My Entire Pokemon Region!

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let's take a look back at my four  corners based Pokemon region cornera hey everyone Brandon here with our new Fakemon  region Devar starting next month I wanted to   take a look back at cornera with a mostly unedited  marathon of the entire series if you love cornera   and are excited for the Devar region make sure  to hit that like button subscribe and hit that   notification Bell to help support this Channel  and keep up to date with future Fakemon videos   without further Ado the entire cornera series hey  guys Brandon here so as some of you may know I run   a little account over on Instagram known as at  magicdex or the cornera region this is a Fakemon   region I've been working on with some incredible  artists for the past few months pretty much all of   what you see in this video is done by them they  will all be credited in the description so make   sure to go check them out so here is the cornera  region it is based on the four corners area of   the US which is the group of states Arizona  Colorado New Mexico and Utah it is kind of a   hodgepodge of all four states with Colorado as  a base because I you know live there it's got   Fakemon Regional variants fossils a new gimmick  new characters new lore new forms gosh it's just   so exciting sorry I'm just so in love with this  project and it really has brought out a new kind   of creativity in me I didn't even know existed  before anyway we will save most of the exciting   things for later and for now we will begin where  every region begins with the starter Pokemon   before we get started though make sure to hit  that like button and subscribe if you're new to   the channel this series will be continuing to  explore all of the corner region so make sure   you don't miss it let's begin with the Pokemon  that is first in every Pokedex the grass starter   every grass starter has one thing in common they  are based on some sort of dinosaur or extinct   megafauna so I decided to go with an animal  found roaming in the Rocky Mountains who has   an epic prehistoric ancestor the elk and without  further Ado I present for your viewing pleasure   cactus [Music] look at him look at his  cute little Cactus antlers ah so cute   so all gushing aside caftus is based on the  megaloceros or the Irish elk which is an   ancestor of animals like the Moose reindeer and  of course the elk it is based particularly on a   Rocky Mountain elk calf it also loves to cuddle  which brings me to its most distinguishing feature   it's horns they are based on the apuntia genus of  cactus or more commonly known as the prickly pear   cactus though the horns don't look a hundred  percent like a prickly pear cactus right now   it will show in its later stages definitely  watch out if you plan to snuggle with caftus   if it wasn't obvious enough the name comes  from Kath as in a baby elk and Cactus   next we move on to the fire starter fire service  has thus far been based on animals of the Chinese   zodiac with 8 out of the 12 animals taken the  only options I had left were the horse Ox snake   or sheep well there are plenty of snakes in the  four corners region given you know a lot of it is   Desert I decided to go with the Sheep specifically  the state animal of Colorado and the mascot of   Colorado State University the bighorn sheep AKA  The Ram so here is flambabe [Music] [Applause]   to sign it's a bit more simple but it gets the  point across a Little Lamb with fiery elements   its name is based on flambe which means flamed in  French which is also a cooking technique and it's   mixed with babe or baby last but not least we  have the water starter each water starter has   two recurring themes semi-aquatic animals and  weapons the Weapons Part won't really be present   until the final stage but the semi-aquatic mammal  I chose was the mink so here is marink [Music]   this pondering little fellow is based on the  American mink a semi-aquatic mammal which can be   found in the Rocky Mountains near still water so  there's kind of been a pattern going on with water   solder since Gen 5 of mammal reptile or amphibian  mammal reptile or amphibian so I decided to keep   the trend going its name is based on marine and  mink what is it thinking about [Music] all three   starters have contact or move faced abilities  flambabe has flame body marink has storm drain   and Cactus has a new ability called prickly which  is essentially like rough skin but the opponent is   left with prickly needles that do damage for three  turns somebody break out the My Chemical Romance   it's time for the Moody teenage phase let's evolve  them [Music] I present to you bucktus cap pragma   and gulerine with bucktus its horns have grown  a bit bigger and more prickly pear-alike it also   is based on an adult elk buckets are very proud  of their horns and whichever one has the biggest   and strongest horns is considered Superior no not  serpi Superior its name is based on Buck and adult   male elk and Cactus duh next is capragma it's  once fire rest tail has now become a full-blown   flame and its horns have become red hot these guys  will butt heads with their friends and Rivals to   tell who's the strongest much like Rams do to show  status its name is based on caprine the sub-family   of the bighorn sheep and magma but also I kind  of stuck my username in there with the pragma   pragma pragmagic you get it next up is ghoulorine  this grumpy looking guy has now taken on features   of other mustolids such as the Wolverine which  is also where its name comes from gulo is both   the genus and species of the Wolverine its  name is a mixture of gulo marine and Wolverine   so here we are at the final stages of the starters  but before I introduce them I have to give the   cliff notes of the gimmick of the region these are  known as nucleotypes they attach to a Pokemon's   DNA and have a variety of effects which we'll  explain later but one of them is evolving Pokemon   that is an extremely shortened version I there  will be a video coming up soon where I explain   them all one thing to note is the abilities of  these final stages they are a little op but I   kind of just had fun with these guys and didn't  put too much thought into the absolute Havoc   that they would cause in the actual games anyway  without further Ado here are the final evolutions   of your starters [Music] meet Sarah Floria  ovasuvius and panthagon serifloria is now a   grass fairy type and its ability has changed into  another new ability flower cloak which prevents   it from being poisoned and makes poison type moves  neutral its name comes from megaloceros and Flora   now it's designed more so reflects the megaloceros  and I wanted it to feel very elegant and a little   snooty like I'm too good for you I mean just  look at my beautiful horns o Vesuvius is now   fire electric it is based on this crazy natural  phenomenon known as volcanic lightning I mean this   stuff is absolutely wild looking and I wanted that  same feeling to reflect in over vesuvius's design   definitely expect it to know moves like wild  charge its ability has also changed into a new   ability called igneous which adds rock type  resistances its name is based on Ovis the   genus of sheep and Vesuvius the famous volcano  that erupted and destroyed the city of Pompeii   though I don't think o Vesuvius will go  around destroying a whole city like that   hopefully finally we have Pentagon which is  one of the biggest Transformations by far as   you can tell it is now a water dragon type and is  based on the mythical mishipe shoe or underwater   Panther of the and excuse me if I butcher  this anishinabe people of the Great Lakes area   it was Slash is an aquatic Panther and dragon-like  being who lurked in the waters of the Great Lakes   and as I said it is based on a weapon its tail is  based on a whip it actually uses this Tail as one   gives a whole new meaning to the move Tail  Whip it also has a new ability called storm   eye which raises special attack when hit  by a water electric or flying type move   its name comes from Panther paahu which  means spring water and Hopi and dragon   so those are your starters in the cornero region  let me know what you think of them and which one   you would pick in the comments down below and once  again make sure to like And subscribe also make   sure to go follow the cornera region Instagram  account there is a good portion of the mods of   the region posted there so make sure to check it  out and with that I will see you guys next time   hey everyone Brandon here once again with  some more to share of the cornera region   you guys seem to really enjoy the last video  so thank you all so much for the support and   we will keep this cornera train moving as you  can see from the title we are talking about the   Route 1 Pokemon of the region but what exactly  classifies as a Route 1 Pokemon they are Pokemon   that are found in route 1. obviously though a  much less General explanation would be that each   region has a few select kinds of Pokemon that  are in almost every Region's first root such   as a Pokemon based on a rodent or rodent-like  animal a bug a bird and a canine of some sort   many feel these to be boring Pokemon with plain  designs since they are mostly normal type but   each of these Pokemon is a fundamental part of any  early game team and some last until the end game   mostly just the dogs and birds though but let's go  ahead and begin with the rodent like I said before   people often consider these to be kind of bland  Pokemon so I wanted to spice things up a little   bit so I added a little Heat literally okay it's  part fire type so here is mouse bloat and pirate   they're both based on kangaroo rats and dynamite  but pirate is also based on Pyrite or its more   common name Fool's Gold these two are actually  based on the historical use of mice and rats   instead of canaries to explore coal mines  in Colorado the miners actually had close   relationships with these rodents then you could  say they even treated them like Pokemon in a way   pyrite is specifically based on the Colorado  Gold Rush that took place around 1858 to 1861.   pirate are used to distinguish real gold from  fool's gold as they love to eat Fool's Gold to   help them file their teeth since gold is softer  than pyrite their names are based on Mouse and   explode as well as pyrite and rats but it also  sounds like pirate who subsequently love gold   so next up is the bug Pokemon a lot of people  just don't like bug types there are a spare   few that are just amazing like Scizor Volcarona or  Heracross but the root 1 bugs don't get much love   I wanted to make some cool bug Pokemon but I  had two ideas in my head that I couldn't choose   between so I went all Butterfree Beedrill  on it and did two lines so here they are   let's start with the cute line this is  Cuddle pillar snug loon and adoropia   this adorable line is inspired by all the stages  of the sacropia moth and love foreign with this   line I was actually inspired by my old hometown of  Loveland Colorado they really lean into the whole   Love part of the name and have hearts everywhere  speaking of love the idea originally came from my   wife's love of moths I wanted my bug Pokemon to be  a cute moth I could show her and she could adore   their names come from cuddle and caterpillar  snuggle and Cocoon and adore encyclopia   now for the emo bug Line This is O Beetle clocoun  and umbrasp these guys are inspired by oil beetles   tarantula hawk wasps emo kids and Vincent from  Final Fantasy VII their names are based on   different kinds of clothing or covering and Obi  which is a sash worn around the waist of a kimono   a cloak which is do I really have to explain that  one and Umbra which means Shadow but also is a   kind of cloak or shawl and also there's umbrella  which also provides shade for this line I really   wanted to make an amazing bug dark type since the  combination doesn't exist yet in the games and I   just thought of the idea of a wasp who had a cloak  for wings and the idea just went on from there   next up are the birds my personal favorite Ruan  birds are Talonflame and corvanite because they   Branch outside of the norm literally with  their typings I wanted to do something like   that with my line so here are peplarc twilark and  larklips so they are based on the state bird of   Colorado the Lark bunting with some elements of  phenopepla hawks and Eagles later down the line   their names are a mixture of Lark with  Pepe phenopepla Twilight and eclipse   I went with a night theme because the Lark  bunting have this pattern on their wing that   reminds me of crescent moon so I just rolled  with that the dark typing is because you know   it's dark at night I made peplar pure flying like  rookity because I always thought the addition of   normal type on the birds was pointless last but  not least are the doggos so when trying to think   of a dog that would fit this region I wanted to  start with a breed of dog commonly found in the   four corners region and in my experience  in Colorado there are so many huskies   so here are frusky and fenrier their names are  based on frisky and Husky and fenrir the Wolf   God of Norse mythology and Glacier I decided to  have fresky evolve into more of a wolf because   just last year Colorado voted to have wolves  reintroduced into the state also huskies are   commonly bred with Wolves so people can kind  of have wolves as pets I made Frosty ice normal   because I just feel normal types have this fun  energy about them and so does frusky also ice   normal type doesn't exist yet in the games fenrir  is ice ghost because of the inspiration of fenrir   and also Jon Snow's direwolf ghost so those are  the Route 1 mods what do you think which bonds   would you put on your team let me know in the  comments below and once again thanks so much for   watching don't forget to like And subscribe and  make sure to hit that notification Bell to keep   up to date with all the different things happening  on the channel and I will see you guys next time   hey everyone Brandon here once again with some  more stuff to share from cornera today's video   will be covering one of my favorite aspects  of the modern Pokemon games Regional variants   I love the concept of regional variants a  lot so there are a lot of them in cornera   out of the 142 mods in cornera there are about  48 Regional variants and Regional Evolutions   yeah I uh kind of went a little overboard but  I have some awesome Regional variant lines to   show so let's just jump into it but before we  get started make sure to like And subscribe   and don't forget to hit that notification Bell  also don't forget to go give your support to the   artists who make the cornera region possible they  will all be linked in the description down below   there's this trend in the games and especially in  the Fakemon community of having a Meowth variant   so of course I followed suit so here is corner  and Meowth it is based on Bobcats AKA Red lynxes   I decided to make it rock type to follow the trend  of Meowth variants being weak to fighting type   instead of a coin I gave it this obsidian looking  rock you can see how strong and battle hardened a   Meowth is by how damaged the Rock is now let's  evolve it this is Pershing get it Pershing   Persian yeah anyway its name is based on purr and  Sheen which is the reflectiveness of a mineral   the mod itself is inspired by a mix of  bobcats and mountain lions its gem is now   ingrained into its body and has fused with  its claws it can cut through solid steel   oh you you thought we were done with me offline  wrong let's evolve it again meet per strike   yes I am crazy enough to give me out the  third stage about as crazy as per strike looks   this guy is rocking fighting and its name comes  from purr and strike as in to strike someone   but also as in the strike of a rock which is the  orientation of a horizontal line across the slope   of a rock feature it is based on Bobcats mountain  lions and also saber-toothed tigers it is a wild   and fierce fighter and if provoked it will not  stop fighting unless it has won or can't move   next up is he had another trend from the Fakemon  community so since the addition of galerian Yamask   and runarigas those in the Fakemon Community  have been coming up with ideas for what Yamask   with other types added would look like so here  is my entry to the trend here is Corner in Yamask   it is based on haunted minds and it has a pickaxe  for its tail who likes creepy ducks and trees I do   it is said that corner and Yamask is the ghost of  children whose parents worked in the mine they got   lost while trying to help their parents and now  their Spirit possesses the very pickaxe they were   using to help but that is just an old wives tale  to scare Miner's children into not wandering off   anyway let's evolve it meet minor egus this guy is  based on different kinds of Mining and excavation   equipment and haunted mines they actually  try to help the miners explore the mines but   actually just end up making most of the miners too  scared to work the poor dude just wants to help   okay are you ready to just die from cuteness  prepare yourself because here's corner and Dedenne   what Regional variant of a pika clone  you bet I know it is probably something   game freak wouldn't really do but the idea  just worked really well and look how cute guy is ice fairy and is based on  the Colorado Pika and snowflakes   okay so we all agree we love Grenier and Dedenne  right but what if it evolved meet dependre yeah   okay I went even Wilder with it its name is based  on Dependable dendrite and Dedenne it is based on   hikers which Colorado has a lot of dependra  helps hikers who are lost find their way back   to the trails and service assistance to hiking  guides what would a region based on the Midwest   be without a cowboy Pokemon I present to you cow  pokes corner and far-fetched this far-fetched is   pure fire type and it's lost its ability to  fly instead it uses its fiery Wings to shoot   small Embers at incredible speeds with its new  fire abilities it doesn't really use its leak   anymore so it keeps it in its mouth as a form  of comfort and to keep it from getting burned   now let's evolve it meet spur fetched farfetch has  evolved into more of an outlaw it is inspired by   Clint Eastwood in The Good the Bad and the Ugly it  is now fired dark type and has found