if I made a Pokemon region FULL MOVIE

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[Applause] [Music] the wind blows strong today i hope your travel was calm hello and welcome to the world of pokemon but you've heard that many times before haven't you i see you all of you i see all the regions you've traveled and asians gone by from kanto to galler from norcload to a sewn and beyond i can tell you're a very well traveled pokemon trainer all of you and there are many i say there may be more of you than there are pokemon on this island pokemon are wondrous creatures most are part of nature others are human made and some other stuff of myth and legends my job as a professor in oracle is to research these pokemon myths and make sense of the nonsensical to wonder about the wondrous but enough about me welcome champion uh champions to this olympia region i hear all of you have many wonderful stories of your own perhaps you've met a legendary pokemon or two yourself thank you for agreeing to my invite i see you left all your pokemon at home this olympia region has a very delicate ecosystem and your presence here is unusual for many but you'll learn all about that soon enough a world full of untold wonders and mysteries awaits you let's delay no longer let's go champion i should introduce myself i am professor dodona welcome to my lab in trickle town this sleepy town is the smallest in the region and is my home i've lived here through five different tempests when i was a young man i traveled across the land from the elderwood forest to the tip of mount olympia collecting pokemon and even taking on the pokemon league but trickle down has been my home through it all of course nowadays this town is bustling with travelers from across the world of ours it's the busiest i've ever known it to be ever since the last tempest ended and the tourists have arrived but listen to me rambling on first the formalities a gift for you champion as you were unable to bring pokemon of your own you'll need a partner if you are to travel across olympia and what would be more fitting for us than to give you one of the pokemon that all the trainers start with here in olympia who knows this pokemon and you may just become good friends first we have to the iguana pokemon these pokemon are strategic and tough in battle scientists in other regions thought this pokemon was an extinct species until it was discovered thriving here in selimpia this pokemon truly is an example of how unique life can be here in solympia and how truths once lost can be found again next up we have the pokemon emblem embol is the flaming calf pokemon and is a sprightly little fella known for being a hot head and charging into situations this is truly the most tenacious partner you can think of you know this pokemon's heart is full of fire when black smoke billows from its nose this pokemon truly represents a region with an unmovable spirit if that sounds like you pick amble finally we have kinfisher the water sword pokemon this pokemon is renowned for being an excellent diving pokemon skewering prey in his sword-like beak it can react to its surroundings with rapid speed and can change the direction it's flying in an instant truly this pokemon represents olympia's adaptability to change a quality needed in any champion don't you agree and there you have it this troublesome trio are the perfect companions to any trainer here in olympia so who would you like to train as a gift oh yes i should probably mention that while i am a man of science i am also known as the oracle professor i can see who you'll pick and not just in this reality but across the pokeverse i see between all of you you'll take all of them maybe let me know in the comments exactly which pokemon you chose and later in this pokemon journey you'll surely get to see your partner grow and evolve you'll get to catch other pokemon too so let me know from video to video just how your team is coming along i know starting with a new partner may seem simple for someone as esteemed as yourself but just because you're a champion doesn't mean you don't have a lot to learn but i'm rambling on again look at you you've been in olympia only a short while and already have yourself your first pokemon i would recommend you take on the pokemon league challenge and show the world what you came here to do but first there is someone else here someone who i know is dying to meet you head to the house north of route 1 my underling is waiting for you there it'll give you time to train with your partner good luck and see you again soon hey pokemon masters welcome to this olympia region and would you look at you you've already chosen a partner pokemon and that's great you already know me i'm bird keeper toby and this region is a place i've been eager to share with you for so long so if you don't mind my voice might be popping up from time to time to act as your guide across this part of the pokemon world i guess though you could do with a little context if you're going to be traveling the region with just this partner pokemon of yours and some pokeballs at your back so here goes this is this olympia region and this olympia region has a very unique ecology this island nation has existed in solitude for great periods of time across the history of the pokemon world due to enormous storms known as tempests a tempest is a storm that surrounds the island that is caused by some kind of local legendary pokemon here on the island and they're no ordinary storms they can last from months to decades with the longest said to have been even 100 years long and in all that time the other regions of the pokemon world advance and progress technologically speaking while this region sits safely at the eye of the storm undisturbed and unchanged very few trainers have ever been able to sail through a tempest and either access or leaves olympia but as a renowned pokemon trainer from another region you've been invited here especially the last tempest only ended six months ago and since then trainers and tourists and less responsible types have been appearing at trickle town every day trickle town by the way is a sleepy little village on the front side of the island that has no gym to speak of but sits as a perfect intersection between routes one two and three so why don't you take your first steps out of the lab door and uh oh wait it sounds like someone's coming hey hey you did professor dodana really just give you a pokemon you an outsider oh i see you're supposed to be that hot shot champion from another region right okay little champ i want to see your moves see to be clear this is my town and my island i'm here to give you a taste us olympia well it looks like you're being challenged to your first pokemon battle here in solympia and a champion like you can't decline so do the world a favor and don't lose your first match okay let's throw you back into the sea go cap on all right your first new olympian pokemon this pokemon appears to be cap on the chick pokemon and as you don't have your pokedex yet you don't know much about it still it looks evident looking at it that it would be a flying type if you chose the grass starter then you're in for a slightly harder time against this pack attack it also knows scratch and sound attack but other than that it's a pretty straightforward battle you're probably just getting some deja vu of your early days as a trainer my cap on is special everyone can tell your starters should all be equipped with moves that are able to handle this tackle and wing attack and don't worry because after this battle you'll level up right away meaning depending on the starter you picked razor leaf water gun and ember will join your move pool it shouldn't be hard to prove to this person that you're not called a champion for no reason ah my pokemon fine you've beaten me i'll give you that but i didn't think your pokemon was very strong for someone who's supposed to be a champion heck i know kids at the trainer school with stronger pokemon how rude of me i've introduced myself in the art of battle but you don't even know who you're speaking to i'm cass cass of trickletown cass us olympia this is my home you hear me not just this town but this island and you stormers are why i need to get stronger head home little champ you may have won this battle but next time i'll be putting you in your place now cass this person's our special guest i saw the battle through the window champion it's true that outsiders and the mainlanders sometimes clash but not all of them do i'm good friends with a stormer as they call them a professor who lives on route 1 still a little rivalry is healthy for everyone and i see it you two are connected i'm glad i caught you champion i nearly forgot and cast it's good you're here too i've written to the principal and got permission for you like you asked you've been given leave to survey the island with your very own pokedex really professor yes here take one wait you're giving a stormer a pokedex too of course great journey should never be traveled alone i'll also give you these pokeballs with them you should travel selympia and research as many of the local pokemon as you can i hear this is quite commonplace in other regions by sharing this information with the world we can all gain a better understanding of what's out there we can see beyond our little island home fine but let's be clear i'm nobody's rival this so-called champion had quite a dose of beginner's luck this island is my home our home professor dodana i don't think it's a good idea to just invite people here to see all our pokemon who knows what they'll do stormers i'm sorry about her dear champion the trainer school recently had to be moved to rumbleton the next town over to make way for the new port it's caused a lot of change in the life of many of my students acclimating to something new isn't an easy process for those who are closed off to change if i was her well she's probably heading to route 1 now that's where she met her partner pokemon all those years ago it's also where you'll find my colleague he's studying wild pokemon from a small house on the north side jolly man big heart he oh my i'm rambling again head to route 1 i'm sure you'll see for yourself safe travels wow what a nice old man it's a shame that it wasn't a completely warm welcome here in selimpia but i'm sure cass will come around when she sees how nice you really are and with that sorted you are heading out to route one heading north from trickle town and finally setting out onto a new pokemon adventure this route is a long stretch of grassy plains split into two by a very short caved path the cave looks to be a relatively short tunnel system connected to the base of a bigger mountain in the west a mountain in the middle of three and you recognize it where you're going to tread is into the base of mounts olympia itself however for now the only place this passage will take you is between the south and north portions of this route before that you're surrounded by grassy areas and a few low-level trainers from the trainer school in the upcoming town wow a new trainer i wonder if you're any good i got a pokemon from professor dadona you don't stand a chance all of these trainers will be battling you using pokemon that you can find here on this route so if you want to be prepared for them it's time to step into the tall grass and discover the first few pokemon that you can catch here on route 1. other than your starter this pokemon is the first to be registered into your pokedex bar bug bar bug is the spikey ball pokemon and this bug poison type is really common around this area they are a pain for travellers who aren't prepared for them their spike body attaches them to most things they touch causing a great deal of pain luckily you're prepared with the starter pokemon and if you wanted to catch one it wouldn't be too difficult next up is a pokemon you've seen before this cute chick pokemon is a normal flying type and is known as cap on it knows your basic peck and scratch style moves you may also notice that these wild cap on look somewhat different to the one that cass had but you can't put your finger on what exactly it is however if you're incredibly lucky you may find one like cassers the chances of this though seem really small so i'm not sure how many of you this will affect maybe 1 in 8 000 you may also notice some familiar faces on this route in the form of pichu and slackoff and i won't say too much but there's the possible promise for regional variation down the line not for every pokemon that you'll encounter but maybe for some still if you want to complete your pokedex you should pick them up however there's still one more new pokemon that you're yet to see here on route 1 and that is rataroo rataroo is the jump kick pokemon a fighting type that can kick really hard according to the pokedex they use their powerful legs to launch themselves into the air and then land with a devastating blow of course this means that it's a pokemon that can learn high jump kick really early on which will make it a great addition to your team and these are just a handful of pokemon that you'll find here on the island of selimpia and they along with your starters make for just a fraction of the over 100 never before discovered creatures that live here on the island though if you're particularly studious you may have already heard of a handful of them from past tales of mine anyway which ones will you add to your team let me know in the comments below i want to know each episode what your team is looking like ahead of you stands this olympia passage the base of mount olympia and you must pass through here to continue your journey as you peek inside the entrance you hear a jolly voice echoing what a splendid show of fisticuffs this small tunnel is windy on the inside with places for new pokemon to hide so searching behind rocks will give you access to hidden items like potions and pokeballs as well as allow you to expand your team both around and munchlax can be found in this cave as well as the previously mentioned rataroo but there are two new pokemon that you might find here in fact there's one jumping out at you right now this is cyrox the relentless pokemon and it's known for being a true leader in battle it's a fighting rock type and initial reports of this pokemon in other regions were exaggerated suggesting they were giants this has drawn many scientists to come to the island to come and study them a cool rock and fighting type to add to your team it knows moves like brick break rock smash and dynamic punch from its time training as well as wielding powerful rock moves like rock pro to begin with and then over time that could become rock slide and speaking of rocks here comes another new pokemon this is sneville and it's a ground rock pokemon that actually isn't native to the region of olympia at all but according to its pokedex entry was imported here from norclo a faraway region you might be familiar with if you've seen pokemon cardinal anyway since coming here they've played on the local rataroo and have become quite the pest still if you choose to pick one up i'm sure it'll evolve into something very very cool i wonder how these pokemon got here all the way from the norclo region ho ho good show i say it's been a while since i've had a good game of fisticuffs uh how does someone like you move so fast if i were you i'd be napping all the time you do nap all the time crash gee mellow mellow out and don't call me out in front of the old timer look people are coming oh this is getting tiring don't you agree yeah we just wanted to find a place to nap how are we supposed to know this passage is a protected nature reserve the old man back there put up quite a fight he's good enough to be a gym leader or something hey crash um who is this oh you spooked me standing there all quiet like i bet you have a problem with us snoozing too that's it mellow let's show this one how we do it in team snooze well look at that it seems these two are team snooze grunts team snooze hasn't been a real evil team in years i wonder what they're doing here in olympia well right now they're challenging you to a double battle of course don't just stand there you should send out your starter alongside another team member let's see what they send into battle time to wake up munchlax go slack off of course a munchlax and a slack off nothing too exciting and very on brand for team snooze still there's no new pokemon here and their pokemon have no type advantages so putting them under the table will be a piece of cake wait do you think we wouldn't bring back up let's go hoot hoot come on out snows wow look at that a new pokemon your pokedex registers this pokemon as snows the sleepy pokemon and it comes out of the pokeball while in a state of sleep its new sweet dreams ability means that while asleep its attacks do two times their usual damage but it's just a normal type and apparently you couldn't find them by headbutting trees back in trickle town the pokedex says that these pokemon use their arms to dangle from trees enjoying tranquility and peace they only climb down to cuddle up to trainers who take a nap under the tree branches you snore attack snooze a nice attack but nothing i expect your starter can't handle whoa you're good enough to be a champion or something what the heck that's it we should head back to rumbletown listen up trainer we're not your enemy yeah whatever you heard of teams news is wrong we're the good guys just down for a good time and some r r we're just surveying the island when we find the perfect vacation spot we can finally fulfill our dream like i promised you mello oh crash you really mean that's right snoozeland the ultimate holiday inn resort let's get out of here mellow leave this snoozer to it snoozer like loser yeah but we're snoozers oh i'll uh have to sleep on that maybe come up with a new catchphrase later a winner well i'm sure about that's over with i wonder who they were running from in the first place as you head through the rest of the passage i'm sure there are other trainers to battle and train against but eventually you'll exit the passage to the north side of route 1. now while searching in the tall grass there are two more wild pokemon that you can find here but only at night time see in the day cap on can be found here but at night who wake up and appear more frequently however on a rare occasion you might find an incredible new pokemon with really bulky stats for this stage and that is the pokemon cover die covered eye is a ghost flying type and is the skull raven pokemon tales say that this pokemon flies across the island carrying messages of the departed it's incredibly intelligent and understands the contents of the letters it travels by seeing the look on the reader's face it's a very loyal pokemon and with its wing attack and ominous win a pokemon like this would be a valuable asset to any trainer's team and i'll give you a hint it'll be very useful against the first gym if you luck into catching one well hello there i say what a way you battle i saw you in the cave you must be the champion from off the island tell me how is she the ocean the outside world have you ever been to my home region of norclo excuse me i'm getting ahead of myself my name is professor lawrence and i live here and study the local pokemon wildlife but like you i'm from another region all together i say just thinking of the soft snowfall of norcloud the northern breeze mining into some glaciers and finding fossils it sends a chill of excitement up my spine but i came here on only a short expedition you see but when the last tempest started i was stranded i had no choice but to put down some roots here and i've been studying with professor de dona ever since 10 years it's been and now he sends you to me as i asked but first please honor me won't you with a battle and here he comes it's professor lawrence himself leading with one of his own pokemon sneville you've probably battled this pokemon before in this olympia passage so battling this one and taking it down won't give you too much trouble however once you dispatch that he has another new pokemon to show you girl hermite this is hermite the homeless spirit pokemon hermite are born looking to find a home it likes to tuck itself away under pebbles and rocks and it's never truly satisfied until it finds the sturdiest pebble to hide in they are said to love ancient pokemon burial grounds and of course they carry both the ghost and rock type your pokedex indicates that hermit can't be found though until much later on so this is just gonna be a brief encounter hermite yours astonish with basic ghost and rock moves coming your way you should be prepared to keep type advantages in mind even if you picked up a cyrox in the cave its fighting moves will be negated by hermite's ghost typing so abilities and status moves might be the way to go here i say what a sprightly young trainer now that's true skill but i haven't battled like that since i was a gym leader thank you for putting on a good show at this point i'd love to award you with a badge but that's not my place you see besides there are no gym badges on this island anyway regardless i'm working to take over from professor de dono when he goes traveling the pokemon world but dear champion i have something to ask of you a favor you see this mountain we stand below this is mounts olympia at the top sits this region's pokemon league and it's run by quite the strong and enigmatic fellow they call him the will of the island quite the title i say and to earn his affection may be to win the island over to show them the beauty of how we outsiders battle the olympians you see have always been uh well cautious of off islanders i dream to show that we're not all that bad and that we bring hope and to share our knowledge of the world outside but alas i was clumsy when i first arrived here and now my sneville from norclo has overpopulated in the local cilympian passage and for many those first impressions last but you you're a fresh face and i can see that you are kind and good if you took on the pokemon league and obtained all of the gym coins you could take on this will of the island and show them what we outsiders are all about open them up to the rest of the world will you do it will you take him on and win over the will of the island [Music] hurrah of course you would say yes but to the point to challenge this champion you must summit mounts olympia with the gym badges sorry coins of the region that they use here most regions there are eight gym badges but here in olympia it's hard to say if they've truly adopted the tradition i know for sure though there is one gym leader living in rumbletown to the east of here it's just a short walk but i warn you that one's a meanie they're certainly not too fond of me go challenge the gym win the coin and meet me back at the donor's lab when you have it then we'll really see if you have what it takes junior well there you have it that was professor lawrence and he is a bit of a mission for you one i expect you're probably interested in traveling around a whole new region catching never before seen pokemon training and proving that you are a pokemon master and that journey starts you off in rumbletown rumbletown is the first major city in the region a long narrow corridor of high-rise buildings and houses pokemarts and a pokemon center and at its heart a pokemon gym hey stop that pokemon excuse me trainer i'm sorry about that i oh your headgear your jacket you wouldn't happen to be hmm i see so you're the champion everyone's been talking about the name's moxie and i'm the gym leader of rumbletown the title of champion might seem intimidating to some but me i've been a pokemon trainer hunter and even a pokemon ranger you heard right i've been around the block and i'm pretty sure me and my team could take you in a fair fight nowadays i'm a gym leader and it's my duty to make sure the wild pokemon of this town and the surrounding areas are safe and undisturbed you taurus sure aren't making that easy either so tell you what i'm going to escort this little fella down to the beach and when i get back i'll see you in the gym for a battle how does that sound see ya huh so they're the gym leader huh a gym battle certainly would be up your street but before that there are plenty of old pokemon living in rumbletown if you look around the city you may see the occasional garbage bag move this is because trubbish can be found here in rumbletown and makes for the only unovan pokemon to migrate to the island you might also find a shady hound hour down a back alley or two if you're looking to complete your pokedex and i'd suggest picking one up who knows what they might evolve into but for the new pokemon you're gonna have to follow moxie to rumbleton beach and here we are it's only a short walk over the beach side and the houses seriously seem to be built right up to the shoreline despite that some tall grass is breaking through the ground this is less like a beach and more like the earth just sort of well ends here an enthusiastic fisherman might get chatting to you and offer you the old rod for you to sit down on the rickety dock with him for a spot of pokemon fishing in fact it looks like you might land something this is a new pokemon you're reeling it in now first up we have sarah surf the sea angel pokemon this pokemon can hold bubbles of air around its neck allowing it to rise out of the water and skim over the water's edge it's a water fairy type and knows movies like bubble and draining kiss at low level but eventually can learn bubble beam and dazzling gleam so it certainly would be a charming addition to the team if you're really lucky however you might reel in a temp fin temp finn is the hothead pokemon and this unique fire wars type has an incredible power it can fire spitballs of either fire or water depending on which gland it uses because this pokemon is so warm the water around it heats up forcing most wild fish pokemon to swim away from it and that makes it angry and kind of sad so maybe adding one to your team would certainly cheer it up if you stop fishing you're gonna notice a couple of other pokemon scydeck of course can be found at the shoreline but so too can aron living a little closer to the mountainside than the water but it's just kind of strange that they're here there's also another little fella who's come down from