Team Buddy Returns (Part 1)

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previously and the saga of team Boddie welcome to the universal and where people in Pokemon stand united or at least they used to after dealing with the preposterous Team Plasma not once but twice the region has been left in a state of despair and team buddy a dandy group of do-gooders with one purpose unites the region and friendship led by the dapper mr. buddy lease well-suited suitors went on a crusade to help the region regain its love of Pokemon following team plasmas two-timing tricks univer Belva team buddies charm hook line and sinker but unbeknownst to them team buddy had a secret of their own while on the outside they may look like a group of friendly popinjays on the inside they have a bit of a rough edge feast your liquid orbs on these bad boys and girls these are the true leaders of team buddy including mr. full pomp buddy himself and while their intention of uniting the region a friendship remains the same the true way they're going about it can only be described as villainous with the help of a scientist Herman Shauna and a big ol Beehive team buddy created the ultimate substance lucid mist one whiff of this stuff will give you a free trip to dreamland and team buddy use this buddy Aizen material to brainwash people into being eternally happy forever team buddy built a machine that would spread the Lucid mist all over Unova but thankfully a heroic trainer jumped in to stop this evil scheme Kapow down but not out team buddy still had one more trick up their sleeve the ancient pokémon Jirachi using its mystical wish power mr. buddy was going to wish for everyone to be his happy friends forever as he was about to complete his plan and create a world free of ridicule and full of friendship the valued trainer returned once more and struck mr. buddy down Kapow while mr. buddy could still complete his plan and wish his hot stream into reality his true friends aka the admins of team buddy arrived on scene they talked to mr. buddy and through what else but the power of friendship he learned an important lesson brainwashing people to be happy is wrong and true friendships are more powerful than those born from hypnotic force with the day now saved from total atomic body ization mr. but he disbanded team buddy he and his troops decided to help Unova by unbraid washing anyone who was forcibly turned swell they sought to make friends and aid the reach in the right way and though they were met with mixed results at times they had never been happier with one another than by assisting the region and its people in true friendship months past from this moment of tranquility and one day mr. budding dislodges were hanging out in their new pad as they were idly perusing the channels of their television device they were taken for quite a loop when a shocking advertisement played right before their eyes a brand new salon was opening up in a lola and not just that it was being run by team buddy why would team buddy be up and running again who could be helping such a dandy or Dandeli dangerous organization our brainwashing behind still part of their mo o many questions were on their domes and though their tail and Unova might be over the real saga team buddy was just beginning find out what happens next in mr. Boddy story in team buddy returns hey what's going on everybody it's mr. buddy here and I'm very happy to present to all of you guys my next big video what if I had a Pokemon evil team 2 otherwise known as team buddy returns this project has been almost three years in the making and it's going to consist of me detailing a hypothetical Pokemon game which is one of my favorite things to do that also doubles as the next thrilling chapter in team buddies story you guys hopefully know all about the buddy verse by now which is the shared universe where all my videos take place and this team buddy sequel is not only going to continue the events from my first team buddy video but it will tie into the greater narrative of the buddy verse at large there will be bay hives pompadours fancy clothing and of course a whole lot of lucid mist so without further ado here's the next story in the saga of team buddy here's what happens when team buddy returns [Laughter] team buddy returns the set within the distant Aloha region and takes place a year after the events of ultra Sun and Moon and the first team buddy story and six months after the events of my what if I made a Pokemon game video now much like how I made the original team buddy narrative a pseudo black and white three and positioned it as a hypothetical sequel game for Unova in which the characters and region were expanded upon i made the story of team body returns feel like a sequel to ultra sun and moon within this game solola there's many familiar Pokemon characters and routes you can interact with but I tried to build upon the region in numerous ways by including new areas new characters new Pokemon variants and in alternate paths you progressed through the islands the goal I had was to expand the Aloha region and make it feel larger and more full but to do so in a way where it doesn't lose its essence so to speak alright now that we've covered the basics setting and timeline let's go through the story more thoroughly now shall we when the game begins you'll be thrown right into the character creator you'll get to customize some of your trainers base attributes and you'll be asked a very important question what region are you from your answer will help determine some important aspects throughout the game but I'll go over those more specifically later on after you've created your character the camera zooms out to show that you're sitting at a desk on your computer and you suddenly receive a video message from the Aloha regions very own intern faba hello this is Sabah from the ether foundation and I am unfortunately the one day forced to send messages out to hold the a Lola adventurer applicants let's make this quick because I'm already getting a headache from talking to such a snot-nosed youth in turn favor you can talk to another person that way especially one that was talented enough to make it into our new program aren't there some mud still stables that need to be cleaned miss wiki I was just making I I'm sorry I I'm sorry about her intern he's still learning how to be a decent human being anyways Aloha my name is wick and I'm the assistant branch chief for the aether foundation congratulations on being accepted into the foundation's new a Lola adventure program you've earned a free trip to a Lola and we have many activities that you and the other applicants can take part in here on our Islands we'll discuss it all in detail when you arrive until then please have safe travels and we'll see you soon wick waves goodbye in the camera