a way to use   its leak to channel its Embers to give it way more  precision and speed its name is based on Spurs   and surf etched last but not least is cornerin  Temple palpatoad and Seismitoad these guys are   poison fairy type like gallerian wheezing they are  based on the Sonoran Desert toad also known as the   Colorado River toad the Sonoran Desert toad can  secrete a toxin that when vaporized and inhaled   can produce a strong psychedelic effect such as  Euphoria warm Sensations and audio hallucinations   so yeah people use this toe to get high the  Seismitoad lines poison also has Pleasant effects   but it is used to low foes into relaxation  to easily defeat them or to help run away   oh also uh palpitode and Seismitoad  are now the Good Vibration Pokemon   so what do you think of these Regional variants  from cornera which one was your favorite like I   said there are a lot more Regional variants to  cover so if you want to see another Regional   variant video make sure to like this video and  leave a comment down below also don't forget   to subscribe and hit that notification Bell so  you don't miss any future entries in the cornera   series with that I will see you guys next time  in each of the past few generations of Pokemon a   new battle mechanic or gimmick has been introduced  I.E megas Z moves and Dynamax so I thought I would   continue that pattern with the Fakemon region I  have been working on for the last six months the   corn narrow region in the last few videos we have  covered the starters where I briefly explain the   gimmick Route 1 mods and Regional variants so if  you miss them go check them out the playlist is   in the description down below oh and don't forget  to like subscribe and hit that notification Bell   to keep up to date with this series with all that  out of the way it's gimmick time I'll begin with   how I came up with the concept for this gimmick so  in the very early stages of planning this region   I had a few things I wanted to implement first I  wanted to give Pokemon certain typings that I as   well as many other fans of the franchise thought  they should have had based on their design or   general concept drayano 60 the creator of many  ROM hacks such as Volt White and Blaze Black   did this very thing in those games and I loved  it but I wanted it to make sense mechanic wise   second I wanted there to be some sort  of new forms like megas or gigantomax   because if this was going to be an Instagram  region it should have something visual that could   be put into a post not something theoretical like  a new battle style or something lastly I wanted   to introduce a new type that I believe should  have been in the games sound type the games   have a lot of mods and moves that are sound based  that could benefit from a new typing like that   so how would I go about connecting these  three things well here is what I came up with   this is a nuclear type and a DN axis crystals  with a mysterious radiant energy that may or may   not be connected to the legendary Pokemon of the  region have been found all over cornera through   the DN axis you can harness that energy and create  nucleotypes okay so we know what a nucleotype is   but what does it do once a nucleotype is given to  certain Pokemon it acts like an evolutionary Stone   it binds with the part of their DNA that gives  them their type and adds a new type or replaces   an old one a nucleotype can also be given to a  fossamon to give them back their original typings   which is actually how nucleotypes were discovered  in cornera but I will save that for a future video   thanks to The nucleotypes Binding to the Pokemon's  DNA some Pokemon can also achieve new forms or   even evolve allow me to introduce to you genos  forms this is genos Golduck and genos Audino   genos Golduck is now water psychic  and is based on the horn grab and   wise elders but the kind that could still  kick your ass like Master roshi or naturo   Amplified psychic power Rivals that of Alakazam  or even Mewtwo Gino's Arduino is now sound fairy   type and is based on pop stars Japanese idols and  Orchestra conductors it's once small feelers on   its ears have now grown larger and so too has its  abilities it can now hear things from miles away   and can use its feelers to absorb sound amplify it  and project it back through its voice at opponents   now for some Evolutions caused by  nucleotypes or nucleo evos for short   meet dragareth and Grand brawl drageriff is  a dragon fairy type Evolution to Dragonair   I always felt that Dratini and Dragonair  should have been Dragon fairy and fans have   always complained about how jarring the evolution  from Dragonair to Dragonite is so this is a way   of remedying that dragonf is based on Angels the  caduceus and the way dragonair's wings are shown   in the anime when they fly its name is based  on dragon and Seraph it is said that if you   see a dragera flying overhead you will live a  prosperous life Grand brawl is a fairy fighting   type Evolution to Granville Granville always  gave off this Scrappy ready to fight energy   and its stats left room for an evolution so I  went for it when gram brawl starts running it   is almost impossible to stop it it has the power  to overwhelm a charging battleant Grand brawl is   based on bulldogs and football players because  the two are usually related go Bulldogs so I know   this gimmick can be a little confusing because  honestly I made it a little more complex than   it probably should have been hindsight is 2020 I  guess but if you have any questions please leave   a comment down below and I will try to answer  as many as I can anyway that's all for today so   once again don't forget to like subscribe and hit  that notification Bell so you don't miss another   video about the cornera region and don't forget  to go support the incredible artists that make   this all possible they will all be linked in the  description down below with that I will see you   guys next time so there are a few other staplemon  that are common across the games that I didn't   cover in my Route 1 mons video such as original  fish turtle fossils Etc so let's cover them now foreign make sure to like subscribe and hit that  notification Bell also if you are so inclined   you can become a member so you can show some extra  support to the channel and get some awesome perks   one more thing I need to clarify before we begin  in our last cornera video on the gimmick of the   region I introduced The Sound type but neglected  to show its type Effectiveness so here is that   also genos forms are a permanent change I assumed  that would be clear considering nucleotypes bond   with the Pokemon's DNA but I guess it wasn't  anyway let's talk Fakemon shall we who likes   fish I do in another attempt to have a unique  Pokemon I was inspired to make a water fire type   fish Pokemon based on the Sunfish no no not that  Sunfish this one the orange spotted Sunfish these   little spots reminded me of little Suns sunspots  if you will so without further Ado here is python   its name is a mixture of piscine Slash Pisces and  sun you can see now it has literal sunspots on   its side so I will warn you this evolution is  a little out there are you ready okay here we   go here is Amma to rishu wait hold the presses a  japanese-inspired mod and a us-based region that   doesn't make any sock throw darmacher to manitan  Muno Machado and hydragon anyway I think you get   my point these fish both have these markings on  their face that reminded me of kumadori which is   the stage make of Kabuki performers use the sides  of the green sunfish also reminded me of rays of   sunlight so I figured it's a sun fish so why not  go with themes from the Land of the Rising Sun   it even has a literal Sunrise as its dorsal fin  it is said that ama terishu will lead schools of   python around cornera and everywhere they decide  to rest becomes a hot spring for the day their   true home is in Vulcan Springs though so while I  was still creating the region a follower pointed   out to me that apparently a regional turtle is a  thing so I made one here is torthouse this little   ground type is based on the ornate box turtle  and adobe houses which you can find all over the   four corners area its shell acts as a home for  smaller Pokemon who are worn out from traveling   tord house evolves into torturous this guy  is huge its back can actually carry human   passengers and has helped Travelers who have  lost their way in the desert Turtle taxi anyone   it is now groundwater type and its back  is based on Adobe fortresses and castles   next up is the ever Infamous Pika clone so let's  get right into it this is denki B its name is a   mixture of denki which means electricity and  chibi meaning small it is electric sound type   and it's based on field mice and speakers so  I decided to do something that some might find   controversial I gave my Peak clone an evolution I  know it breaks the formula but I always found the   lack of evolutions for Pika clones to be dumb if  more of them had Evolutions they would actually   be useful with that said here is denki Rai it is  a mixture of denki and Rye meaning Thunder but   also kirai means hate which I found funny because  this thing is so cute to have hate in its name   just seems ironic it now has a speaker on its  tail as well and uses it to amplify sound moves   next we have a trend that is apparently also  a thing the grass fairy psychic waifu there   have been a few in past Generations like Serena  hatterine floor just and gardevour so I actually   made two but for a good reason meat chair  Bloom and chair Doom these are nucleotype   evolutions of cherum depending if you give  charam a nucleotype during the day or at night   they are based on kimonos and the  Japanese words for cute and scary   so chair Bloom represents Kawaii meaning cute and  is based on the use of kimonos in Kawaii culture   chair Doom represents Kawhi meaning scary and  is based on a more traditional kimono usage   finally the fossils almost every region has them  looking at you Gen 2 and 7. you love them and so   do I so let's show them here are the wood fossil  and the flute fossil and when you revive them   they become petrunk and pickling so like I said  in the last video nucleotypes can give fossils   back their original typings so in cornera when  Reviving The Fossil it will be revived with its   original typing with that being said petrunk is  pure grass type and pickling is pure sound type   petrunk is based on petrified wood and  ankylosaurus and pickling is based on woodwind   instruments and a baby sonorasaurus so now for  their evolutions meet petrodon and basaurus   petrodon is now grass Steel type and is now also  part stegosaurus it uses its sharp plates on its   back to ward off enemies from above basaurus  remains pure sound type it can create music   from its body that it uses to lead herds of  pickling one more thing there is actually a   third fossil but it's not ready yet so it will  save it for a future video anyway that's the   rest of the staple Pokemon what do you think and  which one was your favorite let me know in the   comments down below and again don't forget to like  subscribe and hit that notification Bell to keep   up to date with the cornera region and be sure  to go follow all the artists that make cornera   possible they will be linked in the description  down below with that I will see you guys next time   there are some type combinations game freak  hasn't made Pokemon for so let's make some [Music]   as always before we begin make sure to like  subscribe and hit that notification Bell and if   you can become a member you can get some awesome  perks and it really helps the channel so there are   about 17 type combos that no Pokemon has as of  making this video with cornera I didn't want to   force a bunch of new type combos into the region  if they didn't fit properly so I actually only   used 14 type combos to make new mods or Regional  variants with we have already shown off two with   the O Beetle and frusky lines and I will only be  showing off six new type combos for this video so   make sure to subscribe so you don't miss the rest  anyway let's get into it starting us off is the   normal bug type about halfway through developing  the cornera region I realized that I didn't have   nearly enough bug types so I did some research  of bugs native to the Four Corners region and   came upon this guy the calligraphy Beetle its back  kind of reminds me of a Rorschach test but then I   thought it would be cool if it was multi-colored  that thought process led me into thinking what   if the colors were paints so I mixed all these  ideas and we have palidal it is a mixture of a   paint palette and a calligrapha beetle and it  just works so well the paints on its back are   actually created from different berries it eats  which leads me to the next part of this mod it's   actually a gimmickmon it can change its typing  based on what Barry it eats in battle and has a   signature move spray paint which changes the type  of the move depending on its current type Polito   also has a special relationship with a certain  Pokemon but I will save that for another time   next up is normal steel this one was a  little less complex when coming up with   the concept for the mon I wanted a kawadi  Pokemon since they can live in parts of   New Mexico and Arizona and I came up with a name  sakirati Get It Anyway the concept just bloomed   from there kawadis are in the same family as  raccoons so I decided to make it an evolution   of a Zigzagoon variant so anyway here it is  corner and Zigzagoon sakuradi and KOA Titan   corner and zexagon and security are both  normal steel but when evolving to KOA Titan   it becomes fighting steel this also acts as  the furbate Lucario zorarkmon of the region   now for normal ghost rather than doing just a  bed sheet ghost let's go with something a bit   more complex at first I thought of maybe doing  some kind of possessed furniture or wall hanging   you know something normal becoming a ghost and  what kind of furniture or decoration is very   American how about trophy hunting most trophy  hunting is done in America my sister-in-law   even collects Trophy and other Taxidermy animals  which led me to this idea how about a spirit of   a trophy kill that comes back and possesses the  trophy with that said here is Wolfie it's one of   those cute mons with a tragic backstory oh and it  evolves here is rugrath it's a haunted bear skin   rug it haunts those that hunt Pokemon and will  defend a Pokemon if it's targeted by a hunter   continuing on I can't think of a better type  combination than fighting fairy for a Jackalope   Pokemon so here is jacobit it's a Rowdy little  Jackalope that likes to play and fight I know   its name is a bit strange considering Jackalope  was already a mixture of jackrabbit and Antelope   but jacobit is actually a part of an evolutionary  Trio here is dwarf harlacare and iglop dwarf is   kind of an Eevee clone but each evolution is dual  typed dwarf is normal type and based on Netherland   Dwarf rabbits Carla care is psychic dark type  and is based on Harlequin rabbits and actual   harlequins and iglop is an ice Steel type based on  the Florida White Rabbit Arctic rabbits and igloos   for fire fairy I thought since camping is a huge  thing in the Rockies what would fit well was a   Pokemon based on a marshmallow that was roasted  over a campfire then my mind drifted to swirlix   who was already based on a sugary treat and the  concepts just merged so well together so meet   corner and swirlix it is adapted to living near  the local volcano Dawn point and its Furs become   more gooey and singed from the heat it even has  a new ability roast which raises its defense and   special defense by one stage if hit by a fire type  move oh and of course it evolves so here is corner   and Slurpuff it's it can use its graham cracker  like barriers to protect itself from oncoming   attacks last but not least we have ground fighting  type I actually have two ground fighting types in   cornera so I'll explain them one at a time first  I had a thought for an ibex Pokemon this animal is   actually imported to Arizona and New Mexico and is  hunted a lot it was actually really hard to find   an image of one alive in the US which I found kind  of sad so I made a baby Ibex Pokemon that can't   defend itself but then evolves into an ibex that  has learned to kick ass so meet baybex and jabex   jabex's fighting type is inspired by the patterns  I have X's have in their fur which reminded me of   a ghee and the martial art of Jeet Kun doe which  was created by Bruce Lee oh and when their species   names are put together it makes The Comeback  Kid and for the others I found this amazing   piece of History to inspire it there was once this  experiment by the US Army from 1856 to 1866 called   the U.S camel core in which they used camels in  New Mexico to carry cargo because of their amazing   endurance so why not make a ground fighting camel  Soldier well we already have a camel Pokemon with   normal so why not just make a regional variant and  a regional Evolution so here is corner numble and   camelisha as you can see they both have little  army hats and camelisha has a reference to the   mural of the camel core on its back these two are  tough and reliable Fighters that can withstand the   harsh sandstorms of the Suncrest Canyon so there's  a few of the new type combos of cornera let me   know which one was your favorite in the comments  below also don't forget to like subscribe and hit   that notification Bell and become a member if you  would like to help support the Channel with that   I will see you guys next time you guys asked  and you shall receive more Regional variants [Music] before we get started make sure to like subscribe  and hit that notification Bell also become a   member if you want to show some extra support  so you guys really liked the first Regional   variants video it was actually the Catalyst for  a huge growth Spike on this channel so thank   you to everyone who watched liked commented and  subscribed on that video and make sure to check it   out if you missed it today we are going to take a  look at some more Regional variants of the cornera   region so let's begin starting us off as corner  and driftblim based on the fact that Colorado   Springs Colorado Park City Utah and Albuquerque  New Mexico are huge spots for hot air balloons   the