the mountain attracted by the city's electricity pylons this is go gopher and this speedy little electric steel type is the grounding pokemon go go for burrows underground and can cause havoc on wiring it loves nothing more than lightning storms and it's said that when they do happen lightning will always be drawn to the spot in the ground where this pokemon hibernates and of course as you can tell just by looking at it this is a relative of the pikachu line so what do you think have you added any new pokemon to your team if you have you should keep me up to date in the comments with where your olympia team is at tell me tell everyone tell these two it's uh oh oh no it's them again hey you stop catching pokemon around here would you can't you see we're just trying to enjoy a lovely day at the beach together yeah but you're in our sunlight huh it's you again yeah well we lost you once in the passage but we've healed our pokemon since last time so get ready it's time to go to town you're up slack off all right wakey wakey munchlux their team hasn't changed at all since before and what can i say you know what you're doing being two normal types if you do have any fighting moves on your team they'll be super useful to dispatch of these pokemon swiftly ah i see you understand type advantage well let's try a dual type hoot europe come on out snows more of the same who might provide a challenge here but this really isn't a battle this is warm up and between them and the local trainers you've been doing really well uh again an easy battle in fact some of your pokemon look like they're getting ready to evolve [Music] well would you look at that if you caught a bar bug it's evolved into hip hopper the hop jaw pokemon it's changed from a bug poison type to a bug steel type quite the radical change but the pokedex tells you that by studying other cocoon pokemon we learned this pokemon is actually in a cocoon-like state the jaws are relatively immobile and they're used more to just ward off enemies than actually fight them as a final escape they can hop high into the air to get away from predators typically they'll land on their head but the pokemon evolving inside is inside a sturdy cocoon body and it's very safe and look it's not just barber that's evolving [Music] [Applause] if you caught one on route 1 then your cap on is ready to evolve evolve into scraptor the scrappy pokemon and depending on if it's male or female it'll have one of two different forms the male scraptor takes on the display form this version uses martial arts to make beautiful displays to attract mates all of the scraptor look very similar amongst their own species so their martial arts need to be top-notch to get noticed meanwhile the female scraptor are the protectors of the family it'll defend its nest furiously until its eggs hatch at which point it will go hunt for prey frantically while the male teaches the chick how to kick these pokemon are both flying and fighting type with slightly different stats and move pools the male's having more physical moves at the high levels like high jump kick and sky attack and the females are more of a special attacker later knowing hurricane and aurosphere oh what that's so unreal if we evolved our pokemon you wouldn't stand a chance next time you see us we'll be fully prepared yeah you snoozer loser but they won oh yeah next time we'll put you down for nap time hey nice going i was watching from the docks the psyducks are all back safe and sound it seems like they were scared off by those snooze grunts or maybe it was these iron that have been appearing you see out there the ocean people like myself travel from all over the world to make a place like this home it's a shame that we all have different ideas of what home could be even the pokemon have to work it out what to do when the psyduck and the aaron fight for space on the beach whose home is it both of theirs or does one not belong the psyduck have lived here longer but then i haven't spent my whole life here and people have accepted rumbletown as my home you know what you might be alright champion heal up your pokemon at the pokemon center once you've rested your team i'll be waiting at the pokemon gym i'll take your opinion of the mata after we battle see ya i'll be waiting and just like that moxie has gone rumbletown's beach is a much calmer place and you are about to take on your first pokemon gym battle here in this olympia region you wonder about what type of gym leader you think moxie really is and as you turn your back and look out on the city you hear a cry from the ocean what in the world was that maybe you'll get to find out one day but not today for now all there is to do is to head to the pokemon center heal up your team and get ready for your first pokemon gym battle at the center of rumbletown there stands the gym out the front of which is a sort of pit where ruffian trainers like to battle putting their pokemon through scraping and scrapping matches with pokemon like snabble and scraps as you head into the dome of the gym it's a relatively standard stadium and moxie is there ready to greet you with two pokeballs in hand well hey there champion i see you're all rested up and ready for a fight allow me to introduce myself formerly i am moxie the rumbletown city gym leader when i was young i went traveling on a pokemon adventure just like you i fell in with a bad crowd and became a fierce pokemon hunter life has many twists and turns and soon i was helping those in need as a well-known pokemon ranger now i'm here a resident of silympia it has long been this one's home and i've spent this last tempest looking after the pokemon in rumble town it's been difficult given that awful from norclobe will snevel into the area don't people understand you can't just release the new pokemon species into the wild anyway i'm getting away from myself i know why you're here champion because the outside world has something to say right well then draw your pokeballs let's hear it cyrux i choose you moxie's first pokemon is cyrox and this pokemon is rock fighting type so i'm still not 100 sure what the gm type is however for a first gem this is a real uphill battle if you chose kinfisher then it's got elements that are both strong and weak to rock but it does have an edge against the fighting type and ball sadly is at disadvantage so that's a test for a real champion and iguana has an advantage over the rock but won't keep its advantage for long in this battle using the correct types attacks and knowing your opponent's defensive strategies is going to be important to win and don't forget any of the other pokemon who have become your companions along the way over the last few episodes this is a two-on-two battle so put your best two forward [Music] take that you may need to switch and use potions of course if you manage to evolve your cap on into a scraptor you can smash the cyrox to pieces this is a challenge to be sure but for every pokemon currently available to you there will be some sort of advantage and some level of disadvantage play the types well though and you might just take down her cyrox ah my cyrox fine we're just getting warmed up go aerodyn ah this next pokemon is a rodent the fighter pilot pokemon and the evol form of rataroo this fighting flying type jumps up high and uses the winds to travel great distances on the island it never fails a landing on its powerful feat and with that its new ability happy landing means that high jump kick bounce and fly never miss this is her ace pokemon and being a fighting flying type once again is a tricky type combo tiguana is now at type disadvantage and bull continues to be neutral but with the ability to burn luring those physical moves that might be useful and kingfisher takes advantage in this round using its flying move to take on the fighting type this combined with the other pokemon you've been training should put you in a position to make your way to victory [Music] wow i guess you really are that strong congratulations trainer let me award you with your first official coin here in selimpia [Music] [Applause] oh what's that you were expecting a badge oh no no i used to collect those too but this is the way of olympia these coins are beyond ordinary value with all of them from the league challenge you can take them to the summit of mount olympia for a chance to challenge the champion there are six or was it seven or eight honestly the champion keeps us guessing but right now you just have one you should be proud enough of that i'll also reward you with the ability to cut down trees if any of your fighting pokemon come across them they can cut them down and you'll be able to make your way through the thick forest sadly without surf there's not much you can explore on this side of the island but if you're looking for a way back to trickle town you can take the scenic route 3. it starts on rubble town beach and will lead you right back to where you started just head round the coastline sticking to the old dock you'll make your way back good luck out there challenger our battle meant a lot to me today i'll never forget this battle and just like that you have your first pokemon coin blimey your starter's grown stronger too they look super close to evolving but you might just have to wait a little longer for that sure enough for now though we're leaving the gym and you're gonna head off to route three and wow what an interesting route it seems this whole area used to be a port but now it's just a cliffside walkway with rickety bridges and various winding pathways to take still it seems like it could be home for some new pokemon on this route you'll find the recurring pokemon psyduck a munchlax like before as well as possibly your last opportunity to catch cap on and go gopher but there's still one more wild pokemon that can be found exclusively on this route this is bepoil the balloon pokemon the pokedex says that this pokemon can inflate itself and fly surprisingly high into the atmosphere it's a flying water type like kinfisher however i'd keep it away from your kitten fisher if you have one because the pokedex also says the kinfisher love to eat them it's sadly quite a weak pokemon and hard to level up at this part of the story but if you do get one i'm sure it'll have a cool evolution waiting and isn't it great to see your team filling up in fact if you're training at a typical kind of pace and you're catching everything then you'll have registered around 25 different pokemon into your pokedex let me know who you would have had to add into your team in the comments maybe one day you'll even see a legendary pokemon [Music] [Music] whoa hold on what in the world was that was that did i speak too soon oh hey little champ what are you doing standing there gawking the wind blowing your stupid hair all over the place if i control the power of the wind i blow you far away from my island and into the sea right now i heard you got moxie's coin well i got there before you i looked up to moxie for a long time they visited and given talks at the trainer school sometimes a true and noble olympian [Music] what are you talking about someone as cool as moxie wouldn't be a stormer like you that's it i'm going to show you everything i learned from studying with them right now well it looks like cass wants to challenge you and who would you be to decline let's battle yo houndour cass's first pokemon is houndhour and at this point in the journey you should have lots of super effective moves against it so this hound hour is really just to get you warmed up [Music] ugh fine i choose you hip hopper ah it's hip hopper it seems cass's journey hasn't been too dissimilar to your own evolving pokemon and training up that does it you think you're better than me but i'm way ahead of you when it comes to coins see i already have one more than you i got it on route 2 when i was training up and i've evolved my pokemon into something you've never seen go foul raptor whoa now that's something different this isn't a scratcher like you would have expected cass's cap on has instead evolved into well whatever this is it's a foul raptor the foul pokemon and it's a flying poison type and can spit toxic at you while delivering a powerful new move called poison pack this is like your regular peck attack except it does additional damage if your pokemon is poisoned the pokedex tells you that not much is known about why some cap on seem to evolve this way and further research needs to be done but what does that matter to you you're in the heat of battle it's time to implement some new strategies and deal with cass's pokemon ah fine i'll take this for the lesson that it is it'll only make me stronger next time i'm at a coast like this i swear my pokemon and i will be throwing you back into the sea stormer unbelievable your pokemon were able to defeat cass's newly evolved pokemon and what's more unbelievable is that your starter pokemon well it looks like they're about to evolve to iguana emble and kinfisher are all evolving into their first stage evolution [Music] [Applause] well would you look at that iguana has evolved into guanagoon the goonish pokemon and is now a grass rock type what looks like rocks and even a little bit of diamond getting out of its head and claw these pokemon don't mess around they've been known amongst grass types for being a bit of a bully and they crash their heads together in a display of strength their diamond nail can cut through just about anything a cool pokemon and i can't wait to see what it evolves into and this is great if you pricked iguana but what about if you picked emblem [Music] [Applause] ah congratulations it looks like emblem has evolved into brazilian and gained the ground typing making it fire ground this pokemon is the fire belly pokemon and has gotten so hot that it needs to wallow in mud to keep itself cool this mud then hardens and becomes part of its biology if this pokemon can't cool down black smoke will billow from its nose and the vents in its body letting out a screeching noise a very nice addition to the team and of course for those of you who chose kinfisher [Music] [Applause] ah finally congratulations kin fisher has evolved into her owning this water flying type is the swordplay pokemon and is practiced in the art of sword dancing it uses its beak to challenge others of its kind to battle it practices its precision and balance by focusing on falling raindrops and aiming to slice them in half as the wind swirls around you you and your partner pokemon jump for joy and you're elated to add this evolution to your team whatever even with your evolved pokemon you still won't win against me next time we battle losing three times in a row wouldn't make me much of a rival at all just wait next battle we have like this my pokemon and i will be throwing you right back into the sea where you belong stormer yes professor ah so it is you i see you're showing our guests back to trickletown how very kind of you come come both of you there's a breeze coming along let me escort you back to my lab [Music] cass you remember my colleague professor lawrence and champion i believe you've had the chance to meet too ha ha indeed i say how'd things go that moxie did you get into a spot of trouble [Music] seems nice you say hardly my experience i see you help them rig the beach of some members of uh team snooze i met them in this olympia passage i say i don't think we have those in no khloe who exactly are team snooze they were once a powerful evil organization dedicated to i say taking naps good grief that sounds quite preposterous but it would seem that they're no longer a threat these days you know professors i've seen plenty of people like that wearing their robes and showing up at the docks these past few months i don't think we could discount them as a threat just yet indeed all things will be treated with caution now i say when i first came here i made the mistake of letting loose my snebble into the wild i suspect the rataru population have struggled in part for that i'm awfully sorry all things change some for the worse some for the better the apology for the pokemon is appreciated by them but your research has helped many pokemon here on the island my friend oh professor i have so much to learn from you still it's like you have a third eye when it comes to pokemon you see things that no one else does earlier he told me that he sent something down on fruit three and look he was right he came back with both of you tell me then do you both have a gym coin i have two actually wow right you are chaos and the champion has only one huh well i see you must have gone via route 2 and battled the gym leader clara i see well champion did you realize you were running behind on coins you didn't even think it was a race when two people just like you who care about pokemon go off on a journey and begin at the same time of course it's a race a rivalry through and through a rivalry with a champion i don't suppose you've had a chance to meet our champion yet you should head to aetherium city i hear right now he's visiting the poke acropolis you should go you'll pass through the elder woods on the way where you can acquire your second gym coin it's only right that champions new and old should meet and future that's the spirit rest up here and then in the evening on to route 2 and the elder woods forest i say well the day has begun and you're continuing on your journey at this point you can if one of your teammates knows headbutch catch the only wild pokemon in trickle town and that is team snooze's ace snows a normal type and who knows what it'll evolve into for now you're leaving out of trickle town this time to the west by way of route 2. there are no new pokemon on this route though you'll likely encounter some familiar faces barbug pikachu rataroo and slack offer all available to you here and while of course none of those are new pokemon it's still great to just catch pokemon if you're trying to fill out your pokedex and of course regional decks who knows how some of these pokemon might evolve wink wink route 2 is relatively short and the only thing to know is an all broken well on top of which it's meditating a very peculiar looking character well hello there star in the making yep you you're a star i know one when i see one oh you don't recognize me you're not from around these parts at all are you well allow me to welcome you to solympia i say how do you like it here the climate is perfect and the pikachu on this route are super cool did you know here in solympia the pikachu only evolved into a psychic type a silympian raichu though i've heard it called the alolan raichu too all just a matter of perspective i suppose as we discover more about the pokemon world we discover all sorts of things about regional variation evolution and forms but i digress oh listen to me ramble the man hands you some pokeballs and the alolan specialty big malasada say i like you why don't you take this it's a coconut okay this guy is coco nuts it seems still there is a special feeling you have about it so you put it in your bag ready for later i found that in the elder woods forest after waking up there i saved it from a tree that was being cut down looks like they are planning to build a small town in the forest soon such a shame to lose such beautiful trees still less trees means less creepy crawlies though you'll see anyways i'm taking up enough of your time maybe i'll see you again someday strange to say the least you set back along the path and stranger still is the giant forest in front of you exuding the sort of fairy aura about it there's something certainly very mystical about this place the elderwood forest is simply more like a jungle taking up a large portion of the island in fact it's so big it's divided into two sections there's the part of this forest that you're in now and before leaving professor detona will have mentioned to you that there's a little village that's said to be within these woods on your way to atheron city the second part of the elder woods is the deep elder woods which seems to only be accessible by a river that runs through the forest to the sea it seems likely that your journey will bring you back here later for now though focus up new pokemon are appearing and there's a lot of them wow this pokemon is marion the fake child pokemon researchers know this pokemon is born in forests but no one has ever seen one hatch in the wild often their laughs are said to resemble the chatter of children creepy this pokemon is a grass and dark type and if you didn't choose a grass starter this will make for an excellent addition to the team but it's not the only pokemon lurking in these woods next up we have a new bug pokemon this bug type is called salovite the salivating pokemon and it's an unusual pokemon said to exceed what evolution should be capable of they say 90 of its biology resides within its head with the rest of its body being a sort of exoskeleton it's said to be incredibly fast and it's always zipping around the forest jumping in and out of trees it hangs upside down and uses its tongue to navigate around the barbs of barbud as it preys on them if you catch one i'm sure we'll find out why it is the pokemon that is able to exceed evolution and of course there are other pokemon that you're familiar with in the forest both barbarg and its evolution hip-hopper can be found here in the wild as well as slack-off and pikachu and naturally this forest is also home to wild tangela that also roam the woodlands but they might not be immediately noticeable and as you enter the elderwood's forest i'd strongly recommend that you check behind every bush in every blade of long grass and of course on every tree look this tree is turning around and talking to you oh excuse me i think that's my hair you're tangled up in i'm not a pokemon though i wish i was isn't this forest beautiful i don't know if you noticed on your way here but there are empty areas where trees are being cut down i believe they call it deforestation it seems sad the homes are pokemon being destroyed just for new homes to be built you see the tempest mean that people who are just visitors are stuck on the island with nowhere to go and over the years the forest has gotten smaller and smaller to accommodate then again i am a human and i live here in the elder woods my family has lived here for generations in the elderwood village so how are we any different just because we've been here for a long time all i know is that if i wish to call these woods my home i must do them and the forest guardian proud excuse me i forgot you were standing there i got carried away would you like to see my village i should show you the way come on don't just stand there follow me oh okay she seems nice but uh don't let her yeah out of your sight oh her green hair blends in with the forest you saw her head in the direction of the bridge that crosses the river but she's totally gone now you might as well head over that way as you explore the elder woods you feel a sense of aliveness about the forest you weren't expecting people to be here so now you have the feeling that you're kind of always being watched in front of you there is a bridge crossing over some water that seems to leave the forest completely and runs out to the sea suddenly as you cross the bridge you notice movement in the water and catch a glimpse at the very first ever silympian variant raising its head out of the water amongst the grasses and mosses of the river is the water grass-type salimpian lapras this lapras swims in a much warmer body of water so it doesn't have a hard shell like its counterparts across the world it doesn't need to stay warm that way instead it's covered with plant life and uses photosynthesis to keep itself going and alongside its regular water moves it'll lose a lot of its ice type moves but instead has access to things like vine whip and energy ball but you actually can't get down to it right now it's impossible for you to catch as it's in the river down below the bridge where you are and you don't have access to that river this might be a pokemon you have to encounter properly later on in your journey still it's a promise of regional variation and things to come as you stand on the bridge and look upstream deeper into the forest you notice a small shrine on a little island in the middle of the forest it's a simple design made of stone and covered in moss and as you stare at it the lapras begin to duck their heads under the water and swim away why are they leaving a wind rushes through the forest leaves and forestation begin to swirl around you they lift into the air and begin to take shape across the bridge a face of stone and wood stares at you being held up by nothing but the wind what is this a pokemon guy honest is that really you oh no don't go oh no it's gone but it was here you saw it didn't you guy honest a legendary pokemon one of the primordial spirits they live here on the island they're protectors that's what my grandmother taught me this forest perhaps all the forests of the world exist because kion has carried seeds on its wind and scattered them across the earth oh amazing i see it so rarely why today who are you a champion huh i'm pretty sure there's only one champion on this island and you're much shorter than he is me and why we've been talking all this time and i haven't even told you my name i'm clora the gym leader of the elderwood village speaking of which you must be getting tired let me show you to my home i'll walk a bit slower this time i promise so you're a champion from another region you say of course i keep forgetting the tempest is over for us in the elder woods we exist away from outsiders if you think of solympia as the eye of the storm then the elder woods is the eye of the eye of the storm or something like that no that's not right the pupil of the eye of the storm yeah that's better so thank you for catching me up here in this village we have everything we need fresh water we farm our own food the few families that live here live a calm life at one with the pokemon around us we give thanks to guy honest and take care of the travelers passing through but we really have no interest in the outside world tempest or not [Music] a gym battle of course i haven't kept up to date with the pokemon league situation as such but i still have a jaw filled with league coins to give out i gave one out just this week actually i'll happily