Mastering Sons of the Forest: The Ultimate Tips and Tricks Guide

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[Music] hey what's up sons of the forest is the hottest new Survival game right now with over 2 million copies sold in the first 24 hours with that many new players I thought I'd put together a list of my top tips and tricks to help you become a better Survivor you might know most of these already but it's the one you don't know that will make all the difference so stick around to the end and also post any good tips that I missed in the comments down below I hope you like him this video and if you're interested in more sons of the forest tips and tricks base builds and gameplay then hopefully this video will earn your subscription because there's much more to come so let's begin all right so the first tip that I have for you and this is less of a tip and more of a tip debunk and that is that paper targets to lock these wooden doors so I set up a whole bunch of experiments where I either made a wall or I made a cabin and I tried to either hide inside and use the paper targets to lock the door or I locked a cannibal and I even tried mutants and creepies inside and in every single scenario they were able to break their way through it seems that they are the the door doesn't interact with the paper Target but like entities do to some degree especially you so when the paper Target is on the door you can't move through it but if you were to like say duck under the paper Target you can go straight through so I guess what I'm trying to say is don't let the people tell you that you can use a paper Target to lock your door it's not going to work at least not 100 of the time don't rely on this trick okay so for the next trick I'm going to show you how to put spikes through your defensive wall you're gonna just put one stick down kind of close to the wall here and then you're gonna use that snap Point see how I can angle it much much closer to the wall than I could if I was just doing it like this so yeah you use that snap point you get it nice and tucked in there close to the wall and you're going to continue using that snap point to just run a line of spikes just like this and go as long as you want I would probably go around the entire base and after you get a good row like this you just have to take your ax out and you can get the option to angle them down like so and that will push them through the wall they'll clip right straight through whenever you're putting your sticks in the ground make sure you put some Stones around it to solidify it that way if something runs into it it doesn't just instantly break and then we'll come around here to the other side and yes we should see some spikes sticking straight through and that way if any cannibal is trying to beat on your wall they're going to risk getting stabbed here a little bit in the process and so sort of on the same vein as that you can put a stick down like so and then let's say you you want to get a high higher density of sticks well I'm gonna snap one just like that and I'm going to move it in as much as I can just like so and now I've got two snap points and I can just kind of Leap Frog by way straight across and get like plenty of spikes so that way cannibals can't squeak in between them right yeah definitely no cannibals are going to be getting close to this wall the next thing I'll show you is kind of how this is made we'll give you the the Reader's Digest version basically you just put logs down like this two sticks down just like this and then you're just gonna use the snap points off of those to set these down just like this right directly on top of the log and then just like we were doing before you LeapFrog by using the next snap point just like that and then you can go straight across and now you have a defensive wall with spikes on top that's it right there that's head height too so you get like headshot damage when cannibals walk into it and then you can fortify it with the rocks on the top and you can also do the same trick that we did on the bottom and you can have a full wall of spikes just like you see right here and just as a side note FYI Virginia and Kelvin will not damage themselves and they will not damage the wall they actually make their way in here relatively fine without any issue at all okay for my next tip and trick I need to go find Virginia and if I'm having a look at my GPS map by the way you can zoom in and out by using middle Mouse button and you can kind of get a better look at your surroundings there's a GPS marker that's on Virginia it's that green one right at the top there I'm gonna go find her and I'll meet you there and actually while I'm walking through here one little tip for you is that if you're going to build a base it's advisable to probably not build it next to a road or like directly on a road or just off of the road because these roads are used by the Cannibals and so their war parties and scouting parties will just be happening through here and they'll they'll stumble upon your base all the time so if you want to build in relative peace you should build off the beaten path ah there she is what are you doing way over here anyway what I wanted to show you is that you can see the GPS locator it's on her chest oh my God can you not do this right now please [Applause] [Music] right let's try that again so if I go into the menu where I can give stuff to Virginia I can give her my weapons and she'll have unlimited ammo for these weapons although she cannot use the attachments if those are on them so you might as well take those off first and here is the spot for the GPS locator you can find these these are like the purple indicators that are on your map in your GPS so you can toss one onto here it might seem obvious but there's actually an achievement for this and only about 17 and a half percent of players right now have figured this out oh crap yeah and she's really really good with the guns too so basically in order to tame Virginia you just have to kind of not be hostiles who were for a couple of days and then eventually she'll bring you a gift when she gives you the gift you then take the gift and then she'll lead you to some cannibals you kill the cannibals and she'll she'll take that as a like a sign of acceptance that you're safe and then she'll hang out with you after that but if you were to wound her like so see I've just wounded her like that with the grenade and she totally did not like that she is now Untamed you've gotta wait for her to kind of accept you again and all that stuff