What If England Was A Pokemon Region?

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Every pokemon introduced would have drizzle :)

👍︎︎ 52 👤︎︎ u/valakmtn 📅︎︎ May 11 2018 🗫︎ replies

I imagine we'd get a regional variant of Ludicolo with one of those tall fuzzy hats instead of a sombrero.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/criminally_inane 📅︎︎ May 11 2018 🗫︎ replies

More effort goes into these videos than I put into getting my degree.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/shhhneak 📅︎︎ May 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

Get your starter Pokemon and every 100 steps you need to pay a renewal fee for your Pokemon licence which increases with every Pokemon you catch

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Rath_soul14 📅︎︎ May 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

“Yeah, okay, I’ll bite.”


“One hour and thirty-one minutes!?”

I did not bite.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/milliondrones 📅︎︎ May 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

I think this’ll eventually be a thing...

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Kanjotoko 📅︎︎ May 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

New lion pokemon. Yes!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

A new feature is introduced where instead of battling, you and your opponent's Pokemon can sit down for tea. Whoever gets burnt on the tongue loses.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 12 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey what's going on everybody its mr. buddy here and today we're going to be taking a look at another what-if Pokemon region in case your out of the know in this video series I like to talk about hypothetical Pokemon regions that could be made out of real life countries and areas so far I've made videos on Greece the western US Australia and Scandinavia and in them I'd like to go over possible locations that could be included in these what-if regions potential new Pokemon that could be made for them and of course the possible stories these what-if regions could tell for today's original video we're going to be traveling to the island of Great Britain and we'll be talking all about what a possible England based Pokemon region could be like now if you're getting deja vu right now it's probably because this video is technically a remake of my very first regional video which was also about an England region since making that video however my regional video series has really grown and improved and I felt it was high time that I finally went back and redid that region and the newer style of my what if blank was a Pokemon region videos now before I jump into all the ideas and thoughts I have for this region just a couple of quick notes number one this video is not meant to be speculation on an upcoming Pokemon games region most people will probably see this video at different times and if you're watching this when a new Pokemon game is coming out and the region I'll be talking about today has similarities to an official Game Freak made one just know that it's all a coincidence and this video was always meant to be just a fun idea filled video rather than serious speculation number two please go to the description and check out all the fantastic artists who helped make this video there honestly a huge part of my regional videos and without their help I can guarantee you these regions wouldn't be anywhere near as awesome as they are from the characters to the environments to the Pokemon I commissioned a ton of artwork from very talented people so please go to the description and give the artists the credit they deserve number three please feel free to leave your own ideas and suggestions in the comment section below whether you thought of a cool place or Pokemon idea that could be in this England region or there's a certain country or area you want to see me do a video on I love reading your guys's comments so please don't hesitate to share your ideas and thoughts below number four I'm very bad at pronouncing things so please forgive me for how wrong most of the words are going to say in every regional video I try as hard as I can to pronounce things right but there's always a lot of words I end up mispronouncing so please forgive me and just try to laugh at how terrible some of the places are going to sound okay the final thing is that this video is going to be pretty long and extensive and if you want to jump around between sections here's some timestamps you can use all right I think that's enough for the intro we've got a ton of stuff to go over in this video including ancient castles new Pokemon based on English folklore and a story that revolves around control for the region so let's not waste any more time and get to talking about what England might be like as a Pokemon region before we delve into all the big things I thought of for this region like the specific towns new Pokemon and story we should probably first establish what England is like in terms of its geography environments and wildlife and how it could all translate into a Pokemon region so England is a country part of what's called the United Kingdom which is a group of countries consisting of England Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland the UK as a whole is located just off the northwestern coast of France and England specifically is fanta south of Scotland and to the east of Wales while most of the UK's geography is very mountainous and made of highlands especially in the northern areas like Scotland England is somewhat interesting in comparison because it's generally lower and flatter than the three other UK countries and is made up of mostly rolling hills and grasslands even though a large portion of England is made up of these flatter and Gracia environments they aren't the only geographical feature in England and there are also many other areas in the country that offer a wealth of interesting locales as well there are still mountainous areas towards the south western and northern parts of the country including some places that get a fair amount of snow there's some desert like and arid terrain towards the southeast of the country in the form of the Dungeness desert and let's not forget about all the lakes rivers and coasts in England - which them combined with how much rainfall England gets means that there are numerous marshes and wetlands scattered throughout the country as well also another thing tied to England's environments that could be featured in an England Pokemon region is that there are many abandoned castles and medieval ruins throughout the country did I think could make for really cool areas to explore we'll talk more about specific castles and ruins that could be included in the location section but just to throw the idea out there I think having some routes with side areas that have old medieval ruins could really make this England region unique now as for what old Pokemon might NAB at these areas I've made a pretty big list here but it's worth noting that while most of the Pokemon I chose for this region are based on what real-life animals live in England in their Pokemon counterparts there are a couple poked my eye put in just because I think they'd fit into an England region well don't necessarily have ties to real life England's animals okay so for the grasslands and forests which would once again take up a pretty large majority of the region I definitely think there would be Pokemon like lollipop her dear stout hland Pidgey Pidgeotto Pidgeot Padova tranquil unfastens mareep fluffy Ampharos Pikachu Letty ba let Ian burn me war madam autumn panco fortress miltank hoo-hoo Noctowl dedenne wheedle Kakuna Beedrill and Eevee the lake River and coastal areas might have things like Goldeen seeking Ezreal moral Croagunk Toxicroak duck 'let's wanna poliwag Poliwhirl alum Imola Phoebus meow and Persian the mountainous and arid areas could have Pokemon such as sterling sawsbuck rock rough muds dale Durant spoink grumpig cubone Zubat golbat noibat no Ven Vulpix nine tails bunnelby and diggersby the icy and snow places could have things like Sneasel delibird swing uh piloswine Snover cry agonal and snorunt and the abandoned castle and ruin areas might have hone edge bronze or bronzong found our houndoom dratini dragon air Jigme oh and uh como Oh obviously I can't go through a name every Pokemon that might inhabit in England region but these are some of these standout ones I think you might find while you're travelling the region on your Pokemon journey there's also some other brand new Pokemon I thought of for the region as well but we'll go over those a little later on in their own section now that we've gone over what this England region's environments and old Pokemon could be like let's now shift our focus over to all the towns and unique locations this England region could have as well England as the country has quite a history to it that spans back thousands of years and that definitely shows with its cities and landmarks some of the bigger cities like London have been around since the Roman times and have very distinct styles and architecture to them that reflects the long line of British monarch eras while on the flip side of that there are also numerous smaller villages and towns around the country as well that have popped up relatively recently and offer a more rustic look at England outside of the massive cities and smaller villages there's also a lot of interesting landmarks and non-city locations in England to places like Stonehenge the Lake District Exmoor and numerous castle ruins are just a few examples of the many distinct and notable places of interest that can be found in England for this region I tried to find a balance between all three of these things I didn't want to have too many large cities that overshadow some of these smaller lesser known English villages and I also tried to strike a balance between the towns in general and the special side areas I thought of for this region one other thing I want to note before we get into all the places I thought of is that I have taken a few creative liberties with this region so it's not going to be 100% accurate to real-life England there's a couple towns I ended up combining the snow area I thought of for this region is a little bit of a stretch one of the towns literally goes full-on steampunk and there's a few other differences that make this England region not an identical parallel of real life even though this England region has a few differences in twists to it I still feel like I was able to capture the essence and majesty of real-life England with this region and make it feel like what the country could be like in the Pokemon world all right let's begin our tour through this England region with the starting town which is based off of the English city Truro in real life churro is the city located at the convergence of two rivers in the southwestern part of England and his nestled amidst a lot of farmland even though it is somewhat surrounded by grasslands the city itself isn't necessarily small and does many points of interest like the Truro Cathedral a shopping strict and a museum how I imagined this city in the Pokemon world is a little bit different than what it's like in real life because I think this town in region could really expand and accentuate the farming aspect of the area I'm not saying the entire town would just be one big farm but I think this town could have a couple smaller farms nearby it one of which is actually where the player would live and then the rest of the town could have a few buildings in reference to real live churro like a small shopping area and maybe a bigger Cathedral type building when it's finally time to leave the starting town if you had west this would take you along a route filled with some more farmland areas and low-level Pokemon you can battle until you reach the western coast of the region which would loosely be inspired by an area known as Lands End it's here that you would find a location based on the mimic theater which is an open-air theatre on a cliff overlooking the ocean and I think this area would serve as an important place you have to go to in the opening of the story moving back to the starting town if you instead had East from it you would go through another somewhat grassy farmland routes but there would also be a small side area you can visit that resembles a place in England called the Eden Project the Eden Project is a group of biomes that houses many different types of plants from environments and climates all over the world I think this area could serve many purposes in the region and I imagine this being not only a new Berry Farm type area where you can plant and harvest a plethora of different berries but I also think this building could allow you to evolve some Pokemon into their lowland forms as well maybe one of the biomes is simulating the lola's environment and if you evolve certain Pokemon inside of it like Pikachu or cubone they would change into there a lowland variants instead of their regular ones once