Let's Make a Pokemon Game!

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Nintendo: imabout to end this mans whole career

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 111 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/MiahTRT ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 14 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Honestly I nut when he connected all the regions

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 50 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/SomDonkus ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 14 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I really like his ideas! Though, I still think that a rotating camera will go a LONG way in a 3D environment

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 31 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/napstablook12 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 14 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

The battle sim is a really cool idea. Leagues better than IVs.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 29 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Cobobble16 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 14 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Watched this whole video start to finish. If only we had developers who cared. :/

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 23 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/AReluctantHipster ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 14 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Like he said, Pokemon is the most profitable franchise on earth. The latest entry should be bigger (and possibly even better) than Breath of the Wild and Mario Odyssey.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 24 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/gnbman ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 14 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I would buy all three versions

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 18 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Alexander-HamonChez ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 14 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Nice ideas, but JESUS CHRIST instead of putting 3 starts in the game depending on your starter choice sell 3 versions? ea would be proud

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 12 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Henri8k ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 14 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Ah, seeing someone talk about how the Pokรฉmon company follows itโ€™s #1 goal of youโ€™ve gotta catch them all makes me laugh.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 22 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ToxicPanther ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 14 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
I am a fan of design especially game design one of my favorite things to do is get together with friends and sit around and talk about how we would design an entry in one of our favorite videogame series what the game does well already what we'd like to see from the franchise in the future what we would do if we got the chance to make our own Fire Emblem game or persona game or a pokemon game pokemon blue was the first game I have any memory of playing and I've always liked Pokemon but I've never loved it like I've never played a Pokemon game and been like oh wow they nailed it this time around this is the best now jello you might ask how would you with your many years of not having any game design experience go about designing a Pokemon game well thank you very much for asking I'd be happy to tell you my pitch for a brand new Pokemon game now I'm not saying this is my pitch for the best pokemon game ever it's just a good Pokemon game a nice Pokemon game a Pokemon game I would like to see made a couple of rules the game I'm proposing has a real budget and time constraints so I can't ask for anything that would take 500 million dollars or man-hours that we don't have it has to be a reasonable pitch that's at least somewhat realistic so you can't just pop in a thousand new Pokemon into the game as though that wouldn't take me work it also has to be like a Pokemon game for all ages like a real one they'd actually try to sell so you can't just be like oh yeah you joined the bad guy team there's murder now Pokemon die like you know this isn't Pokemon special they're never gonna do that I know a lot of fan games go for the dark angle this is not that just so you know I'm mostly going to be talking about mechanical and structural design and not so much like Pokemon designs themselves like I actually like how most of the new Pokemon they've added in the past decade or so look I don't have a problem with the designs but before we can talk about any pokemon game design at all first I wanted to give a shout out to another game dragon city because they sponsored this video which was very nice of them we wanted this pitch to have a bunch of cool custom artwork and nice editing and we have a very very big project coming out soon that needs all the funding it can get and none of that would be possible without their help so if you want to support the channel click that link below to download the game do you like Pokemon but wish there were more dragon types well dragon say DS gadget covered I picked it up pretty recently and I already have over 300 dragons and there's still more that's not even all of them my personal favorites are the dragons that are not dragons like Davy Jones dragon and mime dragon each dragon generates gold so you can buy them food and