I tried it a couple times there by just chopping her with the ax that was not doing it but the grenade trick blowing her up like that she is definitely afraid of those explosives alright now let's talk about Kelvin good morning Kelvin so one of the things that Kelvin can do that isn't necessarily told to you by the game is that you can have him get sticks or rocks or logs and if there's a nearby holder you can just tell him to start filling the holder so I'm standing next to my stick holder so we'll tell him to get sticks and build the holder that is right behind me and he'll just he'll stack all this stuff up instead of making an absolute mess everywhere all right here he comes oops he wanted to use my stick holder that's over here but you saw him put those in there no mess no problem hmm even the Red Band can't handle the spikes here holy crap this thing's powerful yeah what I want you to do is get fish and drop them here one of kelvin's best features is that he can pull fish out of any source of water and he does it extremely quickly let's just have a look at how fast he can do this oh hello well just like that Calvin has fished about 10 fish up for me it's only been a couple of minutes too okay now that we've talked about things that Kelvin is good at let's talk about the things that Kelvin is not good at yeah oh it's just a hot tip while I'm doing this the tree is always going to fall away like directly where you're facing so you can kind of aim your trees when you're felling them directly at Kelvin if you'd like here's what Kelvin is not good at get logs and drop them here okay in his desperate search for trees to cut down to accomplish his mission of finding logs and placing them over here for me Calvin has chosen the one thing that I do not want him to chop down and that is my tree hut I expect that to be patched out pretty soon so don't count on that being a thing for too much longer it's worth noting that if you're struggling with Kelvin if he's like doing he'll he'll maybe like bring one log to you or one pile of rocks and then he'll all of a sudden just be sitting down and resting that means that kelvin's exhausted and he needs to take a break so you got to give him some dedicated rest time give them a couple of hours to kind of chill relax and then have him go to work again and you'll notice he'll be more productive if he's well rested all right so around the world there are these radios that are sitting on the ground and they play music kind of like this but I'm kind of afraid of YouTube demonetization for using like non-licensed music so I'm going to turn that off for now but you guys have probably seen these in the world so you know what I'm talking about but when you're near one you can tell Kelvin to get the radio and follow me all right buddy let's go party and basically Kelvin will bring the radio right back to your base anywhere that you want it unfortunately once you give him a command he drops the radio and it's gone for good but you can have a little bit of fun with it for a while all right this next tip and trick section has to do with building and logging and I've set up the zip line here we're going to send these logs down the zip line so you can do that in case you didn't realize that yet and you can also float logs down the river this is not an ideal example there are better rivers in the game than the one I've chosen here but just give them a little bit of a nudge and and they will start flowing down and you can use this to of course just log up on top of a mountain and Float all of your logs down to a different location and I've built this Dam here to catch the logs and a little staircase here so I can just walk down grab up by logs and then I can shuttle them right straight down to my base so I'm going to jump on this zip line and I'll show you what you can do at the end you see you can build log collectors and log collectors automatically catch logs you just saw both of those logs go automatically into these collectors that I've pinned here and you can also have of course Kelvin can fill these up you can tell him to fill container or you can just throw these and they automatically go into place which makes it a lot easier than having to walk up and deposit them in you just Huck them in and they will Auto sort okay and while we're on the subject of logs here's another really quick tip for you so we all know how to build a fire and if you don't you can just have Kelvin do it for you set up the Rocks around it and then you can take these firewood pieces and if you don't know how to make these all you have to do is you got to get a quarter log the easiest way I found to chop wood is to set it vertically there's my quarter log split that in half and you got firewood now you can see that you can actually set it on the ground if you'd like or you can make these little like firewood piles or you can just set it right here into the fire and the fire will take two of these and this Burns for a long time you won't have to set any wooden this for several days if not several seasons so if you're ever doing a huge logging project there's one really important thing that you need to realize and that's that you can only have 50 loose logs at a time on your game anywhere in your world so if I were to chop down uh 25 trees up here I guaranteed a lot of them would just instantly despawn so what I'll do to test this for you is I will chop down a tree over here so just remember that I've placed four logs here right by this rock and then I'm gonna chop down every tree over here and we'll see how many are left down there okay I've chopped down I don't know maybe 10 trees or so yep and this is right where the logs were right here and they are totally gone they've despawned forever make sure you put them into holders or you just stack them up somewhere because as soon as you do that they don't count anymore this is now just a structure and you can continue chopping next one is sort of a mini trick so basically what I did was I built this little Shack here and I set up a zip line that goes through the wall and the way I did that was I I did the zip line to the back wall and then I built up the front wall after that and so if you zip line from the top to the bottom you'll kind of Bounce Off the Wall but if you start the zip line inside you'll actually clip right through the wall and you can zoom straight out so you know that might have some sort of Niche implication for your own base just passing through here to the location of my next tip and I just thought I'd point this out to you so these