across you and the other recon squad members but saucey tries to lighten the mood a little bit and goes over to consult a teenager and explain the entire situation to him the screen fades to black momentarily as Aussie talks to the kid and when it fades back in things have calmed down so that thing is what's causing the lightning storms and Norman did really let you borrow mace Pokemon to go find it that makes sense I'm sorry I assumed the worst of you I'm Wally hi Wally i'm zhou see this is the player here and the grumpy one over there is dulse we are part of the ultra recon squad Wally gives a quizzical look and dulse jumps in to explain more we come from a distant city and our trained professionals are tracking down and dealing with powerful Pokemon like what just took down your Gallade I do apologize for it being knocked out by circuitry but if you could perhaps tell us what lies in the direction the monster went we can find it and make sure it doesn't hurt any other Pokemon wall-e thinks about it for a moment and says that it looked like the ultra beast was heading towards pacifidlog town which is a little further east you and the rest of the squad thank wall-e for his help and start leaving the forest to continue tracking down the ub as you're leaving Wally calls out to you specifically and says hey just so you know I wouldn't have lost that easy after Glade gets hilde and i have the rest of my team with me come find me and I'll show you how strong I am you give Wally a thumbs up and leave the island behind you travel to pacifidlog as per Wally's suggestion and when you arrive you find that the town has seriously expanded compared to how it was originally it's now been built up onto the two small islands that were close to it and one of the islands attached has a small land route you can adventure through you go through the town including the new route gathering info about the whereabouts of circuitry and as you're doing so you see a strange electrical light shimmering beneath you you Dolson zosky observed the lights as it swims underneath you and heads northeast towards sootopolis the three of you look at each other and are so in sync that you immediately jump aboard your ride to Pokemon to chase after it when you make it to see topless you find that the light was indeed circuitry and it's swimming around the rim of SU topless rapidly causing an electrical storm it is damaging the rim of the city if we don't do something fast it's gonna break through and flood sootopolis quickly we must set up a plan of attack Zhou see you and your pokémon will wait on this island I'll wait on that one and the player will scare circuitry into our grasp that mean I'll have to battle it I mean I'm not scared of course but like maybe the player here could help me please don't worry saucy we'll be ready to jump in and assist you I believe in you and so does the player and your Pokemon be strong and I know we can do this together the three of you set the plan in motion and get into your positions a small puzzle happens here where you have to maneuver the circuitry into the right position by moving behind it think of the far-fetched puzzle and generation 2 as a reference and once you've gotten it into the right position it springs up onto land right in front of Zhou si oh right you big dancing circuitry my Diglett and I are going to capture you so you don't hurt anyone else it's nothing personal I think your dance moves are awesome but they're hurting a lot of people so you have to stop the circuitry does not stop and actually go so far as to attack Zhou see you quickly sail to the islands Aussies on and jump in to rescue her from the electrifying interdimensional dance monster this begins your very first battle against AUB now assuming out of this story for a moment the battles you have with ultra beasts are basically the game substitution for Gym Leader battles they're the boss of each dimension so to speak and each of them not only has one of their stats boosted but they also have the ability to call wild Pokemon to their aid battling them is meant to be very reminiscent of totem battles from gen 7 which I felt was fitting because as I said earlier my dream game is loosely meant to be like an ultra Sun and ultra moon spin-off you battle the wild circuitry who was able to call electric Plusle and minun to its aid and after a lengthy battle used successfully KO the monster circuitry flops said the ground defeated and you and your Pokemon stand triumphant doles finally manages to swim over to the island you're on and before examining the knocked out you bee goes over to check on za c to see if she's okay are you okay za see you and Diglett did well I'm sorry we weren't able to get here sooner but you handled the situation like a true professional za C is still a little panicked which let's be real is totally understandable when an electric ub is attacking you what she puts on a brave face thank you dose I I'm gonna be fine it was actually sort of cool in a weird way that dig load and I got to battle it we still have a long way to go before we're strong enough to do a solo mission but I'm sure we can do it together za c is rebounded from her fear and turned it into ambition to become a strong trainer and ultra recon squad member dulse gives a genuine smile as he stands up and then turns to you and the circuitry excellent work now that the invading ub has been subdued we can use a special ultra recon ball to capture it this will send it back to the command center and from there we can locate what dimension it's from and send it home safely dose produces the special pokeball from is ultra gear and tosses it at the circuitry it's captured instantly in the ball disappears into a small ultra wormhole that appears beneath its mission complete Dolson saucy turn to face you and give you a solid head nod as well as a smile and a jump respectively well done new recruit you've successfully completed your first mission for the squad you've shown that you definitely have the skill to survive on your own in different dimensions now make sure to put that in my report to FICO when you have finished examining and exploring this dimension meet us back at the ultra command center dholtze turns to leave and zosky quickly comes up to you oh I just wanted to thank you for saving me back there I know doll said I was brave but I know I really wasn't at least not as much as you I hope that in time I can be as strong and fearless of an ultra recon squad member as you and your Pokemon Diglett and I are gonna keep training but I wanted you to have this as a thank-you gift sassy gives you a small homemade friendship bracelet made from the flowers of this dimension and the gems of the ultra megalopolis and then skips out of frame to go find DOL's all right so you've successfully completed the main story of this flooded Hoenn dimension if you want you can go right back to the ultra megalopolis there's a few additional things you can do here now that the ub boss has been beaten the first is that you can go into sootopolis by climbing down a staircase within the rim and you can explore and talk to the people inside there is a clothing store here where you can buy generation 3 style clothing to wear and your exploration of sootopolis eventually leads you to the cave of origin inside you'll find a mysterious person called the protector of sootopolis she says that long ago she was a celebrity in Hoenn but after the passing of her uncle she decided to take up the mantle of being sootopolis as guardian she thanks you for helping the city today and gives you a TM containing waterfall which she says was one of her late uncle's favorite moves the second thing you can do in this dimension at least before you make it to the post game as you can surf to and explore the Pokemon League it's still on an island to the far east of Hoenn and when you make it there you find that the entire place has been abandoned and dark and ghost-type pokémon are running rampant when