What's The Strangest Rule Your Parents Had?

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what was the strangest rule your parents had feel growing up as a child mums parents didn't let their children laugh while lying down whenever someone made a joke if anyone was lying down they had to sit up and laugh no Harry Potter because of all the wizards now I could understand the rule except for one thing I was allowed to play D&D we'd lotta have friends who were literally occultists but no Harry Potter a sock tax in retrospect smart I hated it at the time so I left my dirty socks around the house I don't know why I would be taking socks off all over the place I was a dang kid I guess I was sloppy and it just happened and the socks had to be off right then and there parents got fed up with this and so to get my dirty socks back I had to pay a quarter per sock doesn't seem like a big deal at first but it adds up when you're 9 years old had to literally nickel and dime my way through a few pairs because I was running out of dang socks I was kind of a sock deserting addict I guess it finally got in the habit of picking up my socks for a while and things seemed fine and their little heavy relapse parents gave me a big butt box of my dirty socks for Christmas that year and a few pairs of new ones got better after that typing this is making me smile I really love my mom and dad we tried this with our kid he just went without socks I wasn't allowed anything remotely entertaining TV mobile or toys in my bedroom until I was 16 and that only changed because I bought my own entertainment and convinced my mum that because I bought it and was old enough it shouldn't be a rule anymore all I had in my bedroom the books and my bed really bland room story when I was a young child my toys were in the spare room next to my room my own playroom I soon outgrew toys and spent most of the sunlight up with friends when I was 15 the Xbox 360 was released and they got one from their parents and rather play xbox than come outside it got lonely quick I didn't and even if I did I wouldn't be able to use it much because my dad would always watch TV and I wasn't allowed my own TV so I got a job as a pizza delivery boy saved the money and bought my own xbox360 and TV I was adamant that I was old enough to have own TV and whatever in my room even girls but bought the xbox360 and TV took them home set them up in my room and started playing around two hours later mum comes in to tell me dinner is ready then she spots my TV and goes Apple [ __ ] so I stood up and I told her I worked my butt off to buy this stuff I earned the money doing a job and that if I'm old enough to work I am old enough to have a TV or whatever in my room she walked off probably to tell my dad then one hour later came back with my dinner on a tray umm said I was right I have grown up and that she was proud of me for getting a job and earning money for myself I can have whatever in my room just don't stay up all night playing games be glad for your mom so many other people would be telling this story with the TV and game getting smashed my mom wouldn't let me touch my brother a side hug was okay for pictures and making up after a fight but no cuddly stuff and her definition of cuddly was him leaning on me on the couch when he's sick he's five years younger than me and we rarely got along so anything like that was rare it kind of messed with me when I was younger she made me feel like I was being a pervert but I still had no idea what I was doing once on a car trip I was super sick with whoomp ink off I was sprawled across the backseat and my head was touching my brother's leg she flipped out number number that's not right not okay get on your side he was ten I was 15 WTF mom I think your mom might have been physically shamed not being allowed to cut her hair it was done nearly to our knees it was not religious or cultural just idk then my mom left my younger sisters cut theirs but I still wasn't allowed when I turned 18 and finally could the hair stylist said I had over a foot off split and she took off I wasn't allowed to go to a friend's house unless my parents talked to their parents and made sure we be supervised to the entire time this was a rule up until I moved out at 18 people thought it was weird so I didn't have any friends and I literally ate my lunches alone in a bathroom stall thanks mom and dad not my parent but my friend's father had a ton of rules about not doing dangerous stuff that's not all that unusual but I always liked the way he justified them he always said that he once died doing X why not almost died no he and all seriousness told us he once died well many times actually because there were a lot of rules example don't swim under the steps that led into the swimming pool when diving I once died doing that this is great now I just need kids to say it to you don't get something if you ask for it this is something my mum would say to me when I asked for something while we were shopping it didn't make sense when I was 6 doesn't make any more sense when I'm 17 maybe it will in a few years it's to stop kids from bugging her for stuff can't costs a quarter we weren't allowed to give up on something and say I can't and we'd have to put a quarter in this Snoopy Bank if we did she wanted to encourage us to look for solutions and ask for help instead of just giving up in the long run I think it helps because I went to school for electrical engineering and am now a web developer where I essentially do problem-solving all day long this is a great idea my parents never let me look at people kissing on TV when I was a kid not sure what they were trying to teach me but I guess I should thank them for my adult awkwardness and PDA situations including my own yeah my parents were the same and even to this day if they're in the room and I'm watching a movie or they are watching a movie I automatically close my eyes or look away without realizing they don't care