What If Scandinavia Was A Pokemon Region?

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hey what's going on everybody its mr. buddy here and today we're going to be looking at another what-if Pokemon region now if you're unfamiliar with this series in these videos I have to take a look at what certain countries and places around the world might be like as Pokemon regions I look at possible locations that can be included for a new Pokemon that might be created and even the potential story that could be present throughout them for today's region we're going to be traveling to the cold and snowy area of northern Europe and talking about the home of the Vikings Scandinavia everything from it's colder climate and mountains it's history with Norse mythology and its modern-day side make it the perfect candidate for a future pokemon region and today I'll be sharing all the ideas they came up with for a region based on it now as always before we get to in depth with this region there are a few disclaimers and notes I've got to go over quickly number one this video is not meant to be speculation on an upcoming Pokemon games region many people will probably see this video at different times and if you're watching this when the new Pokemon game is coming out and the region I'll be talking about today has similarities to an official Game Freak made one just know that it's all a coincidence and this video was always meant to be just a fun idea filled video rather than serious speculation the second thing is please go to the description and check out all the artists who helped make this video it's thanks to them that these videos are anywhere near as good as they are and their work from the character art to the environments to the Pokemon designs is so phenomenal and really helps me show off what these regions could be like third thing is keep all your suggestions coming in the Australia regional video I get overwhelmed with so many great suggestions and ideas from everybody it was awesome to go through and read them all whether it was a suggestion for a future regional video or throwing out your own ideas and thoughts on the region I already made it's so interesting to read other people's thoughts on this stuff so please feel free to keep commenting and suggesting things alright we're almost done with the intro now but I've got to give a huge disclaimer and say please forgive my pronunciation for all the places and things I'll be talking about throughout this video as most people from Australian Greece can match for I'm famously bad at pronouncing things and as you might expect I'm no better at saying words for my knee of the Nordic languages either I really am trying my best to pronounce them right so please forgive me for how bad I'd probably laughable most of the words will sound okay I think that's enough for opening statements we have a lot to go through with this region including a Viking evil team snow filled environments and some Norse mythology inspired Pokemon so let's not waste any more time and get to talking about what Scandinavia might be like as a Pokemon region [Music] [Laughter] now before we get into all the big topics of this region like the specific locations story stuff and new Pokemon we should probably talk first about where Scandinavia is and just kind of what it's like in terms of its geography animal life and history so Scandinavia is a group of countries located in northern Europe and it's in kind of an interesting situation because depending on who you ask its boundaries in what countries are considered part of it can vary wildly the countries of Denmark Norway and Sweden are always considered part of Scandinavia but sometimes other countries that are nearby like Finland Iceland and the Faroe Islands can also be grouped in as part of Scandinavia with so many countries and areas that can technically be part of Scandinavia I found that it was a little bit hard to set the parameters for this region I didn't want the region to be too big to be made of like five different countries but I also didn't want it to feel too compact and have too much crammed into a small area what I ultimately decided to do was make this region focused exclusively on the three countries that are always considered part of Scandinavia which are once again Denmark Norway and Sweden one day I definitely want to come back and do some of the other Nordic countries as regions such as Finland and Iceland but at least for today's video just so the region isn't too big I'll only be focusing on the countries that most people agree on and define as Scandinavia now that we know a little bit about the boundaries of this hypothetical region let's take a look at what its geography could be like as well some of the older Pokemon that could appear within its various environments the first thing you'll probably notice when looking at a map of Scandinavia and honestly what kind of drew me to thinking about what the area might be like as a Pokemon region in the first place is just how much of it is covered by snow and mountains in the sake of accuracy I should mention right up front that Denmark doesn't really have a ton of mountains but both Norway and Sweden more than make up for that by having a very large number of peaks and ice Norway especially due to having most of the scandinavian mountain ranges absolutely covered by rugged snow top terrain now why I think Scandinavia's high amount of snow and mountains could make for a great pokemon region is simply because we have early had a region before that had a higher preference towards these types of environments the closest I can think of will probably be Cinna with Mount Coronets no point City and the northern routes but truth be told I think and anivia based region could outdo Sina's colder areas entirely this Scandinavian region would definitely have quite a few different snowy routes areas and cities spread out across the region which I think could provide a welcome change of pace compared to the past regions we've had now I should also mention while we're talking about Scandinavia's geography and how it could translate into a pokemon region that not all of it will be made up of mountains and snow I mentioned before the Denmark is mostly flat and that's just one example of the many kinds of habitats this region could provide there's forests and grasslands the many fjords and coasts of Norway swamps and bogs in Sweden Mountains that aren't covered in snow and even volcanic and desert areas if you count some of the islands near Norway and Denmark well at first glance it might appear like Scandinavia doesn't have much environmental diversity there's actually a lot hidden within it which could make for a well rounded Pokemon region now as far as well older Pokemon would appear at these areas in region I've actually made an entire list a lot of this list is based on real-life animals that appear within Denmark Norway and Sweden and their Pokemon counterparts but fair warning that some of these folk Aman I put in just because I think they would fit in well and aren't necessarily related to real-life animals that live in Scandinavia so first up in the snow mountain areas you'll be able to find pokemons such as Deerling sawsbuck Stantler snorunt cry agonal Cub chew bear ticks kneazle rock rough lichen rock delibird Snow verse win up and potentially even the 11 variants of Vulpix and ninetails which before you yell at me there's actually a story related reason these the lowland Pokemon could be here in the bogs and swamps you could see phantom trevenant Shepherd beignet tangela lotad lone Brae pumpkaboo Croagunk Atkins and Wooper in the forests and grasslands therapy Pokemon like toget Amaru sandshrew San / Taillow Bidoof bibarel hoot-hoot Noctowl min chino Rattata eradicate the Ralts line bunnelby drill Burr and Zubat volcanic and desert areas would have the Pokemon Geodude gravel err onyx ponyta Mac be magmar slugma heat more are on Bagon and larvae tar and the fjords and coasts would include buizel floatzel seal dugong finis on lu mini on skiddo teddiursa bird Michael Dean and carvanha that's kind of a general look at what older Pokemon might be in a Scandinavia based region but obviously there's no way I could list every single Pokemon that could fit into its environments there's also a bunch of other brand-new Pokemon ideas I created for the region that would be in these areas too but we'll go over those a little later on in their own section for now before we move on to the possible towns and locations that could be included I first wanted to talk about one of the big influences I had when thinking of things for this hypothetical region so I briefly mentioned in the intro that Scandinavia is the home of the Vikings and because of that I really tried to draw upon Viking and North's mythology for a lot of this region's aesthetic not everything in this region will be steeped in Scandinavia's heritage but for many of the town's characters new pokemon and especially story points I really tried to incorporate elements of Scandinavian culture and folklore mixed with Norse mythology for inspiration now if you're worried that this region will feel too Viking II and not really as modern as other Pokemon regions don't worry I tried really hard to strike a balance between old-school Viking stuff and modern-day Scandinavia things soulfully the end result of this region will provide a good blend between the old and new [Music] all right now that we've talked about what the boundaries of this region could be what types of environments until Pokemon would be in it as well as how it really tried to incorporate Norse mythology and Scandinavian folklore into this region let's not go over the possible cities landmarks and locations that you could find throughout this Nordic land right up front before I get any comments about this I should mention that there are a few things I changed around and added to this region compared to real life Scandinavia I moved Denmark a little farther away from Sweden I moved to Norwegian Island a little bit closer to the mainland and I even included a mythological location based on North's legend these are just a few of the changes I made in this region compared to real life Scandinavia and as we go through detailing all the cities and boats I'll try and explain my thought process behind these changes and why I ultimately made them even though the region will be slightly different from real-life Scandinavia I think I was still able to keep the essence of all the landmarks and locations and