What Do You Say, Doc? (4-Hour Reddit Compilation)

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doctors have you ever witnessed the meltdown of a birth that was clearly a result of a cheating spouse what was the aftermath it wasn't at the birth but i used to work for a urologist who did vasectomies he did a vas on a guy then did the requisite three-month and six-month semen analysis follow-up tests to make sure it worked the six-month test showed no sperm so the guy was all set to not father children fast forward two years and he calls my surgeon fuming ranting and raving about how he fricked up the vasectomy and now his wife is pregnant so doc orders another semen analysis of course it comes back totally negative a very awkward conversation ensued in the exam room that i'd have paid anything to eavesdrop on the best part is the couple left the office pee off with the wife sticking to her story that she would never cheat on her husband and the husband in complete denial that she'd ever lie about that last i heard they were gearing up to sue or something but i don't work there anymore so i don't know what happened not one hundred percent how semen analysis tests go but i just laughed out loud at the thought of some dude angrily fapping away like not my kid i'll show you these stories remind me of something i experienced firsthand the day after my son was born but nurse so your baby's blood type is a wife like me nurse and daddy me no i'm a plus nurse you must be mistaken that combination isn't possible nurse i i'll leave you guys to it me pulls out phone and frantically googles baby blood type combinations the nurse was wrong props for checking first before attacking your wife d a patient asked if both possible fathers could be in her c-section so that neither would miss the birth of his child they'd figure out the details later a friend went though it he went down a dark path of drugs and we'd lost touch after a big fight about how he was fricked up all the time and he was wasting his life he contacted me out of the blue to stay that i was right he needed to step up and be responsible and that he had quit everything cold turkey because he was going to be a dad apparently he was going to help his girl get sober and they were going to have this kid and get married he really got his crap together over the course of the pregnancy he was clean got a job and got a nice place to live she was not so dedicated she continued to use m pills and age throughout the pregnancy she ended up going into labor early at 26 weeks she gave birth to a premature addicted baby boy he went directly into the niku she stayed in the hospital and visited the niku until she was released she then disappeared she never visited the baby never called to check on it didn't go home just fell off the face of the planet he however spent every spare second at the niku with that baby however as the weeks passed it became pretty obvious that the baby wasn't is a skin tone even out and hair came in chick was blonde with blue eyes my friend is super pale blonde with blue eyes the baby was clearly half hispanic he wanted to adopt the baby but they wouldn't let him the state took it and it went into foster care it totally freaked him up for a long time he relapsed for a while and got into a bad car accident he spent some time in the hospital and then got everything back together he's married now to a really nice girl and rapidly had four kids that are his with another currently on the way i find it heartbreaking that they wouldn't let him adopt the baby instead of going to her father who desperately wanted him they chucked the poor child into a dysfunctional system not a doctor but still a relevant story when i was born my father was 100 certain that i was not his because his blood type and my mom's blood type couldn't have produced me he punched a hole in the wall in the hospital and yelled at my mom refusing to sign the birth certificate because i have a plus blood my mom has zero neg and he was positive that he had abneg because that's what his brand new dog tags said he was in the army at the time turns out they misprinted his dog tags all his old tags said a positive tl dr a typo on my dad's army issue dog tags almost caused my parents to divorce to be fair a misprint like that could kill him in other ways i'm not a doctor but when my godson was born the nurse told us about this guy who had gotten two girls pregnant at the same time they both wound up at that hospital just down the hall from each other giving birth hours apart what a lucky guy when my mother was giving birth to my little sister my paternal aunt was also giving birth to my cousin in the same hospital my dad was back and forth between the two rooms often enough to get some looks from hospital staff my friend was a delivery nurse for the hospital that all high-risk pregnancies go to they are extremely busy and she has brought a lot of people into the world she once delivered a baby in the parking lot by herself this has come up on a weekly basis but she shared the best story with us a caucasian couple come in and the mother is in labor when the dude is filling out paperwork the mother takes the doctor aside she tells him there is a chance that the baby may have different race than the father and to let her know as soon as the baby is born the baby is born the doctor turns to the mother and announces loudly congratulations on your white baby boy i imagine a black couple overhearing that and saying dang we need to find a new doctor this is fun my wife's cousin's third came out black she's married to the pastiest irish guy you can find their marriage did not end but this has created an interesting story grandma tells everyone that he is just really native american her husband was one stroke too native he is now 15 and still no one in the family will admit that he's black late to the party but one of my colleagues in anaesthesia once placed an epidural in a heavily tattooed lady apparently she had steve's lunchbox tattooed above her vagina she gave birth the ob gin turned to the father in the room and said congratulations steve the guy stated my name isn't steve no meltdowns or anything just an awkward moment yet another reason to not get a person's name tattooed on yourself i hope i'm not too late my mom is a labor and delivery nurse one time she had a patient whose parents were present during her stay at the hospital the staffer have a white board with some general information about the patients like blood type time spent in the wing and like how far along this information is nameless for hipaa reasons and instead has a patient's number so this patient happened to be the only one in the wing at the time her father was walking back from the cafeteria at one point and noticed the board he stopped one of the nurses and asked if the blood type for the patient on the board was correct he knew his daughter was the only patient there it was b-plus the nurse confirmed it was correct turns out he knew his and his wife's blood type he was o plus and his wife was a this combination will never yield a b plus baby he brings his wife out and just points at the board in this look of shock washes over her tl doctor father of patient and labor finds out his wife cuckolded him 25 years later by knowing his blood type punnett squares late to the party and i am not a doctor but i am white and my wife is black i am frog belly florescent white think ginger light my wife is earthy brown no one would ever describe her as light-skinned we have a daughter she had a difficult labor and our daughter was delivered via c-section she did not really get to see our daughter immediately after delivery later in our room she was dozing and they brought our daughter in my relatives and my wife's relatives all commented on how my daughter looked so much like me and was not even close to the pigmentation of my wife so i carried my daughter over to my wife and gently woke her and showed her our daughter and said i do not think she's yours we all had a good laugh my friend told me this story of hers woman and her husband were having their first child and it was the friend's first ever delivery objen when she got the baby out she looked at it then looked at the parents and asked okay which of you has six fingers the mother broke down crying yelling i'm sorry to the husband their neighbor apparently had six fingers when my wife was born she was very yellow and the nurse quietly asked her mom about the paternity when her dad was out of the room she was just born with a bad case of jaundice and that nurse was an idiot not a doctor but my best friend's stepbrother was that guy who found out he wasn't the father because the baby was black i'll try to make it short dude had gone to rehab twice and was doing really really well he came back home for a weekend and fricked his ex gf left and went back to his house states away to continue his newfound life got the call she was pregnant and dropped everything to come back and be a father we were really worried he would relapse but he was great so nine months of preparation goes by he was gonna be an awesome dad all worried about relapsing were gone and he seemed ready to become the best dad he could ever be baby comes out everybody is happy nurse takes him aside after a few minutes and says i want to ask you something you do know that's not your kid right he says what do you mean well that baby is at least half black but the pigments are probably going to really darken so he goes over to his ex-gf and asks if there's any ways what the nurse just told him is true she starts sobbing and breaks down completely admits that she freaked a black guy right around time he came back so he says all right i'm glad you and the baby are healthy have a nice life walks into the waiting room where all the new grandparents are waiting cheers celebration everything good yep healthy baby healthy mom i'm not the father i'm out of here and walked right out the freaking door the girl's parents even wanted him to pay and support he moved back to where he got his life back together and is doing incredibly well but man i wish he had all that time back at least he only wasted nine months if she had banged a white guy they may not have noticed for 18 years i'm way late to the party with this one but it's about my mum she had my brother when she was only 16 and had a very hard birth with him back in that time the husband wasn't allowed in the labor room and my grandma was at work when my brother was born he got stuck so they had to use forceps and he was also jaundice so he looked like an asian baby my grandma turns up after work and is looking at all the babies in the room they were kept and asks which one was her daughter's baby the nurse points to my brother and him looking all asian my grandma storms up to my mum on the ward and said which asian guy did you sleep with well my mum thought she was joking so she said i don't know it was too dark to see my grandma then proceeded to hit my mum until the nurse came in and explained my brother is now 44 and as white as white can be well my mum thought she was joking so she said i don't know it was too dark to see your mother's a champion for having such a sense of humor after a difficult birth i might be the first medical professional to post in this thread hot dang so i'm a nico nurse that was floating to the nursery a baby was born with a genetic abnormality had one missing limb but was otherwise doing fine the pediatrician was in the parents room discussing with them the follow-up type stuff for the baby appointments with a geneticist an orthopedic surgeon etc at some point in the conversation the mother asked what the baby's blood type was to which the pediatrician responded a plus the father of the baby insisted that was impossible as he and his wife this was their third baby were both oh the pediatrician got totally flustered and came back to the nursery to verify the lab results baby really was a plus we even went so far as to redraw the baby's blood and retest it nope a plus there is absolutely no chance that the baby belonged to that man the husband left the hospital soon after and didn't show up again until it was time to pick up the mom and baby to bring them home the mom spent the rest of the hospital stay lying alone in the dark mostly hiding under the covers my aunt is white and so was her husband he passed a while ago when they finally had a kid my cousin was black the family decided to ignore it my uncle included this was in 1989 and to gain my young teen cooperation i got an early christmas gift a sega genesis love my cousin my parents both have blood typo plus while mine is a plus i asked my mom about it when i was learning the basics of genetics in the sixth grade and she said that the doctor had told her it was some sort of rare mutation however now that i'm older and have remembered it i'm going to ask her about it again since i'm pretty sure that my dad wouldn't know the importance of blood types and i'm positive my mom would have lied in order to make sure i had a good dad update my mom texted me back according to her both she and my dad are definitely typo plus so there goes the forgetting of the blood type theory apparently my dad did know enough at the time of my birth to request a dna test before he signed the birth certificate and it came back as a 99.8 match which he only told my mother about after the fact the cool part is that the same thing supposedly happened with my paternal grandmother who also had type a blood but was conceived by two type o parents there is always a small chance that my mother is being untruthful but i don't see why she would be at this point since i'm grown plus my dad and i share similar physical features i hope you all enjoyed the update update 2 thank you to whoever guilded me i'm blonde and the hubs is ginger our daughter came out with black hair and jaundice so she looked very jersey shore those first pics of us as a family are hilarious after about two weeks her hair turned to an organ and her skin tone is pale like us i won't lie for a second i wondered if the husband had cheated not me but this was an odd one that i heard because i casually knew one of the parents the father to be exact he came in freaking out because his wife had a kid well he was white she was white kid was born a dark milatto he instantly dumps her and starts filing for divorce she has no idea what the heck happened she forces a dna test on him before she'll do anything three months later well turned out it was his kid her parents his parents everyone thinks he is in but his mother apparently had a black grandmother so the genes came through extra strong somehow in their kid so many generations down the line it's safe to say they are going through a heck of a lot of therapy she never cheated on him and he never believed her despite all her serious protests been about a year now and it's better but still not perfect i volunteered at a hospital and a mexican couple had a very black baby the guy was pee and basically said it was while he was in jail was in jail wasn't it well if he was in jail then how did she get pregnant by him this happened in my immediate family my mother is white mix american brown hair and green eyes married a full-blooded japanese man my two younger brothers and i are very very obviously half jab i got the black hair brown eyes and a slight cast to my eyes my brothers look jab as frick in the face with brown hair moms and lighter eyes after the third kid things weren't going so hot with my mother and father lots of fights lots of nights where i would wake up at the age of five and find my dad slept on the couch mum gets pregs again even though they only had sex once after my youngest brother was born their relationship continues to deteriorate during the pregnancy the big day comes out comes my baby sister last of the bunch my sister was born white with a shock of bright red hair and a very pale complexion and no [ __ ] features at all my father's best friend was a tall danish red-headed dude it took my father about 36 hours to put two and two together he confronted my mother in the hospital and she admitted she'd been freaking his best friend behind his back since before my youngest brother was born divorce happened not long after that my father ran the frick away from allah that bulls funny thing i didn't realize my sister was from another father until i was 16 years old and my girlfriend asked why my sister looked nothing like me and my brothers i asked my mother and got the full story to this day she's not my half-sister she's my sister we grew up together and she my sis i'm her eldest bro but yeah it ended the marriage more or less on the spot japan's frick in the face this will probably get buried but here it is anyways my gf's uncle let's call him jay has three children boy girl boy the two oldest are brunette olive skinned look very alike and have very computational brains they look very much like their father's children the youngest child is blonde fair-skinned looks nothing like his siblings and has almost no computational element to his brain so right after this kid was born jay thought something about him was a bit different just from the blonde hair and pale skin he didn't immediately accuse his wife of infidelity but his ears were pinned back he ends up catching her having an affair within a short period they reconcile their differences but it only lasts so long when their youngest kid is about four she leaves him for her partner in crime he is the blondest palest mofo of all time and works in real estate jay fights for custody of all three children and wins he knows his second son isn't his but he doesn't give a crap he told my gf's mom that he always knew things didn't add up but he will always love him as his son and treat him as such even if there is no dna shared between them my parents cat had five kittens two or black three all orange there is a black male stray and an orange male stray in the neighborhood she looked a little ashamed maybe just one of cat's magical superpowers lady cats can get pregnant off of two different fathers unlike humans they can have separate but pretty close to timely separate inseminations resulting in kits that resemble each of the respective fathers same with dogs also i'm told my dad was a doctor he never told me about any mel dear ones but he told me they would deliver a lot of babies for unprepared parents teenagers moms and dads with obvious drug or alcohol problems legal problems etc generally not ready to raise a kid for every one of these risky couples it was usually teen parents who were 16 or 17 he would take a picture of the new mom and dad together holding the new baby a couple hours after the birth and then a few weeks later he would send the picture to them with a short note about how they will make great parents and the baby is counting on them and just inspiring words in general he has a whole photo album of the new moms and dads holding their baby in the delivery room when he was a doctor and i have to say it is some outstanding photography amazing stuff whoa that actually sounds pretty incredible not a doctor but have a similar story to some people here met a girl when i was 19 who was always hanging out at my next door neighbor's house they were mexicans the first day i met her we wound up sleeping together yes i used protection every time we dated for about a month and during this time she made friends with some of my friends what ended the relationship was that she thought one of my friends was now her bestie and decided to tell her that the whole reason she was with me is that she got pregnant by one of the mexicans next door and that her family is highly racist so she knew that would not fly she picked me as it appeared that i had my crap together was repairing building selling computers and had planned on lying to me and claiming it was mine turned out the day she found out she was pregnant was the day she decided to hook up with me and why she slept with me immediately so the timeline could be blurred my friend asked what if i noticed that the kid is not pale white like mother and father or she replied that at that point she did not care because she hoped she would get me on the hook to pay for things for the baby and everything else and if i noticed and walked away she was still winning by having those things my friend immediately told her to go frick herself and told me asap about what was going to happen you think this would end here but it did not she wound up informing her family she was pregnant and that i was the father they then proceed to lay a campaign of terror on me because at this point they are considering me a deadbeat dad they did not listen to me when i tried to explain who the father really was because their daughter is not a liar i got death threats from the father and brothers on regular basis windows smashed out of my car slashed tires pretty much scared to leave my place since they only lived four blocks away from me during all this time the mexican family moved out of the area overnight left owing the landlord several thousand and rent and a demolished rental house i don't think anyone knew where they moved to as even the landlord came over to our place asking many questions and trying to track them down for a lawsuit after around the timeline the baby should have been born the harassments from the family magically stopped and i never heard or saw of them again i can only assume they got the point when the kid was born i wouldn't be surprised if the doctor who delivered me and my sister three years prior didn't write here saying indian dad white mom kid came out white mum definitely cheated but the dad must having been having a meltdown on the inside although i've looked it up out of curiosity and apparently skin color is a genetic lottery when the parents are of different races not exactly what you're looking for but made me think of another story i used to work as a loan officer at a bank and one of my co-workers was helping a woman dispute some charges on her account she was going through the charges and she was saying we haven't bought anything at a jewelry store and i haven't gotten any flowers from my husband and i certainly haven't gotten any luxury or a night at a nice hotel all these charges must be fraudulent my co-worker was very gently trying to tell her that the charges were made with her husband's card did she check with him is she sure no one made those purchases could see the realization come over the woman's face and she slammed her hands down on the desk and started screaming i'm gonna kill that son of a bee security escorted her out and a few days later the husband was in asking to open a separate account what and butt the worst meltdowns i ever saw had nothing to do with skin color some backwards but cultures you had to call security if some poor lady gives birth to a girl can confirm i'm indian happens a lot here ironically enough i'm reading this from the maternity ward right now seven pounds five ounces looks like me thank god congrats hope you didn't like sleep my husband raised a kid that was very obviously not his kid was born and was half back and he kept his cool went outside to smoke a cigarette and throw up married the woman had another kid this time his got divorced when the second kid was two lots of ups and downs with the first kid she turns 20 this year and they get along pretty well right now yes woman admitted to hospital on christmas eve with abdo pain after she fell over p as a fart routine pregnancy test was positive and the doctor thought that she was either a bit plumper about 30 weeks pregnant which she was oblivious to transferred to obstetrics due to ongoing pain which turned out to be contractions her sister comes in while i'm just writing in her notes asks about her partner who apparently was on deployment with army until a month ago he is already on the way he knew she was pregnant but not 30 weeks he arrives she pretty much just coughs and out comes her baby eight weeks pre-term but not bad condition considering he quickly puts two and two together and realizes it's clearly not his she genuinely doesn't even know what's happening as she is still drunk he just leaves and i presume never went back now that he can see what a mess of a partner he has the next day i review her on post-natal ward and she is discharged although her baby is staying in so she will as well she asks me what happened she has literally no idea she was pregnant admit to having slept with someone but can't remember who and doesn't remember her partner showing up and dumping her i felt sorry for her and her child she might see this as a massive wake-up call and turn her life around but she had everything stacked against her single unemployed mother with a baby she was totally unprepared for sorry it's not really a funny story we did call it the christmas miracle but that's about it doctors who have given a second opinion diagnosis what is the worst first opinion you've ever encountered well when i first started feeling sick the october of one year at college i had a non-productive cough night sweats and trouble sleeping and i had lost some weight the school nurse gave me claritin all of those symptoms got worse plus i was incredibly fatigued my lymph nodes swelled up and i had pretty bad backaches my gp took a chest x-ray and prescribed antibiotics for pneumonia at this point i had almost failed out of school because i was only managing an hour or two of sleep per night it took until spring break for me to go see a pulmonary specialist he could instantly tell that it wasn't pneumonia i had stage 4b hodgkin's lymphoma my first pet scan showed cancerous cells and lymph nodes in all four quadrants of my body at this point i had lost about a third of my body weight the cough weight loss and back pain were my swollen lymph nodes pressing on my lungs stomach and my back they gave me my first round of chemo and i genuinely felt incredible i felt like such crap that an iv mixture of carefully measured toxins was an improvement i went home and ate a whole pizza chemo got shittier but it worked so i guess i can't complain too much glad you're okay what a horribly frightening experience that must have been stay with us friend not me but my mom she was always exhausted the type of exhaustion that she'd have a bath be so tired from it she'd sleep on the bath mat when she got out went to her doctor told her oh you're just depressed go get a haircut she did still exhausted went back to the doctor continue to tell her she's just depressed get a hobby it's all in her head etc never send her for blood work never referred her to any specialist months later she goes back her doctor is on vacation physician reliving her doctor takes one look at her eyes and says it's your liver get these blood tests now abnormal blood work and the liver biases later she was told she had autoimmune hepatitis and was three months from death after she improved with medications she went back to the original doctor and said i didn't need a haircut 27 years later she still suffers from lingering effects i'm a surgeon most patients come to me after having seen another physician who has diagnosed them with something and told the patients to see a surgeon i've been called to see more than one patient for appendicitis who has already had an appendectomy i've also been called in multiple cases for patients who very obviously have previously undiscovered very advanced cancer it always too far advanced for me to be of help so i have to wonder am i being called so i can be the bad guy and explain everything yes the answer is yes i have one that happened to me i did college gymnastics my senior year i had an accident in practice landing in my neck went to the hospital got x-rays was told i was perfectly fine walked around in pain for a while weeks later went to another doc got a new set of images my neck was broken in three places and had a dislocation had a multi-level fusion surgery days later found out my x days got swapped with someone else's in the air and i was originally diagnosed based on someone else's images this was found out when i went to get my records long after my surgery for insurance purposes and my files had someone else's medical records and images in it because of the time i spent walking around with it i had to have a posterior surgery instead of anterior which is way more invasive and gives me major issues to this day i'm a lawyer but had a client given a devastating diagnosis of an extremely rare heart condition doctor told him he had six weeks to live he contacted me to make his will and set his affairs in order thankfully he sought a second opinion with an extremely well-known cardiologist i guess the cardiologist was intrigued due to the rare nature of this heart condition there was nothing wrong with him he was fine this poor guy and his family were tortured over this so devastated and terrified for nothing he actually called me to tell me all of this he seemed to be still in the joyous i'm not going to die stage but i imagine anger comes at some point when you take stock of what you went through i don't know how a doctor freaks up that massively or if somehow my client's results were mixed up with someone else's and some poor bastards number is almost up and they don't even know it not a doctor my sister was about two weeks away from giving birth when she suddenly started feeling excruciating pain and vomiting i called her midwife who refused to speak with me despite my sister clearly not capable of speaking as she sat on the floor next to the toilet crying and puking finally she just took the phone and was told by her midwife that it was probably just a virus and to eat a popsicle eventually i was able to convince her to go to the air she was immediately rushed in the or for an emergency c-section her placenta had abrupted and my niece was born not breathing