train their attacks hone their skills and make them stronger until your mime is unstoppable fit your dragons against other players in battle leagues and in the arena got friends I sure hope so well if you do you can use Facebook Connect to play against your buddies and connect across all your devices there's new events every single week like this puzzle island where I manage to unlock a quarter-million gold and 30000 foods for my mine are you tired of my I'm draggin that's no problem put him in a fight to the death and you can even do it on auto battle mode so it saves you time and you don't have to watch or you can send him off on a quest to find you new buildings there's so much to do so check out dragon city right now by clicking the link in the description below there's no reason not to download it unless you're too busy dragging your feet I'm fired much like the breath of a dragon okay I'm done back to the game pitch so I think it's important when designing something to have a goal like a thesis that you're designing your game around so what do we want our game to do what do we want our players to feel when they play it for instance Legend of Zelda breath of the wild is built around creating a sense of exploration and growth the entire game is structured around that concept you explore places you get rewarded by clearing shrines you get stronger with that new strength you can explore new places like mountaintops and glaciers it builds into itself really well so say we wanted to sign a Pokemon game what are the core concepts of the Pokemon series what are the developers want us to do I would argue Pokemon has three goals three theses we're going to structure our game around first of course there's the obvious one you got to catch them all especially your favorite Pokemon that's easy just have cute and fun Pokemon encourage the people to catch them and trade them the games do those really well already unless their Pokemon Colosseum so we're not gonna change anything there it's the other two that I really focus on this video and I'll keep the third for later but most of this video covers the second thesis and the second thesis is make the player feel like they are going on a Pokemon journey that means exploring the region meeting new people getting stronger collecting badges etc etc to give the player a sense of adventure and the fact that it is their adventure this covers world design the game's flavor characters structure this is the one I'm going to be focusing on for most of the video so let's dive right in here is the pitch you are a new trainer who's just moved to the region of red Jonah doesn't matter where it is doesn't matter where it's based on you are ready to receive a pokemon and start your adventure but that's the key this is supposed to be an adventure and one of my big problems with recent Pokemon games is that the Pokemon world maps are so linear you can't go where you want to you can't explore there's a power outage in this totally bright well-lit sunny city but it's too dangerous to go there right now ignore all the people walking in and out it is too dangerous they are not real for instance take a look at the path the player has to take through each region in the different games Kalos a new Nova are both complete circles with only one direction to travel in like a clock and a Lola is a series of small circles that you teleport between the earlier generations have a little more variety and you're free to explore and challenge some of the gym leaders out of order for instance in Johto you can fight Chuck jasmine and price in any order you want and in Kanto you can actually fight Erica Koga Sabrina Blaine and even surge in any order so long as Koga is fought before Blaine and now okay don't get me wrong I am NOT one of those people who thinks that generation 1 is the end-all be-all best pokemon region in fact Kanto has been accessible in five generations of games now and I hope we never see it again but I do think there's a lot to be gained from giving the player options we don't want the game to feel like a theme park ride with one track to go on while pre-painted areas kind of just pass you by in the background in a set order so to remedy that I am going to propose my first major status quo change for this game and it's the biggest one so bear with me here instead of having two different versions of the game like black and white or Sun and Moon there are three of them and each version starts you off with a different starter Pokemon in a different starting location one for the grass starter one for the fire starter and one for the water starter the idea is there are three professors and they're all goofy and quirky and fun and they're rivals with on another and they want to have a competition each of them is going to entrust a starter Pokemon and a pokedex to a different trainer at the same time and then send them out into the world whichever trainer brings back the most research material for their professor is the winner so each professor picks a trainer and these guys are like your friendly rivals like your Shauna's your house your berries you get the idea I'm just gonna collectively call them your buds when the player picks one of these three versions their character will stand in for one of the three buds so you only get two of the buds in any given version or maybe the third one can also be there but like they're not important in that version they're just in the background drinking tea or whatever each of the three versions starting areas are really different so let's say there's a fire themed area water one a grass one just to match the starters but the key is that all the areas have to be cool and interesting you don't want players to avoid picking up