you've finished exploring the many biomes of the Eden Project area and make it through the route you'll enter a town based on a small village known as Prince town in real life Prince town is known mostly for the Dartmoor Prison which is a large prison nearby and I think an area based on this prison could be the town's staple area it might be kind of weird to have an active prison be somewhere you visit in a Pokemon game so I think the Pokemon world version of the Dartmoor Prison could be abandoned and taken over by Nature think of places like the dream yard or Cinnabar mansion and that's sort of what I imagine a Dartmoor Prison area being lying after this you have the split path of where you go and if you head north you'll enter an area based on an English National Park called X more X more is one of the more mountainous and hilly areas in southwestern England and I imagine it will provide plenty of rugged terrain the player has to surpass there's also a couple caves in Exmoor that I imagine being in this area as well once you've made it through the Exmoor based area you'll arrive at the town based off of the English cities Bath and Bristol that's right I couldn't decide which one I wanted to have a city based on in this region so I ended up making a town that combines a lot of the signature features of both cities in real life Bristol is located on the river Aven and due to its optimal location has a very extensive maritime history revolving around trade shipping and being a very important seaport it's also allegedly the birthplace of Blackbeard the pirate although from what I understand that isn't 100% confirmed bath on the other hand is a landlocked city that is known not only for its Georgie and era architecture which is very unique and made out of the golden coloured bath stone but the city is also very popular because of the natural Hot Springs beneath it in fact during the Roman Empire the Romans built a giant communal bathing facility later called the Roman baths they utilized baths natural hot springs as you can probably tell both of these cities have a ton of history and interesting landmarks to them and this pokmon town based on them would essentially be an amalgam of these two real-life cities it would be located by a river that leads out to sea and has a lot of legacy with shipping and boating but would also have natural Hot Springs that helped form areas based on the Roman Baths both sides of the city would be pretty important as the gym leader would have ties to the ocean side while the evil team would have ties to the Roman Baths side and I think this Pokemon town would do a great job at combining both cities alright let's go back to prints towns branching paths and go down the southbound route this would take you to the southern coast of the region and to a village based on a place called West Lulworth this town would be built around a giant Cove in reference to lulworth cove and while the town wouldn't be huge it would offer a couple notable points of interest like a building based on low worth castle at an old-fashioned slightly larger Pokemon Center meant to resemble the castle in what is an old pub dating back to the 16th century when you eventually leaved town you'll arrive at one of if not the biggest non city landmark in the region which is based off of Stonehenge this mysterious rock formation has stumped people for eons and obviously an England Pokemon region has to have an area based on it no spoilers just yet but many dragon types will be found hanging around this area although nobody quite knows why carry non word from the Stonehenge area would take you through a pretty long route until you end up in the Pokemon world's equivalent of London London is the largest in capital city of not only England but the United Kingdom as a whole and it has quite a legacy to it it was initially built by the Romans way back when they had control of most of Great Britain and after the Roman Empire fell the town was reestablished and devolved through the presence of many groups of people until it became the modern-day London we see today that's a really really condensed history of London but the bottom line is that the city is very historic in many ways and you can get a sense for the town's legacy just by looking at its numerous points of interest there's the London Eye observation wheel towering above the city the Big Bend clock tower at the end of the houses of parliament Buckingham Palace where the Queen lives the River Thames going right through the city with the Tower Bridge going across it an aquarium classic theaters the British Museum Trafalgar Square and the list goes on and on with so many landmarks and cool things in London it made thinking of what a London Pokemon city could be like a little bit of a challenge London is a huge city that carries a sense of majesty to it and I really thought hard about what the Pokemon world version of it could be like what I ended up coming up with for this town is that I think it could be split up into two very distinct sections the first area would make up the majority of the city and would be located on a large river in reference to the Thames the heart of the town would be built around an open area resembling Trafalgar Square and there would be many buildings surrounding you such as the Pokemon Center a gym a location based on the London Eye that you can write on a place based on the houses of parliament with the Big Ben clock tower and then a very modern looking building resembling the shard which is the tallest building in the UK towards the side of the town by the river would be a bridge based on the Tower Bridge and if you decide across it this will get you to the second area I thought of for this London City which in this is where things get a little bit crazy will be based on Buckingham Palace and would actually be the region's pokemon league seeing as how London is such a big and grandiose city I felt like the Pokemon version of it would have to have a similar amount of grandeur and gravitas and I think having a section of the city based around Buckingham Palace and being the region's Pokemon League location would be the best way to show the city's importance to the region now you might be thinking well that's all fine and good mr. buddy but how would a victory road work with this Pokemon League and I'm glad you brought that up because Buckingham Palace has a large garden located nearby and I think this region's Victory Road could be loosely based on that garden and be a giant maze you have to go through a Victory Garden if you will now this wouldn't be a normal garden maze that we've seen before from Pokemon this would be as expansive as a Victory Road normally is and there would be various puzzles tunnels and obstacles you have to go through that really turn this garden into an endgame labyrinth you have to overcome now once again Victory Garden and the Buckingham base Pokemon League would be areas that you don't get to see until the very end of the game when you have all eight gym badges and have dealt with the region's evil team until then the Royal Guards won't let you get to the maze to begin your final trial and confront the Elite Four all right moving south from the london-based city would take you to a town inspired by the city Brighton now Brighton otherwise known as Brighton and Hove is a very popular seaside resort town that's located right on the coast a game notability in the Georgian era a fashionable seaside resort where King George the fourth spent much of his time and built the Royal Pavilion and has grown steadily in size and popularity ever since I have a lot of ideas for how this city could be adapted into a pokemon town so I'm just gonna go through and break it down piece by piece first of all I think this town could have a very upper-class feeling to it considering that King George the fourth and many of these subsequent rulers of England used the royal pavilion for many years I think the overall feeling of this town should reflect a little bit of that high society motif this will be a town where many of the wealthier Pokemon trainers come to relax and you would see that with the trainer designs and overall aesthetic of the buildings another idea I have for this town is that imagine most if not all of it being built on a giant pier in the ocean some of the bigger points of interest in Brighton or the money piers the town has and I think having most of this pokmon city built on a giant fancy pier could really make it stand out against the other seaside towns in the region the last thing I wanted to mention about this town is some of these specific buildings and areas you would find in it as I mentioned before the Royal Pavilion Palace would definitely be in this town and there would maybe be some members of the region's evil team hanging around it a clock tower would be present in the centre of the city with various stores museums and small gardens around it and I think there would also be a sewer network underneath the town you could explore in reference to real-life Bratton's vast network of Victorian era sewers after you leave the extravagant Brighton town you'll travel along a route that gets increasingly desolate and barren as you go along it until you make it to an area based on England's Dungeness desert this area has long been described as Britain's only deserts and I'd say that's pretty accurate because it's a very flat and arid place while real-life Dungeness does have some activity going on in it like having a power station small airport and railroad I think this Pokemon area would have a couple references to those places but would really accentuate the sparsity and aridness of this headland there would be many abandoned boats and houses scattered throughout the area as well as plenty of desert loving Pokemon to catch since this desert area is a dead end let's go back to the London town and instead travel northeast from it going this way will lead you to a town based on Cambridge Cambridge is the city well known for its prestigious Cambridge University and I think this Pokemon town would have its own version of the University as its standout location both the region's professor and the town's gym leader would conduct research at this large University and there would also be some other intriguing things here as well such as the meteorites tied to deoxys people from the nearby Kalos region conducting research on zygarde and researchers doing experiments with ultra space and ultra wormholes from Cambridge if you go northeast you'll end up in a town based on Norwich this town is located on the river when summoned for a long time was the second largest city in England right after London some of the cool things in norwich that could be translated into a pokemon town is a giant gate called the saint Burt's gates many old medieval structures like cow tower and norwich castle and numerous parks scattered throughout the town's general area I also think this town could include a giant trainer school based on one of the town's preparatory academies which would also double as the town's gym going back to Cambridge and travelling straight up we'll get you to a town inspired by Nottingham this city has many interesting features in it like numerous parks including the Arboretum a Victorian park with trees dating back to the 1800s nottingham castle which is located upon a high hilltop various museums like the Natural History Museum and an industrial museum and there's also a couple art galleries normally I'd say this is enough to base the town on for this region but Nottingham also has two other very unique things to it that I think could really spice up this Pokemon city the first is that a vast network of caves lies beneath Nottingham these caves have been in use for over a thousand years and have been used for a variety of things ranging from a medieval tannery to air-raid shelters now whether this area in the Pokemon town is somewhere you can freely explore or perhaps the town's gym is based around this I never quite decided but this cave system is way too unique to not put into a Nottingham base town the other distinct thing about Noddy NAMM is that it's linked pretty heavily with the legend of Robin Hood a daring outlaw who stole from the rich and gave to the poor and the city has statues festivals museums and even streets dedicated to Robin Hood and the legends around him I felt like Robin Hood would have to be involved with a Nottingham based town in some way and I think the gym leader of this town could be based off of the heroic outlaw we'll talk more about him in the story section but to give a little bit of a sneak peak I definitely think this gym leader would be doing his best to help people although his actions may have made a few enemies especially with the region's evil team when you end up leaving the Nottingham town you'll travel through a place based on the Sherwood Forest which is a large Royal Forest with ties to the legend of Robin Hood and after you go through it you'll arrive at a city based on Sheffield now this is one of the places I took a pretty big creative Liberty with because I