fades to white as it pans up the music swells and the game's title card rolls into sights the screen eventually fades to black and you blink your eyes open and examine your surroundings a sterile and clean room is laid out before you and it's sparsely decorated with a small bed a creepy picture of a smiling mr. mime and a table and chair which you're currently seated at you look over at the table and see a small tablet like device laying there you pick it up and a pre-recorded video message appears on the display an older woman who doesn't look a day over 40 is seated in an elegant chair next to a but where and is casually talking to you welcome to the Lola region I am ather president lucemon and you are one of the gifted students handpicked by myself to join the aether foundation's special a Lola adventure program after having a near-death experience last year I realized that the future of a Lola lies with you the upcoming trainers of the world and I wanted to create an opportunity to help teach and nurture you fledgling trainers into champions that can stand up to any problem I will be waiting downstairs to meet all of you and explain more and I'm happy such promising adventurous youth are joining us for our new initiative Oh PS this tablet device is yours to use while you're here this is a new pokedex prototype we at the aether foundation have been working on in collaboration with our local Pokemon professor it has many functions I'm sure you smart children already know that sauce spare you an explanation I'll be waiting for all of you in the lobby you pick up your new ether pokedex which has the exact same functions the Rotom Dex does in ultra and you exit the room entering a long hallway a multitude of doors lined the walls and many people you assume are also here for the aloha adventure program are leaving their rooms and walking towards a lift at the far end of the hall you walk towards the elevator and as you approach it a girl named Chris rushes out of a room and accidentally bumps into you which causes her to drop at pokeball a massive steelix is released into the hallway and everyone yells and groans as the steel monstrosity takes up all the space [Applause] chris returns her steelix to its pokeball and catches her breath before talking to you sorry about that I arrived here a little late so I just got the message that we have to meet downstairs guess I ran a bit too fast huh I'm Chris from Johto who are you you tell Chris who you are and what region you hail from and she gives you an energetic nod oh cool nice to meet you player I came here for the Aloha Adventure thing too not to brag but I've already earned 16 badges in Johto so I'm sure I can take on you with your emits Chris's subtle flexing she looks to see how many badges you have and is shocked to see that you don't have any whoa they'll have you in here without any badges what you don't even have a Pokemon either whoa you must be pretty good at pokemon trivia if they still let you in here Chris has stunned at your apparent knowledge of Pokemon and right as she's about to quiz you an intercom voice cuts through the air and says the aloha adventurer orientation will be starting soon in the lobby Chris decides to hold her questions for later and ushers the two of you onto an elevator which slowly descends it goes down numerous floors and you step out of it into a large foyer a in front of you a podium and chairs have been set up with WIC the woman you talked to earlier nearby reading over some notes while many other trainers are scattered around the lobby idly mixed in with the various trainers you see a lot of people who looked like they stepped right out of the 1950's they're wearing very swell styled clothing consisting of bowties dresses sweater vests and a lot of hairspray to keep their dues in check and they're smiling politely as they mingle with everyone in the room at this point in the game you're free to walk around the area and interact with all the people if you'd like when you talk to the trainers you find out that they're all from different regions and were accepted into the aloha adventure program for various reasons when you speak to the Deaf early dressed people they say various supportive and kind things like complimenting your style of clothing and saying that you're going to do great things in the aloha adventure program they don't quite explain who they are just yet but thankfully WIC is about to start her presentation so maybe you'll get some answers welcome everyone I am the æther foundation's branch chief but please just call me WIC via Lola adventure initiative is designed for promising trainers both established and brand-new to come to a Lola and learn the skills to become a great trainer together with our new friends over a team buddy we've created two different pathways you can take while you're here our care path will let you intern in the aether foundation and study the more scientific and nurture side of Pokemon training while V Island trial path focuses on journeying around a Lola and honing your Pokemon battle ability both are important parts of being a balance trainer and if you'd like to intern with the foundation come over and talk to me and if you'd like to take part in the island challenge please walk over to how a smiling teenager pops out of nowhere and waves to everyone hey I'm how as whit just said if you want to go after the island challenge come over and talk to me right WIC gives a supportive nod and as she's about to end the presentation the team buddy members whisper something to her and she smiles and says that they can do that the team buddy members think in turn to address the crowd thank you Miss wick is ethers lovely branch chief just mentioned we're here to help below regain its happiness and make some wonderful new friends along the way so please drop by and say hello if you see us out on your adventure from all of us a team buddy we wish you the best of luck Stace well the team buddy members energetically wave to all of you wick joyously claps their hands alongside them and the presentation officially ends you're given control to move around once more and you get to choose which path you want to go down the Kerr path with the ether foundation or the island trial path with how now in a somewhat shocking twist everyone wants to intern with the ether foundation you ever hear a lot of people talking about how this will be a nice vacation for them where they can just relax and some are saying that they heard into your dimensional monsters popped up here last year and they want to try and see them and you can even talk to Chris who was previously planning on taking part in the island trials but after hearing about the space monsters that sometimes show up here she wants to hang around the ether foundation though I'm sure that many of you