I Made a Theme Park Where Every Ride Is Life Ruining - Indoorlands

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hey there it's Josh welcome back to Let's game it out we're checking out indoor lands today which as you can tell by all this activity in the background it has a bunch of rides but indoors and I sure do love making dysfunctional parks and also this video is sponsored by AFK Arena anyway enough talk new game first things first let's name our Park you know I probably could have gone with something with a little more Flair but you gotta admit that looks pretty good unfortunately it doesn't change the name of the sign but that's okay we'll just customize this in our own ways and by that I mean let's change the colors so it's pink with another dose of pink so that now everybody's eyes are bleeding the moment they look at this sign and boy our little statue out front sure looks good I sure do like that Cthulhu is trying to escape look anyway it's time to get started with the park this is obviously where everyone buys their tickets to get into the park and right now there's not much else everything past it is just empty empty desert wait before we get really into this can I just take one individual building and by that I mean the toilet and can I just place this thing so it's the only thing here and then we take the ticket price and we switch it from a charitable zero all the way up to the highest at 30 which gives us a beautiful visitor upset chance of 90 can we convince people to come in just to use the bathroom well let's see we have a bus pulling in right now drat guess this one bathroom just isn't enticing enough well what if we Sweden the deal with some kind of restaurant like churros everybody loves churros so let's go ahead and put those right next to the bathroom and then back one tile there you go so that we know it's there but nobody can get to it oh my God and just like that look there's some people oh I think we're gonna get along you don't seem to believe in physics at all but the important part is they're making their way to the front doors hopefully absolutely unaware to the high ticket prices all right let's see how this goes oh they seem unhappy with those ticket prices well back to the car so long suckers someone's gonna be dumb enough to fall for this I mean like look at these people they brought their three kids wait a minute why are the kids individually going up to buy their tickets wouldn't that be the parents job oh yeah there we go wait a minute didn't you all come together as a group did you just all leave your kid here alone at the park see this is why you should have paid for your child you just ditched them as they Meander around confused and scared look I know you can smell the churros and everything but that's not gonna make it move any closer to you you have two options force yourself to use the bathroom or leave empty-handed and it looks like they've chosen to leave empty-handed oh and then a sad face which I can only assume is realizing that your family left you here okay that was a nice little introduction to how this game works and I love it when any Endeavor we get into starts at zero percent happiness but there's a lot more we can do because there's like rides and attractions which is gonna give us a real chance to tackle this Beast that is our theme park and hey speaking of beasts let's talk about our sponsor for this video AFK Arena which is available to play right now for free on Android and iOS AFK arena is a deep and colorful idle collectible RPG where players can build up their own unique team and send them off to complete missions level up and gather tons of rewards along the way and just recently they added the brand new Beast system to the game beasts can be set into battle alongside Your Heroes for extra help on beating other things up and they're pretty easy to get too before you could only pay to summon a random beast but with the game's newly updated Union system you you can join an active Union and get a beast voucher for free which allows you to choose whatever Beast you prefer all the beasts follow in the same illustrious art style of AFK Arena except because they're beasts well they're just cuter and who doesn't want to watch something like this adorably beating up something twice its size and just like your Heroes You Can level them up too so they get bigger and fiercer and have a bunch of exclusive skills that you can mix and match with different teams to find the perfect Synergy to secure that win so if this sounds good to you there's linky in the description or use this QR code right here for you to try out the game for yourself for free and also use this code to get incredible gifts and thanks again to AFK Arena and its adorable Beasts for sponsoring okay so first things first let's start with a little pathing now in other games that might be like walkways and stuff but in here because everything is indoors they're basically literally hallways and I realized that in like a normal theme park you would probably want to design this in such a way where you can get to like anything you want at any time but not here of course you let me make actual hallways then I'm gonna make the most excruciating Gauntlet just to get to the rides yeah there we go like that now as much as I love mazes I want to be clear that this is not a maze because a maze would imply that you could get lost there's no getting lost in this it's literally just one really long windy hallway do you see this fence line here that's the edge of our current property the entire starting area is all hallways so let's do a little expanding we're gonna take this piece and this piece and this piece I like how buying that gets rid of the lake entirely yeah get out of here in the name of progress oh and also we could make all this stuff nicer like we could change all the colors so that it's a lot less boring but why on Earth would we want that for people and continuing on over here that's where we're gonna make our first haul now don't confuse this with paths these are actually something called ride Halls these isolated little rooms is where we put some different kinds of rides we're gonna start with the most basic one just so we can get a sense of what this is all about so we can experience all this self-contained fun on our own terms and the fun thing about these is we can enter these Halls and get a much better look around look at this illusion of being in the actual Great Outdoors it's like we're really there and one of my favorite things about this has got to be the ceiling not only is a really nice cloud cover but it also reveals to me something that I was really