think the entirety of this Sheffield based town could have a very steampunk aesthetic to it I know this is quite a jump for the region and hopefully I haven't lost anybody yet but if you'll allow me to I'd like to go through and explain my thought process on and why I think steampunk not only works well with this region but why Sheffield is the perfect city to adopt this style so steampunk for those who don't know is the type of aesthetic that incorporates a lot of Technology and fantasy elements inspired by the steam-powered machinery that came with the rise of the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century one of the quirks of steampunk is that most of the time steampunk draws very heavily from Victorian England fashion and styles which makes sense because the industrial revolution started in Britain because the Industrial Revolution is so important to England and Britain's history and considering that steampunk is one of my favorite visual styles and is linked heavily with the Industrial Revolution I thought it made perfect sense to have one of the towns in this region referencing both of these things now why I chose Sheffield to represent steampunk and a very industrial style is because in the 19th century Sheffield gained international reputation for its steel production so much so that it was even known as the Steel City and many innovations were developed there like stainless steel in the crucible was such an industrial history to it I knew this would be the best place to embody the steampunk style for the region now even though the entire town has a steampunk vibe to it many of the buildings and places in it are still inspired by things from the real-life city there would be art galleries and museums that give a glimpse of the city's production tide history a shopping area based on Meadowhall where you can pick up items for your journey and some steampunk inspired clothing and a large factory type area that's constantly making new steel products that's meant to reference the town's industrial past after getting some awesome steampunk goggles at the town's clothing store you continue traveling north into the region which takes you on a really long road that has a number of offshoot routes that lead to significant landmarks the first one of these important landmarks you can access would be an area off to the right side inspired by the Whitby Abbey the Whitby Abbey is an abandoned monastery that was built in the seventh century on a cliff and even though this might be a little bit on the nose I think these abandoned ruins could totally be the region's dedicated spooky area the Whitby Abbey has been the inspiration for numerous horror related things such as the 1897 novel Dracula and I imagine many of these spooky undertones associated with it could bleed over into this region's area I can totally see these ruins having an elaborate and confusing maze within them as well as rare items and ghost-type pokémon you can find the other side area that would be found on this route is a place based on the Lake District National Park this is the location in England that has numerous lakes in it over ten in fact and I imagine this being the regions water centric area you would be able to explore the many lakes of the district by surfing between them and find all sorts of aquatic Pokemon - catch and train once you've made it through this slightly extended route you'll arrive at the northernmost town in the region which is based on Carlisle England now before i detail what this pokemon town could be like i need to go back in time and talk about the general history of england for just a second so i mentioned this a little bit earlier in the video but a long time ago the romans had invaded and taken control of most of Great Britain during this time the Romans constructed a wall in the northern part of what is now present-day England that was meant to be a defensive fortification this wall was named Hadrian's Wall after the Roman Emperor at the time and the town of lugu valium was set up nearby as a place to support said wall eventually the Roman Empire fell rendering Hadrian's Wall and Lugo valium as somewhat obsolete and the places went through some drastic changes over the years Hadrian's Wall started to crumble and decay throughout the decades while lugu valium was reestablished as the town of Carlisle there's definitely quite a legacy with Carlisle and Hadrian's Wall and I think this pokmon town and the route that leads away from it would be heavily inspired by this part of England's history I imagine that this region would have its own version of Hadrian's Wall in the northern part of it and I think this Carlisle based town could potentially be built into the wall while the route that goes outside of it will let you walk beside the decaying and broken wall ruins since we've once again reached a dead end let's go back to the branching path right before the london-based city and go up from it this will take you to a small town based on the real-life city Oxford now Oxford in real life is mostly known for the University of Oxford which is the oldest university in the english-speaking world and there's also many other interesting sites in it too like the Bois de Leon library the Red Cliff camera library and Radcliffe Square and Magda in tower what I decided to do with this town and university type areas make it feel like it's very ingrained in the old legacy of the region if you remember back to earlier the Cambridge Townsend University was meant to feel very modern and study a lot of the newer innovations and ideas out there and I made a very conscious decision that this Oxford town could take the opposite approach and focus more on the traditional past of the region I imagine a large library based on the Bois de Leon library being the focus of this town with other museums and buildings of study built around it the next town you encounter would be based on a city in England called stratford-upon-avon this town is located on the river Aven and is pretty famous because this is where the well-known playwright William Shakespeare was born his birthplace has been preserved and there's even a special Theatre in town called the Royal Shakespeare Theatre dedicated to him and his plays obviously these things would have a hand in shaping this pokémon town and I feel like the gym leader could have a very Shakespearean design that it would work perfectly with the town's gym which would double as a giant theater inspired by the Royal Shakespeare Theatre going north once again would lead you to a town based on the City of Manchester Manchester is one of the largest cities in England and offers many sights to see and things to do some of the places I imagined the Pokemon equivalent of Manchester having is a version of the Midland Hotel that you can go in and explore a football and sports arena based on the Old Trafford that you can enter and challenge the athletes to a battle a specialty clothing store based on the Hat works an exhibit that recreates a Victorian hat Factory and a somewhat open space based on Albert Square which is a public square in the centre of Manchester that has the Town Hall when you decide to leave town and head east you'll go through a route and area based on the Peak District the Peak District is one of England's most mountainous areas and is one of the few places in England that gets a fair amount of snowfall this would be the region's residents snow area and would provide a colder climate compared to the rest of the region and ice type Pokemon you can encounter on top of just being a standard ice type area I've also taken a few creative liberties with how the area is laid out and what exactly it's like brace yourselves because this is going to sound crazy but I think this area could mostly be based around a labyrinth of ice caves while the Peak District in real life does have caves and caverns they're not really as icy as they would be in this region and why I'm making such a drastic change from real life is so that another thing we're about to talk about will tie better into this route okay to explain this next thing for the area we're gonna have to briefly go back to Manchester in Manchester there's a beer company that holds something called an ice cave rave basically they create a man-made ice cave bringing a DJ and as the name implies hold the rave that technically takes place in an ice cave I thought the overall idea of this ice cave rave sounded really unique and cool and so I decided to include an area inspired by this event within the Peak District area amidst the vast network of ice caves you have to go through there would be a rave happening somewhere inside the cave you could find by following the music being played on top of that though because it's not enough to have a giant ice cave maze with a rave inside of it the Manchester gym leader is actually the head DJ of the ice cave rave we'll talk more about her and her background as well as the other gym leaders later in the video but essentially she's a DJ from a far away region who not only set up a rave in the routes ice cave but became a temporary gym leader for the region alright we've almost looked at all the places I thought of for the region but there's one last area we should cover and that's the place you unlock when you reach the postgame after beating the Pokemon League you'll be able to catch a boat ride that will take you to an island in the forest south of the region based on the Isle of Wight this island is one of the popular destinations of England it is well known for its many beaches dense gardens old military forts and antique castles I picture this island being very similar to the battle resort for ammo maker Ruby and alpha sapphire although it would be a little bit bigger and have a few more areas to explore I think this would be a very warm Island you get to traverse and would have a moderately large forested area inspired by Shanklin shine a small village that draws inspiration from the area vent noir and then a large structure based on the Osborne House which was Queen Victoria's summer home that would essentially function like a battle tower type area and that's all the locations I thought of for an England Pokemon region this is one of the bigger Pokemon regions I've made least in terms of towns locations and routes and if I'm being honest I didn't expect to put so many of the men when I started doing extensive research on England I found that the country had a lot more interesting and historic places in it than I originally expected and I did my best to try and put in as many as I could while also representing the modern day side of England - even though I added in some of my own ideas and interpretations to some of these places I feel like the England region I've crafted represents the country pretty well ensure self England's history as well as just what the country's many towns and landmarks could be like in the Pokemon world [Music] all right let's talk about all the new Pokemon that could end up being in an England based Pokemon region for this regions new Pokemon assortment I wound up taking a lot of inspiration from the mythology and folklore found in not just England but the entire United Kingdom at its core this is still in England Pokemon region so I tried to make the bulk of new Pokemon representative of the country but it is worth noting that some of the other Pokemon including the legendaries do draw upon a little bit of Scottish and Welsh legends as far as specifics go I came up with 28 different Pokemon that could inhabit the regions many environments three starter Pokemon with their evolutions for regional variants 13 common Pokemon and 2 legendaries as always I'll make sure to go over what the Pokemon is based on its typing and of course what abilities it could have as well to start us off let's look at the regional variants I'm sure you guys are sick of me saying this but at this point in time I have to clarify that we have no idea of regional variants such as the lowland forms are going to carry on in the franchise moving forward assuming they do however and that will continue to see interesting versions of Pokemon that have adapted to different regions these are all the ideas I have for what Pokemon could get regional variants in an England region first up let's take a look at regional variants for flabebe floette and Fleur guests that are grass Fairy Type these variants are inspired by daffodils and are also meant to reference Britain and Frances connection to each other in real life in the real world France and England have had a very interesting relationship with each other I won't bore you guys by going over the entire history between the two but one of the big highlights is that after a complicated history of war between them in the 1400s they developed a peaceful coexistence with each other in the 1900s and relations between them grew fairly close with many pieces of art fashion and culture being exchanged back and forth while this relationship has changed a little bit in recent years with the country's growing somewhat distant I still wanted this England