Some Of The Worst Ways An Applicant F*cked Up A Job Interview (AskReddit)

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people in charge of hiring what's the worst way you've seen an applicant screw up a job interview I had a guy turned in a fairly impressive resume so I hauled him in to lay eyes on him and test his chops it was an entry level engineering gig which frankly he was overqualified for when he came in I started asking about his education how he decided on a concentration which aspects he found the most connection with etc turns out he never went to college at all he felt his resume should reflect his intended path in equal measure with his actual achievements Engineering is something I've always felt I had an aptitude for and besides how much can you learn from an actual book am i right Bufo I shall build his ass for wasting my time had an applicant that was probably 17 show up with his girlfriend they sat and held hands waiting for him to be called in when I went out to meet him he asked if she could come in too no no she can't to clarify he wanted to bring her into the interview room they were both already waiting together in the building brought his mom in with him the Lance of the questions I was asking him until I asked her wait outside his only work experience was paper route he kept for less than two months and mowing his neighbor's lawn it was clearly an enormous effort for this poor guy to communicate in anything but one-word answers he looked genuinely relieved when the interview was over dude was 22 years old was on a panel where the applicant was clear favorite for the spot answered every question excellently until this how many breaks do I get me one in the morning one in the afternoon and your lunch well that needs to change I'm on a strict diet and exercise regimen and need a 15-minute break every hour so that I can eat me on doctor's orders no I want to compete in the de Borden next summer me thanks for your time we'll be in touch last week we were interviewing a potential new hire who clearly had absolutely no idea what our company slash the job was about like hadn't even googled us had no idea what she wanted to do there and told us that she wanted to go into our business because other things she looked at were too hard to do and too much energy so this company seemed like a good fit euhh okay I told her I didn't think she'd be a good fit for the position and she tried to argue with me saying that she didn't know what the job was about but she was sure she could do it and that it wasn't fair that we would turn her down when the position was open and we needed somebody and she showed up for the interview so she should have the job oh no she was a disaster I was interviewing an older probably in his early to mid 60's grandfatherly man for a position as a carriage either two individuals with developmental disabilities and the man was an absolute perfect fit according to his resume the only problem was that every other word out of his mouth was either far cold [ __ ] so my [ __ ] and I went to the [ __ ] Garden of the Gods last week and we had a great [ __ ] time those rocks were [ __ ] huge I kind of have a feeling that he looked the interview on purpose to keep on unemployment until retirement kicked him graduate student interviewing for a highly competitive part-time teaching position waltzes in wearing a dirty t-shirt he informs us the five-person hiring committee two faculty three graduate students that he would probably not miss too many scheduled class meetings and exhibited a terrible attitude toward teaching I stopped the scheduled 30-minute interview after 15 minutes because we had better things to do with our time he seemed genuinely surprised his interview was so brief I had a female engine candidate for a programming position that spoke perfect English during the phone interview brought her in for the face to face interview the next week where she barely understood English had a very different Hindi accent had really didn't meet the minimum job requirements I decided she was a no-go five minutes into a 30-minute interview during our talk I found out her husband paid someone else to do the phone part just so we will bring her in person as a senior in high school I worked as an assistant manager of a pet store the general manager left early one day and about 45 minutes after his departure a young woman came in claiming she was there for an interview I called my GM and asked him if he had forgotten about the interview to which he informed me that it had been scheduled for three hours prior he thought she had blown the interview off he told me to tell her to come back tomorrow at the same time and he'd give her another shot I relayed the message and she said okay seemingly disaffected by the message she sat there in the front of the store on a stacked display of dog food for two hours every time I asked her if she was alright she told me she was waiting on her ID this girl was a mess she looked like the offspring of a human and a Vietnamese pot-bellied pig her forehead was fat not big like Rihanna or Christina rixty fat it actually drooped over her eyebrow Ridge and punctuated every expression she made with an air of sluggishness my manager called back and I let him know the girl was still sitting in the store he told me to go into the office and grab the corporate binder that had contained the boilerplate interview questions if she seemed like she wasn't an absolute [ __ ] he'd