Ex-Homeless People, What Was the Scariest Thing That You Ever Saw on the Streets?

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ex-homeless redditors what was the scariest thing that you ever saw on the streets nsw not that scary but one time i was on a park bench just killing time this homeless dude that everyone called red was at another bench he came up to mine and asked if i would watch his crap while he slept for a bit and i said yes so he laid down next to me and after a while he sat up for a cigarette about three drags in he starts coughing and his face turned all purple fast never realized how fast people turned purple from lack of oxygen he fell over on his side and i jumped up and gave him a little smack on the back a few times and i kept yelling at him to get up i was hesitant to call an ambulance cause of hospital bills that he obviously won't be able to pay but right as i took my phone out to call he had been unconscious for like 30 seconds at this point he starts gasping and gets up i asked him if he was okay and all he says is freaking copd and then takes a drag of the cigarette that he never even dropped the whole time that happened blows my mind he didn't drop it la mayo holy crap i know how bad american health care is but somehow something always manages to come around and smack me over the head imagine not calling someone an ambulance being an actual kindness due to how expensive saving their life would be good on you for trying to help and watching his stuff in the first place though honestly the first night really outside everything is scary i've been homeless for about four months some years ago at first i could stay with friends but i didn't want to overstay my welcome i'd actually lie to them telling them i've got some place to go to luckily in those four months i only had to really sleep outside for about two weeks the first scary thing was just finding where to sleep where people can't see me and it's relatively dry then when i finally found places to sleep first was in a park between some bushes second was in a tiny playhouse and a public playground 3d was under a bridge and then again some nights in the park between bushes i was constantly worried about people seeing me the other scary thing was every single sound a car drives by slowly are they going to hurt me some drunks in the distance singing if they see me they'll definitely are going to frick around with me and be idiots the next scary thing was the cold i would only sleep very lightly for about 30 minutes at a time and wake up shivering i was 19 180 i think that's about six feet and 95 kgs at 190 pounds so not a small guy and i was scared as heck i imagine it's so much worse for women my best advice would be don't be an idiot and ask for help although it was extremely tempting i didn't abuse drugs or alcohol i didn't look homeless i was just a big idiot thinking i can fix this by myself i don't want to impose on people etc i was 19 back then i'm 33 now and i'm happily married and we have a nice home kids beating the crap out of a homeless man started with them spitting on him he gets up and runs after them then a couple of them hit him from behind with some ikea looking wood you know the one that snaps easy he gets mad and they run off he comes back to the bench and falls asleep again 10 minutes later they're back and they just start beating the freaking crap out of him i had to jump in and stop them thank you for helping the homeless person this thread is filled with comments like this and it's honestly mortifying the scariest thing i saw was a man named tony t apparently he had been a cokehead for years but had to keep a job to support his habit he had received a huge settlement over 500 k at which point he decided that he never had to work again he lived on the streets and smoked sea all day the best way to describe him is to go from breaking bad he was generous with his drugs so people would naturally want to be around him but he was unpredictable and dangerous i have tons of stories about him being crazy aggressive but the last time i saw him he beat a man with a pipe for dropping a tiny crack rock in the dirt we are talking like 20 bucks worth of dope and he probably either killed the guy or fricked him up for life i tried to stop him and he threatened to turn on me i walked out went to her phone and called my sister to come get me she helped me get my crap together and i never went back that was 30 years ago man tony the tiger has really turned it around though cold weather i thought i was going to die one night i was so cold i remember waking up thinking you need to move or you are going to die lots of stabbings and debaucheries i was stalked by a gang one night on my way home from work i still have no idea how i wasn't violated or mugged once i woke up suddenly to a not homeless man holding a huge knife staring at me inside the abandoned building's basement i was sleeping in once he noticed i was awake he asked if i was russian i said no and he said he was looking for a different girl gave me 20 and left if you can read this and immediately think yes it's the best idea to send this woman disgustingly perverse messages and ask for nudes i hope your dong stay flaccid for eternity not sure what the word is in english but this guy could be a member of the russian mafia flesh market probably was looking for a runaway prostitute not what i saw what i heard if that counts for a while i slept in an empty warehouse i'm in the uk so it was a huge victorian building with about six floors i slept on the third or fourth floor out of the way of casual intruders drunks and prostitutes use that