you're ready to go back to the megalopolis you return to the portal by mount chimney and warp back to the ultra command center home sweet parallel dimension home now at this point in the game you're able to freely explore the Ultra command center and ultra megalopolis as I mentioned at the start of the game the megalopolis is supposed to be like the hub world you get to explore and because of that I tried to make there be a substantial amount of things you can do here in places to explore while you're waiting for your next in through dimensional mission some of the notable places you can find throughout the megalopolis include the dimensional gateway which I know we've already talked about but I wanted to bring up that you can return to the gateway outside of a mission and you'll be able to return to any parallel worlds you've already visited a civilian area awaits you south of megalo tower which includes many buildings and stores like a clothing shop pokemon item and supply warehouse a daycare into brand new battle simulation arena and the final area you'll be able to find in the sub world there's something called the ultra Outlands this is an area to the west of town and it's a collection of mace like canyons and caves were a lot of things from other dimensions have fallen into you'll be able to find a wide assortment of wild Pokemon from every region here including some from my regional videos and there's also a lot of items plants buildings and sometimes even trainers from other dimensions that can be found within the labyrinth ian's depths of the area now alongside exploring the Outlands and metropolitan places of the megalopolis the other thing you'll be doing in this hub world is a ton of side quests for the ultra recon squad and your downtime between hunting ultra beasts you can do a couple small favors for the other members of the squad and during special rewards like TMZ exclusive clothing and sometimes just a random item to give an example of what these quests would be like and one of them's Aussie asks for your help in making a cake for dulse she says the dulse always makes her such great food and she wanted to try and repay the favor by baking him something she asks you to go to the Outlands and find three different berries she can use and when you get them into return you not only get to see a cutscene with Zhou si presenting the caked adults who is incredibly gracious so you also get a reward which is a piece of the cake truth be told the cake isn't necessarily great for your Pokemon certainly like it and it will heal all status conditions if you give it to them during a battle that's one example of a quest you would be able to do in the ultra megalopolis but there would be a lot more and one of them Sully era has fused with a Pokemon due to a problem with the dimensional gateway and you have to find a way to return her to normal and another dulse is trying to figure out something to give za sees the Thank You president and enlist your help in thinking of something and so really what I'm trying to get across here is that though you'll be traveling to other dimensions where you'll be experiencing the classic Pokemon formula of catching and battling monsters I still tried to make the ultra megalopolis feel like it has something to offer in the grand scheme of this hypothetical game and have many areas in side quests you can participate in ok so as you're doing various activities throughout the megalopolis you'll eventually get an alert on your ultra gear from your mother who says that an aggressive UB has been detected you rushed to the dimensional gateway and see fico and Sulley era's standing in front of a portal ah there you are player right on time as always your mother has found another dimension in need of saving from AUB and I think you and Sonia are the right members for the job you know the journal of how to do this from your last mission so I'll let the two of you go without any more of my blabbering good luck recruits cycle leaves the room in Sully era is waiting by a new ultra wormhole in the gateway hello it seems we're going to tag-team this ultra beast and I look forward to working with you we're about to enter dimension Z 13b but before we do I wanted to battle you sassy and Dulce have been raving about your skills and I want to see what kind of partner will be accompanying me on this mission will you battle me excellent then let us have a as they say in dimension Y zero for 9lq duel hum guard salera call center pokemon and you do the same on her team chooses a furfrou boy full fletchinder and Sidra and you and your pokemon easily defeat her oh my dossier on saucy weren't lying you truly are a great trainer you've more than shown your skill so let us leave for our mission now she motions for you to follow her and steps through the ultra wormhole you follow right behind her and enter the portal the wonders of ultra space zoom past you and as quickly as it begins a white light flashes in the world around you blurs into focus you're in a dimly lit castle and silly air is looking over some of the old relics and paintings in the room she notices you've arrived and gives a small update on all the info she's gathered glad to see you've made it here in one piece I've done a little scouting of the surrounding area and it turns out we're in an old fortress called shabonneau castle that's been turned into a museum let's go outside and have a look around shall we you follow Sulli era out of the room through more chambers within the castle and eventually make it outside the nighttime air is crisp with the frigid air of winter and Sulli era looks at some data she's pulled up on her ultra gear thankfully this dimension has wireless signals nearby and I was able to pull a map of the area from them I've just now sent it to your ultra gear I don't have a reading of the Fallen ultra beast yet but I think we should head over to that big city in the distance which the map says is called lumiose city perhaps we can see if a Viking horn blares throughout the night and in the distance you see a fleet of large Viking ships sailing down a river they're getting dangerously close to the walls of lumiose city and you see a barrage of pokémon attacks fly out of all the ships and pummel the wall closest to them the massive barrier falls and all the ships sail into the city moments later many screams are heard fires are started and wreckage starts flying around from inside lumiose soley air is taken aback by what's just happened and she starts to run towards the chaos come on player we must go see what's happening and if anyone is in need of help so Liara dashes ahead of you into the night and moves quickly on the route towards the under siege city you follow right behind her and at this point you get to explore the route between camphrier town and lumiose city it's basically like it was in generation six including an array of Kalos pokémon in the grass you can encounter although the mood is drastically different all the trainers on the router confused and scared at what's happening and a few people say that they heard lumiose is under attack eventually you make it to the end of the route and Cecily are talking to a couple people dressed in very old Nordic style clothing as you approach them you catch the tail end of their conversation and it appears that these Vikings aren't going to let Sully era nor you enter lumiose city as I told you you ain't getting into the city Sully era is getting frustrated and turns to you these criminals aren't going to let us in peacefully it seems I hate to use unnecessary force but it looks like we have no other choice player eight me in battling these thoughts huh you think you can take on team berserk did you hear that Harold these weaklings think they can send off to us nah let's show them how we get our names as a dragon slaying heroes the screen flashes with the battle logo and just like that you're thrown into a showdown against the team berserk grunts on their teams and