follow up the next day with a brief phone interview long story short here are some brief snippets of things she said and did in the interview admitted she did not have a car and had no real plan for how she would be getting to work when I suggested a bus she reacted like she had not even considered it oh yeah that would work close bracket admitted she didn't like animals and didn't really want to handle any but she would if we forced her we went around a couple times after I explained that no one would force her to do anything she wasn't indentured glanced at her cell phone during the interview apparently her right had finally showed up and I don't know why this one sticks with me so much asked no fewer than a dozen questions about guinea pigs are those dogs why do they call them pigs so they aren't pigs are they like rabbits so they are like really big hamsters why do they live in little igloos why does that one have curly hair but the other one doesn't guy shows up to interview looking like he just rolled out of bed then has a terrible attitude during the interview blows off questions clearly thinks he's being clever by calling out questions that are more about how you answer than the actual answer when the interview is over he straight-up asks when he starts apparently he thought he already had the job thought he was here to fill out paperwork which raises the question even if you thought you already had the job why would you still put no effort into your appearance and act like a jackass I had a male candidate direct all his answers to my our colleague male I'm female I was not the hiring manager but I would have been this guy's direct manager and that was outlined at the beginning of the interview he even directed answers to questions I asked at the mail our dude another story not hiring but firing a few months ago I had to let a person go after the mandatory three written warnings performance management etc etc so it should have been no surprise to him when the death knell came so we organized the meeting and I have Tess ain't our business partner there and I'm outlining the reason for the meeting and took him through the reasoning and then explained that today would be his last day and he looked at the hour dude and said is she serious grab yes you [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm serious a guy was about to get the job then the receptionist came in with a story about how he was vaping in the reception area when the receptionist stared at him and looked at the no smoking sign he gave her a big grin and blow a big vape the thing is my boss hates vaping he calls it tobacco juice no matter how many times I explained it to him the guy lost the job I've done a lot of interviews for Quality Assurance and software development positions I had a guy come in with experience in garden automation as the last job on his resume in his opening sentence he winked and said it could be used for legitimate crops to up your opening by admitting to growing drugs illegally bold choice my friend allow me to trust you with our intellectual property clearly you can keep the secret we had a phone interview with a guy whose first question was how tall is your building we told him it was 20 storeys he told us I can't work in anything over seven interview over the other interviewer and I just said they're looking at each other like what just happened interviewed a guy with my boss the candidate kept saying things like this seems like a house job not an apartment job finally my boss asked me to leave so she could have a conversation with the poor guy about what sort of things were appropriate to say in interviews I felt bad for him he was really inexperienced I interviewed a guy who treated the whole interview like a massive inconvenience he was very qualified but a total douche nugget my recommendation to the recruiter was to hire him for any position where he wouldn't need to interact with other humans I think it was his favorite interview feedback ever I had a handful of candidates who would talk about YX language /us is awesome and one language /oz his total crap Java is awesome javascript is a tinkertoy Linux is the p0 WN & windows glows goats it was frustrating because every language slash offs has stuff it's great hat and stuff it's poor rat it's all about picking an appropriate tool for the job I had a guy who went on and on about this new language he's learning and how it's awesome at recursion great I have a simple recursion question for you factorials show me how you do it in this language I watched for 10 minutes as he slowly coded himself into recursion hell without a solution in sight it was painful I used to ask all my candidates to write a program to reverse the order of words in a string X this is a test becomes tester as this they could use any language and library they wanted and I gave them my laptop so they could look stuff up on Google this was not meant to be challenging in any way I just wanted to see what tools they would use for reference the solution in JavaScript is a one-liner var output string equals input string split river join it was shocking watching college graduates poke at this problem helplessly over and over I would hear well I'm going to need a loop and I would just think buckle up this is going to be a string passing train wreck this became my filter question to get rid of time wasters conversely if the candidate looked at me like I was a [ __ ] and just banged out an answer the