Let's Create 8 Pokemon Gym Leaders! | Kaskade Region - Gnoggin

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[Music] this video was sponsored by grammarly i've been using it for over a month now and my gosh has it been helpful spelling and grammar aren't precisely my or josh's forte and if it were entirely up to one of us our scripts would have more error scribbles than words and so many of our words would just be ordinary and uninteresting oh it's not bad it's very very bad see like that and this is precisely what grammarly is for grammarly is more than just a simple spelling and grammar checker it is a digital writing assistant that you can get on your desktop by downloading the browser extension grammarly's free version checks your spelling and grammar mistakes but upgrading to grammarly premium provides in-depth writing feedback grammarly premium's vocabulary suggestions suggests better vocabulary to turn your boring bland and familiar words into exciting and legendary words making your scripts essays resumes and emails sound much more professional and memorable grammarly premium also offers clarity ai which can help you rewrite sentences to improve clarity and cut down unnecessary words which greatly benefits effective communication and it's got a plagiarism detector available in the grammarly editor it checks over 16 billion web pages to make sure your writing is your own and just to show how great it is we're skipping the usual proofreading phase of script writing for this video and instead we'll entirely just let grammarly do its thing i'm excited and if this impresses you you can support the channel by using our link grammarly.com logsden the link is in the description below to sign up for a free account and get 20 off of grammarly premium and again big thanks to grammarly for sponsoring this video so over the last few months we've been making a fake mon region the cascade region based on the pacific northwest mainly oregon and washington with some bordering elements and so far we've just been populating it with pokemon but today let's go through the region itself a little bit and talk about my ideas for eight gym leaders but first a bit of the overall ideas i have for them i am so tired of monotype gym leaders i loved the idea behind the right hand battle and sword and shield dragon ground and rock and then leader fire sure he was mostly dragon but there was just a touch of interesting there so since this is a dream concept i can do what i want so instead of type themes i'm just going to do themes there will still be one or two dominant types among their party but i'm looking more for how particular mon feel and how they work in terms of helping the gym leader do their other stuff you'll see what i mean also final disclaimer i'm not an expert when it comes to game balancing or things like that so don't expect those kinds of details i'm not going to be listing their abilities or moves or even going like super in depth with how their pre-battle trainers and puzzles are this all is just broad fun concepts now then so we start in a city down here and there's no gems so we go to the first city with a gym there will be a lot more details about all of these cities in the plot and region videos but this first gym is currently under renovations and the gym leader is out at the moment but he has let the construction manager take his job over the time being his name is adamo clearly adam because he is the first and adam and even all and the o is because he's italian-american he comes from brooklyn or unova and as such he has a unovan girder which will contrast with the cascadian girder the second gym leader has other than that he has a coup reds the middle stage of the regional bug and chewmonk the standard early normal type of the region he talks about how much he loves pizza and then about how much he loves this region and is going to move here to live permanently so a big theme in this game concept is new beginnings and change and immigration and moving and such is a big part of that one of the complaints i've gotten a few times is that this game concept seems to have too much social commentary because we all know pokemon is entirely devoid of social commentary yeah this doesn't exist but anyway you may notice me relating to these themes often but as such this first gym is under renovation because it's changing from a simple plain gym to a big city high-tech gym you see chapanook city based mainly on salem oregon is going through a lot of changes right now in just a decade it has more than doubled in size mainly due to the huge number of people moving here and to the central city portal in fact a lot of people are planning on living here and commuting to port alke once this freeway bridge is finished that bridge being adamo's other project hey it might be unusual seeing a guy like me out his and it may be unusual to battle a substitute gym leader in an unfinished gym but hey we all have our unusual starts yeah then i love the idea that after you beat all eight gym leaders you're able to rematch any of them and rematching adamo will see his team now consist of unovan conkelder guruchi garbador yunovin diggersby machamp and a simimon which is chosen when the battle starts based on which is best against your current team rematches should be a difficult challenge you know after beating him you get the blossom badge you see the gym is planned to be about cherry blossoms because that's what the city it's in is all about but uh you don't get that because it's currently under the renovations but you still get the badge afterwards you head into the first wild area which is a big forest and you eventually reach solo falls a small town that's big on its camping tourism lots of hiking trails waterfalls beautiful mountainscapes and lakes and the population of tourists more than triples the population of people living here people come from all over the world to do soul searching it's never too late to change yourself this is kayla a pokemon ranger turned gym leader who also keeps the campgrounds safe her parents moved here from galar and kalos before she was born and her name means slim and fair in irish french and gaelic her gym is noticeably small really it's just a nice wooden fence nothing fancy at all the challenge here would be nothing grandiose to help get across the low budget small town vibe but the battles the battles here introduce battle effects in previous videos i've mentioned the idea of weather energy or weather g basically controlling the weather is a massive part of battles in the cascade region because of legendary and wavy reasons and from this point in the game onwards battles can start with some of these effects rather than needing to be triggered by a pokemon it can be as simple as rain or as complex as a windy snowstorm