world's largest hot air balloon festival  actually takes place in Albuquerque so I wanted   a driftblim that reflected that love of hot air  balloons and this guy is only a little smaller   than an actual hot air balloon the reason it grew  to this size and became fairy flying is because   of the love this Pokemon has received in cornera  it is literally so filled with love it has become   enormous also here is corner and drifloon it is  still bigger than normal drifloon but quite a   bit smaller than corner and driftblim it is based  on balloons at carnivals and town fairs and it is   said to bring great joy to the children of cornera  as opposed to its kidnapping Sono and counterpart   next up we have corner and teddyursa it is now  pure dark type and is of course based on black   bear cubs I turned the moon symbol on its head  sideways to make the dark type symbol from the   Pokemon TCG when it evolves into corner  and Ursaring it gains the grass typing   This Grass typing is a reference to the Native  American shamanic belief of bear medicine It   is believed that this bear medicine has  the power to restore Harmony and balance   and so I took that in a literal Direction  and gave it the leaves on its neck arms   feet and tail that it can shed and then can  be used to make powerful healing medicines   also I changed the ring on its stomach to the  dark type symbol like I did with Teddy Ursa   as you can see they both love to dance which  is a reference to Native American Grass dances   which to some Southern tribes represents victory  in battle and in some Northern tribes represents   a blessing ceremony for new ground grass  swaying in the wind and the circle of life   next up is just kind of a fun Regional  Evolution idea inspired by Gila monsters   meet salava a male exclusive Regional Evolution  to salandan a fire poison typing just fits a   gila monster so well since it has a venomous bite  and lives in the desert and the concepts just mix   together seamlessly next up is one of my favorite  Fakemon lines I have ever created meet corner and   rowlet dartrix and decidueye before I explain them  I have to address something real quick I couldn't   quite make the other two starters fit in cornera  as far as Regional variants a tiger and a seal are   things not really found in the midwestern United  States and trying to make Concepts fit onto them   just wasn't working so the rally line is the only  one who got a regional variant of the starters   anyway let's start with corner and Rowlett  and dartrix they are now ground flying type   and are inspired by burrowing owls which burrow  little dens in the desert to live in instead of   in the trees the feathers on their head are also  inspired by Native American headdress specifically   those seen worn by the famous Sitting Bull they  are also inspired by Native American archers   lastly we have one of my absolute favorite  Fakemon I have created cornerin decidueye   it is now ground fairy type it has gained the  additional Inspirations of Native American Chiefs   their War Bonnets and the Kachina figures of the  Hopi tribe I gave it the fairy typing instead of   ghost because for one it is a new type combination  and I thought that was cool and for two it is   based on the Kachina figures the kachinas are good  spirits who are said to bring messages from the   gods and good fortune to the tribes they visit  Ghost type felt too malevolent for this sort of   inspiration and fairies are traditionally Bringers  of good luck and Fortune so I felt it fit better   this line actually has its own ecosystem  the rowlet dig deep expansive city-like   Burrows that can go on for Miles while the  dartricks defend the entrances and exits to   the Burrows and a council of decidueye  oversee these Underground metropolises   so that's all I have for now what did you think  which variant was your favorite let me know in the   comments also don't forget to like subscribe  and hit that notification Bell and become a   member to show some extra support to the Channel  with that I will see you guys next time Cryptids   mysterious creatures that defy belief with their  extraordinary features a whale that slides down   mountains causing Rock slides a possible relative  to Bigfoot and the yeti found in the mcgeean rim   a crocodilian serpent living in the depths of  Bear Lake named Isabella are they real or fake   well I know one thing that is fake Fakemon  based on these fantastic creatures [Music] hey everyone Brandon here with another video  featuring my Fakemon region the cornera region   this time we are discussing some Cryptid Fakemon  if you missed previous videos in this series make   sure to check them out the playlist is in the  description but before we get started talking   about these Cryptid Fakemon make sure to like  subscribe and hit that notification Bell if we   can hit 3 000 likes on this video I will show off  some more amazing Cryptid Fakemon also become a   member if you want to show some extra support to  the channel so for the cornera region I really   wanted to have some Fakemon based on Cryptids  because they are so popular here in the US   I also wanted to try to stick to Cryptids found  only in the four corners region since that's   where corner is based on and I did for the most  part with some Design Elements being based on   Cryptids from other states and even countries so  I'm taking a look at this script as I'm reading it   and noticing a trend so it made me think of  a drinking game take a sip every time I say   Cryptid I apologize in advance to your lover  anyway let's get into some Fakemon starting   us off is a corneramon you may be familiar  with if you watch the new type combos video   this is jacobit a fairy fighting type Jackalope  Pokemon not that I really need to explain since   it is such a famous creature but for those living  under a rock a Jackalope is a jackrabbit with the   antlers of an antelope the origin of this creature  comes from the 1930s when the Herrick brothers   who were hunters and skilled taxidermists grafted  deer antlers onto a jackrabbit Mount and sold it   to a hotel in Douglas Wyoming just a warning but  what I'm about to show may be gross to some but   some say the inspiration of the Jackalope comes  from rabbits with the slope papilloma virus which   causes these horn-like protrusions to come out of  the rabbit's body but don't worry jacobits horns   are just horns and not some disease or mutation of  pokirus next up we have corner and Lapras which is   inspired by a few things the shell is inspired by  the cathedral spiers in Rocky Mountain National   Park the reason for it being in cornera is the  myth of dinosaurs still being alive in Colorado   and the design itself is inspired by the Bear Lake  Monster that in the intro this is a crocodilian   serpent that has been cited numerous times in Bear  Lake since the 19th century this is when Joseph C   rich wrote some articles about the Monster based  on second-hand accounts of sightings ever since   then it has grown into a tourist attraction  and even has its own guided tour on Bear Lake   it is said that this is the oldest form of  Lapras unlike cantonian Lapras corner and   Lapras doesn't like humans and will hide at  the bottom of rivers and lakes to avoid them   due to this the people of cornera thought this  Pokemon was just a myth as some of you may know   Lapras is one of my favorite Pokemon so obviously  I had to include this amazing variant in cornera   next up are both tiny and Bolt's Hammer which  are rock normal a new type combo and rock dark   they are both based on the Colorado Cryptid the  slide rock Bolter this gargantuan whale-like   Beast was known to slide down mountains and  eat hikers or bury them in the Rock slides   they cause it is said to have been the cause for  many disappearances over the years and is blamed   for the destruction of the mining town of Rico  Colorado back to baltini and bull terrier though   baltini is just a small little Whale Pokemon it  likes to roll down hills and mountains pretending   it's a boulder this can sometimes cause it to  hit other Pokemon or trainers which only causes   a minor amount of damage seeing as it is the  weight and size of an exercise ball but if those   rocks on the top of its head hit you you're  gonna have a bad time but both Terror on the   other hand is not a Pokemon to be trifled with it  continues its love of rolling down Hills but in a   much more destructive way it can swim through  solid rock and sand like its water but with it   brings massive land and rock slides that it can  use very accurately against opponents which leads   to its ability stonemason which makes all rock  type moves it uses a hundred percent accurate   I know I really don't talk about abilities too  much in these videos but if that's information   you would like to know all the abilities and  stats of the Pokemon are available on the cornera   region Instagram account linked in the description  below so go check that out if you haven't already   we also have another rock type cryptidmon with  corner and Sableye it is Rock Ghost type which   is another new type combo this little guy is  based on the legend of Tommyknockers these   leprechaun-ass creatures are of Cornish origin  where Cornish miners believed them to knock on   the cave walls to warn them of impending cave-ins  these miners would bring the story with them to   America as they searched the mines during the gold  rushes of Colorado Nevada and California there is   even a brewery in Idaho Springs Colorado named  Tommyknockers that started in 1859 during the   Colorado silver boom further perpetuating  the myth of this Cryptid into the mining   Community there is also a very scary rendition of  these creatures in a book by the legend himself   Stephen King called the Tommyknockers corner and  Sableye draws inspiration from both depictions of   the Tommyknockers sably who used to hide in the  darkness of caves had a rude awakening when the   miners came to cornera seeking its lavish and  expensive minerals the caves became so filled   with the light the miners brought with them  they had to adapt and eventually they learned   how to fuse with the cave walls giving them  the rock type though the miners invaded their   home mysteriously the Sableye would still look out  for the miners and warn them of cave-ins and rock   slides before they happen gaining its new typing  and a sense of Friendship with the miners allowed   Sableye to evolve into Tami Tomi can sense Rare  Minerals from hundreds of feet away while it is   fused with the cave walls and would help miners in  their quest to get rich miners would repay their   kindness by making them their partner Pokemon  and you can see many miners still use them today   last but not least is something you guys have  been asking to see the pseudo legendary of the   cornera region well at least here's one of them  meet isakyle arctile and snow lieth they are ice   dragon type and they are actually a mix of a few  different Cryptids the mcgeean monster the Hodag   and the yeti as I said in the intro the mcgeean  monster was a sasquatch-like Cryptid found in   the mcgeean rim of Arizona it was first cited in  1903 by IW Stevens who described it as an ape-like   creature covered in white and gray hair with long  talon-like fingers and he found it drinking the   blood of two cougars no not those kind of cougars  the Hodag is a dragon and oxide creature found in   Wisconsin which was first discovered in 1893  by Eugene Shepard Shepard would later claim to   have captured one and toured around America but  eventually admitted that it was fake the Hodag   was even featured in an episode of Scooby-Doo  lastly the yeti unless you live under a rock you   probably should know what a Yeti is right right  coincidentally the yeti was also in Scooby-Doo but   you know that wasn't planned I actually found out  that Hodag was featured in Scooby-Doo while I was   writing this anyway as you can see each member of  the line has Design Elements taken from all three   Cryptids isakyle looks like a Derpy baby Hodag  arctile is more ape-like and semi bipedal and   gains the fabled claws of the mcgeean monster and  snow life becomes full on bipedal with the curved   fangs like the Hodag and the gray and white  fur from the mcgeean monster and the yeti and   the whole line being ice type is a reference  to the yeti and the McGann Monster's habitats   but that's it for this video let me know which  cryptic Pokemon was your favorite in the comments   also don't forget to like subscribe and hit that  notification Bell your support on these videos   greatly helps this channel grow and I have the  very lofty goal of reaching 25 000 Subs by the   end of this year let's see if we can make that  happen also you can become a member if you want   to show a little extra support to the channel  anyway with that I will see you guys next time   Colorado the Centennial state known for things  like microbreweries and the legalization of weed   both things that are not suitable for a kids game  like Pokemon or Advertiser friendly please don't   to monetize me so let's talk about Pokemon  inspired by other parts of Colorado [Music] oh Colorado my home stayed in the main inspiration  for the Fakemon region we've been creating the   cornera region it is a hodgepodge of Colorado  Arizona New Mexico and Utah which is known as   the Four Corners region in the U.S because their  borders meet the form you know four corners   but as I said before it is mainly based  on Colorado because I've lived there for   20 years but while coming up with Fakemon  for this region I learned a lot of things   I didn't know and made some cool Fakemon  after them but before we talk about those   figmon make sure to like subscribe and hit that  notification Bell to keep up to date with the   cornera region and all the other Fakemon  content we do on this channel every week what embodies the characteristics of a state more  than its state symbols we already have the state   animal the ram as our fire starter line the state  bird the Lark bunting as our regional Bird Line   the state fossil the stegosaurus  as one of our fossa Pokemon   so how about the state flower the Colorado blue  Columbine though it looks like more of a purple to   me the way this flower is shaped reminded me a lot  of the shape of the flower on Gossip floor's head   so why not make a regional variant  out of it meat cornering gossaflor   it is now grass poison type the poison typing is  a reference to the high toxicity levels in the   seeds and roots of the Columbine cornering Gaza  floor evolves into cornerin eldegas which turns   its cotton-like Bloom into more of a flower bush  instead which just fits perfectly the flowers on   their heads produce a sickeningly sweet Aroma that  will literally make you sick if you get too close next up is something so iconic to Colorado  every Coloradoan will definitely know it   and people who have flown into Colorado will  probably know it too here is Lucifer this   nightmare inducing sculpture is stationed  right outside Denver International Airport   yes this hell spawn is what the city of Denver  decided would be a good idea to greet people   as they entered and exited our state what's  worse is not only does it look terrifying but   it has a terrifying story behind it it killed  its original sculptor you heard me correctly   it fell on them and killed them the sculptor's  friends and family had to take over and finish it   yeah it's a little bit of a dark story but  it kind of fits because it's October right   so I had to include some kind of reference to  the patra's title sculpture so here is necromain it is a ghost and fighting type and as you  can see it kept Lucifer's beaming right eyes   it's ghost typing as a reference to Lucifer's  tragic backstory but also to the mall de Ojo   or the evil eye which is the superstitious  belief that a malevolent glare can curse you   and you best believe those eyes can curse the  fighting type is a reference to the bucking   Broncos and rodeos since that's what it looks like  Lucifer is doing on top of that the Broncos are   the official football team of Denver so all around  this mod is an amazing representation of Colorado trains these locomotive Titans are integral  to Colorado history and were vital in the   growth of the state from 1880 to 1890. there are  railroads all over the place here so of course   I had to reference them so how about a bit of a  unique Regional variant meet corner and slowpoke   it is a pure ground type it spends all its  time laying around on train tracks and causes   the trains to stop so they can be removed you  can see over the generations in cornera it has   gained this track light pattern on its stomach  and head it's yellow stomach pose and typing are   inspired by the yellow bellied Marmot which is  a ground squirrel found in the Rocky Mountains   the hanging out on train tracks is a reference to  cattle and other Wildlife that hang around train   tracks but unfortunately the trains don't stop for  them anyway Slowpoke evolves something that has   caused a changing Corner in slowpoke's evolution  is that shelter is not naturally found in cornera   this has caused Slowpoke to adapt and evolve a  bit differently meet slow stack and slow doctor   slow stack is a ground fire type and evolves by  leveling up Slowpoke while holding the new shovel   item slow stack is a reference to firemen not  those firemen these ones also known as stokers   they are the guys who load the coal into the steam  engine's boiler Firebox slow stack serves as a   fireman on the trains of cornera using its highly  adapted tail to shovel coal with great proficiency   slow doctor on the other hand is a ground Steel  type and evolves by leveling up Slowpoke while   holding the new train wheel item  it is based on train conductors slow doctor operator's assistance to  the train conductors and help keep the   trains of cornera running efficiently I  really love the story of this line these   pests to the train system become  some of their most vital assets so one of my favorite things I learned  about when researching Fakemon ideas for   the cornera region is this sculpture called Isaac  Hearthstone that lives in Breckenridge Colorado   he is a troll sculpted out of recycled wood by the  artist Thomas dambo this guy was so popular that   he would get up to 3 000 visitors a day and it got  to the point where his neighbors asked for him to   be torn down but don't worry he has been rebuilt  in a new location and you can still visit him   this big guy inspired the other pseudo legendary  of cornera meet Gob leaf alpole and Bulger   they are all rock grass type The Rock typing  is a reference to how most depictions of   trolls have them made out of stone and  Isaac even has Stone in his last name   the grass typing is a reference  to Isaac being made out of wood   and trolls also being depicted wearing  some kind of foliage as clothing or hair   the line also draws inspiration from Disney films  God Leaf is a reference to the trolls and Frozen   alpole is a reference to Flynn writer from Tangled  and how they could never get his nose right   and Bulger is a reference to  the Earth Giants from Frozen 2.   