are sold on the idea of the ether foundation internship and want to participate in it unfortunately because this theoretical game is structured like a normal pokémon game you have to talk to how and go down the island trial path you go talk to how Andy gets excited that at least one person has decided to do the island challenge how hands you a fresh malasada he made himself and you eat it as he goes on to explain the trial system of Aloha here in a Lola we have the island challenge which is a special adventure fledgling trainers can take pardon there are eight trials spread across the Lola Islands and you have to go to each of them with your pokemon complete whatever test the trial captains ask of you and defeat a totem pokemon that will show up simple right well that's not all in addition to the eight trials there are four grand trials you'll need a complete to complete a grand trial you'll need to defeat the Kahuna of each Island but I should warn you they're super powerful Pokemon trainers that were chosen by a Lola's Guardians doing all this won't be easy but once you've completed all eight trials and four grand trials you'll finally earn the right to climb Mount Lanakila and challenge the Elite Four of our region it's a daunting task I know but I have a feeling you and your pokémon are totally gonna be up for the challenge how then notices that you don't actually have any Pokemon with you Andy's shocked whoa no way you actually got into the adventure thing without any Pokemon that's way impressive you're definitely gonna need some kind of beginning Pokemon though so I'll give you one if that's cool when you're ready to begin your journey and get a starter Pokemon meet me at the docks below this floor all right oh man this is so exciting your first Pokemon how jumps up excitedly and rides the nearby elevator down to the docks and unless you want to get left behind you should probably follow him as you approach the elevator you see two blonde teenagers walk towards the lobby before stopping and talking to each other in hushed tones I'm telling you Lilly these guys are bad news I don't know why she's listening to them you have to trust me on this one there's fine now she's been getting better after all that Pat stuff happened if she she would know if something was wrong you have to trust her gladion gladion is frustrated and both of them then notice you eavesdrop much pretty sure that's rude no matter what region you're from gladion storms away and Lilly calls after him brother wait Lilly gives the heavy sigh and turns back to you she looks dejected and tries to regain her composure as she talks to you I'm sorry you had to hear that I'm Lilly the daughter of the æther foundation president lucemon I take it you're one of the people here on mothers new initiative oh yes mother has been very proud of the idea she was in a tough place last year and tried to do something to help Oliver Lola but things didn't go her way she came up with the Illuma adventure to bring trainers with a lot of potential here so she could guide them to success that's gladion he's my brother he recently got back from training in a distant region and he's been incredibly protective since I understand why but I wish he could lighten up a little oh you meant how I wish I could have said hello last year he was doing his island challenge alongside another trainer both of them did very well and how decided to follow in his grandfather's footsteps and become a trial captain last year feels like so long ago yeah I feel like the names a bit on the nose for their organization when mother was planning out the aloha adventure idea they offer to help they're a group that specializes in helping people in Pokemon embrace their happiness and over the past couple of months they've been putting in a lot of work to make a Lola better place I'm sorry we met on there's such tense circumstances regardless I I hope we'll meet again you remind me a lot of an old friend I had so I'm expecting great things from you farewell and good luck on your Island challenge you say goodbye to lily and Wright the nearby elevator down to the dock you see how waiting for you on a small skiff and as you approach him you catch a glimpse of gladion talking to a tall woman you recognizes loose amine out of the corner of your eye they're having an intense conversation that you can't help but overhear you are sounding just like a paranoid child you want me to ruin this incredible business yield because somebody smiled at you in the hallway yes well no it wasn't just in the hallway they're always smiling and I saw a few of them hanging out in the ether labs - that doesn't seem weird to you you barely allowed Lily and I into the foundation with supervision and these guys can go all over the place lucemon pinches the bridge of her nose in frustration but takes a deal breath as she tries to keep calm gladion I'm trying to be better but I can't dissipate a crucial business venture because of your childish concerns if it makes you feel better I'm going to talk to their boss today about one of our many complicated agreements you wouldn't understand and maybe if I have time I'll bring up your petty worries if I do that you have to promise me you'll keep an open mind about everything though team buddy is interested in helping a Lola and they're boosting my foundation gladion doesn't seem entirely convinced in storm saw angrily lucemon gives an annoyed health and tries to compose herself as she struts on to the elevator to no doubt talk to team buddies leader thankfully nobody caught you eavesdropping who I mean listening to conversations on a public dock and you continue moving towards how and the skiff he's waiting on you hop aboard the boat and it slowly drifts out to sea until it picks up speed and departs for adventure alright so we're heading for melee melee island that'll be the first island you conquer on your journey champ in the making and fun fact I'm the trial captain of the island I won't spoil what my trial is until we get there but I can assure you that in no way involves any of these delicious malasadas how opens up a secret compartment on the skiff to reveal a basket of freshly made malasadas they're tantalizing aroma emanates from the boats and but a few short moments a swarm of pick a peck and Wingull have started circling the two of you screeching for food uh-oh in hindsight this might not have been a good idea I could take care of a one my right you but I think it'd be a lot more fun for you to battle and player here these are the three a lowland region starters pick whichever you like and teach those Pokemon a lesson how pulls out a small basket with three pokeballs init containing R outlets Layton and pop leo after you've chosen the starter you proceeded to have a battle against a Wingull and then a peck a peck