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hey what's going on guys log that zip here I don't mean to alarm you but we are in the middle of a black hole right now I am playing get a load of this thing it's eating the earth well all the damage is doing its sucking in dirt block step at a time holy moly oh and it just transformed oh the light has been killed from our world to please black hole I got a showcase to do I need to be able to see and in addition to that what the heck are all these items down here fire gems water gems diamond powder tell me about those hyper compressed and regular compressed diamonds we got a lot to cover in today's black hole showcase yeah it's good I mean really look at it over there destroying my world come on don't you have better things to do other than exist and and be a black hole no well okay that's fine in today's been able to show you how you can add black holes to your Minecraft world that not only can hurt you but helped you in some very interesting ways as well we're gonna learn how to tame these beasts and use them to our advantage this is a function pack rated by max Stein he is an amazing commandblock /function writer you can find out more information about in the description of this video he's got his own channel repost content as well so I encourage you to check that one out and you want to see more function packs showing off in the shell let me know by smacking a light on this video it means so much to have your support for the channel subscribe to see them right as they come out I told you I need to light it's guys killing my showcase much better with that we're gonna jump into a quick word from our sponsor me sorry today's function pack is brought to you by the logged on zip t-shirts sorry support for the logged on zip fan by buying one of these right now and you take picture you can link it to be that log that's it but make sure to retweet it link it by oh thanks so my friends if you weren't aware black holes required lots of mass in a tiny space kind of how black holes work it's a whole bunch of mess and they all compress down into one little thing so we need to get some compressed diamonds we're gonna start with some simple diamonds and a way to compress them which is a piston and lever and some blocks to make sure the things don't get messy so we're make a nice little area to compress our diamonds down place piston down sideways up ways whatever ways as long as you can compress one two three four five diamonds as you can see right there gonna power it down and behold turned into a compressed diamond five diamonds in one get a load of this thing oh yeah I can't keep it for myself it's got pretty color look at it but it's not enough we need more so what we need to do is make five total sets of compressed diamonds so we need to compress these guys grand total of two three come on compress already I'm trying to wear with me in it three four and one two three four five total times once you've got down you're five compressed diamonds we move on to the next step which is showing up right here in this book boom and you also need a monster eggs and what he's trying to do be maca Stein sabotage you know I like it he's a dirty guy hey easy does it man we need to compress these further down by crushing them with an anvil so get a load of this we need a place down underneath the ground a little bit of lava over that one go ahead place another block we're basically trying to heat the ground that we're placing our five compressed diamonds Oh once the five compressed diamonds have been placed down you're gonna want to drop an anvil on top of all of them as you can see right here the moment that the Amplatz the diamonds boom and of course once everything is good and ready to go for your anvil you'll place it down and witness oh yeah nice and compressed in fact so compressed it's hyper compressed the hyper compressed diamond is what we're gonna need to trigger this black hole for appearing right over here we've got our little area we're gonna place our black hole and you're gonna need the following things gold block some TNT your hyper compressed diamond and of course a flint and steel if we were to check out this book here we would see that the super dense diamond has to be triggered to form a black hole we're gonna place TNT on this gold block right in front of us we're gonna place the hyper compressed diamond on top of that and we all like this thing light it up and the moment this thing explodes instead of an explosion you'll be met with a black oh oh yeah and we go baby whoa hey hey yeah we got an advancement out of it - and just like that the mobs have already been getting sucked towards the black hole however it is a tiny black hole it is not big enough yet to suck in mob entities however it can't suck in other items so as you can see here we were to go into game-mode 0 and start throwing some of these items at the black hole they will begin to collect make their way towards the black hole which will begin to consume them look at all those gray smoke particles it is eating up all the items around any items at all that you throw on the ground even though seeds I'm trying some seeds you see the seeds you seed the Seas you get it sorry of the worst anyways the moment the black hole has eaten a grand total of 100 different items it will in fact evolve into its next level a level 2 black hole oh yeah there's levels to a baby you and I know anyways I'm gonna just let it do its thing and just like that oh hey it's already crappy hey we got run come on it's sucking me and it's actually sucking me in