suffered several seizures and even died and then was resuscitated she is now 15 and has cerebral palsy due to going so long without the oxygen she needed patient when i was in college i went to the doctor because i was pee raisers it progressed pretty rapidly and by the end of the week i couldn't walk or sleep the doc asked me about my sex life and i told him the truth that my girlfriend and i had only been with each other and together for many years he sort of scoffed at that and told me it was likely chlamydia had a long condescending speech about safe sex with me and sent me home a week later my p tests were back turns out i had the worst bladder infection they'd ever seen i had to have a camera shoved up my pee hole multiple rounds of antibiotics and to this day i struggled to pee due to irreversible damage the infection caused oh man that sucks utes are rare in men but super common for women and i get like one every other year i've gotten really good at feeling the beginning of one before it gets worse and i drop everything and rush to urgent care they hurt this is the opposite answer but the best request for a second opinion came from a cvs minutes clinic young healthy law student goes to minutes clinic has the flu this was a few years ago no rona feels awful they check him out yup he has a fever x sore throat it's the flu flu swab positive his clinic vitals were notable for a heart rate of 140 a bit high but not crazy high reassuring numbers 100 the guy otherwise walked into the cvs and is a young healthy guy would have been pretty easy to dismiss anyway the minute clinic says go to the air you need an ekg so the guy follows orders a chief complaint is i have the flu and cvs told me to come here against an ekg and he's in slow vt which is a life-threatening arrhythmia that you have to be shocked out of they take a look as his heart and it was giant and barely moving he had an insane myocarditis dude ended up getting cannulated for ecmo within hours cardiac bypass machines as life support i can't say all minute clinics are the same but holy crap that was a great save i'm a gynecologist the number of times i've seen patients pregnant and upset or happy because some other doctor told them they can't get pregnant so they didn't use birth control is appalling usually it's family med not ragging on all fm docs just how it goes i then have to explain that even if the patient has whatever condition that makes it unlikely for them to get pregnant the odds are almost never zero percent maybe one percent but still not zero so of course it can happen not a doctor but my mom went into a walk-in clinic and told the doc she had really bad headaches all the time she was a stay-at-home mom to me 10 and my sister six so it was written off a stress and got a prescription for pain pills two weeks later the headaches were migraines stronger prescription and try to reduce stress a few weeks go by and she can no longer get out of bed throws everything up including the meds is completely disoriented and barely alive my dad was a truck driver so he was never home i was taking care of me my sister and my mom all by myself we go back to the doctor and this lady had the audacity to say this is the weirdest migraine case she's ever seen it tells her to take warm baths and just keep taking the meds when she throws them up two months go by and my dad came home saw the condition of my mother who was so sick she would urinate herself the house which was being kept up by a ten-year-old and said he wanted a divorce that night we found out she had stage four lung and brain cancer with a tumor the size of an egg pressing on her brain as well as many others scattered throughout i still haven't forgiven that doctor for not taking my mom seriously i just left a practice partly because a woman brought her eight-month-old and for a second opinion the practice owner had seen the rapidly enlarging sacral soft tissue mass which the mother first noticed about six weeks prior he told her not to worry about it i checked his notes which read plan ignore i was shocked there was a new onset rapidly enlarging blue purple cystic mass on a baby sacrum it looked like a small plum under the skin at the top of her bum crack and without any investigation my colleague dismissed it i was appalled the mother was relieved this wasn't the first not great judgment i'd seen but it was one of the worst i realized i couldn't work in a clinic where i'd be stepping on other doctor's toes and couldn't trust their judgment the babies had a imaging and a referral to a pediatric surgeon but unfortunately i don't know the outcome because i'm working elsewhere now honestly at that point i'd pull the mother aside in the lobby and say something like if it doesn't improve on its own in a few days i'd find a bigger place to give you a third opinion told by my doctor my health issues were stress related the second opinion found my gallbladder was functioning at three percent and had that sucker removed a couple weeks later what's worse is i specifically asked the first doctor about gallbladder and they assured me it couldn't be that gallbladders are notorious for causing a ton of seemingly unrelated health issues after mine was removed my life improved dramatically not a doctor my husband had a situation where he almost did died because of a misdiagnosis to preface this at the time we were young in our mid-20s living in a college town my husband had horrible pain on floor on hands and knees horrible we went to the ear and the doctor barely looked at him and just told him to stop drinking and he would be fine we go home the pain is getting worse and now he is vomiting as soon as the doctors off opened back home where we grew up we drove 1.5 hours to see our primary care within 15 minutes of walking into the gp office my husband was rushed to emergency surgery his gallbladder had completely ruptured and he was going septic it was a total mess and he almost died all because of a misdiagnosis not a doctor dealt with an unrelated incident and reading a patient's notes found he had been diagnosed with a rare but deadly skin cancer and was booked in to have his upper lip removed obviously this would leave the patient quite disfigured on a whim he'd booked in to see a dermatologist at our hospital who advised it was a cold sore prescribed excite liver and the problem was resolved this one astounds me not only because i'm pretty sure doctors are told not to expect a zebra when they hear hoof beats but also because you'd think they would have run a simple test before major surgery i went to a walk-in clinic because i couldn't swallow anything the doctor pressed on my forehead and asked if it hurt i guessed kind of he told me i had a sinus infection and prescribed me antibiotics that i couldn't swallow and sent me on my way turns out i had had a stroke and ended up spending three weeks in the hospital this is the one that really made my eyes bulge hope you're well these days not a doctor this happened to my mom like 20 years ago i believe she was close to 36 at the time and had six kids my mom was having severe abdominal pain and if my mom admits to being in pain then you know it's bad her family doctor was on vacation and so my dad took her to emerg emma doc told her she was constipated and sent her home the pain got worse and so she went back to emerge a couple days later she specifically asked the doctor the same one from the previous time if it could be an ectopic pregnancy he laughed at her and sent her home she ended up in ameriga third time and got that same stupid doctor who accused her of lying to get to drugs she had to wait a week until her family doctor came back just over the phone the family doctor could tell something was wrong and told my mom that she wanted to see her first thing in the morning for tests mom didn't make that appointment because during the night her fallopian tube ruptured and my dad found her unconscious on the floor downstairs he rushed her to the hospital and they found out that she was something like 10 weeks along with an ectopic pregnancy our family doctor apparently was screaming at the other doctor in the hallway because of his incompetence not a doctor but i went to a dermatologist for a rash on my hands and face he insisted it was eczema even though i've never had exxon on my life he refused to do any testing or take obasi he prescribed me a steroid cream for eczema the rash spread and got horribly worse it was all up my arms and all over my face it was itchy and painful i went to a different dermatologist and explained the situation they took a bar see it was a bacterial infection and the first doctor essentially gave me a bacterial infection on steroids i was a minor at the time and i don't know why my parents didn't go after the first doctor i am late so this may not get seen but it's a good story not a doctor my grandmother fell from her horse one day not a terrible fall but from the way she landed she wanted to get checked out she felt she'd really jolted her neck spine and was an older lady with fragile bones her doctor looked things over gave her one of those soft neck cushion things and sent her home a couple days later she decided to get a second opinion no real reason she just hadn't felt listened to by the first guy the second doctor basically took one look at her x-rays and freaked out he told her they needed to get her immediately into a brace to immobilize her spine i googled to try to figure out what it was i think it is a halo brace but in my memory it's bigger and more metal than what i was seeing in the pictures basically she'd broken her neck the same injury that had paralyzed christopher eve but she wasn't paralyzed because the vertebrae hadn't dislocated the second doctor anything that did dislocate it another minor fall twisting wrong in bed would mean being permanently paralyzed from the neck down she wore her intense metal brace that kept her spine in place for a few months and was totally fine she lived another 15 years after that but i think about that story often the second doctor saved her mobility and freedom obligatory i am not the doctor but i'm the patient i went to a sleep doctor because i was constantly tired and falling asleep standing up and such serious crap doctor was like well you're overweight so it's definitely sleep apnea i did a sleep study came back negative for sleep apnea doctor was like well i'm still positive at sleep apnea cause you're a fatty so he sent me home with a kpap machine for a month after a month of using the machine which records your sleep apnea events every night and still said i didn't have sleep apnea and with me having zero improvement in any of my symptoms i wee tea back to him and he said well if this isn't working i can't help you because you obviously have sleep apnea since all tubbus have sleep apnea so you must not be using the pap so i dropped him like a fresh turf and went to get a second opinion new sleep doc new sleep study come back in and the new doctor's like yeah this is textbook narcolepsy you have all the symptoms and the sleep study proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt i told him about the other doctor and he said this is obviously narcolepsy your previous doctor was a [ __ ] and unlike the other quotes in this story that is an actual direct quote i'll never forget the look of disgust on his face when he said the word [ __ ] also not a doctor i was diagnosed with miss sought out a second opinion and turns out it was an easily solvable vitamin deficiency pretty dang different 15 k dollars in medical bills later only go have all symptoms subside with some nutritional advice and supplements i'm still salty about it i had a period of about a year where i was getting constant duties which apparently as a woman in her mid-20s is normally caused by not peeing after sex i'm still not sure what was causing mine but i was not sexually active at all due to vaginismus my doctor was away for school holidays and stupidly i thought i could last a week until she was back nope two days later i could barely move from the couch in pain so i called the doctor this doctor a home doctor cause it was a public holiday refused to hand over the script until i acknowledged that i was being sexually irresponsible when i said i am a virgin embarrassing and potentially dangerous statement to make with a strange man in my house while i was home alone this jackass laughed his butt off and said no you're not nobody is at this age stop pretending to be all innocent slammed the prescription on my coffee table and walked out refusing to give me the starter dose that they're required to carry for people like me who are alone and can't get the prescription until the first dose kicks in enough to begin helping full stop i called the office to complain and he did get reprimanded but holy heck was i embarrassed not a doctor but my sister was suffering from headaches and minor seizures for a while went to an urgent care and that told us she had an anxiety disorder and just needed something to calm her down we got a second opinion at the air and turns out she had stage four brain cancer i miss her every day posted about this before but i'll post it again anyway this is my mom's story not mine so my mom used to work at a non-profit clinic that would give free health care to people who didn't have insurance this guy came in with his teenage daughter basically saying he was between jobs and the insurance for his new job hadn't kicked him yet but his daughter was having her yearly case of pneumonia and just wanted her antibiotics he was really arrogant and rude saying stuff like she has a cuban doctor she usually goes to my mom is mexican and i live in an area where most latinos you see are mexican my mom staying calm despite wanting to bite the guy's head off examined his daughter she noticed his daughter's fingers were clubbed google clubbed versus normal fingers and this was indicative of a serious chronic respiratory issue not something temporary like pneumonia she asked if she could run a few tests just to be safe and at first he was huffy about it but was persuaded when my mom told him it wouldn't cost him anything but a bit of time a few days later the clinic calls her freaking out because this girl didn't have pneumonia she had cystic fibrosis the girl was transferred to a hospital where she could actually start receiving treatment for her condition it was a minor case if it was anything more she honestly could have been dead by that point but my mom probably prolonged this girl's life expectancy with the diagnosis her regular cuban doctor had been regularly misdiagnosing her with vitamin deficiencies and pneumonia later the father called my mother and thanked her for helping his daughter my mom was going off in her head what about her cuban doctor holly hole but was polite and wished him and his daughter well tl dr not really a second opinion but when a cuban guy who was arrogant about being cuban came in with his daughter thinking she had pneumonia something she was diagnosed with yearly by her cuban doctor my mexican mother diagnosed her with cystic fibrosis and helped extend her life expectancy nurse here i cared for a woman who had been diagnosed with broken vertebrae she was in a lot of pain couldn't get her pain under control and her blood pressure was very low she'd lose consciousness and be very difficult to wake i also couldn't get her doctor to answer the phone middle of the night something just felt off about the whole situation he finally answered and demanded we knock on her insisting we'd overdosed her on narcotics following his orders i then had a hysterical woman in a lot of pain going in and out of consciousness i finally walked down to the entrance of the hospital and grabbed the cardiologist who came in at 4 30 a.m for rounds and said this isn't your patient but i think she's going to die he came upstairs with me looked at her in her chart grabbed the bed and rolled her to haiku himself i have no idea how the conversation went between the cardiologist and her doctor she didn't have a broken back she had an aortic aneurysm which caused the pain and the low pressure and the loss of consciousness she died the next day doctors if the nurse says something is wrong you might want to lay your eyes on the patient rather than shouting orders through the phone omg that is heartbreaking obligatory i'm not a doctor but when i had my wisdom teeth out it was pretty brutal like they had to completely put me under dig deep into my jaw bone the teeth were coming in sideways and upside down just like the worst case scenario so i have the surgery in the next couple of days i'm in a lot of pain which happens and i realize i have this growing hot lump on the side of my jawbone but me being a dumbass i tried to be like oh it'll go away but it didn't and my mom caught sight of it and took me back to the guy who did my surgery dentist dude took an x-ray and without even examining it or asking any questions said i was fine and it was probably just scar tissue and told me to leave i thought hey well he's smarter than me so i guess he's right my mother however did not think this and so off we go for a second opinion and while we're headed over to the other office the hard lump in my jaw bursts and blood and pus leaks everywhere in my mouth it was so freaking gross my mom immediately turned around drove back to the dental surgeon dragged me who was still spitting blood and pus in barged into the office and made the dental surgeon look in my mouth the dental surgeon muttered something about hysterical women seeing things that weren't there but prescribed me antibiotics and more pain meds anyway and that was how the one two week recovery took an entire month and i ended up having to drop out of a college course due to missing so much comma the dental surgeon muttered something about hysterical women i'm pretty sure this [ __ ] has caused many deaths like many not a doctor but just screwed over by many got an infected hangnail so i went to urgent care i got a shot of an antibiotic or a prescription for another took the pill for about a week out of the ten day dose on that seven day mark i was in my chemistry class which was at the end of the day feeling extremely light-headed tired and so dizzy i could barely see i staggered down the stairs off my hs to see the nurse but she was out to lunch i didn't know what to do and had bad attendance due to chronic illness so i stayed for the next class went home on the bus and passed out on my couch for the next two days i had a bunch of symptoms i spiked a fever of 104 degrees fahrenheit had a swollen lumpy throat in and out of consciousness vomiting coughing and dizziness so bad i couldn't stand went and the next night after coming home from school with the fever of 104 urgent care doctor said that wasn't a treatable fever that i had a upper respiratory virus that was also untreatable and told me to go home and not worry i wasn't allergic to the antibiotic i was taking because i was taking it for a week and had no reaction before that day next night felt even worse couldn't keep food down could barely breathe dizziness was so bad i couldn't get up to use a bathroom without being in severe danger of falling there was also a rash that was going from behind my ears down to my stomach and little red blotches that went to the ear this time also had a yeast infection from the med doctor they wouldn't touch me he barely wanted to look at me he wouldn't do any kind of exam on me besides look at the rash on my stomach he said it was measles gave me nothing for that said there was no way i was allergic to the antibiotic sent me home went the next day to see my primary doc who squeezed me in due to my stoms talked to the assistant getting my vitals and symptoms about what was going on she said i was allergic to the antibiotic she wrote in my chart that i wasn't supposed to take it a nurse practitioner came in and listened to me tale of whoa he said i was having a bad reaction and also wrote again that i should stay away from the antibiotic he said i could have died and usually would have because it built up in my system and caused a deadly reaction doc comes in and says the same thing if i take it again i'll probably die not measles not an untreatable upper respiratory virus my dad has a lesion on his leg that wasn't healing the dermatologist prescribed different antibiotics pills and ointment but nothing was working he did two skin graft that didn't work this went on for at least two years then my dad got a new dermatologist from the same hospital she realized that he never had a biopsy it took her less than an hour to diagnose the skin cancer the surgeon scooped all the cancer out another skin graft and that was it for a while but since then he got a lot of other skin cancer lesions but now he knows what it is not a doctor but a patient when i was in labor with my fourth child the doctor refused to admit me i wasn't very dilated and have a history of fast labors i know when i'm in labor because the pain is different he gave me a sleeping pill to take and told me to go home and sleep i refused to leave the doctor was angry and said he'd admit me but wouldn't give me anything to augment my labor my son was born two hours later frick you doctor listen to moms we know our bodies i had the opposite i'm a midwife and gave a second opinion the first was received from the woman's gp she came into the antenatal clinic and said that she'd had a headache that she couldn't seem to shake she'd called her gp the day before who had told her to take to panadol and have a bath and that she'd be fine whenever any pregnant woman complains of a headache especially one that won't go away it sends alarm bells ringing as it can be a symptom of pre-eclampsia sure enough the woman also reported seeing blue spots had a blood pressure of 220 stroke 180 under a huge amount of protein in her urine i got her to lie on her side in the room i was seeing her in and race to get a more senior midwife it wouldn't have been more than 60 seconds that the two of us returned to the room just in time to see her start having an eclamptic seizure we called a code pink obstetric emergency which then escalated to her code green alerting theater that we were coming down now for an emergency caesarean and the woman gave birth under general anaesthetic 20 minutes later i still start sweating when i imagine what could have happened if she hadn't come into the clinic that day ob ginza predict what's the most mind-blowing thing a husband or boyfriend has said i'm not an ob but work at a l d hospital in a note for our patient there was one from a previous office visit that said chief complaint husband concerned about wife's weight gain during pregnancy she was actually under the weight she needed to be at during that time my mom was a general practitioner she once had a 15 year old girl coming who had a pregnancy test show positive but was adam and she couldn't be pregnant my mom confirmed the pregnancy but the girl still refused to believe it was true she went on to explain to my mom it was impossible for her to get pregnant because her boyfriend had told her that if she laid completely still during sex then she wasn't sexually active and couldn't get pregnant hey i'm a nurse and helped deliver this girl's first baby i was still in school at the time she was like 19 i think the father who was obviously much older was also in the room after baby was born everyone was all excited and emotional except for the father who was just like hey and shrugged it off i can understand not wanting kids but not giving a crap about them once you do have one is mind boggling to me frick absent parents my mother is an obedient she did a manual vaginal exam for a woman and the husband asked her with an angry tone of voice if there was any other way of doing the exam besides her using her fingers because he didn't like her putting her fingers in his wife she should have said that she was doing the exam digitally seeing mom back in the office for her two-week follow-up after delivery to remove stitches she had a tear that needed repair only to find out the stitches were gone turns out hubby took them out because they were bothering him during sex this is only the first comment i've read in this thread and i think i'm already done work and i am but a patient's partner not wanting us to reveal an hiv diagnosis to a patient was definitely a low point for me though where i work it's probably a stretch to even call that surprising back in my days a young teenage patient came in with pregnancy-type symptoms of course pregnancy test was positive and appeared utterly shocked she was pregnant i asked her if she was sexually active yes do you use condoms number bc number still she seemed surprised this had happened you can't get pregnant the first time my boyfriend loves me and won't get me pregnant it was just the tip he pulled out a nurse here had a 19 year old woman coming for abdominal pain she had two kids and was pregnant again she said she was not happy to be pregnant again but she didn't want to break up with her boyfriend i thought the bf may have been abusive or not letting her use birth control or something so i closed the door and asked her some questions turned out she didn't know sex caused babies her sex ed consisted of get boyfriend married and the babies arrive with no other details so she thought once you had a boyfriend babies were automatic and sex was just a fun thing to do we had a long talk crap that is sad not an ob but when i was in med school i was seeing a pregnant teen who was convinced she couldn't be pregnant i asked if she was sexually active and she said yes and i asked if she used any type of contraception and she said no however she said that her bf told her he couldn't get her pregnant because he got kicked in the balls a lot and once more coming up i guess and the old saying once more with feeling as she landed a kick fair and square he complimented my surgical ability stating that he had been to many strip clubs and he has never seen such a beautiful c-section scar not an ob but i work in a neuron we had a 22-year-old woman come in a while back i asked her what she was here for and she said i found a hole like an abscess i found a hole okay is it a wound does it hurt no it's just a hole it's a black hole i 100 didn't understand what she was talking about and knew that i wouldn't get any more info from her at the check-in desk so i gave her the bracelet and sent her to the trigger nurse who had the same conversation with her she couldn't specify anything beyond look it's just a hole it was her vagina black children are pretty light-skinned when they are born a maternity nurse told me that some fathers immediately suspect that the mom has been unfaithful when they see a child with a far lighter complexion definitely gave a story to the nurse who was taking care of my wife and i after our second having been going through labor all day only being on liquids and not giving birth till almost nine at night we were relaxing relative term with the nurse while holding the baby when i turned to ask the nurse a question she pauses turns away turns back to me and responds back with not anytime soon disappointed i try to push for more specifics because i had casually asked when can my wife have snacks and that was a pretty non-descript answer for somebody who hadn't eaten in 12 hours it turns out she though i was asking when can my wife have sex after a good laugh the correct answer was a couple of ours i can't imagine what was going through her head before the clarification bless you for looking after her snacks not an md but when i was a paramedic i was called to a home for a 14 year old girl who i found standing over the toilet and i noticed there was what looked like an umbilical cord going into the toilet upon further examination i discovered there was a newborn baby in the toilet the child stated this newborn could not possibly be her baby as she was a virgin update i should have said this before the baby lived and after i dropped baby and mom off at the hospital i don't know what happened this is incredibly sad last month a dad asked one of our obese for an extra stitch during his wife's repair after delivery her immediate response was exactly how small do you need it to be sir freaking legend on our unit now spread this so it can become the standard response to this all too common statement not an ob gyn but my ob gyn had the sex talk with me instead of my parents they withdrew me from sex ed classes and made me show up to a counselor instead promising they would teach sex ed on their own time anyway the ob gyn said that anal sex is legitimate but that you can't get pregnant from it she had met at least eight couples in her lifetime age was late 40s early 50s where the couple was having fertility issues and it was because the husband was using the wrong hole i repeat the husband was using the wrong hole it was even more mortifying because these were very traditional couples asian indian christian and they were horrified they were committing sodomy so yeah the conversations that women must have had i have to wonder how far down the list of questions and tests they get before they need to say point on this photo what part you use and on this portion describe what you do with that part and where you do it sister is a nurse in the mom baby unit who will also work in labor and delivery one dad asked for a c-section so her vagina wouldn't be ruined or another dad asking for her to be stitched up extra tight after delivery bonus edit another dad that couldn't seem to keep his clothes on during their entire stay the nurses had to have multiple conversations with him to keep his clothes on he just kept stripping and walking around like he'd go out to the coffee station in the hall with only his whitey tighties on and he'd be buck naked in the hospital