they're definitely fast creatures and leave a heck of a scratch when they dive bomb you and your Pokemon but you're able to fend them off and they fly away angrily how is pretty impressed with your skill and says that if you're starting out with so much potential already you'll no doubt do well in your upcoming journey the boat continues to zoom along the sea and the camera pans out as you approach melee melee island the skiff lands at a brand-new dock on the eastern coast of melee melee you and how exit the ship and follow a small path nearby you pass by professor CooCoo ease home which is a small house on the beach and how idly mentions that the professor is away but let him borrow his skiff the two of you keep following the trail further inland until you wind up at the players house from ultra Sun and Moon house says that this will be your home while you're here in Aloha doing trials he chuckles to himself because he thought there was going to be a lot more people but it doesn't look like that's going to be the case and you're going to get the entire house to yourself you enter your new dorm and find that it's rather homely if not a little barren how gives you a small tour of the place which has been completely refurbished so later today we're gonna have a big festival for you and another starting trainer because you're beginning your island challenge I promise it won't be too long but you definitely got to stop by if only to meet the cajon on the island when the Sun starts setting you and your Pokemon should travel north to iki town and I'll see you there okay how bids you farewell and flip-flops out the door at this point in the game you're able to freely move around and explore Ural olan home there's a couple things you can discover here so let me briefly talk about them the first thing is that you can actually decorate your living space it wouldn't be super extensive customization by any means this isn't Animal Crossing or anything like that but it would be more in-depth than something like the secret base creation in past games you can change the floor wallpaper add furniture and even choose one of your Pokemon to be out of its pokeball and lounge around in your renovated room this is all meant to give your house a much more personal quality and while you're out adventuring through alula you can buy and discover more items to customise your summer home with the other thing you can do here is enter a small side room where you discover that a wild pokemon has made its nest you can capture the Pokemon that lives here and it's actually different depending on what region you chose at the start of the game if you chose Kanto it's a growlithe Jodo it's a snubbull hoenn it's a skiddy sin oh it's a clammy au Unova it's a lilipop Kalos it's an esper and if you're from galore it's a yam / alright once you've gotten familiar with your new pad a time-skip happens - later in the day the Sun is setting covering the islands in a beautiful golden glow and you decide to head over to the festival a tiki town much like in the other alula games you get to navigate there yourself and about a wild Pokemon and trainers that are in the way between you and the festival along the way you'll find many team buddy member is happily cleaning up the environment and being friendly to people in general and trying to give everyone very helpful tips on training alongside the usual barrage of youngsters young goose and a little and Rattata that want to battle you some of these battles can be a little bit tough early on but you soon make it through the rowdy routes and proudly march into Ikki town in front of you you see how talking to a frowning girl roughly around the same age as him and an elderly man that is rather jovial whoa how does it player long time no see I want you to meet my Ohana this is my grandpa hala and my cousin Aulani well met young trainer Hao has told me a lot about you hmm whatever oh come on in Lani don't be like that the player is actually really nice and great at battling I believe that when I see it now there's an idea young Lani we are here for a festival celebrating you and the players upcoming trials so why don't the two of you have a battle mmm it would be a nice way to get to know each other and you poke him on better Avani rolls her eyes at the idea but begrudgingly trudges over to a nearby wooden arena she impatiently waits there for you to battle her and after how and holla encourage you you enter the arena yourself and meet her in battle in case it isn't bracingly clear Lani is going to be your main rival in this hypothetical game she's a brand new pokémon trainer having just received the starter that's super effective against years from hala and as you'll find throughout the story her personality is in stark contrast to her cousins she actually lives in the far away region but her parents felt like her coming to oh Lola and doing the island trials might help around out her rather sharp edges so to speak your battle commences and you and your starter are swept into an intense duel against Lani your Pokemon have a solid battle exchanging hits evenly throughout although there comes a moment in the skirmish where your partner Pokemon delivers a decisive blow to Lani's starter it gets knocked out instantly and though she's put up quite a fight Levani now has to taste bitter defeat whatever I guess you are strong but it's not like anybody watching really cares my Pokemon and I are totally going to beat you next time how ontology bolt for a great first battle of the Lani has become frustrated they do their best to offer her encouraging words but they don't seem to quite resonate with her the festival rages on into the night you talk more with house family and some of the other villagers and it seems that many people were captivated by your battle with you Lani a disturbance arises at the front gate everyone is gasping in shock as something moves through the crowd you eventually see a dapper man wearing a sweater vest run up to you whoa professor GUI is that you you look different somehow why are you wearing a shirt oh hello there sport I just thought I would get dressed up for this deadly celebration the four of you that aren't wearing sweater vests look at each other confused and cuckoo EES creepy smile never falters as he stares at you so I take it a new spine how early City is pretty good Kukui oh yes indeedy I had such a swell time there and I think all of us should go I'm planning to take my precious wife later so maybe we could all go together right so professor you had something to give our new island challengers correct oh goodness I almost forgot thank you for reminding me hala please children stop by my house on the western shore line when you have time I have a going-away gift for both of you Kukui gives + and farewells to each of you as he strolls