with cursed winds yeah basically weather effects can stack as long as they don't counteract each other for instance you can't have a rainy sunny day you can't have a snowy drought and you can't fill the air with more than one thing like smog pollen ghost only one but anyway in this case the weather starts as misty fog and the tall trees all around the gym block all wind-based weather effects the air stays still her pokemon are more park ranger themed she fights you with a monster cascadian girder a nanot and cascadian bellsprout and on the rematch she's got a cascadian concluder a nan noop cascadian tropius cascadian gengar bear voyance and blastoise it helps her fight forest fires oh yeah and i've yet to reveal a lot of these mons in previous videos i've just realized i won't be going into their details here but yeah i guess it's a sneak peek this is what they look like now then later on in the game you can come back to her and play pokemon ranger based mini games like the game pokemon ranger the weather in the region has gotten incredibly crazy in recent months which puts loads of wild pokemon in danger and is up to you and her to save them oh and she gives you the pine badge for obvious reasons and like i said i didn't think too hard about the gym challenges before the gym leader battle but i'd imagine one here involves rolling logs around you to make a path easy puzzle concept there's other trainers like boy scouts you gotta fight now moving on you go through the mountains and reach the second wild area a desert and depending on how you choose to explore you can do either of the next two gyms in either order but let's start with the one in bendtown an old town with lots of manufacturing and warehouse jobs for amazon really if not for amazon this town would probably be a ghost town but thanks to kaiba's business dealings the native gym leader and entrepreneur has managed to keep the economy of this town flowing it's his hometown after all so he cares deeply about it and he's doing all he can to provide opportunities to the people still living here after a mass exodus sometimes the influences of the outside force you to change not much you can do about that but it's how you react to those changes that define you his theme is clearly desert most of the manufacturing done here involves the sand and his pokemon work well with it too and as such his gym has glass walls throughout it a clear glass maze littered with trainers to fight through maybe some of the glass walls are intended to be broken even i don't know some sort of glass maze that changes yeah but i do know that he uses a desiree quai alert murkrini and pramblo when you first fight him and later quaylert evolves into quailsgen and pramblo into glashulimp and he still uses disarray into mccraney while adding kunsum and hippodon also when you fight him he opens the ceiling of the gym and triggers a sunny day sandstorm he gives you the orb badge which depicts a glass orb both because they manufacture glass here and because he knows his future he's set for life maybe you should try to figure out your future too now he's got quite the beef with his younger brother who runs the other gym in these parts in kaiba's eyes tate just couldn't take the heat of change and gave up on his hometown instead of being strong and changing yourself to keep up with the outside changes tate leaving is also the big reason why so many other people left town as these days tate spends his time helping people move across the desert and river canyon to get to much greener pastures on the other side literally forget the world you left behind man you've gotta work hard to get rid of the bat in your life and sometimes that means leaving behind what you know some say i chose to run away but just ask them ran away from what and they only list things worth running away from my brother stayed just to become some corporate mudspray tate talks a lot that's a big part of his personality and his name origin both he and his brother's names come from numu the language spoken by the paiute kaiba is mountain as he's big and stoic and tate well it means he talks too much tate's theme is canyon pokemon that help him help other people and are also used to this terrain when you first fight him he has an obsidious nidorino dreadna and a cascadian ambipom later nidorino evolves into nito king and he adds a mudsdale and either a blue mage or skarmory either randomly or based on your team composition his gym would involve river water puzzles pushing and moving rocks to make platforms in the shallow stream to get across and battling him triggers a sandstorm with high winds he gives you the arrow badge which looks like an obsidian arrowhead reflecting the local culture of the area his main pokemon and that sometimes to find your point in life you have to go like follow arrows go so you cross the river canyon and into a new area that's a bunch of routes through country towns farms and vineyards a lot of the battles here are double battles and there are plenty of ranch-based mini-games to play as you approach the fifth gem which has the theme of ranch everybody here is a couple and the gym leaders mary and john with their classic homely traditional american country names are an elderly couple i've been married for 60 years got 16 grandchildren and four great grandchildren so far john has lived at this ranch hard at work his entire life sometimes all you need in life is a big loving family working together at their family values to better support each other gotta raise them kids rat or not at all they talk like old country folk and say partner and dearie a lot their first pokemon are miltank rapidash indeedy cascadian double and whimsicott and later they swap rapidash for auxiliary indeedy for bolton and add gogoat quite the range of types yes get it range home on the rain also they start with a pollen-filled sunny day it's good for their crops before you fight them though your pre-battle challenge involves doing some labor on the farm pretty much in the form of minigames herding cheap pokemon milking a mill tank efficiently riding a mudsdale or rapidash through an obstacle course things like that the others in the area like other farmhand couples and such talk about how leaving one or both of their families behind was actually the right thing for them and how much of a hard decision it was but sometimes it really can be worth it there are many paths in life many with counter-dictory logic but whatever works but anyway mary and john will give you the partner badge which will allow you to set double battles to preferred at which point wild area battles have a chance of being double or even horde battles neat then right on over to the left we have a big country club slash vineyard slash retirement home and there's a big fancy restaurant here