What Didn't Your Let Parents Let You Do As A Kid?

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what totally random thing did your parents not let you do when you were younger no soda no cable no black friends oh those Asian parents you will not be gay date black guys or drink soda you hear me go to your homework that was literally something my dad said to me I'm black and most of my friends were Asian when I was younger all those times my friend wasn't allowed to come out and play now make sense not me but a friend wasn't allowed to watch Winnie the Pooh because his mom thought it was frickin stupid I still think about how weird funny this was to be fair he is self-admittedly a bear of very little brain I wasn't allowed to watch MTV between me and my brother we cracked the passcode for the satellite box and watched Beavis and Butthead when they were out of the house my parents had a filter put on the line for just the channel caught a lot of heck for that from my friends I wasn't allowed to watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles because splinter would meditate meditation was practiced by Eastern religions and Eastern religions were of the devil I couldn't listen to Metallica because they used the same drumbeats at which doctors from Africa used to talk to the dead I wish I were making this stuff up my parents told me that plain yogurt was actually ice cream those bastards didn't even have the common courtesy to get me vanilla yogurt it wasn't until I went to my first birthday part in fourth grade that I found out what ice cream really was I cried the entire way home mourning all the wasted years hopefully you killed your parents shortly after mine refused to let me buy moon shoes because they told me I might jump too far and lose my balance possibly ending up with my face in the fireplace that was literally what they told me mine refused to let me buy moon shoes because I did not have a spacesuit and they did not want me to die on the moon coma my limits were all pretty normal however I was always given options to exceed them one if I didn't want to use proper table manners I could go eat on our front porch with no utensils I did this often too if I didn't do my dishes they would be put into my bed three if I wasn't up at a reasonable hour I would have water thrown on me after this though I could remain in bed thoroughly wet lots of other similar things at least the water would have cleaned the dishes for you sleep over at a friend's house or even have a friend stay overnight at our place my first sleepover wasn't until I started college I had a few friends who couldn't have sleepovers I never heard his straightforward reason why but there was definitely one kid whose parents would let him have sleepovers with girls but not guys because guys experiment at sleepovers I wish I were kidding circa 12 years old [ __ ] reading through these comments reminded me of my cousin he went to his first day of kindergarten and got picked on his mom yanked him out of school and proceeded to home-school him until he got his get he is not allowed to ride in a car unless his mom was driving he can't spend the night at anyone's house including family members specifically grandparents he can't go anywhere with his dad keep in mind his mom and dad are happily married when it was time for college his mom took every single class he took she volunteered at the fire department with him she got him kicked out of the fire department he can't get a job until he gets his license he can't get his license until he gets a job he can't take drivers ed she shaves his butt for him he's 23 and won't move out all the fine ingredients for a serial killer number one thing I can remember that I'm still pee about is when Jumanji first came out and they had the board game for it I wanted that thing so bad but my mom refused because she thought the stuff in the movie might actually happen for real reality she didn't want to buy the dang thing for you and came up with a bulls excuse that you seem to still believe my parents refused it would a Domino's Pizza despite my begging for a change from the regular Little Caesars Pizza Hut now I later found out their boycott was based on the CEO or pries of Domino's being Yuba Catholic and giving a cut of each other to some pro-life charity my little five-year-old brain wasn't ready for a topic as complex as abortion so they just said we can't eat there because they give money to Hitler one of my co-workers nicest guy that could be is not allowed to have a facebook profile by word of his wife that she bTW has a FB profile probably afraid he'll look up old flames and cheat on her while she's cheating on him also PT sh p t sh that's the sound of a whip PT sh I was raised by a paranoid drug addict and a clinically depressed blind woman so let my list begin watch cartoons play video games associate with public school kids listen to the unapproved music leave the property without a family member friends friends parents were not acceptable drink soda wet tank tops wear makeup wear flip-flops answer the door onto the phone and others that I am too sleepy and happy to bother remembering no Star Wars understandable for a five six-year-old I suppose but now I have an eight-year-old brother who's a huge Star Wars fan seen all the movies as video games and all that the frick sat about they loved him more than you I was constantly chastised by my parents for always going swimming and staying in the Sun for long because and I quote you will get black you'll catch the black and once you go black you'll never go back one time a sword a large hole in my wall so that I could access the crawlspace via my own secret door I also installed a ladder outside my window so that I could easily climb up to the roof another time I tried removing all of the carpet and replacing it with sand these types of activities