out of the festival on his way out you see that he is saying cordial remarks to literally everybody and every Pokemon he passes once he's out of sight and awkward silence is present between you and Tau's family well that was weird maybe he was in a hot tub too long regardless Kaku is still yellow la region's resident professor so even though he's acting a bit strange right now Flair and ulani should go see what he wants to give you he's been working with the ether foundation on a new pokedex so maybe he is something related to that for you you he'd haul his advice and you and ulani leave the festival to go visit cuckoo his lab down by the shore when you walk in you're immediately greeted by cuckoo ease unflinching smile he Usher's you inside with many pleasantries including some pink malasadas he just baked lani rolls her eyes and bluntly asks why he wanted to see the two of you Kukui shows no sign of being offended by you Lonnie's rudeness and is over cheerfulness quickly overpowers the dour mood the reason I called you to use here today is that I have some special features to put on your pokedex I've been developing the 1/3 X with those swell fellows at the aether foundation and I have some new updates ready Kukui takes your pokedex s and after pressing a few buttons he hands them back to you he's updated them with two new applications the catalog will allow you to order furniture for your home decorating needs including some vintage Lee themed stuff which Kukui says is a swell bonus and the PO capella go which I'm sure you guys all remember from the original Gen 7 games after updating your pokedex is Kukui get serious for a moment or at least as serious as someone who can't stop smiling can get and he gets on one knee to meet you both it eye level now before I turn you Rascals loose I would be remiss if I didn't mention Ultra wormholes these are something really special in Aloha they're beautiful portals that lead to other dimensions now I know that sounds like hogwash but trust me they can be rather dangerous due to the used to lurk within them so please don't go hurting yourselves the last thing I had one is for you to get roughed up in a battle with a monster don't you study Pokemon attacks wouldnt it be cool to see an interdimensional creature up close oh darling that's much too boorish for me now I'm but a happy professor living a happy life without such dangers oh it's almost time for me to read a bedtime story to the local Buchan muku good luck out there you too and have a swell time on your Island challenge you and Dewani thing Kukui for the Pokedex upgrades and he waves goodbye to both of you as he uh sure's you out of his home once outside ulani grumbles to herself and walks away to begin her journey you give a tentative glance back at cuckoos house sensing that something was kind of weird about that but you soon leave the beach as well at this point you're a lowland adventurer truly begins and you're on a mission to explore melee melee island and find the first trial he must complete as you're looking for trial number one you can catch wild Pokemon battle other trainers talk with helpful team buddy members scattered almost everywhere and even just hang out in your summer home and decorate it if you so choose when you try to go over to the large how Olli city like you normally would in ultra you'll find that a crowd of people are blocking the road right after the Pokemon Center you can't see what's going on but everyone seems to be really interested in a new educate school that's just opened up in place of the trainer's school seeing is how you have no other way to get past them currently you'll have to travel counterclockwise around the island by going north across a bridge journeying past maily maily meadow where you'll see lani hanging out sand snake your way around the western coastline once you've gone through all that you'll reach the entrance to the verdant cavern and you'll spot how hanging now in front of it he says that this is where your first trial will take place at least once he's ready he sheepishly admits that he's still getting things set up and suggests you go check out how old the city until he's able to get things up and running you totally understand and continue traveling south to the shining and Tapie city of how Olli you sightsee and shop around for a while and your tourism eventually takes you buy a house where you hear somebody yelling for help you rush into the yard and see a rather rough dude with a pompadour and spiky leather clothing holding the teenager by the collar and shaking them please somebody help me hey tell me where you keeping Gerry and I'll stop shaking you half pint I told you I don't know what you're talking about yeah yeah whatever I heard you you're not buddy eyes but I ain't falling for that nobody would dress this fancy of their own free will tell me where your boss is ankle-biter you approached the two people and the rough dude glares at you for interrupting you and your Pokemon face him down with a serious stare in this expression changes to one of curiosity as he hesitantly puts down the pink haired kid II do I know you you look really familiar something about you has that hero vibe I've seen floating around with some trainers yeah whatever huh you want to know who I am well I'm buddy and I've come to a lola on an important mission unfortunately I can't tell you what it is in case you're one of them but I've got a good feeling about you kid you'd look good with the Papa door I'll tell you that much he frowns over suspiciously at Ilima and leans close to you and says what you up for people like him oh right trust me no good can come from these fancy dressed happy people anyways it bent sorry force of habit I I'm just gonna leave buddy hustles away into the depths of the city and you and the pink haired kid watch him escape into the crowds the pink haired teen is rather confused - what just happened but he tries to shake it off and introduced himself as Ilima a former trial captain of the region and one of the more technologically apt people of the community he doesn't know why that strange man attacked him but says that he kept saying over and over that he never meant for any of this to happen and was demanding to know where someone named cherry was Illuma is unsure as to what it all means but shrugs it off and says that he's had to deal with far worse thugs than that eventually your conversation with Ilima turns to the new etiquette school that's opening up east of how Olli supposedly it's mostly the same as the old trainer school that was there is it will still teach people to be better trainers but apparently it also has a focus on manners now it seems kind of weird to Ilima but he still wants to check it out for his own when he has time seeing as how how is still setting up his trial