space and one night i heard a load of shouting and a female screaming from the ground floor now i was 16 a junkie and about 120 pounds so i wasn't in any position to do much but i crept down the steps to see what was happening by the time i got there the place was empty and the noise had stopped so i went back upstairs i found out the next day they found a body in the wasteland outside turns out the woman was a prostitute they assumed her client stabbed her after a struggle and she made a run for it before he caught her and finished the job always wonder if i'd been able to help but i'd have probably got stabbed too holy crap that's some jack the ripper crap i'm sorry to hear you went through that man i'm glad to hear it sounds like you're doing much better now was homeless for a summer and an acquaintance through the party scene of the town invited me to crash on her couch woke up in the middle of the night to her screaming into her phone about how they are out to get her and are setting the world up for destruction pretended like i was still asleep and got out of there the next day real quick smart move leaving otherwise they might have targeted you too [Music] let's see funny ish guy at the shelter i stayed at got stabbed in the ribs by another guy the guy who stabbed him just walked inside and attempted to go to sleep while the guy who's stabbed is sitting on a bench literally spurting blood out of his side and he lights a cigarette when the staff called 911 and tried to help him he was pushing them off saying he was fine horrible there was a gas station down the street a guy paid for gas took the hose and doused himself in gasoline i was smoking outside and i remember him walking by outside the yard area with a lighter in his hand i'm fully extended out he was very very mentally ill so i didn't think anything of it i couldn't smell gas or anything like that i continue to smoke light another one up about 10 minutes later i'm inside bullshitting at the front desk and a dude runs in the front door and shouts give me wet towels the guys set himself on fire across the street homeless shelters aren't in good areas so i just walked out casually thinking some idiot at the apartments across the street had set a rug on fire and the dude who ran in was just being a dumb boss i walk out the front door and sure enough on one of the stairwells there's flames my thought process was basically yep some dumb [ __ ] literal oh frick the rug sat up me and three other guys ended up being the ones to put him out he wouldn't though i don't know if the gas had to burn off first but probably i don't really remember putting him out i just remember after i don't remember a smell or anything the morbid thing i do remember is he was out and he just kept shouting my balls my balls are on fire put out my balls he died three days later i was told it wasn't the first time he'd done something like this the shelter ended up sending me to therapy and the woman was the best therapist i'd ever had i still get weird sometimes and can't really watch people on fire in movies anymore this happened around 2011 in kentucky so it's a while back now i've been slowly putting my life together again since then the last time i was homeless was in 2014 i'm still struggling financially especially now but i'm studying computer programming in my spare time so i can hopefully get where i want to be in life you're a good person to help respond to a tragedy like that it's a heavy weight to carry on your shoulders i'm glad the shelter had the resources and follow through to get you a therapist hope you're doing well people who had been homeless way longer than me trust me there is nothing scarier on the streets than the m couple who this has been their day in and day out for one thousands of days people joke about m but unless you've been around chronic users you don't understand how truly scary it makes people become like a whole new level of animalistic impulsive not right in the head people i freaking hate him my brother was homeless he was hit by a car and died on the sidewalk i was there five minutes before in five minutes after it happened had to identify his body for the cops and ambulance i'm still fricked up about it snow i'm a big scary dude so i never had trouble with people picking on me or whatever in that sense the streets were safe to me but seeing snow for the first time that year just made me cry and panic it was too early for snow i wasn't ready for that type of cold and was hoping to be on my feet again before the winter came beautiful thing like snow just fricked me up in so many ways hope things are looking better for you now i was just sleeping around where other guys in my city sleep then just see some teens stabbing one of the homeless guys multiple times ran away from there never turned back man there are some fricked up people out there i hope somehow that guy survived biggest thing 5 feet 3 115 lb was how often people try to abduct you that and how often people try to serve you tempered food the teenagers trying to get clout by assaulting pranking you is another one everyone is gonna try to steal from your butt so watch your crap keep your mouth shut and find a good place that is desolated from nocturnal animals and buttholes don't try to make friends they will turn on you in a heartbeat i had been homeless for a couple weeks now and had made friends with this couple they seemed pretty chill but had a bit of a drinking problem anyway one night i was sleeping could hear some commotion going on couldn't make out who it was or what was going on until my buddy comes and sits on my sleeping bag blood pumping