What Did You Get In Trouble For As A Kid That You Commend Yourself For As An Adult? (r/AskReddit)

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when i was 7 i called 9-1-1 on my friend's mom who was beating my friend bloody with a switch what did you get in massive trouble for as a child only to commend yourself for as an adult when i was in the first grade i tackled the crap out of a 5th grader who was beating up my friend mat on the playground at an early-bird before school program when I say tackled I mean I blindsided this kid at full speed on tarmac he got all kind of messed up on impact I got suspended for a week as a 1st grader when my dad came for a meeting with the school principal dr. Mac she asked me if I would do it again if I had said no I would have been allowed back to school earlier than allotted I proudly said yes I would do it again because I was defending my friend I got a second week suspension to this day I'm 29 my dad still talks about how 1st graders don't just go around beating up 5th graders and that he would always be fine with me getting suspended for standing up for what I believe in in high school my girlfriend and I were in the process of breaking up we were chatting on AI M and she wrote I'm so depressed goodbye SATA nitride I'm going to meet God I called 9-1-1 and said she was trying to kill herself the cops came and all that craziness and her parents never forgave me and forbade me from seeing her again I still feel like I did the right thing , her parents never forgave me and forbade me from seeing her again yeah not like you saved their daughter from frickin killing herself or anything I called the cops on my stepdad for beating my mom senselessly in the hallway he was coming after me while I was dialing and after I got off the phone my mom came in the kitchen with me and started screaming and yelling at me like that was the wrong thing to do as all of this was happening she was bleeding and was bruised up all over I got in so much trouble for it I didn't know what else to do my brother and sisters were crying and holding each other in the back room the cops didn't really do anything besides ask him to leave which he did you should have told your mom that you saved her fricking life when i was 14 i called 9-1-1 on my father because he was bashing my head into a wall i had put up with abuse from him since i was 4 years old and i wasn't wanting to deal with it any longer the police showed up told me that i was a problem child to never call them again and when they left my father continued to beat me i left the next day never to return I called around until I could get a number for CPS and told them everything my family no longer speaks to me they blame me for breaking up the family and told me that there are some things we just don't talk to outsiders about apparently abuses one of those things I felt insanely guilty about it for a long time but now I commend myself for stepping up and finally stepping away from the Bulls when nobody else would pull me out of it same story I have just started to let go of the guilt of calling the cops on my dad I don't have contact with my family anymore either major props to you my best friend always got in trouble for reading in grade school while the teacher was talking the teacher really didn't like him and would often just yell James pay attention even if he was staring at her she did this so much that I began to get defensive and angry one time when James was just looking down for a second she gave him detention for reading I stood up and yelled at her told her he wasn't reading and not she was being a bully I got detention too but James parents loved me so much after that I was selling coupons door-to-door as a teenager to help with cash in college the kind you get with offers for free oil changes $500 value for $50 yada-yada one promotion was for a pizza place a bunch of free discounted items for $50 normally folks would take a look and if they liked the place or had bought it before they'd consider it otherwise it was a closed door midway through my pitch one house was a mess unkempt lawn beat a stationwagon house in disarray I made my pitch to a haggard mom trying to manage her brood she quickly cut me off and said her divorce proceedings were under way the husband was a deadbeat and she had no disposable income but she liked the pizza place said they used to go as a family I moved on a few doors later I turned back went to her door and rang the bell she was plenty confused to see me back I gave her one graters and said I hoped it helped to get her through the rough patch our coupons were tracked of course so I got in trouble for a lost coupon and had to eat the profit a few weeks later I was near the pizza place and I'll be damned if I didn't see her with all her kids piling into that station wagon with piles of takeout felt good and still does that is a damned fine thing you did thank you when I was 15 my friend told me that she took a lot of pills because her ex-boyfriend told her to kill herself i called 9-1-1 and printed out the conversation from a i am' and showed it to the police the ambulance went to her house and they said she seemed fine she had to get her stomach pumped and then do a few months of counseling her mom talked to me a few days later and said that I shouldn't have called in that my friend was fine it wasn't the first time that my friend had done it so at the time I thought I was doing the right thing the only time in my life that this sort of thing happened to me I didn't do anything because I didn't think she was serious she was and she died so yeah never hesitate in a situation like this the consequences of an unnecessary 9-1-1 call pale in comparison to the alternative when I was 10 my mom showed up at my daycare wasted the staff was just going to let me and my younger sisters go with her I threw a crap fit and refused to get in the car I snatched my mom's keys and ran around the building to the playground I buried them under the slide the daycare staff was forced to call my grandmother to come get us later that night my mom spanked me so hard I had to sleep on my stomach I was grounded for two weeks 22 years later I'm still Piatt her for that when I was a teenager I brought a couple of drunk kids to my house while my parents were gone so they wouldn't drive home