purple transponder beacons these uh GPS locators will respawn every time you load into the map so if you want to collect a few just kind of make sure you pick up those along your path oh yeah see this is the river you want right here when it comes to transporting logs let's see how far we can get a log to go down the river chop it straight into the river and let's follow him down oh oh and in the lead is the the one that was stuck before I am busy oh there goes an arm see if it has the momentum oh it made it actually working way better than I thought it would and stuck again okay we're going to the beach all right now that we're down at the beach this is really the number one place to go for small rocks so all you really have to do is kind of like look down and it will it will show you all these small rocks so I just kind of looked down Button Mash on the E button while I'm heading to the ocean side and by the time I get there I'm usually full up on small rocks so if you're Inland and you're next to a lake like where I live you will see ducks that will fly in but if you're at the beach you will see these seagulls and if you hit the seagull kill the seagull we all know you get feathers from the birds right you get the feathers from the big birds and from the small birds but the big birds like the Ducks and seagulls you can actually whack them two additional times to get extra feathers off of them and that's three more there and that's it no more feathers than this guy you can Harvest them up for the meat but that's it and alternatively if you just want some passive feathers you can make a birdhouse there you go and over time that will collect feathers and you just kind of walk up to it and you yank them out that's it all right let's head out to sea So eventually in your travels you'll come across a wetsuit and I'm gonna toss that on and that gives me a little flipper feet which are not good for walking it will slow down your walk speed but it's really good for swimming so I'm gonna head up into the life raft here because out here on the life raft there's a guaranteed shark now I've never been attacked by a shark so we're gonna test that in just a second here okay I think he's in for the attack yes he took out a bird the strategy would be to wait for the Sharks to attack like that and then move out after that however I've got this yummy rotten arm right here and if I if I hold the right Mouse button and then I throw it with the left Mouse button you'll see it floating out there so I'm gonna I'm gonna toss a couple of these and see if the shark will eat one now they seem pretty happy with the seagulls today all right well you might have to forgive me on the bad advice there with the rotten arms I have tried it with fresh arms and it did work I'm now just curious to see what happens if I'm in the water with the shark okay the shark just attacks not very dramatic though is it all right I got some fresh cannibal body parts for experiment number two there it goes all right so scratch the whole rotten thing you just need fresh body parts and it works just fine look at that ah nice trick I like that all right I'm just on my way back here and there will be some people that'll tell you that the further you go away from a log that they'll despawn and I've been if you look at the map here I've been like literally a click or two away down at the beach there and this log that we were tracking is still up here I'm gonna head upstream and see if all the rest of them are still up here too ah but before I do we've got a little bit of a war party here and I want to show you another trick on the way so put a pin in the log one and we're gonna work on the stamina tip so let's just do some fighting here with the spear it's a very high stamina cost weapon and I'm all stand out now no more stamina so instead of just sitting here and waiting I could just pop into my inventory and let my stamina bar recharge the game is paused no one is attacking me the cannibals are not moving and then when I'm all done and recharged pop back in and I am ready to fight again and oh okay took a little bit of damage there no matter I will just hop into my inventory and pop some painkillers and watch my health bar slowly recharge and there we go good as new okay we're at the top of the waterfall Another Log still there and here's another cluster up here so let that be proof that it doesn't matter how far you go away from the lugs they'll still be there when you get back as long as you don't go over that 50 Max count and I think that though I actually know that that 50 count includes like quarter logs half logs split logs any sort of a loose log has counted so if you've been playing for a while you've probably noticed the strength icon it's right there next to your hydration icon and it looks it's red and to me that's kind of counterintuitive that that would be like a progress bar but it does indicate how quickly or how well you are progressing to your next strength level so it's you can't necessarily check your strength level until you level up but um you can do basically everything that you do every mutant that you kill ever every tree that you chop everything that you build it all affects your strength your strength is basically XP so I'm gonna just chop trees for a little bit and I want you to pay attention to the strength bar and pretty soon here it's going to level up there we go level 15. if you blink you'll miss it because look it's already cycled to the next level and it's gone so in addition to being able to do more damage with your weapons with higher levels of strength you'll also be able to carry a higher quantity of each item for example if your strength is level one you might be able to carry three Spears but at strength level 15 you might be able to carry five Spears it also will increase your maximum hit points and so you'll be able to see your hit point bar divided into sections and with increasing strength you'll get more bars of health so some miscellaneous other activities that might increase your strength include things like picking up logs and throwing logs or swinging your ax or fighting enemies or carrying logs this whole topic requires additional extensive testing which I will be performing on an ongoing basis so stay tuned for a dedicated video on this subject in the future there it is it's winter and interestingly hunger and thirst don't really seem to affect you when you're sleeping one thing you have to be careful love when you're skipping time like this is that the difficulty of the enemies that you see and raids that