out of his neck like full on every time his heart beat it would splurt out not under huge pressure but it was pretty bad i asked him what happened and he said he think his missus had cut his throat with a stanley blade he was so drunk he was not aware of how bad his injury was and insisted i did not call an ambulance so i called the police they called the ambulance i see the dude a couple days later still homeless scar on his neck he's ever so grateful the nurse had told him how lucky he was he was literally a couple millimeters away from dying that night im no longer homeless this all happened about six year ago now i no longer speak to him this is another long story she was arrested but not charged last year she committed suicide so she's no longer with us there is a drainage ditch in my area that the local homeless people tend to bed down in a few years ago when i found myself destitute i spent one night down there that night i witnessed a molotov get thrown into another dude spot which led to a huge fire that ran rampant through the area yeah i bought a tent the next day and started camping in the local mountains that's insane in my years being a homeless junkie and then cleaning up kinder and working at a homeless shelter on the street i saw a dude try to murder his girlfriend with a machete like full on swing and barely miss and my heart was freaking pounding like i was sure i was about to witness a murder i also saw countless ods and crap saw the girl beating to crap who had just been violated asking for help saw a dude get stabbed saw a big huge dude have a heart attack and die in the paramedics frantically trying to give him chest compressions and crap and he was just flopping around i saw a lot of crap honestly but those were the ones that come to mind are scaring the crap out of me the most i have a million stories from those years and half sound fake cause they are so ridiculous i hope you're doing better and staying as clean as you can i hope you also made some kind of report for that girl if you were able to after a meal at a local shelter one night i fell asleep in a park i hated being around there at night because some of the other homeless would rob you one guy got knifed a week earlier and i needed to gtfo so i started to make my way out of the area taking alleyways as not to attract the drunks who would throw crap at beat up and generally harass the destitute i heard a commotion and decided to investigate and saw this crazy animal of a man naked from the waist down on top of someone i assume a woman thrusting on top of her every couple of seconds he would stop to throw a punch the woman was unconscious completely limp and very bloody i yelled out to him and he turned to look at me i have seen a lot of bad things in my life but the look in his eyes was beyond animalistic he was filthy but in the little light from the street lamps his eyes glowed with rage and insanity scared the crap out of me so afraid that i took off ran to nearest payphone 1993 and dialed 9-1-1 i did not go back i have felt like such a coward and have no idea what happened to either one i truly hope she's okay and he is dead no coward is here i came upon a similar situation once on a lunch break guy beating a woman horribly bad all i did was yell hey and the sucker rushed me and stabbed me you did the smart thing so i lived in my car but i remember seeing this woman and talking to her outside a store when i was just chilling eating some food and she told me she had been homeless literally her entire life and had never sleep on a proper bed in her life i asked how old she was she told me she was 53 it was scary to me because i realized that that could have easily been me i think about that woman every single day if she survived that long as a homeless person you know she is not to be trifled with i was staying in a homeless shelter that had a men's side and a woman's side most of the men were convicted diddlers in the eight months i spent in that heck on earth i was friends with three women who were violated by some of these men the truly scary thing the women were actively discouraged from telling anyone what had happened especially the police if they filed a report with the police they were permanently barred from the shelter that place one of the most celebrated in my state regularly has the mayor and governor drop by is the most evil place on earth eta the pine street inn boston m.a it just didn't occur to me to say where cause i never expected many people to see this also eta the debaucheries didn't take place inside the shelters the men stayed in one building the women in another the debaucheries took place outside after dark in areas that didn't have have good cctv coverage i've never been homeless but i work in a homelessness service one of my colleagues had been homeless and was telling me about it he said he had a sleeping bag and a small tent in the woods that he used to sleep in i said i would be too crap scared to do that he then tells me when sleeping in a city center he was peon multiple times and was set fire to once and he would rather take the very slim chance of bumping into a killer looking for people in a forest at night people are freaking dongs oh god i was homeless in seattle for many years i've seen some horrible things ranging from bum fights that ended in one of them dead to people next to the downtown macy is stepping over an overdose dead body that they thought was just someone sleeping but the worst thing was probably seeing this method out drug dear guy who at the time had a bad reputation already on the hill throw a 15 year old homeless teen girl over an overpass