anymore because I'm nearly 22 but I still think about it with them around my parents never took me out to dinner ever not exaggerating at all in my 18 years living with them we did not eat out even once the habit was to have three meals at home even when I was older in high school and deliberately went out with friends they still compelled me to eat three meals every day at home when I got home there was my share on the table and I had to finish all of it no matter what that meant I had to hold back when I went out with friends the reason was always I cannot skip dinner sorry you guys go on without me as a teenager that was a very lame thing to say or so I thought was not allowed to listen to any music that was not Christian period bands I liked before this rule that they were previously okay with band anything not already on the list of approved bands such as jars of clay had to be thoroughly vetted otherwise they would break the CD in front of you even if it was borrowed from a friend genre didn't matter as long as they were Christian which meant bands like under oath and MxPx were cool there were plenty of others but this is the one that still frickin gets to me over 10 years later I'd take jars of clay over Carmen any day my mom had that crack on blast and we even went to his concert kids may not talk back to adults and adults are always right meaning when an adult tells you to do something you have to do it without question when an adult Fe says something you know is a myth you have to act like you didn't hear it or it's true because otherwise you get massive crap on like yeah that may be right but we are adults and a little brat like you won't talk back to an adult little brats have to shut up or when adults came to dinner you had to sit on the table and eat with them but had to be silent all the time everyone was talking but when you tried to get a conversation like everyone else you get reprimanded that you are just a brat and have to shut up when adults are talking I was allowed to take part in conversation when I was asked a question like blablabla 457 Katie hnx is really good in school right 457 Katie hnx yes that's true what grades do you have isn't bzees best in class blahblahblah I had to be silent again for when they continued and they talked long the thing is I wasn't really allowed to answer the question that was just an euphemism for an order I had to it was more like your military sergeant from 1960 asking you something that also wasn't a conversation it wasn't enjoyable still haunts me as an adult I never was that good at making friends in elementary school and after elementary school when you needed social skills to have friends and not just a game or a football I lost my old friends and never got new ones kids may not talk back to adults and adults are always right meaning when an adult tells you to do something you have to do it without question sounds like a great way to get physically shamed my mum wouldn't let me use the dishwasher well into my teens in case I slipped fell on the open dishwasher and stabbed myself on knives she also didn't like me getting things for myself if I asked how where the chopping board was she'd not tell me I'd say just tell me and I can get it but no I had to wait for her to stop whatever she was doing to get it for me it drove me nuts because if I kept asking to get it myself she's shot that I was being demanding how is wanting to not bother you won't be independent in the simplest sense demanding just face the knives sharp side down it wasn't any single rule that was weird I had a very dysfunctional family when my dad remarried everyone thought how new stepmom was this voice of reason while she's an attorney and she went to Stanford and she believes in rules and structure my mom and my dad didn't really have rules so when other relatives saw my stepmom come into the picture they thought wow those kids could use some rules what they didn't know is that she is just as batshit insane as every other adult in the family she just kept her insanity behind closed doors rules were mostly normal-looking things like keeping the house in order stuff like that what made it odd is that as a kid I ended up not being allowed to do anything I could not go outside I could not see a friend I could not go to things like the County Fair et Cie like everyone else because I had to clean even if I had done all my chores for the day even if I had completed every single thing on my list for that day if I wanted to do something out of the house all of a sudden at 7:00 p.m. I need to powerwash the driveway or clean the garage whatever my stepmum was and still is an alcoholic and a very abusive person she doesn't usually cross over into physical abuse but she has and as a kid I complained about her a lot and people would say no she did more fear than your own mother you should be worshipping the ground that she walks on people used to think that I hated her because I was a teenager and teens hate rules thankfully with the advent of smartphones and cameras being so easily accessible I now have videos of her drunken abusive antics in case anyone wants to argue with me ever again the ironic part is she lives in the most disgusting home whenever I have to come back to her house for whatever reason I see mess everywhere I've taken pictures of the dishes everywhere pots and pans with food still in them papers magazines and newspapers everywhere she has this gargantuan kitchen that most people dream of having with a massive amount of counter space but it's completely covered in foodstuff and garbage so if I go there for a bit and then leave I usually get a text from her about how I created this huge mess in the kitchen even my dad will tell her I was only there for three minutes to pick something up I haven't lived there in over six years and I still get blamed for her mess at first I thought this was a joke post and he would just recounting the plot of Cinderella but then I remembered