we'll talk about this more in a moment they use a mixture of fairy and ice type Pokemon including some new ones I made for my Scandinavian Pokemon region once you've beaten them they're at a loss for words what impossible don't tell me these people are part of another prophecy we have to worry about come on Harold we alerts the others that our invasion is being invaded the - grunts retreat into the city and Sully era gives the sigh of relief thank you player I knew he would be able to handle them and you did an exceptional job while you were battling those team berserk people I did a quick history check on the region to find out who they are and what business they have in Kalos I'm afraid the results I've dug up are not exactly favorable salera shows you all the information she's found and I think now's a good time to explain what exactly is up with team berserk and this under siege Kalos dimension okay so to understand what's happening in this version of Kalos we'll need to look at another video I've made what if Scandinavia was a Pokemon region within that video I created a hypothetical Pokemon game revolving around what I thought Norway Denmark and Sweden could be like as a Pokemon region and made locations new pokémon and an overarching story for it focusing in on that last point the story I created for the region revolved around a very Viking inspired evil team called team berserk who were trying to fulfill the destiny their ancestors foresaw and annihilate all the dragon types in the Scandinavian region in the story their leader Sigurd followed his ancestors goal vigilantly but by the end of the narrative realised that he didn't need to adhere to his so-called destiny and could find his own path Sigurd learned to love and appreciate dragon types and during the video's finale called off team berserks assault of the region but what if he never did what if Sigurd never learned a lesson about friendship and dragon types being nice and instead pursued his quote-unquote destiny to the nth degree well this Kalos dimension is based around that idea and this dimension team berserk and Sigurd never wised up and they successfully wiped out all the dragons in their homeland they weren't satisfied with just one region dragon free though and felt like they had a sworn duty to rid the entire world of dragons they've been sailing the seas to different regions to try and accomplish their dragon-related gold in the rather unfortunate coincidence the same day that you and Sully era went to this dimension defined in ultra beast is the same day that team berserk decided to invade Kalos now the main area you get to explore in this world is an under attack lumiose city I know lumiose might not be the most exciting there in the Kalos region but this version of the city is a little different than the one in X&Y it's much more like a giant maze you have to maneuver through and it's complete chaos inside events barricades wreckage wild Pokemon trainers who don't know what's happening and attack you out of fear and team berserk grunts are all inside the city head you left to battle your way through them to hopefully find team berserks leader as well as the ultra beasts you're looking for getting back to the story you and Sully era enter lumiose and as I just described the entire city is both metaphorically and literally on fire so Lee era is at a loss for words and says that though the ultra beast is why you came here you should see if you can help out at all with the invading evil team so Lee era disappears into the chaos to see what she can do to help and at this point you get to work your way through the vast maze of lumiose as you're working your way through the city battling teen berserk grunts and finding all sorts of wild Pokemon you'll spot a couple of the Viking ships you saw earlier docked in the canal while most of the ships just have wild Pokemon and teen berserk grunts you can battle one of the ships which looks a little bigger and more impressive than the others contains an important story events as you're exploring this ship you'll eventually hear some loud shouts and chants from below you and des man who looks far more important than a regular berserk run barges out of the deck oh so you're the one causing problems out here eh it's been a long time since someone stood after team berserk so let's see if I'll be on so got the skill to beat yeah well it feels like it's been years since I've gotten to battle so please put up a good fight you battle the man who was one of team berserks admins named Buuren and he uses a sealeo car bank and Ursaring upon being defeated he sits down exhausted oh you're a tough one I'll give you that it's been a long time since we've had any opposition but that's all right there's no way you'll beat on a Valkyrie in fact I dare you to try aura Valkyrie should be at prism tower right now taking over everything so if I run like you think she can take her on and I'd love to see you try take this key card ticket in I can't wait to see your face when you're loose Bjorn gives you the prism tower key card and you leave the Viking ship to go pay this mysterious Valkyrie a visit you have to make your way through more of the lumiose city labyrinth but eventually you make it to prism tower you use the keycard to get inside the building and it's clear that team berserk has taken full control of the tower as many berserk grunts are spread out around the interior you start scaling prison tower battling any grunts who are foolish enough to try and stop you and you eventually make it to an elevator that puts you out on the top floor the room is somewhat dark but at the far end you see a woman clad in heavy armor examining some charts and maps as you move further into the room she still eclis walks up to greet you so you are the runt I've been hearing about today a couple of my people warned me about two strangers trying to interrupt our plans but I thought we'd be able to squash you like a Durant was be or not capable of defeating you you tell her about Bjorn's defeat and how he gave you the key card in and she gives a hearty laugh of course Jorn would cave in so easily he always did show a weakness and strategy and thinking things through he did make the right call in sending you here though has Team berserks Valkyrie I shall put a stop to you here cue the music because team berserk Valkyrie Kara is challenging you to a showdown on her team chooses a togetic Glaceon Granville and Bartok and once you've beaten her she recoils in defeat impossible every challenger has faltered against my pokemon and I team berserk cannot fail I simply need more help to take you down she lets out a curdling yell and waits for a few moments but nothing seems to happen she lets out another whale and still nothing suddenly the elevator opens behind you and a woman wearing an elegant white dress struts into the room alongside a mega Gardevoir Kara steps backward in fear at the sight and says no they told me you'd be busy at the coast why are you here champion diantha the woman walking into the room the Kalos region champion diantha has an icy glare on her face and says nothing as she walks towards kara her Gardevoir gets ready to attack and Kara makes a split-second decision to leap through the glass of prism tower calling out her togetic and flying away on it Gardevoir launches a few attacks at her but unfortunately care is able to successfully escape it's a little hard to see from up here but it looks like Kara is landing at one of team berserk ships and all of them are fleeing the canal and retreating from lumiose diantha gives a heavy sigh and calls her Gardevoir back to its pokeball she walks over to you and formally introduces herself and thanks you for all your help she says that she and the rest of the Elite Four had gone to deal with the separate emergency team berserk was causing on the western coast and they didn't anticipate the lumiose was also going to be attacked she says that if you hadn't been here then the