Pokemon region to have that kind of connection with the France based Kalos region I thought the best way to reference this connection between them was to have a Kalos native Pokemon kid in English regional variant after looking through all the Kalas Pokemon I decided that the flabebe line would work the best with a New England regional forum and I gave them a typing of grass fairy coupled with the ability chlorophyll the other regional variants I thought of for this region as a variant of lichen rock inspired by a creature and folklore known as Rainer Deane in English folklore Rainer Dean is a werewolf known to seduce people and take them to his castle where their fates are left up to the listeners imagination I like to imagine a scenario where he has a delightful brunch with them and serves them tea but I'm sure what really happens is that Rainer Dean kills and eats them before said bad stuff happens though Rainer Dean is said to be a very classy and wooing werewolf and I thought like in Rock could have a regional variant in this region that represents Rainer Dean's classiness it would have a typing of rock fairy as well as the ability cute charm which makes enemy Pokemon to come in contact with it become infatuated by it I know like in Rock already has three forms so a fourth probably wouldn't be the most exciting thing for a lot of people but since this form would have a different typing and ability compared to the others I think it would offer something just different enough to be a little bit more exciting next up let's talk about all the common Pokemon you would see in the region these are the new Pokemon that aren't regional variants starter Pokemon or Legend areas edie would be pretty easy to find out in the wilds of the region the first one I want to go over is the staple rodent Pokemon for the region which is a normal water type Pokemon and it's evolution based on the European water vole the water vole is a semi-aquatic rodent that inhabits burrows within rivers ponds and streams and as you might expect are very good at swimming and diving considering this England region has a lot of rivers and lakes in it I felt like the water vole was a fantastic animal to base a Pokemon on and it fits pretty naturally into the mold of early game rodent within this region for its ability it would have either swift swim or damp the next Pokemon for this region is a fire ghost type creature based on something called the willow the wisp this is a ghostly light seen by travelers at night and is something that has ties to places all around the world but is mostly attested to in European folklore in British folklore the will of the wisp is often depicted as a mischievous spirit or fairy that leads people away from trails at night there are many tales surrounding the creature is some of them being about the will of the West bleeding travelers into perilous situations while others talk of them guarding treasure but the common link throughout these is that this being is said to embody a ghostly flame that can disappear on a moment swim pretty creepy if you ask me and that's the general idea I have for this fire ghost-type pokémon for its abilities to reference the fact that it's often seen as a force that causes people to get lost in the woods it could have a new ability called entrancing flame that makes us so when a Pokemon is switched in against this wisp it possibly becomes confused and it could also have flame body which causes Pokemon that make contact with it possibly become burned moving on the next pokemon is a grass ghost type based on the Beast of Bodmin more this Pokemon would be a loose counterpart to the will of the wisp Pokemon and is inspired by the legend of a large ferocious phantom cats that lives in the grasslands of Coronel and slays the livestock of the area the Taiping might seem a little bit weird for this one so let me break it down quickly the ghost typing comes from the idea of it being a phantom cat in real life a phantom cat is a large feline such as a cougar or Leopard if it appears outside of its indigenous area that's what the Beast of Bodmin more illogically is and I took the name a little bit literally for this Pokemon based off of it which is where it's ghost typing comes from the grass typing on the other hand comes slightly from the fact that the bodman beast is said to inhabit a large more but it's mostly inspired by something called the Green Man which is a sculpture or representation of a face made out of leaves this is one of the popular ideas in England's art and architecture and I merged it into the Bodmin beasts concept to give the secondary typing of grass for this phantom cat's ability I think it could have a brand new one I'm calling dissipate which allows the Pokemon to use its ghost-like trades to dissipate into the air and reduce the amount of damage it takes from flying-type moves next up is one of my favorite new Pokemon for the region which is a ground type or Pokemon and it's pre evolution based off of England's wild boar with a little bit of Roman centurion flare thrown in for good measure we've talked a lot throughout this video about England's history with the Romans and that's something I wanted these boar Pokemon to represent the general idea is that this Pokemon was originally introduced to the region hundreds of years ago when a group of poke a Romans invaded and brought this Pokemon line along the pokey Romans history mirrors real-life history and they ended up retreating from this England region but the bore Pokemon they brought along adapted and became part of the region's normal Pokemon assortment long after their initial trainers left for their abilities I wanted something that referenced how dedicated and warrior like these Pokemon are so I think something like weak armor which makes it so that when a Pokemon is hit by a physical attack their defense is lowered but their speed is raised or stamina which raises the pokemons defense every time its head would work well with this pokemon line moving on we have a Pokemon based on an insect called the Blandford fly this is a type of fly found within Europe and actually got its name because way back in the 1970s there was a huge outbreak of fly bites near the town of Blandford England where around 600 people were bidden by this fly and had to go to the hospital for treatment it was a pretty crazy incident and shows off just how rabid this species of fly can be it's almost reminiscent of mosquitos in a way because it seeks out blood to suck and that struck me as kind of sinister so sinister in fact that I think a Pokemon based on the Blandford fly could have a typing of bug dark and a new ability called blood sucker that mixes so that when this Pokemon uses bite moves like bite or crunch they have a slight lifesteal effect to them that allows this Pokemon to recover a small amount of health coming up next is a line of Pokemon based around chickens to be more specific the base form is a normal type Pokemon based around a baby chick and then it has a branching evolution where if it's male it becomes a normal fighting type rooster very loosely inspired by the old English game fowl and if it's female it becomes a normal fairy type hen for their abilities the first form would have shell armor which protects the Pokemon from critical hits the rooster would have the ability Moxie which raises its attack when it knocks out an enemy Pokemon and the hen Pokemon would have a new ability called maternal love which essentially acts like the healer ability and would give the Pokemon a chance to heal status effects of Ally Pokemon and as an added bonus would allow eggs to hatch faster the final three common Pokemon the region are all part of the same evolution line and more important than that act as the pseudo legendary for the region this Pokemon line is meant to be seen alongside other strong pseudo legendaries out there like Dragon Knights hi dragon and Garchomp and the final form stats will be very comparable to them as far as what these actual Pokemon are based on they're very influenced by the concept of the Industrial Revolution as well as steampunk we talked earlier about why steampunk and the Industrial Revolution are so rooted in England's culture and alongside having an entire city in this region with that kind of style I feel like these three Pokemon could also represent that kind of aesthetic and really push that heavy industrial vibe for this Pokemon lines ability I thought of a brand-new one called steam-powered which makes it so that anytime these Pokemon are hit by a water-type move their attack and special attack are raised by one stage that's all the common Pokemon I thought of for the region so let's switch gears now over to the region's starter Pokemon these are the three Pokemon you get to choose from at the start of the game and whichever one you go with would be your very first Pokemon to accompany you through this England region first up we have the fire type starter which is based on a bulldog and by its final evolution turns into a fire steel type Bulldogs actually originated in England and are seen by some to be a national icon for the country with such deep ties to England I knew this breed of dog would make for great inspiration for one of the starters and its ability would be the classic fire starter ability of blaze and then its hidden ability would be intimidate the second starter is the water starter which is loosely inspired by the Loch Ness monster in Scotland this is one of the pokemon in the region that draws a little bit from the general UK culture and while its first form might look a little more alike by its final evolution that becomes a dual water poison type and resembles Nessie a lot more than when you first receive it ability wise it gets torrent and then for its hidden ability I think it could have Swift swim the final starter of the region is a grass-type rabbit Pokemon that's meant to resemble the European rabbit kind of an interesting history with this rabbit in England because the European rabbit is what's called an invasive species and when it was first introduced to England by the Romans back in 43 ad this species of rabbit costs money disastrous effects to England like damaged crops and even houses getting destroyed due to the animals burrowing nowadays the European rabbit is generally all rights but to reference its initial introduction to England I think this grass type starter line could grow a little more aggressive and intimidating throughout its forms slowly becoming part fighting type in reference to the idea of an invasive species taking over things finishing up the new Pokemon section let's go over the two main Legendary's that would be the stars of this England region they're both inspired by mythical creatures and the main idea they represent is the concept of corruption versus purity it's not quite as grey area as some of the other legend areas have been in the past but both of them do tie into the overall narrative pretty well which we'll go over a little later in the video all right the first legendary to talk about is a poisoned dragon type creature based on the myth of st. George and the dragon this is a tale that has ties to many places in Europe and the quick overview of it is that long ago a venom spewing dragon crawled out of a toxic bog and started terrorizing the countryside and tell a nobleman by the name of st. George came in and slayed the dragon this legendary is meant to be heavily based on that poisonous dragon that came from the pond and I imagined this dragon Pokemon is a creature that is constantly spewing a poisonous haze that corrupts and pollutes wherever it goes for its ability I really wanted to accentuate the whole poisonous blight vibe it's got going on and I think this legendary Pokemon could have an ability called poisonous air which due to this dragon constantly emitting a noxious toxin would make it so that any Pokemon sent out against it would have a chance to become automatically poisoned the other legendary of the region is a water fairy type Pokemon based on a unicorn the unicorn is often seen as a symbol for Scotland and can be seen on the royal coat of arms for the country as well as the royal coat of arms for the entire United Kingdom in mythology unicorns are often seen as beings of pure of hearts and what better animal to contrast a bile inducing dragon than a light bringing unicorn as I mentioned earlier this legendary and the dragon one have a pretty interesting relationship to each other that plays out within the region story and this Unicorn legendary is the only Poe with enough purity to wash away the venomous toxins the dragon legendary immense Tynan to seg cleansing theme I think this legendary could have an ability called celestial rain which would summon rain that has a low chance to heal a Pokemon status affects either yours or your opponents and will also have a very slight life healing effect to it and these are all the new Pokemon I thought of for an England based pokemon region hopefully it wasn't too off-putting for some of the region's Pokemon to come from the United Kingdom's mythology in