What Happened At Your Job That Made You Quit? (r/AskReddit)

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reddit what event if your job made you just say Frick this I quit I got accused of stealing a salad I worked as a cashier at a grocery store while in high school because they had scheduled me seven one stroke two hours I only qualified for a 15-minute break not a 30-minute but so I spend the first ten or so minutes of my break on the phone with a mechanic working out issues with my car this was before I got a cell phone so this was in the office on a landline I then run back to the little cafe near the back of the store that has a salad bar and make a quick salad which he way and price there by this time I had about five minutes left on break and the manager was very strict about not going over your 15 minutes one minute over resulted in being written up so I stand at the cafe register for a good minute or two even shouting hello and no one is to be found I quickly eat my salad and then take the sticker up to the front registers to pay for the one dollar and 99 cents salad I go back on the clock and about 20 minutes later I am called into the office they say a situation has occurred but don't tell me what they said they are sending me home for the day so I come back in the next day for my shift and they call me into the office again in the office is the store manager the assistant manager the office manager the cafe manager and my shift supervisor mind you I am a 16 year old kid that their first job who had never been in any sort of trouble they accuse me of stealing the salad because despite purchasing the salad as our records do indicate you consumed the salad before the purchase I explained to them how the cashier at the cafe was nowhere to be found and how if I wanted to eat during my break at that point I would have had to eat it back in the cafe and then pay for it up front I did apologize though and let them know it would not happen again they tell me to go home and that they will contact me tomorrow regarding if I keep my job or not I left in tears when I got a hold of myself I realized how ridiculous the whole situation was all the managers in the store standing in the office arms folded staring me down a simple warning being sufficient but they acted like I was swiping $20 s out of the register or something I go back in find the store manager and tell him I quit he told me he was going to keep me as he believed in giving second chances to people who mess up and I tell him I'm good I won't be coming in anymore I'm now 31 and a nurse and have seen nurses go home with a narcotic in their pocket and get in less trouble than I did over that damn salad I've definitely left jobs in tears before over petty crap clearly those guys thought they were tough badass big CEO bosses instead they would just scrap PI cafe idiots I need a summer job while in high school so I applied at a local grocery store to bag stock clean my first day there there was some sort of confusion as to what I was supposed to talk to whom I was to report I was sent to the front counter where the customer service manager gave me a till and told me to open a register mind you I'd had zero training on a register I didn't even know how to put the till in it for frick sake I told the lady this and was told to go do my job within about two minutes at the register there was a line several deep and I'm just standing there with the till in my hands the customer service lady comes storming over asking why I had such a line and I tried a game to explain to her that I was supposed to be a stalker or whatever and that I knew nothing about operating a register she called me stupid in front of the customers so I handed her the till and told her to go freak herself walk down the street in my uniform and got a job at another grocery store almost the same thing happened to me but fortunately I didn't get called stupid my first day of training they just threw me on a register I asked for help and they said I'll send someone over and never did I walked out and didn't come back I got a good story for this one when I was there in my late teens I got a job at McDonald's inside her mall on my first day on the closing shift I was asked by a lazy manager to empty the grill grease traps into large garbage sacks quadruple bagged them and toss them down the garbage chute mind you this was not the appropriate way to dispose of the grease the right way required a longer as of taking the grease traps pouring them into a container on wheels then taking that down the freight elevator and emptying into a big grease dumper this process took about 20 minutes but the manager wanted to get out of there ASAP because she said she had a date so here I am on my first night of this job and I'm now waddling like a penguin down the back food court hallway with two giant with heavy garbage bags full from Mickey D's grease before I get to the end of the hall both bags split wide open and all of that oil burger trunks chicken McNuggets fish filleted pieces et Cie just completely slather the entire corridor it smelled awful I went back into the store and told the manager screamed at me at me called me useless and told me I had to stay with her to clean it up off the clock I said you're out of your mind lady I quit and threw my hat at her the next day the store manager called me and asked me why I had walked away from the job I told her the story and she subsequently fired that assistant manager and told me to come back and I ended up working there for about a year or so satisfying Frick that I wouldn't have cleaned it either lol at my old job this guy didn't like his salmon burrito so he told me to come closer like he was gonna whisper something and then he spits regurgitated salmon tortilla and whatever else was in the burrito right onto my face I may have overreacted by cussing at him but I quit before my old boss could fire me but I had a customer throw a drink in my face because it was flat I didn't notice the co2 needed changing and my boss packed up their dinners personally and sent em on their way he said it was on the house because they weren't welcome back because no one treats his staff like that I worked for a medical supply company that made respirator tubing that removed moisture from airlines I was responsible for braiding a protective cover over the tube itself it involved eight very loud machines in a soundproof room I was one of only three people who could do it me a co-worker who was on maternity