lumiose city might have been lost and she thinks you again for all your help she attaches a key stone which will allow you to mega evolve your Pokemon to the friendship bracelets I see made for you and also gives you a few mega stones including Metagross sites Gardevoir right and Gallade i'ts diantha leaves prism tower to go and assess all the damage lumiose has taken and you also leave as well once outside Sallee era catches up with you and says that all the Viking invaders have left she's not sure why but she has a feeling that you probably did something amazing to save the day and she thinks you immensely for helping this dimension she then rather abruptly brings up that she's found the ultra beast you came here to look for in the first place she says it's over there by the wall that team berserk ship crashed through and you should go over there and take care of it you go to the town's northern canal and see the while that team berserk came through tons of bricks and karna Juris spread out everywhere but something strange catches your eye some of the bricks appear to be moving you get closer to the debris and right in front of you all the bricks start connecting together like a puzzle until they form an ultra beast the towering wall creature suddenly attacks and this begins your battle against ub assembly stack attack ax you and your people put up a great fight against stack attacker who is able to call go let's to its aid you eventually break down the wall like ub you throw an ultra rican ball at it and it's captured instantly and teleported back to the command center mission complete with stack attack and now captured you've completed the main story of this invaded Kalos dimension now much like with the flooded Hoenn dimension you can stick around here for as long as you want and do various activities there's still wild Pokemon running around lumiose you can encounter some the stores in the city of reopened including a clothing store and there's also a couple routes outside of the city you can traverse and battle trainers on one of the bigger things you can do here after catching the ub is you can find diantha on the streets of lumiose and help her track down simbra zurk grunts that were left behind when team berserk fled the city earlier they're hiding all throughout the city and if you can find and defeat them diantha will reward you with mega stones once you've had your fill with this version of Kalos you can warp back to the ultra command center you're free to once again explore the megalopolis and complete various side quests until you eventually get an alert on your ultra gear from your mother it seems another out-of-place ub has been found and you've been assigned on a mission to bring it in your report to the dimensional gateway and finds a C standing there alone that's right player looks like you had me we'll be partners on this mission I'm really excited to show you how strong I've become so let's do this Zhou C excitedly presses buttons on the nearby console and an ultra worm holo lights in front of you she charges in without a care in the world and you follow right behind her the same feeling you felt the past couple times you've gone throughout your wormhole sets in on you but this time it doesn't seem to stop it continues to constrict and compress you until the screen fades to black when you wake up you find yourself in a large grassy crater area you and your Pokemon seemed to be fine at least according to your ultra gear and you get up to have a look around as you traverse the crater you'll find a lot of generation 5 Pokemon to encounter but no human life seems to be in the general vicinity you find a cave you can enter and when you've gone through it you'll be put right on top of the craters edge nearby you see saucy looking rather frantic as she's trying to pull up data on her ultra gear and when she notices you she practically runs over and tackles you out of joy oh I'm so glad you're here too I was just a little scared but it's okay I'm all right you and your pokemons are okay too I hope you gives Aussie a smile and a nod and she wipes away her tears and gives you a smile back okay I'm calming down now so I might have accidentally set the coordinates wrong for the portal which is why we had such a bumpy landing we're still in the right dimension so the ultra beast will be around here somewhere but unfortunately the portal has disappeared so we're going to be stuck here forever I'm just joking the portal is gone but thankfully I always carry around an ultra recall system which will generate a wormhole back to the megalopolis no matter what dimension we're in I may have done this once before and don't you have made me carry one of these with me ever since then but that's not important right now here I'll show you how it works za z pulls out a shiny looking radar dish device and as she's getting it set up a strange grunting sound is heard behind you you and za z look at each other confused for a moment before both of you get knocked over by some kind of mysterious beam the recall system clatters to the ground and the creature that shoved you is hunching over the device sniffing it and grunting what is that thing that's not a Pokemon is it the creature turns around and you see the glassy unintelligent eyes of a cave woman staring back at you she lets out a few screeches and picks up the ultra recall system and start sprinting away on all fours woman player if we don't get the recall device back we're going to be in serious trouble it's the only way we can get back home so quick chase after that animal person zosky frantically chases after the cave woman EDD you follow right behind her you go through a small wrap from the crater that connects to a clearing located roughly here there's a lot of half-eaten food and caveman era equipment around the clearing and it looks like this was a former camp site you spot za z by the edge of the clearing and she's peering into a shallow cave entrance which is partially covered by cloth a lot of animalistic growling is heard from inside the cave and sassy gives a surprised shriek as the cave person leaps out of her home and closet za see as she lands in front of you [Music] with the cave woman's amazing introduction out of the way you're flung into a Pokemon battle against her on her team she uses a man chino bouffalant whimsicott and liepard and because she is in the end result she just yells into the air and her pokemon come out of the wilderness to her aid unfortunately being a prehistoric human means that she doesn't have the inherent strategy that you do and you're able to easily defeat her once beaten she starts whimpering at you and walks like a wounded dog back to her cave zosky feels kind of bad about what you've done and goes to try and communicate with the girl you begrudgingly go to the cave as well and enter it to find that it's a pretty nice setup you know by caveman standards the cave person is hunched in the corner eating some kind of meat probably a pokémon's but let's not dwell on that and all around her you see that she's collected a lot of stuff including the recall system you're looking for is osseous Crouch next to the primitive girl and is trying to communicate miss cave woman I'm really sorry you lost your battle against the player trust me I know how that goes but don't worry cuz if you keep training I'm sure you and your pokémon will become stronger maybe even strong enough to beat the player the cave woman stops eating and looks over at you with an aggressive glare is so anyways let's forget I brought up the player my name is saucy saucy what's your name the Neanderthal looks confused for a second but eventually gets the idea and points to herself me who dug our Franks Oh Sassy's face goes from happy to sad in a manner of seconds oh I'm sorry to hear that Hildegard you know even though I've only known you for a little while I like to think that we're friends too though here I made you a little friendship bracelet as a gift