right now I'm not moving right now I'm not the person doing this ooh it is getting closer and closer you a little bit nervous you get too close to the black hole you will in fact die even in creative mode you see so in order to avoid being sucked into this monstrosity that will surely destroy a world given enough time Hey look it's actually like trying to grab me in this mode to stay away freaks we're gonna need to get ourselves some heavy armor get a load of this Oh level one black hole where I showed you about that these are the items I was supposed to throw and I forgot there was already a chest here sorry man I guess we'll just go ahead and keep the gold ingots I'm rich in order to prevent yourself from being sucked into the black hole you're gonna need to make yourself some extremely heavy diamond boots check it out combine a compressed time with diamond boots - crap super-heavy diamond that's it just extra heavy diamond boots that's good right they allow you to get close to black hole without getting sucked in and this level - black hole as I said will suck in more than just items it will suck in mobs as well and it ease in general are now victim unless you got these great boots on get a load of these puppies super heavy diamond boots now we can walk all the way right up next to the black hole and as you can see here nothing bad is happening to us however I can't say the same about our dear mob friends as they instantly get sucked at like they tried to stupid he wants to reach me he can't even reach me look at him he what la hey buddies hey Matt you seen better days goodbye all the mobs will instantly begin look the wolf the world is chasing after the skeletons Oh best day of my life y'all I'm gonna make him fight real quick mm-hmm and then one a couple of these yeah check it out going in on them as they all get sucked into the black hole and the level two black hole works in a very similar way to the level one black hole in at the moment it sucks in a grand total of 100 and it is or items now before it was just items now it's entities or items it will turn into a level three black hole so don't mind me while the poor parents a boys it's for a good cause okay I appreciate your sacrifice we'll see on the other side I'm curious what happens man I probably some videos oh you get the children in there and for poor baby villagers oh man what am i afraid what have I done bad times indeed just like that level three black hole and things are starting to go crazy the blocks are actually getting sucked into the black hole itself loose whoa hey those guys are hanging out I have fallen the black hole's mass is literally now so big that it has begun to erode the landscape around the black hole itself and will continue to do so infinitely until it is sucked in an additional 100 objects so we have to act quick I got a book to read before we get to the level 4 black hole well here's the level 3 black hole is you all right talked about that we're gonna throw the book into for good measure yeah it's for the best and now we've got level 4 black hole coming in which you'll see very shortly before black hole will suck in all things around it and light as well so every time you get too close to this thing you won't be able to see anything at all and that's where things start to get a little bit dicey so I'm gonna go ahead and just make sure that this thing gets enough eaten yeah we all feed you good black hole until you can see what it looks like in its level-4 form where the skeletons we appreciate your sacrifice this jeez boom and just like that all light around us has been completely in captured within this nasty dirty black hole seriously yo this is creepy looking can we get all inside here nice you'll love it oh we can see the the grass blocks yeah this is beautiful eyes nice okay so what does it all mean I guess the scents too far away he's not falling victim just yet but all light around is getting sucked as well so now it's our job to try and find this obstacle there we go that's beautiful okay we're back on the path now I'm going to show you how to get rid of this black hole because obviously it's not doing that you necessarily to any favors right so in order to break a black hole and to make things go back to normal you actually need to summon in another one using all the various means you've seen before goal block T&T flint and steel hyper compressed diamond and then feed it because the moment you run into a level three black hole near your level four black hole they will cancel each other out and just like that we have now gotten rid of that original black hole that was hanging out right here and summon in a level three one instead so we've bought ourselves some time two black holes will cancel each other out if you decide to build one however that is not where this adventure ends my friends those were wild black holes now what have I told you oh we missed a sign that you can control them oh yeah and not only can you control them we can use them to our advantage as well we're gonna buy yourself some time but getting even further from the black hole oh it looks like it just evolved once more all the way over there doing its thing good thing we're far away otherwise this may have been a different story my friends in order to tame ourselves black hole we're gonna need to make ourselves a black hole she'll get a load of this we need a hyper compressed diamond or flint and steel on our TNT as per the usual as well as some cobblestone walls to act as a barrier to control black I'll have to build a special barrier around a spawn and a black hole and