show off what they could be like within the Pokemon world okay let's dive right in with our tour through the region and begin with the players starting down when researching and thinking about where the starting towns should be based on I really wanted to try and find a place that was unique not just compared to other starting towns we've had in the past but also to the Scandinavian region as a whole this is when I learned all about the fjords of Norway which are essentially these large waterways that snake into the mainland and cover almost the entire western side of the country these are one of the standout geographical features of Norway and I think the region starting town could be located inside one of these fjords getting a little more specific there's a Fuhrer called some fjord which is the largest in Norway that I think has a lot of potential to be where your hometown in this region is located it has numerous small towns and villages inside of it and I imagine that the starting town for this region would more or less be an amalgamation of all of them rather than based on a specific one it would have a few houses a larger shrine like building that the town's elder lives in and a dock for people to arrive by boat now before we move on to the next city I wanted to go over two smaller areas connected to the starting town that are somewhat important to the region's story the first place is located in the mountainous and snowy area that lies east of the starting town and is an area loosely inspired by a Norwegian national park called Jotunheim n' not only would this early area you go to provide great-looking mountain Harmons to explore but it would be full of ice type Pokemon you could catch as well there would also be a large statue dedicated to one of the region's Legendary's here too but we'll go over how that ties into the story a little later jumping back to the starting town if you go west for a mint this would take you along a small route located inside the Fuhrer until you reach the western coast at the coast there would be a small area that would have a lighthouse based on the helis oil lighthouse you could wander around it in the surrounding coastal environment together this area the Jotunheim an inspired location the starting town and the two routes connecting these places would provide kind of the opening section of the game we'll talk more about how these places fit into the narrative later on but I wanted to point out that this would be where you get your starter have your first couple battles and learn the basics of Pokemon before officially starting your journey all right let's move on from the starting town in two related areas and travels south this would take you along a pretty standard route that would have a mountainous side area you could discover based on trail tuna or troll town in real life this is a uniquely shaped rock formation that juts out over the lake of ringa dal spot nets it's a really interesting looking place and I think having this be a side area you could discover while traveling along a route would work out well perhaps this area could have some strong Pokemon or maybe a significance to the story in some way once you've made a pastoral tongan through the route you would wind up in a town based on the city of Stavanger in Norway like most of the cities in Scandinavia Stavanger is very close to the ocean but even though that's something that has in common with a lot of other cities it has many unique landmarks that I think could be included in a Pokemon town based off of it there's a monument called spirit EPL or swords and rock depicting three large swords in the ground I think could be one of the big points of interest in this town there's a street called over a whole Megillah which has many colorfully painted houses that I think could rather than be a single Street in the city be the inspiration for how this entire town looks in-game and there's an island nearby that contains floor orgeat a which are many man-made gardens that I imagine would be included in this town and could be related to a grass-type gym leader that runs them carrying on with your journey you would go east and arrive in a relatively larger city based on Norway's capital Oslo now Oslo has quite a few interesting things in it that would make for great locations in this Pokemon town like its royal palace in Frogner Park but the one thing I'd love for this low slow bass town to include is a building based on the Viking ship Museum Oslo is well known for having a lot of museums in there but the one that really stands out to me is the Viking ship Museum which contains legitimate ancient Viking ships in that I think having a museum like this in the town could be really cool and could give us a look at perhaps the Pokemon world sequinned land of ancient Viking ships now when you decide to carry on with your Pokemon journey there's a couple different places you can go if you travel east you'd move along a mountainous route that would lead you to a small mine based on the following mine at this area you'd be able to freely explore the mining facility and find all sorts of rocking ground-type pokémon inside as well as various miners who want to battle you going back to the oslo town if you instead travel southeast from it you would go to a large lake in the middle of the region based on the lake vättern in Sweden now lake vättern is not only the largest lake in Scandinavia but it's also the third largest lake in the entirety of Europe like veneering is so big in fact it actually has an archipelago of islands inside of it focusing in on Lake veneerings Islands that's actually something I think this region's lake could have that would set it apart from other Pokemon Lakes we've seen before it would be really interesting if this region's lake had a few small islands you could explore in the middle of it with maybe a lighthouse and hunting lodge on them in reference to what the archipelago has in your real life also there's an old castle on the shore of Lake veneer and called lekha Castle and I think this region's Lake could possibly have its own castle on the shore and reference to that now if you had East from Lake veneer and you would travel along a relatively normal grassy route and tell you would come across a small side area containing an abandoned factory this rundown industrial area is a slight reference to a town known as tour shayla now I want to make it clear that in real life tour Sheila is a very normal and functioning town known for its steel and metalworking output I really wanted to include it in the region but because it was so close to a big city that we'll talk about next I felt like it couldn't have both of these places in the region as towns and I decided to include a small factory type area loosely inspired by tour Sheila instead this empty factory would have a lot of Steel and ghost types running around it and while exploring you'd be able to uncover a few clues as to why the workers abandoned the area moving on past the deserted factory we arrived at a city based on Sweden's capital Stockholm remember how earlier I said that most of the big cities in Scandinavia are by water comme is probably the best example of that as the city is spread out across 14 different islands and has numerous bridges connecting them all together this would definitely make for an interesting town within Pokemon and how I imagined it all play now is that the Pokemon version of Stockholm would have four different islands Bridge together making up the town the first island would have a Pokemon Center as well as a couple various houses and stores the second Island would have a giant spherical building based on the Ericsson Globe that offers some kind of Pokemon tournament or contest inside the third island would have a small garden as well as a building based on stock homes royal palace and the fourth and final island would have a part with numerous ships as well as the town's Gym Leader which will be run by a former ship captain now before you continue journeying through the mainland you'd actually be able to catch ride over to a nearby island that would be based off of the island of Gotland in Sweden this island would have a small village based on the town of Visby including the town's medieval castle walls and the surrounding area would have some old ruins you could check out as well to find some ancient pokémon such as gold and bronze or after exploring this somewhat medieval ish town you get a ride back to the Stockholm city and head north this takes you to a medium-sized city based on a town in Sweden called since fall since fall is honestly a pretty normal town and contains numerous paper and aluminium processing plants as well as banks communication centers and business type buildings I know that probably doesn't make it sound like the most exciting place to turn into a Pokemon town but I still think you could do some cool stuff with it especially if you maybe have a concert or music festival happening in the town as a reference to the many music festivals that are held there in real life carrying on with your journey north you pass through a village based on the exceda which is the small town in the middle of sweden with a river running through it and you would then arrive at a city based on Lully oh the big thing that stands out about Lully oh that could translate into a Pokemon town is its large steel industry if I may call back to earlier and do some slight world-building remember when I talked about that abandoned factory based on tour Shilla well this new lio inspired city would be where all those factory workers moved to and started a new industrial building even the town's gym leader would be a master of skill types and be involved with the town steel factory in some capacity at this point the player puts back on their snow boots and tricks once more into the mountainous and snowy terrain of the region to reach a village on a Swedish town known as abisco now abisco is a small town in real life but there's also a national park around abisco as well that has many key points of interest and I imagined that this Pokemon town would take elements from both of these areas to make up its features now one of the big places of interest I imagined being in this town or at least very close to it would be a tram that would take you to an observation deck based on the Aurora sky station where it could view the pokemon world equivalent of the Northern Lights abisco is one of the best places in Scandinavia to see the Northern Lights and