battle you there's no time like the present so how about right now [Music] okay then get ready to face off against my little village helpers go tangler okay so very clearly this is a grass-type gym and you're just doing this now gora is a peculiar gym leader to be sure but she seems enthusiastic enough in fact you should probably send something out to counter her tangler if you chose embell or kinfisher as a starter your brazian or heronan should both be able to have super effective moves here either that or any of the regional birds or bugs will give you a nice advantage those are some good moves but you've never seen a pokemon like this before go vigorous and here comes a grass normal type vigoroth and this is a olympian vigoroth that live deep in tropical forests and jungles they're said to be as lazy as their pre-evolution with a slower pace of living that means that they've evolved to be calmer than their regional counterparts with some moves like grassy glide and leaf blade ready to hit hard for some big grass damage kick some grass figure off wow very impressive but have you seen this pokemon go together another regional variant and wow look at this this toga tick wears a coconut instead of an eggshell is it possible that the coconut you got given earlier by that stranger could hatch into a regional togepi very cool they say the eggs of this pokemon only appear before kind-hearted people so i'm flattered i get to train one use leaf storm my token take very good very impressive you really must be a champion you did it you won well there you have it you beat me if i remember the tradition correctly that only means one thing i have to award you with the coin of the elderwood gym [Music] keep it closed as proof you've beaten me i'm sure our champion will be very impressed in fact if you head north through the elder woods you'll be on the road to atheron city the largest city in the region the champion can sometimes be found studying at the citadel or battling at the procropolis i'm sure he'd love to meet you of course you're welcome to stay the night here too and there you have it an interesting time wandering through the woods still i hope you had a good time this is merely a pit stop on your big region-wide journey and now at least you have as many coins as cass huh but what's this [Music] ah it's like laura said for those who want to keep it in your party the coconut did in fact turn out to be an egg for us olympian form of togepi a grass fairy pokemon according to your pokedex if a coconut falls out of a tree and lands on your head and you don't feel any pain it's the egg of a togepi amazing this is just one more pokemon you can add to your team and it won't be the last regional variant for new regional forms and pokemon await let's just take a quick break to reflect on everything that's happened so far how are you enjoying your travels champion two gyms down and a whole host of new pokemon potentially in your team i'd love to see what kind of team you've built in the comments sometime but you might want to keep a spare pokeball handy and ready to swap out for a new teammate when you get to atheron city in atheron city there is said to be a huge stadium called the pocropolis and according to professor de dona this is where trainers can challenge to become gym leaders and gym leaders for the chance themselves to become elite four members and it's possible that it's here that we might get to meet the region's mysterious champion it's only right that champions new and old should meet and future but before that we should have a short walk up through the thinning woods through route four a straight line route situated between the cliff edge to the west and the walls of mount silympia to the east and on this route there are a few more wild pokemon that can be found wild opponents are trot around but they don't do so alone this pokemon is gallula by the ground fairy type unearthly pokemon it bounds around the cliffside to absolutely no risk of falling off its large eyes see every crevice and it knows exactly how to land this pokemon would make a fantastic addition to the team lots of pokemon like abra and impudim also hide behind big trees with the occasional morgrum hanging from the branches cone edge can also be found scattered between the trees and it's thought that they have a regional evolution here in selimpia the final pokemon though that you might encounter on this route is kiagas they can be found slowly scaling trees and these pokemon are a poison psychic type and actually aren't from selympur at all but instead originate from the cascade region if you ever leave this island and find researching professor loxton he'll know more about it for sure let me know if you've decided to add one or any of these pre-existing pokemon to your team still it's not long before you make your way through route 4 and find yourself at the great gateway of afrin city welcome champion this is the biggest city in the region and is filled with a bustling marketplace taverns and restaurants this town is kind of stuck somewhere between modern and medieval in the center of it all of course is a coliseum the pocropolis a huge building that will absolutely be your first stop but hold up a moment because did that statue just move that gargoyle just oh no don't blink whoa you've just been attacked by a silympian drudogon this rock dragon still has the rough skin ability and it attacks anyone invading the castles it calls home locally they're known as druidic oil and they can be seen sitting on the walls lining atheron city and they'll challenge each and every person who wants to enter this city luckily you have some pokemon on your own team ready to take it on so why not bring out a starter wow that pokemon trainer is good yeah maybe we'll watch them battle in the pokeropolis sometime against arya are you joking they wouldn't stand a chance huh she's so amazing i love her wow it seems like everyone's talking about the gym leader look these two people here are chatting about her too they're uh oh oh no arya's the woman of my dreams oh i see i mean i had a dream about her and it was an absolute nightmare if you say so crash are you sure you weren't away with the fairies daydreaming about her uh um hey look it's that kid from before did you really hear all that how embarrassing uh well it'll be you who's embarrassed next our pokemon have come a long way since we last battled so watch out come on melo let's crash this punk first newsland go slacker okay a slack off we've been here before this isn't much of a challenge surely they'll have something new all right snorlax it's time to eat whoa just like that now that is a challenge probably the hugest hp pokemon that you'll have to face at this point it looks like you have to be awake on the job if you want to beat this pokemon [Music] whoa you can even beat a snorlax fine then i bet you've never faced this before let's go papa ah now this pokemon is pop off and it's a pokemon actually of the norcolo region the puppy pokemon it's a fairy type and it's a pokemon that can truly blow away the competition oh you beat that too you leave mello alone this is no time to hang around go slumber this is zlumba the of all form of snows they say to fall asleep in its arms is the most comfortable experience and leads to only the sweetest of dreams it's a normal type pokemon and continues with snos's sweet dreams ability wow beaten again what are we some kind of hurdles set to test your strength with no triumphs of our own yeah feels like bad writing to me yeah we're totally not some poorly written 2d characters oh wait crash you have more than two dimensions i know things see this city is the biggest on the island most of the cities on this island are coastal so they've all been turned to ports at some point or another and this city was at one time the biggest you've been reading up uh yeah a little if team snooze is truly to start up snooze land the ultimate dream resort location we need to know everything about this island whoa crash i'm impressed oh well did you know there are more pokemon from other regions here in this town than any other that must be because of all the travelers who have come through here all right no it all calm down you might tire yourself out yeah i i need a nap oh you're still here if you're planning to head to pokepropolis you should probably heal up at the pokemon center good luck later huh they seem friendly in a good mood still i guess it's nice to get the chance to wander about the city and they're right as you travel about the city you might get the chance to encounter even more pokemon from all over the place in fact as well as the aforementioned druidigon which is typically from the anova region there are also wild papa from norclo as well as pokemon from two other regions well would you look at that a cascadian yanma and just like kiagus the yanma here take the same form that they do in the cascade region perhaps imported from cascade at some point in the past this bug dragon type will be the first dragon on your team if you choose to get it and for those you less learned in professor loxton's research its evolution will be a nice surprise and there's one more pokemon but this one is from the assone region this is cloud9 and it's a psychic fire type that's able to offer all of those who look into its fire incredible visions it is said that an ancient sorcerer traveled to a zone and brought it here to us olympia to use its magic for evil but the clown nine couldn't be controlled and cursed the sorcerer with dark visions now they can be found entertaining in the streets of atheron perhaps professor trugreen 7 knows more about this pokemon [Music] look at you catching pokemon from across the world you really are a traveled trainer champion is this the champion odis is this the one hi lovely to meet you my name is arya i am the gym leader for atheren city i look after the pro acropolis as a gym when it's not being used to challenge gym leaders and the elite four members for their titles not that that's happened in a while but one day i'm going to take on sid or valkyrie or one of the others and become a member of the elite four maybe i'll even beat kelvin what do you think of that champ me of course you who else would i oh of course i am in the presence of two champions indeed though i suppose it would be odd if you had a son called kelvin too that would be quite the coincidence i'm sure if you challenged kelvin you'd stand a mighty good chance me no the other champion ah i'm only kidding you'd make a fine addition to the elite four arya it's nice to meet you champion my name is odius and as you may have realized by now i am this region's champion but titles such as champion elite four gym leader they mean little when you are in a battle all that matters then is your skill and judgment actions the decisions you make for people who may not understand them i mean your pokemon but i digress where was i it's nice to meet you champion i'm sorry i had no time to organize an official meeting upon your arrival to the region however when dadona told me of your coming i was hopeful your travels would bring you here the pocropolis used to be the home of the pokemon league long ago we'd have trainers from across the world visit for yearly games to determine the best of the best but since the last tempest i moved the league to the top of mount solympia plus from there i have a better view of the island and all of its goings-on if you want to battle here it'll be with arya she is one of our gym leaders but you know all about gym leaders don't you do i see the glimmer of two gym coins on you very nice i must fly away now i have many duties to attend to but don't be fooled i'll be keeping an eye on everything from above feel that breeze go thundra take me away champion odis i oh he's gone oh hello there another challenger how goes it my name is arya i am the leader of the fairy gym whoa yeah i've heard of you everyone in olympia knows about you you really are just like they say um my name is cass i've heard all about your battling skills of course charm to meet you cass i'm glad to hear that you've heard about my battling skills it's the one thing i work at every day and well i'm pretty good if i say so myself you see this stadium for thousands of years people have climbed the steps of procropolis to battle here but in the six months since the tempest not many people have come to visit but i think filling it with fantastic battles maybe people will notice the power of this place again and come and visit and maybe i'll be recognized by the elite four and end of among their ranks you are an incredible person arya i'd love to battle you though i see there might be a queue with the stormer here storm is that what we're calling them nowadays my apologies champion you have been waiting so patiently rest up in the town tonight and in the morning i'll be fully ready to accept your challenge and then cass i will battle you right after i'll watch your battle and then learn how to beat you arya and little champ too you talk about battles here getting you into the elite four someday but my goals are much higher i will be a champion one day it is my birthright arya little champ odyss i'll beat you all for all of us olympia i will prove i'm the greatest trainer of all time and that i was born to become a champion well that was an intense meeting to be sure and look at that we're all fired up and ready to go your third gym lies on the road ahead as well as lots of new pokemon you should rest up something tells me you're gonna need it pokemon masters you've healed up your team which is coming along nicely by the way i've loved reading your comments on this and now you'll take it in turns to battle the gym with cass and perhaps this morning before you head out to the gym you'll take some time to train up with the trainers in the city and maybe even evolve some of your pokemon ready for a fight starting up it looks like your purple is evolving [Music] [Applause] the balloon frog pokemon a water flying type and while yes it's relatively weak it does use its speed to outmaneuver opponents it can inflate its mouth and chest amazingly even when underwater it just produces air to zoom up to the surface and then into the sky it then dives back down on opponents with quite the force an excellent teammate for some very sneaky plays and it's time for the starting bug to evolve [Music] [Applause] congratulations your hip-hopper has evolved into hypnothick the mothball pokemon out of its cocoon state the type changes once again to bug flying meaning each stage of its evolution has a different secondary type to differentiate it this gargantuan bug is the biggest of all bug pokemon ever discovered and while many find it terrifying others envy it for its incredible eyelash if you caught a bar bug at the beginning of your journey and kept some of its poison moves they'll prove very helpful for when you face off against arya also if you did catch an abra or a home edge or a psyduck any of them that you would have caught before will have now evolved into a cadabra a dublade or a golduck so hopefully your team has a bit of bulk before the gym here she is now hey there champion good morning and welcome to procropolis the greatest stadium of all this olympia when you fly back to whatever region you are from you will be telling the story of the time you couldn't win here plus i need a victory cass arrived early and so has already had her battle she's a tough one you know i get the impression that her anger towards you is misplaced she's just frustrated she sees the world opening up getting bigger i think she just feels like she wants to be seen and in front of the champion yesterday she wanted to impress but didn't get the chance i can relate to that too they call me the beauty of atheren but it's a title i hate the most the compliment is nice but i want to be seen for what i am the most powerful gym leader on this island and you you will lose here first up go coin whoa this is a pokemon we've never seen before this little cutie is coink a steel fairy type the lucky pig pokemon it flies around and if you catch one it's said to bless you with riches it loves using moves like payday and then wallowing around in the coins that it scatters uh and if you are hoping to bring a poison type to take this down then you will be sorely disappointed against its steel defenses however you should have a few fighting type pokemon in the wings ready to go or perhaps even a brazilian tempin or houndour ready to blaze your way through ah coink no problem go sarah surf next up is sarasota and you may have already met this pokemon back in rumbletown so you're pretty familiar with it already still it can have some tricky status moves that can defeat some of your pokemon so be careful you're a strong trainer but you won't stand a chance against my ace go satircorn and here we have another new pokemon the evolution of gala by satircon the gleaming goat pokemon it's hunted for its fire and horns that are said to have magical powers summoning other fairy pokemon therefore it's being heavily protected by locals just like it's pre-evolution it's a fairy ground pokemon and knows all manner of physical moves like earthquake take down and play rough however if you have a heronian or an iguanagoon you should have a really easy time against it and be able to take it out whoa my satircorn how is that even possible you are a strong trainer for sure and absolutely worthy of the third gym coin well done i guess i have more training to do [Music] congratulations trainer i guess the next gym would be in the city of sea castle or actually if the cable cars were finished you could take that up to the cliffside village and then beyond that to nest pine city and the gym there but we haven't got that working yet so heading west to sea castles where i'd go ah thundra thank you arya what a splendid display champion o'dyas where did you come from i was watching from the cliffside village all the way up there but why not just come down and watch in the stadium you must have incredible eyesight yes well what can i say there are many things for me to keep my eye on and i must say arya your battling prowess gets better every day do you feel that breeze oh thank you odis thank you hey i don't feel any breeze i sense only a lightness to the air and a darkening sky is coming not a tempest of course still a gust once started may become a tornado at a moment's notice that is for the tempest pokemon to decide tell me champion have you heard of the tempest pokemon [Music] tis a legendary pokemon that lives on this island they say it's a devil of a pokemon speeding around causing mayhem but it's much more than just a prankster it has the power to cause great storms in fact it is the cause of the tempests that both plague and protect this island keep this secret with you when you leave olympia wow the champion must really trust you over a decade ago i sensed a storm brewing much as i do today and there was one with such hatred in his heart he summoned the legendary pokemon and caused this last 10 year tempest these great storms are usually a natural occurrence but if the island wills one to begin then the legendary pokemon may create one it is the will of solympia but when people start playing with nature like that still nothing to worry about as i say i'm sure enough that the storm coming is little more than a natural wind excuse me ah hello there and who might you be wait don't answer your cast of trickletown are you not and you're the champion odis but wait how do you know who i am of course professor de donna has spoken very highly of you you are the most skilled pokemon trainer in the whole village he said you really think so uh well of course i am i'm the greatest pokemon trainer this island has ever seen not like the stormer here little champ i got my coin before you did so you're struggling to keep up in fact i challenge you to a battle right here right now now now cass you know the little champ has just battled a gym leader allow me to heal up their team first oh yeah of course there we go now a fair fight i love to see let the battle begin here you and cass go it's time for another battle you want to lead out strong so why don't you send your starter out first go how do a okay well with the rock typing on iguanagoon and the ground typing on brazian you should be just fine here [Music] houndoom was just me getting warmed up go hypnotic okay well this is going to be a tough one but maybe you have a hypnotic of your own so go into battle with it hypomothic versus hypomothic you want to use hidden hypnosis attack and hit cass is hypnotic while it's asleep ouch or or equally cassie's hypnotic might do that to you that sucks but it's okay you have other pokemon in your team no it's fine go hit the tryst whoa a hypnotist another hypnotic pokemon this is the evolution of marion and as marion evolved through the dusk stone which you wouldn't have picked up yet then you wouldn't have evolved yours if you had caught one this pokemon is said to live in the same woods as hypnotic and when the two meet they try to hypnotize each other putting many wild pokemon to sleep as a side effect its stats are absurdly high for this point in the story it's a grass dark type and it's able to hit you for unbelievable damage it has moves like hammer on the mega punt and thanks to its ability marionette kicking and punching moves become multi-hit moves being able to hit you anywhere from their usual one to up to six times this could be deadly [Music] wow so much of your team has gone down we are hanging in there still it seems like cancer's pokemon are a much higher level than yours [Music] so you beat my hypnotrist no matter i still have you go raptor oh her foul raptor is out and it knows dragon moves you could never have been ready for for like outrage you were fully healed before this battle but cass cass has the better of you here i don't think you can win even if you send in your starter pokemon views outrage foul raptor oh that's a foul raptor yes i win i knew it i know i had what it takes i did it you cass your pokemon that's a foul raptor quite a rare sight they say a long time ago a pokemon from another region called abelisk appeared it was able to sneak its eggs into the nest of the local capon and has evolved to look like them see here this is the difference between kapon and what you had before which was a mimi-chick they are almost identical but they are different pokemon in the rare nests where this pokemon hatches the mimichick that become this pokemon usually claim the nest for themselves keep on training hard and one day if you let it it'll become an obelisk a deadly pokemon thank you but is it really okay to have an avalist though it's technically an outsider an invader to our island i'm sorry i didn't realize that sooner well that first avelisk showed up here thousands of years ago and your foul raptor has lived its whole life here in your care so this is its home of course champion odis my pokemon and i are going to get stronger we're going to get as many coins as we can and then challenge you on mounts olympia then when i finally defeat you i'll become a champion too [Music] i love it that's the spirit i can't wait to see it cass i am certain you have it in you of course just one victory against your friend here won't be enough to become champion and champion it looks like you still have room to grow now then i will travel off to mounts olympia to prepare for our challenge and to keep my eyes on the skies for you i recommend you go on to seacastle they say it's where people first arrived in olympia good luck to you both go sundra if it's really true what the champion said about obelisk then maybe stormers aren't really so bad after all of course you'll have to prove yourself little champ if you're ever able to beat me again that is i'll be seeing you huh that's a true rivalry if i ever saw it you know me and the gym leader of sea castle used to be rivals on our very own pokemon journey good luck when you battle against him i'll give you a hint he uses water type pokemon so you have plenty of time to prepare safe journeys champion and next time we battle i'm going to win and with that you better heal up your pokemon and get ready for what comes next cass beating you in this battle was just the first time who knows if it'll be the last just so you can get a feel for where you're at if you've been catching everything along the path you'll have 60 of 150 pokemon you head north of atherontown onto route 5 and you're welcome to a cliffside view that bends west revealing your goal of sea castle town in the distance and on the way there are plenty of trainers to battle and train up against you stink worse than my guard boater later on use takedown rapidash bring us to victory these evolved pokemon will all provide a decent challenge for you and if you caught any of their pre-evolutions at any previous point you may also have their evolved forms yourself there is also along this route an opportunity to catch all sorts of new pokemon like this one right here oh this little feather is cordless the cuddle claw pokemon this little ground type is incredibly playful and because of its proportions it just sort of waddles and rolls everywhere but don't worry about it rolling off the cliff side it's no problem because its claws extend and are long enough to dig into the mountainside so it can climb back up no problem what a fun little mon you could also catch your very own coink here on this route a pokemon that we discovered in the last episode as well as air rodent can also be found in the wild here the evolution of rataroo as well as higher level go gopher there is also some evolutions of some pokemon from norclo here if you caught popoff earlier you can find or evolve yours into wolo while if at the beginning of your journey you caught a snivel you can now have a balboa which can also be found in the wild here balboa's pogrex entry mentions only that it likes to hunt the local road pokemon but wolo has a much more interesting entry that says a playful pokemon and the evolution of puppet this pokemon loves playfully chasing after the whimper and blowing them away whimper i've never even heard of that kind of pokemon before i wonder what kind of pokemon that will be exciting maybe something we'll encounter on our journey hey hey someone's coming does he look and uh sound