hoping for yeah this room has absolutely no natural light coming in like if I toggle the walls from the outside it gives you the illusion that there's windows up there looking in but now we know that's not the case it's more like a casino for children no windows no clocks and no idea how much time has passed and our contained little world where no one can save you oh but we're not done here there's decorating to do and oh my goodness do we have so many categories pirate stuff Japanese stuff Viking stuff wait what is this apocalypse well let's start there my goodness so many options what is this downed helicopter even look like unfortunately we can't put it on any of the pathways but away from the pathway we sure can and not only that we can obviously add more but if we place this thing on top of it it'll actually stack oh boy wait so if I just keep stacking this so it's higher and higher and higher oh it looks like as we stack higher the actual height of this building goes higher unfortunately there is an upper limit to how far you can take this because after a point it just starts putting down red stuff and I don't think that counts but the point is is our ability to put stuff is left only to our imagination and also this little meter right here I thought was an item limit but no it's absolutely not I believe it's that the more items you put down the more attractive this feels to people because of course now I want to know as I'm sure we all do how much crap can I actually put in this place well let's start in a corner and find out yeah so funny story I'm pretty sure there's no limit besides how much you can shove in here as is evidenced by all of these helicopters that is a lot of helicopters and just look how this looks on the outside it's like a compressed aquarium it looks so unassuming with the walls up like this looks like a building where you'd keep your servers little do they know something far more Sinister awaits and we're not even done yet we're supposed to put a ride right there and we have many excellent choices we've got crown and Salto and Reacher now they give us these 11 to start with but we can construct our own which we'll do later for now we're gonna stick with the reacher and Presto ah yes there it is and this ride comes complete with a bunch of despondent workers it doesn't get more perfect I love it from the outside you can't even see the roller coaster oh hey no never mind there it is anyway I think our park is in pretty good shape now let's bring ticket prices all the way down and park capacity all the way up because now I want as many people in here as possible oh my God and I think we're about to get our wish yes hello everybody come on in don't everybody crowd at once hey what the hell are you guys doing you can't just cheat through all these walls they're supposed to be rules to all this stuff what are you Wizards well whatever they're staying in the lines for the most part look at all these tiny little ants having a great time running through these hallways they must be having so much fun I bet we can hear from all the way back here oh here we go people are finally mingling around here looking terrifying as always oh and look they're joining the queue for the ride so they can all have a crazy space adventure together in perfect formation of their single file line all right hop aboard it's time for the fun of a lifetime oh yeah he's excited I also like that basically none of these seats are full yeah that's cool don't let people on those ones there's no line or anything oh wait hang on the ride is beginning now we can finally see this thing in action oh boy here we go and now that we're going up and up I can see that some of these things have turned red which I'm pretty sure indicates that the game knows it's gonna do some clipping and it's unfortunately made those things incorporeal which I guess kudos to the game for knowing that and also Fiddlesticks to it knowing that anyway while they're in there stuck on the ride for eternity let's go ahead and add another path out of here and add another ride let's use this one down here cause I have some new ideas we can do looking Stellar now here's the thing about this we're gonna put a ride down in this space but we're not gonna do one of their pre-made ones we're gonna make our own and for that we need to go to create your ride ride name colossal mistake okay this is gonna get kind of complicated and I've done no research on how to do this but I'm sure it's gonna be fine and I'm sure we can figure it out so I guess first we'll start with a square platform okay just lock that in right there and then on that let's go ahead and put a large engine okay great and on that large engine let's put an angle arm okay good and on that angle arm let's put another angle arm and on that arm let's put another angle arm and we'll just keep doing this and yes it can go all the way upside down okay that should about do it it's not going to connect at the bottom but that's probably okay here's our plan though you see this little spot right here well I know what we're gonna put there one whole seat yes this could be you gripping the safety guards for dear life anyway we're almost done but not quite for one when we click on each one of these oh boy here's where the real fun begins this thing does indeed rotate now for the sake of a first test We're Not Gonna adjust things like max speed and acceleration time and now back over here let's add the Colossal mistake to our little Park ah yes it's beautiful who would like to be the first person to try their luck at this thing oh boy here we go we have a daring contestant my God I can't believe she's actually gonna do it okay you ready to go okay that's enough of that I'm sure you're fine okay let's do this power all the way to Max [Applause] oh oh no oh God no Josh you've gone too far this time all I did is add one part and it made something this amazing oh God we can switch it to another camera too I believe this is the first person view oh yeah this is about what I thought it would look like I hope you're enjoying your NASA training why are you people still in line why would you want to be a part of this okay next step let's take each one of these let's take that Max Speed from five all the way to 40. not to mention every other one of these we're gonna reverse the direction and we'll name this one colossaler mistake okay so the ride looks just as it did before but as we know now it has one dark secret everything has been made faster and worse what are your thoughts are you ready yes that's the spirit then let us begin have a nice trip oh it's beautiful but also way worse imagine being at the end