one of the versions just because the starting area and that one is lame each of these towns has a unique set of Pokemon that live around there with a variety of types that you can catch right off the bat so maybe the fire themed area is like a factory with steel and poison types or a festival town with lots of lights an electric pokemon the grass area is like a forest but it's a haunted forest or a magic forest with ghosts and fairy and dragon Pokemon everywhere like fairy tale themes and then the water town is an oasis in the middle of a desert or maybe it's at the top of a really tall waterfall in the clouds and there's just bird Pokemon everywhere you get the idea so each of these towns is on the far edges of the region like they're all tucked away in their own little respective corners and there's only one route leading in and out of each of them that way you can design a small linear stretch of the game to serve as a prologue so no matter which version of player picks up new players won't get confused and you can still teach them the ropes and at the same time veteran players get to check out a new kind of starting area instead of just clear as a Pidgey here's a Rattata there's grass I realize this is kind of a radical change from the status quo but I think it would be just enough to really shake things up without bucking the series formula entirely plus three versions instead of two is going to look really good from a marketing standpoint especially if you make all the games too perfectly different from each other so people want to buy all of them so the way the game works is you get your Pokemon from the professor and you get your pokedex and they're like hey every town has an optional research quest you can do for me like a little dungeon or a scavenger hunt or something and they're not mandatory but you should go do them and you get to the end of the starting area and there's a gym leader you have to fight and you beat that guy and he's like hey you should go collect all the badges and you're like yeah you know what that sounds fun I'd love to go collect all the badges where should I go next and the answer is anywhere once you have your first badge the world is yours to explore like half the map is open immediately so here's how I think this would work the region is split into four different areas I'm gonna call them counties cuz that's folksy so each of the starting areas is in its own County and then there's like another County in the middle and that's where the Pokemon League is and you can just go wherever you want I mean some areas are too high leveled for you at the start and if you waltz over there with your level 10 b2 if you're gonna get your butt kicked but you can go there there's no intricate plot or anything other than you want to explore but you've got badges and the professors are giving you these research quests and those actus goal posts to kind of direct you to different places that you want to investigate the player gets an item that allows them to fast travel between towns something like fly really early on in the game that way they're not afraid to explore too far in any given direction and they can just zip back to places they might have missed you don't want anyone to get stuck in an area that's too high leveled and then not give them an escape route I don't know what it would be like a maybe a fast pass on some kind of public transport or each of the professors has like a giant bird that they lend you it doesn't really matter have like a little indicator of the average Pokemon level on the bottom of the screen when you're exploring so player immediately knows if they're out of their depth when they walk into a place that's like 30 levels higher than they are make it so that when you're under level the run mechanic has like a way higher chance of working so low level players don't just get destroyed by a wild Pokemon encounter but also you know like put a high level trainer blocking the routes exits the kid just waltz through the whole game while running from all the monsters so they're all optional but I think it'd be really cute if the more research quests that you completed the more of the professor enhances your starting town using the information you get them so like the game goes on and your town gets bigger and better and the local economy is doing really well and it's all it's all cuz you so everybody really likes you that'd be really like a nice concrete way to mark the players progress and a good excuse for the professor to give them rewards I like that most of the world map is open at the start but there's a bunch of these little optional dungeons and secret areas that are blocked off until you get either a special item that works like an HM or a special Pokemon so like maybe you start in the woods near the grass starter and there's this pitch-black stretch of forest and you just can't get through there until you find the night-vision goggles from the factory by the fire starter or maybe you get like an Ampharos or an illumise or something and they can light the way I don't know the world map is a little bit like a giant JRPG Metroidvania hide most of the good TMS and a lot of stat up items in the dungeon like if you want a good TM like if you want earthquake you're gonna have to find that in the earthquake cave some dungeons have Pokemon bosses at the end of them so like a totem Pokemon style thing or like a Snorlax and then you have to fight it and you get a reward for beating them because I really like the Pokemon bosses that are actually Pokemon instead of trainers so you might be wondering how they're going to balance a game as open as this one it's easy to balance a linear RPG because you know exactly where your player will be and