the aurora sky station is the mountaintop observation centre where you can view them I think an area like this would fit perfectly into the region and there could also be a small place around the observation deck you could explore as well other than this lookout point in the town having a lot of snow I also think there could be a ski resort that doubles as a gym in the town as well admittedly this area might be a little bit too big for the abisco town but one of the gym leaders I've planned out is an ice type master who's also a professional skier so I think this town could have a small ski resort worthy Gym Leader practices when you ultimately decide to leave this town you would head south along a mountainous route that would take you through a cave system based on and forgive me for the pronunciation here yeah yeah Brad idea cave and when you've made it through you'd arrive at a town based on tour oh furgus much like the real-life town this Pokemon city would be located at the convergence of two rivers and would be a smaller madness town you pass through aside from of course the rivers being in the town I think there could be a train station or train yard here as well in reference to troffer station continuing south you go back up into the icy areas of the region and make it to an area based on the city of austere summit in reference to the real-life town I think this Pokemon city could be located right next to a giant lake but in region it would be completely frozen over and you'd be able to walk out onto it and explore it there'd also be other buildings in the town you could check out as well such as an observation tower based on thorough sotor net and a museum based on a place called yum flea which is known for having many exhibits based on Viking culture all right we've talked about most of the places in the northern part of the regions let's jump down to the southern areas and talk about all the town's locations that could be possibly located here so going back to Lake van ern if you go south from it you go through a very ghostly Marsh area this route is loosely inspired by the storm say National Park but I decided to make this bog a little more spooky than it is in real life you'd eventually make it through the swamp and reach the town of Elm Holt probably the most well-known thing about this city is that this is where the first ever IKEA furniture store was built I definitely think this pokmon town should pay reference to that and what I thought would be kind of cool is if this town had an Ikea inspired building we're secret base furniture is made this region doesn't have secret bases but I think it would be an interesting tie into other regions if this IKEA inspired building is where places like Cohen and Sinnoh get all of their secret base furniture from moving on we come to one of the bigger landmarks in this region which would be a bridge based on the air soon bridge in real life this bridge connects Sweden and Denmark together and this region's equivalent is pretty similar connecting the two big land masses of the region one of the changes I made here is as I mentioned earlier I moved the denmark landmass a little farther away from sweden the reason I did this was to accentuate the bridge in regions so that it could be a little bit longer and feel like a big landmark you would get to travel over I wanted this bridge to feel very important to the region almost like you have a sky arrow bridge in a way and I think having it be a little bit bigger would really help sell its importance and specialness to the region now once you've crossed the bridge you would enter a big city based on Denmark's capital Copenhagen this would be another big Oceanside town but would have some really cool features to it like an amusement park based on tea valley gardens which is a pretty vintage amusement park that's over 100 years old an observatory based on run date on which dates back to the 17th century and possibly an area based on the Rosenborg castle continuing onward you would then arrived at town based on Billund this is where Lego was created and the town has a Legoland Resort it was the very first Lego factory now I'll be upfront with you guys I have no idea how Legos could translate to the Pokemon world so I was thinking that maybe the Pokemon world equivalent could be more aligned with the roots of Legos which were wooden toys that were carved perhaps this sound could have some kind of museum or woodworking shop where somebody's crafting wooden things that you can go and see going up from here would get you to a town based on T stead hopefully I've done my research on this place correctly but from everything I've seen that this seems like a very pleasant small seaside town with many beaches and a couple museums this might not be 100% accurate to real life I feel like this town could be the popular summer destination of the region where people go in they're sick of all the mountains and snow and just want a nice beach town to warm up in and relax I'm not saying this town in region would be like a beach in Hawaii or something like that I just feel like it would give off a much warmer feeling than many of the other areas in the region from this town you could take a hidden side route and go to a small location that would essentially be this region's desert area now Scandinavia inherently doesn't really have a ton of deserts but the northern part of Denmark actually has a pretty unique area that closely resembles one it's an area called the Rob Joerg mile which is a giant sand dune on the northern coast that moves about 59 feet every year by the wind it's a pretty large sand dune and I've found that this was really the best option to base a sand area on in the Scandinavian region now the final city on the Denmark based landmass would be inspired by the town of Aarhus I imagine that its overall visual theme would be very similar to the old town part of it which is a recreation of a market town for many years ago Lots points of interest would include a museum based on the most gard museum a garden area inspired by the Aarhus Botanical Gardens and I also think this town is where the professor of the region could live alright those are all the main towns and locations you would go through in this Scandinavian region but there's still a couple places I haven't talked about yet that I feel are worth bringing up first one to look at is an island in the northwestern corner of the region which is based on the Norwegian island of yon Mayan in real life this island is pretty far away from the mainland of Norway so I moved it a little bit closer in this region so that you could actually get there by boat now probably the most prominent feature of beyond mayan in real life is that it has a volcano and I think this island in region could reflect that by being the Scandinavian regions resident fire area there would be a small research facility on one side of the island and then the rest of it would be a very hot and volcanic area similar in many ways to a what was well a volcano park or even ho ins fiery path the second area to talk about is that the northernmost part of the region and would essentially be a Viking fortress located in an area based upon the vesterålen archipelago now there's a lot to go over with this because while ruins of Viking fortresses do exist in real life they're mostly found in Denmark and Sweden and as far as I know none have been found in this Capel ago the reason I'm kind of going against history here and putting a Viking fortress in this archipelago is because I think this area could be the hideout for the region's evil team we'll talk about them more in depth later but seeing as how they're based on Vikings and mainly use a ship to get around I thought their base could not only be a Viking fortress but being located at this archipelago so they could be close to the water and their ship okay the final area I wanted to talk about which is probably the most unique place in the region is the Pokemon League it's located roughly in the center of the region and what makes it so special is that it's mostly based off of a location in Norse mythology known as Valhalla now Valhalla in Norse mythology is a place where warriors chosen by Odin one of the greater deities in Norse mythology can go after they die it's essentially this gigantic majestic hall where warriors prepare themselves to aid Odin when the events of Ragnarok which is an apocalyptic event in Norse mythology eventually go down now I hate to leave everything in suspense but why just put an area based on Valhalla in this region will make a lot more sense when we get to the story section I don't want to throw out any major spoilers just yet but the champion of the region is based on Odin and one of the main points of this region's Elite Four is gathering strong trainers to help the region in times of trial that may be coming I know this all sounds pretty ominous but the bottom line is that the Pokemon League is located high atop a mountain and is inspired by Valhalla all right that pretty much wraps up all the locations so moving on to the next section I'm gonna do something a little bit different in this regional video normally the second section I go over is the story of the region but for this video I'm actually going to be talking about all the new Pokemon ideas next the reason I'm doing this is because there's a couple Pokemon I thought out for the region mainly these starters and Legendary's that tie pretty heavily into the overall narrative and I thought it would make more sense to introduce and talk about them now so when we go over the story section later on it will make a little bit more sense ok so officially diving into all the new Pokemon for this region I've mentioned it a lot already but with Scandinavia having such rich folklore and legends there was tons of fantastic inspiration for new Pokemon things like trolls fairies land spirits creatures that are present in Norse mythology and much more tied to the three countries of Scandinavia and provide a fantastic inspiration for new pokemon unfortunately I wasn't able to make every idea I had into a Pokemon for this region but there's still going to be ten regional variants seven common Pokemon the three starters and their evolutions and of course two Legendary's this comes to 28 new pokemon for this region and as we're going through I'll try to detail what the Pokemon are based on their typing and what their abilities could be all right let's start off by talking about possible regional variants that