What If Australia Was A Pokemon Region?

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Every trainer would die horrible horrible deaths. Maaaaaybe five percent would survive?

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/Gurasola 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2017 🗫︎ replies

I question the reason as to include Tasmania and not include the presumed extinct Tasmanian Tiger, or the Tasmanian Devil (not of the Looney Tunes Variety).

Maybe a rock type based on Thundereggs or Opal.

Or maybe a regional variant of Helioptile, or maybe even it's own Pokémon because Game Freak doesn't have qualms with reusing ideas, based on the actual Australian Frilled Lizard or, for another name, Dragon, which could be a fire type.

And that's not getting into the mythological Bunyip, which could be it's own legendary.

And to think, I know all of this stuff because of a game. Thanks Ty!

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Luck-X-Vaati 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2017 🗫︎ replies

As an Australian this was gold. It is just what i had hoped for, and the Steve inspired professor just topped this. i like the dropbear reference and think the game could be unique with both forms avalable in 2 different areas. I am also very fond of the 2 player avatars.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/djsinnema 📅︎︎ Apr 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

Here are some of Mr Buddy's other video on "What If" regions based off of real life countries:



Western USA

I personally would like to see a region based of Spain.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/xXMisterDiscoXx 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2017 🗫︎ replies

Because the emu can't fly in real life, I couldn't in good conscience make a Pokémon based on it a Flying-Type.


👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/KuribohMaster666 📅︎︎ Apr 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

the most common pokemon should be based on the huntsman spider, but you just find them chilling in peoples houses instead of finding them in the tall grass.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MsTeaTime 📅︎︎ Apr 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

they already put koalas in S/M, pretty sure it included australia. Roos, Crocs and Spiders have already been covered.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Ychip 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2017 🗫︎ replies