for you you decide to go check out this alleged etiquette school and see what's up with it for yourself you travel through how Olli City going right and eventually join in with a large crowd of people standing in front of these schools gates you can barely make out the top of a large dome of hair and as the crowd shifts and moves closer you get a better view of a woman with a large beehive smiling broadly while many students and team Buddy members are behind her welcome to the kid school there's a weird feeling of stiffness with all the students who are just smiling blankly at the crowd I'm the head aesthetician from the newly opened team Buddy salon and hollowly our mission is well etiquette school is to help those with problems and attitude and embrace the warmth of happiness so far we've had a hundred percent success rate and even been endorsed by some world-famous Pokemon champions the crowd let's add some impressed murmurs and the doctor whose name is Fennell gives a beaming smile as she continues on my students have been trained in a variety of different skills they're happy and polite can sing and dance have excellent fashion sense and there are no slouches when it comes to pokémon battling the crowd whispers excitedly at the mention of Pokemon battles and fennel continues talking as she struts around to show off how swell I've made all my students I'm going to need a volunteer she stops in front of you and gives a broad smile that borders on painful will you help me give my darlings attest dear you look like a strong and capable trainer and I just need you to go through the etiquette school and have a friendly Pokemon spar with my students I promise it won't take long how can you say no when someone asks for help so politely you agree to help fennel and tell her your name and she claps her hands together enjoy London there are four students around campus and once you've tested all of them stop by my office in the main building at this point you get to go around the schoolyard and battle the four etiquette school students this is reminiscent of what you did in Sun and Moon but the key difference here is that all the students seem overly happy and courteous often giving you items after you've defeated them like potions berries and even small pearls interestingly enough they only use fairy-type pokémon once you've found and defeated the four friendly trainers who despite their nice demeanor have trained their Pokemon to really pack a wallop in battle you can enter the main schoolhouse the entire building has had a vintage makeover and you find argyle patterns checkerboard floors and pastel colors have taken over you can enter some of the classrooms and find some rather interesting classes being taught like one about how to smile properly and another that teaches you how to perfectly dress your Pokemon and delightful clothing but none of these swell classes are why you're here you move with purpose up to phenyls office and she's very happy you managed to best all of her students Oh marvelous you did such a swell job I know this is sudden but well you have a battle with meteor if you don't have time or don't want to I completely understand but watching you and your pokemons friendship has gotten me so excited I want to give you a small test to see how you're progressing on your own Lola adventure you give her a curious eyebrow raised when she mentions the Aloha adventure program and she lets out a small giggle of course as one of team buddies leading estheticians I'm very in tune with everything our organization is doing to help return the smiles to all the people in Pokemon of Aloha not only do I run this swell etiquette school I also oversee the newly open buddy salon howl only you should stop on by darling you give her a solid maybe and on that note you have a Pokemon battle against dr. fennel on her team she uses a Munna and comb Fae and though this is supposed to be a friendly battle phenyls Pokemon don't go down all that easy in fact at times you can swear that her smile shifts into something maniacal looking when her pokemon damaged yours eventually you and your team pull through and defeat the happy-ass petition and she gives a wide smile and says that you and your pokemon did just lovely Oh golly you have such a splendid bond that I feel you've earned a nice reward she glances expectantly at her desk for something but all that's there are a bunch of hairspray cans and vintage novels phooey you'll have to forgive me I thought I'd have it ready for you player but you'll have to give me just a little bit longer okay continue on your Lola adventure and I'll have this small surprise ready for you as soon as I can you're going to love it fennel does appear to be apologetic although it's hard to see with her unflinching grin but either way you thank her for the Future gift and say farewell as you exit the etiquette school as you're leaving the area you bump into none other than Lani she scouts at you and as she examines the surrounding etiquette school her expression gets more and more irritated ah what is with this place could it be any more gaudy we're in the modern era not my grandma's closet whatever so how told me to come tell you that his trial is ready it's just over at verdun cavern so you can go over there whenever guess I'll hang around here for a while and see if I can get some good battles in you Thank You Lonnie for the heads-up and return to the verdant cavern to take on your first trial when you enter the grassy cave you see how hanging out by a small table and there's a plethora of cooking equipment and ingredients spread across it welcome to the verdant cavern trial thanks for waiting for me to get stuff set up and I can't wait to see how you'll overcome what I've got in store for you how gives you a small basket containing a couple cooking related items since with that your first trial begins so how's trial revolves around a new mechanic that would be in this hypothetical game malasada cooking the items how gave you with the start I'll tie into this gameplay mechanic and it plays out like a blend between puffin making and cookie mama you can use berries and other ingredients you find on your journey to make a variety of different malasadas that have various effects when fed to your pokemon and some of the beginner flavors you can make will heal pokemons raise their friendship levels and even cure status effects speaking of status conditions how says their three pokemon in the verdant cavern that are suffering from status ailments and your tasks for his trial is to make three different malasadas that will heal them the ingredients to do so are scattered around the cavern and Tao mentions there might be wild Pokemon guarding the items you need so be prepared for a battle you officially start your trial now and go through the cave