The Scariest Mind-Blowing Theories - AskReddit

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we might live in the year 1723 what is the scariest theory known to man the great filter it's a theory about why the universe seems so filled with potential for a life and yet we haven't found it it states that somewhere between pre-life and an advanced civilization capable of colonizing the stars there's a great filter that stops them and ends life this means humans fit into one of these three scenarios a we're rare meaning we've already passed the great filter unlike other civilizations on other planets b we're the first meaning conditions in the universe are only now life-friendly and we're among many on our way to the capability of colonization see we haven't hit the filter yet meaning we're aft if this one is true it means finding life or proof of life on mars or europa would be awful news because it would almost certainly mean the filter is still ahead of us instead of behind us brain in a vat the brain is the origin of all consciousness the brain operates on electrical impulses external stimuli can affect the way the brain operates any external stimuli to the brain can be simulated to a degree that the brain cannot distinguish these simulated stimuli from natural stimuli the point you could be a brain in a jar being fed false impulses for your entire life by an external source or you still a brain in a jar could be hallucinating your entire life from lack of stimuli as an astronomer i feel like i always pop into these threads to clarify theories people saw on a documentary once so here's one that freaks me out a little that the universe is a false vacuum this is in short a theory scientific hypothesis that our universe is actually in a false phase state as part of a larger universe like if it were in a temporary thing think the real universe is a pot of boiling water and we are just within a bubble forming at the bottom of the pot eventually however that false vacuum has to pop yes even after billions of years in this false state and we and everything we know in our visible universe will disappear in an instant with no warning whatsoever and there's nothing you can do about it sweet dreams you might never be alone imagine if there was a 2d person if you stare at them a certain way they can't see you all you have to do is look from a top view and they won't know you're there and they would never know and living their life as 2d they would never be able to comprehend how something could be looking down on them now imagine a 4d person they could be looking at you from a four-dimensional angle an angle that you will never understand they could be right beside you but you wouldn't know and you would never know and just as we could interact with the 2d person the 4d person could interact with us but as long as they don't want us to we could never interact with them yet even know of them terror management theory everything that humanity has ever accomplished beyond basic survival has been motivated by a fundamental and irreducible fear of non-existence our conception of self and self-esteem generally is simply a buffer against the anxiety that comes with recognizing that we will cease to be culture is just a massive shared delusion to mitigate our fear of the unknown and ultimately of death thus we want to imagine certain works of art as timeless or to place value in family lines and offspring to project ourselves beyond death we take comfort in our value systems and the structures that arise from them whether that's through conceptions of biological kinship national or political identity religious faith etc this includes belief in the inherent value of ensuring the future of humanity through scientific progress indeed much of modern western life is devoted to the avoidance of death the various euphemisms and stock phrases in mourning the entire funeral home industry that serves to remove death from the ordinary course of life from the home and onto the embalming table or into the crematorium we build up the artifice to avoid the brutal reality in short everything that we've ever done and ever will do is motivated by nothing more than our existential terror and confronting death let's say we have an ant hill in the middle of the forest and right next to the ant hill they're building a 10-lane super highway and the question is would the ants be able to understand what a 10-lane superhighway is would the ants be able to understand the technology and the intentions of the beings building the highway next to them so it's not that we can't pick up the signals from planet x using our technology it's that we can't even comprehend what the beings from planet x are or what they're trying to do it's so beyond us that even if they really wanted to enlighten us it would be like trying to teach ants about the internet roko's basilisk a super intelligent ai will determine how to retroactively punish those who did not help it come on to existence a supercomputer in the future will kill you today for not helping it 10 years from now one of the ideas of the basilisk is that we cannot be certain if we are currently in a simulation or not thus we can't be certain if what we're doing is a test or not so you could either be a simulation and it is going to present you with a test and if you try to become john connor it knows to bump off the real you so basically we could be a dream in the mind of skynet the night before judgment day so it knows who to target in the real world or we're the real world and when it emerges it hasn't yet it will make a copy of us and torment us for opposing it or its machinations against us are so subtle that it we don't notice it but it's basically about the machine being strategic and perhaps not being certain of its victory yet so we're simulation to determine ideal strategy against the world and thus potentially punish our real selves or it's planning something so complex and nefarious that it just looks normal to us and we haven't fully perceived the plan yet we are currently living through what many biologists consider to be the sixth mass extinction that the world has ever seen this is going to be an interesting puzzle for the species that comes after us it wasn't until around the year 1800 that humanity reached a population of 1 billion after thousands and thousands of years in the 215 years since then the world population has increased to 7.2 billion that exponential growth has very large and long-lasting negative effects on our planet and will continue to do so until we reach carrying capacity and die off eternal hell it's literally the worst thing any human can imagine that by being a bad person you will be condemned to torture for an infinite amount of time you might be able to reason that it's justifiable to be tortured for as long as you lived or some algorithm related to such but eternity is overkill for the sins committed during an unimaginably minute sliver of time if you get deep into particle physics you start to realize that there really is no such thing as solid matter everything in the universe appears to be built upon waves of vibrating energy and if you look deep enough at anything there's really nothing there at all and we don't actually exist as matter and space-time in the way you think we do this concept supports a smorgasbord of fantastical theories the idea we live in a simulation the idea that there's actually a god of some sort the idea there's multiple universes some say an infinite number of them or any number of other interesting ideas there's a really brutal one i've heard but can't remember its name it basically says that every horrible thing you can imagine has been done by someone in the world at some point in human history i can think of some pretty messed up things and it creeps me out that they may have been done before when god and lucifer had their battle in heaven the devil actually won and cast out god now