I'd like to see the same video done for Denmark/Norway and Peru in south america.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/kaldurgs 📅︎︎ Aug 14 2017 🗫︎ replies
good I might its mr. buddy here and today we're going to be taking a look at another what-if Pokemon region now in case you're out of the know I do a series of videos on my channel right talk about hypothetical Pokemon regions that could be made out of real life countries and areas I've already done videos on Greece in the western US and today I thought it would try to tackle one of the countries that has gotten a crazy amount of requests in the comments Australia now before it gets all my ideas for the land down on deserts just a couple things I need to mention the first is that as always this video is not meant to be speculation on a new Pokemon games region if any Pokemon game is coming out when you're watching this and the region or Pokemon has similarities to the ones I'll be talking about today just know that I had no idea in this video was always meant to be just a fun idea filled video rather than serious speculation the second thing I want to mention is to keep your ideas and suggestions coming in my past regional videos you guys gave tons of awesome ideas for not just other countries you'd like to see me tackle in these what-if videos but some of your own ideas and thoughts for the regions as I've talked about too which i think is great it's always cool to hear other people's ideas so feel free to keep sharing your own thoughts and suggestions in the comments all right the third thing is please check out the description below for a list of all the artists who helped make this video they're all great and without their help I really wouldn't have been able to properly show my thoughts on what I think this region could be like final thing to briefly touch on is that this video is probably going to be pretty long so if you want to jump around between sections here's some time stamps in my western us video I could a lot of stuff from it because I thought most people wouldn't want to watch a 30-plus minute video but much to my surprise a lot of people in the comics were actually pretty supportive of the idea of longer what if region video so for today's region I've cut out almost nothing obviously there are a few things I had to trim down or take out but for the most part what you're about to watch is 99% of all my ideas on what this region could be like and I'm really excited to share it all with you guys alright I think that's enough for introductions koalas the Outback and so much more awaits us so let's officially get this video started and take a look at what Australia might be like as a Pokemon region one thing I want to address right off the bat before we get into the bulk of this video with the specific towns a new Pokemon into all that stuff it's just what exactly Australia is like in terms of its geography and wildlife and now they could translate into the landscapes and pokemon of this hypothetical region a common misconception about Australia is the idea that it's only made up of arid deserts and has tons of dangerous animals all over the place that can kill you now don't get me wrong it's definitely true that most of Central Australia is covered by deserts and has some of these scariest animals in the world but at the same time the country also has plenty of non desert environments as well as more normal animals to help shape its ecosystem rain forests mountains grassland snowy areas and coastal beaches help make up Australia's environments while various animals like koalas wombats emus and echidnas populate them the whole country isn't just a gigantic desert with killer spiders running around and for this region I really tried to strike a balance between the harsh or more well known side of Australia and the less deadly more diverse side to make for an all-around balanced region I do have to admit though that the deadly side of this region with the more dangerous Pokemon could potentially play a larger part in the story we'll talk about that a little later for now since we're not quite to the story stuff yeah let's go for what existing Pokemon could be found in this region and their general locations for the most part I looked at real life animals to live in Australia and shows their Pokemon counterparts for these areas but full disclaimer that there are some polka might shows just because I thought they would fit in well so in the arid environments and deserts which would take of a fairly large part of this region I think you'd be able to find Pokemon like Joel tick Galvin Chawla spinarak ariados Scooby drapion Sandile crocker rock krookodile heliolisk kiliel tile Cacnea cacturne Mightyena Ekans arbok Seviper larvae tar pupitar Tyranitar gibble gabite and Garchomp and the rainforest areas you would find Pokemon such as whoo Noctowl Croagunk Toxicroak spoink grumpig Caterpie Metapod Butterfree heracross goomy's sliggoo moral elk are divine and Paris seaside MP cherries could have Pokemon like a llama mola bar boat seal van tine carvanha Sharpedo Goldeen Sea King wailmer crabby steals Elio and corsola one line in 40 places might have Pokemon such as Kamala Vulpix Emolga zing skiddo gogoat Stantler bunnelby Zubat golbat wu bat.chat star lay in Staravia there's no way to detail every possible pokemon this region might have but that's just a brief overview of what the possible selection could be like I think it's awesome how diverse Australia is in real life and I really wanted that to transfer over to this regions environments as well as pokemon selection okay let's move on now to the specific towns and locations this region might have since we just talked about the types of environments as well as older Pokemon that would appear in the region it's only natural we next discuss the big places and locations trainers will travel between on their journeys as I've mentioned most of the central area of Australia is covered in deserts and because of that there isn't really a lot of cities towards the center of the country most of the big cities and landmarks are instead located along the coast which made creating this region's layout somewhat challenging my early concepts weren't great as most of them ended up looking like a giant circle but after brainstorming for a while I think I was able to create a reaching layout that resembles Australia moderately well while also having a much more interesting structure than just a giant loop of routes alright let's start taking a look at the cities and begin with the players starting town which will be based on the city of Albany this is the oldest settled town in Western Australia and is a somewhat larger city continue to port numerous museums and even a wind farm it's become somewhat of a tradition in Pokemon games for the player to start off in a smaller town and while real-life Alba knee isn't necessarily the smallest town around I think it could be adapted into a starting location with ease traveling Northwest from the starting town the player would arrive in a place based on the city of Perth Perth is one of the largest cities in Australia and would provide plenty of sights to see and things to do some of the cool things in Perth include the perth zoo which I think in reaching could be related to the professor the aquarium of Western Australia which could maybe be a Pokemon reserve the Fremantle prison which could possibly be a battle area and Swan Valley which is known for its wines in real-life Australia but in this region could be a location that locals wanna hang out at well leaving the first town the player has a couple options of where to go next they can either go north to a city based on Port Hedland or east to a smaller location based on the super pig goldmine let's go up to the paw resin-based down and we'll come back to the goldmine a little later so port headland is famous for being one of the main places where goods