leave and my direct supervisor who hadn't done the job in two years since they soundproof the room in the summer the soundproofed room would get up to 90 degrees and I was acquired to wear a lab coat as part of the uniform I made an argument that with the coat on I was sweating my butt off and that the sleeves kept getting caught on the machine so the president of the company said I didn't have to wear it in the room so I was taking a day off I put him for it a month ahead of the day I made sure that the company would have enough tubing for the day plus extra and I get a call from my buddy who worked there with me that my direct supervisor was talking crap about me and how I whined about working in 90-degree room wearing an extraneous layer of clothing that could potentially end up getting me hurt I went in the next day saw that all the tubing was used I told the supervisor that it would take me a few hours to make more she said I don't appreciate you're neglecting your job so I said I don't appreciate you talking behind my back about crap that doesn't concern you I have two weeks vacation I'm taking them starting in 10 minutes consider this my two-week notice I packed up my stuff in my locker and left my friend calls me an hour later dude she's bitching about how hot it is in there I told him no crap that's why I took off the coat for my brother it was when the boss knew he had no other option but to walk an hour to work let him walk the hour in 105 degree Fahrenheit heat only to tell him sorry too hot to work today go home and then call him as soon as he got back in the front door of the house and say change my mind come back in bTW you get to stand outside wearing the mascot costume he found a new job rather quickly he went to concert I got a temp job at a credit card company the training was almost non-existent we were enrolling card holders in the payment protection plan essentially you pay a monthly rate then if you lose your job down the line it allows you to miss some payments and not accrue interest etc most people never use it so they don't want it on there we were told we were expected to add it unless the customer explicitly said no maybe adlet I'll think about it adlet I don't think so adlet I think they hoped people wouldn't notice and they could blame the rep if a customer did notice it I drove out there on day two and just sat in the King lot I couldn't get out of my car after sitting there for a while I went home called the agency and told them to find me something else I was young and naive so while I felt it was wrong I didn't realize it was probably illegal until many years later found the Wells Fargo employee I worked in retail in college a district manager was visiting our shop and trying to resolve a problem between the store manager and the rest of the staff we were in a group discussing the issues and the district manager was defensively shooting down every concern that was brought up I made the observation that perhaps we had communication difficulties the district manager quickly snapped that I was wrong and we communicated just fine it was not a big deal but that was my moment it was a moment in which the absurdity of the situation was too much I nodded smiled muttered something about sure we do and quit right then reason I quit too the manager thought she was better than everybody because she did everything without telling us I told her to communicate it with us better and there would be no more problems she said she wasn't I quit long story short I got held up as an overnight Baker by another employee knife to my throat the works I wrote about it before I think the police came and the issue was mostly resolved they found her pretty quick since we all recognized her I still worked the rest of my [ __ ] in a bit of a haze but didn't want to leave the company hanging the next day with nothing to sell or for the other Baker to be alone the opening manager whom I already couldn't stand came in and noticed the police does everywhere and asked what happened she was pretty non-plus to hear we had gotten held up but was incredibly concerned that one of the batches of bread wasn't glossy because I had forgotten to close event when it got steamed I walked out even though it was already the end of my shift so it wasn't a huge deal I just called the GM and said I wouldn't be coming in that night or ever I had informed my boss and the supervisor that I would be unable to work on Sunday because I would be attending one of my close friends funeral near the end of the funeral I received a phone call from my supervisor that I need to get to work because she had an appointment to get her hair done and couldn't reschedule I told reminded her that I was at a funeral and she didn't believe me so I took a picture of myself in front of the funeral home and sent it to her she calls me back and says that it's not an excuse and that if it's not family it's not important that I be there and I lost IT on her what would you know about my friends and family who do you think you are to tell me not to grieve over the loss of someone I was close to you need this work done so bad find someone else to do it for you because I won't be back ever and hung up the phone I get a call about 30 minutes later from my boss asking me to please reconsider quitting him that he will make sure that work gets covered for today I tell him no so long as my supervisor is still with the company I will not a back he acknowledges my anger and lets me be on my way about two three months later I get a call back from him asking me if I can work part time for him because my supervisor is unable to cover all the work I was doing and I told him that he would need to double my previous hourly wage if he wanted me back he considered it for about a week and decided that that would not be feasible and thanked me for all the years of hard work I put into his company worked at a family-owned coffee shop back in the day the owner's daughter was notoriously lazy and would lounge around reading the newspaper and eating all day while bossing the non-family employees around mercilessly I never called in sick was the only person able to do the catering because I actually had a driver's license and they completely depended on me I came in three minutes late for a shift one day and the owner's daughter decided that she wanted to make a thing out of it I would have taken correction for being late from for her mother or her husband both of whom worked very hard but I was not about to take a