could appear in a Scandinavia based region as always I have to clarify that at this point in time we have no idea of regional Pokemon variants like a lowland forms will carry on with the franchise after generation 7 assuming they do however and that will continue to get awesome regional variants for older Pokemon here's some of the ideas I thought of for Scandinavian regional variants first up a regional variant of stellar based on a reindeer now I know stellar isn't the most exciting Pokemon around but I think this regional variant could give it a slightly rougher edge than were used to seeing as well as the typing of ice fairy extrapolating a little bit more on the typing the ice type comes from the fact that this Statler is mostly based on a reindeer which are found throughout these snowy and mountainous areas of Norway and Sweden I thought having a rather rugged looking standler that was part I stopped would be a fantastic way to reference the real-life reindeer that are found near snow now where this variants fairy typing comes from however is a little a bit harder to explain in the Pokemon universe there's actually three Pokemon that are inspired by Norse mythology xerneas yveltal and zygarde they're each inspired by an animal that lives on eat drasil or the world tree which in Norse mythology is said to be a giant tree that connects the realms of the universe together now why I'm telling you all of this is because these three Legendary's are so ingrained in Norse mythology that I imagine they would have some kind of backstory and history with this Scandinavian region there wouldn't be the main Legendary's but I think they'd be tied into the lore and mythos of the region and adding on to that point xerneas is actually where the fairy part of Scandinavian Statler's typing comes from long story short I think the Scandinavian stellar would be in a way part of xerneas is court if you will it would be a Pokemon that hangs around xerneas and because of that over the decades of its evolution some of xerneas is fairy-type attributes would rub off on it and cause it to become part fairy type in the present day now for thus pokemons ability I think that thick fat which decreases the damage taken by Fire and Ice type moves or ice body which lets the Pokemon regain health in a hailstorm would be good abilities for this variant all right the next regional variants are dark fairy type versions of Rolf's kirlia and Gardevoir are based on a creature called the ultra in Scandinavian folklore the ultra is regarded as a forest spirit that is said to watch over and to protect certain areas around Scandinavia it takes on the appearance of a beautiful woman but can also be rather mischievous and dangerous it's said to have the tail of a cow and is known to use its seductive power to lure people to their deaths either by leading them down into an unescapable network of caves or by outright steal into life from them it's a pretty dark concept when you get down to it and that's not having versions of the Roth's line in this region that had that kind of sinister side in reference to the whole dro would be pretty neat to see for their abilities shadow tag which makes the enemy Pokemon unable to escape or a new ability that makes normal type moves become dark type moves would fit these Pokemon pretty well next up we have reached no variance for Shinx Luxio and luxray that are loosely based on the Eurasian Lynx and have a typing of ice electric truth be told there isn't really a lot for me to say about these the Eurasian Lynx is commonly found in Scandinavia's mountains and I thought it would interesting to see what the Shinx line which is based off of the links would be like if they adapted to a very snowy environment like the Eurasian Lynx did ability wise keen eye which prevents other Pokemon from lowering its accuracy or refrigerate which causes normal type moves to become ice type moves are the ones I have in mind for the evolution line alright the final regional variants I thought of our ghost electric-type versions of the Hoenn edge line inspired by the mythological weapon Mjolnir in Norse mythology mule NER is the hammer used by Thor the god of sky and thunder and is said to contain immense power not only has it been described as strong enough to level an entire mountain but it's also said to be imbued with electricity I've always felt like the Hoenn edge line could have some really cool regional variants with important weapons from different countries and that's when I started thinking about a possible Hoenn edge line based on Yule near it would still retain its ghost typing but it would also be shaped like a hammer and to be part electric-type in reference to Milner's electrifying capabilities for this pokemon lines abilities vaults absorb which restores health when hit by an electric-type move or their own version of the surge surfer ability which doubles a Pokemon speed in electric terrain well what I thought might be a decent fit that's all the regional variants I thought of so let's now go over all the brand new common pokémon you'd constantly be running into and battling in this Scandinavian region the first Pokemon idea is one that I'm not gonna lie is kinda creepy so in Scandinavia's folklore there's a creature called the neck end which is basically a pond or lake spirit that tries to lure people close to the water so can drown them now we have plenty of ghost-type pokémon that do things just as creepy so I think having a Pokemon based on the Meccan that's water ghost would fit in right along with the other ghost types for its ability I was thinking it could have shadow tag or an ability like sticky hold that makes it so this Pokemon can't lose an item it's holding next up is a fighting-type pokémon based on a Wolverine Wolverines are very aggressive animals that are found throughout Sweden in Norway and are well known to attack anything and everything they come across with their sharp claws and teeth that definitely sounds like a fighting-type pokémon to me and I imagine this Wolverine Pokemon being one of the earlier monsters you across paths with for its ability it would have either intimidate or tough claws moving on we come to a Pokemon and it's evolution line based bird known as the white throated dipper this animals the national bird of Norway and is well known for its rather water inclined behavior it dives into rivers and lakes walks into them and even purchased on the side and dips quickly into them to try and secure fish to eat it's a pretty cool bird and I think this region could totally have a couple Pokemon based on it this would be the early route bird Pokemon you'd find by rivers and fjords and they're typing would be water fly in reference to how they much like the white throated dipper constantly go in and out of streams trying to find food the final column and Pokemon we'll be talking about is a fairy type Pokemon based on a troll that has two different evolutions one of them becomes fairy grass and the other becomes fairy ice so trolls are a very common part of Scandinavian folklore but what a lot of people might not realize is that there's many different poor trails and versions of them across Denmark Norway and Sweden some depictions of trolls show them as giant hulking monsters while others have them as very small and kind of Pleasant creatures rather than just choosing one type of troll to make into a Pokemon for this region I thought the best way to include a troll based Pokemon let's have a split evolution that references two very different types of trolls the fairy grass type troll Pokemon is much bulkier and you can get it by levelling up the first form near a moss rock while the fairy ice troll is a smaller and much friendlier pokemon that you can attain by leveling up the base evolution near an ice Rock for their abilities the first form would have weak armor which makes physical attacks slower the pokemons defense but increases its speed the fairy grass evolution would get steadfast which boosts the Pokemon speed stat each time at flinches and the fairy ice troll would have snow warning which summons a hail storm when it enters battle alright with all the common Pokemon out of the way let's get into the details about the starter poke mom for this Scandinavian region if you remember back to earlier I mentioned that these starters tie pretty heavily into the story and that's definitely true I won't spoil how exactly they're involved just yet but the starters have quite a history with this nordic land mainly because they're all dragon types that inhabited the region centuries ago you see dragons are somewhat prominent with the North's mythology and Scandinavian folklore and because of that I knew right when I started planning this region that I definitely have to include dragons within it somehow I contemplated having the Legendary's beat dragons but because so many official legendary pokemon or dragon type I wanted to try something a little bit different with this region and I thought it would be interesting to have these starters be the new dragons for this region I know not everybody will be crazy about this idea as I'm sure some people out there just aren't fans of Dragon types but before you write this idea off completely I'd say to wait until we get into the story section so you can see how these starters dragon lineage ties into everything within the narrative before we get to that though we still have to finish talking about all the new Pokemon so let's go over the starter pokemons designs and abilities first one of the trio we'll talk about is the fire starter now one thing you probably noticed about these starters designs is that even though they're all dragons I had each of their designs be based on a different type of dragon in mythology so they did not feel too similar the fire starter is based on a more Chinese type dragon and throughout its evolution it gets slightly larger and bulkier its ability would be blaze which every fire starter has and it would also have a hidden ability that's kind of like a combination of inner focus and oblivious which would make it unable to flinch and unaffected by tongs next up we have the water type starter which is based around the more elongated snake-like dragons of Japan what's some more lizard like influences thrown in as well for its ability it would have torrent and then a hidden ability similar to rain dish which would allow it to recover health when it's raining the last starter to talk about is the grass one which is inspired by the classic European