tracking down ingredients paddling young goose into lowland Rattata guarding them and cooking malasadas with the items to help the injured Pokemon once you've evaded the poisonous bites of the wild pokemon and aided all three of the ill ones you were supposed to find how jumps up and down excitedly oh no way you did that so fast well looks like I'll need to make this trial a little harder for other people this was actually my first time doing a trial but it was a ton of fun how stands they're ecstatic and there's a semi awkward pause as he realizes there's one more step you have to do in a trial oh yeah you're supposed to battle total Pokemon now here take this big mouse Etta and go into the small room at the end of the cave how gives you a massive malasada and you drag it into a small offshoot room from the main cavern it's a small circular battlefield with an open ceiling letting in a cool breeze and at the far side you see a small altar you flop the gigantic beanbag sized malasada down in front of it and wait for something to happen almost instantly you hear a loud flapping sound you focus up into the sky and see a giant Schrom beak descending upon the malasada it lets out an earth-shattering screech in the battle music kicks in to let you know that your first totem battle has just begun you battle the gigantic totems rhombic who can call pick a path to its aid you meet your flying foe in combat though the battle is tough with the Trump ich speedstep being raised with determination you're able to dodge its talons and wear it down into submission once beaten it lets out a deafening screech of anger and flies out of the cave carrying the beanbag malasada with it you and your pokémon are proud of yourselves for handling the totem like a boss and how runs into the room congratulating you oh you did it again player you're totally the whole package and I'm proud to say that you've completed my trial take one of those z crystals out of the altar up there cuz you totally earned it you walk up to the altar and grab one of these small crystals which is a normally MZ and with that trial number one is officially over how gives you a proud high-five and says the normally MZ is something called a Z crystal which will allow you and your Pokemon to push the limits of your power and do a special Z move attack unfortunately you can't use it just yet you need a Z ring to harness the power and he says that his grandpa should be able to help you out with that you're going to be meeting up with Halle anyways to do a grand trial so you might as well ask him about a Z ring you think how for the info and leave the verdant cavern to return to e ki town and face Halle when you arrive you find Halle hanging out on the town's wooden stage he gives a hearty laugh as you stand opposite of him welcome young trainer it seems you have completed your first trial and are ready to move on from the island before you can do that though you must face me kahuna Halle in a Pokemon battle this will be a grand trial for melee melee island so don't hold back old Hollis here to make you holla holla stomps the ground and strikes the battle pose and you call out your Pokemon to face his in the grand trial of melee melee island on his team he uses a manky makuhita and a crab brawler that has a fight in eum's e you defeat Halle with a decisive strike and he chuckles to himself as he calls back his Kayode Pokemon well done you have completed my grandchild so here take this fighting MZ holla hands you a Zee crystal and you stand triumphant as you've completed your first grand trial the fanfare fades and in the distance you hear a the both of you turned to observe the nearby forests and see a pokemon fly out of the brush and land in front of you it drops a sparkling stone on the ground and Tala doesn't seem the least bit fazed ah it seems stop Oh Coco our island Guardian has recognised your strength and given you a gift with this special stone I might be able to fashion you wuzzy ring young trainer I should be surprised at this turn of events but it seems this happens all the time there's a brief moment where holla and tap ooh Coco's eyes lock and hollows expression turns to one of curiosity than concern taboo Coco let's that one more and flies back into the forest Halle appears deep in thought for a moment before talking to you hmm it seemed to Pooh Coco sensed something was wrong you get that feeling too taboo Coco's instincts are never incorrect but I hope this isn't something as cataclysmic as what happened last year could do whatever is wrong be ye taboo Coco has given you a sparkling stone hmm I'm sorry Blair I didn't mean to get so serious give me a moment and I'll see if I can make you as earring the screen fades to black and when it fades back in Halle has turned taboo Coco's gift into a ziering that he's presenting to you well here it is try it on and let me know what you think this earring will allow you to use Z crystals you collect on your journey it's one of the staples of the Aloha region and our island challenge suddenly lani and tau run up from the trail and gather around you no way you got a ziering how am I supposed to see it a chance battling you now can I have one too Gramps hey come on Oh Lonnie you know topo KOCO has to find you worthy before you get one right yeah but Lonnie tries to push pastor jealousy intense you a Pokeball with an argyle pattern on it anyways wha was at that weird etiquette school lady in charge asked me to give this to you I don't know why you got something cool when you beat her and all I got was a free trip to a stupid spy I'm never gonna go to as you hold the dandy pokeball your ether Dex pops out of your bag and scans it digitizing it into the air a small display shows up on its screen and says that you have one ride Pokemon available you tap the button and in a flash of light the pokeball you just received appears in front of you and calls out the Pokemon inside before you stands a furfrou but it's not like anyone you've ever seen before it's rockin a ten out of ten bait hive and seems to be emanating a slight fairy aura what just happened I think the player just got a ride Pokemon here in a Lola people like to work in tandem with pokemon ride them while doing different tests seems the player was given one by the etiquette school and they're a third Dex is going to store all of them so they have easy access pretty cool but why does the furfrou look like that that isn't how it normally looks furfrou can have a lot of hairstyles so maybe this is a new one that's in style I think you could learn a thing or two from Anna Lani what no way take that back Hal I'm just joking let's say we go back to vert and Cameron get your trial started yeah I just wanted to drop by to see how the player did against Grandpa but I should have known they'd do super well anyways good