room we had to ask him to wear pants and a shirt when in the hall and at a minimum pants in the hospital room no he was not trying to have sex with her the husband stitch hate that it's even a thing my dad is an obedient i asked him he said he was delivering a baby and the father seemed extra nervous which is to be expected but my dad since something was off well anyway he delivers it and as soon as it comes out the father yells it's mine it is white then ran out of the room and told the family before my dad could say word needless to say my dad did tell him that sometimes black children when born can look white which led to a big argument and security having to be called reminds me of the story where the baby came out a bit dark and the husband went on and did about his wife cheating and had his whole family basically abuse her only to find out that he was the one cheating and projected his guilt on her what and but not quite what you are asking for but when my wife was pregnant she fell down the stairs because our other child decided she wanted to jump out of mom's arms cue all the bruising and pre-term labor after that appointments got really awkward nurses were short with me i finally told my wife that i had a feeling the staff didn't like me and i figured i'd sit the next appointment out unless she really wanted me there my wife said she noticed all of this and decided to ask a nurse what the deal was turns out the whole office just assumed i'm the one who pushed her down the stairs i wasn't even home when it happened that's when i found out that i apparently look like the type of guy who would push a pregnant woman down the stairs cued us to your wife for straight up asking what their deal was so that could be cleared up lol i did women's and infant nursing for 10 years this wasn't the dad but rather the mom one hour before change of shift we get accessory and admit by this facility protocol we used an injectable opiate in her epidural to control pain a common side effect is itching keep this in mind also apologies for the cussing i am speaking verbatim said patient was being wheeled on her bed to her room and the itchies were hitting their peak during this transit i receive her in the hallway and help wheel her into the room get her comfortable and start prepping her chart not two minutes after i exit her room commotion starts in there she's screaming i run in and assess the situation immediately she grabs my hand on the bedside and begs for the itch to stop she's actively sitting up a no no postop so fast and scratching her nethers and her butt omg help someone scratch it the husband finally makes an arrival at this exact moment and says scratch what honey big mistake i've never seen evil before but this woman bout came unglued she looked at him and dead to right screamed my butt you [ __ ] if you have unloaded there we won't be in this mess now scratch my butt we are trained to keep a poker face but not one person could maintain it every single one of us family patient care tech etc except the dad died in giggles most of us crying from trying desperately to have a modicum of professionalism nope it was 100 gone had to excuse myself to grab the iv benadryl to send her into non-ichiblis runner-up i'm also a trained lactation consultant this means i'm an expert in helping new mothers breastfeed one couple have an order for my assistance due to poor feeding for baby i go in and meet them both educate to what's about to happen etc this father is zuba excited about his first born son extremely helpful and just bounty energy well i needed mom to express some milk for baby by hand and began to demonstrate said technique i kid you not dad takes this exact opportunity to jump in and say do you want me to help i can get it started going by sucking it out we do this all the time lem help cue mom's death glare this this is what i came here for i worked in a diagnostic center ob gin refers patient for a trans vaginal ultrasound to find out why she is having fertility issues tech inserts probe woman flinches in pain tech asks if it hurts during intercourse the woman explains the husband doesn't insert it in the vagina no here here while pointing to her belly button the tech came out red-faced she had to call the doctor and explain why the patient was having trouble getting pregnant this happened twice at this clinic twice um i think at that point we just kind of let nature take its course and perhaps not educate people on the workings of intercourses to avoid producing more belly button suckers i know it sounds harsh to rob folks of the pleasures of sex but dang man i fear for their children dad is a 30 plus your origin now retired he tells a story of a hyper-religious couple muslim who came in about difficulty getting pregnant he examined the woman alone and discovered that she was actually a remove accidental slur sorry intersex male gonads understanded no uterus normal vulva vagina the woman was mortified to learn this at 18. she feared her husband would be violent believing he had been being gay by having sex with her my dad gave her the option to call the police or ask for help he and the nurses gave her phone numbers for counseling and offered discretion when talking to the spouse she declined everything and asked that they tell the husband together the man was super upset and they eventually left the office both in tears dad never saw her again and wonders what happened not a physician but one of the ob gyn docs i work with told me about a couple who came in for infertility counseling she was asking them about the length of her cycle lifestyle etc etc and came to find out that they weren't penetrating during intercourse a fertility specialist told us during his lecture that his favorite was a couple where the woman took birth control the entire time they were trying to conceive all my friends got pregnant on it so i thought it might help also there was a couple who had sex up to 80 times a week dude was probably shooting blanks at that rate on my ob rotation husband said holy crap as the baby crowned wiggled passed out and hit his head on the bedside table on his way down and had to be admitted to the same hospital his wife was having the baby at she ended up getting discharged before he did i can totally see this hysterical back in my ob rotation in med school we had a pregnant woman who was super morbidly obese with a bmi in the 70s during her first prenatal visit the resident was asking about her pregnancy history past difficulty with fertility and conception problems with the pregnancy so far etc pretty standard stuff as far as i understood at the time husband then chimed in about the conception turns out they had no trouble conceiving he then went into detail about how the conception went and blew my little inexperienced mind basically the wife's mother and sister had to help with conception by holding the wife's thighs out of the way enough that he could get him to do the job i still don't have words i used to be an l d nurse i've heard a similar story from a patient except in their case it was friends from church i have friends but i don't have friends like that we had a father bring his ps4 to a delivery room so he could play spider-man while his wife got induced another guy was found to be cheating when his wife was postpartum and went to use his phone to take pics of the baby whoops not an ob gyn here my ex-boyfriend was adamantly against me using tampons cups discs or anything that had to be inserted he told me it would change the shape of my vagina he believed that after a certain amount of time together my vagina would change to his shape so we would be a perfect fit that and me using supers or ultra tampons would mean i would need a girthier man because you know a wad of cotton would stretch me out like crazy so my question is does that perfect fit scenario also apply to the 11 other women he was boning on the side no just me or i must be special not an ob gyn but a nurse and not anything a husband or boyfriend said but still an interesting story i once took care of a patient who had a baby as a virgin she was a very religious woman who was saving her virginity for marriage she told me she never met the right man and she was ready to have a baby as she was getting older she was in her early 40s so she had ivf done and had a baby while also being a virgin good for her she knew what she wanted and instead of settling in an unhappy marriage she took matters into her own hands my dad is a doctor and his friend was aerobicin and was telling my dad a time when a couple came into his office and they were having difficulty having a child they were trying for over a year to have a child but the wife never got pregnant found out that the man and the woman came up in very strict upbringing and the man was never putting his penis inside her he was basically rubbing his penis on top of her vagina and would ejaculate across her belly then he would take his finger and smear his semen all over the top of her vagina my dad's friend had to explain sex to the both of them and tell them what to do and how to do it was an awkward conversation i just kept thinking did they not ever watch pee or have that talk with their parents have they never seen stuff related to sex ever was just a crazy story i wonder if they ever figured it out and actually eventually had kids or not my friend told me that her obgyn friend told her that apparently a significant number of people try to get pregnant by anal proper sex education matters people not the husband but during my ob rotation the wife asked if her husband could still go down on her this was a day after a hysterectomy her 15 year old son was also in the room i was saving this on her juice for something else but i think this son needs them more than me i am no a nobe jin but i do have a friend that is one of her more recent crazy comments was a guy who thought that giving birth gave women massive orgasms he genuinely believed that was how they pushed the baby out and that it felt great i wish not an ob but apparently my dad asked my mom's doctor when she was in labor how long it would take me to open my eyes like puppies kittens i have so many dad was busy taking selfies to post on ig that he was having a baby while his wife was on the other side of the room giving birth when asked if he wanted to help he declined and said she got it not abhijin but a med student in one of my rotations i had an encounter with the father who wanted us to make her wife only reproducing male child by some drugs or procedure our head used to tell us that i can tell the sex of the baby only by seeing the expressions of fathers and relatives in the clinical rounds you all are allowed to guess my country india my doctor told me a story about a baby he delivered it was the couple's sixth and they were very observant orthodox jews so when she called at 11 p.m on shabbos that labor has started the husband couldn't drive them to the hospital himself although the doctor understood he tried to help them understand how emergent the situation was bc the delivery was going to be so fast the doctor races to the hospital and waits he waits 30 minutes an hour he's pacing the drop off finally 90 minutes later a taxi screeches into the parking lot of pike 2am the doctor opens her door to see the baby crowning and the woman yelling and the driver yelling the husband throws open his door and just sprints off into the parking lot yelling does a full loop while the baby is born and runs up as the nurses are wrapping the baby and getting mom and baby into a wheelchair doctor what happened where did you go dad i just i just didn't know what to do poor guy was so hopped up on adrenaline he just took off haha my mom taught labor and delivery if the baby won't fit it's too late for a c-section you break the baby's shoulder so it can fur through one of her students asked why they don't break the mom's hip instead not an obstetrician but i used to work in neonates i.e the doctor that immediately checks baby over once they are born makes sure they are breathing etc and deliveries that haven't gone so smoothly i'd be there for a lot of c-sections and once had a first-time dad who was so excited he was running around and tripping over things and getting shouted at by all the theatre staff kept trying to take photos of everything which was cute but you gotta let me do my thing and make sure baby is healthy and breathing consistently before i'm good to hand him or her over to mum and dad i just imagined him like a labrador retriever hope you forgive me for the switch around but when my gf had given birth to our son at home it was about eight at night the two midwives had been there since before dinner time so when our son was born and we were all talking about how everything went well and our son was cuddling up to my gf in bed i asked if i should order pizza for us all i reckoned they were pretty hungry i sure was their dry answer was that that was the first time they were ever asked that and no they didn't want pizza so no pizzeria for new dad orino either after labor i would have given my left arm for fresh pizza delivery delivery is a marathon and i was famished afterward sorry they were lame not a mind-blowing thing that was said but still kind of funny when i was in medical school i did my ob rotation on the high risk area medical students were generally scared of this area so i was the only student with an awesome attending and got to do a lot we called the attending on this service a random thought generator if he thought of something he would say or act on it we had one patient that showed up on our service in active labor she had a very uneventful pregnancy and we couldn't figure out how she was on our service but hey we'll take a normal patient she arrived with perfect makeup perfect hair and she had the perfect epidural and was in no pain or distress the attending looked at me and said that i'd be doing this delivery okay i thought no problem then he looked at the father and said number you'll deliver this one the father got wide-eyed and the mother started laughing he's an air traffic controller i've never seen him panic before the nurse took him to the sink gave him a scrub brush and had him start washing his hands we turned back to the mom okay push one two three ten relax we looked at the dad and he's still washing that same finger he started with okay that's good enough a delivery is by no means sterile put this this and this on our attending didn't put women in stir ups but would instead deliver straight onto the bed he sat the dad on the bed with him on on one side and me on the other side and the dad delivered his own healthy child not a doctor but when i was pregnant with my first and only child my ex-husband was an embarrassment during the labor and delivery class he was on his phone most of the time to the point i fell down when i was supposed to be balancing on a ball when asked how he felt about the baby he stated i'm not making a big deal out of it shrugged and went back to playing on his phone the other couples in the class came up to me during the break to ask if i was doing okay and even the instructor voiced her concern with me privately i had to have an emergency c-section and he just fell asleep the nurse woke him up by screaming at him that i was going into the operating room he didn't want to hold our son he didn't want to change diapers he would scream at our two-day old son for crying and get mad at me phil not getting up and doing anything the nurses kicked him out and three of them gave me names for divorce lawyers one of which i eventually used the kicker my ex begged me for a kid because all he wanted was to be a dad i was on the fence on having kids two years before my son was born he told my mom that he was going to divorce me if we didn't have a child update wow i honestly didn't think this comment would get this much attention thank you for the awards and all the nice comments to answer some questions that i saw one before my son he was an okay husband when we first met he was amazing but now that i look back i could see he just wanted a live and caretaker hindsight is always 20 stroke 20 he was a bit addicted to video games but for the most part we got on decently the video game addiction just got so much worse after my son was born and he began prioritizing them over me and our son just one of the many reasons i left too yes he still has contact with my son he pushed for 50 stroke 50 custody so he wouldn't have to pay child support which he got and neither of us owed child support now my son only sees him on weekends if that i'm working with a lawyer to get child support from him three my son is great he started kindergarten last year and is excelling in math and reading he's been on the honor roll every quarter he's turning six in a few months and while motherhood is difficult especially while working full-time i love him more than anything in this world he's taught me a lot about myself and brought so much joy to my life i can't wait till it's safe to go to disneyland again because i'm taking him for a week he wanted the title of dad but not the responsibilities that comes with it i'm so sorry this happened to you but i'm glad you kicked him out of your life doctors over at it what's your weirdest case of a patient accurately self-diagnosing i had a patient who predicted her own death she was a relatively healthy 90 year old with hypertension and diabetes she woke up that morning told her daughter that she was going to die she made her daughter go to her lawyer's office and sign a living will confirming the nrdni that evening she had a massive heart attack and was rushed to the air we tried medical management but for her wishes ahi living will that she signed like six hours earlier she did not want any invasive measures taken she died about an hour after she came in remember that dude who peed on a pregnancy test kit as a joke and got a positive and ridic told him it might have been testicular cancer and how he visited a doctor and it turned out to be testicular cancer that's nuts my dad who is a great person but also occasionally and but whole took my three-year-old sister to the ear with the flu thing is there was a meningitis outbreak in the area and the ear was packed dad being in butt tells the nurse he is suspecting meningitis to bump us to the top of the list the doctor is pee because she has no meningitis symptoms no stiff neck no fever but they get into an argument he orders a spinal tap since dad is concerned dad will not back down at this point and it comes back positive for meningitis when i was in second grade i wanted to get out of class so i complained about feeling sick even though i felt fine they sent me to the health room checked my temperature next thing i know i'm in the air had a temp of 103.9 and walking pneumonia had a patient who yelled code blue really loud from his room as we all rushed into his room his heart stopped he didn't die that day fortunately not about a doctor but an emt when my friend was in college his appendix burst he was in extreme pain couldn't really move and was acting delirious his girlfriend called burst 911 shows up emts think he's just drunk and refused to take him seriously they take their time give lots of attitude lecture them about drinking underage all while she is panicking telling them that he doesn't drink and needs to be at the hospital now she was right and the emts almost killed him when i had a stroke in college the a doctor gave me a super condescending speech about underage drinking and discharged me that was after the blood tests came back clean i ended up having another stroke in the five weeks it took anyone to take me seriously during my second lung collapse the doctor was adamant that it was just a panic attack since it felt exactly like my first lung collapse i kept insisting he'd take an x-ray after the x-ray results he said against all probable odds you were right and i had a tube in my chest within the hour a response like that would pee me off it wasn't against probable odds you had experienced it before and knew what it felt like what a jerk not a doctor but the texas shooter diagnosed himself with a brain tumor and no one believed him despite him going to multiple doctors and begging to be checked he literally killed a bunch of people to prove to the doctors there was something wrong with him and gosh darn it if the autopsy didn't find a giant tumor in his brain pressing on the aggression center went to the same emergency room twice explaining that something was fricked up in my head they diagnosed me with anxiety attacks both times had stroke two days later so some backstory not a doctor but really who is in this thread in sixth grade my best friend had his appendix burst in the middle of the night after hearing about it i was utterly terrified of it happening to me my parents and doctors all told me it is relatively rare and if it did happen there isn't really anything to worry about i asked what it felt like if it did happen and they said oh you'll know yay thanks really helpful but my appendix bursting became somewhat of a phobia of mine for over a decade every time i felt abdominal pain or severe gas i always jump to the conclusion of appendicitis so about 10 years later i am hanging out with my friends when i start to feel some bad gas pressure coming on nothing too bad but nothing would really make it go away after i got home it was still rather bad but i figured it'd just sleep it off woke up at about 5 a.m curled into a ball throwing up on my pillow at this point i was still living at home with my parents so i hobbled my way to their room and woke them telling them i think my appendix was going they told me it's probably gas and are you really sure we should take you to there i told them i was sure it was my appendix and they sort of told me to wait it out until seven when they could phone the family doctor so i curled into a ball in the bathroom and threw up for a few hours at seven on the nose they called the doctor and i described my symptoms and the doc told my parents to take me to the air now so we get to the hospital and i am walking so hunched over my face is almost at my knees bring me into the air and they order a ct scan think it was a ct was kinda out of it and put me on some killer anti-nausea pain meds the endoscopic surgeon comes in with my ct scan and tells me verbatim this is the most clear-cut case of appendicitis i have ever seen and asks me to sign a release because he was going to film the operation endoscopic bits at least for training materials so long story short i had appendicitis i knew it and it was so clearly appendicitis that the doctor wanted to film it to teach other surgeons so for any aspiring endoscopic surgeons in the thread maybe you get to see inside me not a doctor but a chronic patient i have a rare neurological disease that causes tumors to grow on the nervous systems and on any other type of body tissue but the nervous system tumors are most common i was diagnosed at age four i've been treated by the same clinic for over 25 years having seen the same specialist for 20 of those years the hospital where i'm treated is more than three hours away but my local hospital is affiliated with them i woke one morning with severe hip pain swelling in my thigh and a terrible limp i went to my small towner where i was told i had a skin infection doctor just visually examined me ran no tests and told me it was razor burned from shaving my bikini area was giving an antibiotic my disease is in my medical records which the hospital had access to since it's the same medical facility just different locations two days later the entire inside of my thigh had turned purple and blue i couldn't walk without excruciating pain i went to an express care like a step down from the air they immediately sent me to there for symptoms of a blood clot the on-call doctor notified that i was coming demanding an ultrasound i arrived back at the air where the air doctor basically told me she wasn't ordering an ultrasound because it wouldn't find anything was told the bruising was self-induced to get pain pills and that i was being discharged and blacklisted my husband flipped crap and demanded an ultrasound threatening legal action if not dumb doctor gave me attitude but eventually ordered the scan the ultrasound tech turned white as a ghost quickly turned off the monitor and rushed to get the doctor it turns out i had a tumor the size of a 12-ounce soda can growing off a major nerve and migraine i somehow strained the muscles around it damaging my nerve and muscle never got an apology or admission of being wrong from the doctor my specialist later told me she had a lot of fun talking with the a doctor with heavy sarcasm it's sad that your husband needs to threaten legal action for you to be taken seriously dang not a doctor but a patient i woke up one morning with a severe pain in my side and i instantly knew i had a kidney stone i'd passed one before i'm a female btw couldn't get into my regular doctor so i made an appointment with the first guy who was available to hopefully get pain meds to make passing it's a little more bearable i go in to see him and he is hands down the most arrogant and condescending doctor i've ever seen when i try to explain to him that i know it's a stone he tells me that since i was able to walk into the office i don't have a stone if you had a kidney stone you wouldn't be able to move past the stone two days later without medication what in butthole not a doctor i self-diagnosed rhabdomyolysis had the whole coca-cola colored pee thing and went in and explained to him that i thought i had it couldn't pronounce it wrote it down and showed him doc kinda laughed a little said man this internet thing is not doing anyone any favors this was in 2005. he says p in this cup so i can prove to you that you don't have it i pee and said cup he takes a look says wow i don't even need to check this under a scope i need you to go there right now don't go home someone can bring you stuff later go there right now i am calling them they will admit you as soon as you show up sure enough spend three four days in the hospital with constant full open iv drip having to measure all my output until some level creatinine got back into normal levels apparently mine was like 1000 x higher than it should be how did i get this horrible thing you may ask i went to a gym told the guy i have never really worked out before that i am getting older and need to get in shape turns out when you are a younger athlete and stop working out you might still be able to go at it harder than your body can handle and you break down way too much muscle fiber and end up clogging your kidneys yay i love this one mayan nothing wrong with no weight you're very close to death might be sorry i'm not a doctor but last year when my daughter was three months old she stopped eating and pooping then she started getting weak and limp and it got to a point where she couldn't even open and close her mouth and eyes a doc said she was dehydrated and put her on an iv overnight the next morning she was worse how are you worse but not dead yet idk anyway i read a knit article that was meant to be a riddle for medical professionals and the riddle described my baby to a tea most of the comment is guest infant botulism so i suggested it to the pediatrician that came in the next day he said no she's probably still dehydrated that immediately made no sense and she'll be fine we can go home mind you we live in nj and this was in nc we were on the way back home from a road trip to fl i wasn't having it we asked to transfer to a children's hospital the docs there did every test they could think of and nothing was coming up i begged them to test for ib and gave them full permission to laugh at my lack of medical expertise and since they already tried everything else they obliged it was ib the first case that hospital had seen in 20 years i think the residents on her case wrote a paper about her had a patty entered the iq on a ventilator because of rapid lung fibrosis usually it's triggered by medication or an outside trigger pets fesses of pet ctc we stopped one of his cardiac medications which is known for being able to cause this kind of syndrome and the progression of his disease stopped we told his wife and she said yeah i knew and i knew it was this particular drug the dog told me we were shocked and asked her to explain she told she had been feeding the different drugs of her husband to the dog over a period of two weeks every day a different drug and he had started barking when she fed him this particular drug she had been feeding the different drugs of her husband to the dog oh i hope people don't actually do this for 16 years i complained about severe pain loss of blood listlessness and extensively long periods we're talking 13 17 days i kept getting told that it's normal i'm exaggerating it can't be that bad i must have a low pain tolerance etc i tried every single form of birth control over those 16 years in 2008 i had exploratory surgery since my gin couldn't figure out what was wrong turns out that i had severe ovarian torsion which they repaired and they also found quite a bit of endometriosis and removed it i still had heavy long periods but the pain wasn't as bad then the pain started coming back in 2015 after several trips i finally get an appointment with a new gin i said i was tired of this crap and wanted a hysterectomy she said before doing something so drastic she suggested trying an iud so i did the myorino iud for a year and got such bad depression from it i wanted to kill myself on top of horrid pain anytime i had sex and with months of constant bleeding then this past june my gin agreed to do a hysterectomy i was full of endometriosis adhesions and sites i was having bladder incontinence problems because my bladder was completely surrounded by the