angered my parents I'm not sure why I wasn't allowed to skip out on pronounce in my GES sono goin leaven or eatin for me they didn't want me to develop an accent so they made you develop an accent instead no toy guns or swords however our next-door neighbor had heaps of sweet plastic weapons so my brother and I would just go over there all the time my brother was not allowed to play dress-ups or Barbie with me no watching the teenagers TV shows that came on at 5:00 p.m. because once I watched one and some kids were passing around a cigarette I was not allowed to go socialize with my friends of high-school football games when I was in eighth grade I had to stay in my seat the whole game I don't think my dad knew what high school football games were all about I wasn't allowed to listen to Michael Jackson's Thriller album because my dad thought that he was and I quote f you can't watch that 70s show but why they are only sitting in their basement and talking euhh I grew up and discovered marijuana I was allowed to watch that show and I only just realized they were smoking pot about six months ago I'm 23 : I couldn't stay out past 10:30 until I graduated from high school wasn't allowed to watch Ren & Stimpy The Simpsons or beavis and butt-head was invited to a friend's Bat Mitzvah but couldn't attend for fear of conversion wasn't allowed to drink coffee you know that song West End girls by the Pet Shop Boys yet couldn't listen to that song because of the lyrics that's how the Jews get here back when I was 9 a childhood friend of mine once said to me and our other friends that his dad told him that he was too young to do gay stuff we gave him crap for that for the longest time I haven't seen him in a while he might be doing gay stuff now I love threads like these because I realize how relatively normal my parents are I think I'll call my parents in the morning fortunately my parents divorced when I was an infant so I missed most of the insanity but my father wouldn't let my older sisters see Greece because it was immoral he also made them get up and do chairman mao exercises every morning and would put yogurt and wheat germ on everything they ate everything I hope you actually grew up in China fir dad made you do my exercises I created a reddit account just for this story when I was about 6 I loved honeycomb ice cream mum would buy it and I'd the vowel half the tub in one sitting one day I'm headed for the fridge and my mum says you can't have honeycomb ice cream anymore so I as why and she replies because you allergic to yellow fast forward eight years in that time I've avoided anything yellow no yellow skittles no Mountain Dew no yellow bananas or lemons or anything remotely shaded yellow I was six and stupid and for some reason it never occurred to me to question my newfound allergy after all you trust your mum right anyway now I'm 14 and I bring my schoolgirls home to visit one day lo and behold there's honeycomb ice cream my friends dig in and ask why I am not having any so I remind them about the yellow allergy thing my mum is bringing in the laundry and overhears she bought sin with oh I said that ages ago because I didn't want you to have it then but you can have it now whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo needless to say I love my mum very much but I wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her wagons I guess when I was in elementary my mum bought a stretch pants because she thought they were more comfortable but I somehow thought jeans were against our religion or something no sugary drinks after 6:00 p.m. later boosted to 7 p.m. in my teenage years because they give you trouble sleeping I used to stay up for hours two three as a kid trying to fall asleep I still have slight insomnia I tried stress relief and guided meditation relaxation to fall asleep during college but I discovered the secret just last year now it only takes about an hour of whose line WL iia to put me to sleep like a baby and yes I've seen or heard just about every episode so that I know then but I still enjoy them rrrow I thought I had strict parents growing up but after reading some of these posts I am actually pretty content with how I was raised one thing that frickin annoys me I am 20 years old and in college if I come home and go out with friends my dad will wait up for me until I get home and then look at me all passive-aggressively pee off that I didn't come home until 2:00 a.m. but not really say anything he is kind of a weird guy seems nonsensical at the time then we weren't allowed to wear just socks stains them my neighbor's got in trouble for not wearing socks if they didn't have shoes on feet had to stay warm I was a little jealous play Warcraft not the MMO the RTS told me it was devil worship which they derived from the manual or some crap I don't know I was allowed to watch MTV but only one video per hour I followed that rule even when I was alone also I popped in a tape in my grandmother's car she asked what it was and when I told her Ozzy Osbourne she flipped her crap I tried to explain that there was nothing wrong with the song Lita Ford wept and she says that's how they get you one nice song gets you to buy the tape then all the other songs teach you how to worship Satan I never did learn to properly worship Satan my mom would not let my twin sister and I look at our high school age brothers friends with facial piercings when we were younger it was not like sending us away would make us forget my dad thought floppy disks were a-ok but literally said that CD ROMs were satanic thus I was only allowed to play disk based computer games I remember that I loved Prince of Persia the shadow and the flame and was allowed to play it having installed it off of like seven floppy disks I wanted to play the first Prince of Persia and the only way to get it for a Power Mac was on a cd-rom that had