hopefully it's enough to make you happy saucy puts a friendship bracelet that looks remarkably similar to yours on Hilde gars wrist and Hilde Garth confused for a moment and then very happy she gives a broad smile showing off all of her spiky horrifying teeth and gives Aussie a back-breaking hug that even a beware would be scared of friend Frodo he'll car roughly puts Aussie down and runs over to the pile of junk she has and pulls out the ultra recall system she shoves it into your hands and then goes back to za C to give her another hug please know I mean let me set this up really quick hold the door and then we can do more friendship things like maybe not hugging Hilde car is still elated and starts howling and breaking things out of joy za z walks over to you in the recall system and says that to activate it you just need to put it on the ground and press the button you do just that and the small ultra wormhole breaks through the air and illuminates the cave now at this point in the game this cavern becomes something of a home base for you in this dimension you can use this cave to rest until your Pokemon you can travel back to the megalopolis anytime you want and there's also a small element of customization here where you can give held gar different items you find in this primitive world that she'll then use to customize the cave once you've gotten settled you and za z leave the cave to get back to your mission she hands you a shoddily drawn map of the area which apparently held gar made and you scan it into your ultra gear a map of the area is revealed to you and as you might have guessed you're in a prehistoric version of Unova you're only able to find Gen 5 Pokemon in this dimension and there's also a couple primitive versions of official UNIVAC Eric tur as you can encounter as well you and za z split up to find the ultra beast and you travel west you journey through a somewhat lengthy route which requires you to wade through a shallow river with a ton of bascule and and you eventually arrive in a small campground aside from buying things you can hang around the camp and interact with all the primal people but they mostly communicate like Hildegarde does with a lot of aggressive yelling and grunting one interesting thing you do find out however is that a lot of people have gone up north to see boobs you have no idea what that means but that's your closest lead to finding the ub so you leave the village and head north into the mountains as you're traveling up the mountains capturing and battling wild pokemon you'll eventually come across a large rock blocking your path you don't see any way to go around it and as you're pondering what to do help guard out of nowhere and headbutts the rock breaking it into pieces hilde garlic's very smug with herself and though the two of you are on somewhat rocky terms she glasses vapid Lee over at you and starts to growl and grunt you don't quite understand what she's trying to say until she grumbles zu C friend you friend Hilde gar reaches into her untamed mane and grabs him in Chino and then throws it at you it lands on your shoulder and Hilde gar lets out a feral hog as she Sprint's away now if you're confused as to what the heck just happened I don't blame you so let me break it all down Hilde gar has finally come to think of you as her friend and is letting you borrow her mangina which is basically your right Pokemon in this dimension well you don't technically write it it's actually on your shoulder this man Shino is as strong as Hilde Garr is and you can use its special ability to destroy rocks blocking your path and it'll help you traverse the rugged terrain of primal universe mountains you continue working your way up the mountain using Machino to clear a path way and you soon make it to a big open space beneath a towering cliff a large amount of cave people are in the clearing and all of them seem to be bowing down to to looming figures atop the nearby mountain one of the figures is constantly flexing while the other is glaring down haughtily as you're looking at the scenes aussie runs up behind you and loudly exclaims those creatures up there are the ultra beasts we're looking for the buff bug is known as buzz swole while the other one is called pheromone we should find a way up there to go and capture them and take them back to their own dimension all the cave people turn to look at you and za z and it's clear that they aren't happy with your interruption a group of them starts to yell and bare their teeth and soon a small group of angry Neanderthals has surrounded you you battle a few of them all of which use various Unova pokémon on their team and after you and zosky have beaten them a rather large caveman jumps down from the cliff in front of you this is the chieftain of the tribe and you've made him so unhappy that he has no choice but to battle you when facing off against the chieftain he uses a larva stab you wanted red agon and vanilluxe although there is one other thing you'll have to battle the chieftain himself that's right in a shocking twist your Pokemon will actually go up in combat against this prehistoric human hopefully this isn't taking the idea too far but in this primal dimension the humans are tough enough that you could almost classify them as Pokemon as far as the actual combat against him goes he counts as a normal fighting type and uses moves like bites mock punch and even seismic toss after a lot of hard work you and your Pokemon defeat the chieftain and he gets knocked backwards he looks pretty angry still but he lets out a loud thunderous grunt and all the cave people attacking you and zosky stop fighting and stand down za z starts to congratulate you on yet another win when suddenly the two ultra beasts atop the cliff leaped down in front of you they're both way bigger than the chieftain and sassy says that you should team up together to take them down the battle music starts blaring and each of you calls out your Pokemon to have a double battle against the ultra beasts you have an intense battle against buzz swoll and Farah mosa but you and sassy eventually prevail and defeat the interdimensional creatures you both throw an ultra recon ball at them and they're captured instantly and get teleported back to the megalopolis mission complete za z enteral oh and Diglett jump up and down in happiness and give you a high-five nice work piglet you too Blair now as far as any additional activities you can do in this dimension goes there's a couple new routes you can find located here and here you can visit a small lake area where there's a lot of psychic types you can capture and you can find another a small caveman camp where you can have a rematch against the chieftain after you're done exploring this primal world you return to Hilde garçon to access the portal there's a somewhat tearful goodbyes between za z and Hilde Gardens it seems the two of them have formed a very close bond and become BFFs za z says that she'll come back and visit often and Hilde gar gives her another back-breaking hug on that sad but uplifting note you and za z leave primal Unova behind and return to the megalopolis you get to do various side quests and activities throughout the town and tell your once more called away to deal with an ultra beast this time when you go to the dimensional gateway fico is there no I won't be going with you plan I'm here to congratulate you that you've now won the right to do solo missions after readings Aussies reports on how you handled that primal dimension I'd say that you've more than proven your skill in pokémon battling at being a member of the squad anyways congratulations and you can now embark to new dimensions without any squad members accompanying you psycho walks over to the control panel and presses a button making a portal to a new world opened in front of you you bid him farewell and step through the ultra wormhole to track down whatever powerful ultra-beam swill be awaiting you dimension swirl around you a