interview usually went very well this only happened a handful of times I screwed up an interview once the interviewer asked me what will you add to my team and I said I don't know what skills your team already has so I'm not sure which of my skills will be in addition he didn't like that I was young and dumb I'll end with an interview when I interviewed a very green developer he was sharp but didn't know any of the frameworks we used and couldn't answer questions about MVC frameworks in general he emerald the following Monday with code samples showing that he had learned and practiced the framework we use he had clearly spent the entire weekend on it he is one of the best hires I've ever made the guy is a freaking rock star interviewing his fun I was once doing some semi casual interviews and was speaking to a lady who was super suspicious of everything and eventually said something to the effect of you're reading from a script this is a scam and then hung up and I was like okay then sure guess you don't want a job I mean I get it you can be skeptical and all but if you're going to waste my time calling in and going through the motions at least don't be a Stan of fish dingus about it the whole time so tell us about yourself a bit I've always taken that question to mean where did you go to college what have you been doing since college what are your general goals not this candidate he proceeded to tell us his life story taking 2530 minutes out of what was supposed to be a 40-minute interview tops our team did not need to know anything about his childhood much less 20 minutes worth he was not brought back for a second interview and the chef hiring a line cook the interview is going fine all I want is a hard worker who likes food drugs boosts don't give a [ __ ] as long as you can work and love food get to the last question me okay so what's your favourite food I don't know chicken me I love chicken fried chicken roast chicken a seared chicken breast on the grill chicken is awesome what's your favorite way to prepare it oh I don't know how to cook chicken I like chicken nuggets a lot though new hoop came in smelling of old laundry unshaven not just beard I mean unkempt and scraggly had no answer for why he wanted to work with us in speaking had a different degree than the one he had put down on his resume had written a policy degree in speaking he had a criminology degree the sad part was we were really excited about the candidate until then even on the phone never seen someone bomb an interview quite that badly I've done some interesting interviews our positions are usually technical in nature which means we do tend to get some candidates with unusual personalities on paper the people we interview always look well-qualified but sometimes they get a little bit of help writing there as you may and sometimes the words on the paper just can't impart the full glory of their weirdness one guy turned up and was full-on Rain Man autistic but fat as we call him to the interview room and he stands up the bucket seat ease Ben sat in comes with him firmly attached to his posterior which is wedged firmly into it he won't take off his motorcycle and Iraq for the whole interview he came on the train not a motorcycle and consequently he is sweating profusely throughout any time we ask him a question that he isn't expecting i.e most of them he puts his head on the table face down and just sits in silence for an uncomfortable amount of time rephrasing the question seems to draw a bit more out of him but there's a lot of really awkward silences at one point he gets particularly stressed and starts making a high-pitched buzzing noise another guy q how will your friends describe you a I don't have any friends pause I have a brother q okay how will your brother describe you a wit another guy answered the same question with the word twisted another guy told us he'd really rather be a builder because he was a builder once and he really enjoyed it and the money was better another guy interviewed okay we'd asked all our questions given him an opportunity to ask Kenny he had and just wrapping up suddenly he interjects no no no no we are not finished yet he launches into a monologue about how great he is and why we simply must employ him as he draws to a close and we are breathing a sigh of relief he then pulls out two sheets of paper and starts reading the list of 50 or so questions he's written down most of which we've already covered a question we sometimes use involves planning a response to an impending emergency one recent female applicant decided that it was the morally correct thing to do to leave the most elderly disabled and vulnerable people behind to die in the impending tidal wave because it would take additional effort and money to take them to safety and they don't contribute anything to society another girl spent five minutes telling us with an impressively oblivious level of pride about the illegal marketing activities she had been coordinating at her current place of work perhaps I just attract interesting people
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 126,059
Rating: 4.872817 out of 5
Keywords: some of the worst ways, worst ways, applicant, messed up a job interview, job interview, messed up, job interview fail, job, interview, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ToadFilms, pewdiepie
Id: piTgHnEHCp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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