depiction of dragons one thing I'll say about the grass starter is that it would probably be the toughest one to use in this Scandinavian region with so much of the region being filled with ice types using the grass dragon starter would make the game a lot tougher and it would almost be like playing on hard mode I think this pokemons hidden ability could sort of counter that because I imagine it would have its own version of thick fat to cut down on the damage it takes from ice types but there would still be some challenging moments throughout the game moving on to the final group of new Pokemon for this region we come to the legendaries with Scandinavia having such a deep folklore associated with it I found that the possibilities for what the regions to Legendary's could be based on were almost limitless in the end I decided to make the two legendary estai pretty heavily into the Norse mythology pantheon and both of them are based on famous animals used by or squads the first one we'll talk about is a steel flying boar based on a creature known as Gulen bursty in Norse mythology the God Freyr who is commonly associated with prosperity sunshine and fertility is said to have a giant boar he rides upon called Gulen bursty the origin of this animal is that in Norse mythology - dwarven blacksmiths threw a pigskin into a furnace and the creature that came out was a boar whose main glowed in the dark and was also said to be able to run through the air and water better than any horse now taking all of these elements and transferring them into a Pokemon the idea I came up with was a giant metallic boar that could fly I know this isn't 100% accurate to the North Smith but I'm taking a few creative liberties here so this legendary can have a pretty cool typing of steel flying also another divergence from ghulam bursty is that this legendary boar pokemon is related a lot to weather in the seasons I know there's already a few legendary pokemon like that but this boar Pokemon would have complete control of the region's weather which would factor heavily into the story for its signature ability I think this pokemon could have one that starts a random weather effect when it gets sent out the other legendary I thought of comes from my mythological horse known as Sleipnir now there's a few interesting things about Sleipnir number one it's the horse of Odin one of the bigger gods in Norse mythology number two it's said to be the best horse in the entire world number three it has eight legs and number four it's capable of travelling to North's mythology's equivalent of the underworld named hell I think these features could make for a great legendary Pokemon and I imagine a Sleipnir based legendary beam fighting ghost fighting as a reference to be an Odin's horse as Odin is commonly associated with battle and ghosts because Sleipnir is capable of traveling to the underworld for its ability it would have a brand new one that raises its evasive miss every time it knocks out an enemy Pokemon and those are all the new Pokemon ideas I thought of for this Scandinavian region well almost all of them there were a few Pokemon ideas I took out because I didn't have enough time to fully explore and develop them but overall the ideas I've shared or once that I feel would fit in fantastically well with a Scandinavian Pokemon region [Music] all right it's finally time let's close out the video by talking about the possible story of this Scandinavian region if you guys have seen most of my other what-if regions or even my evil team video you'll know that I really like getting in-depth and telling a somewhat complex story involving the Pokemon universe and that's definitely going to carry over into this video with Scandinavia being so rich with interesting folklore and mythology I felt like there was a lot I could draw upon for this reaching story things like Ragnarok which is essentially the Norse mythology apocalypse and the epic of Sigurd the Dragon Slayer are legends that stem from Norse mythology and er a couple examples of the many different myths and legends I drew inspiration from for this region's narrative now one thing I feel like I should warn people about before we dive in here is that even though I'm drawing some pretty loose inspiration from Norse mythology this story is going to be for better or worse 100% fan fiction consider this a fan fiction warning if you will so if you don't want to hear a potential story like this now might be a good time to skip ahead a little bit oh you're still here okay let's get started that this is the story I thought of for a Scandinavian Pokemon region so our story with this region doesn't actually begin in the present day of the Pokemon world but rather 500 years in the region's past during this olden time the region wasn't unlike what it is in the modern day the native residents of this Scandinavian region had befriended Pokemon and built a peaceful civilization where they could learn grow and battle together in peace heck there is even a rudimentary Pokemon League run by the region's elders unfortunately no society is perfect and one of the big marks against this region's people is that they were deathly afraid of dragon-type pokémon you see while this region's inhabitants loved most Pokemon they sought dragon pokémon its destructive monsters that were to be feared and rallied against rather than understood this plot point is inspired by Norse mythology's view on dragons which is that there are monsters that need to be slain and there's also a little bit of How to Train Your Dragon in here too as the region started to descend into chaos and fear over these Pokemon a group of warriors arose to combat the dragon types of the region they called themselves team berserk and while their numbers were small they successfully propelled the dragon types of the region the people heralded them as saviors and slowly peace started to return even though the dragon Pokemon had been driven back briefly they weren't going anywhere which meant that team berserk spark was far from over throughout the next couple centuries they fought an ongoing battle against dragon-type pokémon and amassed enough members that in and of themselves they were almost like a city of people while team berserk dragon hunt continued on for many years the region and its people grew older and with age came wisdom roughly around 200 years after the initial creation of team berserk the people of the region and council of elders decided that dragon types weren't really a problem anymore they had learned throughout the past decades the dragon pokémon while they were a little tougher than other types were still Pokemon they could be befriend a to learn to help and just overall be nice the council ultimately decided to disband team berserk as they didn't feel there was a need for them to keep hunting dragon types but team berserk said no they said that it was their duty may their destiny to extinguish all the dragon types from the region and that they weren't going anywhere until their job was finished this caused quite a large-scale battle between the council of elders and team berserk but ultimately with the help of one of the region's legendaries the council of elders defeated team berserk and banished them from the region while the many members of team berserk were sailing away from the region in exile they vowed that someday they would return to fulfill their destiny well it might not be for many centuries they would train and become stronger so that when they eventually came back they would make sure all the dragons of the region were gone just as their forefathers had foreseen even though team berserk was now gone from the region their effects over the past 200 years were definitely felt there was a noticeable decrease in dragon-type pokémon and there are even some dragon types that became extinct because of team berserks actions the elders of the region saw that there was a lot of things that needed to be fixed and for the next few hundred years saw to repairing and remedying team berserks misguided actions this gets us to the present day of the region which is about 500 years after team berserks original conception in the present day things have mostly returned to normal dragon types have come back to the region and while there's still some dragon pokemon that were made completely extinct because of team berserks actions in the past many other dragon types are somewhat common to find now how the player fits into this story is at the beginning of the game you've just recently moved into the starting zone for down and the opening scene is you getting off of a ferry when you do this you're immediately greeted by an older man who introduces himself as the town's elder fuel near now fuel near is a pretty major character in this region and would show up a lot throughout your adventure he's the some pure town's elder and as such is a very talented and strong trainer that has watched over the town for many years there's also another major aspect about him I'm sure you've already guessed but I won't spoil what it is just yet after fuel near introduces himself he enthusiastically says that you've moved into town at the perfect time the village is holding a celebration at the town square later in honor of new trainer starting their journeys and seeing as how you're a fledgling trainer who wants to change the league few owner thinks it will be perfect for you to stop by and join in he also says they he'll take you and his grandkid who is the starting trainer as well out to catch her for a spoke Amon at the celebration if you decide to stop by this all sounds very exciting to you and you promise to drop by later after settling into your new home a little later in the day you attend the festival and meet up with Gil near who introduces you to his grandchild who would be your rival in this region think of rivals like Mae and Brendan and how they were super nice but could get somewhat competitive during their battles and that's essentially how I see this rival play now in the game after talking with your rival for a little bit a woman that you don't recognize takes to the center of the plaza and introduces herself as Professor sylvatica the leading professor of the region she explains that her area of expertise is in Pokemon lore and mythology and every time a celebration like this is held for new trainers she likes to take a break from her research and travel to the stone floor town to read a brief history of the region for all the starting trainers what she reads aloud