general but I think all these Pokemon could work really well within an England Pokemon region and unite together to make the new Pokemon assortment of the region really shine [Music] now that we know all about the locations and Pokemon that could be in the region I think it's finally time we go over what the story and narrative of an England Pokemon region could be like as well as a lot of the important characters you would see throughout it if this is your first regional video of mine that you're watching it's worth noting right up front that I tend to go a little bit overboard with the stories in my regions so this is a warning that what you're about to witness is super fanfiction II extremely long and filled with all sorts of cheesy dialogue but if I'm being honest I wouldn't have it any other way for my regional videos now Before we jump in and go through the entire story I wanted to briefly go through some of the things I was inspired by when crafting this region's narrative there's a few specific events from England's history and mythology that I channeled into this region story and I wanted to quickly go over what they are in detail so when we're in the story overview you'll know what plot details are referencing things from real life so the first thing I drew heavily from for the narrative was the Roman invasion of Great Britain we've been talking all throughout this video about how the Roman invasion back in 43 ad would influence the region in terms of locations in Pokemon and the reason why I included so many references to it was because it also plays a pretty big part in the story of the region we'll talk about it more soon but the general idea is that this England Pokemon region parallels real-life Great Britain and then its ancient past it was invaded by a group of poky Romans who left their mark on the region in many ways before retreating from the area the next thing I took inspiration from for this story is the legend of Saint George and the dragon we briefly touched on this in the new Pokemon section but to summarize the myth once again it said that in Britain's far past a poisonous dragon crawled out of a pond and terrorized the countryside until a man named Saint George came in and slayed the dragon how I translated this myth into the Regent story is that that you were heavily upon it for not only the relationship between the two Legendary's of the region but also the region's general origin story as well we'll be going over this in more detail pretty soon but just keep in mind that the legend of st. George does play a role within the story the last thing I was inspired by for the region's overall narrative and tone an event in England's history called the War of the Roses this was a series of civil wars that happened during 1455 through 1487 between two royal houses tried to gain control of England the House of Lancaster represented by the red rose and the House of York represented by the White Rose now this might sound kind of familiar to a lot of people and that's because the book series the Song of Fire and Ice and it's TV show adaption Game of Thrones are inspired by these real-life events while I initially thought about putting in a few small Game of Thrones references into the story I was more inspired by the overall conflict that happened between the two houses and England's real-life history and the main narrative of this story revolves around an evil team trying to take over the region and dethrone the current elite for who is having their own internal problems these are the three main things I took heavy inspiration from for the region story and as I go through detail in it you'll see a lot of their influence sprinkled throughout speaking of going through this story I think it's finally time I go through what the narrative of this region could be like so get ready grab your popcorn and let's go over the literally 20 pages I wrote down for what I think an England Pokemon region story could be like our story begins not in the present day of the Pokemon world but instead 1000 years in the region's past during this ancient time the England region was ruled over by a giant venomous dragon Pokemon wherever it went decay and famine spread and most of the inhabitants of the England region cowered in fear from this poisonous Beast not only was this dragon Pokemon in power but there was also a group of people who came from a far-off land that were shipped into revered this dragon legendary and worked in tandem with it to control the region for clarity's sake I'm going to call this group of people the Polka Romans because this plot points is meant to reference ancient Rome's invasion of England between the legendary dragons noxious blight and the poky Romans taking control of the region the ancient England region slowly became a land of hopelessness and destruction amidst all this desolation however a man by the name of George rose up and with an ancient pokémon he found in the northern lands he set out to slay the poisonous dragon his journey was hard but in the end he struck down the dragon that had been plagued in the region for so long releasing the people from their poisonous King with the people now free from the Dragons blight they rose up and combated the invaders that had taken over their land between the newfound strength of the region's locals and the fact that the poky Romans had been relying heavily on the poisonous dragon strength and were prepared for an uprising of this magnitude the poky romance ended up losing control of the region and had to retreat back to their homeland the local inhabitants of the region celebrated that they were now free from the poisonous dragon and pokey Romans and over the next few years set to rebuilding their society some places they left untouched like the ruins where st. George slayed the dragon but overall they set to work to improve and advance their land following the dark times they had just experienced jumping 1,000 years into the present day of the region now everything is normal and fine over the thousand years since being ruled over by an ancient dragon and invaders from a far-off land the England region is basically one hundred percent recovered and turned into a very modern region to all-size many ties to its past that's not to say it isn't without its problems though the region's Pokemon League is currently having a lot of internal conflict and that's something you would see a little bit of throughout the story the elite foreign champion are kind of the regulator's of this region in a sense and lately they've been having many disagreements on how to manage the region some of them feel like how they've been running things so far is fine but after hearing about what happened in the nearby Kalos region with team Flair some of the others feel like they need to become a little bit harsher with their governing while nothing drastic has happened yet it's clear that there's a slight rift for me between the five of them which has been slightly affecting the region although most of the smaller villages away from the London town wouldn't even feel the effects of the Pokemon League problems speaking of small towns this is where the player aka you comes into the story at the beginning of the game you start out in the small trio base town and it's established that you and your family are Pokemon breeders that have lived there your entire life it's a very small rustic town known for its farming and mareep will export and the player lives on a small reap farm just outside of town the game opens up with your mother excitedly telling you that the town is going to be holding a small play at the minik theatre location and the villages mayor is asked your family to help provide materials for the event your mother asks you to make a delivery to the mayor and that's what gets you out of the house and into the town for some light exploration after exploring your farm and a little bit of the surrounding area you make your delivery to the mayor and decide to head home while you're on your way back you run into one of your neighbors from a farm nearby a kid named Richard and while the two of you don't know it yet he's your main rival for the region Richard is a little bit cheeky but he also has a good heart and big dreams he talks all the time about how he wants to get away from his life of farming and go out on a real Pokemon journey like he's heard about from so many other people he says not to tell his parents but he's actually been secretly training his own Pokemon which will later turn out to be this starter Pokemon effective against yours in the hopes that someday he might become strong enough to leave this small town behind and make it to the London city and take on the top trainers of the region richard jokingly challenges you to a battle because he knows you don't have a pokemon when suddenly a mysterious woman shows up and says that you can borrow one of hers you and your rival are both taken aback by this because not only have you never seen this person before but it's kinda weird for someone to mysteriously show up and let you use their Pokemon but she assures you that there's nothing fishy going on and she's just curious if you both have the passion to be Pokemon trainers you choose one of the three Pokemon Shia's available for you which are the three starters for the region and after you do you and your rival have your very first battle against each other once it's over the lady seems pleasantly surprised at what she witnessed and that's when Richard hears his mom calling him home he's shocked he's being called home so soon and it's also scared as mum found out he's been secretly training Pokemon and rushes away very quickly the mysterious woman turns back to you almost from use to see your rival so nervous at being a pokemon trainer and says that you can hold on to the Pokemon you borrowed from her until the big play happens tonight she says that she's in the area to see the performance and you can return the Pokemon to or later at the theater after this you return home with your new starter and there's a time jump to later in the day your mother has already gone over to the play and you're supposed to go a meter there this is when you actually get to do a little bit of battling and you when your starter battled trainers and wild Pokemon on your way to the minik theatre location once you arrive you spot your mother in the bleachers but they're strangely enough no sign of the mysterious Pokemon giving woman the lights dim and the curtain comes apart to reveal none other than the strange woman from earlier she welcomes everyone to the play and introduces herself as Professor cedar she says that her her colleagues and other Pokemon have been working hard to put this show together and throughout the play she'll even be asking for some volunteers to help her out on stage the crowd starts whispering about what this could mean and without further ado the play begins I won't go through the entire play but the general idea of it is that it tells the backstory of the England region I explained earlier and you and your rival are called Anna's volunteers to help with the performance you and you're starting to get to take on the role of st. George in his legendary well your rival and his Pokemon pretend to be an ancient king and the poison dragon legendary you have a few battles against some weaker Pokemon and the play closes out by you and your rival having one final battle once you've defeated him the play officially ends and most of the crowd leaves the cliffside theater except for you a professor cedar and your mother this is where it tried to have a little bit of a twist on the classic Pokemon formula because when you talk to your mother after the play she's actually having a little bit of a panic attack at the thought of you being a pokemon trainer most of the moms in Pokemon are very supportive of letting their kid wander around a region and be a pokemon trainer but your mother and this region feels the away she talks about how dangerous being a pokemon trainer is and that if you're not careful you'll end up like your father she's also kind of upset that you got a Pokemon behind her back and that's when professor cedar jumps in and tells her that she gave you the starter Pokemon and if any wants to blame them blame her the professor goes on to try and calm your mother down and through a lot of emotional and heartfelt dialogue which due to time I won't go through she ends up convincing your mother that while being a pokemon trainer is dangerous if it's what your dream is then she should try to be supportive while your mother's still disagrees with you being a quote-unquote dangerous pokemon trainer as she puts it with the professor's convincing she decides to let you go out on your Pokemon adventure the professor smiles and officially lets you keep your starter Pokemon which she reveals she was never going to take away from you and after she also gives you a pokedex her into your mother wish you luck as you depart from the theater and begin your Pokemon journey now that you're officially traveling the region with the goal to beat