familiar to you hey pokemon master you must be the champion from across the ocean tell me what's it like out there are there lots of regions to explore have you ever met a legendary pokemon in your travels sorry where are my manners my name is herman and i'm the gym leader of the nest pine city or as we just call it the nest for short it's an odd name for a city to be sure but an app description it's not even really a city it's more like a little cliffside village town it's to the north of here but you won't be able to get there by walking it's a city of the skies though you know champion they say there actually is a city in the skies somewhere to the east of selimpia can you imagine such a thing if it was in the east then that would have to be over or around the pinnacle the pinnacle is a mountain just like the nest and between the two of those is mounts olympia the biggest of the three they make up a trident mountain range that pierces the heavens and both the nest and pinnacle are connected by the great's olympian bridge wow this region is amazing i can only imagine what wonders are out there beyond the sea someday i'll soar back out there and find out for myself leave the nest behind maybe after you challenge me but at the moment you only have three gym coins it seems so if you want to get tougher and meet a few more gym leaders then i'll be waiting at the nest so hi pokemon master he seems nice i love his hair well it looks like there isn't much of a cliffside route anymore so now we're moving on to the seacastle town this town feels a little abandoned the sand and stone mix together to create a constant sheet of sand or dust in the air it seems impossible to keep out of your hair and the sun beats down on this port side town meaning it's always hot there are warehouses a pokemon center a pokemon a pokeball factory and a few other general convenience stores where you can pick up items like a good rod or some lure walls across the city and zigzagging towards the beach there are also shipping containers that are disorganized creating corridors where trainers lurk at the pokemon center the air conditioning seems to not be working so they left their doors wide open letting a warm breeze fill their interior so whether you want to train up first or stock up on pokeballs or the good rod it's all up to you but a stop at the pokemon center does seem like it would be a good chance your pokemon are feeling all better we hope to see you again soon well mellow this is it this has to be the perfect place to build snooze land oh crash the midday sun makes me so sleepy we can build snoozeland later why don't we go sundays for a bit i hear you melo but stay with me here we set up a few hotels on the beachfront turn these shipping containers into sleeping pods and we could be rich real respected members of team snooze hang on you said that about the last three port towns yeah but none of them had a beach like this one also crash what is it well i may have already called in all the grunts their ship arrived yesterday i hear they're at the beach soaking up some rays uh why you gotta be so brash crash i told you if we want to run this new team snooze we have to do things the right way quick we better get to the beach and round everyone up come on well it looks like everyone is going to the beach follow closely behind and see what happens ah you step out of the pokemon center onto the beach and suddenly a fireball is falling down from the sun at your feet you jump back and look up four more for you in quick succession and rage you realize that what landed in front of you was no fireball but in fact a flock of new pokemon and this pokemon is none other than the very cleverly named flamingo the fire dancer pokemon they usually live in volcanoes bathing in a boiling magma but got trapped in selympia after a terrible storm instead they've adapted to soaking up the sun's rays and keeping the temperature high by snacking on temp fin however because temping can only be found in the water they say that in this region their legs have grown longer to keep their bodies further away from the water and closer to the sun there are five of them here battling you in a horde-like style so now it's time to fight being a flying fire type if you picked up any rock pokemon or even a to iguana your guanagoon will have some moves ready to take care of them oronin can also douse them with a splash of water so cooling them down and sending them flying or even catching one shouldn't be a problem here whoa gnarly you really showed those flamingo who's the boss nice one little dude usually they don't come this far in they like to hang out by the wild tenfin on the beach how strange something on the beach must be spooking up i better get out there while the tide is still low later little dude huh he seems nice too still i wonder why the local flamingo was so spooked maybe it had something to do with team snooze but what what's this after training against the flamingo your starters they're glowing with a white bright light could this be it time for the final evolution here we go if you picked to iguana at the beginning your guanagoon is evolving [Music] [Applause] well done your guanagoon evolved into chloradon this pokemon and its family were thought to go extinct a long time ago but claudine protects its children with a rock-hard might they can summon the power of the earth to keep their family from going extinct if you have this pokemon on your team it's decided that you are its family and will fight for you with a passion like nothing else you've ever seen but if you chose emble your brazean will be getting ready to evolve now so let's take a look at what that evolves into [Music] amazing your brazilian has evolved into minotaur the ground it used to use to cool itself down has turned so hot it's boiled into a scorching tar that it can use to hurl opponents it said that in olden times this pokemon would use its tar to create structures and mazes and then charge through the walls it created to startle those lost within this pokemon carries an ancient fire that burns for you trainer with this pokemon training with you you'll be absolutely unstoppable finally though if you chose kinfisher as your starter then your haronin is about to evolve [Applause] congratulations your heroine has just evolved into washido this swordmaster dances with water controlling it slicing through it and trapping opponents within a flurry of its big feathers talons and the sea with so many tools in its arsenal it's truly a reliable pokemon if you have this pokemon on your team you'll surely win any battle congratulations champion your starter is fully evolved though just because your starters have evolved doesn't mean you're worthy of the title of champion of selimpia just yet you only have three gym coins and the difference between a level 32 pokemon and a level 100 pokemon is huge heck you've not even met half of the pokemon that's olympia has to offer yet and while your team is heading in the right direction you still have a way to go including with your fourth gym coin and stopping whatever team snooze is up to on the beach so here we are the beach of seacastle town also known as the shallows a beachy area where in the day the sun beats down but at night the tide comes in changing the landscape entirely this place is a lot busier than sea castle town as there are people everywhere sunbathing building sandcastles and surfing it seems that all the local residents come here every day the water is really shallow and there seems to be people standing in the ocean looks like there's a path to follow through the shallow water and a chance of meeting even more new pokemon flamingo who you saw in the last episode can be seen standing in groups around the shallows piercing the water with their beaks as tempins zip around causing steam to rise from the water on the more beachy sections you can find the alolan pokemon sandygast and if you caught a pikachu earlier in your journey you might find a thunderstone on this beach to evolve it into an alolan raichu or as it's known here a silympian raichu it's the only form of raichu that there is here in the region that is of course unless you trade a raichu with a local tourist on the beach and then you can get the cantonian version but look at me blab on you don't care about raichu and sandy gas play mingo and tempin there are of course a few brand new pokemon around these parts is that a skull floating in the water oh no it's only a shrilp the ghost shrimp pokemon this pokemon has a translucent body so that it can escape predators and as a result swimmers report seeing skulls floating over the water's service at night for a long time these pokemon were thought to be the spirits of sailors lost at sea if startled they'll let out a very shrill cry which sounds like a banshee wailing this pokemon is a ghost and water type and with the move camouflage can become a really versatile team member the other pokemon lurking in these waters is panthenum the lionfish pokemon this poisonous sea kitten is able to poison anyone who touches its whiskers if it sees unsuspecting prey on the beach it'll pounce up out of the water to attack even if it then has to flop back into the sea it is of course a poison water type and has a bit of a rivalry with shrilp either of these two pokemon would make fine additions to your team especially as you now have to go on and take on what it seems to be a whole group of team snooze grunts who are all out in the shallows sleeping on lilos oy bruv we snooze you lose crash and mellow are the best team snooze hasn't had any real leadership in yonks you're in my sunlight taste the wrath of snooze across the beach it looks like mellow and crash have megaphones okay beach goers i'm afraid you're all gonna have to move up the beach while we begin building our new snooze hotel the beginning of snoozeland oh why aren't they listening i said beachgoers it's time to go back to your homes the beach will open again soon with a ton of just 500 pokey dollars for entry but we promise snoozeland will be everything you've ever dreamed of not cool bro this beach is for everyone and their pokemon alike and you're spooking all the wildlife as the gym leader of seacastle town and protector of the high seas i ma wave will have to stop you ah quick crash out into the ocean follow the shallow path uh-oh it looks like team snooze is off further away but more teams news grants are stopping you in your path there must be at least a dozen of them and the flamingo are agitated flying around and dive attacking you this has caused quite the panic on a beach it's them oh hey little champ good to see you again i don't like the looks of this though if team snooze keeps up like this they'll send the whole ocean ecosystem into disarray we have to stop them little champ you hear me my foul raptor and i have the grunts in the shallows so you get the ones in the deep and it looks like the gym leader has gone far out on his surfboard too go help him out make yourself useful already stormer great casas here looks like it's time for you two to stop team snooze here they come wave after wave of enemies hey you stop where you are team snooze is taking this beach go munchlax hold it kid didn't you hear team snooze is a world feared organization go hey i heard this place was the first place travelers made into a town when they landed on this olympia now it'll be perfect for a snooze resort i choose you slumber [Music] looks like that's all of them for now but where's crash a mellow hit him with a hydro pump attack ah no my pokemon melo hit him with a snore attack for snoozeland crash it's okay we don't need to do this let's just retreat there'll be more beaches get on snorlax's belly norlax you surf let's get away yeah and stay out whoa hey little fella was that you and your friend battling all those snooze grunts i battled cass back at the gym she's super strong you're lucky to have a friend like her it wouldn't surprise me if before long she was a gym leader herself but i've not properly introduced myself my name is ma wave and i'm the seacastle gym leader it's my job to keep the beach clean of anyone like team snooze who would threaten this place's grooviness still i'd be worried for them out there with this storm coming in it's sunny now but i can feel the movement of the ocean something's coming hey i know you came all the way out here to the edge of the shallows expecting to battle them but my pokemon didn't break a sweat while the sun is still out and you're here why not battle me instead okay buddy surf's up whoa you've just been propelled into battle you better hope your team is feeling up to the challenge though i'm sure they are go hanzo it looks like the first pokemon out is panthenum the pokemon from earlier it'll be laying down some toxic spikes and using toxic to guarantee poison on at least a few of your pokemon there are very few steel types up until now so unless you're training a gokofa or a quink or a home edge that you caught earlier you'll probably be getting poisoned sorry whoa you know your moves time to come crashing down go shrimp ah shrill while it starts to load this pokemon tends to be able to evade moves and use hex on your poison pokemon so it'll hit back strongly still i believe in you and it looks like marwain's next pokemon is one you've seen before but haven't had the chance to catch yet girl lapras this is olympian lapras and you met it in an earlier episode it's native to the southern waters and forests and is known to hit not just with usual powerful water type moves but also with energy ball it'll certainly be getting in the way of your own water type pokemon nice one lapras man you really are strong fine then you're up temfurno and finally we have temfono the sea serpent pokemon this is the evolution of tempin and it's unlikely you'll have found a fire or water stone yet to evolve your temp fin because yes this pokemon requires both to evolve but who knows what you'll pick up on the beach after this battle still this is your first time seeing one and it's known to be the fuming pokemon because of its immense body temperature steam often billows from the deeper water where it swims thanks to its new ability temperature check this pokemon's moves get highly boosted in both rain and sunny day so look out no matter which starter you chose powerful blasts of fire or water are coming your way whoa gnarly you just beat my temperno you must be an incredible trainer how have we never battled before [Music] whoa i see you're the trainer from another land incredible well if i ever get the chance to swim out there myself maybe i'd take you on again of course i couldn't get out there with just surfing pokemon for sure by the way any of your pokemon with the ability to surf can surf now nice isn't it you can surf anywhere me just stop in any trouble that pops up here is quite the job enough yeah i spend more time at the beach than at the gym but as more and more of you appear from the outside i gotta keep more and more of an eye on this huh it's beginning to rain just as quickly as the sun comes out so does the rain oh where is my head at of course i'm a gym leader and you just wanna battle gym stadium or not you get a gym coin [Music] and look here comes that girl from earlier she beat me in a battle yesterday so many strong trainers well it's really starting to hammer down now time for me to surf on back good luck pokemon master hey did you get your coin little champ i said did you get your coin wow that storm appeared fast normally i'd be up for calling it a day but we still got to deal with team snooze they keep surfing away don't they realize the damage they're doing out there i'm going to surf after them now that you have that coin you can use this hm out of battle i'm heading south if you want to follow fine but if not well i guess that's what i should expect from a stormer catch you later well it looks like cass has gone off to chase team snooze you have your fourth coin and your starters are fully evolved you've made so much progress here in olympia in fact i'd say we're about halfway through but it seems like a storm is coming a storm like that one a decade ago no i won't allow it oh no the seas are getting rough and as you surf out you seem to be getting caught in a whirlpool and out here on the other side of that whirlpool is cass riding her pokemon have you seen team snooze i think they got away we should be able to get out of this whirlpool oh champ what's that out from the center of the whirlpool dark slimy tentacles start to rise up the same cry you heard back at the beginning of your adventure echoes this looks like an encounter is about to start with an incredibly new and rare pokemon here in olympia as the tentacles rise out of the water the sea swirls around you what in the world could such a pokemon be the same cry you heard back at the beginning of your adventure echoes this is draken the dread pokemon and across history sailors and pilots alike speak of an unstoppable storm a storm that summoned the deadliest of all pokemon a bringer of doom scarier than the elements themselves witness accounts of this pokemon often come in the form of terror fuel mumblings dragon have huge stats and don't need to evolve or into anything and because of its unbelievable ability double double any multi-hit moves of theirs can hit up to eight times you heard eight even something like dual chop which usually hits only two times these moves just keep going dealing huge damage whoa i'm gonna try and catch it go ultra ball the storm is just too strong we're going to have to take it down together it's time for a two-on-one battle against the humongous new pokemon and watch out because it'll hit you both with surf trap you with whirlpool rip you apart with dual chop and send you flying with dual wing beat but i believe in you and cass you together can take this pokemon down but one this big you would not be able to catch it little champ what are you doing over there it's time to step up hithmothic you sidewave hopefully you chose a kinfisher and your heroine can fly around here otherwise your chlorodon and minotaur are going to be hopping from rock to rock in the middle of a whirlpool just to try and land a hit but between the two of you taking this pokemon down is completely possible i think that was it you dealt the final blow all right it's crashing back into the ocean oh no that's a big wave hey stormer you awake you'll be fine i can't believe we saw the dragon it was likely disturbed by team snooze riling up the beach goers dang stormers i'll see if there's a way out of here hang tight wake up wake up pokemon masters you've awoken and found yourself in a small cave the entrance looks out onto the sea but the sky is dark and it's hard to see anything through the rain you must be somewhere on route 6 but who knows where the sea is still far too rough for you and your pokemon to access and cass seems to have gone all you have is this small island this cave and inside the cave there's a well with the ladder heading deep underground and a weather warned sign simply warns that the forgotten are found here wow that sends shivers down the spine still sounds like an adventure to me you have no choice but to descend the ladder and find yourself in a dark wet underground network of tunnels if cass went anywhere she must have gone through here you're fumbling around in the dark using fire electric or psychic moves to help light your path through this dark damp tunnel and hey is it just me or did something move what's that pushing up against you oh look at these little fellas sulturian are the orders pokemon it's a psychic rock type and this child like golem waddles around through the caves and seems to be drawn to people and sources of light look at it waddle towards you kind of cute but this pokemon can become threatening when hordes of them start to appear from nowhere it's time to run it's pokedex entry mentions how it loves the sunlight so what they're doing down here who knows perhaps they were dragged down from the cave entrance the next new pokemon you can catch here is scarecrows the virus pokemon this is a dark grass type and there are a bunch of them hanging from the ceiling their pokedex mentions that these pokemon were said to be brought to life by an ancient population who wanted to ward people away this pokemon is thought to be a virus infecting hay bales it knows all of your classic grass and dark moves like dark pulse and leaf storm but it isn't too hard to be these two are certainly though not the only pokemon down here finally we have cerebat the mind vampire pokemon this psychic flying type lives underground and in caves and despite having incredibly large teeth it doesn't actually bite instead it just flies around you and it said being around this pokemon makes you feel drained and tired people who spend too much time around cerebat become forgetful as this pokemon steals their memories catch one if you're brave enough or just flee from every encounter they're quite common down here what a spooky set of new pokemon oddly enough ditto can also be found underground here sometimes stuck to the ceiling or mimicking other pokemon in the areas how in the world they got down here i'll have no idea but training against them may allow you the experience to evolve some of your existing teammates if you caught a cascadian yanma earlier in the journey then expect to have a yan mage by now they say that a mighty citadel once stood in atheron city where a head librarian would always carry a yan mage and this dragon bug would make an excellent addition to the team additionally balboa always evolved into their final evolution serepent serpent pokemon this pokemon loves borrowing underground and so this environment is perfect for them to maneuver using heavy hitting moves like magnitude or earthquake finally we have evolutions to two pokemon we may have caught earlier in the journey clink and claudal from cute to tough let's take a look [Music] firstly we have coink and coink has evolved into hog golden the good luck pokemon hog golden is a sight for sore eyes in this place being steel and fairy it boasts some strong physical moves while offering a happy smile and some good luck if poker accenture says that only a trainer of kind heart can evolve a coink into a hog golden and to tickle its tummy is to be granted with good luck [Music] however if you caught a claudia earlier it'll evolve into embeds the bear trap pokemon and this pokemon is a ground dark type and while it may look cute don't let that deceive you it'll only let its trainer hug it safely for everyone else the face pattern that's on its stomach is actually an evolutionary tactic designed to lure in prey this is to compensate for its very short arms its prey just comes over to it willingly many of its victims walk up to it completely unknowing and totally willingly with all of the new pokemon in this episode and coming up in the next one now is the time for a full team upgrade and re-establishment you'll have to let me know in the comments how your team is coming along hey a noise you look and see a ladder leading up to an opening there's some sunlight where have you been led to as you climb up the ladder and emerge on the surface you realize that you've been training and traveling all night and now the morning light blinds you for a moment before you can catch your vision you realize you're in a town that you've only heard from other people in passing the lost village recognizable only by a disused radio tower and lighthouse to the north of this island no one's quite sure what's even on this island and it was never mentioned to you by professor de dona when you were invited to this olympia region you look out onto the sea and you see is that a face what what even is that is that a pokemon like the pokemon you saw back in the forest guy honest it's there one moment and then gone the next washed away with the waves maybe you'll get to meet it again once day as you look out over the sea to the east you can see the mainland and the elder wood forest in the distance in the west there are a number of small hut-like houses and a giant lighthouse as well as a radio tower that seems to have seen some better days as you walk around the outskirts of this town you also notice some long grass inhabited by a few new wild pokemon that will see you as an intruder to their home and attack these pokemon are actually pokemon you've seen before shrilp is one of them that you can catch here and then the other is hermite a pokemon you met way back at the beginning of your journey in the hands of professor lawrence it is here at this point in your journey you might finally be able to catch one and add it to your team but also you'll be able to catch one with that shields down ability meaning if its health got slow enough you will see it in its shields down form this form is full on an intimidation tactic losing any sense of physical attack and physical defense and exchanging it for speed and special attack it's truly very spooky but this place is the home of hermite and as well as all pokemon there are also of course some new wire pokemon that will appear first up we have a dorsum the spinal fluid pokemon it's a water type and it controls the water on its body by using a nervous system that joins up at its vertebrae some people say that this pokemon spine is its brain if they get caught unaware they can sometimes dry up on a beach and will appear to just be a collection of bones but a little water will always bring some life back to them they know moves like water gun and rock blast and they aren't particularly strong though their bite has some promise maybe you should pick one up and add it to your team the other pokemon you'll find here is whimper the scaredy-cat pokemon it's a ghost fairy type and the stories of salimbia say that this pokemon used to live on the mainland until pop-up showed up from norclo and started blowing them around they live alongside the local sandy gas which you can also find here by the way and the local whimper may be on the verge of disappearing completely or it may just be that they're very well hidden being able to make their bodies vanish completely but on your team i suspect this pokemon wouldn't be so afraid ah another stormer huh this village doesn't get visitors anymore not since our champion odis cast me out to take it out on me i understand but