both pop and pop to the shadow and the flame when that disc arrived my dad broke it in half because it was from the devil even though it was identical software to the floppy disk version with which he took no issue a few months ago my siblings and I were thing about this and reminded him he doesn't remember this chapter and said it never happened but oh man it did it's so so so rude in lol my parents were hippies when they were younger very free-spirited and laid-back I never got grounded and was pretty much allowed to do whatever I wanted within reason I love them for that I wasn't allowed to have Barbie dolls with feet shaped like they would fit inside high-heeled shoes my collection was limited to Pocahontas and bike riding Barbie my mom would never let me open the car window all the way she was afraid a tie will fly in and kill you she also used to tell me not to look at a microwave as it's eating your food might explode and it will kill you my mom she's gotten slightly more lacks since I got older and not Christian fortunately my dad and my grandpa who I would often stay with weren't quite as insane if nothing else she only taught me how to avoid getting caught breaking rules couldn't stay up past 9:00 on school days rarely could past 10:00 otherwise couldn't give away any a hint of information on the internet for sake of paranoia while it's generally good advice I wasn't even supposed to tell anyone my first name couldn't have friends over though this one was mainly because the house was always a mess couldn't listen to almost any music the general rule of thumb was that if it had a beat it was out no rock no pop and most definitely no metal couldn't watch movies or play video games that had any element of fantasy no Legend of Zelda because it had witchcraft no final fantasy I never did get to watch Disney movies as a kid and I'd suspect it was for the same reason Lord of the Rings was okay Chronicles of Narnia were barely okay no murder simulators RTS wargames were somehow fine but FPS games were pretty much totally off-limits she said I'd be discerned if I ever played Dungeons & Dragons she wouldn't allow me to watch a movie without first checking some thorough report of it on the Internet of verify that there was no magic minimal violence no language and absolutely no bare skin ever I got sick and stayed home from school I would be extremely lucky to be able to do anything but lay in bed if I wasn't going to be in school I was going to be sitting on my butt doing nothing same with church I wasn't allowed to go on any website not pre-approved by her I wasn't allowed to go on the internet at all without her permission no Halloween she was sure to let me know that masturbation was also against her rules in her words if you don't want me to know you're doing it then you shouldn't be he wasn't allowed to play rough with male friends for risk of coming across as gay got scolded anytime I failed to hold the door open for someone even if they were definitely out of the range of holding the door right now is courteous got ranted for questioning idiotic rules if I told her she's wrong about something anything even when politely and propylene argued got grounded not allowed to do anything or go anywhere at all without a chaperone most television shows were not allowed almost all the TV I saw as a kid was either the History Channel or lifetime during high school any quarter grade below a B was forbidden I had complete control over my parents that is they couldn't stop me from doing things although there are things I've done that I haven't told them about I sometimes wonder how I would have turned out if I have real parents if you're sick on Friday you can't do anything fun that weekend seriously no going out with friends or anything probably why I have few friends or any desire to socialize now ha joke's on you parents I don't need people know pokemon cards or magic cards no TV for quite a while either also very limited video games my dad wouldn't let us play at all but my mom let us play for half an hour a week wasn't allowed to watch this show called vr troopers Power Rangers knockoff because my parents thought it would make me violent yet I was allowed to play Wolfenstein 3d and doom go figure my mom would not let me wear a ring or a necklace because she said they were only for girls really it made absolutely no sense because she and my father are not religious are acid demyx and our Democrat voters eventually I had an exchange student girlfriend from Germany and she gave me a ring to remind me of her and I told my mom I wasn't taking it off I wasn't allowed to play Dungeons & Dragons I wasn't allowed to watch The Simpsons we had a second phone line that was for the internet and BBS is only my father installed a switch to disconnect the phone line inside a locked box outside the house every night at 10:00 p.m. my mother would go outside and turn off the internet I would just wait for them to fall asleep and then switch to the main line now that's some hacking I was not allowed to learn a console until my later teen years with my own funds which only led me to pursue PC gaming but fair enough a PC does way more than any console yet I was not allowed to hold my fork in my right hand or use it with the times pointing up for small veggies like peas I had to push it onto the back of my fork with my knife potatoes help them stick it seemed random at the time but now I understand why and I'm glad they did it if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 15,534
Rating: 4.8703704 out of 5
Keywords: parents, parents stories, parenting, parenting tips, parenting styles, parenting 101, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: A5ELc21zxP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 5sec (1145 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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