Gym Leaders and take on the Pokemon League you move on from the starting town to a small village based on prince town when you arrive you see a mysterious individual duck out of an old telephone booth before discreetly heading into the abandoned Dartmoor Prison area you follow him into the nature overrun building and you get to explore it for a while before finding the man in one of the basement rooms he's shocked to find another person in such an abandoned area and asks what you're doing here after you explained that you saw him stealthily walk in here he introduces himself as looker he says that he's part of an organization called the international police and him and his partner Croagunk have been investigating some strange goings-on throughout the region he was tracking some energy readings that were spreading through the region and one of them led him to the basement of this decrepit building you suddenly hear some weird shuffling behind you and notice that a couple people dressed in heavy Roman armor are in the basement as well they look surprised to see other people down here and looker demands to know what they're doing here they recover their composure and introduce themselves as members of Team Imperium the rightful rulers of the region you and looker give them a slightly confused expression and the grunts get frustrated that you don't recognize their majesty they demand that you leave the building at once so they can search it for what they're looking for that piques lickers interest and he turns back to you and says that if there looking for something then it must be related to the strange energy reading that brought him here too he says that no matter what you can't let them find whatever they're after and so you engage in a battle against the two team Imperium grunts on their team and this goes for all of the team Imperium grunts they use a blend of electric and poison-type pokémon ranging from pikachu mareep and shanks to go pencil anda and werlla pede after you defeat the two grunts they're shocked that they lost and proclaimed that by opposing them today you have forever sealed your fate as being enemies of team Imperium the rightful heirs to the land they quickly run away from you and look her slightly chuckles he says that this is the fifth time he's seen a so called evil team tried to take over a region and he's a little amused that they didn't even attempt to hide their evil side getting serious though he says that even though he's seen this before you can't underestimate them he has a feeling that the strange happenings in the region are most likely linked to this team Imperium group and considering you defeated the grunts with relative ease he asks for your help in opposing them looker then turns his attention back to examining the basement and the player decides to press forward on their journey after going through a mountainous area and decay vous next arrived in the bath slash Bristol based city you are in your first gym badge here and after you do so you hear somebody calling for help you follow the distress cry which leads you to a giant building based on the Roman Baths the person yelling for help is out front and says that there the tour guide and a group of people barged in and kicked everybody out you go down through the building to see what's going on when you're stopped out front by none other than more team Imperium grunts they said that you're not allowed inside and that you should know your place and leave them at once maybe if they ask nicer that would have worked but since they were so rude about it you destroy them in a Pokemon battle and push past them into the building once inside the baths you see more team Imperium members and in the middle of a pool is a giant man that seems to be relaxing in the water you battle a few more grunts as you try to reach him and when you do he passively waves you away you keep trying to talk to him and eventually he jumps out of the water energetically and stares you down he says that his name is brutus team imperials brawn and that after setting up their secret base his muscles were so sorry had to take over this building just to release some of the tenshun he covers his mouth and says that he probably shouldn't have said that because it makes them seem evil but really they're very nice people that are just trying to help the region by taking it over by force because they're better than everyone and deserve to rule it he covers his mouth once again and starts getting really worked up because he keeps accidentally revealing very crucial secrets to you that you shouldn't know he decides that he and his Pokemon will pummel you into the ground to keep you from talking and this begins your first battle against team Imperium admin Brutus on his initial team he uses a Plusle murray and electabuzz and once beaten Brutus turns stone cold he seems visibly upset that he lost and swears vengeance on you he rallies his troops into formation and together they march out of the building the tour guide shows up again and thanks you for getting rid of those awful people when you suddenly hear an explosion in the distance you run outside and find that the bridge leading out of the city has been completely destroyed you can just barely make out Brutus in the team Imperium grunts marching on the other side of the destroyed bridge and it seems that Brutus might have taken his defeat against you a little bit hard with the bridge now unfortunately out of commission this causes you to backtrack a little ways and instead take the southern route through the region this leads you to the hole worth Cove town where you meet up with a familiar face Richard your rival he says that after you left professor cedar talked to his parents and after a lot of convincing they said he could go out on a Pokemon journey and here he is he says that now that you're both official trainers you should have the legit battle against each other and that's exactly what you do at this point in the game richard has the first form of whatever starter is effective against yours a pidgeotto the first form of the Waterville Pokemon and the first form of the borer Pokemon as is always the case you beat your rival in the battle but this only serves to fire him up more he says that he's going to keep training to become stronger and one day he's totally going to beat you unfortunately that day is not today and Richard says he's going to go over and check out the Roman Baths on the player ops to keep traveling forward to these Stonehenge ruins the Brutus cut you off from going to earlier once you make it to the ruins you're shocked to see tons of team Imperium grunt scattered around the area in the middle of the ruins you see a woman in a pink dress surrounded by numerous grunts and another girl and roman clothing that seems to be talking to her in a slightly threatening manner as you sneak closer you start to hear a little bit of their conversation and the roman woman seems to be interrogating the pink dressed one about something to do with the area you hear her say that the pink dress person is a witch that should know how to summon the poisonous beast who ruled long ago but the pink dressed woman doesn't know what she's talking about at that moment one of the grunts yells about an intruder and all eyes turn to you as you stop dead in your tracks the Roman woman demands to know who you are and why you're here and before you even get a chance to speak she says that it doesn't matter because if you're not part of team Imperium then what good are you she motions to the grunts and he gets swept up in a few battles against them once you've defeated them and made it over to the two mysterious women the Roman Cloud one is somewhat smirking at the idea of a trainer opposing team Imperium and she goes off on a small tirade about how team Imperium will unite the region and save her from it's faulty leadership under the foolish Ally for amid sir ramblings she reveals that her name is Sophia the brain of team Imperium she notices that you kind of zoned out during her speech and she Huff's at you and says fine I'll show you why everyone in the region will submit to our rule this begins your battle with team Imperium admin Sophia on Sophia's team she has a mine insulin dick go bat and drag algae and once you've beaten her she's left in a stupor no one has ever defeated her and you will pay dearly for making her precious pokemon faint even though she didn't get the information she was hoping for she calls the imperium grunts to her and together they march out of these Stonehenge ruins it's just you and the pink dressed woman you saved in the area now and she turns to you and thanks you for saving her she introduces herself as Victoria and sheepishly reveals that she's a member of the Elite Four but forgot to bring her pokemon with her when she was out here investigating she says that the Elite Four got a message about this new group of radicals called team Imperium that are descendants of ancient poky Romans and her trying to take over the region and she came out here to secretly investigate them unfortunately she was ambushed by Sophia who mistook her for another member of the Elite Four Morgana the mythology experts and was trying to get information out of her Victoria laughed slightly and says that she's not sure how Sofia mix the two of them up but it makes sense that Morgana was most likely who she was trying to capture because she's an expert when it comes to the region's older legends anyways Victoria wants to give you a proper reward for saving her and asked that when you have time to meet her at the Pokemon League bridge in the London town it's the least she can do for your kindness and saving her and with that she departs from the ruins after this you yourself carry on to the London city and once you arrive there's all sorts of things you can do like challenge the gym leader and explore the numerous streets and stores and after you've had your fill with the town's activities you decide to stop by the Pokemon League bridge at the edge of town and meet up with Victoria in front of the bridge you see Victoria and a woman dressed in black sort of creepy clothing standing and wait for you Victoria waves you over and right away thinks you once again for saving her and gives you a big nugget as a reward she then turns to the person next to her and introduces them as Morgana another one of the region's elite four members she says that Morgana is the person she was talking about earlier the one that's well-versed in the region's mythology and she wanted to talk to you Morgana thanks you for helping Victoria and says that team Imperium seems to be scouring the region for items related to the mythical poison legendary she says that while a lot of people assume it's just a myth it was indeed real and on a slightly scarier note could potentially be brought back to life she's been studying many of the books at the Oxford towns old library and they've illuminated some potential methods that could in theory bring the destructive legendary back to life some heavy information to be sure and she quickly throws in that it's only a possibility and who knows that team Imperium is truly going to try and do that after all this new info has been revealed you say goodbye to the two elite four members finish up any other business you have in the London City and then move on to the cambridge town here you actually bump into professor cedar again and she's quite happy to see you she never really explained what it was that she studied back when he first meant at the starting town and she shows you around her lab at the town's giant university building basically her area of research is all about Pokemon types why Pokemon and classified a certain types why their moves fall into those types and some of the curious cases where a Pokemon seems like it should be one type beam but is instead something entirely different after she explains her area of study she introduces you to one of her colleagues in the building which is also a gym leader can battle and once you earn his gym badge you press onwards to the naughty name based town what should be another pleasant city to go through is taking a somewhat downward spiral the town is crawling with team Imperium grande sent at the town's castle you can see many people gather below a large balcony you go there to see what all the fuss is about and a younger man who looks like he's most likely part of team Imperium steps out onto the balcony he says that his name is Nero the grand leader of team Imperium and that all of you pathetic worms in the crowd have been living under the rule of weaklings for centuries he and his group of pokey Romans are the true heirs to the region and their strength will guide you to the next evolution of life the crowd is insured to make of this and Nero presses on he says that once his master plan is complete the ridge will go back to its state of perfection that happened 1,000 years ago team Imperium and all those who joined them will be at the top and anyone who opposes will be forced to the bottom the crowd isn't too crazy about that part of