when they'll be there but it's a lot harder when they can just kind of wander around wherever so there are two big balancing factors that I thought of the first is that each county kind of has its own generalized difficulty level so the first one you start out in is like level 5 to level 25 or level 30 and all the trainers and wild Pokemon they're kind of around that level so then the other two counties you didn't start in or stat it somewhere like 20 to 60 and that way if you wander in there early on you can explore a little but there's definitely areas that you have to train your way up to before you can explore the entirety of the county and obviously these difficulty levels would switch around based on which version you've got so you always start an easy one then the middle county is like that's the final County it's it starts at like level 45 at the absolute lowest I like the idea that you can kind of wander into that county really early on and see all the powerful trainers there because it kind of gives the player something to work towards and I think that's really important it's open is this there's a lot of strong trainers in the world and if you want to be strong like them I think you should work for it the other big balancing factor is the gyms a lot of secondary poke a media like Pokemon origins and the manga have this ongoing thing where gym leaders actually have multiple teams of pokemon not just one and they're all at different levels of strength and the gym leader uses a different team based on how many badges the Challenger has so say the Challenger has one badge you might fight like two Pokemon around level ten but if the Challenger has six badges it could be a team of five Pokemon in the like late 30s early 40s that's a really cool idea and I want to run with it that way if a player is like level 50 now but they missed a gym earlier and it's back in a level 20 area the gym leader isn't just stupid weak and an easy fights that way you can't just brainlessly power through things there's some cool Pokemon roms out there like Pokemon crystal clear that do something like this though that game also makes every trainer level up depending on how many badges you have and I actually really don't like that so I'm just gonna make it the gym leaders also gym leaders no longer specialize in one specific type of Pokemon anymore Pokemon has done this to death I think there is nothing more that can be done with it so instead gyms are now based around specific themes and mechanics so instead of an electric gym or a bug gym there's a sound gym and the gym leader is like a pop idol named melodive and all the pokemon in her gym are sound based so it's like whispers and Jigglypuff's chat tots jingling chime ago did they all use moves like pop roar and sonic boom and sing and then you know if you're having trouble there's like a dude sitting on a bench outside the gym who's like oh geez your Pokemon with an ability called soundproof that prevents Oh sound base moves but you can only get it in this specific cave it's far away from here that way you can still have a cool cohesive theme for your gym later but a player doesn't just need to be like oh it's an electric-type gym I have a ground type I win like there's still a hard counter strategy but they kind of got to work for it if they want to cheat their way through I think Jim's based around mechanical concepts are really cool too so Pokemon has like seven million moves and abilities nowadays and you can use those to construct a lot of really cool specific challenges for players to overcome some other ideas for gyms I had a gym based around whether effects would be really fun the gym leaders like a weather lady in her gym is a tea Beast or something and she uses combo moves like sunny day solar beam and rain dance Thunder a Geum all about friendship like every Pokemon there falls from friendship so it's like Blissey and Umbreon and the gym leaders got like acrobat max friendship that uses return that move that gets stronger the more your pokemon likes you I kind of wanted to be like a biker or something who looks really intimidating but he's just a really cool dude like the gym is a biker bar but they're all just bros and all about being buds and how awesome it is to be nice to other people baby polka bungees status effect gym this is the worst one everybody hates it a gym based around gender so half the trainer's use girl only Pokemon some of them use boy only Pokemon the gym leader is like a double battle against a really lovey-dovey couple with matching Pokemon like milk tank and Toros or illumise and volbeat and if you want to cheese it then you can just bring in a none gendered Pokemon so they can't use a tractor or whatever on you you get the idea there's just a million cooler more interesting things to do than here so another water trim and I think pokemons been sleeping on it for like a decade there would either be two gyms in each county or my ideal preference to stay with me we could go full-on Pokemon anime and there are 10 gyms but you only need to beat eight of them if you want to get into the Pokemon League and that way if one of the gyms is giving you a ton of trouble you can just go yeah I'm just gonna skip this one and I think that'd be more work and it's a little less realistic I don't think they'd do it but it would lead to a lot of really cool unique player experiences like hey did you play that game which gym did you skip oh I skipped this one I did all of them that one specific gym was really hard I totally hated him this also means that if you already have eight badges and you show up to one of the last two gyms they can be like oh so you've got all eight badges huh okay I'm gonna fight you for real and then they're