that monster to take it out on our whole community because of my actions tell me child what region do you hail from nor khloe by chance [Music] interesting you know in my younger days i sailed the world and dreamed of meeting new people in pokemon but the tempest meant that once i left i couldn't return easily when i finally settled back home i saw what the stormers did they came and went from this region at their leisure pokemon were imported like pup puff and the local whimper had to scatter here and hide i'd pray to the island's protector spirits oh see this hellafos and guyanas they showed me how to start a tempest how to protect this island from outsiders i know you think your presence here is no big deal you're just exploring and taking on the gym challenge well you'll be out of luck you may go to the radio tower and claim a coin if you'd like but you'll be claiming it from the floor the gym is boarded up and empty if i were you i'd leave solympia entirely go home before another tempest begins your presence here is a disruption to our way of life the last man who came here from norclo caused quite the disruption by bringing snebble he lowered the local rataroo population he like you seemed so optimistic and kind but his carelessness led to destruction i have to travel to mount olympia to see odis perhaps he'll actually see reason this time oh well that was something did he just mention you could go to the gym and pick up a coin for free neat that's something at least still it seems a little unfair of him to judge you when you've only just washed up in this town still as you travel through this sandy town the locals look at you from a distance if you try to say hello they'll back up into their homes and shut the door perhaps the best thing would just be to visit the radio tower and just be done with it there's one more thing though that you can find here as you walk along the beach you may stub your toe on objects that at first seem like rocks but on rare occasions are actually fossils of pokemon that you got washed up here many years ago the dome and helix fossils represent pokemon that never lived here in the ancient past but have just through sea currents made their way here and interestingly you've yet to hear anything about fossil restoration technology on this island this island probably doesn't even have that however if you have caught the pokemon hermit on your journey and you send it out if it's pokeball it might get very interested in the items in your bag and you'll realize that the helix and dome fossil aren't key items anymore but instead are evolution items the dome and the helix stone expose either to hermite and get ready to evolve into one of two new pokemon with a familiar look [Music] [Applause] introducing kabutops and omen star if you're a well-traveled trainer you may have heard of these pokemon before these are the recycling pokemon and according to the pokedex these pokemon are widely seen to be desecrating fossils of ancient pokemon however as all pokemon die the islanders know that this is a form of natural recycling it's part of a pokemon ecosystem because this pokemon is a ghost type it doesn't face the same survival challenges as its past homeowners his pokemon is much more concerned with staying at the sunlight so it's just making use of a resource that omistar and kabutops don't need anymore there are rumors though that this pokemon is being researched in secret in the kanto region because of another evolution that it doesn't seem to have access to it's gonna be up to you whether you're gonna evolve your hermit into one of these two forms an attacker or a defensive pokemon in fact if you are walking around with a kabutops or an omen star the locals might actually look at you a little bit longer before they lock the doors and shut the windows as you pass as you walk up to the pokemon gym radio tower you notice that the gym doors are boarded up they're scaffolding winding all the way up and around and you're not sure if this tower was ever finished in the first place or if perhaps it was abandoned during repairs at some point but the door is barricaded and the only option to get into this gym is going to be to climb that scaffolding as you make your way up the outside of the tower is attacked by ghost pokemon shrilp hermite and whimper see your ascension and as twilight begins to fall on this island time feels like it's moving a little bit differently and these ghostly pokemon elevate up to you and attack you as you get to the higher floors corvody will swoop in from the sky and attack you as well these are the pokemon that will attack you in place of the usual gym trainers who knows where they are however eventually you get high enough up to make your way through an open window on one of the upper floors you look down into a dark pit a battlefield many floors down below dimly lit by candles you can only really just about make out the shapes of the interior [Laughter] [Applause] what was that this is a creepy gym the stuff of nightmares you can find documents scattered about the place that tell of the sea castle a ship that crashed off the coast during a tempest the tempest raged for a hundred years long and caused the survivors to create the first settlements across olympia the tempest raged for a hundred years and great chasms opened up in the sea with an ancient power overflowing out and onto the mainland of olympia the survivors of that shipwreck of sea castle town they worshipped a great statue god that gave them safe passage and protection the writing is faded s lops it's too faded to make out exactly what it says later scraps of paper around this radio tower tell of civilizations into olympia dating back thousands of years before the crash of sea car saw another document allows you to update your pokedex as it tells that the sea castle ship carried a pokemon called mimic a bird pokemon that could blend in with the local population and hide within a nest only to dominate it this registers in your pokedex as the pokemon that cass had before evolved into foul raptor it was a mimi chick all along the final document is a handwritten note from what seems to be thousands of years ago most of it is illegible but you can make out a few phrases that suggest that the stranded people of the sea castle battled with the before people after peace was made between these two peoples a hidden temple was created in the sky to the tempest pokemon who became both the protector and prison guard of these people this is when all on the island were named silympians finally as you descend to the bottom floor of this gym you hear a familiar voice little champ i see you made it out of the underground tunnels okay then i left to find help after the dragon attacked and i found this place this village it's incredible i lived in olympia my entire life and i've not even seen any of this drawn on maps yet there's a pokemon gym here i think the champion odis once considered this gym to be part of the pokemon league but how has it been forgotten why i asked animos about it perhaps you met him he used to be the gym leader here he despaired for his forgotten people who had been left behind from the rest of olympia but they were being punished for his actions he told me when he battled that he was responsible for the last tempest the storm i grew up in for the last 10 years it's been calm and peaceful but then you showed up and team snooze you claiming yourself to be a champion plus all of them with their snooze land nonsense and now the track and stirs and the storms are raging all over it's olympia saying no no stormer stay out this is my home my island i earn my coin from animos and you haven't if you want to get to mount olympia like me then you'll have to earn it too if you want this coin you'll have to battle the lost gym leader me gym leader cass and here we go cass is off and ready to battle it looks like cass is our fifth gym battle go hit the dress first up it's a hypnotrist and this pokemon took you by surprise last time with its grass dark typing it has some tricky moves and new abilities and it's not even the only hypnotic pokemon on her team hopefully one of your newly evolved pokemon can take it out and maybe by now you even have a hypnotic whose bug moves can deal a four times damage though hitmothic won't be any good against her next pokemon go ah yes it looks like this gym is not sticking to a single type hypnotic is bug flying and if you're using one then they'll swoop down on each other and i guarantee hers is faster no matter what starter you pick though you'll have a pokemon here who's ready to deal heavy damage using flying rock or fire moves to hypnotic so it's no problem next up is a new pokemon a regional variation high of this one when i battled against atomos i choose you try to try doom is a powerful fire ghost regional evolution found only here in salimbia it is the loyal pokemon if you caught your hand hour back in rumbletown you might have one yourself by now its new main move is this move called ghost triflame and this move hit three times and is both ghost and fire type making it strong against a much wider range of enemies its pokedex entry reads the best friends for life isn't enough for tridum after its owner passes into the next world houndoom will evolve to keep their trainers company no matter where they end up but you have the power to outmaneuver this pokemon it's somewhere in your team even if tridune takes out a few of your pokemon in the process you're not ready for this my starter is finally at their full strength go now my okay here we go avalisk is the false truth pokemon this dark dragon type is monstrous indeed said to be born of an invasive species no one's quite sure where it originated from and its ancestry doesn't appear to go back any further than when humans first arrived in selimpia this pokemon has an unbelievably wide move pool knowing outrage dark pulse sludge bomb and glare it is a brutal pokemon and to battle it it holds nothing back the chances that you would have found a mimi chick instead of a cap on are so low on route 1 but it is possible that you could have one by now your odds would have been about as low as shiny odds but realistically an avalisk is the best weapon against an abelisk certainly a scraptor just wouldn't leave a scratch they would be far too terrified to take it on this pokemon is this region's pseudo-legendary and for a fifth gym it's gonna make it a tough battle but you have your fully evolved starter and a range of powerful pokemon so you should be able to take it down with a final attack that bloss open the barricaded front door of the gym letting the moonlight spill in ah whoa that last attack you blew up in the gym doors i was truly intense i see now i'm truly not ready as a gym leader still that just means my destiny lies out there and not in here no it lies up there mounts olympia i see you stormers changed everything and what animos is planning to do well i support it and i bet he may need my help too i'm sorry but you will always be a stormer to me i did think that maybe you weren't so bad though that maybe you're not like the others and maybe you're not but the others are as long as there's people like team snooze this island is not safe from outsiders looking to alter destroy and change the world i live in what the island has now is beautiful it shouldn't be desecrated by those from the outside i don't know how much the champion values my love for tradition i don't even think the champion cares if you have this or not but here whoa she just tossed your way an old rusted coin the shadow coin [Music] that you now have five gym coins the champion mentioned that you may only need seven to complete the gym challenge but this one is so rusty i wonder if it even counts stormer i'm heading off surfing west will take me back to the elder wood forest i read a story about a hidden temple around there that's where animos is going before climbing mounts olympia and that's where i need to be too good luck stormer you won this battle for now but you won't win the war i swear it and with that she's gone there is no pokemon center here on this island so perhaps your best option is to just stay in this gym for the rest of the night and let your team rest up the ghost pokemon of the gym have dispersed and so this is probably your best bet before journeying out in the morning it's amazing you and cass have both come a long way i just hope you're both headed in a positive direction getting your team ready it's time to head out and continue your journey as the morning sun rises you follow cass surfing east back towards the mainland of olympia ah yes first of all we have zolosus the nebulous pokemon this pokemon is a pure flying type and it generates moves like whirlwind and hurricane to deal huge damage thanks to its legendary delta stream ability it protects it from super effective hits and according to its pokedex entry this pokemon is the father of the skies they gather and create great storm clouds and if enough gather together they can even form cities in the sky legends say that somewhere in olympia these pokemon gather and hold an ancient secret and zolotus is not alone it's joined by its partner tyclone and this is the parasite pokemon and a zolotus that becomes infested with this tyclone will become part of this pokemon being whipped around at incredible speeds electricity can be generated giving this pokemon the flying electric type zolossus infested with a tyclone will never return to an ancient sky city however by all understanding zolossus don't really mind being whipped around neither of these pokemon evolve but will both make for an excellent addition to your team that said some of your party pokemon may have already evolved shall we take a look [Applause] ah yes if you caught one earlier then your sulturian will be ready to evolve into a centurion the quad guardian pokemon another psychic rock type these pokemon can command armies of sulturian which can be intimidating but usually they just use their big hands to build finally if you caught one at the beginning of the game i think it's finally time to see what your corvady will evolve into let's take a look at something brand new [Music] [Applause] i know yes this one is a good one here is my favorite bird in the region this is the pokemon symmorg and it's the deathbringer pokemon this pokemon is incredibly rare even in selimpia some trainers who ride on its back are said to be taken to the realm of ghost pokemon to be the trainer of a simorg is a truly special thing and if you have one joining your team with its ghost flying type you should be very proud it'll help you out as you head back to the elder wood forests here the ocean joins up with the forest and there's now this watery path leaking out of the grove you'll sail underneath the bridge that you once crossed earlier where you saw the legendary pokemon guyanes regional lapras are now available to you here as well you also remember there being a little shrine in the water where the legendary guy honest seemed to appear from before and you can surf straight into it it's a flooded shrine and there's nothing of significance inside most days of the week you'll just encounter lapras here chilling out and chewing on the moss and kelp but if you enter the cave on a friday lapras will be quite absent and instead a pointed shell will protrude from the water inside and you'll meet a brand new pokemon this is the magical escarclo a fairy water type pokemon that knows bug poison fairy dragon and water moves it is the magical shell pokemon and with the proteon ability and such a wide move pool it's something truly special the pokedex says that this is a rare sight for anyone it's olympia stories tell of a boy lost in the forest praying to meet some mighty dragon of the sea he waited patiently watching the lapras only to realize that he'd been waiting so long he had become escarclo though not many people really travel through this part of the elder wards forest so who knows what's true as you come to the end of the watery path you hop off of pokemon you are surfing on and as you leave the water and proceed deeper into the elder woods you notice someone you recognize i suppose it doesn't matter how strong my pokemon get i don't quite have what it takes to beat pokemon that have a type advantage that's okay claura you've got stronger since we last battled and you nearly had me there oh hello i recognize you oh hello welcome back to the older woods champion of course the champion from the far-off land well if you're heading this way then you must be heading to the nest my town brilliant fantastic yes yes yes a battle to remember claura thank you for a good match i'd better head to the gym and prepare oh my that herman hello champion how are you findings olympia a giant storm you say yesterday deep in the elder woods you don't really notice things happening above the trees as i said before this really is a magical place oh tell me did you capture a regional vigoroth or togotic before if you have them with you in these deeper parts of the elder woods you can evolve them and you'll find all sorts of evolved pokemon i came here to evolve my teammates so i'll be stronger for the next gym challenges good luck on your journey champion just watch out for the pokemon that exceeds evolution what was that a pokemon that exceeds evolution and what about your vigoroth and togetic if you still carry them on your team you should train them up here a little more against the wild hypnothick and hypnotrisk that live in the woods and if you do they may just evolve [Music] [Applause] you've all seen it before togekiss is the jubilee pokemon living high up in the trees of the deep elder woods where it roosts coconuts grow occasionally a coconut will actually be an egg and if you drink milk from one of the regular coconuts you'll have a blessed day [Music] [Applause] vigoroth of course evolved into slacking the lazy pokemon it no longer has the truant ability and the mass on its fur keeps it energized and strong it's a normal grass type and while it's not as strong as its hoen counterpart it can move a lot faster your team must really be coming together changing and taking shape but we're not even close to done because the deeper into the elder woods forest you go well you should watch out for them creepy crawlies this is arachnids the knit web pokemon it's a psychic grass type and it was once the most feared predator in the whole elder woods forest until it was out competed they say in ancient times it hunted humans but now it works with them to rid the forest of its own predators and speaking of its predators there is at least one more pokemon that appears this far into the elder woods forests i told you it would be a busy day for new pokemon if you caught the seemingly pointless pokemon salovite at the beginning of your journey it can now evolve into its true form its evolution that can be found here in the deep elder woods [Music] [Applause] this is evolve another bug and psychic type and it is the exceed pokemon and watch out they say that salovite didn't used to have an evolution but during a tempest a great chasm opened up and this pokemon obtained a new power now zevolve is the most dominant predator in the forest now your team has grown you might think it's story time but the truth is you're still in for a little bit more of a walk till the next town you're traveling such a great distance today and as you exit the elderwood forest there is a short cliffside walk to the cliff town on the side of mount olympia it overlooks atheron city and is a tough place to access and there you guessed it there are even more wild new pokemon wolo and balboa from norcolo reside on the mountainside as well as embezz that can be found here on the cliffside too tangrowth wander out of the deep elder woods to sit on the cliff side and watch the world down below and cascadian yanmei zips around here too also if you caught impudent or morgan before expect it to be a grim snare by now also finally you notice stone faces that at first seem to be carved into the cliffside but the vines rise around inside them and you realize it's actually a pokemon this is sagend a grass rock pokemon known as the wizard pokemon while their mouths don't move per se they are known to sing as part of a special ceremony when the ceremony is complete they seem to projectile spit seeds into the west ocean perhaps they're related to something out there [Music] i knew you'd make it to the cliffside town if he was right that you should see it after all outsiders like you made this part of the region habitable you might have noticed that there are a lot of pokemon on your way here and this area is great for wild pokemon but people have historically struggled reaching the mountainous areas of olympia and as our population grows while the tempest are in full swings we have to take to the mountains for help but thanks to technology recently bought in from the hoenn region we now have a cable car system ranging from this cliffside town up to my home the nest or nest pine city there used to be a route directly through the mountains to get there but after some unfortunate cave-ins the nest became isolated but now we can work on putting in more cable car systems and places becoming more connected in many ways that's what meeting other pokemon and people from across the world is it's us connecting sharing the best bits of ourselves while learning what we truly need to know to improve our quality of life this interconnectivity it's fantastic i'm gonna fly ahead to the nest and when you're rested take the cable car over i think i have only a few more gym battles left in me before i'm finally ready to fly the nest myself and travel the rest of this beautiful world of ours i'll see you out there oh enjoy the cable car and of course so high [Music] wow he really does seem nice and looks like our next gym battle the path to your next gym and following herman is a simple one to nest pine city you take your way up the cable car system that was actually only recently introduced to the region by technologies brought over from hohen and as you're flying out there you see a flock of corvorade flying in the sky soaring past as well as what seems to be a new pokemon that you can't quite make out in the distance huh maybe you'll get to see what that is a little bit later thankfully the sky is clear up here and nothing could ruin your ride from here you can see half of us olympia just no problem as you disembark you're told that there's a small cave path here that leads you out to the main part of the nest in this cave you'll find some surrey bats as well as two brand new pokemon to see the theme for this sky high episode the first pokemon is harapin a flying poison type pokemon and it's said to be a baby of the sky their home is spoken of as being above the clouds and their poison feather tips require a special kind of antidote should you be pierced with one to cure this small pokemon is just the beginning of its evolutionary line and signals a bit of what's to come next up is the pokemon meteon the evolution of a pokemon that you haven't actually met yet that's right this is a middle stage evolution appearing before the pre-evolution what we can see is that it's a fire rock type and its pre-evolution is entirely different it is the atmosphere pokemon and it is said that once com ice has done enough rotations of olympia they will settle in the mountainsides as balls of fire its evolution change is known for dramatically changing typings however it's unknown if this pokemon can be found on the other mountaintops of olympia i wonder if we'll get to see what comics looks like soon a few more pokemon to join your team that might be useful as you come out onto the cliff edge town that is the nest the people who live up here are some of the most fearless pokemon trainers in the world living so high up the gym is also a stadium surrounded by some artsy looking spikes but the ceiling is capable of opening up and being an open-air stadium well hello there pokemon champion how is your flight over aren't the cable cars of olympia absolutely fantastic we're working on having another set to connect us to apparent city but alas we'll have to wait for supplies to come in from the other regions you know i heard about a team snooze and their plan to build a hotel down in sea castle town what a wonderful idea more people traveling in from all over the world recently i met a young trainer who i just didn't see eye to eye with she had come all the way from trickle town and was angry about them i understand people can be clumsy and destructive when they find something new and exciting but also they bring such wonderful stories and experiences technologies and aid i think this may be one of my last gym battles champion soon i'll take to the skies and see what's beyond the horizon it's finally time to soar high but first let's see how ready i really am to take on what's out there let the gym battle begin go harapin this guy's not messing around you know i really like his style and he's got a very comforting voice about him and what do you know herman has chosen to send out harrapin it's possible that you have one of these yourself but knowing that this was likely a flying type gym hopefully you bought an electric type like dog gopher or tyclone or a rock type like permits evolution or the snabble line which this point will have fully evolved into balboa ice pokemon have not been so easy to come across in your journey in fact you might have noticed this but so far on this journey you haven't encountered a single one of them i wonder why that is but it should just help to make this gym a little bit more challenging oh you beat my okay no problem fury pin you're up this is harappan's evolution fury him the sky night pokemon questioning its reckless actions as a harappin it's taking on a lot more responsibility as a night of the sky it protects its children and while it does have access to that deadly poison it tries as much as it can not to use poison attacks preferring to engage opponents in honorable combat it's still a flying poison type though and perhaps if you train your hairpin enough yours will evolve too [Music] another one falls from the skies zolotus let's go a battle here between zolotus and tyclone would be very cool but thanks to zelos as having the delta stream ability you'd really be in for a challenge with