endometriosis now i am three months post-op and so glad to be free from all the pain and bleeding plus the bonus of never having to worry about an unwanted pregnancy that's horrible i'm glad you're finally in a good place i was nine when i fell off of my bike on a family bike ride i was screaming like crazy say my leg was broke my parents thought i was crying wolf and told me to walk it off when i wouldn't shut up my dad carried me to the parking lot while my mom got the car i remember my dad telling me to put my leg in a position if i truly thought it was broken but he was still skeptical lo and behold when we went to the air to get an mri my leg had a spiral fracture not a doctor but i started having painful abdominal spasms and i was sure it was my appendix i have a very high pain tolerance so for two days i was still carrying my heavy toddler and working out i told my husband and family and they wouldn't believe me and told me it was just gas but i knew something was wrong anyways i decided to go to the hospital despite my husband's protests i was making a big deal the doctor didn't believe me they sent me for a vaginal ultrasound because she thought it was probably an ovarian cyst i was pee they weren't believing me so i'll let them give me the ultrasound anyways came back negative and they were about to send me home decided to make my husband drive me to another hospital everyone was pi was making them waste their time since my husband had to miss work and my mom had to watch our son anyways turns out i had appendicitis and my appendix was about to burst doctor said if i would have waited a few more hours it would have burst had surgery within an hour of showing up i was peered everyone that didn't believe me haha so i fell out of the top bunk on vacation and broke my leg on the lower metal frame a doctor said i couldn't possibly have broken it and i was just trying to score pain meds is proof i walked in for our car ride back home my regular doctor puts me in his own car to drive me to the hospital where the swelling on my leg is now too much to cast original a doctor paid all my medical bills and was reviewed by the state board where it was discovered he had been drinking on the job lesson one you can walk on a broken leg lesson two don't be a dong not a doctor i had gallbladder problems some years back and went to the doctor he said my blood work came back normal and that it was probably either indigestion or a strained muscle i told him i knew it wasn't he asked me what i thought it was so i told him i was certain it was my gallbladder and that it was full of stones he told me verbatim you're not middle-aged nor overweight so it can't be that at all i told him rather sternly to order the ultrasound because i was very certain he was wrong about what he thought it was half hour later i'm laying there getting the ultrasound done when the tech was all yay so i'm not supposed to tell you anything but i'm going to anyways that is a fat sack of stones i've never seen a gallbladder this bad before my gallbladder was full of large and small stones i cried and thanked him then cried more because i was so angry with the doctor and the nurse practitioner and the previous nurse practitioner i saw a few months before that appointment for the same pain who wrote it off as a strained muscle in my back after the doctor saw the ultrasound he came in with a nurse practitioner and three other nursing students to tell me i was right and to give them a lesson on listening to patients and to not just brush off their concerns and suggestions almost two weeks later i was in for surgery good grief this turned out longer than i expected good on that doctor for acknowledging his near [ __ ] up picked up a long-term patient at county hospital who was both epileptic and schizophrenic and she told me her history with incredible insights and understanding the reason she was there was because she was on dilantin and meds for her schizophrenia so she said this is what happens i'm taking all my meds but i begin to cut back a bit on the stellazine for schizophrenia then i get a bit more paranoid and figure i'm being poisoned with the dilantan so i cut back on that and have a seizure that cures my paranoia for a while and start taking my dilantin and stilazine again but then i get paranoid and stop taking as much of the one or the other then get more paranoid stop my dilantin get a seizure and end up in here she knew exactly what was going on incredible insight and her records showed she was right an incredible insight into what was happening big completely powerless to stop it either the seizures made her say in a while and things would balance out and finally a few times a year she'd end up in hospital because it would get out of control as a psychiatry resident i love act for this reason on my psychotic patients it's so neat and it works so well interesting to hear about schizophrenia patients with insight it's unfortunately not as common as i would like having a patient agree with my assessment that they're suffering from psychosis not a doctor but this happened to me when i was eight i was having severe headaches like it felt like someone was constantly stabbing me in the eye my mom who is in lna suspected it was nothing more than a sinus infection she took me to the doctor to get checked out and get put on antibiotics but they were adamant that it was not a sinus infection they claimed i was too young to get one of those for the next two weeks i was in the hospital every day where they were running all sorts of tests trying to figure out what was wrong with me they checked out my eyes checked my urine and blood but couldn't find anything the whole world still had severe headaches that were progressively getting worse finally they suspected that i potentially could have a brain tumor this scared the daylights out of me and my family as my grandfather died of a brain tumor before i was born they ran the cat's gun to check but they failed to find a tumor what they did find out however was that my sinuses were severely inflamed and i had a horrible case of sinusitis that needed antibiotics to treat once in antibiotics i felt better within five days after that we started going to a different doctor too young for a sinus infection at eight lol wow that's so insanely ridiculous they thought that wasn't a possibility i had my first sinus surgery at eight because i had chronic sinus infections and headaches for years i then had another at 10 and last year i had one more at 27. i'm glad yours wasn't something worse at least i'm no doctor but this is something that happened to me earlier this year i got sick seemed like the flu and felt absolutely horrible once i got healthy again i started getting bruises for no reason and would get really easily winded just from brief exercise i'm pretty in shape so this was odd to me and needless to say concerning of course i googled what i was feeling and webmd was telling me i have cancer or a blood problem of course i ended up seeing four different doctors who all told me that i'm paranoid and just need to relax but i couldn't shake that i felt something was wrong finally the fifth doctor i saw said she'd give me a blood test to calm my nerves and the next morning i get a phone call in my dorm room saying that there's a bunch of things wrong and that i need to go to the hospital when i asked what that could mean they told me i could have leukemia needless to say the scariest moment of my life as i'm only 20 long story short months of doctors visits and eventually a bone marrow bise revealed i don't have cancer with a rare blood disorder called aplastic anemia which causes your bone marrow to stop making cells i'm happy to say after extensive treatment i'm doing well now but it's very freaky to me that it took five different doctors visits to finally hear me out when i said i felt something is wrong i understand that these doctors probably deal with winnie people who exaggerate everything but you can't get complacent when people's lives are on the line something should have immediately started ringing bells if you mentioned that you were getting winded with little exercise and bruising easily jesus christ not a doctor every time my wife had a little discomfort in her belly she'd worry that it was ovarian cancer she'd tell me that her worst nightmare was dying of ovarian cancer and leaving me with two young kids and every time i tell her she was being silly and morbid to try to comfort her so we could both go to sleep years go by and she starts getting real pain turns out her gallbladder is swollen and they remove it so i tell her see it was your gallbladder all this time but the pain doesn't go away the doctors tell her it's from the surgery but it gets worse eventually she gets an mri and it's ovarian cancer three and a half years of struggle later and she dies at 50 of ovarian cancer i kick myself from not taking her fears seriously and doing what could have found the cancer years sooner and possibly saved her life she never worried about breast cancer or cervical cancer it was all way ovarian i think that maybe your body tells you things and it shows up in fears and dreams and who knows how else but maybe we should listen more carefully i'm so sorry that's awful hope you and your kids are doing okay not the doctor but the patient i went to the air with excruciating pain that i knew was kidney stones i was vomiting and unable to move without help because it was so immobilizing doctor wouldn't listen and kept trying to insist that it was just a pulled muscle in my back my mom a nurse of 30 years demanded an ultrasound as so far they had done no testing but palpating the area he was stubborn and absolutely did not want to waste time she threatened to report him for negligent patient care i was literally puking into a basin as they stood on either side of my bed arguing he finally came and reluctantly sent me to get the ultrasound done wouldn't you know it a stone was completely blocking my left ureter causing a fluid buildup in my kidney which in turn caused my kidney to swell up they were able to get the stone out and get the swelling under control but the adopt refused to look my mother in the eye or acknowledge her after she proved him wrong good on your mom for advocating for you she sounds like a great mom and a fantastic nurse that a doc sounds like one of those guys who's dismissive of nurses when they're the ones who are with the patients the most and can give the most accurate info for someone in their care wasn't my own diagnosis but i went in with my mom when i was 11 and my mom told them i had appendicitis they were super reluctant to even look at that possibility and assumed the cat scan was showing them built up gas my mom insisted they keep going so they sent the scan to another city for them to examine and the docs came back in to tell me that my appendix had erupted and that gas all over my abdomen was toxic pus if i had been sent home it would have been a death sentence since it was already approximately two days since it popped also not a doctor but it happened to me went to the doctor because i found a little hard spot on my testicle it felt like a little hard seed on the side of one testicle definitely something new and weird and it got me concerned i go to the urologist and tell him i have something weird on the side my testicle he's confident i'm just feeling my epididymis and i'm an idiot he just keeps giving me biology lessons on what's inside a testicle i tell him no i know what you're talking about this is not it it's hard to find it and feel it and having a doctor twiddling my testicles between his finger and his thumb was not really getting anywhere he suggests an ultrasound i go to get the ultrasound the technician asks what i've been feeling i explain she is also convinced i'm just feeling my epididymis here we go again i explain she scans my balls i go home doctor calls later that week they found a calcification outside my testicle and that's what i felt but also it was no big deal and only to worry if it grew yeah so i t wasn't my freaking epididymis a lot of people got to see your balls surgeons of reddit what was your oh crap moment i was doing a corneal transplant when i had the oh crap moment during surgery i cut off the patient's own cornea and replace it with a new donor cornea during that moment when the host cornea was off but before i could get the new one on there's literally nothing on the front of the eye except a tear film and aqueous humor anyway the patient takes that moment to start vomiting the reason we tell everyone to skip food and drink is so they don't aspirate in case they throw up this patient lied about eating breakfast and started throwing up everything the eyes still open sky at this time everything inside of the eye can now become outside of the eye and she's bucking and vomiting those not in the know will say this is not good those really in the know will say oh crap anyway i had to grab the new cornea and start stitching as fast as i could on a patient actively throwing up i used 10-0 nylon sutures which are thinner than an eyelash it turned out okay but not great don't lie about eating breakfast before surgery folks doing a c-section for this poor mum who'd been in labor for hours baby wouldn't come out of the hole we'd made so more pressure was applied to the fundus top of the uterus and suddenly hoosh baby zooms out like a torpedo covered in lubricating vernix zips over the surgical sheeting which is the texture of a slip and slide and almost rockets straight off the table the baby's foot was caught by the rage who whipped her up in the air upside down like an old cartoons but almost dropped her again due to gloves and vernix thankfully the midwife was ready with the towel and caught the baby to wrap her up mum and dad seemed to think this was normal practice and didn't notice but me and my colleague just stared at each other with a look of absolute horror it still makes me shudder to think how close the baby was to hitting the floor head first never happened before or since doctors were very accommodating and even had a baby juggling routine to put new mothers at these five stars would give birth again when i was a new rn working the aiku in a large teaching hospital i came into work one morning to a patient that was admitted that night intubated breathing tube in sedated foley catheter tube and pp hole and all long story short he was extubated breathing tube out that same shift and was completely alert and oriented he was an end-stage renal patient meaning his kidneys didn't work and he needed dialysis and was only in his late 30s said he never made urine anymore and didn't need the foley catheter so he wanted it out because it was hurting now the catheter bag had been empty my whole shift which is normal seeing as how he didn't make urine anymore and this hospital had a nurse driven foley removal policy meaning while we needed a doctor's order to insert one we could remove one at our discretion unless a doctor specifically put in orders not to this patient had no such doctor order so i went to remove the catheter they are held in the bladder by a balloon on the end that is inflated with 10 milliliters of saline i'd inflated the balloon removing 10 milliliters of saline and pulled it out as soon as the cather left his penis blood started pouring out in a heavy stream it turns out the nurse who placed it on admission hadn't advanced it far enough since there was no urine production to indicate correct placement and had inflated the balloon while still in his urethra causing trauma it would not stop bleeding i had to hold this man's penis shut to put pressure on it while my co-worker paige the resident who came and looked at me with pity as he told me to just keep holding this 30-something year old man's penis in my hands to staunch the blood flow until urology could get there to assess it just kept gushing blood every time i used up to check for over an hour total i held this man's penis and tried to make polite conversation until the urologist arrived not a surgeon but was working an obstetric theater in uk mid-heat wave last year this is important as maternity wards are kept quite warm as newborn babies aren't good at regulating their temperatures combine this with a heatwave and the fact that in britain we're not exactly used to high temperatures and we have the perfect storm mid emergency kassarian the scrub nurse assisting the op starts feeling faint this is unusual as this scrub nurse worked in these theaters full time so this was her bread and butter so i can only conclude it was the heat she has to step out so the show takes her place assisting the obs registrar with the section this show looked extremely junior as in first section ever and they were trying to assist with the instruments in the uterus when they fainted i had to jump in and grab the back of their theater gown to stop them faster planting the open uterus and then sort of gently tug backwards to let them fall into me when someone else has taken over assisting this show was not exactly small thank god the baby was already out when i was younger i had a rather complex external fixator cage applied to my leg it had three rings two large 360 degree rings around my leg one in the upper middle of the shin one in the lower zero which had humongous rods to keep the cage fixed to my leg and a third one which was a horse show type ring around my ankle which threaded all sorts of pins through my ankle each pinned set in a certain wire the point of this external fixator was to relocate and fix the positioning of my ankle so it wouldn't be so freaked basically i have had a birth defect called tallipes club foot equines a lot of bone got removed before the fixator was put on so this way it could all grow it was a nine hour surgery and my doctor who i won't name was pretty chuffed with himself after seeing it all installed on my leg but this was until he looked closer the pins i spoke about before with the numbers on them almost like those sizing things on cheap coathangers were all colored and numbered set for my dad to do every morning and night he was looking at the pins and the numbers he looked glanced away and looked back with a stress face on after a few seconds and a slight hand on head gesture he whispered crap in his mind he had organized the pins in an incorrect way he was stressed beyond his mind for a few minutes he was worried he fricked everything up luckily he hadn't he just needed to move one or two numbers one year later eight months after the frame was taken off which was in for six months i ended up having my leg amputated the surgery didn't work how we wanted it to or at least how i wanted it to which we were sort of expecting the goal was to get me walking the amputation got me running bear in mind the amputation was my call i was 12 when it was done best decision i ever made i had a college prof with leg issues he finally got them both amputated in his 50s i believe he's so happy now i'm glad you got it done i'm glad you can run fifth year resident here there are lots of bad oh crap moments throughout training such necrotizing soft tissue infections or take backs for bad complications or deaths during cases however i'd like to share a recent positive oh crap moment 15 centimeters kidney tumor with thrombus into the vena cava big incision great exposure of the vasculature in the tumor my attending and i are dancing around the aorta and vena cava we are able to feel the tumor thrombus in the ivc i was expecting that we need to cut and clamp the vena cava to get all the cancer out but my attending literally squeezes the tumor out of the vena cava back into the renal vein and then has me tie the renal vein off so the tumor doesn't slip back into the vena cava patient went home in like four days margins were negative and is still doing great first time i felt like oh crap i'm a surgeon surgeon here i've dealt with loads of morbid stuff but one thing that made me stop and go oh crap was a conversation with a young patient who had a perforated colon from diverticular disease which is a common wear and tear of the colon he was one of youngest patients i had seen with this condition and certainly the youngest with a perforation so bad as to require an operation when i was counseling him on the operation which involves removing the perforated part of the colon and giving him a colostomy he told me his biggest concern was how he was going to have anal sex with his same-sex partner he would only have a small stump of rectum left inside which would be at risk of perforation with any force applied to it it made me really think about the implications of the surgery we do the operation is the easy part i was the patient i had a liver transplant and was having a work done to place a new bile duct stent well apparently my anatomy is different than normal and my lungs go more down my sides so he accidentally caused the nick which caused a hemothorax so when i woke up i couldn't breathe they did an x-ray and had to do a chest tube eventually i was so exhausted i asked to be vented so he vented me apparently he cried he felt so bad about it all but it wasn't him being malicious or negligent it was simply an accident sometimes things happen you can be the best in the world and still make a mistake not a surgeon thought i'd share this though husband went in for a routine colonoscopy and as they were prepping him anesthetist asks him if he's a ginger my husband tells him yet when he was a kid growing up he had fire engine red hair though it's faded to a more strawberry blonde now the anesthetist laughs and says okay i gotcha we'll give you the redhead dosage and winks well my husband thinks it's a funny until he wakes up at the tail end of the procedure pun intended and doctors are just chatting it up and what have you turns out it's not a joke and redheads have some type of natural block to anesthesia dude had given him max allowable dosage and he still woke up happened a couple years later they gave him ketamine and some other crap to knock him out to get wisdom teeth out when he told dentist about the colonoscopy thing he still woke up at the end of that one too the red hair is a mutation the location of the mutation also impacts the opioid receptor gene happened at my hospital a mentally ill young woman who was pregnant at the time was in denial locked herself into her room when she realized the contractions were coming she basically didn't push and the baby didn't come naturally her family called 9-1-1 because of the smell theo realized her baby had died inside her and was basically rotting due to the smell she was taken to the or to remove the baby and apparently all the nurses and surgeons were vomiting because once they opened her up the smell was overpowering and it was traumatizing to see a rotting baby heard an oh crap moment as a patient on the operating table a couple of years ago i was in labor for 28 hours pushing for six when my child started showing signs of distress he had slightly elevated heart rate and i had the makings of a fever my midwife at the hospital told me the doctor was coming in to check to see if a vacuum assist could help she checks me and immediately stands up with blood on her hand and says we're going to the or now at that time i started feeling that zoomed out tunnel vision i know for me as shock i had anxiety but figured she knew what was best she did we got in the or 8 minutes later and when they opened me up i heard the surgeon say oh crap look at this they say blood in my catheter bag and upon fully opening me up found my son was actually trying to come through my uterus he had ruptured it they got my son out those moments where he was stunned and not crying were an eternity he cried and he was born a completely healthy baby after i woke up and was back in my room the doctor came in and told me what happened i knew a ruptured uterus sounded bad but oh dang i googled and started having a massive anxiety attack a ruptured uterus is extremely rare and so very dangerous and often fatal i read from the time it happens you have about 15 minutes before you bleed out and baby is dead when i went back for my post section follow up my midwife let me know as a practice that's been around 35 years with over 30 midwives and doctors they had never once encountered that and it was such a big deal for them a few days after my birth they all got together to discuss my case i was so incredibly fortunate i chose to labor in hospital that the doctor just knew from my vitals and babies that something was off they just didn't know until they got me open i can't even tell you how grateful i am for doctor s you saved my life and my son's life and our family with forever be grateful not me but my uncle he is a respirologist and was supervising sitting in on lung surgery to remove the tumor turns out the tumor was a root ball some type of seed had gotten into the patient's lungs and started to grow dang watermelons when i was in pharmacy school i was doing my internal medicine rotation in my final year my preceptor and i were doing med reviews in the aiku when one of the pulmonary docs was basically like hey you wanna see something cool they were trying to extract a foreign object from a guy's lung in one of the rooms so we go in and watch for a bit about six people in the room tube down the guy's throat little grippers at the end two doctors watching a monitor and trying to control the grabbers and get it like a claw game i watched for a bit then after a while i lost interest and went back out to what i was doing a few minutes later i hear got it cheers from the room oh it's a tooth dude aspirated his own molar doctor walks out with his trophy in a jar and it's a completely intact tooth root and all as the patient i hope if the oral surgeon is andre did they posted this story wisdom teeth removal all four impacted gotta break out the heavy hardware i'm knocked out don't even know the dentist entered the room i wake up but not able to move just eyes open awake but my limbs won't react to my brain i can feel the dentist hammering a chisel into my tooth to break it for extraction my jaw is just coming undone on every hit my eyes are wide open jaw even wider with some evil metal contraption i'm staring at the assistant begging for her to see me and after about a dozen hammers to my jaw she glances over and drops the suction jumps up and shrieks the dentist stops to look at her then looks at me and i see him say oh crap next thing i know i'm waking up post surgery crap that nightmares are made of i woke up during my wisdom teeth removal during the lower right when i woke up and could feel the drill dentist noticed and knocked me out again just an rn here i was working in the year and had a patient brought in by her husband apparently the woman had a fall a week prior and injured her face but refused medical care her husband finally forced her to come in as soon as i see the wound on her face from across the room i think that does not look like any wound i've seen i approached her and realized maggots had infested the wound and were eating the rotting skin a really simple and quick fix but i can't imagine her living conditions i like choose to imagine the wound was cleaned out of wild maggots and then sterile medical grade maggots were used to clean up the dead flesh like isn't really the right word there eight years after finishing medical school and deferring student loans through residency and fellowship and realizing that i was closer to 40 than 30 with over 200 000 of debt capital f i had an ingrown toenail it was supposed to be a quick fix i was 14 and had my mom with me they let an apprentice do the surgery and he goes oh crap the doctor in charge just laughed and said no risk no fun turns out they fricked up my toe and i had to have four more surgeries to correct it i cried the doctor really said don't sweat it they're not gonna sue mayo hope you're okay now though i'm not a surgeon but when i was in med school there was an oh crap moment for everyone including the surgeons anesthetists nurses and students they were prepping a patient for surgery and put him under and the nurse said okay he's out before they were about to start slicing him open the patient just had enough strength to move his head from side to side and said no i'm not out yet everyone laughed it off but if the patient didn't do that it could have ended badly this is one of my worst fears not being out just a mobilized and undergoing surgery due to a bad anesthesiologist not even sure if that could really happen but i don't like thinking about it i'm a scrub nurse doing a lap nephrectomy urologist mistook the abdominal out for the renal artery placed the staple gun on the aorta did not wait the recommended 30 seconds before slicing cut the abdominal aorta clean in half patient immediately crashes activate massive transfusion protocol patient was somehow alive when they went up to haiku definitely an oh crap moment i work in cardiovascular and i can't think of a couple on my eight years career i've had three patients start moving their arms in the middle open heart surgery one of them even tried to sit up the surgeon was literally pushing the patient's shoulders down and yelling to anesthesia to give the patient something another time a simple pericardial window for different reasons sometimes patients can have extra fluid buildup in the pericardial sac that surrounds the heart the surgeon made a small hole and stuck the sucker in to suction the fluid out and make room for the heart he stuck the sucker in too far and stuck it through the ventricle blood shot out of the small hole just below the sternum he had to quick open up the patient more under the ribs so he could stick his hand in to plug the hole with his finger we had to call another surgeon and to help quick crash onto the heart lung machine my grandfather told a story