of that thing okay so I have the game in super slow motion right now what a certifiable nightmare okay that's great no holding back why limit ourselves to only a couple of Parts when we could just use a little bit of everything so buckle up and let's try to make the ultimate ride [Music] oh hi there I spent a little time putting something together trying to figure out what works best with everything else and I think I nailed something that's gonna make us all happy let me give you the grand tour while people line up now something I wanted to focus on for this ride is more seating that's why down below there's eight convenience seats never mind the fact that when you get in you're facing you know the ground and then you just wait here like this while everybody else boards but that's just the beginning of our amazing seating we also have four of these little Chambers that's right somebody sits there and while they sit there there's all kinds of moving stuff all around them it's supposed to look kind of like a flower and once again we have four of these you're probably also wondering what this big mess is in the middle oh this this is all seating don't you worry so you look how happy these people look it's okay everybody just hang out and wait I know it feels pretty uncomfortable where you're basically a human centipede at the waist but listen we wanted this ride to have more people and now the ride has more people and this isn't even the whole thing there's more leading up this way which is to say there's even more seats that are on these Tower pieces and then it goes even higher up or even more seats and then up here for even more seats but I'm gonna hold off on showing you the rest until everybody boards and we actually have a bit of a problem in that regard I don't know exactly how many seats we have but we do have 187 people in the park and I think they're all on the ride waiting right now so we can't start the ride yet we have to make sure we have enough people to fill the whole thing up so in order to get more people I'm gonna buy some land way over here in the corner and in this space right across from the highway I'm gonna build all kinds of storefronts some of which like this Steakhouse have an attractiveness of 15 which sounds good I guess I don't really care because it's not like people can go to these things anyway they just exist here to attract more people and that's pretty much all we're doing in this corner is putting all kinds of buildings to make people think there's cool stuff in here okay this feels like a much healthier number to me I think the upper limit is 3 000 people so we did it maximum capacity and oh boy it shows look at all the activity going on here sorry there's no water sorry you're tired if you really cared you would just cheat physics like all these people oh see that's more like it look at these crowds they don't even have space to move anymore no time for eyeballs no time for not merging into each other what I'm trying to say is everybody shove yourself onto the ride I don't care what it takes or all these seats couldn't get filled up I waited like 20 minutes and I guess people just stopped coming for whatever reason so maybe there's like a maximum occupancy I didn't know about that's okay though because someone's sitting in my favorite seat just waiting for the worst anyway I'll finish showing you the rest of the stuff now that we know that there's not going to be anybody in other words we've got seats seats and more seats and then if we go even higher there's more seats including these nice Diamond watermelon seeds you know what maybe it's just that people didn't want to be up this high now I'm like that's gonna stop our tour I can tell you that much basically you just keep going up and up and up because it doesn't matter how tall you build your ride the size of this building will accommodate until you get to the top where there's one seat the only seat not being terrorized by the way I mean unless you account being terrorized by how high up this is but you'll see what I mean let's start the ride lock everything down restraints on every single piece of power to Max oh boy I'm not even sure where to begin there's just so much going on here I guess we'll start with these people on the ground they're having a relatively muted good time I would say because besides their legs being constantly shattered over and over again they're gonna make it out of this unscathed can't say the same for everybody else of course if we switch this to a slower speed then we can get a much better look at the horrors that await the person in this seat it's pretty much just constant nightmares stuff narrowly hitting them in the face over and over and over again and they're left to just witness what these people are going through and oh boy are they probably having a bad time let's pause and see okay now let's take a look oh well I was painfully wrong I didn't realize you were all psychos and then after that it's pretty much stuff that's going to be spinning as fast as I could make it I just hope one day that people wake up to realizing they want to be on the watermelon part of this ride because if you're gonna die on a roller coaster you might as well do it in some style oh you know what I was actually wrong this seat is also spinning so I guess nothing is safe on this ride ah there it is from the outside it's a shame we don't get to see it spinning from here but we do get glorious staggering frame rates and hey what does this thing look like when we bring the walls back up oh yeah yeah that looks perfect we really lined that one up like a pro oh and it just keeps getting better and better it's like we got two buildings for the price of one oh now everyone's upset and leaving huh yes everybody run away at once well that was fun who knew you could have such a good time screwing around indoors I hope you had fun I know I did I want to thank AFK Arena again for sponsoring this video feel free to check them out with the link in the description and I'll see you next time
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 4,681,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: let's game it out, lets game it out, let game it out, let'sgameitout, letsgameitout, letgameitout, game it out, gameitout, lgio, josh let's game it out, let's game it out josh, lgio josh, josh lgio, let's game it out simulator, josh simulator, funny moments, indoorlands, indoorlands game, theme park game, let's game it out theme park, let's game it out planet coaster, let's game it out coaster
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 30 2022
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