is basically just a quick summary of team berserk story in the past but there's also a part at the end where she talks about how the legendre that helped defeat team berserk vanished after the region-wide battle and ever since then people of the region have given their thanks to it that tradition has carried on into the present day and feel nerd jumps in to tell the player that the next part of this celebration will involve you and your rival travelling to win nearby shrine to offer something to the legendary of the region even though the legendary has been seen in many years has become tradition for starting trainers to offer something to it out of shrine and feel near promises that after you do this he'll help you catch a starter Pokemon not really having much else to do the player and drive will travel to the mountain it's Jotunheim an area to the east of town and make their way to a giant statue dedicated to the legendary once you're there you both place your offerings on a pedestal attached to the shrine and as soon as you do the ground beneath you starts to crack and break you and your rival try to scramble out of the way but it's no use as the ground collapses in on itself and both of you fall into a very old and mysterious chamber many ancient ruins and legends adorn the walls and at the far end of the room lies three mysterious eggs you and your rival slowly walk over to inspect them and hear somebody shouting at the top of the hole as it turns out it's the professor and feel near who say that they heard a huge crash coming from the shrine and they ran here as fast as they could to see what happened they're both shocked to see that you've stumbled upon some kind of archaic chamber and they make their way down to where you are as you your rival and feel near admire the three mysterious eggs before you the professor he starts to decipher the ancient ruins and texts adorning the walls she's absolutely stunned at what she's reading because apparently if this ancient writing is to be believed that these three eggs contain dragon Pokemon that were presumably made extinct because of team berserk everybody's caught off guard by this and the professor continues to ciphering more of the caves ruins which apparently tell of a prophecy involving a trainer opening the way to this chamber and taking one of these dragons as their partner Pokemon the ancient runes professor sylvatica is translating or a little bit damaged and she can't read everything but from what she can make out apparently the person with one of these dragons will be the one to strike down team berserk and bring upon a new age for people and pokémon alike this is some pretty heavy stuff for a prophecy but after talking about it for a while fiona decides that the player and rival because you're the ones who found this room are possibly the trainers this prophecy is talking about and they are destined to take one of these ancient and extinct dragons as your starter for the region now this plot point with the starters all being dragon types who were the last of their kind is one of the first things I planned out with the story and I feel like it really helps tie the starters into the lore and narrative of the region you don't have to use your starter if you want to but I feel like the prophecy potentially referring to you or your rival and the starter you received really helps make these starters feel more integral to the plot which I feel would set this region apart from many of the others jumping back to the story you and your rival then take your pick of starter eggs with your rival taking the one that's weak to yours and this prompts the eggs to hatch everyone is overjoyed and the plan drive will have the inaugural first battle of the region after this the four of you decide to leave the cave with the professor holding onto the third dragon starter egg and that's when you hear sirens coming from the starting town you wonder what's going on and you and your rival rush back to the village to find that it's being invaded by a group of people dressed like Vikings who arrived by a giant ship these Viking trainers are terrorizing the town by breaking things and pillaging all the houses and suddenly amidst all the chaos a very menacing looking man covered in scars and armor appears from within the ship he introduces himself as Sigurd and says that he along with the rest of his kin are all descendants of the group of people who were kicked out of the region many years ago that's right they're the new team berserk and they're back to fulfill their destiny and ridding the region of dragon types just like their ancestors set out to do Sigurd advises everyone to willingly hand over their dragon pokemon sand nobody gets harmed but the player and your rival aren't about to let that happen even though you only have one pokemon at this point you still stand up to team berserk and get swept up in a skirmish against the many grunts that are overrunning the town quick sidebar here about team berserks grunts and members but because their whole goal and motif is that they're Vikings trying to get rid of the region's dragons they use a mixture of ice and fairy-type pokémon as well as a couple normal types the grunts themselves mainly use things like flabébé spheal morale all snorunt and many other low powered pokemon that are effective against dragons getting back into this story while you and your rival are occupied with battling wave after wave of grunts professor sylvatic has finally made it down the mountain and arrived at town but is immediately corner by Sigurd who forcibly takes the dragon starter egg that she was holding it's at this point that things seem like they're starting to take a turn for the worse as team berserk now has the ancient dragon starter egg and an almost endless supply of grunts and that's when fuel near finally arrives to town and starts cleaning house with his Lucario teen berserk is now slowly being wiped out due to fuel nearest incredible battle ability and with the tables now turning they decide to retrieve via their giant boats they all quickly climb aboard and cast off before you or anybody else has a chance to do anything as they sail away you see seeker clutching the starter egg and yelling that this is only just the beginning once teen berserk has left you meet up with your rival fuel near and Professor sylvatica and discuss what to do next with team berserk now back and stronger than ever you're going to need to do everything you can to stop them before they do something too damaging to the region and its dragon types and together the four of you set up a plan of action fuel nurse says that he'll alert the Pokemon League about Team berserks return and also brings up the idea of finding one of the region's Legendary's he says that much like how centuries ago one of the legendaries was used to defeat team berserk it might be worth trying to find it again so can help against the new team berserk professor sylvatica who's feeling a little bit down after having the starter egg stole and what was under her care agrees with feel near and says that she'll tried to study all the ancient runes and book she has to see if she can get a hint as to where this legendary might be as for you and your rival fuel nurse says that while your hearts are definitely in the right place you need to become stronger and even better trainers to help in the inevitable showdown that will happen against team berserk he recommends that you still go on your Pokemon journey to become stronger but if you see anybody from Team berserk don't be afraid to take them on and drive them back from the region and with that the story of the games commences as such you go around the region earning gym badges battling your rival and ultimately getting stronger while also having a few run-ins against team berserk I won't go through every confrontation you have with them but some of the highlights from the early part of the game include a moment in the Oslo base town where team berserk tries to steal one of their old ships a part in the story where team berserk destroys the bridge based on the aura soon bridge making it so players can access the Denmark based towns until much later in the game a scene where team berserk is searching the swamp area for an ancient rune stone before you and your rival show up on the scene and a sequence of events where team berserk takes over the castle at lake van urn and the player goes to stop them at the castle you get to battle one of T berserks admins named Bjorn who uses a sealeo car bank and Ursaring ID let's slip that team berserk is looking for one of the region's legendaries after you've defeated Bjorn and the team berserk grunts that have taken over the old castle they flee the area and you suddenly get a call on your pokedex from Professor sylvatica she says she has to talk to you about the legendary that fuel nearest said the group should look for and reveals that she's discovered a couple rune stones related to it at a route near her lab and asks that you go meet her there as soon as possible you then make your way to the Aarhus town and meet up with the professor on one of the routes nearby that has two giant rune stones she did a little bit of preliminary translating and knows that each stone is related to one of the region's two legendaries and she asks that you keep a lookout while she works to decipher them as you probably expected while sylvatica is translating the stones a bunch of team berserk grunts appear and start to swarm around you they say that they're here for the rune stone said to panic professor sylvatica asks you to defend her while she keeps translating them you successfully repelled the team berserk grunts but after you do a much more important looking trainer appear so you can only guess as another one of team berserks admins she introduces herself as Kara the second-in-command of Team berserk and says that if you don't leave these stones at once then he'll be forcefully removed professor sylvatica is still frantically translating and so the player stands strong against the admin she scoffs at the player and says very well then she gives the battle cry and you're then flung into a showdown against team berserk admin Kara Kara's initial team consists of bear tech bramble and clay Shion and after you defeat her she gets very enraged that she lost and Gelson to the sky many ancient Norse words you're unfamiliar with you hear a horn in the distance and at that moment you get absolutely swarmed with hundreds of team berserk grunts