verbal abuse from a pseudo manager who contributed nothing to the success of the business as it I refuse to apoligize which infuriated her so she started saying things like well don't let it happen again you're making a habit of it this wasn't true so I told her she needed to list every single time I had been late right then and there because if it was a habit surely she would have this information available she couldn't because it wasn't a habit and I told her that if she ever spoke to me like that I would quit on the spot and that she would be in huge crap for it because they depended on me and she knew it I won that fight but she tried cutting an attitude with me a couple weeks later not realizing that I had been interviewing for another job already and had been offered a position I quit later that day sighted her behavior as my reason for declining to keep part-time hours at the shop to supplement my part-time hours at this other job and she got massively chewed out by her family her husband's take on it was we can't keep changing employees like we change our F line underwear just because you feel the need to be a B we can't keep changing employees like we change our F line underwear just because you feel the need to be a B many people working in positions that give them a shred of power need to realize this work and jobs don't have to be such crap if everyone would kinda do their part to make it work yeah I quit a $100 K plus job back in 2005 I was working for a company that produced healthcare conferences all of the sales and business development responsibilities for a couple of their events were mine and my team included a conference producer a marketing manager and we shared some lower level employees with other groups the producer resigned to take another position at a different company service CEO asked me to handle her job until he could find a replacement no problem I added that role on to my already ridiculous calendar so now I'm working with all of our sponsors finding new ones and putting together the conference program a month goes by and no replacement then the marketing guy quits same story I'm asked to handle his job as well now I'm doing the work of three fairly higher-level people and still killing my sales numbers but I'm getting worn down working eight six or so in the office home eating dinner and then working to 9:00 or 10:00 most nights maybe a couple weeks later we're in a meeting with all of the company managers from the various event teams and the CEO asks why I haven't confirmed a speaker recommended by one of our top-tier sponsors and I tell him I reached out to days prior but haven't heard back he frickin goes off on me about how I'm not doing the job I'm being paid for and I need to be more proactive and all this other crap during his tirade every manager and corporates is staring and shocked because they knew how much I had been doing an addition to my job I don't say a word the meeting ends and I go back to my office where I fire up my computer and email my resignation to my VP I told her I couldn't give notice and it was my last day she calls the CEO and the two of them come into my office and ask why I'm leaving and I say that I'm doing the job of three people for one salary and him yelling was the last frickin straw he apologizes asks me to please stay because the event is about 90 days away and they'll be screwed if I leave nope I'm leaving finished packing my desk stopped by HR to say goodbye and let them know I expect to be paid my Commission's owed and I left I had put in my two weeks notice and was training for my new job after work I had been working a set schedule for eight months one that did not work with my education or my volunteer time with the animal shelter and that was part of why I was leaving suddenly my set schedule was changed to split shifts every day of my two weeks was now a 4-hour split shift with two hours in between so that I couldn't train at my new job and you know that wasn't even the final straw no that would be the closing crew the night before I had left them an urgent order and said listen I don't care what else you do or don't do you must get this order complete this order was for a customer who was verbally abusive but my manager was too much of a wimp to tell her to GTFO and said if I filed assault charges for her hitting me with beanbags I would be fired they didn't finish it the customer was waiting in the parking lot when I pulled up 30 minutes before the store opened the order wasn't done nothing was done man even when you're angry you are so damn polite dude lol I got Christmas vacation ID my law firm won a huge verdict got a massive payout from our 35% cut and everyone was celebrating it was a smallish firm that only had about 10 associates that was pretty top-heavy with a bunch of partners according to some semi standard norms among plaintiffs firms the firm cut should have been divided in such a way that each associate was looking at roughly a 25k dollars bonus ours was primarily her defense firm so there were no written rules or bylaws for the division of an award in that Bank when I say that the associate bonus was a small fraction of what the senior partners received I'm underselling how big their cut was I had fellow associates who were looking to this bonus for a down payment on a house a new car to replace an 18-year old beater you name it when the checks were finally issued rather than 25k dollars each associate regardless of seniority got 1.5 K dollars that's it it's a measure of how much the partners knew that they freaked us that when we took off for the day of noon to go drown our sorrows we didn't get a single call wondering where we were or asking us to come back to the office to add insult to injury a partner rolled into the parking garage with a brand new luxury car a week later with a vanity plate with the case name on it within six months all but one associate had quit the firm myself included the legal industry would be a great place to work if it weren't for all the lawyers and clients you have been visited by the cook dog comment without food there is no paradise so that you never burn the steaks if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 193,323
Rating: 4.8854656 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit job stories, reddit work stories, reddit worst jobs, I quit, worst jobs, askreddit new, job stories
Id: nQ26uLAKnac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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