that real life step parents can be that awful and abusive comma I'm sorry you had to live like that I hope you're in a better situation now and don't have to see that awful woman very often anymore my father told me that if I went to a friend's house and my friend's parents offered me anything to eat I was supposed to refuse I took this rule very seriously I remember once a friend's mother offered me a slice of cantaloupe and when I refused she tried really hard to coax me to eat it it got embarrassing my father grew up in poverty on a farm in the south and he lived through the depression he always had enough to eat but there were some kids in the neighborhood who didn't these kids were always hungry and would try to scrounge food from neighbors neighbors would feed them but they hated having to do it and they blamed the kids parents so the parents of the hungry kids had a bad reputation the neighbors assumed they were and maybe they actually were alcoholics or just generally lazy good-for-nothings so my father's fear was if I accepted any food from anybody or if I appear to be hungry at all people would think I wasn't getting enough food at home and therefore my father was a bad provider my father by the way had lots of paranoid ideas might devout Catholic mum never let me and still doesn't let me watch The Big Bang Theory TV show because she thinks it's all about the actual Big Bang Theory but the Catholic Church accepts the Big Bang model and it was even proposed by a priest George's lemaître my Macca's potato chips intake was limited to the number of my age when I was four years old I was only allowed to eat four chips every time we went to MacOS when I was five that meant I could eat five chips and so on this continued until I was around 12 for the confused Americans mikaze calls McDonald's potato chips equals french fries I was doing some online courses while I was in high school we had terrible internet and no internet access anywhere but the family computer so I convinced my mom to let me go out and get a Wi-Fi router she allowed it after some time but any time I wasn't actively doing my online courses the router had to be shut off she said she didn't want the house filling up with the Wi-Fi it--which my dad would ground us if the toilet paper was put on incorrectly he wants it to go under now that I'm married and in my own house it always goes over over is the only way if any family member or any person in general asked me a question about my mom I was only allowed to answer with that a big people question you should ask her that's weird I had to wait until I was 13 to shave my legs I think I should mention my legs look like something from caveman days it was so embarrassing to dress out in pee oh my goodness this is my story too I was a last girl in school to shave my legs and it took a showdown with mom to do so and it followed because in gym the girl beside me looked down on my hairy appendages and sneered I went home and declared independence it became a more scary than needed to be rite of passage I salute you sister I cannot join my one year older brother and playing video game outside the house he is ten and I'm nine then when I turned ten I still can't like hey mom I can't beat my brothers age outside the house equals internet cafe that's called favoritism no drumming on the plates with my spoon and fork while waiting for the food to get ready my dad said it's summoned demons my six year old self was terrified turns out my dad was just an irritable person grew up to be like him Hannah it is pretty annoying when we moved to Utah they told me that you had to be over 18 to drink coffee because Mormons were really strict about what minors put in their bodies I loved coffee and they hated sharing my mother has always had a white couch big fluffy inviting sectional type no one can sit on this couch or even breathe near it god forbid I forget to mention this to company coming over I have often wondered why the Frick it's even there maybe it's for when the Pope comes to visit we had so many for example if we have the coughs we weren't allowed to go inside the house unless all the flame is out of our system supposedly also if I'll lick my lips in public without covering it with my hands it means I'm initiating a kiss from someone also no playing with our toys unless we drink about half a gallon of water we had to take naps on Sunday every Sunday now that I'm older I realized that was the only chance my parents had to bang this is a great rule for the longest time my mother made sure I couldn't watch any movies were there nothing remotely private or scary for example if there was any kind of kissing cuddling or foreplay in a movie she'd come charging in demand I look away and basically taught me to shut all things adults another time she freaked out when my friend's dad said we were watching tremors which was pg-13 and we were 12 if anything my friend and I felt like total badasses going to see 14a movies at age 12 but most of all for yours she was very adamant that I could never see the hills have eyes she eventually relented on some other horror movies even watched alien with me but that was the one I could never see she straight up told me I wouldn't know that it was just a movie and I'd end up with long-term damage eventually I watched it through the power of the Internet and you know what I survived and I thought it was great if you like horror and the look of defeat when I told her I had seen the movie was hilarious eventually she gave up we were not allowed to walk through our dining room nothing made my mom angrier than having footprints through her OCD vacuum lines in the carpet it was easy at a cut-through dining room from the hallway to get to kitchen sometimes after mom was asleep my brothers and I would sneak through the elder we got she seemed to get crazier about it I remember all three of us being grounded for a week for one of this walking through since she couldn't tell who was the