that as it starts blowing you away with hurricane oh but that's just the beginning me and my flock have this go spooky's whoa a new regional evolution of hoothoot it's spook hoot a flying dark type pokemon known simply as the nocturnal pokemon they cannot be found in a while but if you caught a hoo-hoo and evolved it here at night it will become this pokemon able to stretch its shadowy claws and engulf its opponents it is traded flight for fright legitimately that's what the pokedex says anyway spooky is a fearsome opponent and as you can't exploit its usual weaknesses or bug or fighting on the dark end it's gonna be a little bit of a challenge but at this stage in the game i believe in you oh you're winning uh fine take to the skies my final pokemon go grabu it's been a long battle but there's still one more new pokemon this is graffoon the sky protector pokemon and this was the pokemon you saw earlier while you were on the cable cars in a flock of harappan there is always one of these pokemon ancient warriors would ride them through the skies this griffin pokemon is an important part of this olympia's ecology it's said that when there's a tempest these pokemon are able to bend the air currents keeping salimpia in the eye of the storm and completely safe if these pokemon were to completely disappear from the island people think that olympia would be in great danger it's a flying type pokemon with a lot of bulk and a lot of speed so do not underestimate it [Music] wow what can i say you truly are a pokemon champion you know they call me the trainer that rides on the wind so many people see the tempest as destructive and others see them as protective to the island but i don't think they're good or bad they're just the movement of the wind and what you make of that well that's up to you here take this coin as a commemoration of your abilities [Music] now if you wish to challenge the rest of the pokemon league both of the other gyms into olympia are on the eastern side of the island and luckily for you the great british olympia runs behind the mountains and you can take a shortcut through the ice path to your next gym or you can now with the hm for fly travel anywhere across the island and sail from rumbletown the choice is yours oh and before i forget i have one more thing to say to you pokemon master [Music] yes to you who else would i be talking to i hope you've been enjoying your adventure through to olympia so far wherever you go and whether the adventure is good or bad or whether you enjoy it or not so much of what's happening is about the energy you bring so wherever you go next bring with you what you want and leave behind what you don't just something i wanted to say i just feel like soaring away now and i'm sure we'll meet again one day so hi pokemon masters wow that was a tough pokemon battle a short rest in the pokemon center is definitely needed but it turns into a longer rest as you are absolutely exhausted you've got up so early to cross the bridge that in fact the sky is barely lit with the moon still high in the sky you've been training a lot and now you're taking on the long great bridge of olympia from the nest in the west to pinnacle rock in the east and this bridge line is very very long it's also very wide giving plenty of room for trainers and places where grass and vines overgrow making it a good hiding spot for pokemon and in the distance past mounts olympia is a big white cloud that will likely lead you to the ice path where you are going six gym coins huh you might not be so bad if you want to cross this bridge you'll have to pay the toll a battle with me wow you could be a champion oh and look at that your pokemon's evolving after a little training you're likely to evolve some of your existing pokemon and of course encounter some new ones let's focus on some evolutions first [Music] [Applause] first up if you caught yourself a sorry bat it will likely evolve into a brand new pokemon at night this will attack you on the bridge as well it's called vamp rain and it's the psychic flying mind munching pokemon it uses a psychic type version of giga drain that is its signature move and saps people of their health just by staring at them it's known to hang under the great bridge of solympia during the day hiding within the pillars and as a result only those of strong will can cross the bridge let's take a look at the next pokemon wolf [Music] [Applause] it's a dorsum into a dawson the awesome jaw pokemon and it's changed from a water rock type to water steel using moves like sword dance and iron defense its jaw is not actually its mouth but more swords that are entirely used for combat when it slices its prey it ingests the nutrients through its liquid body a terrifying pokemon that's found quite the ecological niche there are a number of other pokemon of yours that might evolve but i'm wanting to save a few surprises for the end of the series which by the way might be coming a little bit sooner than you think as the rest of the episodes are not going to be weekly but daily from here on out so you won't have to wait that much longer to see there is one more pokemon that may appear in the early morning sky of olympia a herd in fact that are flying over the bridge of selimpia from who knows where across the sea this pokemon is manatee first discovered by a true green professor this pokemon is not from this olympia region but it's not from ursone or any of the other regions that we know of so far it's actually quite a mystery as to where this pokemon is from their gentle herds float across the early morning sky to mark the passing of the night it is a single stage psychic pokemon but every morning they'll be here if you want to add one to your pokedex oh it's cold this morning as you walk along the bridge you realize just how cold it is the wind up here blows with quite a force and only hardy trainers can bear such gales however you're surprised when out of nowhere a blast of heat washes past you perhaps the sun is rising and wait no it's whoa a ball of fire stops midair and spreads its wings it's like the pokemon from before telephones it appeared to you champion just like ocedus before tell me did you see one like it in the forest that was guy honest they are the three titan pokemon surely remarkable that they should appear before you perhaps checking you out smelling something from the outside i know them better than most apologies i did not introduce myself before i am animose former gym leader of kakarios town the place you simply know as the lost village i see you have my coin you must have gotten that from the child who came before you she seems to understand the way things are tell me champion do you wish to know more about the legends of this island i can tell you everything you need to know oh dias how nice of you to grace me with your presence hello old friend champion i sensed something was wrong so i came to see what was happening is everything okay here odis your senses are off you should have appeared at sea castle or kicario's town when the draken was enraged when team snooze began disrupting the balance of this island how dull your senses must be to think that inviting champions from other regions is a good idea animose right where is the sense in you abandoning the people of kokario's town this one didn't even know the town had a name animos what you did a decade ago waking the legendary pokemon starting a tempest it was wrong i will not go through this with you again when so many other tempests throughout history are right who are you to judge when it's just nature running its course and when we should intervene i'm an olympian same as you it's my right as much as yours i was angry i shouldn't have pushed you as i did your concern for this island your love for it brought about a tempest by your will this entire island was stopped in time isolated from the rest of the world at a time when the world was more connected than ever to preserve what we have or to lose our place in the world i'm not saying it's my right or yours it is no one's right to wield such a great power though i know you don't agree there is no will of the island only the will of us the olympians that is where you are wrong well if that's the case then the island willed for me to win to wake in the legendary titanfan in hindsight you're right you were right and i'm sorry your people deserved better kokarios deserves better that's one for the ages i was right then huh and now we hear our dirty laundry in public you know where i'm going odius do you not to see phrygia i see she knows us both if her counsel should take you to the shrine then so be it you won't try and stop me oh i will but only if you make it to the summit of mounts olympia i will battle you in the sight of all so olympia i will not cast you out as i did before i really am sorry you can't know words don't cut it only actions i shall see you champion and you champion oh that was intense sorry you probably had no idea what was going on champion let me share something with you animose and the other gym leaders all used to be friends we held court in aetherian city tournaments and games on mounts olympia and when great demons fell from the sky arose from the sea we fought them back together we gave prayer to the four titan pokemon that they may protects olympia from the outside world and a decade ago it was animos who sought out the titans and awoke tytophon causing a great tempest ten years is a long time to be isolated from the rest of the world people like your rival cass have spent most of their lives in this bubble and now having spent so much time away from the rest of the world adapting to change is hard i understand animosis worry outsiders like snooze are indeed clumsy but this is an adjustment we must get used to if we are to progress this time when i fight animos on mount olympia i will give him an honorable and fair fight for now i believe you're heading east into the midst of the ice path and onto the pinnacle rock there is an entire domain inside where you'll find the ice gym leader phrygia i wish you luck against her she's a cold one thundra to the skies well that was something sounds like a whole lot of drama to me heck you're just here to have a good time and see new pokemon however it looks like your journey is taking you this way anyway and the chances of encountering a new legendary pokemon just seem to get higher with each step you take you're about halfway across the bridge so currently you're behind mounts olympia and the heat of hellefos has gone ahead lies the icy half of the bridge the ice path the bridge is wider than it looks of course and there are patches of snow where ice pokemon for the first time in this region will start appearing just take a look at this little fella oh this is the snow poop pokemon this bug ice type is a dung beetle that poops you guessed it snow there's actually no saying how much of it is on your shoes right now but it'll just melt away later anyway and it's very clean this pokemon has a hidden secret though it's an ability called snowball where in the hail it actually has a second form oh not so little anymore it's snowball gives a huge attack and defense boost and given that we know where this snow has come from i wouldn't mess with it but maybe try and catch a sleightle to join your team another new pokemon that you'll find along this bridge is com ice and believe it or not this pokemon is actually the pre-evolution of metean it's an ice rock type with a higher health but less attack strength it's the comet pokemon and its pokedex entry tells you that it cycles the island during a storm and heats up as it heats up it evolves and gets smaller and denser each pokemon in its evolution line is a different type and this pokemon you may want to pick it up just to fill out the pokedex or if you caught a meteon before just keep training that as you begin to skate your way through the trainers and across the ice and snow of the bridge you break through the mist and into pinnacle rock a network of tunnels that will surprisingly lead you straight to the icy domain and this gym leader they spoke of before fridger but not before you get ambushed with one last new pokemon a regional variant that you've only ever heard about before today oh cool this is olympian onyx and this is an ice pokemon thought by scientists to be completely extinct rumor has it that one was spotted by a glass maker off the southern coast of kanto but that makes absolutely no sense this icy pokemon only lives in complete isolation and hibernation from the rest of the world this onyx will of course as well evolve so consider adding one to your team freeze you put that poke ball down you leave my precious pokemon alone oh who is she she's got a bit of an icy stare she's glaring at you ready to battle this is the ice domain and these are my pokemon to protect go back to where you came from and leave the pokemon alone she's readying her pokeball for a battle and looks pretty angry with you could this be the ice type leader friedria you should have more respect for the world pokemon here it's time to battle whoa what was that it came from deep within the domain uh you ain't here i'm gonna see what that was freeja has disappeared through the icy domain you might want to give chase while you navigate through while the vamprains olympian onyx and sleet will appear as well as one new pokemon it's wall rice war rice is the blubber pokemon and its internal body heat is actually surprisingly high given where it lives it loves to sleep and while scientists at first believed it was closely related to war rain through convergent evolution it's actually more similar to snorlax with moves like rest snore ice beam and hail it'll certainly add some bulk to your party [Music] all right i just caught a wall rice focus crash we need to keep blasting through the icy domain basically no one lives here if we can open up these caves this will be a perfect place for snooze land a perfect resort where people can come to chill out sorry mellow but blasting these caves is exhausting work and nothing wakes me up like catching a new pokemon you what in the world are you doing huh this lady has an icy stare what's your problem you can't be doing that stop damaging the caves why no one lives here i live here and so do the pokemon oh but that's okay see snoozeland is for everyone people and pokemon alike and if i catch all the sleepy wall rice then i can give them out to other team snooze grunts i'm sure they'd appreciate their new homes that's it you have to be stopped you there if you were in defense of pokemon kind join me and let's battle these two whoa this is cool you're teaming up with a gym leader to take on crash and mellow in the biggest battle you've had yet here they come don't slip up wake on up slacking give her a scare spook you better send something out too maybe your starter will do the trick oh no my pokemon return oh stelix whoa free jazz just sent out a olympian stelix the evolution to onyx you don't have much time to check out its pokedex entry but you can see its defense is huge with ice as hard as steel finish them off snorlax check out my new wall rice i've still got more to go let's go wolver take them on go slumber looks like zlomba still hasn't evolved any further i wonder if it will as for mello's pop off it is now fully evolved into wolver from norclo you can see it feels very at home in this icy cave uh do you ever think being team snooze is just too much work maybe we should just lie down i'm sorry mrs ice lady we just wanted to create a new space for people and pokemon this is what you are firelanders don't understand there is a time and a place for this kind of thing perhaps in seacastle town or rumbletown if you go through the proper channels a snoozeland could be a very nice thing to build but not here you may have noticed ice pokemon don't exist anywhere else since olympia this is the only place for them to roam and be free what do you think crash maybe we should head back to trickletown and talk with professor dodona about starting small and building something up you know what that sounds pretty relaxed to me well that's them gone ugh teams across the pokemon world they'll never learn you there thank you for helping me out i've not really introduced myself my name is frijia gym leader of the icy domain and protector of pinnacle rock tell me are you a gym challenger [Music] from another region also you're the one animals was talking about animos has been a friend for a long time the last time i saw him this side of the island though was many years ago you see through this mountain there are two pathways one leads back to the sea which takes you to rumbletown the other is a sacred pathway only those who defeat me in a gym battle can find it through the mist in the snow would you like to know which way animos has gone to protect the pokemon that live here and that secret i must battle everyone who comes this way those two snooze grunts failed and they go back to rumbletown will you pass my test here i'll hear your team and mine only then is it a fair challenge [Music] now your battle against freedom begins and it starts with her sending out ghost little an ice and bug type that's going to be very weak to fire moves so if you have one use it quickly but it's going to be downhill from here as you are in for a world of trouble fine it was already weakened from my recent battle go war ice this pokemon has water type moves perfectly countering your firepower and forces you to think on your feet none of the flying types from back of the nest will help you here well played ghost stelix here it is again the ice types olympian steinix use icicle crash this thing may have taken a hit in the last battle against team snooze but it seems quite unbreakable it's going to be a wall to get past fine then it's time for my final pokemon go diver whoa a new pokemon this is diavern the diamond sky pokemon this dragon was thought for a long time to be made of diamonds because the sunlight would cause its body to weep and glisten in the sun as a result it was hunted to near extinction is the reason i protect this domain wielding both dragon and ice moves you'd be silly to send out a dragon pokemon to counteract it but you have six coins already and winning the seventh will be no different for you ah my divan you truly are a pokemon champion you win you truly are a champion go forth if you wish to follow animos he went down through the icy domain to rumbletown he spoke to me at length about odis i think he wishes to speak with him more however there was another trainer who headed to the other path the sacred path to the sky temple her name is cass a very capable trainer she had a passion i truly admired if you wish to follow her and find your way to the sky temple just climb the stairs behind me out of the domain oh and here [Music] you might find that the pokemon in the domain are more friendly towards you when you carry that also now use this final ability strength outside of battle any pokemon strong enough can gently move boulders out of the way including the ones team snooze left behind by blasting rocks if you see a dice do me a favor and bring him down a peg will you wow you now have seven coins meaning there's just one left to go from here you can explore the icy domain and there's actually one more small pokemon you can encounter though it's quite rare this is kyo kio the ancestor pokemon it's a nice rock type pokemon said to be the ancient ancestor of fox pokemon everywhere it's gone extinct everywhere but here and if you catch one it'll certainly make for a playful partner it's a reminder as to why solympia needs to be cared for as you ascend the stairs behind frieza they go quite a way the air gets colder and as you ascend you realize that you're no longer heading up stony steps of the cave but instead the ground is softer you look down at your feet is that a zolosus are you walking on zalosus a whole family of them are huddled together but they don't seem to mind you walking your way across them and now you realize that you're walking among the clouds as the mist around you begins to clear you see a small shrine seemingly sitting on the top of zalosus the area is actually surprisingly large and there are actually wild pokemon up here too both harappin and its evolution fury pin live up here and nests and occasionally graffoon can also be caught they're ready to add to the team and if you're very very lucky you may even see a diver and up here sparkling in the sunlight but your encounter chances are very very low but your focus is not on diver nor graffoon or fury pin your focus is on the lady kneeling in front of the shrine up here in this ancient protected sky temple you see in front of you it's cass little champ do you remember that day on route 2 that gust of wind the cleanest air it was just a breeze beginning to swirl the start of something perhaps a tempest whoa what was that little champ of course you're here this palace the sky temple it's not like anywhere else in the whole pokemon world did you know it doesn't exist during a tempest all the solace is scattered to the wind before one starts do you feel that breeze little champ it's a sign for you to finally leave this island or else you'll be stuck here for good and i would regret keeping you so far away from your home we're quite alike you know i have my eighth coin but rather than waste my time going to mounts olympia to challenge the champion i came here atomos was supposed to do this but he changed his mind why was it cause of you i bet you got in his way somehow when a tempest ends no matter how long it persisted a month or a year the solaceus gathered back here they haven't been here in nearly 10 years i wonder if my tempest will last that long time without the rest of the world those team snooze grunts invasive pokemon species and and people like you mocking us with your your your grandeur another 10 years without all that where kids in trickle town can grow up and not have their lives uprooted by people coming and going 10 years and which by that time i will be the champion the will of the island and with my new pokemon i can make it happen you met it once before remember that day our second battle it's chosen me and now it's time to blow you away go tight to fun [Music] tundra away champion i felt a disturbance from the top of mouse olympia is that titanfall titanfall has been awakened cash don't do it tytophon blow them away whoa i know i said to soar high but you're falling through the sky it looks like cass has awakened the legendary pokemon titanfall and you are falling through the sky some zolasis are racing towards you to try and catch you but you're falling too fast you're gonna wait where are you are you on some some methyl ahoy there and who might you be small fry dangerous being out in the open water like that dracon and the other wild pokemon swim around that's not even to mention the wild agron with their fearsome teeth ready to snap you up did he just say agron where are you look you snap to it wait that's my super rod on your back fear not you can keep that one for i have another hahaha you landed on my shore welcome to milantis the greatest city in all of olympia i can see you're confused my name is galacos and this is my island there are no wild pokemon here this is the greatest nation of warriors in all of us olympia my daughter is even a member of the elite four daddy is so proud [Music] [Applause] a tempest you say a mighty storm no matter the great city of melantis cares little for the will of storms we have a special secret you see i say i get the impression you're a pokemon trainer if you beat me in a battle i'll tell you a secret that only the champion knows prepare yourself for i am galikos of milantis warrior general and gym leader of olympia oh wow and with really no time to breathe at all here it is your eighth gym battle with this galacos and it's apparently underway haha are you ready go a jawsome i choose you huh a dawsom a pokemon you've seen before and the evolution of a dorsum okay you're having some water thrown in your face no big deal you know many of my rivals think of me merely as a steel leader and whilst i am the master of metal i also specialize in water type pokemon a perfect type combination with so few weaknesses go explomari [Music] this is explemari the grenade pokemon and in fact it's known for causing ships problems with its explosion and self-destruct both of which with its ability allow it to survive with just one hp but it's also got the ability to make them a stab steel move dealing double damage this gym leader has two of them oh go go go you're gonna have to outmaneuver this one three pokemon down no biggie go don't craft whoa nice this is a don't craft and this pokemon has come over from the assault region and it's the evolution of torpisis a pokemon you haven't even seen yet but likely they're swimming around milantis and are catchable with the super rod another water steel type a combination that is only weak to electric ground and fighting so at this point you're going to have to use at least one of those you'll have your embarrass or your satacorms earthquake or perhaps you've gotten a rodent or a cyrox from the beginning of the journey still with brick break as your main option if you didn't catch or train any of these pokemon though it's going to be a tough battle now for my final assault go square boom this is squaboom the tank pokemon and the of all form of explemari both it and its pre-evolution have come from another region and are the arch nemesis to the dragon population making draken in this region super rare go use hydrocannon it's a powerful move and you'd like to think that this is the end of the battle but this is not his final pokemon fine you have a heart of steel and you move like water but do you have what it takes for my ace come forth agron and here it is after almost a whole adventure we finally get to see olympian agron in this region it's adapted from leyron to leave the ground entirely and with its armored plating it has no predators in fact this form of agron is far more social than its home counterparts and a bask of these agronomists olympia will team up following a leader to terrorize a shoreline occasionally rivalries will begin within the groups of agron so their armors can be seen with the bite marks of other agron agron use crunch and hit them with iron tail whoa