about a clam coming off an artery while he was pulling a kidney in rural wyoming in the early 50s the abdominal cavity was quickly filling with blood and the nurse fainted he was able to push down with his elbow on the descending aorta and got the clamp back on patient lived but i think he chose his surgical assistants little more carefully after that when i was a surgery intern i was pulled from doing skutt work to help out in a [ __ ] alva case one of our professor emeritus in surgery was doing a simple liver biopsy on a patient and nicked her hepatic artery the biases was for a recurrent tumor and the patient has been on chemo radiation what all that basically means is that patient has a hole in a major artery and her tissue has the consistency of toilet paper every time they tried suturing the hole the tissue just breaks apart leaving a bigger more leaky hole pretty much all hands were on board the chief residents were scrubbed in the seniors were literally squeezing blood bags into the patient's veins and us interns were runners going back and forth from all to blood bank to transport blood and plasma we ended up transfusing over 40 units 12 liters of blood so the patient lost over two times her total blood volume during that surgery a vascular surgeon eventually swooped in and did a rather slick patchwork that fixed the problem even better the patient was like a daughter to the surgeon he literally saved this patience live several times already and they got really close over the years but she even named one of their kid after him the poor guy broke down a few times during the surgery and was convinced that he had just killed his daughter the chief residence had to take over a few times when he was mentally not there that was his last surgery he retired the next day heck of a way to end a surgical career honorable during my third year of medical school i was stitching up the wound after breast cancer surgery and the anesthesiology nurse woke the patient too early as i was making my last stick and i felt the patient moving her arm and trying to sit up patient was still covered in surgery draping and cables and still intubated luckily most people do not remember much from the first moments after waking up but i got quite nervous from the patients starting to move and admittedly so i would imagine that would have been terrifying not a surgeon but when i was in nursing school i was observing a tonsillectomy when the power went out everything switched over to the back up generators except for the suction which is incredibly important for any surgery but particularly in the throat aspiration risk they ended up having to connect a giant syringe to a length of suction tubing to suction manually while someone went to the other side of the building to find portable suction luckily ours was the only theater that had started operating that morning i am terrified of complications due to tonsillectomies i had to ligate a carotid artery of a 14 year old because he wouldn't stop bleeding from a botched tonsillectomy i hate face and neck vessels the bee bleed like there is no tomorrow sorry in advance for this being so long not a surgeon but my mom had to have a kidney removed due to her waiting for almost two years to go to the doctor about her pain in her back the doctors found out it was a large kidney stone in that her kidney was infected and had lots of growth path shutting it down after draining the fluids through tubes over the course of a month and a half she was finally ready for surgery queue last wednesday the day of the surgery she was ready to finally be done with it they removed the stent put in and the tubes no problem next was the kidney here comes the oh crap moment as they get ready to remove the kidney there was complications the kidneys infection had spread to a portion of her lung and the major artery making them fragile as toilet paper as the surgeon removed the kidney a hole was tore in the lung and even worse the artery was severed at that point it was a race to save her life and stabilize her i don't remember much about how they fixed her up there but they had to fly her to a different hospital and have a heart surgeon fix the severed artery in a more permanent fashion anyways the heart doctor saw the grave situation and said she's got a one percent chance for her to make it but he did such an excellent job that my mom is still alive and getting stronger each day the moral of this story is if you have insurance and are experiencing pain go to a doctor as soon as you realize it you may save your life and also save some doctors from an oh crap moment like this it's sad you say if you have insurance and are experiencing pain go to the doctor it's so true i have no insurance and pain so i stay home not a surgeon but i was having surgery on my breast to remove what they suspected was cancer it was benign but either way i woke up during the surgery and i looked up and saw four people with scrub caps on staring down at me i looked at my boob in pure horror and that is all i remember because they knocked me back out still makes me want to vomit thinking about it i was only 13. that sounds truly awful i sincerely hope you never experience anything as bad as that again [Music] i was a fourth year resident and i was on call that day around 5 p.m i went to do rounds and as i got to the first room i came in to find the first year resident on top of the very recently neck operated patient that morning he had a tumor removed from his parapharyngeal space the resident was kneeling next to the guy's head with his hands and clothes completely covered in blood there was blood on the roof on the sheets on the bed dripping onto the floor you name it i was instantly petrified i went to omfg i have never ever repaired someone's carathed artery i am completely unqualified to help this guy someone please help us i was the senior resident so i was the only one on call at the time and besides none could get there in time to help this guy he was bleeding out so it was up to me alone to help him so i took the guide to the aura as fast as we could and i opened him up all of the time praying and telling myself it's okay i can do this i can do this i was crapping my pants while everyone was looking at me to fix him i open him up and i see the freaking facial artery loose spraying blood all over so i clamped it put a knot around it and that was it we closed him up bandage and transfused the poor guy and i went to collapse on a stool well done doc i was the patient it was a kidney biasy i was drugged up and out of it but still awake laying on my stomach as my kidney doctor worked behind me he warned me you're going to hear a click and it will feel like mike tyson punched you in the back oh okay i hear click feel the punch then here oh crap get so enzo on the phone now a nurse came up near my face to calm me and maybe keep an eye on me i don't really remember everything apparently he had nicked a blood vessel and i was bleeding internally at an alarming rate i got to spend the night in the hospital and pee what seemed like pure blood for about 24 hours never try to fit your kidney bar skin on a friday before the doctor leaves for vacation doctors nurses who deliver babies what are some strange funny things people have screamed while giving birth when my brother was born they had to use forceps to get him out my mom saw them and screamed those are salad tongs you are not putting any goddamn kitchenware in there when i gave birth and they pulled out the forceps i thought they looked like ice tongs not salad tongs much bigger the doctor who controlled the pain med saw my face and asked if i wanted to remember any of this i said nope last thing i remember my mother's labor was extremely short i was born within an hour so that means that she went from experiencing minimal pain to extreme pain with little time to adjust when my dad was driving her to the hospital he unfortunately had to stop for gas he went into pay and just then an elderly man in a wheelchair stopped him asking him to buy cigarettes for him as the store was not wheelchair accessible my mom then proceeded to lean out the window yelling don't help the [ __ ] we have never let her forget that one i'm sorry to laugh at your mom but dang that was funny i'm white irish and history so i had red hair when i was a child and my wife is black her sister was also in the delivery room when the baby crowned her sister told her she could see the baby's hair my wife who can barely breathe blurted out the hair isn't red is it apparently she was terrified the baby would be black with red hair my roommate and i just finished her labor and delivery rotation in july during one of the births she was helping out in the mom and the dad were separated but still good friends so while this woman is pushing out her baby she begins to half tell half scream that my roommate should date her ex the baby daddy the conversation went something like this mom you should really screams in pain go out with screams again him sometime he's really fun dad i wouldn't mind some drinks sometime what are you doing this evening no she did not go out with him that would make a heck of a love story paramedic here delivered a baby for a lady who did not realize she was pregnant and called us for abdominal pain patient you are an idiot i am not freaking pregnant me well i can see a head crowning patient that must be a freaking tumor the tumor was a healthy baby girl mom was totally sweet afterwards btw that is so crazy how do people even do that when my sister was in labor she was screaming and our mom was trying to be comforting it'll be okay take some deep breaths it'll be over soon then my sister looks up at our mom and says you have no idea what this is like you just wouldn't understand mom patient fully dilated started pushing then changed to her mind i don't wanna do this i'm going the frick home and then tried to get off the table this happens holy crap this happens fear 101 emt who did a berth on the side of the road woman shouted frick me during a contraction and the husband casually replied that's how we got into this mess damn it i had a very hard time containing myself pretty sure my husband said this exact thing to me while i was delivering our daughter i am not an objen but i was questioning a patient in the about some other health problem she wasn't carrying at the time when i got to the part about the gynecological history i asked how many kids did she have and how were they born she had two kids and were both born with c-section i should clarify that this was in spain and the patient was gypsy now gypsies are not usually well educated and women often marry young and don't finish school they also talk weird now the lady told me she had two kids and two c-sections and i asked her why she had to deliver by c-section she said because the first kid was a kumko no well this can be translated as pi eta this lady was convinced that her first child was going to eat her pee and had to be taken out before he did you can imagine my surprise at first i didn't understand and left the room after the questioning still puzzled i went and started digging in her file and found out that the c-section had to be done because after she broke water the doctors noticed the amniotic fluid was filled with baby crap usually when a baby shoots in utero it is a sign that the baby is suffering and has to come out quick that was why she had a c-section now here is why it is funny one in utero baby crap is called meconio two the doctors probably told this lady that she had to get a c-section because the baby comes with meconio three comes with meconio equals vien con meconio in spanish four vincon meconio sounds a lot like vinca meccono pieta 5 imagine being told your whole life that your mom had to get a c-section because you were going to eat her pee when you actually almost died at childbirth i know it must not be that funny in english but i did my best translating it and hope some of you see how funny it was for me this kind of translating to known terms seems to be common across languages my mother recounted patients who claimed they had sick as heck anemia sickle cell anemia and i most embarrassingly as a doctor's child confused herpes zoster the virus that causes chickenpox with herpes rooster when i was born my dad didn't know that babies are usually born face down and as i was coming out he screams oh my gosh she doesn't have a face this is my favorite i was high on meds at the time i was begging for barbecue ribs in between contractions come on honey the nurses will never know they were standing right there apparently when my aunt was giving birth she was all jokes very angry jokes but jokes nonetheless knock knock wh shows there the baby not yet this is my favorite lol not a doctor but a father when my first child was born his head was kind of misshapen and when the doctor lifted him up to show my wife she yelled why the frick does he look like a raptor i lost it my dad has told me they thought i was a girl all the way up to birth i came out as a c-section and the doctor goes how this one's got extra equipment my wife told me in a satanic voice to get better ice chips these suck i am not sure what the quality issue was but i ran and got her a different cup full the nurses kept trying to give me ice chips and telling my boyfriend to give them to me between pushing and i one point i just got pee and told them no i don't want i t i was too busy pushing a baby out of my vagina to eat any freaking ice chips i'm a nurse but i'm also a mom my husband told me when i was breathing the laughing gas i screamed i'm lady darth vader as i was pushing then i asked the doctor if he felt my tonsils when he had his arm up there these are my co-workers i hope they let you live it down i'm a nurse and one of the strangest things that i've seen happen while someone is giving birth is one patient decided to tell her boyfriend that it wasn't his baby that made the whole room silent and the boyfriend just left without saying a thing when my first was born a nurse told us about a black baby being born unexpectedly to a white mother in full view of her white husband this was in the 80s in my very conservative white town she said both sets of parents were there and you could have cut the atmosphere with a knife during labor about a half an hour before the god awful ripping and tearing i was losing my crap my older sister panicked and sort ran around the room my mom the birth coach said to my sister to give me a focal point something to concentrate on so i didn't jump out of the nearest window my sister lifted her shirt and shows us her boobs hilarity and awful pain ensued after a long contraction i said quietly i'm gonna set everyone in this room on fire everyone laughed including the nurse but i think my devoutly christian mother-in-law started to cry it's times like this that i wish i was a woman so that i can scream wildly inappropriate and zany things during my pregnancy then i say that again and realize i just wished i could give birth roughly aware of how painful it might be all better not exactly during labor but right after i had a very bad tear during natural childbirth which meant lots of stitches add to that it was training day for one of the med students and it was taking a long time a really long time finally i look down between my knees and ask what the heck are you guys weaving a friendship bracelet down there both doctors the intern and the med student burst out laughing so hard they had to stop working apparently there was some issue with how the intern was stitching me up and things had gotten tense this lightened the mood quite a bit i am crying after i had my son i was pretty wasted on all the pain meds they'd given me i looked at my husband and said honey condoleeza rice is out there waiting for me tell her i can't come out to play today i just had a baby my third i was delirious so i don't remember much hyperventilating because i thought something was wrong the pain was much more intense than my first two i get to the hospital at 11 15 have my son at 11 24 after everything is calmed down the nurses start giggling apparently i had yelled at them to take off my pants and look up my cu dickholes i had a c-section and was pretty out of it when they held up my daughter and said here's your baby i responded that's not mine i've never seen it before in my life take it to lost and found como i've never seen it before in my life well there's some accuracy in that statement as a nursing student i was watching a plan c section the procedure was being performed by the senior resident everything seemed to be going well when i heard the resident mutter whoops and i looked up and saw blood squirting out pulsing she fixed the artery very quickly but it obviously freaked out mom and dad everything turned out okay for mom and baby at one point when i was having contractions i said foo work really loud and long and my husband said there's a dollar for the swear jar which is our little inside joke but the nurse thought he was serious and tried to give him a condescending lecture about how painful childbirth is until i told them both to shut the freak up or get murdered because seriously shut the frick up a friend's mom is a nurse nurse have you seen the mucus plug woman in labor yeah that [ __ ] went out to have a cigarette i actually do deliver babies most women don't scream anything coherent it takes too much energy to form clear thoughts much less say them out loud if anything they say things they want like water but always very short sentences my back my [ __ ] it burns oh god i can't no more why isn't it coming what's wrong pull it out a young couple mom and dad were both around 18 if i recall correctly first baby for them both mom's pushing and dad is doing this awkward jig wanting to be helpful but not really knowing how to be helpful at one point i say okay we can see the head now still a while to go and dad jumps up runs to the counter puts on rubber gloves and gets into football receiving position like 10 feet away from mom's legs we all burst out laughing and he was very embarrassed to learn that babies do not shoot out across the room to be caught like a football when my mother was pregnant she and my dad decided to have an amnio a stand-in doctor was there the day she found out the results and despite mum's instructions that she did not want to be told the sex the doctor congratulated her on having a healthy little boy my mum freaked out and decided not to tell my dad so as not to ruin the surprise fast forward to the day of my birth i'm brought into this bright world without a penis the doctor congratulates my mother on her little girl my mum responds by yelling you've got to be freaking kidding me silence from everyone in the room the doctor then has a serious chat with my mum about loving me even though i am a girl etc etc turns out the amnio results were mixed up with another woman of the same name yeah quite the confuzzle she wanted a surprise sometimes you get what you wish for not a doctor but during the birth of my firstborn i kept screaming i got a poop i got a poop actually it was a head creating pressure as it was coming down the birth canal fell just like an eight pound poop not nurse doctor when my mom was delivering me she pulled my dad down to her level by his shirt and said get the frick out of my face my mom did this to my dad he had been working out of town and rushed to get there and she told him to get his nasty coffee breath out of her face no one was responding to the call button as my mom was giving birth so she yelled do something honey so my dad ran out into the hallway and screamed at the top of his lungs i teased showtime and i'm not a very good catcher clearly you have an exceptional memory fortunately when i gave birth to my nephew it was a quick labor apparently though i was stoic as heck my eyes would roll back in my head every time i had to push or had a really tough contraction but i didn't say anything i bit into my lip though until it was bleeding during the last couple of pushes apparently everyone looked up from the baby and i'm streaming blood from my mouth freaked my sister and the doctor out for a moment lol the delivery nurse for my son's birth was about 4 minutes and 11 seconds she kept talking to me and i couldn't see her over my belly and legs it was really frustrating she said do you want me to pull down the mirror so you can see i was like i don't need the goddang play-by-play let's just do this i apologized afterwards she laughed that was me the nurses kept trying to romanticize the moment and make it memorable and i just wanted it to be over so i could go home oh just thought of another one for one of my pregnancies i ended up having an emergency c-section i was drugged to the eyeballs and i remember really liking one of the nurses because she smiled a lot and quoted poetic lyrics from my favorite songs when the drugs wore off i remembered i was the one quoting the lyrics no wonder she was so smiley kind of irrelevant but i woke up in the middle of my wisdom tooth surgery hearing someone playing rhcp turns out i was trying to sing as the oral surgeon was trying to gauge bones out of my mouth my fiance is a doctor and my mother's a nurse so i'm claiming the titles by association for the purposes of this thread my mother was unexpectedly having her fourth child and chose not to find out the sex we like surprises everywhere apparently for some reason she became convinced it was a boy and would have bet the house on it in the delivery room they hand the baby to my dad and he joyfully tells my mom that they have a new baby girl mom what number check again dad i'm pretty sure it's a girl honey mom you're not looking hard enough my older sister cried when she found out i was a boy and both of my older brothers danced in jabilation to this day she doesn't remember this my wife had a epidural for the c-section and at one point asked is it out yet i really should get home now so i answered no honey they still busy cutting her reply had the entire oran stitch is okay tell them to neaten up while they're in there oops not a doctor i was standing in the corner under strict instructions not to faint or throw up right after my son was born via c-section i was still higher than a hippie at woodstock from the drugs they gave me they handed me my beautiful newborn son and the first words out of my mouth were oh my god his scrotum is huge then i'll laugh hysterically to be fair it really was baby scrotums are huge jesus when i was doing my rotations in the well baby unit i was weirdly disturbed by how massive they all were wondering how to bring this subject up until a very large intimidating polish nurse picked one up and exclaimed dang look at the balls on this one and i felt better during my birth aside from my husband my best friend was in the room she had recently been certified as a doula for those of you that don't know abdullah is support for the mother they don't do anything medical it can help support the mom or her partner help with pain solutions etc i stubbornly wanted to deliver without drugs and during a particularly bad contraction she leaned in and told me to think of my wonder focus something you are looking forward to learning about your child when they are born like an incentive so hair color weight sex etc i looked her square in the face and told her to shut up with her hippie bulls i was in labor for 22 hours pushes for two and a half for those of you who don't know an average first time childbirth is around 12 hours with around 10-30 minutes of pushing needless to say i was freaking tired about two hours into pushing i couldn't push anymore i said i can't the doctor yelled at me and i lost it shut your w mouth it got me mad enough and around five pushes and three snips later i popped out a 10 pound baby we found out post delivery that i had literally ripped my uterus which is why it took so long and hurt so bad so much blood coma ripped uterus just tape it back together not a doctor but was present for my cousin's birth my 90 year old grandma was there sitting on the other side of the curtain she wanted to be present but didn't want to see anything she had never witnessed a birth before and doesn't remember anything about having her own four children as the baby came out everyone on the birthing side of the curtain was cheering and excited this caused my grandma to decide she needed to open the curtain to see what was going on she actually clutched her chest and fell back into her chair in horror nearly 12 hours of labor and to this day that's about the only thing i remember it's not really surprising that she doesn't remember her own labor they used to all but knock women unconscious while they were pushing probably happened that way during your grandmother's time out of the office goody i've been doing this for the past month on a rotation i think by far the one that made me and the nurses laugh the most was a woman with a thick jamaican accent that kept saying oh you bad boy over and over in between contractions pushes my most vivid memory from a three-month obstetrics rotation over a decade ago screamed by the largest glaswegian woman i've ever seen take it back freaking take i.t back not me but my mom delivers babies she was telling me that one time there was a woman that went to push and open up her mouth and had the longest drawn out scream ever it was so long that everyone was kind of looked at each other check their watches and tap their foot once she was done my mom went up to her and said you only get to do that once during a delivery and you just used yours apparently when you scream it takes all the power from your push just try pooping and screaming and you'll get the idea apparently this woman was actually a psychiatrist mind over matter am i right i'm laughing at the image of redditors worldwide pooping and staring straight ahead yelling shamelessly as william wallace leading an army of rebels into battle i was in the delivery room because the father wasn't available she knew it was a girl for some time but as they put the baby on her after it was born she looked down saw the umbilical cord and yelled out hey aaai it is a boy i don't remember this because i was very out of it but i've seen the video hubby wanted to see how i was doing and he pulled off my oxygen mask and asked how i felt i started in with the litany against fear from june i must not fear fear is the mind color fear is the little death that brings total obliteration you are awesome i just made jokes about them not tracking sand in their c-section doctors over at it how often do you see patients after they have tried to self-medicate what's the worst mistake you've seen i was working in a clinic when a man a man came in with his blind wife she is diabetic and during my questioning i found out she had had a few episodes of low blood sugar in the past few months and i mean low as an unable to ingest food to raise her blood sugar the husband told me he had to inject his wife to bring her around usually in these cases you would inject glucagon which is basically the opposite of insulin it raises blood sugar he proceeds to tell me that the glucagon is too expensive so he has been dissolving sugar in water drawing it up and injecting it into her thigh i tried to hide my shock but it must have been obvious he just looked at me and said well it worked didn't it i tried telling him all of the reasons he should use glucagon and not sugar water but he wouldn't have it i even told him that the pain of the injection is probably what woke his wife up not any increase in blood sugar he said the glucagon was too expensive i called around to a bunch of pharmacies and found it for twenty dollars for two injections but he still refused to buy it we ended up calling adult protective services tl dr husband injected his blind diabetic wife with sugar water to revive her from low blood sugar episodes good job i am very glad you called adult protective services lady in her mid-60s comes in with a terrible burn on her hairline and scalp i asked what happened and she said she was coloring her hair with the leftover dye from a month or so ago needless to say she had a third degree chemical burn all over her scalp okay that's problem one we ask her if she has any allergies because we want to give prophylactic antibiotics she says no we ask about her daily meds she rattles off a bunch including 1000 milligrams of amoxicillin augmentum we ask how long she's been taking the augmentum she replies two years every day for two years she's been taking massive doses of antibiotics her reasoning to keep myself from getting sick we went hunting for side effects found oral and vaginal thrush massive yeast infection in her colon malnutrition stomach ulcers and multiple open sores on her feet and knees plus she got a super infection on the burn site a few days later no fun tl dr don't take antibiotics if you don't need them seriously not a doctor but when i was about 16 i started having these little red irritated spots show up on my arm my mom was immediately like you have psoriasis is all just go tanning so i tan for about a week and they just got worse now i had them all over my body i had spots on my eyelids even so i go to the doctor finally turns out i had ringworm and by tanning i was basically rubbing them all over with the lotions and incubating while i tanned thanks mom i posted in a thread above this about how i got ringworm from a tanning bed i t was you pathologist i've seen a few cases of patients who basically wrecked their livers through use of some sort of herbal remedy like for weight loss or something similar be careful with unregulated dietary supplements is what i'm saying we got given a case in a lecture of a man who had a rash on his foot googled it and decided it was eczema or some similar inflammatory disease so ordered and applied a steroid cream for those