are shipped out of Australia and many of the red which span across the country bring various resources such as orange minerals to the city which are then sent off around the world there's just so much they can do with this sound in region and a lot of it could come from drawing upon the real-life towns train yard and general industrial feeling continuing on passport heaven you would come to a smaller town based on halls creek halls Creek is an interesting place because its general area has been inhabited for thousands of years by the Aboriginal people of Australia I know I keep saying this but this would make a fantastic city for an Australian region to have the town in region could have ancient ruins in it with the Aboriginal Australian style while also including some of halls creeks other landmarks in the surrounding area things like the China wall rock formation and Wolf Creek crater could be really cool points of interest to include in the general area and not to get too off-topic but they could totally incorporate deoxys and other alien Pokemon at a crater site like this ok going south from the halls creek town will play you into this region's desert area I've already mentioned it but Australia has a lot of deserts within and I decided to kind of group all of them together to make one gigantic super desert for this region it's mostly inspired by the great Victorian desert of Australia but would have elements of the gibson desert little sandy desert and great sandy desert i know people aren't usually the biggest fans of desert areas within pokemon but i felt like this region had to have one that was rather large to represent Australia faithfully also another reason why I made the desert location so prominent is because I think it could be pretty significant to the overall story of this region without getting too deep into the details because we're not quite to the story section yet I think the hostility of this desert with its large size abrasive terrain and strong Pokemon configuring to be evil teams ambitions as well as possibly be connected to a legendary Pokemon will talk about the evil team soon enough but as far as how the desert is related to the legendary we'll need to take a look at the next location of this region to get the complete picture enter uluru in case you haven't heard of it uluru is a giant sandstone formation that sits in the middle of australia and has incredible cultural importance to its Aboriginal people and in general is seen as a source of pride for many Australians it's even sometimes referred to as the heart of Australia which I think communicates its significance a lot more than I can what this place being such an important landmark to Australia I knew that I wanted a location based on we ruin this region to be pretty important as well which is why this should be where one of the legendary Pokemon of the region resides that's actually one of the reasons why I think this desert should be so confusing and tough to navigate through it should feel like a tough trial the player has to go through to earn the right to enter the legendaries resting place at the uluru inspired location many of the past Pokemon games have had small challenges and mazes the player had to do before getting to a legendary nothing making this desert double as a trial for the player would be a great way to utilize it when leaving the uluru inspired location you would send journey to a city based on Alice Springs not really a lot to say about this town ever even the fact that is located right on the edge of all the dry desert terrain of Australia I imagined it would be quite a sight for sore eyes after journeying through the vast desert to arrive in a city that is located right along a river with a lot of greenery - I can also see a lot of hiking trails and perhaps its Botanical Gardens showing up in this Pokemon town as well if you go south from the Alice Springs town you would travel along a route loosely inspired by the think River Australia's Finke River is important because it's been dated to be one of the oldest rivers in the world and has existed in some form for over 350 million years I don't know about you guys but this seems like a fitting place to find a lot of fossil Pokemon if in region this river existed for that amount of time there's a good chance you'd be able to find many Pokemon fossils in the ground and terrain besides the river alright let's jump back over to the west coast of the region and take a different pathway through it so as I mentioned earlier if you go east from the Perth inspired town you would end up at a location based on the super pick goldmine which is one of Australia's biggest mines mines and Pokemon aren't really a new thing for this series but with how important Turin minerals are to Australia's economy being that they're one of the country's prominent resources I thought this region could give gamefreak a great opportunity to put another giant mine into a region once you've traveled through the mine you'd come to the small city of eucla in modern-day the small locality is a really popular spot for fishing and also houses a hotel Golf Club and meteorological station no doubt this would be a great place to have a Castform show up after leaving the eucla base town you would arrive in one of the biggest landmarks of Australia Katis onda Lake Eyre this is the lake that sits in the lowest natural point of Australia and it's something called an end or Callay which basically means that it has no drainage points when water comes into the lake usually caused by a try yearly flood or just the country's rainy season it has no way to flow out and instead has to wait until it evaporates away I'm sorry to bore everyone with a science lesson but I think they could actually incorporates this idea into the region much like how the Gen 5 Pokemon games featured environments that changed with the season I'd love to see this lake in reach and have different forms based on if it's raining or not like IR is usually fairly empty and arid without rain so how cool would it be to explore a dried-up lakebed in game they could have all sorts of treasure and items who usually couldn't get and then when it rains maybe it can fill up and let you gain access to perhaps some islands or exclusive pokemon it could be an interesting take on the lake that we haven't seen in Pokemon yet continuing eastward there would be a small village based on the city of Khobar in real-life kovar is a small mining town and I mean really that's kind of it I'm not trying to knock the town addala but in the past it gained popularity or the massive amount of copper that was found there and really it's - its biggest attraction I know we already talked about the super pick goldmine but this city would be more like cenotes orberg city and that it has a small mine attached to it rather than being a huge mine itself within the depths of the mine I imagine you'd be able to find some rare Pokemon such as car bank or Sableye when you've had your fun mining various stones you can go south along the coast to a town based on Adelaide this Australian city is well known for its art scene and has numerous festivals and buildings dedicated to traditional art film music and much more I get to the city in region having many homage is to that stuff and maybe including points of interest based off of the South Australia Art Gallery the South Australian Museum and Victoria Square which is a large green space within the city when departing the player would go southeast to a town based on Melbourne which is one of Australia's more populated city the problem I always have with these big places and turning them into Pokemon towns is that there's so much that could be included Melbourne alone has a cathedral one of the oldest and largest libraries in Australia a very entertainment Bayside to it an old cargo ship and the list goes on if I personally had to choose a couple things to include