while drunk but my parents came home and I got in trouble for having drunk bones in the house I still think I did the right thing my drug addict sister attacked me I was 13 she was 17 which was fine she then proceeded to hit my mom and held a knife up to her throat I was in shock and will never forget the image of me having the phone sobbing about to dial nine-one-one and my mom begging me not because she didn't want my sister to get in trouble I stood there shaking not knowing what to do for a good five minutes because I didn't want my sister to stab my mom I finally called 9-1-1 my mom yelled at me and my sister darted towards me luckily my adrenaline kicked in and I tackled her to the ground I'm also go and held her down until the cops came my mom was so upset with me for calling the police and I still hope I did the right thing but I'm pretty sure she would have severely hurt one of us your mom is an idiot that was the right thing to do when I was about eight I was walking alone down a road toward a friend's house on a hot summer's day eating a popsicle the neighborhood bully was in his front yard for some reason which I needed to walk right past to get to my friend's house as I walked past his house he began to call names at me et Cie trying to provoke a response from me this was typical and I had anticipated it I walked straight up to him without saying a word and hit him in the nose with the popsicle I had been planning on eating as hard as I could he cut his bleeding nose screamed like a little girl and ran inside my frozen treat was cracked and ruined my parents later found out about it I actually didn't really get into too much trouble my mother was angry but my father was pretty proud and I think he swayed her a little I ate what remained of the popsicle after it was still pretty good TL DR gave neighborhood bully a bloody nose using a frozen treat the taste of victory the taste of justice popsicle in fifth grade I was best friends with a girl who had what I now recognize as pretty severe OCD if she would scrub her hands until they were raw and she spent hours after school practicing her penmanship she wrote very slowly and eloquently and would often go back to erase letters she didn't think looked right during the standardized tests for the year we had to fill out these bubbles on the front of the test booklet with with our name address school it and such info the teacher asked us after a couple of minutes if we were all done everyone was except for my friend so I replied no the teacher came over to see that I was finished with mine but that it was my friend who was being slow the teacher pivoted quickly to my friend and scowled for God's sake it doesn't have to be perfect I stood up looked my teacher in her cold eyes and said some people need a little extra time the patience I got five detentions for that one didn't go to a single one TL DR my fifth grade teacher was a peach she quit teaching after having me in class when I was in fifth grade there was this kid in my class who had a Dede he was kind off a handful for the teachers and staff and they treated him badly one day we were eating lunch and he was sitting there crushing up packets of crackers the lunch monitor saw him doing this came over and started yelling at him and sent him to the quiet table then she picked up one of the packets that he had been crushing and threw it all of the way across the cafeteria and hit him with it I was like WTF I wrote a letter to the principal that afternoon and had all of my classmates sign it detailing what had happened and how it made us all feel she was promptly fired finally a principal with a head on his or her shoulders my high school liked to brag about how 70% or so of all students who took a pee tests got a 4 or a 5 my friend was doing poorly in our French class and the school was threatening to not let her take the AP test held at our school even though she was doing three level work which would have been passing and she would have been quite happy with so the school kept up the high percentage by only allowing the top students in the class to take the AP tests I told her in front of the teacher that she could get around this by taking the test at another school then the administration held a special meeting discussing the problem with the girls of the senior class having too much spunk same thing happened with my AP German exam I got many threats asking me not to take it things like a bad recommendation being sent to my college etc freak em I got a four and most of the privileged class got threes I was living in rural Canada going to boarding school when I was in high school it was an international school and my roommate was Iranian we were at a McDonald's and some drunk guys come in and start yelling sectarian slurs at my roommate we talked it out with the guys and everything was cool then all of a sudden some random drunk just punches my roommate in the face the place breaks out in a fight like something out of a movie we were outnumbered at least three to one a bunch of guys were on top of my roommate on the ground I picked up a high chair and beat the guys with it as hard as I could we ended up having to go to court and eventually we were all exonerated and the xenophobes got probation TL DR I beat a couple of guys in McDonald's with a high chair when I was four in a preschool with other kids my age there was a bully who would take my toys everyday by to be playing with a truck he'd take the truck I'd be playing with a robot he's take the robot this went on for two or three weeks and eventually I told my parents and my grandma and my parents gave me the just ignore him and he'll go away speech but my grandma took a slightly different approach she told me to give a kid a knuckle sandwich the next day the kid tried to take my dinosaur but I decided to take my grandma's advice I pushed the kid down and told him to get away from me the preschool called my parents and told them what I had done they set up a meeting and my grandma came she was smiling the entire time the kids never messed with me again my dad gave me the same advice in a similar situation it worked like a charm violence is sometimes the answer my English teacher during senior year was stealing from students by promising them a huge field trip each year and making them do bake sales and car