vulgar's pose is even inspired by both Isaac  and the Earth Giants this line is also obsessed   with the elements of its typing gobbly likes to  hide in piles of leaves in the fall and pretend   to be part of the pile Apple carries rocks  in its bag that are precious to its family   and Bulger likes to sit and make little towers  out of stones to pass the time just like Isaac   but that's all the colorado-based mods for now  let me know which one was your favorite also if   you liked the video make sure to like subscribe  and hit that notification Bell with that I will   see you guys next time let's make more Pokemon  with new type combinations game freak hasn't used [Music] so previously in this series  we made a video about some Fakemon I   made from my region the cornera region that had  new type combos that game freak hasn't used yet   since that video we have shared a couple more  of my Fakemon with unused type Combos and we   even got an official normal ghost type with Hisui  and Zora and zorark So today we're going to look   at some more Pokemon of cornera who have unused  type combos but before we get started make sure   to like the video subscribe to the channel and hit  that notification Bell only about 13 of you guys   watching are subscribed so make sure to click that  subscribe button also become a member if you want   to show some extra support to the channel there  are some great perks and it helps me out a lot   so starting us off is ice poison for this type  combination I opted to go with something simple   a regional variant of Seviper I just thought an  iceberg at the end of its tail would be cool and   it fits really well these Survivor decided to try  to escape from the zangoose instead of fighting   against them they fled into the icy mountains of  cornera and adapted to living in the harsh climate   next up is more poison with the normal poison  type combo for this I actually got this idea   from my friend Adis region on Instagram this  is corner and litlio and Corner in pyroar   they are based on apex predators like lions or  tigers that sometimes get treated poorly in zoos   and become fat and lazy essentially poisoning  them these litlio and pyroar were brought over   from Kalos and people attempted to domesticate  them this lifestyle led to them becoming very   lazy and the fire they once had burned out and  their lifestyle gave them the poison typing before   I get a bunch of comments on this I know not all  zoos are bad and that these animals can live good   lives in animal sanctuaries this is just inspired  by the bad zoos who treat their animals poorly   for ground Ferry I already introduced corner  and decidueye in a previous video check that   out if you missed it but there is another ground  fairy type in cornera that is too cute and Derpy   not to introduce to you all meet Dust Bunny it  is known for tickling the noses of the people of   cornera which makes people sneeze but it's one  of those sneezes that feels super satisfying   this Pokemon is actually a part of a branch  Evolution it evolves from the ground normal   type dust spec when leveled up during the day dust  spec are very much about going with the flow they   just let the breeze take them all over cornera  which is great because they love to explore   but if dust back is leveled up at night it  becomes dust Devo it is a ground dark type   and is such a derp it will go around whipping  up dust storms and causing General mischief   next up we have a type combination many have  been begging to see from the games fire grass   rather than going for a chili pepper or some kind  of Burning Tree I decided to go with something   people have already thought should be a thing  and put my own spin on it many have said that   they think sunflora fits the fire grass type  well considering it is a sunflower and I agree   sunflora is a not so great Mon and  deserves some form of redemption   so why not a new typing and a new Evolution if  you give some Flora a nucleotype the gimmick of   my region check this video here for an explanation  it gains the fire typing and now can evolve into   synthesis this is definitely one of  my favorites of the cornera region   synthesis can take in enormous amounts of sunlight  and use it to fuel the Flames through its petals   its name is a mixture of sun Colossus and  synthesis it is inspired by the sunflowers outside   Denver International Airport the Colossus of  Roads wrestlers and Sunstone from Steven Universe   lastly we have Rock ghost we previously  introduced corner and Sableye and Tomi   but there's also another rock Ghost type  in cornera I would like to show you guys   let's begin with the pure rock type Corner in  Cubone and its new Evolution Pho scholar these   guys are obsessed with fossils Cubone from cornera  use fossils instead of their mother's bones   scholar likes to collect a bunch of different  fossils and hoard them away from archaeologists   fascala is a mixture of  fossil scholar and collarbone   but something very unique happens when you give  Fast scholar a nucleotype its DNA binds with the   DNA of the fossils it collects and it evolves into  amalgalith it is now a rock Ghost type The Souls   of the fossils have reawakened and now reside  within amalgolith as well as its own soul as you   can see this is truly an amalgamation of different  dinosaurs you have Triceratops T-Rex Diplodocus   stegosaurus and ankylosaurus all mixed in there  this hodgepodge of different physical traits makes   amalgalith a very versatile Pokemon and a force  to be reckoned with but that's all for the unused   type combos of cornera well not quite all of them  there is one mind left with an unused type combo   but it is going to be in a very specific video  so I'll save it for then but let me know which   Pokemon in this video was your favorite also if  you enjoyed the video make sure to like subscribe   and hit that notification Bell with that I will  see you guys next time there are certain Pokemon   who only evolve once or don't evolve at all so  let's give them new evolutions foreign [Music]   a mechanic that is probably the biggest facet of  the franchise throughout the different Generations   there have been Pokemon who only evolve  once or never receive an evolution at all   in the past game freak has remedied this  by giving old Pokemon new evolutions   through a bunch of different methods such  as new trade Evolutions using new trade   items new evolutionary Stones having Pokemon  level up knowing a certain move and one of my   personal favorites we were introduced to in galar  gaining a new Evolution thanks to a regional form   in my Fakemon region cornera we have already  explored a ton of new Evolutions to old Pokemon   due to the gimmick of the region nucleotypes but  there are more Evolutions to old Pokemon in the   cornera region that don't come from nucleotypes  that I would like to explore with you today   but before we do that make sure to hit  that like button subscribe and hit that   notification Bell to keep up to date  with everything happening on the channel   I also wanted to give a quick shout out to jobless  music they have been composing some epic music for   the cornera region that you will start hearing in  these videos so make sure to check out jobless's   YouTube channel they are absolutely killing  these tracks and I'm super happy with them   also also I don't plug this nearly as much  as I probably should but make sure to check   out the official Instagram account of the  cornero region at magicdex there you can see   stats abilities decks entries and the shinies  which I know a lot of you have been asking for   I also do a q a every Tuesday if you  have questions about the cornera region so a while back I introduced a Pokemon called  palidal and in that video I said it had a special   relationship with a certain Pokemon well as I'm  sure you've guessed that Pokemon is smeargle   if you level up smeargle to level 35 with the  Polito in your party it evolves into streegle streegle is based on Renaissance  painters and Renaissance clothing   it has an eye for more complex and refined  painting techniques than smeargle and is   rarely seen not painting it is always working on  its next big creation its name comes from streak   striae a painting technique and a beagle so a  lot of people were wondering after I released   my evolutions of every type video if there  would be a sound type evolution in cornera   well I'm happy to report there is one when Evie is  leveled up near the cornering city of altopolis it   evolves into symphon can create vibrations  with its tail that become enchanting music   speaking of Music this mod has tons of musical  inspiration in its design such as string   instruments a treble clef a music staff an even  Orchestra conductor and musician attire I really   felt that incorporating music into an evolution  would be a super cool idea and it turned out I was   right and for those wondering why I didn't include  symphon in my Eeveelutions of every type video I   wanted to stick to the official types rather than  adding a fan type as well as I wanted to introduce   symphon in the cornera series of videos rather  than insert it into a completely different series   so two Pokemon that I feel got the short end of  the stick Evolution wise were sock and throw I   mean their counterpart the hitman's got a new  pre-evolution and became an evolutionary Trio   in the generation after their debut so I figured  why not give suck and throw the same treatment   meat chop chop is obviously the equivalent  to Tyrogue and chop is based on mixed martial   arts or MMA for short a massively expanding sport  around the world but in the US in particular due   to the existence of the UFC instead of evolving  at level 20 based on its stats like Tyrogue chop   determines what it will evolve into based on  what kind of belt it is holding when leveled   up to level 20 if it is holding a black belt  it will evolve into a sock if it is holding   a power belt it will evolve into a throw and if  it is holding an expert belt it will evolve into   kick is based on white Oni as well as another  very widespread martial art kickboxing   I really wanted kick to feel like a perfect Middle  Ground between sock and throw sock is on the   skinnier side and is the karate Pokemon and throw  is on the heftier side and is the Judo Pokemon   so kick is more on the muscular  side and is the kickbox Pokemon   all three are based on forms of martial arts that  started in Japan and became popular worldwide   and the love for this Trio doesn't stop  there but I will save that for a future video   as I said at the start of the video Regional  Evolution was introduced in galar and I just   love that concept as you can clearly tell by the  many Regional Evolutions I have made but there   are a couple more Regional Evolutions I wanted to  share in this video after that there are only two   more Regional Evolutions but they are planned for  a separate video but after that that's it I swear   so for this first one I have to introduce  cornerin murkrow it is now grass flying type   and it is based on Hay farmers and barn swallows  these murkrow have adapted to farm life in cornera   and are known to play in the hay bales the  farmers make and even Preen them to make them   look nice and neat but when introduced to a leaf  stone corner and murkrow evolves into Ranch Crow   come on the pun was too perfect known as the  farmhand Pokemon Ranch car will scare away other   bird Pokemon that would do harm to the farmer's  crops Ranch Crow is based on Farmers hay barn   swallows and also scarecrows it's a crow based on  a scarecrow that scares crows how great is that   last but certainly not least we  have another Regional evolution   this one is a bit different as it doesn't  come from a regional form like other Regional   Evolutions it's a new and very rare Evolution  to primeape discovered to be exclusive to the   cornera region when leveled up to level 40  while on routes 15 to 17 primeape evolves into   sasquake it is now a fighting ground type and yes  I realize I have like three fighting and ground   type Pokemon when there were none before  but whoever said I was good with planning   also there were like two fire monkey lines in  Gen 5 when they just introduced a fire monkey   line in Gen 4 so I rest my case anyway sasquake  is obviously based on the legend of the Sasquatch   or Bigfoot but it is also based on silverback  gorillas why didn't you include this in the   Cryptid Pokemon video Brandon because there was  already a Sasquatch and Yeti inspired mod in that   video and there was already a lot of Fakemon in  that video dear commenter sasquake is rarely seen   in the wild and were believed to be extinct  until our recent Resurgence in the population but that's it for today make sure to let me  know which mod was your favorite also don't   forget to like subscribe and hit that  notification Bell and with that I will   see you guys next time let's make new Pokemon  based on stuff from Arizona New Mexico and Utah my Pokemon region cornera is based on Colorado  New Mexico Utah and Arizona also known as the   Four Corners region we have already covered some  of the corner and Pokemon based on things from   Colorado so today we will discuss some of  the Pokemon based on the other three states   we have already discussed a few months  based on things from Arizona New Mexico   and Utah like corner and Lapras being  based on the Bear Lake Monster of Utah   baybex and jabex being based on ibexes that were  imported to New Mexico and corner and Zigzagoon   security and KOAT Titan based on kawadis  found in Southern Arizona and New Mexico   but before we get started on some new mons make  sure to hit that like button subscribe and hit   that notification Bell so you can keep up to  date with future Fakemon videos on the channel   to kick things off let's discuss an anomaly that  took place in San Juan County Utah that sparked   a worldwide phenomenon I am of course speaking  of the Utah monolith that first appeared in July   2016 but was first discovered in November of 2020.  this mysterious 10 foot tall metal pillar appeared   seemingly out of nowhere and took the World by  storm following the discovery and intense media   coverage of the metal triangular prism over 200  others like it appeared at different locations   all over the world while this all sounds a bit  paranormal the monolith and others were confirmed   to be man-made though they didn't find out who  made it some have guessed it was an attempt to   replicate the monolith from 2001 A Space Odyssey  but the mystery of the monolith evokes a certain   power in aura that can't be explained so let's  make a Pokemon about it meet corner and Magnemite   it is now steel psychic type it is said that  this form of Magnemite appeared very suddenly and   recently in the cornero region no one quite knows  how or why it appeared only that it is in fact a   Magnemite at level 30 corner and Magnemite evolves  into magnolith this mod has the inexplicable power   to make the minds of Pokemon and people feel  foggy Magnolia's power is based on the idea   of technological mind control like the conspiracy  theorists who thought we would be mind controlled   using 5G when leveled up to level 40 holding  an upgrade magnolith evolves into Magna fluid yep the pyramid shapes of this design are based on  the famous Illuminati symbol the Eye of Providence   there are actually also some strong ties to the  Illuminati in Colorado specifically at Denver   International Airport there is a conspiracy of  an underground bunker underneath Dia for the   Illuminati to take shelter in once an apocalypse  comes based on a bunch of theories collectively   called The Den files yeah it's some pretty crazy  stuff the whole line in general is just based on   conspiracies and Unexplained Mysteries magnafluid  is also inspired by and covered in ferrofluid   a form of magnetic liquid magnafluid is said  to control its fluid with its psychic powers   from science fiction to science fact meet Pando  the trembling giant found in Fish Lake National   Forest Utah it is the world's oldest and most  massive singular living organism Pando is a   colonial colony of an individual quaking aspen  tree yes this whole Forest is the same tree   so now let's meet corneren Tangela it is now grass  ground type for narentangula like to plant The   Roots deep in the earth and stay in one place  for as long as possible and won't move unless   absolutely necessary in order to evolve tangle and  cornera you have to use a very different method as   it doesn't learn ancient power you have to level  it up to level 40 with two other Tangela in your   party they fuse together to form corner and Tang  growth their minds and power have become one   it uses its long roots to ensnare its foes and to  restore its energy by absorbing the nutrients in   the soil continuing with Utah we have a man-made  Marvel that you can actually walk inside of   these are Ice Castles they are built in Colorado  Minnesota New Hampshire New York and Wisconsin but   they originated in Utah thanks to a man named  Brent Christensen who initially made the ice   castles for a six kids to keep them entertained  so I know a lot of you probably think you know   where this is headed right ice type corner and  sandygast and palisand right wrong meet cornerin   stonejourner a pure ice type while sandygast and  palisand would have fit this concept well I had an   idea in my head for a stone Journey that I thought  was really clever and wanted to explore corner   and stonejurner like to travel great distances in  the winter they will form large groups and travel   from place to place forming