who don't know these kind of steroids act by dampening the immune system the overactivity of which is the cause of diseases like eczema and psoriasis however he in fact had a fungal infection and had with just reducing his body's ability to fight it off if i remember correctly by the time he got to the doctors he needed it amputated tl dr go to the doctor i have a weird rash that i can diagnose on google this just convinced me to schedule a doctor's appointment pharmacist here patient came in and wanted to self-medicate his cat's pinky he wanted to know what the vet would prescribe and if it was available somehow over the counter after alluding and trying discussion he is insistent on putting generic neosporin in his cat's eye i repeatedly instructed him that it wasn't safe due to sterility reasons and that it could harm the cat worsen the cat's condition or cause some other problem for the animal his reply to me well i'll try it in my own eye first and see and just like that as mysteriously as he arrived he was gone a doctor first one that comes to mind although probably not the worst was a woman who came in with worsening back pain she had fallen the previous day and filled a gallon size bag with ice and placed it on her back she fell asleep with it on her back and a few hours later she noticed that her back hurt even worse so she took another bag of ice and put it on and once again fell asleep when i examined her she had two large areas of burns with blisters on her upper back each about six inches in diameter when i took a picture and showed it to her no i will not post the picture her eyes welled up with tears she couldn't believe that ice had given her a second degree burn less than 15 20 minutes at a time every two three hours maximum for heat or ice packs tl dr patient left ice on her back too long got a nasty burn i work in a dental office most common thing we see is people placing an aspirin on their gums next to an aching tooth all that does is severely burn the gums and makes the pain worse i've also met a few people over the years who have taken their own teeth out with a pair of pliers one guy we saw had a problem tooth went to pull it out pulled the wrong one then tried again and pulled the problem one he shattered the alveolar bone in that area and had to be sent to an oral surgeon immediately resident physician here i've had numerous patients who've rejected medical treatment for a small localized and easily treatable cancer in favor of naturopathic homeopathic remedies inevitably they ray present years later with diffusely metastatic cancer in their brains liver bones it's everywhere by that point the conversation shifts from how i can cure them to how i can make them comfortable before they die for example woman has progesterone receptor positive breast cancer this means that the hormone progesterone will make her cancer grow faster she goes to her naturopath who prescribes her tubs of progesterone cream for years which most certainly made her cancer worse but it's okay she tells me it was years of natural progesterone nurse here at a get-together with friends where the wine drinking got out of hand i had a friend burn himself on the oven while making pizza then try to cauterize that wound with his lighter i'm an emt one of my first calls was an 80 plus year old man living in an assisted living facility that he had bought at least 150 bottles of some naturally lose weight quick pills that he saw late night on tv he had been taking an excess amount of them for at least a day straight we got there and his mental status was clearly altered didn't know where he was etc i wish i still had the picture of the stacks of cartoons he had in his small room i still wonder how he got them inside of the facility med student here literally all the time i've seen super overdosing otc meds guy with bloody stool and abdominal pain who we found out used for goodie powder packets a day for over five years patient who had someone try to nail file his hemorrhoids not sure how he thought that would help massive infections from people literally stapling a wound shut with an office stapler i had a patient who came in saying that she had a sore throat so she took her cat's expired antibiotics and wanted to know why she wasn't getting better well done they'd expired geez talk about stupid physician here the one that stands out from among the rest of the field life-threatening problems with otc acetaminophen ibuprofen naproxen happen all the day long happened many years ago while i was a medical student i was serving my rural medicine rotation at a primary care practice in the sticks a man came in for an urgent appointment for a rash i went to see him first to get working on the history in the exam room i met a very nice young fit man sitting bolt upright on the exam table looking very uncomfortable during the history it was revealed that he was a telephone line repairman and was working in late summer out on the telephone lines around the county climbing them to reach the wires he had been exposed to poison ivy this way over both arms and much of his torso which had happened before however this time the rash was worsening with time i asked him to remove his dark colored shirt and after he did i almost fainted he had open wounds all over his arms and chest all of the blisters from the poison ivy had unproofed and the tissue underneath was destroyed everything was bright red bleeding and weeping it looked intensely painful i'm having a hard time describing it it was the worst skin findings i'd ever seen i thought for sure this was stevens johnson syndrome or 10 so i started asking about medication use he told me he takes no medications at home but that his grandmother gave him a gallon of solution to put on the rash which he had been using regularly since the poison ivy began he didn't know what was in it we called grandma what was in it was bleach he got to go for a fun trip to the burn center poor guy tl dr man treated really bad poison ivy with bleach lots of skin was lost heard the story but didn't see the patient a woman in her 60s presented to their with episodes of passing out during sex she underwent a full workup cardiac neurological when she was admitted and no cause was found so she was discharged she returned again with the same complaint a few days later and divulged that this had actually happened during sex both times upon further questioning it turns out that her husband had been using topical nitroglycerine paste on his penis for erectile dysfunction when they had sex the medicine was absorbed into her bloodstream causing her blood pressure to drop precipitously her husband was advised to discontinue this practice tl dr stick to vidagra people with tooth pains trying some miracle remedy and when the pain stops they think they are healed what they don't know is that it means their nerves have been infected in fact so serious that the nerves died and rotting below the gums only until the pain starts again and their so-called remedy doesn't work do they go to the dentist by then there is no choice to but to remove the teeth and probably some additional surgery too btw dentists poke sharp objects at your gums for a reason it's to check for periodontal disease most dentists also don't fool with making payment arrangements this means people with no money get no dental care given the risk that i've heard comes with untreated abscess i find it really concerning that dental insurance is not mandated by the akka i did an mri on a patient who had treated her breast cancer with sodium bicarbonate the patient presented to them with numbs hands and neck pain the mri showed extensive bony metastases and a pathogen fracture of c2 basically the cancer had spread all through her body and had weakened her bones to the point that they were disintegrating putting her a risk of damaging her spinal cord or worse it's more just sad that people want to believe that these simple remedies can treat complex isous as opposed to modern medicine i'm a medical student i have two that stand out first we had a guy come into the free clinic complaining of knee pain he is a larger guy an ex-football player who developed a bit of a gut after he stopped playing he said that he has some old injuries torn meniscus chronic arthritis etc he used to go to his doctor in another state who would drain the knee and give him a steroid injection every so often when he lost his job he lost his insurance too hence being seen at the free clinic before he decided to come to us though he decided it was a good idea to take a needle and try to drain his knee himself four times on physical exam the knee is massively swollen tender bright red classic signs of a septic joint we weren't equipped to treat it in the free clinic so we strongly encouraged him to go to the air he didn't want to go because of his insurance situation we tried to explain the gravity of the situation to him but he refused to listen without prompt treatment he could end up losing his leg we offered to call him an ambulance to take him to the air but he refused and left the clinic never did find out what happened to him second this one i heard second hand from a classmate we had a firefighter coming with some burns on his leg i believe they were incurred from a drunken cooking accident rather than any on the job heroics but i could be mistaken anyway the burns were serious but he was expected to make a full recovery quickly enough he was discharged and instructed to eat a lot of protein to help him recover he interpreted this as get as much protein into your body as possible by any means necessary he goes home takes some protein powder and mixes it up with water and sets it up in an iv needless to say he developed a pretty serious bloodstream infection it prevented his burn from healing correctly and he ended up needing a partial amputation of his foot he eventually recovered but it took way longer and there were so many unnecessary complications i'm a pediatric nurse parents brought their child in with weakness through the general admission questions we discovered that they were into natural treatments when their infant child developed tummy problems they decided to give her a bottle of honey water to help with that the baby was diagnosed with botulism it says right on the honey bottle not to let kids under like to eat it we had a patient come in who was using duct tape to treat various skin ailments not the end of the world if you have a wart and just use a small piece of it only on the wart this woman was using giant strips of duct tape that she'd leave on for months at a time on her face her arm and foot when the duct tape was removed huge square portions of her skin came off with it she has a long rectangular scar on her face now from it not self-medicating but something even worse ignorance denial woman came in with a tennis ball-sized tumor extending out of her left breast when asked why she didn't come in earlier she said she thought it was normal worst mistakes i've seen our patients coming in for treatment when it is too late and the disease is way too advanced my mother-in-law rest her soul had finished menopause previously and was bleeding vaginally for two years before telling anyone kids doctors she fought for six years but cervical cancer took her life when she was first diagnosed it was at stage four already please people don't be freaking stupid if there's something wrong get some help as a veterinarian the holy trifecta are giving aspirin to cats giving ibuprofen to dogs giving eastern to dogs usually done by md's or nurses all three of these run a good chance of killing the animal not a doctor but i was observing in the year for this during my senior year in high school i did a program called new visions that allowed seniors to skip half their day at school and instead spent it job shadowing doctors surgeons nurses physical therapists etc i scrub did surgery saw a bunch of births vaginal and c-section assisted during codes and was eventually certified as an emtb through the same program it was awesome man comes into the air after trimming trees on his farm and a very large branch had landed on his head he had split his skull and instead of going to the air he had his wife clean his scalp with vodka and staple his scalp shut with a staple gun and thick sewing thread that they used on horses according to him anyways it was severely infected and nearly gangrenous several of the staples had created micro fractures on the skull too apparently the adopts face when the man nonchalantly described how he just got drunk and had his wife use the staple gun on his skull was hilarious guy had to go into surgery and it took about six hours and several skin grafts to repair the damage that sounds like an awesome program you were really lucky only semi-related but the gym teacher at my junior high had a student who broke his arm during class and the teacher's response was to insist that it was only a sprain and that the student should do jumping jacks to help it feel better his classmates had to call him an ambulance my uncle is a doctor and a few years ago when i was trying to figure out if i wanted to go into medicine or not he let me shadow him in his office for a day well this one girl came in to see him she was absolutely beautiful mid-twenties perfect makeup hair everything she was in to see my uncle because her toe was an unbearable pain and she could barely stand to walk anymore well my uncle has her take her shoe off and i almost threw up he had to take a second and turn away to collect himself her toe was like three times its size and the outside looked slimy and like the skin was about to drop off after a few seconds of stunned silence my uncle asked what happened to it she said she was walking one day and she cut her toe pretty bad on some glass while she was at her apartment she called her grandmother and asked if there was anything she should do to stop the bleeding and heal the infection she said her grandmother was a shaman and apparently she went to her for all medical advice well guess what the grandma told her to put on it mayonnaise yep she didn't even clean it or anything just plopped some mayonnaise right on it we asked her how long she had been doing it for two weeks constantly the smell was absolutely terrible and when my uncle even slightly poked it with something she would almost scream in pain he immediately told her to go to the hospital and told her that one of his buddies would be waiting there for her so later than day my uncle's friend calls back and said that they had to do surgery on her toe and that there were two or three pieces of glass embedded deep in her toe he said that when the surgeon made an incision the toe basically exploded and pus went everywhere they had to remove all the dead skin and almost had to remove the toe because the infection was so bad but apparently she made a really great recovery so that's good me and my uncle will never forget that though i'm not a doctor but i work at a pre post surgical eye clinic the worst i think i've ever seen was someone wore their contacts for three months straight it was gross remember guys take out your contacts at night and wash them like you were told to do after my mother's friend had her cornea fall off i'm very protective of my eyes i just can't understand how they do that mine get dry and uncomfortable after half a day and sleeping with them and just makes it even worse just take five minutes to change them for god's sake guy came in with a deep laceration to the leg genius decided he would super glue the wound shut it became infected and then gangrene set in he then waited until his leg was a greenish black before coming in he lost the leg i work as a caregiver i had a patient who tried to holistically cure parkinson's for 10 years when i started caring for him he was a human statue who could only communicate by blinking his crazy hippie mother was behind a lot of it she brought in shaman healing gazers oil enemas you name it after six months of this i dragged his butt to a neurologist to be put on meds today he walks talks plays piano goes to a local college and even puts on concerts when i think of those 10 wasted years i just shake my head to this day the minute someone starts yammering about alternative medicine i shut that crap down i've seen what it does to people i am not a doctor but this is important about 10 years ago my now mother-in-law had what everyone thought was a severe panic attack or mild heart attack they rushed her to the hospital and found out it was her gallbladder she said it was nothing serious and didn't get it removed about three years later same thing happens possible heart attack turns out it's a gallbladder her husband my wife and i were all there in her room when the doctor is recommending taking it out she says no the doctor then tells her no more spicy food junk food or fast food after he leaves she starts going off about how doctors just want to cut people open to make money and i swear she says i just need lemon juice that will fix it fast forward another three years later of not listening to a doctor and taking lemon juice my wife gets a call around midnight from her dad who is mumbling incoherently after about 30 minutes he explained to my wife that my mother-in-law had woke up screaming painfully and he had rushed her to the ear and was scared she was going to die the hospital had told him that she was going into emergency surgery about four hours later we found out that they had removed her gallbladder and that it had actually ruptured she is still alive and still tries to give my wife and i medical advice don't you just love that part with the being incredibly wrong and yet still they have to know better than everyone it is amazing how many people truly believe dr's are all buttholes md here patient a few weeks back came in very very yellow jaundiced and had hundreds of marks over his entire body from scratching severe pruritus his liver function tests were through the roof total bilirubin we did the full workup labs ultrasound mri even liver barsi nothing obvious turns out the guy was taking supplements by the handful from gnc he had acute vitamin a poisoning great case gynecologist friend in lebanon told me about women trying to abort by themselves due to abortions being illegal so you have the patience coming into a withdrama just due to knitting needle insertion and that is a classic but a very frequent case is massive septicemia due to the insertion of a raw piece of meat or sometimes a dead bird the crazy part is that those cases happen quite frequently medical professionals have read it when did you have to tell a patient i've seen it all before to comfort them but really you had never seen something so bad or of that nature i used to do psychiatric evaluations in an emergency room setting one time i'm evaluating this 60 year old woman who is lying in the hospital bed i'm asking her questions and she stops me and says excuse me but i need to pass some gas i let her know that this is a medical setting and that is a completely normal body function and not to be embarrassed people pass gas all the time i was not prepared for what came next she let it rip and out came the loudest wettest and longest sounding fart i have ever heard it was bubbly and juicy hitting all the deep notes while ending on a squeaker i don't think satan could have made a noise like that with his anus it sounded so relieving but then the smell hit me it was bad enough that i started to gag and had to excuse myself from the room when i came back i politely asked if she needed a nurse for anything in case she needed to be cleaned up after that but she declined obviously i've witnessed people farting before but i've never heard or smelled anything like that before but that was something else fourth year med student here on my rotation a couple months back i walked into the ed and was immediately asked to help a nurse and resident put a catheter in a patient and now a catheter placement is usually a one-person job so i was pretty confused as to why they needed my help i walk into the patient room and i'm immediately greeted by a disgusting rotting flesh smell worst thing i've smelled in my life the patient has to be pushing 400 pounds and has the worst edema soft tissue swelling from congestive heart failure i've ever seen his scrotum and penis foreskin are about the size of a small watermelon and the foreskin had swollen completely over the tip of his penis the nurse had a speculum two obgyns used to look inside vaginas inserted into the man's foreskin while the resident took the catheter in a hemostat pliers type thing and jammed it into the man's pee hole for 20 minutes they finally got the catheter in and took the speculum out it was covered in a thick brown discharge that looked like fermented pea crab i still don't know how he let his scrotum and penis well that much welp that's enough for did for today not a doctor but had one that defiantly lied to me so i have an extreme reaction to poison oak after a day my skin literally starts slugging off exposing the fatty tissue it then starts growing away from the contact point doubling in size every day until i get treatment or die of infection day one man this poison oak is itchy attempt not to scratch but you do day two this is bad i must have an infection but i did everything i could to keep it clean call the doctor make appointment for monday day three wake up saturday stuck to my sheets because the gauze is too saturated to contain my body fluids make an urgent care appointment but make it for the afternoon cause i got to see the kids soccer game upside it doesn't itch today no pain at all doctor sees me makes a phone call tells me to sit there and don't move an hour later another doctor comes in wearing some kind of hazard suit i start freaking out he tells me he's a specialist dermatologist and has seen it all also comforts me by saying worst case scenario its flesh flesh-eating bacteria the fact that you're not dead by now might mean you have superpowers he starts to remove the gauze the previous doctor wrapped me in and as soon as the affected area was revealed he threw up his hands and jumped back then says he's not seen this before and wants me to describe everything in detail he takes swabs sends to lab prescribes me steroids and antibiotics brings me the prescriptions and after sitting in the little room for a total of eight hours lets me go because i've stopped leaking i saw him again on monday and the labs had nothing terrible and i was completely scabbed over he had me finish all the pills saw me two more times and i didn't even get any scarring just my body getting rid of the poison oak by getting rid of all the skin sounds like stevens johnson syndrome for god's sake be careful other plants and drugs can do that to not only your skin but also your eyes and certain internal organs obligatory not a medical professional but a first aider i was doing a duty at the finish line of the london marathon as i have done for many years i've seen enough chafing dehydration and blisters galore someone always has the worst of the day but it happened so fast that you can hardly mentally tally whose nipples were the most raw until i had a runner come in covered in blood complaining that her nipples had completely gone she had shaved so bad that her nipples and arrears were rubbed to nothing and the worst part was that she had her nipples pierced and the piercings had embedded themselves in her exposed breast tissue i had to talk her through sterilizing the wounds while trying to assure her that it happens to everyone the image of a nipple bar peeking out of red raw breast tissue will haunt me i was a fat little 10 year old with a slide on a float in the middle of the lake we had a bucket on a rope to pour water on the slide before you went down i missed a spot my right nipple very literally was burned off by the hot plastic it took years before became somewhat normal again doc here currently working with accident victims i had a patient once hobble in walking in his key later a week after being hit by a car he'd been to the air they discharged him and said just the usual bumps and bruises i did my round of x-rays and his femoral heads were broken on both sides think of the leg bone as a capital l with the bottom of the l hooking into the hippies were cleanly broken through the bottom sections on both sides turns out it had occult fractures on both sides the x-rays didn't initially see and walking on them collapsed them never seen that before another was a patient with shoulder injury both sides got an mri and both shoulders were basically destroyed complete failure of the rotator cuff on both sides with the humerus being drawn up and back on each side instant surgery i'm a medical secretary for a podiatrist i obviously didn't treat the patient myself but i discussed his case with his doctor the patient had severe anxiety and therefore hadn't been to a doctor of any kind in approximately 20 years he ended up in our office because his wife had called the day before and expressed that he needed to be seen due to a foot infection when he arrived he approached the window and told the receptionist that he was sorry because his socks were dirty as he hadn't made it to the laundromat recently which was a bit weird in and of itself but we work for a podiatrist we've seen it all before as it were he then sat in the waiting room and it was mere moments before the smell seeped into the administration office the receptionist put him in an exam room as quickly as possible and upon her return she informed me that the infection was literally using out of his sneaker all we could do was open the widows and apologize to other patients as they arrived it was foul and when i entered the room after his appointment to clean it the medical assistant was out that day i immediately began gagging and had to forcefully push my manager out of the way as to avoid vomiting on her on my way to the restroom as it turned out the dude had had the infection for approximately three months and had been showering with his sock on since he'd discovered it he literally hadn't removed his sock from his infected foot in three months and his wife had somehow been living with the overwhelming smell the doctor said it was the worst infection he'd ever seen but the patient was so incredibly anxious that he got the standard i've seen it all before throughout his appointment i was working as a cna in a nursing home there was a lady who had been neglected before she came in so she had stage four bed sores all the way to the bone and the treatment nurse wanted me because i am calming and really good with the residents that needed a little support she has me roll her on her side and then carefully peels back the bandage i'm staring down in half horror half fascination as i can clearly see the bone ligaments muscle layers of skin i'm gawking hard and the nurse is showing me some neat procedure when i hear a small frail voice is it getting better i turn on my biggest friendliest smile and reply it does it looks so much better so does it feel better she smiles and nods i change the subject to grandkids she had a picture of them i haven't seen anything like it before or since but she was such a lovely lady and i started looking forward to helping because she was such a nice lady to talk to thank frick there's nurses like you not the doctor but the patient in sixth grade i contracted so many different forms of dysentery that i was placed into cdc quarantine while they tried to figure out where i got it i was barely conscious throughout the whole time but all i remember is my doctor in my room with me having hooked up my wii and playing brawl as i recovered i had no clue that my parents were being investigated for child abuse or that i was in quarantine until a few months later or that i had passed out and had been covered in vomit and crap for hours before my mom found me and took me to the hospital i ended up getting it from someone not washing their hands after handling a snake and then cooking dinner at my science camp wash your dang hands people the dang oregon trail over here i'm an rn who specializes in wound care we see a lot of crazy things in my clinic a common occurrence is a pilonidal cyst which is an abnormal growth in you gluteal cleft aka butt crack that contains hair it usually happens with younger ppl say 1320s and is obviously very embarrassing to the patient when we get them they've already had the surgery to open and extract the cyst so there's a few holes left that we have to heal one poor soul that came in had the worst post-surgical hole i've ever seen it was so big it extended from the top of her crack to the top of her anus then now on either side about 12 centimeters it was like the surgeon carved out most of her butt the patient was devastated and i tried to comfort her by telling her she's not the worst i've ever seen poor girl not a medical professional and the dentist didn't even try to play it off as if he'd seen it before but my sister had bad problems with her teeth so many of her teeth were pulled and one was sword in half while it was still in her mouth so that they could pull half of it as a dentist held before he said i've been telling all my dentist friends about you i've never done this before that was probably the wrong thing to say before you saw someone's tooth in half years ago my then 11 year old shattered both femurs and her hip at the time her orthopedic specialist was so reassuring and confident that we had no doubt about her recovery a year later we went back for a review and he asked me if i'd like to see her trauma x-rays not having any idea of the reality i said yes what i saw looked like her leg bones had exploded after my freaked out reaction i commented on how cool and calm he was and how certain that she'd be fine he said he'd actually had to go for a short walk