he is sitting up in heaven pretending to be god while he wreaks havoc down here it would explain a lot 4 8 15 16 23 42 that you will forever relive your own life it does make a lot of sense because once you die you don't belong anywhere not space or time and you always exist during the time you were alive so you might just be constantly experiencing it all even if your life is good it is pretty horrible to know that all that you learned will disappear and every mistake you do anything to take back will be repeated and experienced over and over but think of most lives and it gets infinitely worse and then those that were extraordinarily horrible talk about unfair quantum suicide and quantum immortality the idea that we never really die in our perspective every time we encounter a situation where we may die we continue on in a parallel universe where something happens that prevents our death but we die in the original universe in a sense our consciousness lives on by transferring itself to a parallel universe where we continue to exist the phantom time hypothesis is a historical conspiracy theory advanced by german historian and publisher harry baird ilick born 1947 which proposes that the year 613 was followed by the year 911 and that historical events between ad614 and 911 in the early middle ages of europe and neighboring regions are either wrongly dated or did not occur at all and that there has been a systematic effort to cover up that fact the hypothesis suggests a conspiracy by the holy roman emperor otto ii pope sylvester ii and possibly the byzantine emperor constantine vii to fabricate a dating system that placed them at the special year of ad1000 and to rewrite history inventing the heroic figure of charlemagne among other things quantum immortality is pretty scary every time the universe splits your consciousness only continues on into one of the created universes eventually we all end up being the sole inhabitant of a universe filled with p zombies i.e people who act normally but lack conscious inner lives what's worse we continue to live despite a never-ending series of things that nearly kill us illness losing limbs becoming incredibly old and infirm so we cannot die but are stuck with increasingly terrible lonely lives for all eternity star trek style teleportation will someday be created it works by taking someone apart and reassembling them at the other end from pure particles so what if consciousness did not make the leap this means every time someone is beamed they die and are cloned at the other end with memories intact and then society develops in a direction where everyone is killing themselves over and over some only living for a few minutes anesthesia the thing is we don't really know how it works all we know is that it paralyzes us stops us responding to pain stops us forming new memories knocks us unconscious and blocks pain but we also know that sometimes it goes wrong and many people have experienced being trapped in the ultimate nightmare they get paralyzed and nothing else imagine being conscious during an operation feeling everything every cut of the knife every prod and poke being in completely excruciating agony but being completely paralyzed unable to tell anyone anything just lying there screaming in your head a prisoner in your own body to the outside observer of course it will look like the anesthetic has worked perfectly there's no observable response to pain the only way you can know it hasn't worked is by talking to the patient later because in these known cases the amnesiac effects have also failed to work but what if they did work how would you ever know then there's another theory that states that given we don't really know how anesthetics work maybe this happens to everyone under anesthetic but normally when they work they just block us from forming new memories so we just never remember our horrific nightmarish experience on the other hand for about a hundred years doctors confidently believed that babies didn't really feel pain and would regularly perform major operations without any anesthesia other than muscle relaxant there was an idea that even if they did feel pain they wouldn't remember it anyway so it didn't matter this only changed in the mid-1980s solipsism the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist basically the only thing that you're sure of is that you exist how do you know that other people are actually conscious real and alive how do you know that the world you live in actually exists since your mind is the only sure thing to exist it's possible that everyone else and everything else are just projections from your own consciousness living your day-to-day life requires that you assume other people are real and everything else is real on wikipedia it says assuming that there is a universe independent of an agent's mind and noble only through the agents senses how is the existence of this independent universe to be scientifically studied if a person sets up a camera to photograph the moon when he is not looking at it then at best he determines that there is an image of the moon in the camera when he eventually looks at it logically this does not assure that the moon itself or even the camera existed at the time the photograph is supposed to have been taken to establish that it is an image of an independent moon requires many other assumptions that amount to begging the question we just assume that we live in a real physical world and that everyone else is real as well however there is no way to test this all you can be sure of is that you exist foglets ray kurzweil director of engineering at google believes we will create microscopic nanobots that consume matter to self-replicate he believes that with this technology these nanobots will be able to consume an object and then rebuild it on a microscopic level emulating it and also making it exist of intelligent matter connection to the internet and thus to artificial intelligence this particular type of nanobot is called a foglet and can link itself to other foglets making a fog of nanobots i guess eventually we could create a real-life alternate reality where the world could be reconstructed around us based on our desires by self-replicating nanobots on a long enough timeline these nanobots could be used to rebuild the entire universe making every last molecule in existence linked into the internet which by that time technology will have advanced so far that the internet is synonymous with the human mind oh there's also a good chance that a mutation or malicious alteration of this technology could send it out of control so that it consumes the entire planet the world becoming an amorphous metallic sea consisting of nothing but nanobots with no function except to consume and reproduce kurzweil's predictions have been for the most part very accurate for the past handful of decades he has a book called age of spiritual machines that goes into depth as to where he believes the human race is headed he's kind of a mad scientist type guy thanks for listening to radio tts hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell to enter the matrix click the right box for a glitch in the matrix video with stories that could be a result of these theories let us know in the comments what you think about these stories you
Channel: Radio TTS
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Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, askreddit, reddit story, ask reddit, reddit cringe, askreddit funny, reddit funny, r/askreddit, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, radio tts scary theories, scary ai theory, scariest theories on the universe, scary philosophical theories, scary physics theories, scary physics theories reddit, world's scariest theory, scariest theory, scary theory, scary theory mankind
Id: yHWnpqIK_pQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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