guilty one it's so strange because other than this rule and not being allowed to sit on our beds she was lenient otherwise no sleepovers or friend visits unless it was school holidays that was a crap time I also wasn't allowed to go to school events if they occurred on a school night that one was bizarre to me thank God my childhood is over if we were naughty we had to stare down the toilet worked a treat humiliating non physical and in hindsight pretty fricking funny my dad is a joker I currently have a six-month-old and I think I'll be using this when he's old enough to understand consequences and right from wrong this is hilarious and doesn't involve inflicting pain win-win no drinking while eating your meal you are only allowed to drink before or after eating dinner they thought it was unhealthy for some reason this is how it was at my daycare couldn't drink while having lunch apparently it was to keep us from getting full-on milk or water instead of the actual food but I hated it but sometimes you just need something to wash down that bite of hot dog before moving on to the next even when you're five my mom let me watch South Park r-rated movies all sorts of vulgar crap but I wasn't allowed to watch Maury or rescue nine-one-one because they profited from exploiting other people's negative circumstances this makes perfect sense entertaining yourself by watching I roll people or animals suffer is classless and low at best exception being some shows where people or animals are being saved from bad situations but it also depends on the way the story is portrayed nothing wrong with watching vulgar fiction I wasn't allowed to sit on my bed I would get into trouble if my friends sat on my bed and crumpled his sheets they had to stay looking crisp and ironed which is near impossible I thought my mom was the only one with that ridiculous rule my friends thought I was crazy if they sat down on my bed because I started spazzing out now that I'm a mom in 20 years I have never even forced my daughter to make her bed it would only get made when I washed sheets weekly my father didn't allow me to cut my hair short nor died until I was 18 I wasn't allowed to shave till I was 14 I wasn't allowed to wear makeup or paint my nails until I was 15 to this day I am NOT allowed to sleep over anyone else's home this ranges from my parents should relax a little too I live in a very unhealthy situation if you are 19 then probably the former if you are 42 then I'm afraid the latter my mom would scold me if I ever said K or if I said like in any way that wasn't its original intended use basically if I sounded like a 14 year old not allowed to go outside barefoot ever not even to stand on the front porch check to see how the weather was get the mail anything I had to have shoes on when I went outside even if it was just slippers or flip-flops I'm fine with barefoot but don't let me catch you outside with just socks if you've taken off your shoes and won't need to go out you either take off the socks or put your shoes back on but my reasoning is that y'all wear holes in your socks faster on the concrete my mom was like that and I didn't understand until I got older they made my brother and me switch bunk bed at the beginning of every month even though I liked the bottom and he preferred the top it's nice when one brother is naturally a top and the other a bottom I don't know why your parents felt the need to screw with that Mexican Americans follow crazy superstitions that somehow become rules the strangest one that I still follow is not getting a haircut after a meal I have no clue why it's bad but I still don't do it I was told that my friends could not sleep over because they may murder me and my family my parents have always come up with weird excuses to avoid having an honest conversation when I was 14 my mom banned me from taking selfies said they were unnecessary and self-absorbed this was in 2009 and I hated her for it all my friends were posting cute camera in the bathroom mirror pictures and I couldn't now I am grateful because those pictures are cringe EF my mom also told me to never kiss a girl when the Katy Perry song I kissed a girl came out so that'll forever be in my head my mom loves that song and she's mildly homophobic which makes no sense to me my parents had a perfect house and yard I mean perfect everyone in the family spent hours to create this perfection we had a lot of pine trees two huge mature 40 year old pine trees about 15 of them however pine cones were not allowed there was to be no pine cones under the pine trees it was one of my jobs to make sure that I scooted under these trees and picked up all the pine cones about every weekend in the spring summer and fall it was usually done when we mowed the lawn and did the trimming I specifically bought a house with no pine trees because it gives me flashbacks my dad told me that any time he asked me what were the colors of the walls in any given room I was to answer black regardless of the actual color I soon realized I was young and too stupid to understand at first that this was his way of showing other people how much control he had over me I can understand a father trying to keep control of his son but he'd asked me in front of friends and family and it was too embarrassing to say it in front of them so I'd say whatever color they actually were unjust deal with his fits after my friends were gone for months and months we'd go through this routine until finally I think he realized it was driving me nuts and gave up if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 14,381
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Keywords: parents, parents stories, parent rules, parenting, parenting styles, parenting tips, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: porqrx1sFY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 27sec (1527 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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