around the hospital to collect his thoughts since he had no idea how he would put this child back together he also told me had used the films as a teaching aide he's one of my heroes you're going to have to explain how one shatters both femurs and a hip and if she's walking now yep had a patient who was 62 and he had never seen a dentist before i am a dentist had literally everything going on orally especially the smell omg the smell me and the assistant were like don't worry we see this kind of stuff all the time not a lie just never all at once oh rn here so so many one vaginal discharge the color and consistency of guacamole stuck on a speculum post pelvic exam the patient's husband had recently been released from a period of federal incarceration 2. the first time you smell a really funky long-term gi bleed bleeding into the intestines usually the colon 2 and blood equals murder most foul and the patient is sometimes a sweet incredibly sick little granny watching us gag as we clean her up apologizing for the smell and we have to just say from behind the peppermint oil soaked mask oh sweetie it's okay we do this all the time three dead sluffed intestinal lining another smell that will haunt your gamers but the winner winner chicken dinner and the no number it's not that bad i've seen worse category was the homeless dude who came in complaining of blood in his urine he wasn't able to pee more than a few drops at a time so we used a little ultrasound machine to see how much urine was in his bladder more than one thousand milliliters you just bought a catheter sir i tossed one of our male patient caretakers with the job and had barely gotten back to the desk when he came running out yelling i need some help grab gloves i lifted the gown covering this guy's junk and grabbed the penis to help maggots in the urethra and he was p off that we removed them because in the quran they teach you to eat yeah maggots that's free protein damn it just eating some coleslaw and chicken while reading this no big deal not a medical professional but i have impressed a couple it's not super weird but just uncommon i guess i was overweight but active when i was younger and broke my lowest rib while snowboarding long story short i did not know it was broken honestly so i never got it checked by a doctor the rib traveled up over the next two ribs and has since fused to them i now have a permanent tilt on my spine where this rib attaches to it and now that i have lost some weight a bump you can see feel on my chest it is kinda weird when you tell a doctor about something on your body and their face lights up like a kid on christmas and they ask for permission to feel it some people really do love their jobs nursing corrections here had an inmate patient coming with complaints about severe lower abdominal pain he told me that he had something stuck in his prison pocket before i could ask him what he stuck up his anus he bends over and shows me a cord sticking out i told him don't trip i'm sure the doctor can help you out with that you'll be all right come to find out the prong of the phone charger got caught up into something and it was stuck as i was trying to comfort him i started to hear this vibrating sound so i asked him if he heard it do he said it's the phone inside me that stuck with the charger it wasn't just a regular flip phone it was one of those samsung smartphones i sure hope it wasn't a record note 7. had a patient who had a melanoma the size of a cauliflower head on the back of her ankle melanoma doesn't generally grow like that maybe it was the ozone injection she'd gone to another country for had a guy that shot himself under the chin with a shotgun he had actually done it like 16 hours prior to family finding him he was still alive conscious and alert to what was going on his jaw looked like predator i had family freaking out of course had to tell them we see worse often which may be true but they are usually dead he lived for almost a day after shooting himself then died in the back of my ambulance i had to drop my first nasogastric tube on a rather hysterical older team i was actually a very experienced nurse but just had never had the opportunity to insert one but i checked the procedure manual watch a youtube video and walk in the room i'm not worried this usually isn't that difficult and i'm in general a skilled nurse girl is sobbing mom has to leave the room she's so upset and angry dad tells me he's a paramedic and that i better know my crap but dad says aggressively have you done this before i say i can't even count the number of times i've done this girl says will this damage my vocal cords curious question but i'll laugh a little and say with a smile not if you stay calm and follow my instructions dad says because she has studied under name i didn't recognize for years and has a full ride to fancy art school that i did recognize that ng tube slid in like butter no problem girl did just fine i'm not going to lie i was sweating just a bit also one time sami young 30 something crap out the most blood i've ever seen someone crap out and live he was lying passed out on the floor of the bathroom while our rapid response team assembled trying to figure out how to get this massive young man out of a rather small space he came to saw all the blood and just calmly looked at me and said that's a lot of blood am i dying i said nah i used to work labor and delivery i know it looks like a lot of blood but i've seen way worse you're going to be just fine that was a lie i had never seen so much freaking blood even in l d and i wasn't sure he was going to make it he lived i'm a surgeon a couple of years ago they sent us this guy 52 years old that had shown up in the year because he allegedly had and pooped in a week or so but to make a long story short x-ray showed he had something lodge in his rectum and sigma and descending colon so way up there that was a little over a foot long he denied having put anything up there yeah right we try to go from the bottom up and nothing we see something but we can't clamp onto it so what now operating room ended up opening him up and inside the colon we see a hand i just about crap myself ended up being a mannequin's arm like storm anakin it was stuck up there up to the elbow that was an odd one i'm a pediatric nurse and trigged a young girl with a rash mom had been to several doctors and they didn't know what it was i recognized it right away called steven johnson syndrome i remained calm patient was flown to her burn center but died i had only seen it once before and it was fatal for that patient too we had a patient in the uh who was sick of her visual hallucinations so she scooped her eyeballs out she looked like something out of hellraiser and unfortunately did not fix her hallucinations another patient came in with a colostomy and ran out of his equipment so he duct taped a trash bag to it it had several pounds of fesses in it holy frick that poor woman i am so sorry you had to see that not even close to a medical professional but my aunt is a nurse and told me about a guy who came in coughing up blood and maggots and it turned out to be some worms he got from eating something that ate through his stomach lining into his esophagus and were in his throat paramedic here had a homeless guy called saying he stepped on a nail about a year ago i could smell it from the door so i expected it to be bad but when i went to pick up the leg by his heel there was just nothing there his foot just evaporated into pus and maggots and his metatarsals cling through my fingers while i'm standing there trying to comprehend what happened he just signed and asked me to pick up his foot what foot buddy put it back on he said it falls off a lot these days but it still hurts so that's good right i had no clue what to tell him the nurses thought it was hilarious that the baby medic that's me btw got grossed out not a medical professional my husband was born with a pretty insane heart defect that all the doctors were in agreement shouldn't have worked and he certainly shouldn't have lived as long as he did one called it a ticking time bomb his heart had two chambers instead of the normal four he didn't have the big arteries that led from the heart to the lungs but a series of smaller ones i will never forget the first time i saw him take his shirt off and you could literally see his heart beating in his skinny chest literally every beat at the age of 25 three years after we were married the time bomb blew seven years later i very vividly remember his chest moving as his freaked up heartbeat i am so terribly sorry for your loss and hope your time together was precious sex a dog bit my little sister in the face ripping through her mouth and cheek it was at a soccer game she crawled on top of a big dog called the borzoi which startled it it rolled over and bit her in the face this was the late 80s smaller town there were no pediatric surgeons available no plastic surgeons she was in the air with her face ripped open anyways our general pediatrician who is now my kid's pediatrician 30 years later who had only graduated maybe 10 years prior sewed her face back together it was 30 stitches on the inside of her mouth and 30 or so on the outside she had a massive scar down the whole side of her face and way fast forward 15 years she grew normally her face is fine her smile is fine no long-term damage apparently a face is full of nerves and muscles and that's why only plastic surgeons work on faces particularly with children having nerve and muscle damage can make their face grow crooked as they age it is a highly specialized field but in this case there was nobody else just a general pediatrician and he managed to save her face with no long-term nerve or muscle damage or even scarring now that's an adult we found out 25 years later from our pediatrician's wife that he spent an hour or so crunching his old med school books in the seat of his plymouth reliant in the hospital parking lot studying facial anatomy nerves and cheek structure etc he walked into the hospital and performed a multiple hour surgery on her face sewed it back together perfectly you would think a plastic surgeon did it his wife told us he came home that night just flopped down on the couch and sat that there amazed that he'd done it proud but cautious a new general pediatrician sews a toddler's face back together and it worked now you would never know it happened and he has never ever done another surgery like that again lol saw a surgeon one time seriously screw up what i can only assume was intended to be a hernia surgery using abdominal mesh by the time the guy came to clinic his stomach looked like a shuttle [ __ ] not on the inside and he was just walking around like that freaking hernia mesh years later it feels like a spork is stabbing me in the groin i saw a patient with a history of crippling depression who attempted suicide by firing a bullet through his chin and out the top of his head with surgery he survived i followed his psychiatric neuro care over the next month and the dude was cured of his depression his subsequent mood was like a chill hippie with an endless supply of weed and no negative effects whatever the bullet did on its way through his brain cured his depression and left everything else intact i'm the patient here and the nurses didn't even try to say they had seen it before but it still fits when i was getting treated for cancer i got a really bad case of pneumonia and had to be intubated and put into like a semi-coma type deal i don't remember anything that happened in those six days but i was apparently made sober enough to open my eyes for visitors every day so i don't know if that counts as a coma it was some pretty serious pneumonia because it was like less than two days between my first cough and then making the call that i would need to be intubated to stop me from drowning in my own fluids so they didn't mess around and gave me a ton of antibiotics you know how some hospital beds have a track along the ceiling that they can hang iv bags from i had enough antibiotics hanging from mine that it broke and fell to the floor again no memory of this but the thing that was truly unprecedented occurred when they were changing out my butt bag i don't fully understand what it was but they had something on or under my butt that collected all my bowel movements they put it on after i was heavily sedated and removed it before i was totally awake so i don't really remember it for anyone who doesn't know antibiotics can cause a lot of diarrhea apparently when they rolled me on my side that day i let loose a fire hose of liquid crap that arched through the air across the room and splattered all over the door and window which were about 12 feet away from my bed i think it's super cool and funny so they didn't have to pretend like it was normal to comfort me there are two options here a bum bag which is a bag that is attached to your bottom via a very sticky waterproof seal that collects all your feces or a flexi seal which is essential a tube that goes into your anus and allows liquid feces to drain down a tube into a bag so you either had a tape stuck to your bum or a butt plug poop tube both are fantastic devices doctors have at it what's the most incorrect patient self-diagnosis you've seen late to this but my friend has an incredibly tough alcoholic grandma she ignored a stroke because she thought it was a hangover dang that grandma must have had some rough hangovers saw a patient last night who had been having episodes of wind for six months and had come in because of a particularly bad bout massive heart attack with crescendo angina over the preceding year not that uncommon a self misdiagnosis but kind of takes you aback when you see it fart attack not a doctor myself my grandfather was a doctor and had a patient come to his office complaining of a slight headache his receptionist told him to wait in the waiting room they called his name but the guy never came up to the desk he actually suffered a major brain hema hedge died waiting to be seen in the chair dang that sucks so close to help yet so far away man who rode his biker soul method of transportation came in for chronic knee and leg pain he had mentastic prostate cancer with bone lesions all over came in for my legs hurt left with hospice referral as a paramedic i responded to a dispatch for a sick person when we arrived this old guy was clearly having a stroke he said i just ate some bad fish or something before taking a three-hour nap luckily his wife finally decided to call 9-1-1 that would have made a funny tombstone though i just had some bad fish or something i personally knew a guy who was diagnosed with lung cancer in college at the age of 22 he was so young and lived a clean life so it was confusing to everyone even the doctors they progressed very quickly with the treatment and he was scheduled to start chemo he was doing some sort of pre-diagnostic meeting and an intern was involved the intern started asking some very different questions and he eventually asks the patient if he had been in kansas recently it turned out he had in fact spent the previous summer working in kansas this was a few weeks after it turned out the intern had been writing a paper specifically about localized diseases and there was this disease in kansas that he had focused on it had something to do with hay but it wasn't hay fever the intern was basically telling the doctor to humor him and run this one specific test the doctor agrees and the test comes back with results that show the intern was onto something but the patient went in for chemo treatments with a grim outlook and he left with 10 pills he had to take over the next five days one week later he was completely fine for what it's worth this was in the year 2001. not a doctor but a psych first responder patient self-diagnosed as dead emts didn't believe him he was quite insistent though and wanted an ambulance ride because he thought a dead person ought to have one the emts argued with him stating that he was both standing and talking he counted that he was in heck in fact he was just pretty high with a bad drug combination i had a fun hour with him while he came down as a medic i had a soldier run up to me and demand to see the pa when i asked why he said his girlfriend has bv and now he's sure he does too i assured him that he most certainly did not have bacterial vaginosis i'm not a doctor but i am a medical professional at a hospital patient came in stating that he had blood in his stool for almost a year and was convinced that it was just because of hemorrhoids he only came in when he started to get abdominal pains turned out to be colorectal cancer moral of the story is if you have blood in your stool especially dark colored don't ignore it i have had an unbelievable amount of patients who think they have stevens johnson syndrome thanks webmd when they in fact have contact dermatitis from new lotion or laundry soap i also advise not looking up that condition for anyone curious sjs basically makes your skin fall off 10 stroke 10 would not google again man with dementia brought in for suspicion of toxic epidermal necrolysis a serious and life-threatening reaction where your skin peels off in sheets no it was a very large burn because they left grandpa alone at the house and he spilled a teapot on himself and the family and another hospital were too dumb to figure it out tale as old as time if i had a dollar for every patient who thought dermatitis from laundry soap was sjs i wouldn't even have to work anymore i was rushed to the air as a kid because i woke up and my face was blue obviously my parents thought i wasn't breathing i'm eight or nine years old and everyone's sudden change in demeanor is making me a little scared and i'm just getting bluer not emerge they're running all kinds of tests that aren't showing anything wrong with me until finally my dad realized that i put the brand new toronto maple leafs pillowcase i just got on my pillow washcloth later i was all better at least it was a really nice blue he had some belly pain and thought he had a ut also had weight loss night sweats and some other stuff he had terminal pancreatic cancer and two weeks later he is delirious and at death's door i want to upvote you and downvote the cancer i'm so sorry not a doctor but i am a nurse i recently had a patient who claimed that he used to have diabetes but jesus cured him of it his glucose was nearly 300 on admission and he was in the hospital for an amputation of a gangrenous toe that didn't heal because of said diabetes i'll never forget the doctor's note that said patient had a history of diabetes but states jesus healed him of that but since his blood glucose was 289 on admission we will treat him as if he were a diabetic i'm not a doctor but i am a medical assistant i did my preceptor at a kidney and hypertension center had a guy come in complaining of painful urination and thought he had a ut gave him a cup and told him to pee and set it in the window the lab took the cup and immediately brought him back to a room which was strange bc this place stayed packed and it was all first come first serve kind of thing well this guy went back bc there was blood in his urine a lot of it this guy was beyond 300 pounds btw just massive and extremely tall doctors got him in the room and stayed for maybe 15 minutes before we had him transferred to the air apparently he had a fractured penis and had no idea the nurse above me said they lifted his gut and his entire groin was purple and black and his penis was at a weird swollen angle she said she'd never forget it for the rest of her life the guy never did tell us what happened or anything he acted just as surprised as everyone else tldr ut turned out to be a broken dong i would say after a couple years working in an emergency room before and during medical school that by far the most common egregious self-misdiagnosis involve pregnancy tons of sexually active patients coming and complaining of morning sickness and gaining weight and just sure they have some sort of gi issue or infectious disease when it comes around to asking questions oh yeah come to think about it i haven't had my period in three four five months that's not to mention the people coming in fully in labor and delivering in the ed truly shocked that they were pregnant at all now i understand people can have irregular periods and there are many cases where the patient is reasonable in not guessing what's going on but there is a large group of patients who missed a lot of obvious hints denial ain't just a river in egypt i guess and i do have empathy for patients in situations where they really don't want to be pregnant and so perhaps are subconsciously blocking it out of their mind but a medical mystery it is not not a doctor but is somewhat related this one night i started getting some excruciating cramps that were so bad i had to wake my mom she asked me where the pain was and i pointed out the right side of my stomach and instantly she tells me to get in the car and we go to the air she thought i had appendicitis we get there i'm hooked up to morphine and they get an x-ray i didn't have appendicitis i just had to crap real bad opposite here woke up and asked my mom to a go to there for stomach pain i'd been having for hours she said no it's rude to go to the air with a tummy ache we finally went in the morning i would have done that told you so dance if my appendix wasn't killing me at the moment the doctor announced my disclaimer no two people a good friend and my sister's fiance who complained of backaches like they pulled a muscle pancreatic cancer went from pain to them passing away in less than 90 days this thread is giving me paranoia i once thought i had a perforated colon because my poop was bright red i spent an hour on the toilet in pain giggling symptoms and then i remembered i got higher the night before and crushed a bag of flaming hot cheetos you swear you're crapping out your intestinal lining then realize it matches your fingers okay so why do you think you have glaucoma well back in 2002 i got shot right here and it was a glock i'm not creative enough to make this crap up okay that's amazing like it's borderline dad joke i had a very nice gentleman come to the ed with severe weakness going on for weeks it all started with chest pain a couple of months earlier he thought he was having heart trouble and he knew you take aspirin for a heart attack so he took a couple aspirin every day for the next few weeks the pain got worse and also started affecting his legs while walking then the weakness started then he pooped blood a lot of it that's what prompted the emergency department visit when i checked his laps his hgb was in the 4 range which is low enough to make me raise my eyebrows normal is 13 15 you'll start feeling weak tired around 10 usually so his symptoms including chest pain weren't from heart trouble they were from severe anemia turns out he had a small bleed from his colon and taking aspirin which thins your blood and makes you bleed more turned it into a large bleed so i get him tanked back up with blood we do a few tests including a colonoscopy to see why he was bleeding in the first place and whoops we find locally advanced colon cancer thankfully it hadn't spread anywhere so he eventually ends up getting surgery and chemo and last i checked he's doing great so this guy was incredibly lucky by misdiagnosing himself with coronary artery disease he took a totally inappropriate medication which caused a side effect that set off a chain reaction that led him to me and his diagnosis with cancer at an early enough stage to be cured if he hadn't taken that aspirin that cancer could have sat another year or two undetected and continued to spread at which point it would have been incurable and he'd likely be dead right now a wrong self-diagnosis that turned out to be a good thing we don't read those very often when my husband was eight years old he complained about having intense pains in his stomach and became so lethargic that her couldn't be woken up his doctor said there was nothing wrong in that he had growing pains for two years it turns out his gallbladder had stopped working and would only function correctly a few days out of the month after the doctor refused in a referral to another doctor for a second opinion his mom took him to the emergency room and within 15 minutes he was going into surgery to have his gallbladder removed to top it off they jam-packed him with so many pain meds that he became so constipated and he couldn't use the bathroom for two weeks he complained about his stomach hurting again and the nurses never once asked him when his last bm was claiming that they forgot he had to receive an additional surgery later that week in which he had 15 pounds of fecal matter removed from him talk about a crappy time i forgot to pay the hospital bill not a doctor but i did this to myself once i was in high school walking to class when i got a sudden sharp pain in my foot i was running late and didn't have time to deal with it right then but i only really felt it while i was walking it faded quickly when i was still and even then it was minor enough that i figured it would go away on its own after a couple of weeks of dealing with it i mentioned it to my mom who thought it might be gout i was a really lazy kid so it was a definite possibility we go to the doctor and he does an x-ray and it turns out i broke one of the bones in the ball of my foot in short i broke my foot and tried to walk it off for two weeks pediatrician here a lot of parents come in thinking their child has cancer because they won't eat anything actually they just don't like vegetables and are eating themselves to obesity with the crap you substituted with all the parents never learned how to properly cook vegetables and make them not taste like plain but i didn't like most vegetables until my sophomore year of high school because that was when i learned how to cook them myself and actually use gasp spices and crap physician assistant that works in the emergency department here had a woman around 45 years old come in with her mother for a complaint of a spider bite to her back it was actually an abscess no big deal that's pretty common people think abscesses are spider bites all the time i incised and drained it and sent her home on antibiotics pretty standard procedure he told her to come back in two days for a re-check when she came back it was looking better she and her mother thought it was something serious because it still wasn't all the way gone yet but it was healing well and there wasn't much to do she and her mother came back again another two days later and told me it was definitely gangrene i tried to reassure them but they both kept arguing with me that i didn't know what i was talking about it was obviously a healing abscess and was looking a lot better looked nothing like gangrene which they had googled had to get two of my colleagues to come in the room to reassure them but they still didn't believe us think they ended up going to another hospital tldr woman came to the ear three times for an abscess she thought was gangrene not a doctor i was the patient got incredibly drunk one night and decided to finish off the night with an amazing taco bell feast woke up the next morning with an incredibly bad stomachache this continued for about three days and i was constipated the whole time my roommates all pre-med or nursing thought it was just the taco bell causing some issues but on about day four i couldn't take it anymore and had one of them drive me to the hospital he continued to call me a bee and said they are just going to tell me to take laxatives while at the hospital they noticed my appendix was incredibly swollen and about to burst and was rushed into surgery on my way to surgery a doctor came running and screaming to stop and he showed the x-ray to the surgeon and they decided it wasn't the appendix that was the problem but my intestine somehow my colon folded into itself like a sock and causes incredible swelling and buildup ended up going on antibiotics and morphine for a couple of days and got to miss all my exams other than anatomy the [ __ ] made me take a longer more difficult and extended response only exam i have no idea how this happened and the doctors tried explaining the possibilities but i was too fricked up on morphine to understand i remember them asking me if i recently went to haiti or the doctor about three years later i started to have similar pain and went to the doctor immediately and this time they just took my appendix out tl dr thought i was constipated from taco bell doctor said my appendix was about to burst then another doctor stopped me from going into surgery and said my intestines folded into each other that sounds incredibly painful missing exams is just a cherry on top i may have told this one before morbidly obese lady terrified she had a lump in her breast demanded to be examined immediately rib schizophrenic guy thought his lungs were rotting but it was okay because he'd just get a new torso from nasa he's not even american i don't know why nasa would give him said non-existent torso also i'm not really sure what sort of official organization would give our torsos but i'm not convinced a space agency would have been my first choice if asked psychologists here saw a leathery woman who drank three pots of coffee a day to cure her anxiety wish all problems were this easy to fix my grandpa was drinking three six pots of coffee a day in his late forties and started having heart problems it was skipping and he felt weird eventually the doctor got him to cut down to one two pots day mother brought in her third child kids listless pale muscle tone is poor mother claims kid has miz so doing my checks asking about food and home environment mother tells a little kid is lactose intolerant so we only