you're strong my agron well what can i say you certainly are a powerful pokemon trader as part of the pokemon league it's my duty to bestow one of these upon you [Music] though tell me what is a small fry like you doing all the way out here fell from the sky i see you must have seen the legendary tituphon a flying dark type it's known as the tempest pokemon and is a demon to those caught within its tempestuous winds they say those who are trapped within it are stuck in time very over dramatic i do say see this city molantis is a metal city one that can move propelled by our pokemon under the waves a tempest means nothing to us we've been bringing technology from outside the storm to the island for eons that is the secret only the champion can know of course it makes sense how else would solympia be able to survive such a time still we can't let everyone know or it would simply be chaos haha but if titanfall is being awakened and truly you wish to leave this will always be an option for you so don't fret just focus on becoming the best now if you surf west you'll find your way to rumbletown from there you can begin your ascent to mounts olympia and then on to the pokemon league good luck my champion and fare thee well from my city of molantis wow he was an interesting character and this is quite a wild place as you walk around this safe haven you can talk to any of the npcs and you'll learn far more about molantis and how it's been bringing supplies to and from the island of selimpia for years how many residents across olympia have moved in and been integrated over the last decade while the tempest has been going it's all very secretive here but apparently that is a plan put in place to protect the wild pokemon populations of olympia as dramatic changes can be seen as damaging the only people who seem to know are the residents of milantis and perhaps the elite four there is one npc who will offer you an egg before you leave but for the last part of this episode you'll discover that it's actually a new pokemon this is electric the electric dragon type pokemon exciting no one is quite sure what's inside because if you get too close it is to suffer an electric shock but when people speak of it they say they see three separate sets of eyes inside the egg what could this become if you use your super rod specifically around the edge of melantis you will find torpises and explemari as well as have the ability to evolve your later on if you caught an aeron at the beginning of the adventure into olympian agron so feel free to bulk out your team a little at this point in the story there are only a few new pokemon left to show up i've admittedly been saving some cool evolutions for you but pretty soon you might get to see what some of those evolutions actually are anyway it's time to surf back towards rumbletown with what feels like a tempest brewing you know that the technology of milantis is the only way that you would ever be able to leave the tempest if it starts maybe you should just return home but no you have your eight gym coins and you know that not all outsiders are bad you need to find cass and her pokemon tytophon and stop them before it's too late surfing east and heading towards rumbletown you will encounter a few pokemon on the water temperno and war rice both roam these oceans as well as dracon which if you want one you now can finally catch it's an incredible pokemon and with its dark dragon typing it would make a fine addition to anyone's team additionally you can find exploramarian torpy season watch out with what you're reeling in with that super rod agron can be found but it's very very rare you might also notice that as a result of past battles two more regional evolutions are about to happen it's finally time to see what do blade and cadabra become here they go [Music] [Applause] and here we have it this is olympian aegislash a noble sword pulled out of the sea in a storm legends tell the spirits of heroes themselves forge into this pokemon to wield one is to avenge the heroes of the past it is a steel fairy type and an excellent addition to the team [Music] [Applause] and here is the other if you evolved the kadabra or caught an abra earlier in the journey you can now evolve it into a olympian alakazam it is a psychic electric type and its pokedex entry tells us that this pokemon aids heroes by teaching them great magic with mastery over the elements a storm that would plague a nation could in fact become this pokemon's ultimate weapon against the forces of darkness as you surf you notice the storm is blowing and you are being pushed and pulled around in the water you actually have very little control about where the wind takes you and the waves get so aggressive that in fact much like the rapid water in other regions you're quickly forced onto the beach back at rumbletown which is where you are heading anyway crash did you hear that crash crash i did that tree fell over right in front of me mellow i could have been squished oh i'm glad you weren't i don't know what i'd have done without you mello crash i oh it's you the champion from off island what are you doing here never mind that you interrupted ah never mind take this finish them spook coot you and me together mellow go slacking whoa looks like you've interrupted something important let's get this out of the way quickly i'll always fight when mello needs me to come on out wall rice oh crash i can't stand it anymore who needs snooze land we have everything we need right here let's show them snorlax um okay this is getting kind of strange let's just try and focus on taking them down since we got back to rumbletown i caught a snows and trained it up to be just like yours crash wait you mean that's right go dozerman i have one just like that dozerman i choose you too okay this is a new pokemon and if i'm not mistaken this is the final evolution of snows this is dozermon is that is that really its name this pokemon is a normal type with a huge attack power according to its pokedex this is the most recent pokemon to be discovered in olympia discovered when team snooze leveled up their zlumber while it was asleep and they got naming rights over this pokemon which is why it's called dozermon a new true team snooze mascot for snoozeland for teens news we'll never be able to build a snooze land if we keep losing but it doesn't matter you're right because we have the only thing that matters each other oh crash oh mellow it looks like the sweetest news okay then well i'm glad it worked out for them i i guess was that a plotline all along i mean with the palm trees blocking your way back to rumbletown and being unable to fly in this storm your only option is to take route 3 the coastal route that leads back to trickletown as you walk along the path there are plenty of trainers in front of this original route that will be ready for a rematch with their pokemon a much higher level didn't i battle you on route 1 finally it's time for some payback blimey your pokemon is stronger than this wind aren't you supposed to be some kind of hot shot trainer or something however as you train along this route and battle opponents the weather changes drastically first the wind blows leaves dance around you and you recognize a face that you saw once in the elderwood forest it's guy honest it's flying around you and now you get to look at this pokemon and you learn its pokedex entry giannis is the earth mother pokemon riding on the wind it carries seeds and berries across the earth fertilizing the land in ancient times it was decided that this pokemon must have planted a seed in the ocean and when that seed grew it became this olympia region guyanes will look at you but as rain begins to fall guy honest disappears and it now appears on your map being in the elderwood forest temple should you want to battle it the rain continues to pour and as you make your way along the route soon a puddle becomes pools of water and from one of them rises a face that you remember from your time in kakariko's town it is ositus the sea protector pokemon it's a watertight pokemon and the pokedex will tell you this that there was a time where there was no land only ocean and the sea sacrificed part of itself the people and pokemon might live and this lost appendage became ositus who continues to offer us the gift of life as a sign of the ocean's good will it cries out and as it does the skies begin to clear it washes itself away into the ocean and it will now appear on your pokedex on the nightmare isle cave on the bridge the sun beams hotter than you expected a powerful blast of warmth passes you like a fireball and the flying fire type heliphobe soars into the sky the sunchild pokemon the pogonix reads that once mounts olympia was much larger and its tip touched the sun its tip caught fire and burned away and that ember that remained became helifos its warmth allowed people and pokemon to survive off the island or so the legends say your pokedex says this as you watch it fly into the distance this pokemon will now appear on victory road the climb to mount olympia's tip as this pokemon passes you you'll make it all the way around the route and you'll find yourself face to face with someone from the beginning hello there champion i say what extraordinary weather we're having i can see everything i know this is no ordinary weather and i saw cass not long ago storm through here and to mount olympia she's gone to challenge the champion and perform some sort of ritual the ritual of the tempest the future is unclear past tomorrow i cannot see champion if you wish to return to the outside world to the other regions of our planet then now is the time get on a boat and set sail if the tempest begins you'll be trapped here for who knows how long [Music] you wish to help to stop a new tempest from ever starting if you fail dear champion you will have to live here for however long the tempest lasts that could be months it could be years legends speak of a hundred year tempest cass's will is strong surely the storm would be a long one are you sure you would not rather leave [Music] you'll stay and try to stop the tempest i should have known i'm supposed to be able to see things you know but still pass tomorrow i cannot see go to route 1 north to this olympia passage our friend professor lawrence has been using his snabble to carve out new habitats in doing so he has reopened an old path that leads up to victory road from there you'll meet the champion at mance olympia's peak the pokemon league go dear trainer time is of the essence well pokemon masters what can i say it seems like you're now heading up through this olympia passage up victory road this path is winding and ducks in and outside of the mountain many powerful trainers train here as well as plenty of powerful pokemon ready to join your team including zlumba snorlax and embarrass high level cyrox and more in the outside areas gusts of winds and changing weather makes traversing unpredictable and as i mentioned earlier along this path the pokemon heliphos appears and in fact if you were to detour around the region before coming to challenge the elite four you could add all three of the legends to your team it looks like this is it you and your team whoever you've chosen are heading to the final challenge and i want to know who your teams are in the description down below however if you caught a kyo kio a metean or comics or rapidash an arachnid or a whimper you might want to keep them to hand as they may well evolve as you take on the pokemon league as you seem to be approaching the peak you spot something in the distance you come to a door with small eight indents in it they're perfectly sized for your gym coins proof of you beating the pokemon league [Music] you place your coins inside the door and the stone slabs begin to open you step inside the first chamber and come face to face with someone you've met a few times before welcome little champ when cass came through here i thought it was only a matter of time before you followed you have a true rivalry i had a rivalry like that once odis and i have clashed over the ages i always felt like he singled me out but now in our old age he finally extends an olive branch apologizes and gives me responsibility as one of the elite four before i would have scorned him for giving me a role beneath him but i recognize this for the opportunity it is perhaps one day i can become champion myself too but to become a champion i must defeat champions so i won't hold back and here he comes animose is ready to battle you with ghastly stats go try to go shrill ah starting as a double battle as all battles will be in this elite four in this team up shrilps water and tridums fire can combine to create billows of mist that they can disappear into and hide lowering your pokemon's accuracy but of course the common theme here is the ghost type so if you picked up either of these pokemon for yourself or even have a dark type pokemon like scarecrows or hypnotist you'll be okay [Music] ah my friends you will not be forgotten go palo san go smorg simog is a very powerful pokemon and if you have one yourself they can blast each other with ghostly moves but don't underestimate power sand just because you've seen one before whether it's shadow ball and earthquake this duo will attack you from the ground and from the sky fine time for my truest champion go whiz curse this is whisk curse and the evolution to whimper if you caught one earlier you may have evolved into this pokemon already but i wanted to save this one for a surprise for this battle as well as for the upcoming elite four battles while there'll be all sorts of pokemon that you haven't seen whis curse is the scaredy-cat pokemon and can disappear into the mist of the night only trusted trainers get to feel how soft its fur really is and it's known for getting into screeching matches with others of its kind at night in alleyways the ultimate ghost pokemon it brings to the table shadow ball and a powerful lick attack assist in a new move called shadow paw a move that is either physical or special depending on what would do more damage this is not a pokemon to mess around with whiskers use shadow shadowpaw whiz curse so that was what the outsider has to offer you outsiders you're not so bad maybe we could learn a thing or two from you congratulations champion the remaining three members are tougher than i i only got this position in the elite four because i was unable to challenge my way any further oh you thought i would make an exception and allow you to bypass your way to the summit a decade ago i made a decision that affected the whole island i made it alone as if it was the island's will it was wrong but my determination wasn't even rivaled by odis's i won that battle only someone who proves themselves to be stronger than the elite four can stop her go champion stop cass if there is still time you block through the doors into the next room and you're met by someone you've only heard about briefly in passing huh well you're the one herman was talking about what i'm down here just because my kid doesn't mean you should underestimate me they call me a prodigy but i know what the rest of the elite four think they think i'm only here because my dad's the champ well i kelvin of the elite four will keep on proving them wrong by stopping as many opponents as possible from coming through these doors you see there's an emergency atop the mountain the lady who was here before good try you're gonna have to battle to get past me and here we go the battle with kelvin begins go flamingo go tempuro wow both of these pokemon working side by side that is an unusual sight still a sunny day and a tailwind set up by flamingo will keep ready the rest of the team going forward and thanks to its temperature check ability a temperno with any water moves it decides to use may inflict burn in sunlight so be careful still if you have a powerful rock pokemon like cyrox you may just stand a chance [Music] things are just heating up go try to go mexian wow meteon isn't even a fully evolved pokemon trideum certainly is these guys are still pretty hardy though especially given that meteon is holding an eevee light boosting its defense drastically still you manage to push through i like your style you got real potential go pegasire and here we go it's pegasia the sun wings pokemon and the evolution for rapidash here is olympia this is also the final regional variant and their rival to tridune if you caught a rapidash in your adventure i would have assumed it would have evolved ages ago but i was keeping this one a bit of a secret drawn in by its ceremonial fire ancient gladiators would summit mounts olympia to be on the back of a pegasus these legendary heroes would have used this pokemon to beat back the storm [Music] wow you're good maybe even as good as my dad one day he'll be better than him too you know i won't be the next champion that'll be valkyrie but i don't think i could beat her yet go further into the next chamber and meet your opponent the stone door opens and you are out onto the next room the room you're in seems at first to be completely empty well hello there you hear an echo around the room do you know my voice have we met before or is it all in your teensy weensy head you really don't have time for this i can read your thoughts you've seen legendary pokemon other regions other elite fours i see through your whole timeline time is just a perception of reality you know we view it through our minds eye and i sit at the elite four say you do have time for all this the battle begins and this guy um seems familiar to you go vamp rain and alakazam whoa so this is a psychic type elite four member starting with a vamp reign to drain your health with damaging psychic attacks and salimpian alakazam to hit for both psychic and electric moves your dark and ghost pokemon might be a bit tiring out from battles already but if you have a powerful bug pokemon in the form of hypnotic or sleekl or escarglow maybe they can be of some help here [Music] huh nice job go z-volv and ryzen more tricky type combinations but nothing you can't handle well i didn't want to have to bring it out but you've given me no choice go arachne i choose you this is arachne the web of time pokemon it's a grass psychic type but according to its pokedex entry no one is sure where its time powers came from it's thought that it does not eat those it captures in its web instead they just seem to disappear completely many people claiming to be time travelers say they were captured by this pokemon [Music] huh you know i see in your mind a worry for this island well don't fret you only have one more opponent before you reach the top of mount olympia valkyrie is the best of us she'll likely become the next champion when o'daya steps down watch out for her for she's as tough to break a stone as you head through some heavy stone doors you'll reach the final chamber at the top of the mountain you're nearly outside and as you head for the door you think you might be able to skip past this battle until stop my name is valkyrie sworn guardian of mount solympia while odais is the will of solympia i protect that will only those who defeat me are worthy of the honor of his presence on the battlefield i am here to test you what's that you say another tempest will come if i don't stop it tempests come and go that is the will of the island i obey the island's commands i have an oath and i remain sturdy go kiyoki kiyoki go cyrops and the battle is on starting with a cyrox and a kiyoki kioki this is the evolution of kyokiyo and would be a pokemon that you would have attained if you had evolved yours with an ice stone it is the last stand pokemon and according to its pokedex all hoped for its kind seemed lost when a kiyoki keoki couldn't keep up with the changing climate thankfully though with an unrivalled determination it used its blizzard to protect a den of kyokeo pups and one line became the savior of the last hundred generations of this pokemon use rockslide kiyoki these are some hard smashing moves and none of your starters are particularly advantaged here you better save them for later perhaps a powerful water or steel type like aegis or agron would help here no problem drew de goyle chloradon chloradon this rock smashing starter pokemon really is something special and will be scary to face even if you did pick an emblem to start [Music] an immovable object go fragmite whoa this is an entirely new pokemon fragmite if you leveled up your metean on mount olympia it will already evolved into this pokemon this little feather is a rock electric type it is the new star pokemon and it may be the smallest of its evolution line but it is by far the most powerful after cycling the island and crash landing on mount olympia the fragments that remain become this pokemon it can use electric ice rock and fire moves all with stab damage and true attacks on this pokemon always land a decisive hit [Music] can it be that you are strong enough to beat me then it is the case that you aren't worthy i have nothing left to say two losses in one day go on pokemon master ascend to the top of mount's olympia go on and with that the final stone slab moves out of the way you've finally reached the top of mount olympia from here you can see the entire island or at least you would be able to but a storm has begun wind swirls around you cass don't do this tempest are a natural part of this world but are they truly for humans to use though we may begin them we will never control them this tempest may rage for merely a month or perhaps a hundred years you are making a choice for so many people i implore you stop you call yourself the will of the island how is it that you know what this island wants i claim nothing of the sort i just know that when outsiders started coming to this island six months ago for the first time it felt like my life got uprooted the pokemon of the islands became affected everything began to change huh well look who it is the little champ i'll admit little champ you're the only stormer i've met that i haven't been completely disappointed by that team snooze how could they think building hotels and disturbing the wildlife could possibly be a good thing you came here with nothing but a wondrous sense of adventure i think perhaps we are a lot alike still you should have left while you still had a chance i have defeated the champion his pokemon were no match for my legendary pokemon i am the champion now i am the will of the island stormer battle me i am no villain if you could defeat tituphong then the storm will subside if you fail i will make my will known and begin another tempest let's battle first olympia wow and here we go you are off and your rival is now the champion like before this will be a double battle scenario and you won't be healed up from your previous battle so i hope you came well equipped with potions and revives go hypnotic go hit the tryst the two hypnotic pokemon these will put your pokemon to sleep and dance around them with tricky status moves still thanks to their typing each one of the starters as well as any of the bird pokemon of the region will have a good start but you're just warming up no problem go try doom go dragon two more powerful pokemon and the dragon is new with powerful moves and a wide range of attacks you'll struggle to make your way through this battle but you have to win you have to defeat them even if it is just one at a time you will take them down fine i found this fella in the sky temple and trained him up try and stop me go serapin whoa a brand new pokemon sarah pin sarah pin is the of all form of fury pin and a pokemon that will only evolve here on mount olympia it is a flying fairy type and is the justified pokemon it knows it has made many mistakes and seeks its retribution but it always does what it believes is right even against the orders of its trainer ah pointless i really felt that seraphin would be a good addition to the team but it felt like it was working against me still i always have my starter go obelisk here comes avelisk obelisk is the highest level pokemon you'll have to face a pseudo legendary of the region it deals incredible damage and will mash its way through your team being the first of cass's pokemon they have a special bond if you were able to get hold of a draken yourself or perhaps even a diver and from sky temple you'd be in a good spot for combining the powers of your well-trained team here on mount olympia you and cass are equally matched my pokemon still i have one pokemon left at this point the battle cools down and you see a blur riding around on the tornado that now surrounds the top of mount olympia sorry to break league regulations but those six were just the start i still have one more pokemon tytophon come out let's throw the stormer back in the sea it's a two versus one against titanfall but don't think it will be easy because in these weather conditions it becomes its earth eater form able to cause constant tailwind for itself it can attack multiple opponents at once use hurricane champion you must stop cass use everything you have [Music] right [Applause] whoa that hit was super effective no my titanfall no i cannot be my tita fawn so then the tempest did it won't begin after all oh well done you truly are a champion i got beaten by an outsider a stormer a champion huh i clearly still have a lot to learn cass i understand your love for your home i won't call you wrong or shame you for trying to start the great storm i did that to an old friend of mine a long time ago and i was wrong to do so just know this there is a big and beautiful world out there they have much to share with us and we have much to share with them cooperation is needed to survive and to thrive how do we go about this cooperation we will need strong leaders like you like me surely you mean like you no not this time in this past day you have defeated me and you yourself have been defeated i think it's time we hold a tournament for a new official champion after all i have much to learn myself champion you have traveled this island and come all the way to here but your journey is not yet over please take this trophy as a sign for your completion of this olympia league [Music] [Applause] wherever your travels take you next i hope you remember your time here cass let us go for the sake of solympia there is work to be done stormer uh i mean champion you truly have earned