amazing structures  that the children of cornera love to play in   the concept of an ice type stonejurner works  really well and I quite enjoy it but what really   ties this concept together is the regional variant  of its counterpart from galar meat cornerin Ice   Cube it is now a pure rock type that's right I  switched their typings I just found this idea   more fun than just one Regional line that also  fit the concept corner and Ice Cube is based on   the layered sediment you can see in Grand Canyon  National Park Arizona unlike the original corner   and Ice Cube's head is a lot more sturdy as it's  made of solid rock and therefore doesn't break   their neck and shoulders definitely have to be  super jacked to hold up the weight of this rock   head this pair is one of my favorites in cornera  because I just love how the typing is being   switched managed to work so well lastly let's  discuss a sort of strange animal that lives in   every state of the Four Corners region this is  a pronghorn also known as an American Antelope   it is the fastest land mammal in the Western  Hemisphere getting up to speeds of 55 miles   per hour being the second fastest land mammal in  existence why are they so fast you ask well while   there aren't any current predators that can run  anywhere close as fast in this area there used to   be an American cheetah but it went extinct about  10 000 years ago so pronghorns just stayed fast   because they never had any evolutionary pressure  to slow down so how about a psychic type Pronghorn   that uses telekinesis to move at insanely  fast speeds meet fantasy the float Pokemon   it can sense danger minutes before it becomes  threatened and can escape with ease due to its   speed this precognition leaves fantasy with  a general sense of Whimsy about it and a very   cheery personality just because it really doesn't  have anything to worry about as far as threats   I wanted fantasy to have a unique and fun  coloration to make it live up to its name at level   40 fantasy evolves into idolope on top of its  powers of precognition and telekinesis it has now   also gained the ability to commune with spirits of  Pokemon on the Prairies of cornera the addition of   the ghost typing while being a continued reference  to ESP from fantasy is also a reference to the   pronghorn's nickname The Ghost of the Prairie  due to its absurd speed idolope has a bit more   of a sleek and aerodynamic design than fantasy to  really rein in the idea of it being made for speed   I gave it a 175 base Statin speed which would  make it the fastest Ghost type the second   fastest psychic type being only beaten by deox's  speedform and the third fastest Pokemon overall   but that's all the Pokemon of cornera  based on Arizona New Mexico and Utah let   me know which one was your favorite in the  comments down below also if you enjoyed the   video don't forget to like subscribe and  hit that notification Bell and with that   I will see you guys next time let's make  some new forms for Pokemon like nine tails   and aromatisse that give them the typings  they so rightly deserve foreign [Music]   so in a previous video I introduced the gimmick  of my Fakemon region cornera which is called   nucleotypes a quick summary is that it Alters or  more accurately completes the part of a Pokemon's   DNA that gives them their typing this results in  old Pokemon gaining new typings new evolutions   and even new forms called genos forms think megas  but permanent So today we're going to take a look   at some new genos forms and one new nucleotype  Evolution because there was literally no other   video I could put it in that made sense but before  we take a look at those make sure to hit that like   button subscribe and hit that notification Bell to  keep up to date with future videos on the cornera   region so let's begin with a trio of genos forms  the trio in question being sock throw and my new   entry to the line kick let's actually start with  Kik I got a lot of comments about how kicks should   have been purple or yellow well there's a small  detail I forgot to point out when I introduced Kik   when you put the trio together what do you notice  if you read the colors left to right red white yes that is why Kik is white because murga well  that's not the only reason why it is white the   other reason you're about to find out meet Gino's  kick a fighting ice type fun fact this is the only   one of my own Fakemon that gets a genos form and  it's only because it's part of a trio with other   mods I thought deserved a different typing  speaking of those other mons here is Gino   socc and Geno's throw electric fighting and fire  fighting like I said when I introduced chop and   kick I always felt that sock and throw deserved  a bit more love so on top of already giving them   Tyrogue and hitmontop equivalents I also gave them  new forms I know that may seem like a lot but they   deserve it I mean look at these Kings so let me  explain why I picked the typings I did for these   two so throw is firefighting because well it's red  kind of self-explanatory there and I know another   firefighting type but keep in mind the only other  firefighting types currently are starter Pokemon   so since throw is red and that means fire sock  is blue so that means water right well with sock   there's another design detail that caught my eye  the crest on its face to me it looks like a little   lightning bolt and other electric types have been  blue before on top of that Landing in real life   typically gives off a blue or purple light against  the clouds when put together this Trio makes up   the types of the move try attack and when you  include the fact they're all fighting type in   that which fighting is essentially a synonym  for attacking it all comes together so well so   let's make that their nickname the tri attack  Trio and one more thing chop is gray not white   next up let's talk about nine tails Vulpix and  Ninetales draw inspiration from the Kitsune   Japanese Fox Yokai that are said to have many  Tails extremely long lifespans and a plethora   of supernatural abilities such as breathing  fire and super intelligence nine tails is   more specifically based on the kiyubi nokitsune  or the nine-tailed fox spirit this is a special   Kitsune that has lived for a thousand years after  which its fur Turns Gold and it gains a ninth tail   the Kitsune are said to grow even wiser as  they age so naturally the kiyubi no Kitsune   are extremely intelligent Ninetales carries this  inspiration in many ways primarily having access   to a few ghosts and psychic type moves and that  multiple Dex entries mention it living for a   thousand years due to the power in its tails many  have made the argument that nine tails should be   fire ghosts given its Yokai inspiration ability  to curse people that grab its tail and it learning   Willow Wisp but something being a Yokai doesn't  always mean it's a ghost in Japanese folklore kind   of like the word Supernatural doesn't always  mean ghosts the word for spirit is also used   to reflect a state of knowledge or Enlightenment  just like the cubinokitsune nine tails are also   extremely intelligent and can understand human  speech as well as it has the ability to hypnotize   opponents and even control their minds so  I think fire psychic type is more fitting   with that said here is genos nine tails I very  much wanted this to look like an older and more   experienced version of Ninetales it can now  manifest The Power Within its tails physically   through these fiery orbs its body is now darker  which is a reference to oxidation which turns   gold and other metals darker over time which is  a reflection of how Kitsune get wiser over time   the markings on its face are a reference to  Geisha which are women renowned for their   many indispensable talents much  like ninetales's many abilities   while we're on the topic of ghosts let's talk  about Banette a Pokemon born from an abandoned   doll fueled by a grudge against a person who threw  it away living just a hunt for them so let's make   this sad boy happy this is Gino spinette a ghost  fairy type thanks to the power of nucleotypes part   of Banette has been restored to the doll it was  before it became a Pokemon rather than spending   its time trying to find the person who tossed it  away it tries to make itself seem cuter in hopes a   new person will love it that's right Geno spinette  doesn't have any time to waste on toxic X's   speaking of toxic let's talk about a Pokemon  I think deserves the poison typing aromatisse   aromatisse is based all around perfume its body  is shaped like a perfume bottle slash Powder   Puff its face is a reference to plague doctors  and that they would put perfume in their masks   to mask the smell of the dead and it emits  different Aromas hence its name in almost   all its decks entries it is stated that aromaties  can emit both good and bad sense in some sense so   strong and foul that those nearby can lose their  sense of smell or even lose their will to fight   a strong and foul smell huh almost like a skunk  like I don't know stunky and skuntank who are   poison type for that exact reason on top of that  perfume can be poisonous when ingested so yeah   genos aromatisse very poison type and leans  more into the plague doctor side of things   with its design but also gives it a little extra  flamboyant hat and it even adds a little bit of a   trench coat salesman kind of thing in there like  the you wanna buy a sundial guy from Hercules   Gino's aromatis can create its own perfumes  and poisons if it doesn't like you it will   trick you into thinking it's giving you  perfume when it's actually giving you poison   so don't get on Gino's aromatissa's bad side so  drudagon has multiple reasons it should be a rock   type for one it's design basis it is based on the  red-headed Rock agama two it's Dex entries it is   said that drudagon dwelves in caves you know where  most rock types hang out and when it gets too cold   drottagon will become a mobile this is reminiscent  of gargoyles who Turn to Stone during the day it   even says that drodagon's head is harder than Rock  so let's meet Gino stratagon a dragon rock type   I wanted to lean more into its already  Jagged design to make it feel even more   like a rock type than it already did and it  is now also based on Mayan art and statues   Geno stradagon are actually one of the few genos  Pokemon who can be found in the wild this is   because it resides in the cave where the crystals  that make nucleotypes are found there are many a   tale of genostagon one being it being a guardian  of a lost city filled with unlimited treasure   yes it is also an El Dorado reference because I  love that movie these last two Pokemon I think   deserve the sound type first is miracus I  mean this one should be obvious right it's   literally a dancing Cactus and its name is based  on Maracas and its Japanese name even has mariachi   mixed in as well so let's amp up the Mariachi  inspiration meet genos maractis a grass sound type   its power of song and dance have increased  enormously especially because now it has to defend   itself from predators even more fiercely because  it bears fruit this is of course a reference to   Prickly Pear cacti and the prickly pears they bear  man say that 10 times fast like I said before this   design fully leans into the Mariachi inspiration  giving it a full Mariachi musician's outfit   lastly is that nucleotype Evolution I was talking  about this one is also pretty obvious chimeko   it's a wind chime what else do I need to say when  giving a chimeko a nucleotype it gains the sound   type and at level 40 can evolve into skeleco I  find this one pretty fun because it's kind of   a reference to skeletons being depicted playing  their ribs like a xylophone but that's all the   genos forms and nucleotype Evolutions in cornera  make sure to let me know which one in this video   was your favorite and if you enjoyed the video  make sure to hit that like button subscribe   and hit that notification Bell also we now have a  Discord so if you want to talk Fakemon share your   thoughts on cornera or just meet others in this  community you can do it there click the link in   the description down below to join but with that  I will see you guys next time let's make legendary   Pokemon based on Native American mythology  for my Pokemon game concept Pokemon Eventide you guys have been asking and asking and asking  so here we are the legendary Pokemon and their   lore but before we begin make sure to hit that  like button subscribe and hit that notification   Bell to keep up to date with future videos on  the cornera region all right legendary lore   time in the ancient days of cornera there was  one mythical being ragnarah the Gaia Pokemon   Legends tell that Ragnarok  created the cornera region   by making an enormous web of land that  pulled four regions together into one   in the process of these regions combining two  powerful Pokemon were formed sohole and bonate   sohale was formed by an eruption from cornera's  newly forged volcano some say the eruption shot   up so high into the sky it touched the sun making  sohale a beacon of light bonate on the other hand   was crafted from the desolate darkness of the  deepest caves shaped from the colliding land   masses so naturally with sohale being born of  light and bonate being born of Darkness they were   destined to oppose each other all was well for a  time until sohale began to gain favor in cornera   even being worshiped as a God for its wondrous  glow so Holly gave special treatment to the people   for their worship even creating three Pokemon  for their benefit kugapoli the Flora Pokemon to   create wonderful plant life for the Arid region  and music to entertain them nimbolfa the storm   Pokemon to create Reigns to help those plants grow  and finally poloto the snowstorm Pokemon to cover   the mountains with snow and help begin the harvest  season sohole's popularity made bonate incredibly   jealous his jealousy turned to hate and anger this  dark surge of emotion began infecting cornera and   its Pokemon with shadows this Darkness continued  to spread and bonate in his rage created three   agents of chaos to attack cornera one to cause the  people to fight amongst themselves one to flood   the crops and another to burn the forests sohale  came to defend cornera and used its incredible   Radiance to battle bonate driving it and the  Agents of Darkness back into the dark depths of   cornera the battle took its toll on cornera though  the radiant and Shadow energy from the Pokemon had   seeped into parts of the land forming odd crystals  the people look back at this battle and celebrate   sahale by worshiping the Sun as they believe it is  the closest thing to matching its Radiance It is   believed that bonate is waiting in the shadows  to strike back at sahale in solemn loneliness   where no one worships it the tale of their great  battle remains in the annals of Corner in history   now that we know the lore behind them  let's take a closer look at these Pokemon   let's begin with the trio created by sohale titled  the gift Trio for the gifts they provided humanity   and the fact they were a gift from sohale these  three are all based on Hopi deities or Kachina   that are involved in the pawamu ceremony AKA The  Bean planting Festival first up is kukapoli the   Flora Pokemon a grass sound type this Pokemon can  create music that Sprouts Flora by letting the air   flow through its tail as it runs the faster it  runs the more plants it grows kukapoli is based   on three things cocopelli aholi and the greater  Road Runner Kokopelli is a Native American deity   of fertility Agriculture and music if you live  in Western America you are bound to have seen   this guy around whether on a bumper sticker or  a shirt this guy has a lot of merch where the   Roadrunner aspect comes in is in some depictions  of Kokopelli particularly the Kachina dolls of   him from the Hopi people show him with an almost  beak-like protrusion coming from his mouth from   there I kind of had the picture of its tail  being a flute and the rust fell into place la   lastly a holy a Kachina that is the patron  saint of the piccias AKA The Young corn Clan   the colors of his robe represent flowers  and the brightness of Summer hukapoli's   name comes from Kokopelli and a holy obviously  and Kaku the family of birds that the greater   Road Runner comes from next is nimbolfa the  storm Pokemon a flying water type and before   you say it yes nimbol for these nuts haha very  funny let's move on nimbolfa can create Fierce   rainstorms with its Mighty howl which is  of course a reference to wolves howling at   the moon the moon affects the tides the tides  affect the weather full circle nimbulfa's name   comes from Nimbostratus the dark gray clouds  that produce rain and are incorporated into   nimbolfa's design it also comes from Nimble  wolf and lastly ahola another Kachina of the   Hopi people ahola performs on the first night of  pawamu the next morning they will place cornmeal   in front of each home as a prayer for rain lastly  is poloto the snowstorm Pokemon an ice ground type   poloto can summon massive snowstorms that can  freeze even the harshest deserts palocho's name   comes from polar or polar bear which is of course  the design basis and iototo iototo is a Kachina   that appears alongside a holy and performs rituals  to help bring clouds and moistures into the Pueblo   to help bring about a fruitful harvest season  to me iototo's appearance very much looked like   a polar bear which was my initial inspiration  for the concept but poloto's ability to bring   snow is also a reference to iototo Bringing  clouds moisture and a fruitful harvest season   because most of the moisture we get in the four  corners area comes from snow and winter brings   about the harvest season so it was a natural  fit next is the second Trio of Legends created   by bonate known as the ruin Trio named after the  ruin they bring to anything they touch they act as   a direct antithesis to each of the gift Trio these  three are inspired by aspects of the Hopi creation   story to give a very rough explanation the Hobie  believed there were three worlds before ours but   each was destroyed by some kind of Calamity of man  we are currently in the fourth world and the Hopi   believed that the fifth and final world will be  perfect so first is Marcus the deceit Pokemon a   dark sound type Marcus is based on machni a kind  of Mockingbird that convinced humans and animals   that they could not live in peace together  and ultimately caused the downfall of the   first world Mac is very much in that same vein  can change the hearts and minds of Pokemon with   its voice Marcus's appearance reflects more of a  crow than a Mockingbird but crows are typically   depicted to be more villainous and also there is  a Kachina known as the chroma mother here's his   Hopi name that I won't embarrass myself trying  to pronounce Marcus's name comes from Mock and   Ruckus but also sounds like mock us because that's  what it's doing next is hydrena the flood Pokemon   a dark water type hydrena is based on an octana  a horned serpent found throughout many Native   American myths it being the flood Pokemon is based  on the flooding of the third world which gave rise   to the fourth it is also a reference to the two  major floods that took place in Colorado in the   Big Thompson River the bigger one happened in  1976 and then another one happened in 2013.   