in this town I would definitely go with Luna Park which is one of Australia's most well known amusement parks the State Library of Victoria the Queen Victoria Market and a big resort area based on the crown for an entertainment complex moving on from the Mel boring town will put us into an area based on the city of Canberra which is Australia's capital in region and hopefully this doesn't make any Canberra residents angry I think Ken Baer will be better suited as the Pokemon League into lead for location rather than a huge city the reason why is because Melbourne Canberra and Sydney which we'll talk about next are all big cities that are very close to each other I wanted to include all three of these in the region but I think they're having three giant towns right next to each other might be a little bit overwhelming which is why I think camber would be better suited as the spot for the Pokemon League as well as maybe a victory road type challenge moving on to the next time we come to the largest city in the region which is based on the largest city in Australia Sydney in terms of what it might include as well as what you could do in it I imagine the Sydney Harbour Bridge would welcome you into the city and once you're roaming it streets you come across many interesting locations such as a gym based on the Sydney Opera House the Sydney Tower an observatory a building inspired by the Queen Victoria building and an area based on the darling harbour which could be like a big shopping district and have plenty of stores and stands to visit alright when leaving Sydney's a player would go through a cave based on the jenolan caves which is a large network of limestone caves near Sydney and end up in a town based on Brisbane Brisbane has a large river that runs through it and that could be one of the town's big features just add in some small side attractions based on the wheel of Brisbane the old windmill and kuchi mud Lowe Island and you've got yourself a pretty nice pokemon town after leaving Brisbane you would travel along a coastal route that would take you by one of the standout landmarks this region could have which would be the Pokemon world's equivalent of the Great Barrier Reef and realised the Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest coral reef and sits just off the coast of northeast Australia obviously if something is the largest in the world you have to include it in a Pokemon region and the way I think they could implement a Barrier Reef into this region would be as a site activity the player could explore okay so bear with me now but what if the player could take a special Pokemon diving tour to explore this gigantic reef you will be able to rent a Pokemon to use as an exploration buddy and dive through the reef adventuring with it kind of where the game element of this comes in is I was thinking there could be different Pokemon you could rent as guides which would have different abilities to help you acts various areas within the wreath in my opinion diving hasn't always been the coolest thing to do within Pokemon so I'd love for this region to make it more of an exploration and discovery thing using the massive and beautiful Great Barrier Reef as a backdrop for it alright moving on the next big locations you would come to will be a town based on Cairns as well as a large area based on the Barron Gorge National Park so talking Terrance this is a coastal city that sits in a very interesting place where it's right on the edge of Australia's rainforest Territory there's also along the coast this gives it a very tropical feel that makes it a popular tourist destination in region they can play around with the idea a little bit and maybe have a couple of big hotels here and also include a lot of small tourist type attractions like a visitor center now regarding the Bering gorge national park this is a large rainforest area which has numerous trails flora and waterfalls all throughout it I love the idea of having the player explore really dense jungle in this region and they could have all sorts of bug and poison-type pokémon secret items and hidden areas within it before I get into the story section there's just two other locations of the region that I want to jump to and talk about quickly the first is the evil teams hideout which will be located roughly here at the risk of sounding crazy I think their hideout to be based on some of the castles that Australia has around the country well Australia's castles aren't really as old nor have the history of European castles seeing as how most of them were built fairly recently within the last 200 years I still thought it was cool that structures like this even existed in Australia all most of them are either privately owned or tourist attractions I really like the idea of a unique medieval building like this being in the region and once we get into the story section I promise this castle themed tida will make a lot more sense for right now though just as Australia has a small number of relatively modern built castles and to this location is more or less just a general representation of them rather than being based on a specific one the last significant location I want to talk about is the Big Island that will be located just off the southern coast of the region this is the island of Tasmania and if I'm being upfront I still haven't decided how it could be used in the region my two ideas for Tasmania were that it could either be a location that you can go to and explore once you've made it to the Adelaide Town by taking a boat over there or it could potentially be a post-game area much like suno's battlezone I couldn't quite decide which idea like better but Rick Arlis there be plenty of cool stuff in this Tasmania based island not only do I think a legendary Pokemon could inhabit the island but I'd also love to see a town based on the city of Hobart a mountainous route inspired by the mountain of kunana / Mount Wellington possibly a safari zone area based on the zoo do Wildlife Park and a small location based on the bright still lavender estate which could perhaps translate into a Berry Farm within the region and I think that about wraps up the location section there were a few places I just didn't have time to go over but hopefully you guys get a feel for what this region could be like I tried hard to make this region's location assortment as varied as possible while also staying true to real-life Australia so hopefully it all came together well okay let's get a little more personal with this hypothetical region and talk about the characters and potential story that could be present throughout it I've just got to say up front that this region's story might feel a little bit more like fan fiction than in my other regional videos for better or worse I tried to create a really in-depth narrative for this region which led me to making a lot of individual characters with unique personalities and motivation I'm not sure how much of that will shine through in this section or if it's even something you guys wanted to hear about in the first place but regardless I really put my all into making this region story feel different and unique from past regions one of the things that helped set it apart is that I made a lot of this region's narrative revolve around a bigger theme that hasn't really been explored within the Pokemon franchise this thing will be the driving force behind a lot of the characters motivations as well as the main conflict in the region what is this big theme you might be wondering well let's take a look so the main idea I'd like to see shaped this region's narrative and overall feeling is the general topic of safety within the Pokemon world I know that topic is somewhat vague and pretty broad so I focused in on a couple of these safety problems that I always see people talking about in regards to the Pokemon universe which is out safe the Pokemon world is and how safe Pokemon