the gold blah blah blah blah and then you put the walls just like this we're save ourselves some time we don't need to use this guy neces oh oh I broke the group see I was trying to grab that thing anyways not a big deal we're gonna place him right underneath as you can see right here it begins the TNT the hyper compressed like that thing and get a load of your brand-new tamed contained barrier black hole complete with spiders already trying to float it come on man try to choke gates here but the barrier isn't enough we need more we need diamond powder so how to get diamond powder we'll take your compressed diamonds from before by compressing regular diamonds down and drop them on to each other from a height of 10 blocks or more in order to pulverize them so we're gonna drop our first guy down right here one drop we go up about ten blocks probably good drop on the ground and check out what happens messed up the camera where'd it go oh no it's already being sucked as bad news we're gonna do a little bit further instead drop your couldn't press diamond right now that is good right and then check it out check it out check it out boom Gotham diamond powder it's perfect exactly what we need we need to place diamond powder all over the barriers in order for this baby to work properly you get three Diamond powders out of two compressed diamonds which means it takes ten diamonds to get three powders so we ready two total of 16 so it takes a whole lot of diamond in order to contain a black hole although what would you guys expect it kind of I mean I kind of make sense really slowly drop all the powder on top of defenses until it's completely contained in the fashion that you see here man everything just wants to get in this black hole you can't be fed it yet we need to drop items in for whatever reason though if he wanted to get rid of the glow on any of these compressed diamond fences just drop a regular diamond on top of it as well and it will get rid of that special glowing and xem however we won't so if you'll excuse me I'm gonna continue to feed this stupid black hole a whole bunch of items so that I can turn into the next step you can see the smoke is coming in so we'll be back at one second there we go just like that level two compressed sheep black oh come on sheep you're making it look so silly can I push these guys down so that they work with me animals maybe we'll just get the pork chops to go inside instead yeah see like the parts it's now in terms of black hole containment we've reached maximum level we can now start utilizing this in ways that help us in our Minecraft world get a load of this it's time for the protective black hole we need one super enchanted Golden Apple in order to make this one work drop it into the black hole itself and notice as you instantly receive not only double health but amazing regenerative properties as well we're gonna drop onto the ground right here and looked instantly healed once again you could sue you can suffer some serious drops in fact I'll tell you what now we're gonna go super fart oh is that spider being sucked you be sucked in oh wow through the ground into the black hole best day of my life especially because I didn't take hardly any damage doing it what if we cheap here ourselves 40 blocks up we hardly have any armor what we live oh wow that was a close one but check it out we got some serious instant health as well as regen coming through as well we might need to be a little bit closer for the region to start seriously taking effect but look at this look at that look at a great healing regen for constantly going up best day of my life is stupid creepy oh no what's more for good measure yeah coming in with real huh that's good and that's only one of the ways that you can use the black hole allow me to show you another one fire black hole oh yeah I ain't messing around you need a blaze rod and a lava bucket in order to get this one pop and I've drop them on the ground together just like that to grab yourself a fire gem now what can you do with a fire black hole always fire its lit baby I need to get this fire gym to work is throw it in the black hole and just like that all these flame particles start emerging from all over the place around you mmm I like that that's good so what does it do huh well any mobs caught in the nearby vicinity will instantly catch fire look at all the little porkers you know they never stood a chance in fact they're dropping their meat in the sky all night I wanted those I got a heal man don't take all the pork cubs and it's a pretty far vicinity to that these mobs will continue to catch fire like we are pretty dang far from this black hole in fact I'm wondering where the cutoff point is look how far away we are and they are still burning up yo this black hole has some serious power to it very powerful very rare wow it goes forever in fact here appears to be around the cutoff point wow that has serious reach in fact I think if we pushed one of these pigs a little bit get our air way over I don't think you guys are ready for this one the magical black hole oh yeah this one takes a stack a stack of nether stars you need to kill 64 wither bosses in order to add a magical black hole to your Minecraft world well even though even the n-terminus having trouble with it nice drop stacking method starting blaggle to transform the Lance into a wonderland all the minerals will transform from or to block amongst other visual decoration really going to game wood one looking fly around and show you what y'all about to see we've dropped in the stack now witness as the land around has