you get and things like that will increase with every like day or set of days that have passed so if you just skipped like three years right off the bat and went into a cave it would be right full of mutants I myself have tested this and a friend of mine just Rob has also tested this so make sure you're making the most efficient use of your time okay on to the next tip while I'm going I'll just run through a couple of quick tips for you the first one is if you hold your inventory button I have that bound over to Tab and you select say you know your ax or whatever and then I say grab my torch and now I hit G it quick swaps me to whatever I had before I took that weapon out and one of the recent hotfixes they added this little box here to Whatever item you're hovering over and you can actually bind that one two three four through zero so you have hotkeys now and if you're ever crafting items and you're disappointed by the slow time just go ahead and add all the items for your crafting recipe onto the pad or the mat at one time so I just put all my sticks all my feathers and all of my small rocks and you can just continue doing the crafting just like this without having to add in more materials and the crafting animation gets faster every time you do it and I'm now full up on arrows okay here we go we got the frozen lake the reason we're here is to do some building I'm gonna head out to about the center point here from where I just put those two posts just to show you that you can build on the ice and just as an example today I'm going to make a little bit of a rope Bridge okay man I'm just trying to do a demonstration here in the freaking party of red men show up that didn't work that's gonna work though give it a second there we go so I'm gonna do it I'm gonna set up this tarp here and I'm gonna sleep on the bare ice I suppose until Springtime and we're back my tent is now submerged in water still kind of here though and I'm in the water now finally as is appropriate however my structure is still completely solid look at this I go underwater it's just sort of floating here but for all intents and purposes this structure is still 100 stable so it's pretty interesting you can build all of your bases on top of the water all of the basic construction that's attached to the ground has to be done during the winter when the ice is there but once you get a foundation down you can continue building on top of it throughout the rest of the year all right the very last little bit is some information that probably a lot of you already know my God that scared me ah damn cannibals right as I was saying it's something that you probably already know it's just I when I'm watching other people play I don't see very many people doing this so I thought it would bear some mentioning here at the end of the video so I'm gonna put three Stakes down so we've already seen the thing where we put the rocks at the bottom so that they don't tip over so we'll do that now you can make fences like that but then the fences won't fall down as well I've learned that if you just put the rocks at the bottom of the fence so now you have a reinforced fence that won't break well I mean you know it can break but it won't just break when you run into it we'll say Okay so we've seen the one thing as well where we're just gonna make a spike very very good defensive Spike you can also turn this into a torch so you just do that with the cloth and then you take another stick and you put the stick on top and for this one over here we'll do the cloth and a skull on top and it's kind of tricky but if you look like above it you get the light symbol set that on fire and then for the third option here you can take your GPS locator which if you found it it's going to be up here in the red box just grab it and you can drop this on top and so now you can see it there it's kind of difficult let me pull out the GPS and we'll Zoom right in you can see me oh my goodness got a mute in here can't have a moments piece around here so you can see the green Beacon over there on the GPS that's the transponder I just put back on top of that stick so if I were to come over here and say and we're going to set up another GPS Beacon I keep saying transponder I'm kind of using that term interchangeably here you can hit right click and you can set a new icon for it so let's say we'll do a heart for this one and you place the heart on there but it kind of defaults back to the green so if we zoom in on the GPS again you can see that it's it's still the green one so unfortunately that's a bug right now hopefully that'll be fixed in the future and we can set different colored GPS icons and the final tip I have for you today is just don't underestimate the usefulness of a shelf I know I know really basic stuff right but it took me a while to figure out just how useful this can be so now you can cycle through all the stuff in your inventory and put stuff on here that you just pick up all the time like flares I have so many flares put all the flares away and I can stock back up next time I go out some of these tips might be patched in future updates so I'll have a pinned comment below with any new information or Corrections so make sure to check that out for the most up-to-date news otherwise I hope you found this information helpful and if you're interested I have an edited playthrough series and you can find links to that as well as my Twitter Discord and much more down in the description my name is Tim Ricky and I hope to see you all in the next video hey everyone I just wanted to say thank you for watching for leaving a like but most of all thank you to the long list of amazing supporters that you see right here I hope this episode has earned your subscription and I can't wait to show you the next one best wishes to all and goodbye foreign [Music]
Channel: Guns, Nerds, and Steel
Views: 654,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sons of the forest, sons of the forest tips, sons of the forest 2023, sons of the forest mistake, sons of the forest 2023 guide, sons of the forest new player, sons of the forest starter guide, sons of the forest tips and tricks, sons of the forest beginners guide, sons of the forest new player guide, sons of the forest first thing to do, sons of the forest mistakes to avoid, tips and tricks, endnight games, wish i knew sooner, early access, beginners guide
Id: ytQ20tB62j8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 52sec (1432 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
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