are to be around capture and battle now I don't know how many people out there realize this but Pokemon are freaking scary whether it's a giant ball of toxin spreading pollution everywhere a teddy bear that can break your spine a turtle monster that causes explosions pretty much every single ghost type wanting to kill or possess you we've seen that Pokemon can be and mostly are hazardous creatures that bring the very safety of humanity into question also when you start to think about how incredibly strong legendary are within the polka world really start to wonder if humans are the dominant species in Pokemon when you have something like an Arceus that could cost and destroy an entire continent this idea of our Pokemon safe to be around is the basis I have for the general story of this region because Australia is well known for having some of the most dangerous animals in the world and as we've talked about this Pokemon reach and based on it would have some of the more canonically dangerous Pokemon in it I think as a whole this region lends itself incredibly well to having this story where the focal point is on the issue of how threatening some Pokemon can be now one of the reasons I like focusing on this topic for the region plot-wise is because there's a lot of different ways you can look it obviously you can see from the point of view that Pokemon our destructive monsters that need to be kept in check but at the same time you can also see them in the opposite light where they're just animals that don't really need to be controlled or supervised because what they're like is just their nature this is a subject matter where no one site is completely in the right and that's actually where a lot of the conflicting characters of the region come into play because there's two very strong sides to this argument I thought of two different groups that would represent these viewpoints in the game the evil team of this region what represents the perspective of seeing some Pokemon has too dangerous to be left unchecked and wanting many of them to be contained while the professor of this region as well as some of the gym leaders would represent the side that thinks there's redeeming and beautiful things within all Pokemon dangerous or not it's worth mentioning the Estes general synopsis sounds somewhat familiar to you it's because I was heavily inspired by Generation 5-story when thinking of this region the idea of two opposing points of view clashing against each other was pretty much the main focus in the original black and white and I felt like this region's storyline could benefit a lot by having a set of similar to that don't worry though because I didn't try to replicate Jem five story beat for beat I just used to add some loose inspiration okay let's get into the specific characters now and start off by talking about this region's professor so what this professor which I've named professor acacia I really wanted him to feel different from other professors we've had in the past not just because you would play a bigger part in the story but because this region is it's Pokemon will be a little tougher to travel through and study which would require a somewhat more adventurous professor what I came up with was to have him loosely based off of one of my favorite nature experts who also happened to be Australian Steve Irwin aka the Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin with somebody was always upbeat and adventurous while showing people how interesting animals in real life could be sometimes he could maybe be a little bit over the top but you could always tell his excitement and enthusiasm was coming from a very genuine place which is why he was one of my favorite nature specialists with this region's professor I'd love for him to have some of those great traits to it he would be adventurous enough to travel through the region and examine Pokemon while also showing off his love and excitement for studying them in the end he would represent and show that well Pokemon can be scary and dangerous they all have an important place in the environmental world that we need to respect and try to understand on the flip side of that we have this region's evil team who pretty much embodies the polar opposite of the professor this evil team which I've named team Nobel believes that some Pokemon are too powerful and dangerous to be left to roam the wild then need to be contained or dealt with in other ways the main area of their targeting is the outback desert area which they've deemed to have the most lethal Pokemon although you'd see them trying to control and detain strong Pokemon all around the region I've just got to say that while I've been calling them an evil team and their description probably sounds pretty sinister I wouldn't necessarily describe their goals is flat-out evil much like the original team plasmas gold trying to separate people in Pokemon because they believed people were forcing Pokemon to fight I tried to make this team's ambition seem understandable and not necessarily flat-out bad team nobles members as well as their leaders have seen how much chaos damage and sometimes even death the powerful Pokemon have caused around the world and believe that some Pokemon need to be restrained for the betterment of humanity they don't have any ulterior motives or hidden plan we're not trying to take over the region or destroy the universe they just simply want to make this region a safer place for people although the means they go to to accomplish their goal might be seen as a little bit excessive and hypocritical in a way which is what causes them to clash with the region's professor I'll go more in depth on some of their actions as well as specific team members and their Pokemon in just a second but it's like I should address their designs in general theme first and why they have a medieval knight look in an Australia based region it's a somewhat interesting story about all of this right from the start I knew that I wanted the evil team with the region to have a design that really contrasted with the region and it's Pokemon I loved what Pokemon Sun and Moon did with the Lola being bright vibrant and friendly and having team skull street gang feeling counteract that and so I was thinking that because the australia-based region will be and ruff to travel through I wanted a more refined and poised evil team to be present throughout it they still have a goal of being against powerful Pokemon but their designs will bring a nice bit of juxtaposition compared to the tough region my initial thoughts were that the evil team could have a posh or business element to it and be kind of like a team full of rich kid and lady trainer classes I soon realized however that the ether Foundation as well as kind of team Flair had those types of designs on lockdown so I quickly scrapped the idea and went back to brainstorming more team ideas whose motifs could provide a great contrast to the harshness of the region eventually after doing hours of thinking banging my head against a wall and researching I came up with a possible team idea they hit all the checkmarks and was also inspired by Australia's history the first thing I learned about Australia that helped with this idea was that most of the early settlers who sailed to Australia in the early 1700s were from Britain and under the rule of the British monarchy this gave me a very loose idea that the antagonist scheme of the region could be inspired by those historical roots and possibly have a refined royal vibe to them in reference to the British royal family adding on to that idea I then found out that Australia actually has a few modern castles around the country which would perfectly fit in with this team concept I know this might all sound a little contrived for an Australian region but with those two ideas as my big influences I came up with an evil team that consisted of princes and princesses in a castle