like a bonkers hard super boss I think being able to fight all the gym leaders at their full strength would be a really fun postgame challenge once you beat the Elite Four most of the games have something like that nowadays this one would do I think it would also be cool if some of the gyms could be skipped if you do like a specific side quest for them like maybe there's a gym leader who's a firefighter or something and if you help him out rescuing this Pokemon from a burning building dungeon he'll be like man that was really nice to you you know I'm actually the local gym leader you're gonna have my badge you earned it man but you can still come fight me if you want I'll give you a cool TM if you win but like the badge is yours kid you got it I think that'd be nice it's also a good way to add more optional quests of the game and another good workaround for gym leaders that are giving a player too much trouble I mean after all they level with your badge count now so you can't just grind to power pass them in addition to the gyms and the research quests I think there's also gonna be a handful of what I'm gonna call story events these are what do you interact with your buddies your rivals or the bad guy team who I'm gonna call team bad guy there are event flags at a bunch of different points in the game depending on how far along you are so say you've just left the starting fire town depending on which way you go you will either meet the water buddy for the first time here or here so no matter which way you go you have to encounter them but where you do it is up to you also some of these event flags are totally miscible like the one where you fight your rival a little bit to the west of Viridian City and red and blue you could totally skip that fight if you do pewter city first and then it's just gone you can't do it anymore so let's say there's an event in this town with the grass buddy but once you're past level 35 or you grab five badges she's not there anymore she's just gone so these flags will appear and disappear throughout the game and they're different in each version but by the end of the game you should have encountered both of your buddies let's say like three times on the low end six or eight times if you encounter them at every possible opportunity the villainous team team bad guy would work the exact same way so in every Pokemon game there's a bad guy group kind of associated with the story and the problem with them is there's no nice way to say this pokemons writing is bad it's it's so bad it's always bad the villains are anywhere on a sliding scale of cartoonishly terrible to literally the worst villain I've ever seen and I have played Kingdom Hearts what is your plan and the reason for this is the writers seem to think that Pokemon needs these big JRPG villains who want to blow up the world and replace it with a new and like they don't need any of that it's way too big a scale and it's ridiculous as a player I want to collect Pokemon and be friends with them team bad guy wants to steal Pokemon from me and treat them badly for financial gain that's it they're jerks that's all they need to be if they're jerks I want to stop them there doesn't need to be more than that this is why Team Rocket works and team flare doesn't because they don't even have a cohesive theme they don't even know why their team flare you can ask them they'll be like oh I don't know do I like fashion and money so for the sake of flavor let's say our team bad guy is mafia theme like they walk around with violin cases and they open them up and it's a quicker tune and he comes out and he gets you and they send you for a dip in the river with cement shoes from a Conkeldurr I said there's no murder well you get the idea they're gangsters they're team bad guys got a set number of places they can show up there's always at least one at the end of the prologue so new players will meet them and go oh these are the bad guys I don't like him I should fight him if I see him then after that there's just a bunch of different events where you can encounter them doing various schemes and a bunch of them probably tie in with the research questions like ah they stole a pokรฉmon fossil you gotta get it back at so for instance maybe you're playing the fire version and there's a bank in one of the first towns you can go to and there's rumors flying around the team bad guys gonna rob the bank and if you get there before like I don't know three badges then you can stop the heist however if you never visit that town or don't do that bank dungeon then they succeed with their robbery and now all their goons have potions they bought using the bank money so the game gets a little harder and if you're playing the grass version which starts really far away from that bank town you won't be able to get to the bank in time but the NPC's will tell you that oh the fire buddy ended up stopping that robbery instead you get to fight team bad guy unlike a riverboat and you got to fight him in this riverboat casino and it's exclusive to the start of this version and then in the fire and water versions it's like oh yeah I heard grass buddy stopped them from taking over that riverboat that was really nice of them but in this version exclusively you get to do it this way the world feels like it exists beyond just the player character it's important that your actions and the actions characters have consequences in your world otherwise it feels soulless this is why Skyrim's world feels so bland because you can spend hours doing something like ending the Civil War quest line and then after you do that nothing changes all the enemy camps are still in the same spot they still attack you the nation still at a standstill and the only difference