hydrena floods anything it touches drowning any  plant life and destroying property last of the   ruined Trio is Demonata the scorched Earth Pokemon  a dark fire type obvious thing it's a fire ant not   obvious thing it is also based on the destruction  of the second world which was engulfed in flames   and to save its people they hid in a giant ant  hill clever right I thought so demonata's name   comes from demon Demolition and geminada the  species name for fire ants anywhere Demonata   goes it will leave a Barren singed Wasteland in  its wake finally for the quote-unquote Box Legends   of the coronero region if cornera was a fan game  which it won't be please stop asking it would be   a single title Pokemon Eventide Eventide means  the evening the balance just before light turns   to darkness which is a major theme in not only the  Legends but the overall story of Pokemon Eventide   anyway here is sohale the radiant Pokemon a fire  fairy type sohale is the embodiment of light both   solar and spiritual the lawful good if you will  like I said in the lore bit at the beginning   sohali's radiant energy created these crystals  which have the potential to change the DNA of   Pokemon these crystals are what you would find  and use to create nucleotypes throughout the game   as for sohali itself it was inspired by a few  things namely the Sun Spirit of the Hopi tawa who   is said to have created the first world and all  life on it fun little fact did you know there's a   dinosaur actually named after tawa meet tawa Hale  a theropod from the late Triassic period with the   only species being found in the Hayden Quarry  of Ghost Ranch New Mexico so sahale is based on   a combination of both though as far as design  I did bring in some elements of the Utahraptor   so Holly's name comes from Soho which  means starring Hopi tawa and tawa Hale   next is the opposite of sohole bonate the  corruption Pokemon a dark Ghost type bonate   likes ohale also created crystals with the power  to change Pokemon but instead of changing the DNA   of Pokemon it changes their hearts shutting the  door to them sound familiar it should this is   the origin of Shadow Pokemon mind blown right just  like in Pokemon Colosseum and XD Gale of Darkness   throughout your journey you will encounter Shadow  Pokemon mainly used by the unruly Team Echo the   technology for creating Shadow Pokemon would be  further expanded upon by Cipher years after the   events of this game this links cornera to ore as  cornera has Arizona as a partial inspiration and   so does ore I even kinda had an idea where there  would be DLC where you could go explore or in the   post game and maybe make it a little bit of an  alternate universe situation where there would   be some new Orion Regional forms but anyway back  to bonate bonate is based on a few Native American   myths for one it is inspired by coyote a deity  that is found throughout many native tribes in   some Renditions coyote is benevolent in others  coyote is a supernatural trickster with power   that Rivals that of the Creator so obviously I  went for the latter bonate is also based on the   Hopi deity Masa or the Skeleton Man the spirit  of death and The Keeper of the fifth world he   is also described to be a trickster at times so I  melded the concepts of coyote and the Skeleton Man   together its name comes from bone Masa and coyote  last but not least is our third Legend ragnera the   Gaia Pokemon a bug ground type ragnera is inspired  by yet another Hopi deity the Spider Woman no not   that Spider Woman this one also called spider  grandmother an Earth goddess who can take the   shape of a spider it is said that tawa and the  Spider Woman created the earth and its people   together she can also be found in Navajo myth as a  Helper and protector of humans but is also said to   catch misbehaving children in her web and eat them  move over Krampus the Spider Woman is depicted as   creating the Earth but also living inside of it in  her spider form she is shown living in small caves   or even her own area called Spider Rock she could  kind of be described as a mother earth figure so I   added on the additional inspiration of the Greek  goddess of Earth Gaia for some additional Greek   inspiration ragnara's body shape is also inspired  by the Greek myth of Arachne a half spider half   woman the part of ragnaro's lore in which she  strings four regions together is a a reference to   the fact I myself combined the four corner States  together to make cornera ragnara has lived deep   beneath the Earth for eons before the time of man  while being the third legendary Pokemon she would   also act as the Region's mythical Pokemon and I  imagine she would be the legendary there would   be a movie about and those are the legendary  Pokemon of the cornera region make sure to let   me know which one was your favorite we have almost  wrapped up the corner and Pokedex our next video   will be a full look at the entire decks which  will feature some new months that I couldn't   quite figure out how else to fit in a video but  if you enjoyed this video make sure to hit that   like button subscribe and hit that notification  Bell and with that I will see you guys next time   now that we have posted the full Pokedex  from my Fakemon region the cornera region   let's talk about some designs and Concepts  that didn't make it into the decks [Music] hey everyone Brandon here so as I said before  today I'm going to take you through some of the   designs and Concepts that ultimately didn't make  the cut in the cornero region and why they were   scrapped make sure to check out the previous  video in the cornera series before watching   this one so you can know what the full cornera  Pokedex actually looks like but in that video I   said that the next video in this series would be  a look at the maps and characters of the cornero   region well as it turns out that video became  a little bit bigger of a production than I was   anticipating so I'll need some more time to get  that finished but I figured I would make this   video for you Avid cornera fans in the meantime  so I didn't just leave you all hanging throughout   this video I will not only talk about the scrap  designs but also changes I would have made if I   could go back and do this region over again now as  you know cornera has many Regional variants they   make up approximately one-third of the corner  and Pokedex the reason behind this is because   initially cornera started off as an idea I had  for a little fan game I wanted to create I was   inspired by the fan game Pokemon Daybreak which  has some really cool Regional variants in it   oh I figured I would just make my own fan game in  my spare time and put a bunch of regional variants   in instead of making my own Pokemon so many of  those original variants I had planned made it into   the cornera decks because I loved them so much  and didn't have the heart to cut them if I could   go back now I would definitely cut many of them  quality over quantity you know anyway let's talk   about some Regional variants that did get caught  starting us off is corner and Swinub this little   guy is a poison and ground type it is inspired  by a type of wild pig that can be found in the   southwestern United States known as the peccary  or javelina the reason behind its typing is the   peccary can release a strong musk when threatened  which is what gives them their nickname of the   skunk pig that nickname is also what inspired  corner and Swine Up's black coloration another   notable change to swine up with this variation  is now you can see its feet the major reason for   this is I wanted to lead into a branch Evolution  for swine up which would be sway nasty the filth   Pokemon swinasty plays up that smelliest  inspiration and add some spikes onto its   back to reference the peccary's other nickname the  Razorback which is actually how I found out about   this animal in the first place as my grandpa lived  in Arkansas and was a fan of the University of   Arkansas Razorbacks so there are a few reasons why  I scrapped these two number one is I obviously had   way too many Regional variants already and needed  to make Cuts number two is that after thinking on   it taking a three stage line and turning it into a  two-stage split Evo didn't really make much sense   for Pokemon as we've never seen it done before  and therefore didn't seem very logical to me   number three is I think I over designed sway nasty  there's just too much going on there to the point   that it really doesn't feel like a Pokemon anymore  I think the concepts for these two are really cool   but probably would have been better applied to an  original Mon and not a regional variant of Swinub   if you've made it this far into the video I'm  sure you would love the rest of the content on   my channel so make sure to hit that like button  subscribe and hit that notification Bell to keep   up to date with future videos another Regional  variant line that was scrapped is one that was   actually cut in the middle of me posting about the  cornero region and has left many confused as to   where it went the regional variants I am referring  to are corner and rock and rolla corner and boldor   and corner and gigolith they are all obviously  Rock Electric types they are all inspired by the   Colorado Gold Rush and the fact that gold is a  really good conductor of electricity the idea is   that they would blend in in caves and be mistaken  for real gold so when a miner would strike them   they would get mad and Chase The Miner down  eventually they evolved to have a pickaxe like   face in order to avoid getting hit making miners  think someone had already claimed that gold mining   spot so I scrapped these for a few reasons for one  just like swine up I had way too many variants for   two just like swine nasty boldor and gigolith  are a bit over designed also a mistake I made   is that the eyes don't really go along with the  lines already established lore that they aren't   actually eyes but rather hexagonal ears three  is that they are all ultimately just redundant   we have the alolan Geodude line that already has  The Rock electric typing and the gold inspiration   so there really isn't much of a reason for the  corner and rock and roll aligned to exist number   four is that it didn't mess up my Dex layout on  Instagram and number five is that I already had   way too many rock types in the decks so I needed  to make Cuts Like I said before I cut this out mid   posting of the decks I think it was right before  I posted the let's make new forms video I have   seen many people wondering where it went and it  turned into kind of a meme on my Discord server   feel free to join my Discord by the way the invite  is in my link tree in the description now let's   talk about some original Pokemon that got cut one  of the first things that made me decide to switch   from making a fan game to creating a fan region  is the thought it'd be kind of cool to make my own   starter Pokemon the first starter line I created  was the caftus line but caftus originally had a   very different design for its final evolution here  is the original design for Sarah Floria as you can   see it is pretty different from the final design  the reason I changed it was because after making   obesuvius and Pentagon I realized it didn't match  the leap in design from the middle stage it kind   of just felt like a bigger bucktus with flowers on  it given that buck disk cap pragma and guldarine   only evolved from being given a nucleotype I  wanted their evolutions to feel like they almost   mutated as one would when a part of their DNA has  changed speaking of the starters I actually had a   completely different Fire Starter than the flambe  line originally as has become quite controversial   to do now I followed the Chinese zodiac of  the snake instead of the goat anyway here is   slizzle Serpent and Slither slizzle and serpent  are purifier type and Slither is fire ice type   they are inspired by king snakes Kings and the  octana so let's get into why they were scrapped   the biggest reason is the concept just didn't  translate from my brain into a good Pokemon   honestly Slither just feels like a straight up  Digimon and serpent feels too much like a final   stage this is in no way the artist's fault I just  couldn't figure out how to make this concept work   properly I wanted too much to be incorporated  which just showed how inexperienced I was at   the art of creating Pokemon and octane Amon did  end up making it into the decks with hydrena so   you could think of this as beta hydrena when I  started the cornero region I did a thing a lot   of creators do and I tried to make a Pokemon to  fill every type combo that doesn't exist in the   actual games yet for the poison Steel type combo  I had this idea for a Pokemon that was inspired   by oil wells it would have a steel body with the  ability to spit out oil at opponents well what   animals tend to spit a lot and can be found  in the four corners area alpacas and llamas   of course so here is oilpaka and oylama while  llamas and alpacas aren't native to the four   corners area there are many farms that have them  as guards for their livestock as they can chase   away many predators oil wells are also kind of a  foreign object so I thought the combo would work   well keywords being I thought the reason these  two were scrapped was once again because I had   an idea in my head that didn't translate well  into a Pokemon and I couldn't figure out how to   make it work another reason is because on further  research and reflection not every new type combo   needs to be in a given region I mean on average  only eight or nine new type combos are added in   each new generation so I decided to try and  pull back on how many new type combos I did   on top of that I had the sound type to deal with  making new type combos for and while we're on the   topic if I could go back I would not do the sound  type normal works just fine for it in the same way   that fairy works for the light type and psychic  works for the cosmic or Mystic type after doing   my own custom type I have realized that I'm really  not a big fan of custom typings speaking of things   I'm not a big fan of anymore let's talk about EV  clones they are a Pokemon typically normal type   that have multiple branching Evolutions each with  its own unique type or type combo just like Evie I   did this in my region with dwarf I love the design  of dwarf and its Evolutions But ultimately I would   probably scrap them because Evie cones really  don't make sense because we have Evie making a   clone of it would take away from what makes Eevee  special unlike Pika clones which really don't take   away from Pikachu as it's the mascot Eevee is  unique because it is the only Pokemon that can   do what it does making more Pokemon that can just  makes it less unique there were originally going   to be five Evolutions to dwarf but I cut two one  I had designed and the other just stayed as a   concept the one that I had designed is neck rabbit  which is a ghost poison type it is inspired by   wild hairs and that they just look really creepy  to me I don't know there's just something behind   those eyes that screams evil to me anyway the  other concept was a grass and ground type that was   inspired by English Angora rabbits and Haystacks  I thought these two concepts would have mixed   really well together the reason I didn't just cut  the whole line is because I had already started   posting the dwarf line by the time I decided to  pull back on the evolutions and it would have   messed up my Instagram layout a couple of other  Concepts that never came to fruition are some new   forms for Meloetta that I had planned early on in  the development of the cornero region right after   I had come up with nucleotypes obviously Meloetta  is a very sound based Pokemon and nucleotypes are   the origin of the sound type being discovered  in cornera so I thought up in origin form for   Meloetta that would have been sound fairy  after giving Meloetta a nucleotype it could   activate this form by using a new move it would  learn called origin song there was also another   form of Meloetta which would have been a story  point where the evil team uses bonate to corrupt   Meloetta giving it a sound dark form called  the requiem form it would essentially be Shadow   Meloetta which you could catch and purify in the  post game the reason these two were scrapped was   the concept just felt too much in the vein of a  side game and I wanted my own original legendary   Pokemon to be the focal point of the story The  Sound dark Requiem form ultimately became the   basis of Marcus in the end and those are my  scrapped concepts for the cornera region let   me know what you think of them and which one was  your favorite if you enjoyed the video make sure   to hit that like button subscribe and hit that  notification Bell to keep up to date with future   videos I am working my hardest to get the map and  characters video up soon so look forward to that   thank you guys so much for watching and with that  I will see you guys next time let's explore my   Fakemon region the cornera region and the cast of  characters you can find within it foreign [Music]   hey everyone Brandon here today we're going to be  taking a look at the map and the characters of the   cornera region and how the game would progress  again