hideout which eventually with the help of bonus level grew into the royal court evil team you're seen in this video yeah the original Team Plasma already did the whole night thing but I feel like team nobles aesthetic is still distinct in its own way well the general idea is somewhat similar to plasmas the specific design structure of the organisation and Pokemon the use couldn't be more different speaking of which let's actually go over some of the team members now so it's a very bottom of the totem pole you have the grunts who have a very classic armored Knight designed to them many of the grunts were either hurt or know somebody who was harmed by a Pokemon and they feel that team Noble is fighting a well noble fight and decided to join their rigs their teams will consist of Pokemon ranging from Hoenn edge shell met accelgor Cara blasts a scab dalire upon the yard and horsey and you'd encounter them in large numbers either running rallies and cities trying to take strong Pokemon away from trainers by force or even just clearing out areas they believe could be dangerous to people next up we come to the admins of Team Nova which will be based on a prince and princess because these two designs and trainers have such a connection to each other I think it would be cool if you battled them together mostly in double battles as far as their teams are concerned the prince would have a knitter on male knitter reno bisharp Sidra and du blade while the princess would have a knitter and female knit arena 11 meows seeking and steamy at the top of team nobles hierarchy we finally come to the main leaders who will be based on a king and queen I mean really this motif is a perfect way to have two team leaders which in turn could lead to some intense double battles during your showdowns with them speaking of battles I thought up full teams for each of them even though you would have at least one double battle against both of them it wouldn't be a Pokemon game story if you didn't also get to fight them individually at some point too for the King I think a slash Gallade Nidoking sub strike a king trend rapidash would fit him well while the Queen would have a Fergus Gardevoir Nidoqueen vespiquen Serena and Tyrell okay now do we have a general idea of the themes and characters of the region let's briefly go over how the actual story itself could play out with all the stuff we just talked about coming together I do have to warn you guys though because if you thought the story is fanfiction you before then you ain't seen nothing yet so when the player starts their journey team Nova will already have a pretty big influence on the region many people and trainers are starting to fear the potential damage that Pokemon can cause and some are even starting to shun strong Pokemon as well as trainers who train them it seems the only person who has stayed somewhat reasonable during this time is Professor acacia who takes issue with a lot of the things King Noble is saying you see the professor routinely goes around the region doing various research it has seen the somewhat aggressive methods team noble uses to confine and capture Pokemon which he strongly disagrees with even though the region is going through some rocky times at the moment with more and more people becoming scared and distrustful of Pokemon the professor still sees a genuine love of Pokemon within you and decides to give you a starter he encourages you to go out on a journey for the regions Pokemon League and also asks that while you're out exploring you try to help out any Pokemon in danger from Team Neuville he's noticed that in doubles actions have been getting more and more dangerous as of late and he's worried that they might try to do something drastic very soon at this point the player is free to explore the Australian region and among their many journeys they are in gym badges friends with some of the leaders explore some cool landmarks and even help professor acacia in various places with his research you also see exactly what the professor was talking about is numerous times on your journey you would bump into team Nobles grunts and admins trying to quote-unquote save people from dangerous Pokemon this usually involves them either removing Pokemon from their natural habitats by force or sometimes they do things even more reckless than that like when they try to close off the super pick goldmine with explosives because of the golem living inside fortunately the player is usually on the scene to foil all their plans but there is a moment towards the middle of the game when team noble captures one of the regional legendaries and the player isn't able to stop them although we don't quite know what they want with the legendary at this point in time we can only assume that whatever reason they captured it for is probably not going to be good after the legendary is taken by Team Noble the player is then tasked to what's going to save it I'm skipping over a lot of the smaller plot details I wrote down here but the climax of the story results in the player infiltrating team nobles castle battling their way through the grunts and admins and ultimately confronting the king and queen for the fate of the legendary as well as the entire region you see even though team Noble doesn't want to take over or destroy the region like so many other Pokemon villains they still find a way to use the power of the legendary Pokemon to fulfill their ultimate plans and making the region safer and disposing of any Pokemon they deem as threatening or too powerful slide sidebar here but I should probably talk a little bit about what the legendary represents as well as its special power that makes it so crucial to team Nobles plans so this legendary represents emotion and as part of a duo with another legendary that represents logic I've always loved when Legendary's represent two opposing themes that are connected to each other technologic versus emotion is one of the oldest concepts in the human psyche well I won't get too deep into all the symbolism these pokemon have within the story I do want to talk a little bit about a special power the emotion legendary has and why team Noble wants it under their control basically this legendary has the ability to either boost or diminish a creatures emotion this a being legendary can make other Pokemon feel very energetic and lively or dull and lifeless the letter which would be a dream scenario for team nobles vision of a safer folk a world in fact that's actually the end game of team nobles plan now that the king and queen have the legendary under their control they're going to use its emotion manipulation powers to a Oly toned down any pokemon in the region they think could be dangerous or cause anybody harm it's a pretty crazy plan but right before they're able to put it into action the player shows up to stop them normally this will be where you have a one-on-one battle against the team's leader but the big difference here is that the player has a climactic double battle against both leaders what's the help of Professor acacia that's right easier - and it's determined to help you stop team Noble you might be wondering why he's doing such a daring thing as normally Pokemon professors never help with taking down the evil team and it's at this moment that many of the mysteries and motivations surrounding team noble and the professor are revealed when we find out that the professor and King are brother shocking reveal aside the professor and Kings relationship is understandably not the greatest as they both fall on opposing sides of the art Pokemon dangerous argument it wasn't always that way though and if we dive a little bit into their past we can see what caused this rift between them and the origins of team Noble essentially what happened was when they were younger both of them went through a very traumatic experience involving a rampant Pokemon killing their sister well we don't know