light flashes and you open your eyes to see that you've arrived in a new dimension you're on top of a large balcony attached to a futuristic looking building and you have a great view of the surrounding city and grasslands that lay beyond it you walk towards the nearby door to see if you can get down from here and right before you reach it it slides open and a smiling blue haired man is on the other side ah right on time my name is Cyrus and I'm the founder and chairman of galactic corporation which is the building we're currently on if you please follow me I'll give you a tour of it and explain everything further you're a little confused at all the information that's just been thrown at you and Cyrus gives a hearty laugh as he motions for you to follow him unsure but still needing to get down from the skyscraper you cautiously let the man lead you into the building you walked through countless labs research areas and testing facilities all while Cyrus talks to you I know all about the ultra recon squad and the existence of different dimensions my scientists and I cracked the code to interdimensional travel years ago and though you may not know it we've met with you or at least a parallel version of you a few years ago you give a quizzical look to Cyrus and he gives a light-hearted chuckle I know it can be a little much trust me years ago I wanted to see what other versions of myself alike and if you can believe it they're all villains none of them had committed to the pursuit of science and creation like I did and so rather than starting something like the Galactic corporation to excel sinnoh region into the future with innovation most of me is out there formed an evil group called Team Galactic after I saw that 99% of my parallel doppelgangers were villains that was when I decided I had quite enough of travelling to other world Syrus continues showing you around the Galactic corporation until you reached the lobby he taps on the tablet he's caring for a moment and your ultra ger suddenly alerts you that you've received a new map let's get down to business shall we I know you're here to deal with the ultra beast that has fallen into this dimension the map of the region I just sent you shows the location of the monster so please go there and deal with it it's been rampaging throughout hardhome city and though we've quarantined it there I'm afraid we can't keep it at bay much longer you not an understanding and Cyrus gives us thanks for helping this dimension at this point you basically have free control to get to Hart home city however you want most of Cinna has been sectioned off to keep it safe from the ultra beast but you'll still have access to the futuristic etern the city about coronet silastic town Hart home city and all the routes in between now as you're making your way to Hart home city allow me to give a little more detail on this dimension basically this is a world where Cyrus never went evil in the original gen 4 games that said that Cyrus's grandparents in come to his aid when he needed help the most which is why he went down a dark path and became a villain in this dimension Cyrus's grandparents were there for him and thus his feelings never escalated to the point of being a total bad guy this version of Cyrus became one of the leading innovators for sin oh and with his prowess for technology he propelled the region into an idyllic futuristic society you arrived in Hart home City after a lengthy journey and right when he went through town you hear many explosions coming from the far side as you walk towards them you go deeper and deeper into a large industrial complex type area you reach an arena like building and before you enter it a scientist rushes over to you to inquire if you're the one that Cyrus sent to deal with the creature you say that you are Andy hands you a pokeball he says that they've trapped the ubii inside this electrical power plant and in order to reach it you'll have to ride on the luxray inside the pokeball he just gave you an order to not get shocked by all the electrical currents everywhere you call out the luxray which is your ride pokemon in this dimension and you write it into the electrifying maze when you've successfully navigated the mini labyrinth you walk into a medium-sized circular room where a lot of equipment and walls have been slashed and cut to pieces you look around for the ub that must have done this and all you see is a piece of paper or is it the piece of paper starts to shake and rattle as it folds over itself eventually it's been folded into an origami looking creature that is hovering in the air this is no paper Swan but instead is UB blade car Tana it's able to call magnet on that are in the area to its aid but that isn't enough to save it from its inevitable fate and do you knock it out and capture it with an ultra recon ball mission complete with cart Anna now dealt with the electricity surging through the maze stops and Cyrus walks in joyfully you've done it Thank You Auto recon squad member with the power plant now safe we can get back to power in hot home city and further in our scientific development speaking of which take this special pokeball we are collect a corporation created I'm told that there are millions of these in the multiverse but hopefully nobody's given one to you yet Cyrus hands you a master ballon thinks you once again for all your help now that you've defeated the rampant cart Anna can go visit Cyrus at his office in the Galactic Corporation he's very nice and accommodating as he always is and says that if you want to you can sit in on some of his business meetings I know this probably sounds like one of the most boring things ever but the clients he talks with are rather interesting and at the end of each meeting you get an exclusive item from another region you can't get anywhere else in the game all right when you've had enough of explore in this parallel sino you return to the portal and warp back to the megalopolis same thing as before you get to do numerous side quests for a while until you eventually get the sweet sweet alert from your ultra gear that means you get to go to a new world you show up at the dimensional gateway and you're surprised when almost all of the ultra recon squad members are there your mom's a seed Olson Sully era are standing by a new ultra wormhole that's been generated but they all look rather worried I'm afraid I have bad news player FICO went on a solo mission to Dimension r0k - 3 t oh but hasn't returned yet it's been a few days now and we are worried something has happened to him I mean he's kind of old so it normally takes him a little longer to do missions but it's not like him to be gone this long we were hoping you would go into the dimension and find him and see if he's all right normally one of us would have gone but many other ups are invading numerous worlds right now so our focus is split we'll deal with the other ups and we leave finding FICO and the you be he was tracking to you you not an understanding and with all the ultra recon squad relying on you now you leap into the portal to find FICO you warp through the dimensions until you land on a rather dismal looking dock you see a town nearby and start working your way towards it you make it to the village and find that it's a very rundown in depressing little town by the sea half the buildings are boarded up and the other half are small shacks that are falling apart right before your eyes in the distance you see a bright metropolis that has a large Tower with a giant red are looming over everything you have a look around this decaying town and find out that it's called vermilion City you ask people if they've seen a mustachioed man dressed in strange clothing but people either haven't seen him or don't want to talk to you you search around the town a while longer going into a rather unsanitary Pokemon Center and ravaged PokeMart but with no leads on where FICO is you decide to head north towards the large city in the distance