the screen blurs and fades to black and when it comes back in both you and sylvatica are fine but the two gigantic rune stones have disappeared alongside team berserk professor sylvatica looks a little distraught but there is some slightly good news as she was able to partially interpret the knowledge the rune stones contain while she wasn't able to translate everything on the stone she did learn that both of the region's legendaries are still out there and can be summoned by doing certain things not sure what exactly you have to do as most of the rune stones were written in riddles but apparently one of the legendaries will appear if you quote-unquote yell with the tongue she's not quite sure what that means and says they shall have to ask feel near about it other than learning that cryptic riddle the only other thing she had time to decipher was some interesting if not somewhat worrying information about the other legendary apparently the second legendary is heavily associated and tied to the climate and seasons if what she read was translated correctly apparently it has the ability to freely manipulate the weather which could definitely be used for nefarious means by teen berserk after learning all this you and sylvatica decide that it's probably for the best if you carry on with your journey I'm also looking for the other legendary and so you do just that after earning a couple more gym badges you arrive at the abisco town and decide to take a ride up to its observation deck to view the pokemon worlds Northern Lights if you were expecting a peaceful Northern Lights showcase to calmly view you're gonna be a little disappointed because you're instead met with the sight of team berserks leader Sigurd looking out across the land he turns around and stares you dead in the eye the silence is deafening and when he finally speaks he says that he remembers you from back and be sown fewer down even though you were rather as he puts it weakened pathetic he says that you still showed passion when battling which he thinks is certainly commendable unfortunately seeing how strong you are now makes you a risk to team berserks plants and with both Bjorn and Kara failing to take you down the honor of defeating you has fallen to him a wild look takes over his eye and he yells the team berserk war cries he calls out his Pokemon this begins your first battle against team berserk leader Sigurd on his team he uses a piloswine eleven nine tails Mawile and surprisingly the second form of whatever starter he stole at the beginning of the game once you've defeated Sigrid he yells into the air with the trademark Team berserk yell and looks at you rather seriously he can tell that you have questions about why on earth someone like him who's trying to remove all the dragon types from the region is using a dragon Pokemon and he feels obligated to give you an answer he points up to ask are covered and partially destroyed face and says that a long time ago he used to be just like you he used to show empathy for dragon types but then one day he was shown just how dangerous they could be and paid the price for his sympathy he goes on to explain that the reason he's keeping the dragon starter around with him is because it reminds him of how ignorant he used to be and what he's trying to fight against he doesn't want to keep a deplorable dragon type like it around with him forever and once he's wiped out all the other dragons from the region he'll find a suitable way to dispose of the starter he's using speaking of destroying all the region's dragon types he suddenly points up at the Northern Lights which are turning a bright yellow color you're curious what exactly is happening and that's when you hear a whoosh sound in the distance you look over to where the sound is coming from and while it's very far away you can just barely make out one of team berserk ships on the ocean and something glowing a bright yellow color right next to it Sigurd says that this admins have just found an awakened one of the ancient legendaries that will fulfill their goal and that soon the entire region will be engulfed in the snowstorm that will wipe out all of the region's dragon types he says that there's nothing you can do to stop them now and then unless you can fight against the weather he would advise that you stay indoors because the region is going to get a lot colder now he then pushes past you and leaves the observation deck it feels like a lot has just happened and been revealed to you but the one thing that stands out from all the recent plot developments is that you have to stop team berserks plan you go to leave the observation deck when suddenly you get a call on your pokedex from feel near who asks you to return back to the some pure town as fast as possible he says that Professor sylvatica has filled him in on everything that's been happening and he might have a lead on how to summon the other legendary you leave the observation deck to start your travel back to the so if your town but as soon as you do you find that just as Sigrid said earlier a gigantic snowstorm has started to spread out across the region this event would be kind of like what Groudon and Kyogre did in the generation 3 games but amped up to another level this snowstorm would be so bad in fact that you wouldn't be able to use your Pokemon to fly and would have to travel by foot back to the starting town when you eventually make it through the snowstorm and arrive at fuel nearest house he says that sylvatica told him everything that's happened and he has a few ideas of what derail to summon the legendary might mean he gives you a really old horn called the Yeller horn or yelling horn and says that this ancient item has been passed down from champion to champion in the region which is a low-key reveal that feel near is the region's champion and might be the key to summoning the legendary the ancient horn in hand you brave back into the snow stormed at this point in the game you'd have to find a legendary in order to progress the only hint you'd have as to its whereabouts would be the phrase yell with the tongue and you'd scour the region trying to find where to summon the legendary eventually you'd go to the area inspired by trolltunga or a troll tongue and realize that this is the place you need to be for the legendary you stand at the very edge of troll tongue as rock and blow the horn with all your might its sound echoes throughout the lake far below and you hear a distant call out from seemingly everywhere you then turn around to find yourself face-to-face with the horse legendary of the region you know what you have to do and so does this horse legendary and you have a battle with it to prove you're worthy of catchiness once you've defeated and captured this legendary beast Fiona shows up and is rather proud that you've become so strong unfortunately with the blizzard getting stronger every second there isn't a minute to lose and Fiona quickly helps you get atop of the legendary horse he tells you that team berserk has holed up in a fortress just north of the abisco town and that he's already sent the elite for there to break through team berserks defenses which means that you should be able to ride there with relative ease to save the region from its snow filled apocalypse now that you know the plan you ride the legendary Horus through the snowstorm until you reach team berserk seaside fortress you see the elite four members that Filner was talking about and it looks like they're all busy battling grunts that were stationed at the outer gates you ride past them even getting to break through some walls and barriers the team berserk set up to keep you out and you soon find yourself in the heart of team berserk sprawling fortress somewhere in this check antic maze-like hideout Sigurd in the blizzard causing legendary or hiding and you're not going to leave until you find them you explore the Viking fortress looking for them and get constantly bombarded by team berserk grunts trying to stop you eventually however you're confronted by Bjorn who is seeking redemption for his failure to beat you in your last showdown his Pokemon team this time around consists of wall rank our bank Abomasnow and Ursaring but unfortunately for him you still beat him he's very deflated by yet another defeat but says that it ultimately doesn't matter because they've already started a blizzard that will wipe out all the dragon types so him losing the battle is far from team berserk losing the war even Bjorn is trying to discourage you you still push onwards into the fortress and as you're exploring Kara shows up to stop you as well much like Bjorn she feels like team berserk has already succeeded in their goal but Sigrid asked her to deal with you just in case you really did become strong enough to pose a threat her final team you get to battle includes a bear take Graham below clay Shion and Togekiss after she's been defeated and leaves you with even more disheartening words about how team berserk is already won you continue your hunt for Sigrid and the legendary which brings you to a giant chamber within the fortress well it's a little bit dark inside you see a very distinctive glow in the back that you can only assume is the legendary and when you get closer you see that the giant metallic boar Pokemon has been hooked up to some kind of machine that seems to be amplifying its inherent weather abilities and producing the blizzard that is plaguing the region as you approach the legendary to try and set it free the sealing begins to open shedding light into the room that's when you notice cigarette has been standing in front of the legendary the entire time rather than being overconfident or even fired up and wild like when you battled him before he seems rather tense he says that this is what his people foresaw and it's too late to stop now he wishes there was an alternative but it's his destiny to fulfill his people's goals just as it's your destiny to battle him he has to put an end to all the dragon types in this Scandinavian region he does admit however that he is having slight doubts about doing this now he's grown rather fond of the Dragons starter he stole and while before he said that he was keeping it around as a reminder of his pain and his goal after travelling and bonding with it he's now keeping it around with him because it's his friend he's not sure what he's going to do with it after the region is frozen over but he'll deal with that later for now he can't let you stop the machine and disgrace him and his