bridge onto the freeway she was killed there are some far far worse memories here and i just want to continue to remind everyone that these things happen in every large homeless population help the homeless don't judge and bash them there's a lot of amazing things you can do for the homeless in your city including organizing homeless feeds or giving out essential bags filled with dry socks underwear hand sanitizer toothbrush toothpaste feminine hygiene products a granola bar trail mix nuts high calorie or protein snacks bottled water face body wipes etc if you can donate some sleeping bags or jackets to shelters or even a homeless person themself and don't film yourself a cloud filming yourself giving homeless people things they so desperately need is cringe to me yeah i live in the seattle area and that place is brutal you never know if it's someone sleeping or someone dying our h problem is one of the worst on the west coast this isn't remotely scary it's more just fricked up after we lost our home we stayed in a motel for a while but due to occupancy rules i slept in the car in the parking lot one night a woman parks next to me in the lot and the security guard shows up and they literally spent the next three hours getting high talking and then fricking in the car the entire time i'm in the next parking space trying to ignore them and look at my phone sounds like his gf visited him for his shift sounds like they do it regularly too i don't know if it counts but i lived in a van for a month or so when i was in college and would sleep at the park i didn't necessarily see it but i heard it and it has burned into my mind forever a group of the local hobos beat a guy near to death and they all departed his girlfriend wife then beat her to death i found a new park after that lpt if a random drug dealer asks you for a ride home don't say yes if you do say yes have extra keys with you almost got violated after driving a random drug dealer i bought drugs from home dude stole my keys out of the ignition and said he needed his dong wet if i wanted my keys back pretended to start crying to make things awkward he got out of the car with my keys locked doors got my spare keys out and floored it out of there what the frick i was working in a mountain town and couldn't afford rent even with two jobs one night i was wasted after work me and a work friend were always there by ourselves closing so the bar was free game left work at 2 am walked the hour and a half back to my tent outside of town while being stalked by a mountain lion i assume i looked injured and could be an easy meal it was terrifying i had a digital camera with me so i just kept pointing it in the area of the ridge where i could hear it walking and flashed repeatedly made it home safe another night after closing different campsite i must have smelled like a huge gyro after working a double at pitters in paradise and got into my sleeping bag in my tent i was just about to doze off when i heard big crunches of a black bear sniffing me out i was frozen with terror the bear put his about against a nylon inches above my head hot steam on my face i had pulled the sleeping bag up to my cheeks petrified when i slapped the bear's nose above my forehead it was an involuntary reaction and i felt stupid but i spooked the bear and it took off i got an apartment with some friends soon after if it was a black bear scaring it like that was probably the right thing to do they're not terribly brave when they are not cornered injured or with cubs all sorts of the usual crap dicey situations with dicey people but the one where i was spine chilling terrified i had found a seemingly nice quiet cut in the woods shade private i'm set i wake up to a most guttural yowl at 2am a pack of feral cats that the adjacent 50-year-old rain man had lured to his property with cans of wet food they stood on the fence yowling eyes reflecting as we stared the other down freaking heck spent a good few months homeless after being robbed of all my money if there are homeless women about the scummiest dudes band together to create a debauchery gang and hunt the women all night some got away some did not the police never cared row that's really messed up waking up to a shotgun being pointed directly at my head i wasn't truly homeless but had no money or bank card and was trying to get back to my parents following nearly bearing strangled to death by my ex the actual fight happened whilst we were out so i had no spare no clothes i'd left my wallet at his and only had a dying phone on me i tried getting money for a train but only really managed enough for a bus fare to the next town and decided to try hitchhiking late into the night i gave up and managed to sneak into a barn where i was able to get comfortable enough to sleep turns out i didn't close the door enough and the farmer found me in the morning after taking his gun to investigate he woke me up i think he coughed loudly with the gun painted at me and i nearly shat myself it asked me what i thought i was doing in his barn and quiz me on how i got in he asked to see my arms before he lowered the gun and he started chatting he was quite nice though and after talking to him for a while he took me back to his house and fed me and let me have a shower every farmer has a shotgun if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Internet Is Fun
Views: 10,156
Rating: 4.8723402 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to, scariest things, homeless, scariest homeless, scary homeless stories
Id: dm5duioyUxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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