you go through a small route filled with garbage and junk until you run into a massive steel gate separating you from the loud bright city on the other side a guard is out front and asks to see your pass to enter saffron city when you say you don't have one he shoves you back and says to get out of his face and stop wasting Team Rocket's time with no other way to get past the gate you start heading back to vermilion and as you're walking a weary looking man sitting by the road calls you over he coughs and introduces himself as the chairman for the Pokemon fan club he says that he saw an older guy with the moustache being arrested by Team Rocket and taken into saffron city and that if you're trying to get in you're gonna need a key card he's but an old dying man so it's not sure where to get one but says the team rocket's tower in lavender town could possibly have a few lying around that you could borrow you thank the man for the info and set course for lavender town now as far as the wild Pokemon you'll encounter here goes you'll see a lot of genuine and Gentoo Pokemon scattered around the routes there's a very heavy emphasis on poisoned dark and ghost types although you'll still see things like Radek a dried on and kangaskhan in the dismal areas of the region okay getting back to the story after a long journey through somewhat depressing roads filled with pollution garbage and Roughnecks looking to tussle you eventually arrive in lavender town it's basically the polar opposite of how it used to be in the pokemon tower has been converted into a large Team Rocket building while the rest of the town has become rather loud and abrasive you enter the lavender Team Rocket Tower and find that the inside is basically a den of debauchery no more is the building filled with pokemons graves and people paying their respects and instead the tower has been turned into a multi floor casino and game corner with many degenerate activities happening everywhere you try to enter the upper floors to look for a keycard but you're stopped by a couple team rocket grunts they say that unless you're a high roller all the pipsqueaks are supposed to stay on the ground floor they have no idea who they're messing with and you proceed to engage them in a Pokemon battle on their teams and disco for all the Team Rocket grunts you'll be facing they use the Pokemon you'd expect Radek aid golbat muck murkrow a lot of other normal poison in Dark type Pokemon you defeat the two grunts who were absolutely stunned that someone would stand up to Team Rocket's and you proceeded to go up each floor of the tower battling more and more rocket members until you reached the top level you walk into a fancy-looking control room that has a lot of high-tech equipment and you see a blue haired man sitting in a large chair he glances at you unimpressed and slowly gets up to meet you so you're the pest who thinks they can take down Team Rocket a please I don't know where you're from but in Kanto Team Rocket is law we control everything and everyone and though I Archer and but a cog in Team Rocket's grand machine I'm still more than capable of dealing with a brat like you Archer casually throws out his Pokemon and you also call out yours to meet him in battle on Archer steam meows a houndoom wheezing luck hunch Crow and go bats and though he may be an important admin in this universe he stands no chance against you and your Pokemon when he loses he becomes incredibly flustered Archer quickly runs out of the room and in his haste doesn't notice that he accidentally dropped a key card a saffron city keycard to be exact you pick up the key and now that you have a way to enter saffron city you leave lavender town behind and do just that saffron city is well it's basically like how lavender town was but cranked up to 11 it's got a heavy Las Vegas vibe to it and the city is painted in neon lights gaudy decorations and despicable activities happening everywhere you work your way through the garish town until you wind up in front of a large building in other worlds this would be the Silph Co Building but in this dimension it's actually Team Rocket's main headquarters you assume that FICO is most likely being kept somewhere inside the building and you go in to rescue him at this point you get to freely explore the rocket headquarters which has a confusing wart panel related puzzled you also battle a lot of Team Rocket grunts and scientists along the way as you're going through the maze like building there will be a point where you get warp to a dark room in the basement all around you are rare and powerful Pokemon being kept in cages and this is one of the places we're Team Rocket detains pokmon before they get sold off in black market auctions it's an incredibly depressing scene as he walked through cages upon cages of sad Pokemon but thankfully there is a light at the end of this metaphorical tunnel and you stumble upon fico locked up in a cage oh thank goodness you're here I was beginning to think I was in serious trouble but you've come to rescue me there's a button over there that will open all our cages you walk over and press the button and instantly all the cages in the room open the Pokemon are overjoyed and Stampede through a wall to go upstairs and wreak havoc and FICO hobbles over to talk to you he thanks you for saving him and briefly explains what happened right when I walked to this dimension to find a rogue UOB I was confronted by those terrible Team Rocket thugs they brought me to their leader a man by the name of Giovanni and though I didn't tell him anything he still found a way to access my ultra gear and then about the ultra beast I came to dispose of the last I had before they threw me down here was study plan to capture the ubii for his own use which could have catastrophic consequences FICO says that your mission now is to find Giovanni and put a stop to his plans with the ultra beast FICO wishes he could help you but Team Rocket roughed him up pretty badly so he's going to return to the megalopolis and he'll he bids you farewell and topples out of the room and with a new task of finding and defeating Giovanni and the ubii he's captured you also leave the basement you battle many more grunts as you continue traversing various rooms of Team Rocket's headquarters including another casino area in addition to numerous labs devoted to sinister science and after solving the warp tile maze you reach the top floor penthouse only the finest materials make up this elegant multi room area and when you enter it you see a few people hide in fear while Giovanni is waiting for you in the middle of a grand lobby you know you remind me of a trainer I faced long ago I ended up defeating them and all the others who came to fight me but I've always remembered face their determination and willpower to solving into fear and begging as I crushed their Pokemon as someone from another world I'm sure you've fought all kinds of trainers but I doubt there's anyone you've battled quite like me I've never known defeat and now that I have an ultra beast under my control Team Rocket shall extend their reach to regions and worlds beyond Kanto the lights dim the battle music plays and your duel against Team Rocket leader Giovanni begins for all intents and purposes this is supposed to be like the final boss of the game so all of Giovanni's Pokemon would be at level similar to a pokemon champions on his team he would have a duh trio Nidoking Nidoqueen rhyperior Kangaskhan and the ultra beast Gus Lord it's a hard battle but in the end you stand triumphant Giovanni smirk turns into a frown and while it's not super aggravated you can tell that his defeat has given him a lot to think about sir trainers in other worlds are as strong as I am maybe even stronger regardless though it doesn't matter if you think beating me here today is going to change anything in this world then you're foolish everything belongs to Team Rocket and though you've beaten me here today I still control