is that some people sit in different chairs and guards are like wow the Civil War Shore is over don't investigate by the way ho it's bad so we don't want that I also really want there to be like one member of team bad guy who acts as your main rival let's just call him jerk and jerk is like an old-school Pokemon rival he's like your blue your silver he's the one you want to punch in the face and like you keep bumping into him and at first he's just like a flunky but every time you see him he's risen up a few more ranks in the industry and then by the end of the game he's the final boss whoa well he got strong and I it's kind of dumb and cheesy but I always really liked it when the mini-boss you've been fighting the whole game is like suddenly the final boss I think that's I think that's a cool climax beyond that I don't really think there needs to be much of a story and well I'd love to see a Pokemon game with a well written plot with this game's open structure I'm already asking for a lot and I don't think this is the game for a sweeping storyline but what this game does need is to be charming so I would recommend hiring a writer maybe even like two or three I know I know this is probably the most radical change I am asking of Game Freak but to take an open-ended game from good to great it needs to be charming I want to like the NPC's whether it's a named character or like a bug catcher on the side of the road oh come on dialogue is so bizarre like characters will just randomly spout nonsense and philosophy apropos of nothing and nobody talks or acts like a real person no shade unlike Nintendo of America or whatever but pokemons localization is always really really awkward and really bad we're kind of desensitized to it at this point it's like Pokemon is a weird bill meaning uncle at a family gathering and he'll walk up to you and be like and a booth at the movies nonsense and and your friends standing next it would be like what the heck do you mean and you're like it's just uncle Pokemon he's just like that but like it's really kind of uncanny what they can get away with because if this weren't a game with such brand power and recognition people would be like what are you talking about why do you say these things so what I'm shooting for is charm and if you want an example of what I mean by charm I'm thinking like trails in the sky style and if you've never played it because no one's ever played it trails is a JRPG from the early 2000s it's kind of ugly and the gameplay leaves a bit to be desired but the characters are just good like not just the name characters like everybody is good and I like all of the NPCs and I just want to help everybody I meet I'd go so far as to say the first chapter of trails in the sky is almost exclusively carried by solid dialogue and likable characters especially the lead she's fantastic the only Pokemon game that's really had good writing to any degree is maybe some of the mystery dungeon games and given pokemons general track record at this point I feel like those were just a fluke so hire some writers just hire a good localization team BAM bing-bam-boom that's all you got to do so that's pretty much it for the story and structural changes now I'm gonna talk a little bit about mechanical mythix and little other things I'd like to change first of all don't force the players to watch tutorials at the beginning of the game I'd be willing to bet that actually 70% of the people playing Pokemon nowadays already know how to catch a Pokemon and know how to use a potion I understand that these games are for children I get it and I know that you have to teach them but I think it would be pretty easy to add a dialog box that asked hey do you already you know how to catch a Pokemon and then you click yes and they go great moving along legendary Pokemon no more of them full disclosure I hate legendary Pokemon their involvement in the story is always dumb and thrown in at the last minute there's so many legendaries they don't feel special anymore they're not fun to catch so this game is just gonna be like almost devoid of legendary Pokemon and instead of them using Legendary's as the mascots it's just gonna be the starters starters are cuter anyway they'll sell more plushies there can be maybe like one legendary Pokemon in a cage somewhere and it never interacts with the story and it's just an optional super boss you can catch and if you have to have a legendary Pokemon instead of just making it like super-strong make it gimmicky give me like a kit that's just weird like it's based on all these unique moves and it's just stupid and nation fun don't make it super strong difficulty level so Pokemon games are for children so they skew on the easy side and that's fine honestly I don't really want Pokemon games to be hard they don't need to be hard but like again this is the most successful franchise in human history and tens of millions of your players are now teenagers or adults who have been playing Pokemon for years decades even so it might be nice if there was an option to play with a slightly trickier difficulty level Pokemon has experimented with difficulty levels in black and white but the way they did it was really weird like hard mode was exclusive to black and easy mode was exclusive to white and then you had to unlock them by beating the game on normal mode like who plays a game on normal mode and is then like oh it was really tough I'm glad I unlocked easy mode so I can play the whole game I just beat again but easier no one no one ever what is that design choice so have the difficulty levels available at the beginning of the game maybe just two of them normal and like challenge or master mode and bump up the average trainer level a little bit give