us almond milk run runner panel not only is the poor little two-year-old not lactose j tolerant dumbbelt mother has been starving his poor brain of nutrients by feeding him only vegetables but no protein or protein based items like legumes kid is developmental delayed because she saw an internet article on it ended up calling cps on the b and having all of her three children removed had a daughter with bulimia it was horrifying still pisses me off when i think it about good on you for calling cps i'm not a doctor but when i went to see a physician a year back for my shaking problem i have severely shaking hands i was told that it was a short-term problem that would likely go away in my late 20s i told him i was on medication and he dismissed it as an unrelated issue recently i went to a different doctor he assessed my symptoms jolting limbs twitchy face shaking hands locking jaw etc turns out i have tardive dyskinesia which is a very rare side effect of one of the medications i was on it is irreversible after age 25 if i had listened to the first doctor i would have permanent brain damage as young as 25 years old not a doctor but i went to the hospital about five weeks ago with what i thought was testicular torsion i got told it was orchitis and was prescribed antibiotics for a week and was told it would feel better within days pain got worse and so did the swelling turns out it was testicular torsion and was operated on and sent home without my left testicle because a doctor was so certain as was just an infection and didn't feel it was necessary for me to have the appropriate scans to double check which i'll later get told that it should have been the first thing he should have done in the first place so now i'm 20 years old with a missing testicle and about a week now from full recovery frick you doctor sing you incompetent wankstand well now others can avoid him thank god he doesn't have one of the most common last names in the world not a self-diagnosis but i had been seeing various doctors for months with what they thought was post-viral syndrome or depression depending on how the doctor felt that day then after being out in the sun one day i developed a male rash and my husband decided it looked like something he had seen on a medical program called lupus doctors laughed me and him out of the consultation room for months i was too young not the right race no family history etc etc turns out they decided eventually to order the right blood tests and i have lupus i do love doctors but realize now that often their guess is as good as mine ever since house people self-diagnose lupus a lot congratulations on getting it right not a doctor but a doctor diagnosed my wife with her std chlamydia maybe huge fight wife was emotionally crushed she accused me of cheating fricked up i punched her symptoms into webmd and told her it was probably kidney stones turned out to be kidney stones no a doctor but a pharmacy technician had a patient yesterday tell me they went to urgent care and the nurse diagnosed pink eye the patient didn't feel right about that and went to the eye doctor my doctor told her she had an ulcer on her eye and if it went and treated properly she would lose eyesight and possibly the eye i went in a boating trip off the coast of bc we went through various small channels of water and docked somewhere where we could go kayaking on the open water we took turns managing various aspects of the ship doing menial tasks such as watching for logs or otters and crap in the water that might frick up the propeller or helping out in the extremely loud engine room this was over the course of maybe three weeks on the last day of the trip everyone started to get seasick myself included we flew home the next day and when we landed i felt fine for maybe two hours waiting in the airport and driving home i started to feel worse and worse to the point where i was laying in the back seat of the car and we had to pull over maybe 50 feet from my house to let me throw up i had had migraines before and it felt just like one fast forward to later that night and it was so bad this migraine that even the little light coming in from the slit under my door caused incredible pain we went to the emergency walk-in the whole time i was there i had to have my right eye covered or the pain would overtake me they prescribed something i can't remember which but it had no effect at all the next day the pain was still there so bad during the day that i actually tried to claw my eye out whilst trying frantically to get a hold of my parents to take me to hospital once they finally took me to hospital they admitted me and took me in for a cat scan they found that i was suffering from sinusitis this sinusitis had led to pressure on my optical nerve which in turn caused a blood clot to form i was in hospital for two months under strict quarantine whilst the doctors pumped me full of blood thinners and an antibiotic concoction that they made that killed all my white blood cells when released they had me outfitted with a pump that pumped medicine through my arm and directly into my heart through a vein i don't think anyone could have caught that diagnosis from light sensitivity and a headache but i'm awfully glad i went to hospital and that the children's in that city is one of if not the best in the world the trip itself cost about eight thousand dollars and the treatment probably far more thank god i live in canada i fell rock climbing directly on my knee immediately went to the emergency room i knew it was bad where they took an x-ray and told me i dislocated my knee and that i might have a small fracture but it didn't look like a big deal and to go to an orthopedic in the next week or so no prescription they suggest i take tylenol for pain i went to an os later that week who immediately put me on painkillers and got me in for a mri the next morning went back the next day and i had a very seriously broken tibial plateau basically where shin meets the knee completely torn my acl pcl lcl and meniscus he rescheduled a surgery to get me an asap to place my knee with a plate and eight screws had another surgery six months later to fix everything else my medical moral of the story is generally if something feels really wrong something is probably really wrong doctors have read it what was the craziest case of patient paranoia that you have ever seen my father was a doctor dermatologist had a patient who accused him of prescribing a non-existent experimental drug for a supposed condition that he was never diagnosed with tried to take him to court and lost sent a threatening letter after reported to police after the police confronted him about it he dropped a homemade fruit basket with a single bullet on top of the fruit at the front step of the office addressed but not postmarked to my father with a creepy and signed apology note basket was immediately shown to police about a month later my father received a letter from the guy stating he had seen my name in the paper sports section local golf tournament results and that he knew i would be playing at an upcoming tournament where the start times were published there was a police presence at the tournament something that never happened because my father reported it my dad's nurse's husband was a local detective and pretty much followed me the whole day with my dad the police found the guy in the parking lot unarmed and he was arrested then eventually committed to a psych hospital for some time there's still a restraining order against him to this day but this was over 15 years ago and the guy seems to have disappeared i didn't know any of this until about five years ago but i remember my dad having a single bullet in his bedside table even though he never owned any guns when i asked him about it all he would say was someone gave it to me former psych nurse here i once had a patient who believed he was satan since satan was nude so was he he spent much of his time in a private secure room and when it was time to go for some fresh air around the unit we had to bargain with him to wear a robe not a doctor but my grandfather had louis body dementia unlike other dementia lewy body has a strong hallucination component here are a few of my favorites my grandma was having an affair with the pharmacist she was also running a w house which would be okay but she wouldn't give him a cut the shadow men had built an exact replica of his house built on wheels to use as a brothel naturally and was stealing his electricity to power it that's why his switches which powered outlets would flip and nothing would happen they had also dug in a basement under his house which he attempted to access one night by cutting a hole in the floor with an axe if he took anyone looking for this alternate house they would move it to make him look crazy the staff at the care home he eventually was placed and was treating all the food with embalming fluid so he couldn't eat it he also had another doctor tell him that the medications he was on were us poisoning him and that he didn't need to take them anymore it was a roller coaster not a doctor but i work with elderly people prone to delirium we once had an 80 year academic at our institute i think he was some sort of professor and obviously well-spoken also mostly appeared to be very lucid at first glance for months he'd harbored the idea that he was at the center of an elaborate ritual conducted by a medieval sort of which because of her spells he would constantly phase in and out of consciousness imagining to smoke a pipe and talk to people that weren't there at all etc he further claimed that he had found that there were pentagrams drawn in lemon juice and goat urine all over his apartment his mouth was constantly deathly dry because she would fill it with the ashes of cursed scrolls and parchment the witch planned to extract something from his body to create a flying ointment or something for her broomstick anyways it was absolutely wild and nonsensical the crazy thing was his delusions turned out to be warranted it was later found that his granddaughter for months had actually tried to poison him with incrementally increasing doses of belladonna extract well in the medieval times people believed that witches could fly only if they put a flying ointment usually made from human flesh bones on their broomstick and the stuff about goat urine pentagrams and ashes are also historically accurate so his delirium made sense from a mythological point of view psych nurse had a patient that thought that the queen was a lizard person who swapped his penis with another one also had a patient who thought we were drugging the air through the vents oh and someone who thought his cat was spying stalking him for trump to be fair his cat was probably spying on him student nurse here but i still go to the hospital for internships had a patient come to the air with really high blood sugar type 2 diabetic i asked her if she was taking her medications and she said that she didn't want to thinking she was referring to some type of bad side effect i asked her what medication she was taking and it was diabetes chlorpropamide for those of you who aren't brazilian pretty standard dm2 medication not a lot of bad side effects other than some skin rashes i asked her why she wasn't taking the pills and she said look at the name i can't take something that has diabolo devil in portuguese in the title if i have to go i shall go without any contact with these devilish chemicals like the lord intended it was hard not to laugh at that one but i kept my crap together not a doctor but i scribed for one a patient of ours was having hallucinations where a helicopter was chasing him he'd randomly hear helicopter sounds throughout the day and felt like he was being spied on turns out he was ingesting too many edibles and smoking too much weed once he cut down the paranoia stopped well that was easy not a doctor but i used to go to a nursing home to visit with people i had an elderly lady call me her grandchild that wasn't uncommon even for those who were completely lucid i had many grandmas and grandpas and she was my favorite she was very sweet and funny she seemed to only have the occasional lapse of memory at least that's what i thought one day i was in her room watering her flowers she asked me how i really was i said fine but she then whispered i don't think they can hear us unless there's some device in the flowers brought i was confused but said nope i'm fine she loudly said my real name and that she was happy to see me then she grabbed my arm and pulled me in and called me anna not my name and said she could get me safe then went on this whole thing about them capturing me and bleaching my skin now she was black i'm white she asked if my skin was burning and not to worry because i wasn't patchy so i could pass for a white woman and that i could still get a husband she was worried about my children which i didn't have any she gave me crackers because she was worried that i didn't have food i don't know if she had been stockpiling them for a reason but they were the kind they occasionally got with dinner i honestly didn't know how to respond i was 15 and very confused i think i smiled and tried to tell her i was safe it was a very weird and sad at the same time i'm not sure what she went though in life so it could have been some kind of memory anyway after that day she would occasionally call me anna give me crackers and ask if i was safe most of the time she would call me by my real name until about six months before she passed and then she really didn't recognize me at all paramedic had a guy refuse an ekg for his 10 stroke 10 left-sided crushing chest pain because they caused heart attacks when i asked him why he thought that he said all of his friends who died of heart attacks had one and that he was wise to our ekg conspiracy to give people heart disease and raise money for big farmer that's a pretty brilliant variation on the hospitals kill people delusion when i was going through emt school there was an old woman whose legs were basically rotting off and she was dying in the air she was convinced she was in germany and that we were literal nazis torturing her i had to hold her down while the doctor stuck her or something it was pretty crappy feeling and not even the worst thing i saw that night had a similar experience with an elderly lady in aiku it is so disturbing because she was so convinced we were torturing her i'm an ascribe the most paranoid patients i've seen are the ones who are very very high on them usually it involves them believing that bugs are crawling on or out of their skin don't do m or h those drugs are bad mk not really paranoia but delusion or dementia my mum used to work in the office on a psychiatric ward one of the patients would come to the office window every single day ask for a bus ticket and pay for it with a penny toffee they would pass him a raffle ticket and he would spend the rest of the day sat on a bench in the reception area waiting for a bus every night after he went to sleep the staff would put the penny toffee back on his bedside table i always thought it was really sweet of them to keep up the charade paramedic here not the craziest but the one that always gives me a chuckle i was transporting a paranoid schizophrenic patient who kept shouting at me that i was an agent of the government who was out to get him i couldn't really disagree with him as i was a government employee and i was there to get him i'm a paranoid schizophrenic myself and i'll totally remember that if i ever become psychotic again in all honesty though it's terrifying when you can't tell delusions from reality and it makes it even harder when there's coincidences like this that confirms what you're believing not a doctor but this is what happened to me had been experiencing psychosis for years in hindsight but it came to a head about 18 months ago i eventually went to my doctor who referred me to a psychiatric nurse who prescribed me antipsychotics for a while i was convinced there was nothing wrong with me even the thing that followed me around told me i was making it up i realize now how ridiculous that is but i was convinced at the time and that my pills were placebo pills so that if when i went back to the nurse and said they were working they'd tell me they were fake pills and i must be making it up i stopped taking them for a while that's the thing with mental illness the pills work so you feel better so you stop taking them then you go a bit mental again and started to get symptoms again so i'm very happily back on them i am glad that you are back on them and i hope you are doing well i know someone who is has schizophrenia and bipolar disorder and sometimes goes off their meds it's heartbreaking not a doctor but had a geriatric patient with lewy body dementia she was married with kids but was in constant fear that the fbi prison truck was there to pick her up and take her to the lesbian prison camp lesbian prison camp is a great band name not a medical professional however i work in a one patient stated that she need to stop the destruction of the world as aliens were coming to take everyone she loved she stated that at midnight if she didn't get to a certain park were all freaked nurses sedated her as she began to hurt herself slamming head into the wall my wife is a clinician and had a person coming with the idea that donald trump's twitter feed it was actually an alien artificial intelligence that infects everyone who reads it i really like that one a blake not a doctor but one of my close family members is a lady came in with her infant 0-12 months indicating that the government was going to take her baby away if said infant didn't get the heart surgery the baby needed because they would think she was neglecting it she had visible signs of self-inflicted injury and i forget the name of it but the one where people rip out clumps of their own hair and eat it my family member treated the baby when i say treated i mean they did the rundown on the baby and verified that it was in good health social workers were called with respect to whether there were any orders out or issues regarding the welfare of the kid and nothing the kid wasn't on anyone's radar for social services or any of that then things get interesting police show up husband had called the police and said wife was acting erratically on the phone but when he got home she and baby were not there i gather police protocol normally involves checking hospital admission so people get found quickly wife subsequently failed both with officers and physicians present to correctly identify day of the week and current location i'm gonna remit the whole after story but the end of the story is just that a couple months later husband baby and wife mother are all happy healthy and it's about as positive of an ending as an acute mental health incident can have given the circumstances i would put this in the paranoia category just because this woman was so afraid to go to heck due to her religious beliefs that she let herself die lady went into labor and post-labor started him are hijing she needed a blood transfusion but was a jehovah's witness and refused treatment she died as a result i was raised a jw and yeah the crap whack something about how blood is sacred many people have either died or almost died due to their refusal to accept blood it's mostly concerning for children who might need a transfusion and the jw parents not allowing them that was always my fear growing up at least not a doctor but i was convinced that my ex is communicating with me through static electricity i straight up confronted him about it not a doctor but i worked for a luxury watch company doing repairs one client was 100 certain that we installed a tracking device in her watch i came back repeatedly to have it removed and got the police involved it was actually really sad to see how delusional this woman was we don't want to track you and let me tell you there is no room for anything other than the movement in a watch case veterinarian here one owner brought in his seemingly healthy cat and for diarrhea he brought medical records from the cat's prior annual wellness exam at a different clinic i reviewed them pretty standard stuff then the dude started going on a rant about how the other veterinarian used experimental drugs on the cat when asked about it it became clear the guy was unwell he later dropped the cat off for boarding and abandoned her at our clinic sounds like that was the best thing for that poor cat iq nurse we had an elderly woman with some kind of schizophrenia my mental health knowledge is shocking and she had subdural hematoma facial fractures fractured clavicle dislocated shoulder all of her fingers were broken huge burns to her hands stable l5-6 fracture some kind of fracture dislocation to her ankle burns and open wounds that required suturing all over it appeared from the injuries that she was significantly assaulted but know she did it all to herself i'm a physiotherapist uk i was on my first placement as a student a patient who had a hip replacement was delirious post op they were convinced they'd not had an operation and the night after having it they tried to get in bed with another patient after stripping off all their clothes and they threatened to get their partner involved who was an ex-lawyer because we said an x-ray was needed to check the prosthetic as they weren't following precautions but the patient didn't think they had anything wrong with them when they came round fully and was discharged they said i'm really sorry but i think i went a bit crazy these last few days nicer the patient to apologize afterwards patience mother didn't want son to get vaccinated because she thought vaccinations created superbugs that couldn't be treated sounds like she's mixed up two issues people not completing courses of antibiotics and vaccines not a doctor but work on a psych ward we have a patient who thinks he can hear his girlfriend's voice through the wall he shares with his neighbors and has convinced himself she's swinging with all his family and neighbors this was when i went abroad to france for a clerkship in psychiatry i had learned french in high school hence had a horrible american accent once i arrived to the war they told me a general description of all the patients they mentioned there was an american patient whom they had found on the streets who claimed he had escaped to france since the isv was looking for him when the patient heard me speaking to other colleagues he thought i was an american secret agent coming for him this sparked a psychiatric episode and caused great stress not a doctor but i do conduct interviews in the county jail the assessment i have to use asks about personal information such as address job status income etc this particular defendant stated she was a mermaid she did not know her or her son's age as more people aged differently than humans she had moved to our city to receive services she could not get elsewhere which is funny because we are a good three hours from the coast and i thought she would need to be near the ocean she would not specify the services needed she listed her occupation as a celebrity on tv and working constantly and only made about monthly all in all the drugs she was addicted to really warped her reality i currently have a patient who believes he is an undercover police officer and has been sent to infiltrate my traumatic brain injury clinic brain injury is interesting the modern day remake of shutter island looks really interesting clint eastwood has a react training order against my father my father is convinced clint is his dad he has been at his home and hair raised him quite a bit had a patient who needed an orthopedic operation following a fracture refused multiple times because he believed he had discovered a secret in the 70s and major world leaders were out to kill him to keep him quiet he thought he had an anaesthetic that trump or theresa may specifically would use it as a way to kill him and cover it up after over a week of regular psych input he had the op and it was a success this middle-aged lady had a pituitary brain mass that had gotten large enough to push on her optic chiasm the place where your optic nerves cross over each other between your brain and your eyes she was totally blind because of this before she decided to seek care she had her brain mass resected and was on a bunch of steroids to replace her pituitary function the steroids plus the iq environment lack of good sleep plus the recent brain poking led her to become absolutely psychotically delirious she was extremely paranoid to the point of mistrusting everyone who came into her room this included her family who since she couldn't see them she accused of being impostors who were working for the hospital to try and trick her one day my whole team was at a conference and got a frantic page from her nurse we rushed back to the aiku to find the patient fully naked perched on the side of her bed remember owling about to do some sort of wwe type jump attack in the nurse's general direction we managed to subdue her with some haldol and after a few more days she started to clear up but i'll never forget that image of that big nude pacific islander lady teetering on the edge of the bed not a doctor but my ex thought she was being spied upon and blow guns were being used to shoot small needles into her neck made an interesting week we had already broke up years before but i was the one person apart from her mother that she trusted and her mother had to leave for family emergency she kicked my out about four times a day and then called back as she was sure now i was not one of them i brought my laptop so i can watch at least some movies as she didn't have any entertainment system computer or internet i couldn't because they will be monitoring through it so i had to remove the battery and i was still worried she would smash it to pieces the mind of someone with good bout of paranoid schizophrenia is well it is entertaining in a very scary sort of way she kicked my out one last time did not let me in again threatened to call the cops and then i found she had stole the last of my money i really did not have a choice but to call my brother to borrow some so i could at least travel back home good guy or girl idk if i would do all of that for my ex while in the nursing home my great-grandmother was convinced that the nurses were sneaking into the room at night and stealing her organs she crocheted a lot and she would crochet crosses and then put googly eyes on them and hang them around her room so that god could watch the nurses and stop them from stealing her organs while she slept dementia can be wild a room full of googly-eyed crosses would legit be frightening not a doctor but i had one call me because my ex-wife was displaying behavior that indicated she may do harm to herself and others she went to her let me count here third ex-husband's apartment broken and screamed at him about how he was cheating on her they were already divorced at the time so yeah after sacking his apartment and not finding anything she zeroed in on his rosary and accused him of cheating on her with the virgin mary not a doctor but my parent threatened to take me to a psychiatrist multiple times after i tried telling them that my older sister swallowed our pet hamster i swear i'm not making this stuff up but now i think i sound like a crazy person to my family my gran had patient paranoia a few months before she died i was around 13 so i wasn't told but recently as i'm studying psychosis at school so my parents told me apparently she believed that the doctor tortured guinea pigs in front of her as she was getting medication it was really sad because i remember her being so nice and gentle and definitely not someone that could have been suffering but we don't know what caused this paranoia she was good friends with the nurse physician assistant here not as crazy as some other stories but when i was in school doing my psych rotation a guy came in looking for help regarding anxiety and paranoia he was homeless and had a very extensive history of drug use mostly hallucinogens and psychedelics and he was living in a shelter where he said he didn't feel welcome he told me he felt like people were out to get him when i asked who these people were he rolled his eyes and gave me a don't play me look and said well you for starters i started telling him how i was only there to help him find the treatment he'd been looking for and he kept giving me these looks while i spoke eventually he goes come on dude you keep drinking from your water bottle people do that when they're nervous and you're making me nervous too now so i put my water away and laughed it off to try and make him more comfortable and we kept talking he keeps making remarks and i keep reassuring him until he goes isn't this all a little weird this is weird right you're freaking me out he's maintaining his composure this whole time almost smiling and then finally he just starts laughing outright i had been able to keep calm and maintain a professional attitude until this point but as soon as he broke and laughed i burst out laughing too so here we are sitting in this crappy office laughing our asses off him because he was very nervous and me because of well the whole situation i guess that was a couple years ago nice guy hope he's doing better if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
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Keywords: doctor, doctor stories, medical, hospital, nurses, patients, treatment, er, emergency, ambulance, surgery, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, reddit stories 2021
Id: y3sKwInuWQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 249min 27sec (14967 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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