Kanto and haven't been convinced of anything I suppose if there's one thing I've learned it's that ultra beasts are weak so here you can have this pathetic creature it's clearly not the powerful monster I thought it would be Giovanni tosses you the pokeball containing Gus Lord and your ultra recon squad ball absorbs it and teleports back to the megalopolis with Giovanni now defeated you leave his Penn Towson though we said that he won you can see the conflict and worry on his face as you leave his home and the door closes shut mission complete and that's the main story of my dream Pokemon game now before I do an overall wrap up of this video I wanted to briefly go over all the postgame ideas that would be present in this hypothetical game everything I'm about to talk about is stuff you would get to do after defeating Giovanni and even there isn't a ton of stuff here I still wanted to share a few ideas I had for extra activities you can do once beating the main story alright the main thing you get to do is that you can revisit each dimension you've already been to and do multiple new things there's a catchable legendary you can find in each world and there's also a special postgame trainer you can battle as well I'm gonna go through this stuff kinda quickly because there's a lot here so bear with me and let's take a look so in the ultra megalopolis the special postgame battle would be against your mother who would use a nagging adel coma Oh Kling Klang talonflame bran song and dusk noor and the legendary you can encounter and capture is in a kruseman fell into the ultra Outlands in the flooded Hoenn dimension you can battle a full-powered wally and victory road and two uses a glade Gardevoir Altaria Magnezone camera ops and rosa raid the legendary you can capture in this dimension is a rayquaza at sky pillar that you get directed to by Lycia the under siege Kalos world has a very special postgame battle against this dimensions version of Sigurd you meet him near parfum palace and he says that his troops returned to him scared and battle worn and he wanted to see the strength of the trainer that defeated them you battle him and he uses a Mamoswine beast antler regional variant from my Scandinavia region a mile eleven nine tails Abomasnow and Lapras once beaten he commends you for your conviction to your beliefs and says that worry to have met you years prior he might have walked a different path the legendary you can capture in this dimension is a zygarde in the lumiose canal in the primal univer reality you can return to the area you fought buzz swell and fare mosa ads and find a caveman version of n hanging around the area on this team he has a zoroark Kara Kosta archeops Reshiram and Zekrom the legendary you can capture in this prehistoric realm is a kiram found in the giant chasm in the futuristic sino dimension the special trainer battle and legendary can capture are very much intertwined when you return to the realm good guy cyrus asks you to investigate spear pillar as he's been reading some strange energy signals coming from the area you go to see what's happening and find a strange-looking portal that takes you to the distortion world while you're adventuring through this distorted world you encounter a parallel version of Syrus that as you might have guessed is a bad guy he battles you and on his team he has a houndoom hunch croak robot Gyarados and Weavile after you've beaten him he fades into the darkness of the distortion world mumbling about how he keeps being defeated by children and a Giratina then emerges that you can battle last but not least we have the rocket take over dimension where he can access a new area the Viridian City Rockets our and battle an adamant admin who was upset that you made Giovanni disappear she uses a clefable kangaskhan Gengar Blastoise victreebel and Mewtwo the legendary you can capture in this world is a different Mewtwo that's hidden in the towers secret basement where you find that many cloning experiments have been conducted all right that's all these special postgame trainers and Legendary's you can confront and really quickly I wanted to switch gears and talk about a couple additional postgame events that happen in the ultra megalopolis the first thing I have to mention is that you can take part in a special quest where you help sauce-ii prepare for her very first solo mission after training up the entire games Ozzy is finally ready for her big solo mission debut and she needs your help in gathering a couple supplies spread out around the megalopolis and the ultra Outlands after you help her there's a very big tearful goodbye where the whole ultra recon squad gathers around in cheers asean as she departs on her very first solo quest nope I'm not crying I just have some ultra dust in my eye the final thing you can do in the postgame megalopolis is go to a building I mentioned earlier the battle simulation arena this is basically the battle tower equivalent for the game and you try to win battles against various trainers to earn points which you can then trade in for different items and that's my dream Pokemon game I know this is such a crazy idea and I probably lost half of you guys when I brought up different dimensions but what can I say I love alternate realities and universes and parallel worlds and the Pokemon game I pitched to you guys today's literally what I would make if I had the power to do so anyways what do you guys think would you want to play through my dream Pokemon game which one of these dimensions was your favorite let me know what you guys think of my game idea and feel free to leave any thoughts and comments below including your own dream Pokemon games thanks so much for watching and I'll catch you later you FICO why aren't you in the ultra hospital your wounds were rather serious when you returned from Dimension r0k - three - oh no no dose I may be old but my bones are like well not exactly titanium but they aren't frail either regardless of my injuries I still wanted to be here for za sees return she's been working so hard to get to this point and I'm incredibly proud of her yes as am i mm-hmm I just do you ever worry about her FICO I know she has a Diglett with her but I'm still worried oh yeah I don't want her to get hurt you know back when you and Sully era were going on your first solo missions I had similar feelings regarding you two what it's true turns out it was all fine in the end but I know the feeling you're going through dulls delegating responsibilities and trusting your team is one of the hardest parts of being a leader DOS but you are learning it fast I think it's time we talked about the possibility of advancing your rank what are you saying if I can't well I'm not going to be around forever and you've certainly shown your prowess with the group I think you would be a good fit as the new captain for the ultra recon squad Rico ah I'm sorry my boy I sprung that on you out of nowhere let's talk more later shall we it looks like sassy is finally on her way back thank you if I go I'm going to need some time to process this welcome back saucy Congrats on completing your first solo miss you saucy why are you dressed like that what happened on your mission Oh Dulce we'll see I got such a swell time and made so many friends Diglett and I got such a darling makeover don't you like it it's oh darling you're speechless I knew you'd love it I can't wait to show you and mr. FICO my new friends I've told them so much about you and they're very much looking forward to meeting you
Channel: Mr Buddy
Views: 509,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Mr Buddy, Fangame, Pokemon Fangame, Pokemon story, stories, fanfiction, Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Alola, Galar, Ultra, Ultra Recon Squad, Zossie, Dulse, Phyco, Soliera
Id: XCasaX2PE9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 45sec (5445 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2019
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