the exact details of what happened all those years ago we do know that the three siblings had accidentally stumbled upon a pokemons nest when it suddenly attacked them leaving their sister fatally injured this is the moment where everything changed for the king and professor with their sister now gone because of a wild Pokemon they both had strong I'll be at different reactions to everything that had transpired the King's got reaction to all of this was blaming the Pokemon for being too powerful and uncontrollable and he vowed that day can not let anybody else get injured by a pokemons no matter the cost he would do all he could to stop a pokemon from causing harm even if he had to resort to harsher methods to restrain one the professor on the other hand had a somewhat contrasting view on the matter while he agreed the Pokemon could be dangerous he also realized that the more he thought about it the more I could see the pokemons point of view in all of this having three strangers suddenly drop into your living room would understandably make anyone upset and scared and the professor started to see that this situation was all just an unfortunate accident caused by misunderstanding and a high amount of tension between everyone after coming to this conclusion the professor sought to learn more about many different pokemons behaviors habitats and biology in the hopes that all this research could help other people in the future if he can understand where a Pokemon coming from and what it's like he can potentially stop tragic and life-threatening situations between people and pokémon without either of the two getting hurt as the years went by the brothers to differing viewpoints caused them to grow further and further apart until they ended up where they are today one being the founder and leader of a giant organization trend to help people from vicious Pokemon and the other a dedicated professor that loves studies and tries to understand all Pokemon after all the tragic backstory details are revealed you want a professor finally engage the leaders in a double battle with the professor calling upon the aid of his best Pokemon krookodile the battle will be intense but once the king and queen are beamed the two brothers come to an understanding with one another that was somewhat insightful conversation about their goals and views on things while the king doesn't promise that he'll change his opinion on dangerous Pokemon right away he does start to realize that he might have gone a little bit too far in trying to make the region safer while the king and professor talking things out after the battle the Queen still holds strong to her beliefs and won't accept defeat that easily she decides to use the legendary Pokemon herself to challenge the player to one final battle the king and professor too exhausted from the prior battle to do anything to stop her so the true peak of the story comes down to eight 1r1 showdown against the Queen under fully healed team including a legendary Pokemon there's a lot more story details and smaller subplots I could share but pretty much everything else I thought of which trust me it's quite a lot there's more backstory stuff but I don't think it's super critical to detail in this video I tried to hit most of the major points that could shape the region's narrative so hopefully it gave you guys a general idea on what the evil team and story of an Australia region could be like alright really quickly before we get to the final section of this video I wanted to go over what see possible Gym Leaders of this region to be as well as their types in signature Pokemon first up we have a steel type gym leader that's into industrial art and has a layer on that helps shape steel second a ground type leader based on an archaeologist with their main Pokemon being a golurk that they incur din one of their digs a rock type leader based on a classic Australian Ranger with a lichen Rock is their partner Pokemon a water type leader that's a surfer and hangs down with his meryl a normal type musician gym leader that could be in the Sydney Opera House and uses a Loudred a bug type gym leader that studies the region's many bug type Pokemon and oftentimes does research on their venom acts a fighting-type gym leader that is a boxer with a primate and last but not least a ghost type gym leader that runs an old timey bed-and-breakfast with the lamp at all right we've almost talked about everything regarding this region but there's just one last thing I haven't gone over yet which is all the new Pokemon this australia-based region could have I've mentioned it a few times already but surely has so much diversity when it comes to animals which in turn means that this reaching could have some great new Pokemon whether it's some of Australia's more well-known animals some of the scarier ones or even endemic ones that aren't found anywhere else the country has tons of creatures that are fantastic inspiration for brand new Pokemon what didn't have enough time to create Pokemon based off of every cool animal within Australia I was able to think of 15 new Pokemon ideas which all stem from the country's unique wildlife six regional forms once also Pokemon is six common pokemon and two Legendary's as per usual I'll make sure to discuss what the Pokemon is based on its typing and potential abilities it could have let's start with the regional forms as always I need to clarifies it at this point in time we don't know if regional Pokemon forms such as the lowland forms are going to continue on with the franchise moving forward for the sake of this video I'm assuming that we'll continue to see regional variants and future Pokemon games but even if we don't there's a few ideas I have for Australia regional forms the first idea is a dark-type variant of koala inspired by something called a drop bear in Australian folklore a drop bear is essentially a carnivorous rabid version of a koala it's said to have fangs be extremely aggressive and drops down from trees onto unsuspecting people since the standard kamala would definitely be a staple of this region I thought it'd be kind of fun to have a more aggressive dark type variant of that that could jump out of trees on you while you're just exploring I can also have a higher attack stat at an ability like intimidate or arena trap to make you even more paranoid when you're adventuring through forests the next two regional forms I thought of were variants of jolted and Galvin chula inspired by some of Australia's famous spiders mainly the Australian red back and Black Widow both of these Pokemon would be bugged archetype and would represent some of the more terrifying bugs and arachnids that live in Australia we've already talked about how this region's story would ride on having scarier and more intense Pokemon living in the region and these variants would fit nicely into that category as far as abilities go I was thinking they could have their own version of a lulling diglettz tangling hair ability which would make it so that every time an enemy Pokemon hits it with a contact move but ultimate attacks would have its speed lowered I was also thinking they could have a unique abilities that made so if they poison the Pokemon the affected Pokemon would have a 20% chance of becoming confused as well in reference to how the black widows poison can have many negative effects on creatures it bites the last regional forms I thought of come to us from the Geodude line where I think they could be rock psychic enough lots of energy filled crystals breaking out of them the inspiration for these regional forums comes from the fact that Australian soil is very rich with minerals and/or and this would be a reference to that by showing what Geodude grabber and golem ooh formulas Regents ground are like not only does forming in this region's ground make them look pretty cool but the crystals that form within their bodies are also the source of