slowly transformed into the Wonderland we were just talking about this where you pay attention come on get it together look how far this thing reaches all grass and dirt will turn into terra cotta aka clay all seeds will be really sad because you can't plant themselves into terra cotta leaves will turn into glazed terracotta because it's real fancy looking nice wonderland if you're wondering about stone it has all become quartz all around us easy quartz baby all you need to do is summon in black all that will surely begin to destroy your world give enough time and that and even the half of it we're gonna dip down in the cave systems and you're gonna see things gets even better like check out this ravine look at this you think there's iron ores wrong there's iron blocks all ores have been turned into block version whether its eye whether it's coal I'm wondering if we can find some gold whether it's gold they see there is a cut-off point here as well so we do need to keep in mind not every single block will be transformed and not only that once the transformation has already taken place in the certain area it will not retransform any other or so it's kind of a one-time thing you're gonna summon in a black hole and one of you ravines then make sure you do it in an area that you know has a whole bunch of ores now I'm curious does it work with what does it work with all of them like can we find some like redstone yep look they turn the redstone blah as beautiful now what about diamond I want to find some diamond lapis like what our where our options here well there's lapis that's a relief but seriously what about the diamonds imma solve this one real quick get low this pickaxe I just gave myself fastest mining in the land so we try and find ourselves some diamonds with any luck we'll come across some real soon and we could find out if we can truly get ourselves some diamonds here they are perfect time you leave the stupid proficiency bar this big angles broke I mean we get seven diamond blocks not bad yo-ho but you should see how much work we had to put in just to try and find him cutting through countless redstone coal iron everything in between but we got what we wanted not a whole bunch of extra quartz to so we've done protective fire magical and now the final type of black hole the water black hole what are you talking about Tyler you can't get it cuz it's right well shut up lapis lazuli water bucket on the ground combined we'll grab yourself a nice little fancy water gem so what can you do with the water gem huh well it works in a similar fashion you're gonna throw it right into the mouth of this sucker over here and you're gonna start to see some interesting changes indeed back in the game of one we go as we drop this in you will begin to see water form all around you the landscape slowly begins to have water flooding the entire world look at this completely engulfing it in lots of fun streams I mean summer's kind of ended but everybody likes playing in water right look at me floating I'm so adorable water will continue to be added to your Minecraft world all around the area that your black hole is existing in until it is an unrecognizable area I mean it's practically an ocean can't you tell it's like I mean I'm pretty sure I see some Guardians hanging out in here that's nice well if you're wondering what you can do to get rid of your tamed black hole in addition to how the wild ones work if you want to summon in an additional black hole it will get rid of the tamed one to get to the effects you have to remove the shield and grow to level four black holes once again and they lived happily ever after and by living happily ever after what I really mean is they completely destroyed themselves and ripped himself to shreds due to the forces that be involving gravity we're gonna go check out our other black hole friend and see what Mon sense he's up to I said Mahon sense just don't judge me okay y'all been having fun with the landscape over here yeah looks like he got a little bit full taking a break I dig it man my friends that has been dangerous black holes as well as tame black holes in Minecraft 1.12 using an amazing function pack by the man himself max Stan well find out more information everything could be in the description of this video that will show you what you need in order to grab yourself this black hole and couldn't link back to max channel reproduces other content as well let me know if I want to see this released as a download by drop a like on this video of course you can subscribe to see more on sparks pact and other natural disasters as we make them I write as they come out we post every single day so I encourage you to check it out and be around hope you all have a great day let me know in the comments what function pack you want to see us make next and we might just do it have a good one we'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 2,812,433
Rating: 4.6674552 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine, craft, black hole, blackhole, black, minecraft black hole mod, hole, black hole destroys city, minecraft black hole command, black holes, minecraft black hole, minecraft blackhole mod, disaster, natural disaster, mod minecraft, mod, mods, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, gaming, minecraft challenge, challenges, new, challenge, funny, game, maps, map, functions, command, commands, diamonds, 1.12, minecraft 1.12, logdotzip, minecraft logdotzip,, no swearing
Id: 0CW3I31vFoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2017
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