that title thank you for challenging me i think in my heart of hearts i know that not all outsiders are bad i hope you can forgive me for doing what i thought was right but now that the battle is over i'm glad that you stopped me good luck in the future champion i'll be rooting for you champion congratulations if you would like to finish your pokedex keep searching the island you may even find me around and about and of course we will battle yet again thundra go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well congratulations pokemon masters you've traveled all the way across olympia and met almost every kind of pokemon there is to meet nearly see for all the times that odis yelled thundra you saw nothing but a bolt of lightning if you caught all of the legends earlier then you can actually return to the sky temple to battle and catch the legendary titanfan it's pokedex entry will read plexaphone the tempest pokemon some call it a guardian and others call it a demon with its swirling vortex time stands still and everything at the eye of the storm is preserved for as long as the storm will last and if you go back to the lab in rubble town you'll meet professor lawrence i say hello there pokemon masters how goes it if you're looking for professor the donor i'm afraid you'll be awfully disappointed he's gone he said that he saw your victory on the mountain and now he wishes to see beyond this island the donor has gone to explore the many regions of the pokemon world perhaps he's off to visit norclo i'm staying here a little longer to continue my research tell me how is your pokedex coming along i say you've seen 139 pokemon there can't be that many more to find here on selimpia although i've been tracking a signature around the island ever since your victory at the mountain it would seem perhaps something new has arrived or maybe i don't know something was already always here in hiding i can't say for sure but if you follow the tracker who knows what you'll find as you travel around the island you may meet the roaming legendary pokemon lagerladon it's a two-formed pokemon that is known as the dragon slayer pokemon the forms are ground ice and ground fairy types the pokedex entry reads a long time ago a great elemental dragon broke forth from a mountaintop and roamed the skies unchallenged but what was left of the mountain transformed a wild pokemon and that pokemon became lagoladon it tore the dragon into pieces and with the mountain now fully undisturbed people could settle and selympia was born now for those of you with good memory pokemon masters you may remember that earlier you got a pokemon called electric and i'll admit you could have evolved it by now but it's evolution i've been keeping a secret for this final battle with your pokedex almost complete you may find your way back to the lost village now officially named on your map kakariko's island there you find the radio tower being repaired the workers of the island seem more eager to chat with you and tell you that odius is waiting to top the nearby lighthouse looking out to the sea so it looks like that's where you're going huh what was that out in the sea did i see something fly by oh well hello champion i did not expect that you'd still be here i have dedicated myself to settle in cacrier's village so that i might help to rebuild a place i left behind i hear cass has gone travelling perhaps once she returns i shall officially make the radio tower her gym or perhaps she will challenge the new champion whoever that ends up being will you enter the tournament for a chance to be our champion no i think it should be one of olympia's own i suppose you think that means we will never get a chance to battle but of course who needs mountains and languages or tempests for two champions to challenge one another here on the roof of this lighthouse we'll do just nicely are you ready for the hardest battle in solympia you'll ever have haha let's go you are so incredibly strong but can you take a hit from fragmite well in my travels i've been lucky enough to meet davern [Music] but you are a powerful trainer so perhaps you even have one of these yourself go thundra and here you have it the last pokemon that your pokedex needs for now this is thundra and thunder is the evolution of electric and is the hydra pokemon it's an electric dragon type that has quite the dex entry this dragon was itself just a head severed from a great monster and from that head a body grew and thunder was born it said the more powerful a trainer you are the more heads a thundra can have [Music] you you and your partner pokemon are truly champions perhaps it's time i traveled the world and met more people like you it's only by doing so that i'll continue to get stronger huh so you've battled everyone there is to battle caught every wild pokemon there is to catch but who knows what else is out there what will you tell people of the isle of olympia did you enjoy your time here will you invite others back or will you go out there and have many more adventures in the world of pokemon as an old friend of mine once said soar high pokemon master [Music] it's now time for a special broadcasting from professor lawrence tavarak my good man it's me lawrence i write this now at the beginning of the letter rather than at the end in the hope that this letter should find you and you can read it in my voice so that a part of me might make it back to norclo things are looking awfully hairy out here that professor de dona wasn't kidding when he visited us he said a great storm surrounded this olympia region and by gosh he was right as i sailed my ship towards the heart of the storm i heard the cry of a pokemon and sure of it and just then my ship capsized and the storm took me the snabble i bought with me are okay but i must say they weren't too fond of going overboard i went splash like a rock myself i was lucky to wake up at all i'm not currently on the mainland of olympia but i seem to be on some island that i say i've not seen on any of the maps we were provided but when i watched up here a fellow named animos gave me a place to rest up he is being incredibly generous and kind to me almost as if the storm was somehow his fault but i digress tomorrow i will explore this little island and then before long i'll head off to the dona's lab i'll give him your kind regards and hopefully what they say about the tempest isn't true and i can be back in the soft snowy area of norclo before long i hope this letter finds you well tamarack cheerio my dearest tamilac when i first washed up on this island i spent longer than i intended in this abandoned village the place is really called cacarious town it's animosa's home but the mainlanders of olympia just refer to it as the abandoned village quite puzzling given that there's quite a community of people that live here they're a rather peculiar group of people and it's not just the people i found a new friend that i call hermite hermite is a ghost pokemon and it's some sort of well hermit and it'll trade out pebbles with others of its kind and it seems those with the biggest pebbles are seen as the highest on the social ladder and what i love about this little fellow is much like my mortosaur and fangrey that i left back in the gym oh i do miss them the termite has a connection to fossil pokemon see since reaching dedona's lab i've learned that they evolve if you give them access to the fossils of the kanto region the dome and helix fossils i have personally dubbed these pokemon kabutops and omen star wonderful name puns i think they'll catch on oddly though these pokemon don't seem to respond to other fossils hermites seem to be very picky it would seem at first to be rude of hermite but it might disrespectfully move into the skeleton of another pokemon but the longer i look at it the more beauty i see in it this ghost is doing nothing more than recycling a part of nature the kabutops and amistar don't need their fossils anymore in fact these pokemon never lived around these parts the fossils have simply washed here from kanto over the generations no they have no use for them so hermit grabs these fossils and repurposes them into a new home the tempest still rages my dear fellow it's been months i wonder for how long this will be my home but something else has piqued my interest the donor has told me of another pokemon that may be related to hermite but not an evolution he has described to me what it looks like and i have decided it will be known as scarodactyl more research to be done tavrak my friend do you remember the fossil in the pewter museum an aerodactyl skeleton that's right they constructed it at the cinnabar mansion you know the creepy place where all sorts of rumors about pokemon experiments happened that island is quite peculiar i tell you anyway it was a breakthrough in fossil and genetic study a full aerodactyl skeleton well it is this shape that the mythical pokemon scaradactral takes that's right i say mythical much like the relationship between a carbink and a diancie this pokemon appears to be connected to hermite but has not become a direct evolution its origins seem to be completely unknown so dedona and i have classified it as a mythical furthermore there only appears to be one roaming the island but it flies not around the skies of mount olympia no no no no but instead sleeps like a bat in the tunnels of mount olympia itself i think i should soon venture into this olympia passage and see if i can meet this pokemon my dear friend professor tamarac can you believe it's been a year and on the horizon a tempest still rages this island is quite peaceful and i think i may be here for some time and that wouldn't be so bad professor de dona has taken me as his underling and while i do miss norclo all is well there is just one thing that bothers me that pokemon i mentioned before i do hope these notes have been arriving in norclo escarodactyl i think i saw it once it's ambibotic glistening under my flashlight it's screech scared off some of my snevel who went missing into the passage and then it disappeared deep into the caverns and i have been able to determine that it is a rock ghost type just like hermite that screech it was spine chilling scary dactyl it gives me nightmares its body being this golden color like the amber that contains the dna of an aerodactyl i found such amber down a well on route 2 but something so small couldn't produce a whole skeleton how would such an evolution even work scared actual seems entirely unlike kabutops and omen star i've tried giving old amber to my hermite but it just doesn't evolve further proof of this pokemon's mythical status dedona and i are even beginning to doubt if these species of pokemon are related at all but it shares the same face as my hermite how can this be to conclude my dearest friend professor tamarac this will be the last time i write to you the seas are rough and the chances are none of my messages have washed up on your shore oh it seems more likely that they're just stuck in a stream somewhere else on this island waiting to be picked up by some passerby trainer no i say this is my last time writing to you the darren tells me that he sees this storm will it last at least five more years so he has set me up in a hut of my own just off rumbletown while i still have a fascination with this fossil pokemon i would rather like to learn more about the starters of this island did you know one of them to iguana was thought to be an extinct specie but here in selimpia they can be found bathing in the sunlight from time to time though not in the autumn trickletown is beautiful though this time of year the trees turn a bright orange and the nights come sooner being ever so cozy my hermit and my one snipple that remains keeps me company in my studies and my home is warm still there is something stirring out there in the darkness as if awoken by the winter breeze that is coming the cry of a pokemon not the one that capsized my ship those years ago but the one i saw in that cave scarodactyl it may sound like a goofy name but don't let it deceive you i sometimes think i hear that screech coming from this olympia passage i know somewhere on this island there is the lair of this beastie when i first arrived here in olympia i met that man animos he spoke of legendary pokemon and how one started this tempest he also taught me uh valuable lessons the darkness that the chill of the autumn turning to winter that these unexplained lost evolution these pokemon terrors are somehow part of nature he said never forget this terror is terrifying but it is also terrific i shall continue to reside here once olympia but it'll take a trainer much braver than me to return into the foot of mounts olympia at night and face whatever terror lives within goodbye for now your dearest friend professor lawrence well i say what an adventure it's been but the adventure isn't quite over yet there's always the after story and stories of mythical pokemon exist here are just a few of the letters i've been writing for my friend and colleague my dear professor the donor since you have left this olympia region i have quite enjoyed my new position as this region's main professor pledge link trainers have been flocking to the lab in trickle town to get hold of their first partner pokemon and thank you for telling me the secret locations of triguana and berlin kinfisher now that i know them i will be able to provide them to the trainers of selimpia i hope you don't mind i also shared their secret locations with the champion friend of ours from across the sea i say their pokedex entries registered 141 pokemon but i noticed something professor de dona you programmed this pokedex and you programmed it so that the last mythical pokemon we spoke of scarodactyl is number 151 implying of course that there are 10 other creatures that you have identified living in this olympia region tomorrow i'll be heading to kakariko's town to meet with odius he is overseeing the repair of the gym and is turning it into some kind of battle tower i shall sail out there to see if he knows anything if anyone knows anything it'll be him i wonder if the challenger from other islands saw or heard anything on their adventure it's a shame i have no way to know if they're still on solympia right now or not wish me luck to donor your friend professor lawrence my dear friend dona what an exciting few days it has been a week ago i left trickletown and while cutting through the elderwood forests word came down from atheron city of a great wooden horse that has emerged from the ocean the residents woke up in the morning and there it was at first i wondered if this could have been a pokemon but it's far bigger than any rapidash or centurion reports describe it as an inanimate object but distinctly mention an unsettling feeling when being around it i had to head out there of course and i met up with arya and would you believe it the champion they're still here when we approached the horse the poker x pinged and it seems that you've already put some information in here about it this is as far as i can tell number 143 beta a dark grass pokemon the locals were murmuring saying it was a great gift from selimpia but then there were these vines inside that started wreathing around inside it began to glow and attacked the city a natural green plant started sprouting everywhere as if it was carrying some sort of parasite nothing that aria and the champion couldn't handle of course but this pokemon was as strong as any legendary i've ever seen what is this creature and why does it appear now tomorrow the champion will escort me through the elder woods forest and we'll make our way to cacarious town i need answers don't know my dear friend i really wish you hadn't left without telling me about all this clearly you knew something about these pokemon last night we were ambushed by a group of creatures in the elder woods i sat around the campfire with our dearest champion and we spoke of the horse pokemon and its primordial power and there in the woods the rocks began to shift and suddenly we were surrounded by creatures that the pokedex registered as number 144 kappa this creature first seemed to be offering us that we go with it somewhere but i felt a cold chill up my spine when we seemed hesitant they attacked the champion and i fought side by side i counted six of them that disappeared into the river what are these strange pokemon and why is this happening now we currently sail onwards to cacarious town to dona wattle ravello shouldn't they have met with odais and he said that last night he too was attacked by two unfamiliar pokemon on the beach of kakarikos two strangers in black robes approached him and before he knew it they had transformed into pokemon as he described them i was able to access the data for number 146 and 147 in the pokedex the first of these is epsilon a dark fire type oozing with red light the other is upsilon a dark ghost type glowing with a purple light at first i wouldn't have believed his description but it wasn't just him when i arrived here on kakiri coast i looked out upon the water and i heard a song it was beautiful tantalizing out on the rocks in the ocean i saw well what i thought to be was a woman beautiful and singing i was about to wade out into the water and then i was overcome with dread and my pokedex beeped snapping me out of it and registered yet another of these creatures number 145 sigma it then showed its true form she screamed at me enraged and dived back into the waters beta kappa sigma epsilon upsilon what are these creatures all of them register as the primordial pokemon their names are so strange and they're all the dark type with the primal flow ability when we were attacked by the kappas i believe i saw this ability in action they seem to be more powerful in groups odis is searching the old radio tower at the gym it was filmed with many books and notes about the region's history although much of it has been lost since the renovations began i will see what i can find wish me luck to donor 100 years there was in ancient times a 100 year tempest or so the documents say have you ever wondered why it was so long it seems that the tempest of titanfalls often records the opening of whirlpools chasms into something below olympia's oceans one such tempest started in history and the primordials emerged but two in particular worked together with their primal flow ability they boosted each other's powers and ruled over the region in ancient times for 100 years the first of these two is number one for nine this is delta a dark dragon pokemon whose stare is said to be able to turn anyone or anything to stone it is thought that this pokemon ruled from the underpassage that connects kakarikos to the nightmare island from there it would take brave heroes who wandered into its lair to try and stop it and turn them to stone it was especially difficult for anyone to stop it in ancient times because this pokemon was not alone and heroes much like our new traveling champion were few and far between because of a sense of fear created by number 148 gamma thought to be the mind of the primordials it exudes radiation causing people to act out of character making them live in fear and tossing their own pokeballs into the ocean gamma and delta led to the primordials for 100 years until they were stopped and sent back into the ocean and these pokemon this description the mind of the primordials and this primal flow ability it powers them up when they're together which gives me a hypothesis what if these pokemon are all part of one larger being pokedex entries for lagoladon and thunder speak of a great creature in ancient times stopped and split apart it is thought perhaps that this is where tituphon is from all of these pokemon represent different kinds of elemental powers perhaps causing the tempest tytophon who is also a dark type much like these primordials is trying to spin the oceans open to allow something from below to rise for now our champion friend from across the seas has gone off to try and stop the primordials and catch them hopefully they can stop gamma and delta if they're out there but i just hope surely they are the worst of it however scared dactyl as i said before is number one five one meaning we're missing at least one pokemon whatever it is i do hope we can stop it wish us luck didona my dearest pokemon master we need you now after you left kakariko's to go and capture the primordials across olympia a final one appeared this pokemon registers only as the alpha omega it is purely a dark type though it is thought to be the body of an ancient dragon an elemental from the beginning of time that helped create this earth lands you see there are mythologies all across the pokemon world that speak of beings that can shape the lands and seas and this alpha omega it would have been one of those if it wasn't i suppose the runt of the litter it would seem that this dragon this creature got stuck underground and as it tried to emerge olympia as an island was formed people moved to this island thinking it was like any other but no wonder there was a sense of mysticism about the place for within the what was first a hill and then a mountain a creature was trying to rise up and emerge from within but this was now the people's home people carved a giant's face into the summit of mount olympia it washed the island from above and they worshipped it as their mountain god but then the elemental dragon flowing with primal energy burst from the mountain breaking it open this primal energy would have destroyed this olympia region and its people in this pokemon's rage but the people of the region and their protector pokemon were able to smite this great dragon its head of pure thunder split and became the species we know today as tundra its elemental powers of air fire water and earth also were removed from it these pokemon were bound to ancient masks created by the first people of olympia they became guionis ositus heliphos and the master of air titathon and the body of this creature the alpha omega what remained it fell back into the ocean though i'm not quite sure how it was sealed below the waves crushed into the abyss and there over the ages it has mutated into many forms these forms are the primordials the alpha omega is what remains of the body of that original dragon they are all waiting for the day of course the titanfall will cause a great tempest opening a portal between this sea world and the lands of olympia to reunite them together and this alpha omega it now marches across the sea to atheron city champion i hope you have found some way of stopping this final primordial i will continue to research here in kicario's town and if i see or find anything of use i will try to bring it to you dear champion was it really you i saw riding on the wind it couldn't have been you no your legs are far longer i had a dream i saw you or a statue of you fight the alpha omega and push it back into the sea how bizarre odais tells me what i had was not a dream but a vision of a pokemon he saw just before the primordials arrive this is allura number 142 and it's the spinning top pokemon and it's known to be the will of the island it travels the world using its powers to stop destructive and ecological events it according to odious has been going toe-to-toe with titanfall for generations for it seems this pokemon was carved from the very stone of mounts olympia a mountain that used to be filled with primal infinite energy so this pokemon has for a long time acted as this island's protector in secret i wonder if you saw the battle it was magnificent allure repelled the alpha omega back into the sea and with titanfall in your pocket and the other primordials in check it seems that this olympia region will be safe again and my pokedex is looking much more complete with now 151 pokemon registered still i can't help but wonder if there could be one more pokemon one final legend or myth that we haven't yet uncovered it would seem to me to be the case that there is one final missing piece of the puzzle from a time before the region was even called selimpia or before the elemental dragon erupted forth from the mountaintop when a great stone face looked out across the island and was worshipped as a mountain god could that god be a pokemon a great watcher pokemon i think it's nice to imagine that our stories are being watched and feel so meaningful when you bring people on these great journeys the idea that somewhere out there someone is observing and never interfering and always just enjoying what we're doing if there is some great watcher god-like pokemon i'd like to say thank you for watching i'm glad you found us residents of solympia so fun to observe and if you are watching then i'd like to imagine your pokedex entry you are cyclops a mythical pokemon number one five two a giant stone head that was separated from solympia before it was ever even known as olympia brought to life you are the creature that allura was modified after crafted by carved in your image you are the one that watches only interfering in absolutely the most dire of time when no heroes remain standing your one eye is open and i hope if you really are out there and if you can see this and you've watched the entirety of this story that you have enjoyed yourself and i hope you know how grateful i am for your enjoyment great watcher yes i'm speaking to you the one watching a pokemon series on youtube i hope you've enjoyed the story of pokemon tempest and the creatures that live here in olympia i hope you've enjoyed the stories and the characters and thank you so much for watching yours truly but keeper toby [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Bird Keeper Toby
Views: 558,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Tempest mythical, Pokemoin Tempest, greek pokemon region, gen 9 pokemon region, pokemon, new pokemon, new pokemon game, pokemon gen 9, fakemon, fakemon pokedex, fakemon region, fakemon game, pokemon rom hack, fakemon starters, starter pokemon, pokemon cardinal, new starter pokemon, fan made pokemon, nintendo, new pokemon legends arceus, new legendary pokemon, new pokemon series 2022, new pokemon game trialer, pokemon tempest, Tempest 20, behind the scenes
Id: _54cy-YSJFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 233min 39sec (14019 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 17 2022
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