his speech and team Imperium grunts start closing in on the large group of people Nero says that if you give you a Pokemon to us now I'll guarantee that you shan't be harmed when the storm of poison rains down from above this causes people to actively start freaking out now and the grunts start taking people's Pokemon by force suddenly laughter can be heard from within the crowd and the mass of people parts to reveal a man clad in a cloak alongside another mysterious figure beside him he taunts Nero by saying people really believe all that huh guess it's just not for me the man sheds his cloak and reveals himself to look very close to Robin Hood he goes on to say that he's the gym leader of this town and if anyone messes with the people in it then they've got to go through him and his two CID UI first Nero is perplexed not because he's scared but because he's not sure why somebody would be wearing tights during the winter season and he passively gestures to the grunts to take out the man Nero disappears inside and the grunts surround the gym leader and his decidua the player jumps to his aide and together you battle through the swarm of grunts the gym leader remarks that you're pretty good at battling and after all this is blown over you've got to challenge him for a gym badge before that happens though you both charge into the castle to confront Nero the entire castle has been decked out in extravagant decorations and at the end of the hall is Nero sitting on a throne you and Gym Leader battle through a few more Imperium grunts then run up to Nero and confront him about his evil plans Nero is very disinterested stifling a yawn and says that either battle him or leave but do not waste his time with idle talk it's decided that the player will battle Nero while the gym leader blocks more incoming grunts and on Nero's initial team he uses a Nidoking Nidoqueen Electress and Magneton once defeated he still seems unimpressed he says that this was a gigantic waste of effort and he has places to be in things to do he can see it in your eyes that you'll never grovel before him but he swears that once he's King you will change your mind and bow to him the screen fades to black and when it fades back in Nero was gone as well as all the team Imperium grunts in the area the Robin Hood gym leader gives a light-hearted laugh and says that you've done great work and scared them off he thanks you for helping him out and as he leaves the castle says that you're more than ready to battle him for a badge and he'll be waiting for you at his gym the player goes to leave the castle as well when suddenly looker shows up he says that he heard from the townsfolk what happened here and he's very impressed that you were able to confront team Imperium and even defeat their leader unfortunately he hasn't sought you out to give you happy news and says that there have been numerous reports of team Imperium grunt stealing heavy machinery from all around the region he's not sure why but if he had to guess he has a feeling that team Imperium is planning something big he asks you to keep a lookout and says that he'll stay in Nottingham for a while and see if they left any clues behind after this you battled the town's Gym Leader and head to the norwich base town and right when you arrive Richard shows up in classic rival fashion he gets right to the point and challenges you to a Pokemon battle he says that he and his Pokemon have grown so much since your first battle and he's ready to show you his new skills on Richards team this time around he has the second evolution of the starter effective against yours a pidgeotto the second form of the Waterville Pokemon the first form of the bore Pokemon and a hurry er once defeated he still tries to remain optimistic and fired up but you can tell that he's getting a little discouraged from you beating him every single time he reveals to the player that he actually came to this town because it has a region renowned Pokemon Academy and he was hoping to pick up a few tips from them he says that the town's gym leader is the headmistress of the Academy so even though you don't need any help to beat him you'll still have a reason to go there to your rival heads over to the school and you follow right behind him the school is split up into two sections with one side be more of the teaching side where Richard goes and studies while the other is the actual gym side where you fight students trying to get to the gym leader headmistress charlotte once you've reached her and earned her gym badge she somewhat lightens up a little bit and congratulate you on a solid win she suddenly gets a phone call and while she's honest she seems somewhat annoyed although a little understanding she hangs up the phone and makes an announcement to all the students and says that all the new books she ordered will be delayed on account of somebody breaking into the Oxford library based location and throwing things into disarray over there while Charlotte and the general student body might not know what's happening you have a pretty good hunch as to who might have done this and you leave the Academy behind to travel to the Oxford town on the way there you go through these stratford-upon-avon town and beat its gym leader and then you arrive at the Oxford towns library when you go inside Charlotte wasn't lying when she said it was thrown into disarray because the entire building looks like a tornado went through it in the middle of the wreckage are two people looking around at everything solemnly one of them you recognized as Morgana of the Elite Four and the other is a rather stoic looking Knight you approached them and the knight introduces himself as Arthur the reigning champion of the region he says that the Pokemon League was alerted to this crime moments ago and he and Morgana rushed here as fast as possible but alas they were too late to stop the criminals from their heinous deeds Morgana jumps in and says that whoever came here stole all the books relating to the region's mythology including some of the books from the poky roman times that detail the mythical poison dragon between team Imperium trying to get information out of Victoria about the process of resurrecting the dragon and the fact that now all the books relating to the poison legendary have been stolen Morgana fears the team Imperium may have actually found a way to revive the legendary that should be gone forever Arthur grimaces at the sound of that he openly admits that he felt the region was doing fine before which is why I didn't agree with some of the elite four members that said they needed to be more strict but now he's changed his mind he says that the region is to be on high alert now and he and the Elite Four will be going to various places around the region to guard them from Team Imperium he hates asking people for help in matters such as this that he should be able to control but Arthur asks that if you're able to help protect the region and stop Team Imperium with that both he and Morgana rush out of the destroyed library to go off and protect the region the player goes to leave the library when liquor bumps into you once again he's shocked to see you here but says this is a remarkable timing he cuts right to the chase and says that he might have a lead as to where team Imperium is hiding he's been tracking the strange energy reading since back when he met in prince town and there seems to be a very high concentration of it to the south of the london town in the brighton based city he's not 100% positive this is where team Imperium is but he feels like there's a high chance their hideout could be located within the city looker says that he'll catch up with you there later as he has to report his findings to a superiors and with that the player goes to the Brighton city after exploring it for a while the only unusual thing you find is that the town's Castle is supposed to be abandoned and open to the public but it's strangely locked up tight and some of the lights are on inside of it since you can't go in through the front gate you instead have to go through the town sewer system to try and find a way in luckily enough nobody ever thinks to check the sewers and you're able to find an open vent that leads into the allegedly abandoned Brighton Palace although it's not really abandoned what should be a dusty broken-down building instead looks surprisingly modern many high-tech machines contrast the fancy Victorian era decor and there's also you guessed it tonnes of team Imperium scientists and grunts hanging around you're sure that Nero and dis admins are somewhere in here so you get to work battling through the money Imperium members before you finally enter the building's throne room to the surprise of no one Nero is sitting nonchalantly on the throne while Brutus and Sophia are working some high-tech machines in the middle of the room there's a giant purple contraption in the center with some strange glowing liquid Nero without getting up from his throne gives the player a slow sarcastic clap well done shana you were able to find our headquarters not even the bumbling fools of the Pokemon League were able to do that surely that's another sign as to this region II D my strong hair guiding them to success he notices your determination and says that oh you must have figured out our plan now huh while we do have vast numbers and a great amount of strength if we waged open wall on this region we would surely lose to trainers like you although that now changes soon I shall have revived the great dragon of the region and using its power all shall bow before me I know you're going to try and stop me and we'll have a showdown but before that happens I shall have Brutus and Sophia stall you I go claim my prize and my region I'll see you soon trainer with that Nero strolls out of the room and Brutus and Sophia leave the mysterious machines they were operating to come and battle you Brutus has amped up at the chance to fight you again and Sophia seems a little more reserved this time but even she can't hide her smirk at the thought of destroying you in a Pokemon battle Brutus challenges you first and on his team uses a Plusle and Feroz manectric and electivire while Sophia challenges you after you beat Brutus and uses a mine and Salah soul crobat and dragalge once defeated the two of them have very different reactions Brutus starts brooding and laments if he's joined the wrong side Nero told him team Imperium would only win because they were right and yet he's lost almost every single battle since he joined them maybe this isn't the right thing maybe he really is a bad guy as Brutus keeps monologuing his thoughts Sophia who feels similarly to Brutus but show some more through her expressions quietly slips out of the room undetected amidst Brutus is self inflection looker finally arrives on scene and tells you good work he shuts down whatever the purple ooze machine is which snaps Brutus back to the present he looks around panicked and yells out for Sophia who we didn't notice it already escaped looker quickly leaps beside him and puts him under arrest and the shock of the moment Brutus blurts out anything and everything he can think of to not get arrested including an interesting detail about another one of the region's Legendary's according to Brutus team Imperium was planning to capture the mythical unicorn legendary of the regions lakes but Nero decided not to because he felt like the power of the resurrected poison legendary would drastically overpower it looker has stunned at the amount of important info Brutus just shared and while he's still going to arrest him he does thank him for his help looker then asks if you see your map Andy marks the Lake District area on it he says that this is the place Brutus mentioned the other legendary of the region residing at and if you want to you can go try to capture it to help in the upcoming showdown looker says it's ultimately the players choice and regardless of what you do looker will meet you at the stone Angie re after he's taken Brutus in and alerted everybody about Nero's plan assuming the player wants to seek out the legendary to challenge narrow width you'll head north of these stratford-upon-avon town go through the city based on Manchester go through the ice caves getting the opportunity to challenge another gym leader and take an offshoot cave from them that leads to the Lake District once there your goal is simple find the water fairy unicorn legendary and capture it to use in your confrontation against team Imperium leader the catch to this is that the legendary is a random encounter in the area and you first have to find out which one of the many lakes that's inhabiting and then surf on the water to try and encounter it once you've got the legendary you go to the Stonehenge location and find that there's already a lot of people there hundreds of team imperium grunts have formed a barricade around the ruins and people you've seen on your adventure like the gym leaders looker and the Elite Four members are all gathered in a crowd outside of the general ruins area in the middle of the ruins