too which is a part of the gym gym six has you face off against elna an extremely eccentric woman who loves sewing and cooking she designs her own outfits and can make a killer souffle the name elna means things like sunray and torch as well as grow and feed all of which fits her well she's a bundle of joy and a bundle of light but she mentions how she didn't always know what she wanted to do or be for the longest time so she just started trying all sorts of things she was never really good at any of them even sewing and cooking but she still had fun with those two so she kept practicing and practicing and now well here she is still learning but doing well enough and loving it like the gym before the pre-battle challenge involves completing mini-games perhaps involving keeping a line within boundaries to simulate cutting fabric straight or maybe cooking mini-games there are so many of those and when it comes time to battle she has a levanny tam roast vitusquish serena slurpuff and monferno but on a rematch she can swap those out for infernape appleton or flapple and either form of exeggutor her gym arena is able to really bring the heat too causing a drought simulating the inside of an oven it can also simulate the inside of a freezer who knows if that's gonna be useful though maybe i didn't think this far ahead but upon winning she hands you the craft badge now moving through the mountains again we get to the third and final wild area you get all sorts of biomes here but we're not here for that today so let's move over to port elky a huge city based on a combination of seattle portland and vancouver and it's such a big city it has two gyms and various areas within it to catch city-dwelling pokemon sort of like a mini wild area in and of itself in the southern and older part of the city we have our seventh gym in an old fun center as in an arcade plus skating rink plus bowling alley kind of thing plus bar after 9 pm and the gym leader is zlata zlata is a slavic name meaning golden and she's got just a touch of an eastern european accent that i will not attempt to mimic i promise and it's just a bit though she's a bit of a punk if you couldn't tell it kind of comes with the territory of growing up in a more run-down part of the city she was bullied a lot as a kid so she stayed indoors and played games but all that she had were her dad's old games so that's what she grew up on but formed some fantastic memories that way but even still she's constantly being hated on just for being who she is but that also just kind of comes with the territory of being a mid-sized streamer yeah get the gen z stuff in here but when she's not wrecking kids at the arcade or online she's wrecking them at pokemon battles she's got a cascadian explode a toxicity an cascadian jinx rotom server form rotom arcade form and beat-em-ups i'm going to talk more about those in another video but on rematches she can swap some of these with a yan mage pangoro or electivire and at the start of the battle the effects of electric terrain are in place our gym challenge may also involve mini-games perhaps based on various arcade games but pokemon themed i don't know flappy bird but it's a pidgey pac-man but it's like a tongue or perhaps a maze with trainer battles and the maze changes as you go through it due to rotom possessing the arcade machines and moving them zlata is all about embracing your youth and not losing it don't let stuck-up adults tell you how to grow up and pressure you into acting just like them you do you and also she is significantly older than she looks and she gives you the power badge and lastly moving into the northern part of the city you reach the eighth gym leader trip and of course the pacific northwest's prominent eighth gym leader is a hipster it has to be it has to be i hate labels they do nothing but separate us there was a time when your labels determined what you were and were not allowed to do and then society finally got over all that nonsense and life has only gotten better as time goes on but did we really now we have people so obsessed with labels again but for the total opposite reasons it's sad just be yourself and do your best not to tread on others let go of how others define you people can't help the labels they're born with so why bother caring man tripp has traveled all over the world to see it all experience many cultures and make loads of friends along the way his entire team is made up of pokemon that you couldn't possibly have seen by this part in your journey in the game they are all from other regions entirely and they are all his friends your friends aren't necessarily the people physically around you but the ones who make you better no matter where or what they are now i'd like you to meet some of my friends my pokemon i bet you haven't even heard of them his pokemon are galorian rapidash alolan persian sinonin luxray superior wigglytuff and kasikazog one of these things is not like the other but he's unique in that his rematch is extra challenging rather than swapping out one or two pokemon he only keeps kesakuzag the rest of his team works like this random cascadian form random galarian form random alolan form random pseudo legendary and either wigglytuffle blissey dang his pre-battle challenge is simply battling other trainers from all over the world and as such they have teams consisting of pokemon from all of their home regions and while you do this you solve a bridge based puzzle quite literally building bridges to other regions so to speak as there's symbols of the other regions on the floor it's all very symbolic and very cheesy just like pokemon come on upon finishing this battle you get the world badge and now with all eight badges you're off to the elite four and champion who continues this theme and also have something to do with amazon and hey thanks so much for watching this a big thanks once again to grammarly i'm thoroughly impressed with their service and plan on using it long term even outside of this sponsorship so yeah i personally recommend it it was a big help on this and other scripts so again check it out with the link in the description and never stop using your noggin
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 1,073,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, kaskade, fan pokemon, pokemon fanmade, fanmade pokemon, fakemon, kaskade region, pokemon fan games, pokemon design, pokemon gym leaders, gym leaders, designing a pokemon, designing pokemon, designing gym leaders, my pokemon gym, my pokemon team, my pokemon region, my pokemon evil team, my pokemon elite four, new pokemon, pokemon ideas, blazingbloom, frigidfall, frigid fall, blazing bloom, pokemon gym ideas
Id: m4PM0LvM3fk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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