there will not be a fan game of cornera   this is purely hypothetical I was initially just  going to have this be one video but there is so   much to cover here that it decided to split  this up into a few videos these videos will   be part map explanation part story and part  character introductions this isn't going to   be a fully realized visual novel just a general  overview of the progression of the game there   will be some voice acting and some voices you may  even recognize also not every Pokemon in cornera   will be featured in these videos either if you  want to see that you can take a look at the full   core narodex video here before we get into the  characters and map of the cornera region make sure   to hit that like button subscribe and hit that  notification Bell to keep up to date with future   videos there is tons of incredible Fakemon content  on this channel aside from the cornera region so   make sure you don't miss it alright so let's get  started with where all Pokemon Adventures begin   choosing your character let's meet your three  player options we have Avery your average boy   character who is also the first canonically  blonde boy character Kaya the girl character   who is canonically Native American and her outfit  is inspired by Native American clothing and lastly   we have Skye they are canonically black and  non-binary and they would be referred to using   they them pronouns throughout the game all player  characters would be customizable and would have   access to any clothing option regardless of gender  after picking your character you would of course   begin your journey in the starting town this  is hearthtown it is based on Loveland Colorado   a town that fully leans into the brand of Love  unlike most starting towns I decided to put it   at the top of the map right next to the Pokemon  League I imagine your character has always had   an aspiration to beat the Pokemon League with  it being so close but in hearth town is where   the player would meet the two professors of the  region hey there I'm Professor Spruce I study the   DNA of Pokemon and I'm Professor Aspen or I guess  I should say Spruce still getting used to being   married to this handsome lug I'm a Pokemon  paleontologist after introducing themselves   they would let you pick your starter Pokemon  immediately after leaving your hometown starter   in tow you encounter a blonde hipster looking  kid hey my name is Zach you just got your starter   Pokemon Ah that's so mainstream of you I only use  Pokemon that aren't so popular only I can really   appreciate those underused Pokemon someone like  you just wouldn't get it maybe you could see if I   taught you a lesson with my Pokemon Zachary would  start with a Pansage pan sear or Panpour depending   on which starter you chose with him having the  type advantage and he will also have a snubble ah   you only won because those stupid starters have  higher base stats whatever I'll see you later   Normie after your battle with Zachary you would  continue down Route 1 through all Marth Woods   maybe picking up a mouse bloat peplark o Beetle or  cuddle pillar along the way to Alma city this city   is inspired by Fort Collins Colorado Alma city  is home to the first Pokemon Gym in the corner   League this gym is a bit special because it has  two Gym Leaders hey there I'm Vidalia and I'll   show you just how cute and cuddly Pokemon can be  and I'm her brother Beckett I like how creepy and   crawly bug types can be just watch How I use their  wicked power in this gym you would pick one of two   paths to get to the gym leaders one pink and super  kawaii with a couple trainers having both bug and   fairy type pokemon the other dark and edgy with  trainers having both bug and dark type Pokemon   the paths would be your standard simple first gym  design like Brock Roark or Roxanne man those rock   type gym leaders really like their simple gems  huh anyway if you choose the vidalia path her   team would be snugloon adoropia and a stom and if  you chose the Becket path his team would be cocoon   umbrasp and a sizzlipide if you picked up a  peplark or Mouse blowed then these battles   should be a cinch once you defeat either one of  them you will earn yourself the contrary badge   after earning your first badge you would make your  way down to your first big city in the cornero   region altopolis home to a gym you aren't quite  ready for yet and Bones Ridge where you can pick   up some fossils to be restored at a later point  altopolis is majorly inspired by Denver Colorado   and Bones Ridge is inspired by the iconic Colorado  Fossil Ridge a High Ridge in the Gunnison national   forest with many exposed Paleozoic sea fossils  the Fossil Ridge and dinosaurs in general are   a huge part of Colorado's Public Image  so I definitely wanted to have an area   to reference this after doing some exploring  of the city maybe customizing your character   a bit or just replenishing your item Supply you  make your way down to Route 3 but while on your   track you overhear a couple of cowboy-clad  trainers arguing no you loony it's my turn   to use the Shadow Pokemon the boss gave us  no you boosted on the last yellow Billy it   took their pip Lark member wait what are you  looking at you little varmint hey why don't   we battle this Namby pamby and whoever beats  him worse gets to use the Shadow Pokemon next   all right deal welcome to your first encounter  with the root and tootiness evil team of the   cornera region Team Echo they primarily use dark  Rock and sound type Pokemon here is a breakdown   of the sound type strengths and weaknesses and  as you heard before they have access to Shadow   Pokemon but we'll talk more about that later these  two would use a peplark Dwebble and Whismur for   this fight after defeating them you will enter  Gardena Springs which is inspired by Colorado   Springs Colorado and The Garden of the Gods Park  you can find there there is Route 18 to the west   where you can pick up some rock and ground type  Pokemon such as Geodude dust spec corner and   Meowth corner and squiven and baybex if you'd  like but you can't Journey any further west as   there has been a cave-in inside the Gildan Cavern  that some miners are trying to clear up so you'll   have to wait till later while in Gardena Springs  you will meet the professors again and tell them   of your encounter with Team Echo oh Team Echo  those hooligans are always stirring up trouble   and stealing trainer's Pokemon be wary of them  Brandon you may have defeated them this time but   their boss is not to be trifled with on a lighter  note some of my fellow fossil researchers have a   lab here in which you can revive any fossil you  may have discovered at bones Ridge upon heading   to revive said fossils Professor Aspen will teach  you about nucleotypes the gimmick of this region   that Professor Aspen and Spruce discovered  through their combined research if you want   more details on nucleotypes check out this video  here thanks to nucleotypes though the fossils you   Revival no longer have that rock typing except in  cases like Aerodactyl whose typing was originally   part Rock while there you would also run into  a scientist with a very serious expression oh   hello there what my a trainer like you be doing  here oh Professor Aspen told you to come here   she thinks she's so much better than me just  because she discovered nucleotypes whatever I   have an invention that will really shake up the  world oh sorry rambling again I'll be on my way   have a nice day after that little Excursion you  will make your way across routes four and five   in which you can pick up some water types such as  python Magikarp or Psyduck or you could even find   the regional Pika clone denki bee along the way  before you enter the next town you are stopped by   Zachary what's up Normie ready for another battle  I train my Pokemon up so I'll definitely win this   time Zachary will have evolved his Elemental  monkey which has fairly High stats for this   early on in the game and may present a challenge  he will also have the stubble from before but also   a smear goal and anilomise uh why is it so hard to  win with these Pokemon what am I doing wrong after   beating Zachary you will arrive at Zoot city which  is inspired primarily by Boulder Colorado but also   Albuquerque New Mexico which are major locations  for hot air ballooning with Albuquerque being home   to to the international hot air balloon festival  Zoot city is where you will face the second Gym   which would be flying type there would be a series  of hot air balloons you would ride from location   to location similar to Marlin's gym in Unova  with the lily pads once you make your way through   you will reach this Gym's leader Sora hey there  I'm Sora I love hot air balloons the colors the   freedom of being in the air I just love all of it  my partner drifloom and I have faced many battles   together so this battle will be no different than  the rest sora's team would be corner and murkrow   twilark and of course corner and drift limb you  could use any of the rock types you may have   picked up on Route 18 or at denkibi to help with  this battle after defeating him you would earn   yourself the flight badge with your second badge  in hand you would then head up Route 6 which is   where you'll find the de facto Pokemon Ranch and  Pokemon daycare here you can find many grass type   Pokemon such as Sun Kern Skiddo corner and murkrow  and cornering gossoflor but you'll also find Team   Echo again this time trying to steal eggs from the  daycare that trainer didn't want these anyway so   why not just give them to us no I know what you  do to Pokemon and it's sick go away whale looks   like this little lady ain't gonna cooperate so  we're just gonna have to you again calm down my   little buckaroos I can handle this one Randy  now dad coming I told you to call me Randall   anyway Hey kid the name's Randall the Vandal  I heard you beat down my compatriots here we   here on Team Echo love how Lawless and free this  region used to be and want to uphold that Legacy   we're like a family so being my team members will  now that there's grounds for a whooping so best   prepare yourself cause here I come Randall's team  would be a bit of a step up in difficulty with him   having four pretty tough Pokemon for this stage  in the game corner and Persian both tiny corner   and far-fetch'd and the first Shadow Pokemon  of the game Loudred you won't be able to catch   Shadow Pokemon until the post game so for now they  will serve as vicious opponents well if I'm Plum   shocked you beat me that was a Hogs killing time  there partner hope to see you again for now let's   make like a Don fan and roll out yeah and with  that we have reached the end of the first video   on the characters map and game progression of the  cornera region let me know your thoughts so far   I will be uploading the next couple videos over  the next couple weeks so be on the lookout if you   enjoyed this video don't forget to hit that like  button subscribe and hit that notification Bell   thank you guys so much for watching and with that  I will see you guys next time let's explore more   of my Fakemon region the cornero region and the  cast of characters you can find within it [Music] hey everyone Brandon here and welcome back  to another video on the map and characters   of the cornero region if you missed the last  video make sure to go back and check that out   before you watch this one so you can get up  to speed on what's going on so far before we   continue our journey through the cornera region  make sure to hit that like button subscribe and   hit that notification Bell to keep up to date  with future videos alright where we last left   off we had just defeated Randall the Vandal of  Team Echo now with your first victory over the   evil team's leader you head north the river's  cross a little boat station that will take you   up the main river that flows across the cornera  region inside boat you will Journey Northwest to   the other boat station River's End which connects  to our next major city seabrine Shores and the   gym held there seabrine Shores is inspired by  the capital of Utah Salt Lake City and the lake   next to it is of course inspired by the Great Salt  Lake in the seabrine shorts gym you would use your   fishing rod to pull up a series of Pokemon that  you would then turn in to answer questions asked   by fishermen blocking the doors to the Next Room  I.E you would turn in a Magikarp if the fisherman   asked what Pokemon evolves into Gyarados this gym  would be both a test of your patience and your   Pokemon knowledge anyway at the end you would  reach the gym leader Marshawn hello Challenger   can I take a moment to preach the word of Our  Lord Arceus no well I suppose you're here for   a gym battle after all my name is Marshawn and  I will show you how my faith flows like my water   type Pokemon Marshawn clearly based on Mormons  but also fishermen would have a team consisting   of lantern whiscash and his Ace would be AMA  terishu after defeating him you would receive   the fish badge you then would make your way South  down Route 7 and take a detour to Route 8 as a   group of corner and Slowpoke are blocking the way  to Canyon Town Route 7 is inspired by the Monument   Valley in Utah and Arizona on both routes 7 and  8 you would be able to encounter ground types and   also other Pokemon like fantasy dwarf and even  a static necromain encounter at night at the end   of Route 8 is the Dunes Resort which is based on  the many resorts you can find around Colorado but   also the Desert Resort from Unova since these are  both us-based regions I thought it would be fun to   reference that here after arriving at the resort  you would then see Zachary seemingly looking for   something oh hey there Normie I heard there's a  secret spot in the resort that is haunted it has   tons of rare underused Ghost type Pokemon come  on if you find any let me know if you can indeed   find a haunted section of the resort which has  Pokemon like mimikyu Solfege wofee and shopping   after this brief detour you can finally make your  way to Canyon Town which is inspired by Flagstaff   Arizona before you enter though Zachary will catch  up with you and ask for a battle but before he can   commence you will once again encounter Team Echo  who are trying to mess with those Slowpoke and get   them out of the way even turning one into a Shadow  Pokemon before you and Zachary's very eyes what'd   they do to that Pokemon that's totally messed  up let's battle these freaks you would team up   with Zachary and battle the Team Echo grunts with  one of them using that shadow Slowpoke they just   created we'll show you next time kid the power of  bonates are now or sad after defeating the grunts   the Slowpoke would disperse allowing you to enter  Canyon Town in Canyon Town you would once again   be approached by the professors and tell them  about your encounter and how they mentioned   bonate huh well that doesn't spell good news but  not saying sohale have been dormant for a long   time how could it be on on team echo's side well  it's through sahale's Radiance that we are able   to make nucleotypes could Team Echo be doing the  same thing with bonate's darkness that is a deeply   troubling thought indeed let's hope it isn't true  be careful if you encounter them again and if   you can try to stop whatever it is they might be  planning make sure to do some research of your own   on bonate and sohale while you're here Canyon Town  has a great library with that promoting thought   now in your mind you would head to the library to  learn the backstory of the legends of this region   which if you don't know them check out this video  here to learn more after that you would gather   supplies in Canyon town before heading into the  Suncrest Canyon which is of course inspired by the   world famous Grand Canyon but it is also inspired  by The Painted Desert of New Mexico here you will   of course find more ground types but also some  rock and fire types like corner and farfetched   Salanda and saliva Ponyta and Rapidash Corner  Meowth and Persian corner and Ice Q trouble and   Crustle and rockruff and lycanroc you will make  your way down Route 9. if you want to you can head   down Route 10 to missed point but there really  isn't much to see at this point in the game and   it's just a side town at the moment Mist point is  inspired by Roswell New Mexico which is famous for   its alleged 1947 UFO crash which spurred an alien  craze in the town and across the U.S you would be   able to find Pokemon like elgium Beldum Soul Rock  and Lunatone around this area anyway continuing   down Route 11 will take you to the Roger Oasis  the Roger Oasis is inspired by Phoenix Arizona   this town has within it a fire type gym the Gym's  theme would be a spa you would have to work your   way through rooms filled with typical Spa things  like mud baths that trainers could pop out of   massage rooms in which you would fluster both the  masseuse and the person getting massaged who would   double battle you and so on after making your way  through a series of awkward encounters you would   reach Brando well hello I hope you're feeling  relaxed after enjoying what my spa has to offer   no well maybe Asana is in order I'm sure my fire  type Pokemon could help arrange that maybe a fiery   gym battle would help warm them up Brando's team  would consist of pyrat Rapidash and salava if you   picked up any of the many ground types along the  way here this should be pretty easy for you upon   defeating Brando you would receive the Melt badge  while leaving the Roger Oasis gym you would see a   rather glamorous looking woman walking out as well  who is suddenly swarmed by people with cameras   and you can hear people screaming kumaria I love  your work when you ask anyone in the crowd about   it they will respond you don't know who that  is that's kamaria she's one of the most famous   fashion designers out there she has designed  for all the Champions across many different   regions Diantha Cynthia Leon Steven they have all  worn her work after the commotion settles you can   leave the regular Oasis you could head West down  Route 13 and reach the ruins of ivory sand but   once again there really isn't anything to see  at this moment so we will head east to Route 12   and into Dead Man's pass this place would contain  more ghost types like corner and Yamask and minor   