you see Nero alongside a machine that looks like the one in team Imperium side out he has one of the biggest grins on his face as he addresses the crowd of people he thanks everyone for coming and gives a special shout-out to the elite for he says he's glad they made the trip out here to see who the new king of the region will be and no hard feelings but once he's taken control they're going to be banished for eternity this tips Arthur over the edge and he rebukes Nero and everything he's trying to accomplish he calls out his Pokemon as do all of the gym leaders in the leaf forum members and they openly battled the hundreds of team Imperium grunts as they tried to reach Nero the player arrives on scene and amidst the gigantic showdown happening Arthur says the he and everyone else will keep the grunts occupied and you have to go challenge Nero the player rushes to Nero still battling a few grunts protecting him and you finally come face-to-face with the maniacal Emperor he scoffs that the player and says oh you poor misguided child haven't you realized it yet even you are stronger than your region's pathetic Pokemon League the player doesn't back down from him and Nero smirks because he knew it would come to this he tells you to show him the strength you have and maybe he won't banish you when he rules over the region and your final battle with team Imperium Emperor Nero then begins on Nero's final team he uses a Nidoking Nidoqueen drapion Electress electrode and Magnezone once you've beaten him he erupts into laughter and says that even in defeat he's still won he says that he was only trying to stall you and that the legendary dragon is about to be reborn it will be even stronger than before and nobody not even him will be able to stop the blight it will bring with it the air suddenly gets thick and the machine in the middle of the ruins pulses with a dark purple toxins appear to emanate out of the machine and everyone in the area starts coughing a piercing is heard and the machine erupts into a purple and white fog that envelops the ruins it receives a little bit and amidst the cloud of smoke and debris lay eyes on what can only be described as a legendary it let's add another piercing cry and do you notice that the legends are true and toxin is constantly being emitted by it aside from the creepy breathing sounds the dragon is making the entire ruins of fallen silent could this be the moment where the England region succumbs to a storm of poison and decay suddenly somebody else out Oh kick its arse mate everyone turns into its Richard he's cheering you on and telling you that you've got this don't let that poison blighter destroy the region the crowd of people is stunned at Richard's excitement but soon they join in with his confidence in you and everyone starts cheering you on as you face off against the blight bringing abomination your showdown against this legendary will be somewhat comparable to the ultra no crows my battle from ultra Sun and Moon where it would legitimately feel like a boss battle the legendary stats will be raised and its ability will be slightly altered and make it so every pokemon that gets called out against it gets automatically poisoned you also wouldn't be able to capture the Pokemon at this time and would instead have to defeat it once you've beaten the creature it stops spewing it's poisonous violent looks significantly weakened it appears that whatever enhancement steam Imperium made to it when it was resurrected have worn off and it flees the area leaving a stunned Nero behind the crowd is cheering that you were able to defeat the legendary and amidst all the happiness curr emerges and confronts nero liquor puts him in cuffs and starts carding him away but before they leave nero goes on quite a tirade saying that this is his region he's much more fit to rule it than the serfs who run it now everyone is still celebrating and paying little attention to him and that's when nero drops one last piece of information that's actually pretty big he says that he wasn't actually the mastermind behind everything look her in the crowd looks at him confused and he says that though I could have made a plan as good as this it wasn't actually my idea someone sent this master plan to me and I was merely following their guidelines looker looks at nero expectantly and says well who was it another higher up in team Imperium but Nero laughs and says a foolish detective it was one of them he points at the gym leaders in the late four of the region who were stunned in shock months ago I gots a cryptic letter from this region on the Royal parchment that told me the gym leader since Pokemon League of this region use it explained in detail how to take over the region and resurrect the legendary everyone is baffled by this revelation and you see many of the gym leaders and delete four members looking at each other cautiously nero cackles knowing that his information was quite a shock to them and looker decides that he said enough and quickly carts him away there's a somewhat tense silence as nero and looker leave but richard breaks that when he rushes up to you and says that you were awesome he wishes he could be as strong as you and just because he beat a big strong legendary doesn't mean you're the best trainer yet he rushes off excitedly to get back to training and hopefully catch up to you after richard leaves arthur and victoria come up to the player and give their thanks as well arthur goes on to say however that if what nero said is true and there's a traitor among the entire league then your work might not be over just yet Victoria brings up the idea that maybe nero was just lying and arthur Ponder's this he says that it's impossible to determine and that he'll just have to keep an eye on the region even closer than before after this you can talk with a few of the people that are still hanging around the stonehenge ruins and then you decide to resume your pokemon journey and earn your final gym badge now that you have all eight you make your way through Victory Garden this region's Victory Road battle Richard one last time where he uses the final evolution of his starter a Pidgeot second form of the Waterville Pokemon the second form of the borer Pokemon a stout lend and a noivern and then you make your way to the Pokemon League defeat the Elite Four and become champion of the England region alright to finish up the story and character section let's go over the gym leaders and delete four of the region more in-depth we've talked about a few of them already in the story overview but now I want to go over them specifically and talk about each of their type specialties what they're based on their signature Pokemon and maybe a few stray story bits first up talking gym leaders we have a water-type gym leader located in the bath / bristol base town who uses a sea king as her signature Pokemon her whole background is that she works in a shipping yard and is a very honest woman who works hard to make sure that all the supply she receives are shipped out and delivered on time rumor has that her father was a notorious pirate who lived in the town before setting out on adventure but she rejected the high seas lifestyle to do something a little less unlawful next up is a ghost type gym leader who resides in these stratford-upon-avon town and whose design is meant to pay homage to william shakespeare he would use the new willow the wisp pokemon as the signature pokemon and his gym would feature a ghostly puzzle embedded in a spooky theater after this as an electric-type gym leader located in the london city but there's a little bit of a twist with this one my idea for the town's gym leader is to actually have three gym leaders that are all part of a punk rock band each of the members will give you 1/3 of the gym badge and they would each respectively use a Pikachu elekid and Luxio the fourth gym leader would be a bug-type expert located at the cambridge town and would be one of the leading professors his area of research isn't a bug type Pokemon which is meant to parallel many of the famous entomologists who gained renown in England and his signature Pokemon would be a Beedrill the gym leader after this is a fire-type Master and is based around the headmistress of a pokemon trainer Academy we talked about this earlier but I imagine this England region would have a pretty large scale trainer school inspired by England's numerous academies and I think the headmistress of this trainer Academy would be one of the gym leaders after this you would encounter a grass-type gym leader based off the legendary scoundrel Robin Hood I talked about this guy a lot in the story overview already so I won't go - in-depth with him but his whole background is that he tries to fight against those in power that are doing wrong and his main pokémon is decidua the next gym leader which i've also talked about a lot would be an ice type gym leader who runs a gym inspired by the ice cave rave she's a famous DJ who came from a faraway land and her signature Pokemon is a weave aisle I won't talk about her too much but I'm sure that someday I'll make a video about her magical homeland the final gym leader is a steel type master located in the steampunk-inspired Sheffield city she's one of the top engineers in the town which surprises a lot of people due to her young age she can more than hold her own in battle though and uses the final evolution of the new steampunk pokemon to crush her opponents switching over to the Elite Four you might have picked up on this in the story overview but their home motif is that they're based around the legend of King Arthur this is one of the biggest British legends and revolves her on King Arthur and his knights of the round table fighting off invaders who would take over Britain there's many characters than the legend ranging from Arthur himself to The Enchantress Morgan la Fey and the silly forest inspired by many different people within our theory in legend first up is a psychic-type trainer meant to embody Merlin in Arthurian legend Merlin was a kindly wizard who helped King Arthur and even though it's kind of a stretch I think his magical powers could be translated into the pokemon world by way of being a psychic-type expert his signature Pokemon would be a goth Attell next is a dark type Elite Four member based on Morgan la Fey known in this region as Morgana in Arthur Ian's legend Morgan la Fey is a powerful enchantress that is known to use her power for somewhat sinister means there's been a lot of interpretations of her but she's generally presented as a little bit of an anti heroine and nemesis to King Arthur her main Pokemon would be a malamar after Morgana is a fighting type Knight based on Sir Lancelot he's a member of the knights of the round table and is often depicted as King Arthur's greatest companion his ace Pokemon would be a Gallade next we have a fairy type Elite Four member based on kawin appear who I named Viktoria in the story in Arthurian legend Guinevere is the wife of King Arthur and while that's not the case in this England region I did make her a fairy type master that would use a furgus as her signature Pokemon last of all we have the champion of the region which is based on King Arthur himself he wouldn't be locked to a single type and that way could prove just how tough of a champion he truly is his main Pokemon is a go / to embody the spirit of Excalibur and he uses a variety of different Pokemon found throughout the England region and this has been all the ideas I had for what I think England could be like as a Pokemon region this is another one of my longer regional videos but it makes sense because I really tried to fit a lot of England's history and culture into this Pokemon region many of the locations reflect England's storied past with ruins castles Victorian era buildings and modern designs many of the Pokemon reflect the folklore and legends found throughout England and the entire UK and of course the story is meant to embody England's history with invasion and people vying for the throne I know there's kind of a lot going on with this region but hopefully I was able to capture the essence of England and even a little bit of the United Kingdom in general and make all you Brits out there proud anyways what do you guys think do you like the idea of an England Pokemon region would you want to play through it let me know what you guys think of this England region and any other ideas you have in the comments section below anyways thank you guys so much for watching this video and I'll catch you later [Music]
Channel: Mr Buddy
Views: 954,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mr Buddy, Pokemon, Pokemon Switch, England, Scotland, Wales, United Kingdom, UK, What If Pokemon, Pokemon Regions, Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Alola, Sevii Islands, Italy, Europe, Hypothetical Pokemon Region, What If Pokemon Region, Pikachu, Fan made Pokemon Regions
Id: l0p6x6W-hLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 37sec (5497 seconds)
Published: Fri May 11 2018
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