trainers bigger teams like I played through Omega Ruby and alpha sapphire which were like the easiest games in the series and I think there were literally three trainers in the whole game with a team of more than three or four Pokemon and it's you the champion and like that one dude who's really dedicated to having a team of six magikarps you know that guy that guy who's just sticking to that strategy so we're pretty far into this video and now I'm gonna go back to the beginning and grab those three theses because I didn't mention the third one now we're taking it out that third thesis is finally relevant and that is encouraging players to love and befriend their Pokemon so pokemons always done this thing where they say the reason your player character is such a good trainer is because you love your Pokemon and you treat them like partners instead of tools and until recently they've done a really bad job reinforcing this through the mechanics but in X&Y they added Pokemon and me and Pokemon Amy is a really good addition you get to pet your Pokemon you can feed them you can play with them and that's really cute but it's also really imbalanced because if you feed your Pokemon cupcakes for twenty five minutes straight you can take even the worst Pokemon from Team benchwarmer and make them an unstoppable killing machine because that affection rank will give them a dodge bonus a crit bonus experience bonus it makes them too powerful it's completely busted they have another Pokemon Amy like system and Sun and Moon and it's still too powerful I stopped petting my Pokemon at one point because if I pet them anymore they would get too strong for me and they'd beat everything up and there'd be no challenge left in the game and it would be boring and I don't want to not pet my Pokemon because if I pet them the game will suck so if they took that system and just rebalanced it so it was a little less powerful that would be awesome or maybe they could add an item like a friendship bracelet and if you get that friendship bracelet you can put it on your favorite Pokemon and they get all those bonuses they get really strong that way you can have your really powerful Pokemon and there can be like two or three friendship bracelets hidden in really difficult dungeons so if you really want a team of overpowered Pokemon then you can have it and it's a reward instead of just something that's arbitrarily tied to the affection mechanic also Ivy's Ivy's are bad we're getting rid of them were cut in the Ivy trip Ivy's just make certain Pokemon objectively better than others it's just bad it's just something that makes people grind for more better Pokemon it goes against the spirit of the series so we're getting rid of it entirely and I know that might be kind of a controversial decision because it's used a lot in competitive Pokemon I don't play competitive and I'm not gonna pretend to understand it but I feel like the fun of competitive Pokemon comes from coming up with a cool strategy and a cool team and pitting it against other cool teams with cool strategies so here's what we'll do instead of like a battle frontier or something we're gonna have the battle simulator players can sit down and create a digital Pokemon team from scratch you pick whatever moves and abilities from there move pool you want and get to give them whatever item you want without having to go out and collect it and it's all just in this virtual space and players can do this right out of the game like it's just in a console in the Pokemon Center or something so you can go right into playing competitive pokemon against your friends before your first badge other small points let me rename trade in Pokemon I don't understand why this is still something you can't do what is this even preventing like you trade a Pokemon to a guy and before he gives it back to you he names it what fart so what you can go change it back and like if he's really determined to be a jerk and mess with you he's just gonna keep the Pokemon regardless of whether he can rename it or not I feel like this feature causes more frustration than these alleviates also traded pokemons shouldn't get an exp boost anymore just from being traded I think the original purpose for this was to encourage kids back in like the olden days to trade Pokemon by a link cable get the other version spend more money and that way the traded Pokemon they worked hard for is like better but now you can just get a traded Pokemon through the GTS or Wonder trade like instantly why does that Pokemon level faster get rid of that dumb camera zoom the camera out a little bit and have more of the overworld on screen at once ever since Pokemon hit its full 3d stride I feel like the overworld has been a lot less fun to explore like compare how much of the screen your player character takes up in the old games to the more recent ones thank you guys for watching this very long video I know this isn't normally the kind of thing we make so let me know if you liked it let me know if it was awful but I'm interested to hear your feedback special thank you to everyone who helped us gather footage extra special thank you to our guest editor piff he did a really good job and super special thank you to Dragon City again for sponsoring this video click the link in the description below if you want to be a dragon [Music]
Channel: JelloApocalypse
Views: 2,726,413
Rating: 4.9162822 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Sword and Shield, Sword, Shield, Gamefreak, Pikachu, Wooloo, Milo, Galar, Gen 8, Game Dev, Video Essay
Id: tGhpDOx0CMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 37sec (1897 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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