rigas corner and Sableye and Tami Duskull and  dust klops and ghastly and Haunter and within   the cave portion there will be more rock dark and  sound types at the end of this cave Zachary will   want to battle you once again my team has changed  a lot since we last battle I'll win for sure this   time this time he'll have his semi a no evolved  gramball a now evolved streegle and a Durant why   can't I win why do you always beat me with those  totally mainstream Pokemon is there something   wrong with these Pokemon or is it just me am I  just that weak after defeating him once again he   will run out of the cave following him will land  you in ampere City the biggest city in cornera and   a technological Powerhouse it will feel as if you  step through a portal into the future this city   is based on Telluride Colorado which is where the  legendary scientist Nikola Tesla helped to build   the world's first commercial alternating current  power plant while Telluride isn't a futuristic   city this was just a fun way of playing into  Tesla's contribution to the world if it wasn't   obvious enough ampere city has an electric type  gym you can challenge in this gym you would be   changing the direction of an electrical current  to complete a circuit that would open the door   to the gym leader Malachi hello there Challenger  I am Malachi my great great grandfather helped   bring electricity to the corner region long ago  with my Pokemon by my side I'll show you what   generations of electric power can do Malachi who  is a reference to Nikola Tesla himself but also   one of my favorite Gym Leaders Watson would have  a team consisting of Jolteon denki Rai and would   be the first trainer to have a genos Pokemon with  Geno's sock as his Ace this could present a pretty   big challenge but once again if you have one of  the many ground types available at this point you   should be okay get used to important trainers  having genus Pokemon because from now on most   of them will after defeating Malachi you would  receive the spark badge right after leaving the   gem you notice some Team Echo grunts Randall and  that scientist who bet in Gardena Springs they   seem to be heading up to the power plant north of  Empire City this probably means trouble so you had   to check it out once you arrive at the power plant  and make your way through it binding some electric   type Pokemon along the way you see the Team Echo  grunts in that scientist with some machine hooked   up to the power plan and it looks like it's  snapping energy from it oh hello there we meet   again I apologize I realize I didn't properly  introduce myself before my name is Evelyn and I   am the head scientist and admin of Team Echo I am  the first to discover Shadow Pokemon and I created   this machine that can make and control them don't  get in the way of my scientific claim to fame and   Glory or you'll be sorry Evelyn's team would be a  bit different from the other team Echo members she   would have a corner and Magneton KOA Titan iglob  and a shadow matang after defeating her you would   immediately be confronted by Randall well there  you little varmint you're trying to get in our   way again well you know I can't let that happen  Evelyn finish up while I handle this bad egg   Randall's team now consists of corner and Persian  bull Terror spur fetched and his shadow Loudred   after beating him it would be too late and Evelyn  will have got what she needs and have fled and   Randall will do the same you can now make your way  East to the Gilded Cavern which would have many of   the same Pokemon you've already encountered but  evolved deep in the caves you can find a static   genostratagon which is the only genos form you  can find in the wild from here you have a couple   options actually you can either head Northeast  back up to altopolis to challenge the gym there   or you can head to Vulcan Springs and challenge  that gym for the sake of this video we'll head up   to autopolis First altopolis is home to a sound  type gym but before you head in you once again   see a sizable crowd and flashing lights gathering  around the gym I love you kamaria please notice   me Kamari it's Senpai you see kamaria getting  out of a limo and she notices you trying to get   into the gym hello there you must be a trainer  you're trying to challenge this dream correct   I apologize for the blockage I was just heading  inside to hear Arya play She's a good friend of   mine and I love her music I'll clear the way  with you go ahead I'll show Arya what sugar   I'll be watching you'll now head into the gym  which doubles as a concert hall you would start   backstage and fight different pairs of trainers  holding different instruments after defeating   each pair you would hear that the gym theme would  have their instruments added in until you would   complete the orchestra and make your way to the  stage to battle the Gym's leader Arya well done   you have brought together my orchestra that will  now score our battle my name is Arya and if you   couldn't tell I'm a master of sound type Pokemon  prepare yourself for the most symphonic battle you   have ever faced arya's team would be guys Exploud  and her Ace would be genos Audino upon defeating   her you would receive the symphony badge with your  sixth gym badge in hand this is where we'll leave   off for now so if you enjoyed this video make  sure to hit that like button subscribe and hit   that notification Bell to keep up to date with  future videos the next video in this series will   be the finale of the cornera region as a whole  so make sure you don't miss it thank you guys   so much for watching and with that I will see  you guys next time the time has finally come to   finish our journey through my Fakemon region the  cornera region so let's get to it foreign [Music] hey everyone Brandon here and welcome to the  climactic finale of the cornera region series   if you missed the past two videos covering the  maps characters and story of the cornero region   make sure to go check those out before watching  this video before we finish our journey through   the cornera region make sure to hit that like  button subscribe and hit that notification Bell   to keep up to date with future videos on the  channel there is tons of Fakemon content on   this channel aside from this series so make sure  to check it all out anyway on to the finale so   now that we've defeated the 6th gym leader Arya we  will make our way back through the Gilded Cavern   and down Route 16 to Vulcan Springs on Route 16  you can find some fighting types like chop sock   throw and kick jabex and Mankey and primeape  Vulcan Springs is inspired by Steamboat Springs   Colorado and the many hot springs you can find  there there's a rock type gym in this city that   you will of course challenge this gym would be a  paleontological dig site where you would uncover   fossils trainers hiding in the dirt and different  rooms that will eventually lead you to the gym   leader Gemma welcome to the Vulcan Springs gym I'm  Gemma nice to meet you work hard and be as strong   as rock type Pokemon that's my awesome older  brother rourke's motto can I try to follow it as   well I moved to cornera to toughen up my Pokemon  so let's battle so I can see your toughness like   she said Gemma is the sister of the rock type gym  leader from Sinnoh Rourke and this of course means   she is also the daughter of Steel type gym leader  Byron her team would consist of corner and Ice   Cube archeops amalgolith and her Ace would be Gino  stratagon if you've picked up a fighting or ground   type along your journey that will definitely  help in this fight after defeating Gemma you   would receive the fossil badge right after leaving  the gym you would feel a huge rumbling seemingly   coming from dawn point the volcano of the region  while heading down Route 17 you would encounter   several Team Echo grunts trying to block your path  all of them hooting and hollering about how their   plan will succeed soon once you reach the Shrine  of the Dawn you would encounter Randall and Evelyn   who have that machine again well how do they are  partner it's about time you got here just in time   to see my plan come to fruition thanks to Old  Evelyn here and her fancy doodad we are going   to summon sohale and use bonate's dark power to  turn it into a shadow poker come on we will be   able to corrupt every Pokemon in cornera for us  to use and turn this region back into a lawless   dark Wildland with no rules but survival of the  fittest as you go to battle Randall once again   Evelyn finishes activating the machine so Holly  emerges from the molten lava of dawn point and   begins to charge Evelyn and Randall but a black  shadowy mist expels from the machine and takes   hold of sohale the Mist begins corrupting sohale  giving it a dark Aura and it kneels before Randall   yes yes the power of a legendary Pokemon is mine  now let's plunge this region into dark huh now   what in tarnation is that sound just as it looked  like all hope was lost bonate explodes out of the   depths of the Gilded Cavern and appears before  you it looks like it's trying to stop Randall   and sohale by joining you to fight them wait what  I thought you were on our side whatever your power   is mine anyway I'll just use sohale here to defeat  you like it did before now for this final battle   with Team Echo Randall's team would consist of  per strike bull Terror spur fetched and of course   Shadow sohale upon defeating Randall bonate would  drain the shadow energy from sohale returning it   to normal Randall and Evelyn would flee and  abandon their machine phonate approaches you   and speaks thank you young one those villains wish  to use my power of Darkness to corrupt all Pokemon   but I could not allow that I do not wish harm  upon this region or its people light and Shadow   are meant to work in tandem with each other there  cannot be one without the other it is a balance   which is something that I've learned in my time  of solitude I have faith that you can help cure   this region of my mistakes bonate would return to  the Gilded Cavern and sohale would return to Dawn   point where you can optionally go catch them after  beating the 8th gym speaking of with that major   crisis out of the way we have a gym challenge  to finish after making your way back through   the Gilda Cavern you can head north to Route  19. this is where you can catch many ice types   like corner and stonejurner icicyle and arctyle  corner and surviper and corner and Dedenne and   dependre at the end of Route 19 you will reach  Glacier city which which is based on the many   ski towns of Colorado with Breckenridge serving  as its main inspiration Glacier city is home to   the final gym which is of course an ice type gym  you would snowboard down different slopes and go   up different ski lifts until you reach this Gym's  leader Holly hi my name is Holly I used to be an   All-Star poke Olympic Athlete but now I run the  glacier gym I've won so many battles of medals at   this point that it's all become boring to me could  you give me a battle worth remembering Paulie's   team would be corner and Seviper Ben rear corner  and stonejourner Geno's kick and her Ace would be   snow life snow life being her Ace is actually a  reference to the computer game ski free in which   there was an abominable snowman that would attack  you after beating Holly you would earn the snow   badge which is actually just one of Holly's medals  that she repurposed into a badge you can now head   north to enter the icy Victory Road I imagine  this Victory Road to be a mix between Kanto and   alola's victory roads an icy themed area with many  puzzles to figure out and hard trainers to face   at the end of it all you would find Zachary  who is ready for one final battle after our   last battle hides his summary evaluation I just  realized my motives were all wrong I shouldn't   use Pokemon just because they aren't mainstream  I should use them because they aren't as used and   deserve to be shown the same respect as those  that are regardless the outcome this battle   I'll show you that these Pokemon deserve your  attention Zachary's team would now consist of   his semi striegel Durant be him swallot and his  Ace would be his now evolved Grand brawl well   that was quite the battle out from now on I can  shine a light on these Pokemon and show everyone   that you can battle with Pokemon no matter how  popular they are see you later friend with that   done you will have finally arrived at Grand Butte  this is where you will take on the Elite Four and   the champion Grand Butte is inspired by Cliff  Palace found in Mesa Verde National Park which   is a structure built by ancient Pueblo Owens  I just thought what better to make your final   destination of this journey than something that  looked Grand and ancient anyway let's move on to   the Elite Four this would be a traditional Elite  Four no tournament or anything so our first member   of the Elite Four would be Lilith huh looks  like you made it here finally I've heard hell   of a young Prodigy making their way through  the league and even managing to tame bonate deserve such umbral power my name is Lilith  and I'll show you what true Darkness looks like   Lilith is a dark type specialist and they are  obviously inspired by gods their team would be   weevile larclips Scrafty gothatel I know it's not  a dark type but I had to and their Ace would be   ball Terror after defeating Lilith you would make  your way to the next Elite Four member Celeste oh   hello there young one my name is Celeste in my  old age I have discovered the stress strength   and serenity of fighting type Pokemon don't let my  old age and quiet demeanor fool you I'm an elite   four member for a reason now let's battle like  she said Celeste is a fighting type specialist   her team would consist of metacham jabex hariyama  Mian Xiao and her Ace would be Gino's throw and   if you've been paying attention that means all  three members of the chop line have had their   genus forms used by important trainers anyway  moving on you would make your way to the third   Elite Four member which is Byron the cantileave  city Gym Leader what's he doing here hey there   my name is Byron I used to be the gym leader in  the Sinnoh region but then my kiddo jemo decided   to move here to cornera I came to visit in the  corner League had a vacant spot so they asked and   I accepted I get the challenge strong trainers and  be near my daughter it's great anyway enough of my   backstory let's battle Byron's design has changed  a bit and is now more reflective of more teradon   who would be the first member of his team the rest  of his team would be magnafluid minorigas still   Alex and of course he would still have his Ace of  bastiodon who he loved so much for our last Elite   Four member we have dova welcome young trainer  I congratulate you on making it this far to me   dova the final member of the Elite Four whether  this battle ends in Victory or defeats for you   know that me and my Pokemon will be taking in  every minute of it experiencing your essence as   a trainer now let's see what you've got dova is  inspired by Native American shamans and healers   and as such is a grass type specialist but  with some unique Pokemon in there to match   his inspiration his team would be corner and  Ursaring corner and decidueye zatu Ludicolo   and his Ace would be synthesis with the Elite  Four defeated it's time to move on to your final   challenge the champion but who is the champion of  the cornero region well let's find out whoa whoa   whoa looks like you actually made it I haven't  seen a trainer reach this point in a long time   I had a feeling when I met you in autopolis you  reach here let me offer you a warm welcome to my   humble abode I kamaria I'm the Pokemon world's  top fashion designer I design clothes fit for   a champion as I am one myself I use my balls as  inspiration but I haven't had much lately let's   see if this final battle can spark something new  yes kamaria who you met briefly throughout your   journey is this Region's Champion her name means  Moonlight which is to match the legends of this   region as Moonlight is a reflection of sunlight  that is cast onto the world during the darkness   of night showing that balance that bonate spoke  of anyway I wanted to take inspiration from   Champions like Leon and Cynthia for her and give  her a team that was a mix of different types and   very powerful but also some that are very elegant  and beautiful like she is with that said her team   would be Milotic sasquake Bulger Gengar genos  nine tails and her Ace would be dry Gareth once   you defeat kamaria you would of course head to  the Hall of Fame and have your Victory recorded   becoming the new champion of corn an era and  that's the end of our journey in the cornera   region well there would be a post game where  you can catch all the Shadow Pokemon the gift   and ruin trios and even travel to the ore region  to battle some familiar faces but as far as the   cornera region series goes this is the last one  I appreciate every one of you who has joined me   on this journey through creating and showing off  this region I am very excited to continue making   Fakemon regions and my next one is in development  but don't expect it anytime soon there's still a   lot of work to do on it if you guys enjoyed this  video make sure to hit that like button subscribe   and hit that notification Bell to keep up to date  with future videos on this channel I do tons of   Fakemon and other Pokemon content on this channel  so there's lots to see here besides the cornera   series anyway thank you guys so much for watching  and with that I will see you guys next time
Channel: PragMagik
Views: 562,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, Pokémon, Regional Forms, Fakemon, Fan Region, Fan games pokemon, Pokemon Gen 9, fakemon pokedex, fakemon region, Fakemon dex, new pokemon game, pokemon scarlet and violet, pokemon legends arceus, new pokemon, pokemon cornera region, my own pokemon region, pokemon fakemon region, pokemon regions, pokemon pragmagik, pokemon fakemon, fan made pokemon, fan made pokemon region, pokemon cornera, pokemon new region, pokemon fan region, fakemon region pokedex
Id: ZeriRnElGKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 10sec (8590 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 21 2023
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