to see all of you guys in Lani I'll see you back at Vernon cabin get you started on the fur frou hairstyle trial how smiles and waves goodbye as he runs off Lani fumes at how as she stumbles to catch him oh no oh wait Halla gives the light-hearted chuckle at his grandkids and turns back to you he says your next goal is to journey to other islands and take part in their trials and grand trials and he recommends you go check out the ferry and hau'oli to see where it can take you you bid farewell to hala and travel to how Olli City to find a way to the next Island as soon as you enter town you see a mysterious woman admiring the city she's dressed an elegant although vintage style clothing and has a demure smile mm-hmm everything is so happy now she notices you behind her and turns to greet you with a broad smile your senses are assaulted by the overly sweet perfume she's wearing and it almost looks like a cloud of mist is emanating from around her Oh golly I didn't see you there darling you gave me quite the startle the mysterious woman fluff surfer and Pat's the creases out of her dress as she saunters up to you I'm just passing through this swell city to check in on a few things but I'm so happy I bumped into a trainer like you you look so nice and friendly what is your name sweetie you hesitantly share your name with her and her smile grows wider almost typing a hint of sinister intent oh what a lovely name the stranger gets a little bit too close and you get a face full of her perfume which smells like dizziness you hear the woman say something to you but you don't understand what everything is distorting and blending together and when you finally regain your senses you see the woman walking away she turns and lets out a cute giggle as she gives you a smile princess wave and minces into a building called the buddy salon you're not entirely sure what just happened and if you try to go into the salon to find the strange woman she won't be there and instead you'll be met with the sight of many people in their Pokemon smiling vacantly while getting their hair done in 1950 style hair dryers at the moment you can't explore much of the salon outside of the general lobby area which has a faint pink haze hanging around in the air and when you try to talk to people to get some clues on the swell woman you encountered they don't seem entirely cognizant and can only muster up happy hums and drooling seeing this how you can't do much here yet you leave the vintage salon and head towards the ferry pier like you originally intended when you arrived the stewardess regrettably informs you that the ferry is out of service until tomorrow the captain has become afflicted with the strange illness and feels much too dizzy to sail she apologizes for any inconvenience this may have caused and says that if you really need to get to another island you can try Mantine surfy inconvenience but not deterred you trek over to Mele melees northern Beach your Mantine chariot awaits but before we take it over to the next Island I wanted to go over a couple activities you can do on melee melee now that your grand trial is complete so the first thing to note is that the ride furfrou you received is the taurus equivalent in this game when you write it you travel a lot faster than normal and it can break through boulders blocking your path by using a tear spray amplified headbutt attack as far as its utility on melee melee goes you can use its Rock Smashing power to gain access to a hidden network of caves connected to the melee melee meadow you can use its speed to dash up steep inclines in the verdant cavern and discovery hit an area with a lot of rare Pokemon and items and you can use it to enter a mountainous area known as 10-carat hill 10-carat Hill is still right next to Kukui slab and after you break the rocks in front of it to go inside something strange happens the sky darkens for a moment into portal nay an ultra wormhole fractures the sky and a screaming person falls out of it they land inside of 10-karat hill with a resounding thud and the ultra wormhole fizzles away you dash into 10-carat hill to see what the heck just happened and after going through a small cave segment you arrive inside of its massive crater at the far end you see a dazed woman sprawled on top of a fluffy object and upon closer inspection it appears she landed on a pack of rock ruff who aren't too happy to be the ones to break her fall like oh my god what happened where am I the rock rough underneath her bark and rage and go into a frenzy as they roughly shake her away like oh yeah oh my god you stupid dogs tickets chill pill aren't you stupid Pokemon supposed to be like mellow or whatever I'm totes gonna be pissed if you make me break a nail the pack of rock rough apparently don't respect the valley nor the people from there they circle around the woman who's RBF quickly turns into an eye-roll and before things can escalate too far you jump in to save the girl from the wild Pokemon you now get to have a horde battle against the five rock raft which is much easier said than done there's a lot of howling and rock throws received on you and your pokemons end but thankfully your willpower is stronger than theirs and you take care of them after you teach the rock rough a lesson they whimper away and you turn back to the woman and find that she was so bored by your battle that she started doing her nails she notices you staring and she glares at you what just cause you like battled them for me doesn't mean I owe you anything loser you like took forever to my daddy would have wiped the floor with his stupid pink tree or whatever she walks away and pulls out her phone hey like Rosa its Hilda yeah I don't know what happened but at my model shoot I like fell into a hole thingy and this gross loser started talking to me yeah it's totes like just gag me oh my god what do you mean Rosa's answering machine is full I hope you didn't expect any kind of reward for saving Hilda because you don't get anything aside from the opportunity to capture a rock ruff it might feel like this entire sequence was pointless but trust me Hilda's going to tie more into this story later you continued journeying around melee melee and when you're ready to get on two more trials you can Mantine surf over to the next island the Mantine surf minigame is practically identical to what it was in ultra and you use it to travel to the nearby Acala island
Channel: Mr Buddy
Views: 139,292
Rating: 4.9655623 out of 5
Keywords: Mr Buddy, Buddyverse, Pokemon, Team Buddy, 1950s, Stepford, Vintage, Pokemon Evil Team, Region, What If, What If Pokemon, Mr Buddy Pokemon Region
Id: 5U5j2LitjLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 8sec (3428 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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