family so for the glory of team berserk you will be defeated team berserk leaders Sigrid's final team consists of a Mamoswine the hypothetical Scandinavian Stantler a maul while below and nine tails and the final evolution of the starter Pokemon he stole the battle is tough but as you might expect the player wins the duel in the end Sigurd slumps down to the ground in defeat and looks very solemn if not a little bit contemplative he was told almost all his life that dragon types were monsters that could do nothing but destroy and that it was his destiny to be the one to exterminate all of them and yeah he's found companionship in the form of the Dragon he stole and he also seized the bond between you and your dragon starter there was about two more pages I wrote with cigarettes internal conflict and some really cheesy dialogue where he talks about having a change of heart towards Dragon types but I'll just give you guys the bottom line of all that and say that after a lot of dialogue and reflection along with sharing a moment with his defeated but still happy dragon Pokemon Sigurd comes to the conclusion that team berserks goal is wrong and the dragon types are regular pokemon that anyone can befriend after coming to this conclusion Sigurd releases the boar legendary back into the wild which causes the blizzard raging outdoors to subside and he then walks up to the player - thank you he can't promise that team berserk will be disbanded after this in fact he has a feeling his newfound thoughts won't be received well but with everything he's learned from his time here and new dragon companion he's going to go back to his homeland and try to reason with everybody the dragon types are Pokemon like all the rest suddenly the doors behind you burst open and Bjorn and Cara rush in telling Sigrid that the dragon destroying blizzard has stopped they noticed that you're here talking to him and cautiously asked what's going on Sicard motions for them to be calm and says that they're going back home both Bjorn and Cara are shocked and quite frankly puzzled by this and Sigrid says that while he thought he was following his destiny and redeeming his family by taking up the mantle of team berserks leader he now realizes that team berserk doesn't have the noble goal he thought it did both bjorn and cara are surprised at what they're hearing their leader claimed and loudly and aggressively object to what he's saying he calms them once more and says to rally the grunts into the ship and he'll explain everything there as they head back home Charon beer and grumble about this but as both of them respect their leaders strength comply with his orders singer turns back to you once again and says that with team berserk being steeped in their ways against dragon types for many centuries it might take a while for them to warm up to his newfound ideas if they do it all but if team bruiser does end up invading the region again he'll be at your side helping defend it he gives one final yell not of war but of peace and he and his starter pokemon exit the chamber and climb aboard team berserk ship you go outside yourself and watch the boat full of team berserk members sail away even from a distance you can see Sigrid addressing the grunts and admins with this dragon Pokemon right beside him and many of the grunts looking much more at ease than they usually are you even see one of the member approaching and petting the dragon-type starter well it's impossible to know what will happen when they get back to their homeland from the moment you just witnessed on team berserks oh you think there's a pretty good chance they might be much more accepting of dragon types moving forward after the scene the story of the region progresses how it typically does after the major plot thread with the evil team wraps up you get the last gym badge or two that you're missing you battle your rival one final time and then you get to go challenge the Elite Four and fuel near and that's pretty much the main story I thought of for this Scandinavian Pokemon region I really tried hard to tie the starters and legendaries heavily into the narrative as well as have a group of characters with somewhat interesting backstories and goals play into it as well so I hope it all worked out in the end one thing I wanted to say before I jump over to what the gym leaders and elite 4 members could be like is that I know this story ended on a bit of a cliffhanger but that was all done intentionally I wanted to keep the ending with cigarette and teen berserk sailing back to their homeland pretty open because I feel like I can expand and add on to their story in the future what if region I don't know what I'll do another nordic area as a region or if you guys would even want to see another nordic country like Finland Iceland or Greenland but whenever I do I think this story line with team berserk could definitely be explored more which is why the ending of this region story is pretty open-ended now before we officially close out the story section and get to wrapping up the video I wanted to quickly go over what the gym leaders and delete 4 members of this region could be like I tried to base the mostly off of Norse gods but some of them are also inspired by other prominent figures in Norse mythology as well I'll briefly go over who they're based on their type specialty and what their signature Pokemon would be first up we have a grass-type gym leader based on the God Freyr who is the God of harvest fertility and sunshine and would use a sunflora as his signature Pokemon next up a bug-type gym leader based on a god known as kvasir who has a pretty complicated history because he was created by the saliva of the Norse gods and then traveled around teaching knowledge eventually kvasir was killed and his blood was mixed in with honey to make a very special need that imbued the drinker with wisdom this is gonna sound really weird but the fact that his blood was mixed with honey in a very roundabout way kind of gave me the idea that a gym leader based on kvasir could use only be inspired Pokemon like comb bee Beedrill and be a bug-type gym leader I know he sounds more like a psychic-type leader but one of the only four members I thought of embodies psychic-type a little better and so I think kvasir could be the bug-type master of the region after him there will be a water-type gym leader based on your the god of sea and seafaring who would use a Sharpedo as the signature Pokemon a gym leader based on Baraka a master blacksmith in Norse mythology who crafted mule near with his brother that would be a skill tied gym leader with a Lera on as his main Pokemon a nice type gym leader based on Scotty the goddess of skiing and winter who would use a cry agonal as her main Pokemon a normal type gym leader that runs the giant IKEA inspired building that would very loosely be inspired by the goddess there who was associated with oaths and agreements and would use a bouffalant a fairy type gym leader based on freya the goddess of love passion and beauty who would use a floor guest and the final gym leader of the region would be a dragon-type trainer inspired by a man in Norse legend called Fafnir who gets cursed into becoming a dragon who would use a salamence as his best pokemon switching over to the Elite Four of the region we come to the first member who would be an electric-type user based on Thor the god of sky and thunder and would use a Scandinavian eiga slash as his ace the next training you fight would be a flying-type elite form member based on a Valkyrie who would use a Pidgeot as her main not to dive back into the story stuff too much but this elite form member as well as team berserks Kara are both based on Valkyries and there was a somewhat larger subplot I kept from the video where you find out that the two of them are sisters the third Elite Four member is a dark type specialist based on Loki the Norse god of mischief and trickery he would use a Zoroark as his main Pokemon and would have a lot of dark types with rather shady movesets the fourth member of the leaf or would be a psychic-type master based on the goddess Frigg freek has the power of prophecy and I thought that'd fit pretty well with the idea of psychic types her signature Pokemon would be in Alakazam the final trainer of the pokemon league and the reigning champion is as I mentioned in the story breakdown an elder trainer based on Odin Odin is the king of the upper pantheon of Norse gods and is commonly associated with war and death along with wisdom and poetry I feel like fighting-type would fit him rather well and his signature Pokemon would be a Lucario that he's able to mega of and that's everything I thought of for a Scandinavian Pokemon region there is definitely a lot to go through at this one but I just couldn't stop myself from thinking of more and more awesome things for the region researching all the interesting snowy areas and landmarks that could be included led me to all the awesome animals and mythological creatures that could be turned into Pokemon which in turn led me to learning all about Norse mythology and some of its legends that this region's story could be inspired from it was honestly like a domino effect where I just couldn't stop adding things to this hypothetical region anyways what do you guys think do you like this region would you want to explore it maybe you're not crazy about mountains or snow and would opt to travel somewhere a little warmer instead let me know what you guys think of this region in the comments section below also I thought this might be kind of fun but if you want to feel free to comment what your Pokemon team for the region would be I definitely tried hard to get a ton of new Pokemon ideas as well as a bunch of older Pokemon to inhabit this region and hopefully there's enough here that you can make your own teams to use in this hypothetical region there are your teams so I won't give you any guidelines but try to use only the Pokemon I mentioned or in this region which you're all showing up on screen right now anyways thank you guys so much for watching this video and I will catch you later
Channel: Mr Buddy
Views: 832,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Mr Buddy, Ultra Sun, Ultra Moon, What If Pokemon, Pokemon Region, What if Region, Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Alola
Id: 9HxA_Cxlj4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 0sec (4260 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2017
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