their psychic powers moving on to the next category of new monsters we come to the fossil Pokemon I only thought of one but dare I say I think it's one of the better ideas I've had so basically what the fossil of this region could be is a Pokemon based on an extinct animal called the Abdurrahman which is basically a giant prehistoric platypus Australia is well known for its Platypus assortment and I think will be great to have the fossil Pokemon be a water rock type inspired by the modern platypus and extinct of darada for abilities I was thinking this Pokemon could utilize its rocky tail and have its own version of the sticky hold ability which would make it so that nothing could happen to an item at halting alright let's move on to the next category of potential new Pokemon which is just all the common Pokemon you'd find around the region I did look mainly at some of the more well known animals in Australia for inspiration with these ones but I think you'll also see some more distinctive ones in here too first up we have a Pokemon based on a wombat the worm that is a type of animal that is native to Australia and is somewhat common throughout the country it has powerful teeth but also has traits of moles as well mainly with its claws and how it likes to dig underground for this Pokemon ambition it as being the early game rodent you would encounter much like ratata young goose Bidoof etc typing wise I see it as either pure normal or potentially even a normal ground type for abilities I'd like to see this guy have tough claws which powers up moves that make direct contact Shirley was a somewhat decent ability like this you want to bend in the map to route 1 right right next up is the Pokemon and its evolution based on a kangaroo more specifically the red kangaroo now before anybody says it yeah kangaskhan is technically based on a kangaroo too but I mean come on I think it's safe to say that most of us Wanda King grew Pokemon that looks more in line with a normal kangaroo and not some kind of bulky monstrous version of one I'm sorry for the harsh words Kangaskhan you're still awesome but I think an Australian region will be the perfect place to introduce a couple new kangaroo Pokemon these two Pokemon would be fighting type as kangaroos are notorious for being aggressive in fighting each other or people and they'd have a bunch of kicking related moves for their abilities Moxie which boosts the pokemons attacks that when it knocks out a Pokemon would be a fantastic ability for these Pokemon also with these Pokemon having such an emphasis on kick related attacks I know abilities that increases the accuracy of kicking moves would be a good idea too I feel next we have a poison fairy-type pokémon based on a pike Oppo today it took me about twelve takes to say that name right even then I'm just crossing my fingers that I pronounced it correctly but what dissemble is essentially is a legless lizard really I just thought this was an interesting animal that could be included the few snake-like Pokemon we have are either poison or dark I've never looked to see a Pokemon like this that is similar to those but at the same time very different for its abilities I'm thinking either fairy aura which powers up fairy-type moves or shed skin which has a chance to remove a status condition from the Pokemon each turn moving to the next common Pokemon we find ourselves face to face with a ground steel type Pokemon based on a dingo dingoes are wild dogs that roam around the Australian outback and it only makes sense that this region would have a few of these running around it with its abilities I really tried to play around with the whole part steel type angle to it and I was thinking Magna pull which prevents skill type Pokemon from escaping or steelworker which powers up steel-type moves would be neat to see the final common Pokemon we'll be talking about today is one inspired by an emu you guys know the emu right it's the second largest bird in the world doesn't have the ability to fly and is only found in Australia it's a pretty unique bird to say the least which is why it could make such a great Pokemon because the EMU can't fly in real life I couldn't in good conscience make a Pokemon based on it a flying type and that's why I imagined it as a mono grass type 4 abilities because this Pokemon is mostly a bush with flowers chlorophyll which would raise a Pokemon speed and sunshine or flower veil which prevents the lowering of an ally grass type Pokemon stats would be fitting for it last but not least let's close out the video by going over the possible legendaries of the region I've already mentioned them a few times in the other sections but these two Pokemon would represent the idea of logic versus emotion and both would be seen as powerful dignified protectors of this Australian region let's first talk about the emotion legendary which would be a fairy flying type Pokemon based on the Lyrebird lyrebirds or a species of birds that didn't have it Australia and have two defining features the first is that their tails look extremely similar to a lyre and the second is that they're able to mimic a wide variety of sounds including human speech ideally I'd like both of those traits to transfer into this legendary and even inspired signature ability in generation seven we were introduced to the ability dancer which lets a pokemon copy any dance related move an enemy Pokemon does and use it against them with this legendary I'd like to see it have a similar ability but with singing and voice related moves if an enemy Pokemon uses something like seeing hyper voice disarming voice or any other song / voice related moves against it it will be able to use it singer ability and fling those noises right back at the opposing Pokemon the second legendary which would represent logic will be based on an Aboriginal Australian deity known as the Rainbow Serpent and be a water dragon type in Australia's mythology the Rainbow Serpent is heavily associated with water and is seen as a giver of life it said that if a waterhole doesn't dry up during the droughts and the Rainbow Serpent is usually the cause of such prosperity really not a whole lot else I can say about it to be honest I think the Rainbow Serpent sounds awesome and the legendary Pokemon based on it could be really interesting for its ability I thought it could have a unique one where once its health got below 25% full it would automatically summon an aqua ring for itself I have no idea if this would be overpowered or not but I thought it would be a neat reference to its water and life-giving associations and with that this what if Pokemon region video has come to a close Australia really is an awesome country with so much that could be adapted into the Pokemon world from unique locations and environments a potential story revolving around the dangers of Pokemon and all the brand-new Pokemon that could be introduced with it I really hope I was able to represent Australia accurately and make an awesome region out of it anyways what do you guys think what do you want to explore a region like this do you agree or disagree with Team Noble maybe I missed a cool area potential plot for their Pokemon idea for the region feel free to leave all your thoughts and opinions on this Australia region in the comment section below thanks for watching and I'll catch you later
Channel: Mr Buddy
Views: 1,042,367
Rating: 4.9174986 out of 5
Keywords: Mr Buddy, Pokemon, Mr Buddy Pokemon, Australia, Pokemon Australia, Australia Region, Australian, Australian Pokemon Region, Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Kalos, Unova, Alola, What If, What-If, What-If Pokemon, What If Pokemon, What If it were a Region, Pokemon Regions, What If Pokemon Regions
Id: jZ5xrLZwkdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 33sec (2673 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2017
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