washes to learn it and then saying they fell just short of the mark but she saved the money so another class could get it she was only raking in about three zero zero zero five zero zero zero a year on this but kids were putting in an insane amount of work and I got really upset when I found out so I told the school end result the school responded they were grateful for my information but she was tenured nothing could be done at that point in time they added it to her file even worse they didn't hide from her who had done it she gave us a pop quiz essay the next week gave everyone else in the class in a and gave me a low F she made the pop essay count for 25 percent of my grade I went from this to C's I'd already gotten into college but my college actually contacted me about my 3rd quarter grades and I had to put them in touch with my vice principal to set the record straight but my parents were furious I was grounded for several days and they told me that 5k from those students was nothing next to risking my future a few years later the same teacher was caught on tape stealing an iphone from a student's backpack and was fired one reason they were able to fire her was because she had previous complaints about stealing from students hekia when I was in eighth grade I went to use the restroom and there was this chubby girl applying eyeliner on her eyes a few girls came in and mocked her and made fun of her weight I was listening to all of it while I was peeing I came out to wash my hands and they were still laughing and I looked at the three girls and loudly said you guys are morons at least she doesn't give [ __ ] in the staircase they were known to do these kind of things as I left the chubby girl left too and flat out said to me as she held back tears you don't need to say all that I can stand up for myself at that time I felt bad defending her but now that I think about it I think I did the right thing you did do the right thing when I was in second grade a third grader was picking on the new kid who happened to be in my class and wouldn't give him back his backpack which the kid needed to turn in his homework I walked up to him and told him to give the backpack back he said no I tackled him and began to repeatedly punched him till he let go of the backpack I got in huge trouble from the school when I got home my dad asked me what happened after hearing that this guy was a violent bully whom I knew I couldn't take it a stand up fight and this had been going on for a good week and neither the teachers or the staff were doing anything about it in grade 8 one of my good friends mom was struggling with cancer it was pretty bad and he obviously wasn't taking it well what thirteen-year-old would anyway one day after school we were hanging around with a few girls on the front lawn and this kid an absolutely horrible kid comes up to us I can't remember what led up to it but this kid says to my friend you should go home and flick your mom one more time before she dies I completely snapped I beat the crap out of him this crappy kid was smaller than me so it wasn't fair but I didn't care I punched him in the face and knocked him on the ground and let my friend who was pretty puny kick him while he was down there I'm not sure I've ever been so angry in my life I can't remember all the details but I know we didn't well I didn't I was the biggest one so I was doing most of the damage do anything too serious as he didn't have any broken bones or missing teeth his parents obviously got in touch with the school and there was a big meeting between my friend the crappy kid me all the parents the principal vice principal and the school resource officer we had to apologize for beating him up and I think he gave a half-assed apology it was pretty awesome though as it was clear the principal and VP were not all that angry at me and were clearly going through some motions to keep his parents happy TL DR I beat up a kid had told my small friend to freak his mom before she died of cancer looking back on it now though the kid I beat up was clearly in a crappy situation his dad was at the very least emotionally abusing him and I'm his mom definitely didn't defend him and maybe even helped irate him but that kid had problems and couldn't deal with them all so while it feels nice to think about giving a crappy person that , pawns come up and some teaching them a lesson he didn't learn anything from it he continued to be a messed-up kid and now has a kid off his own I'm sure he's going to continue the crappy cycle he was born into violence really doesn't solve much my kindergarten Olli has extremley mean physically and verbally and the usually awesome kindergarten teacher ignored his actions later found out his mother died off cancer when he was 2 his father was an alcoholic and he graduated from law school and is now a really nice guy still no forgiveness for taking one of the chicken eggs out of the incubator that one might have hatched I got sent home for getting in a fight on the playground in sixth grade parents yelled at me felt terrible looking back I was being bullied in the fight was three against one I managed to give one of the bastards a black eye and the other of bloody nose he was sobbing I regret nothing never get in a fight with the mother freaking Batman in high school about ten years ago I wrote a letter to the editor of the local paper complaining about how our local school administration only celebrated the athletes at our school and not students who had achieved in other areas I proposed that if the school was going to have mandatory pep rallies for the athletes they should also make school concerts art exhibits plays etc mandatory or at least have some sort of thing celebrating the arts academics et Cie at the school in addition to sports I had no problem with the athletes I just didn't think they should be the only ones recognized anyway I didn't exactly get in trouble but my parents told me I shouldn't have sent it and the principal at the school who was my good friends dad who used to say hi to me in the hallways and whatnot didn't say a word to me for like a year still agree with the whole thing and never regretted sending it when I was younger my little brother decided to get into a bowl of hard candy the candy was too hard for him to chew and too big for a one-year-old to swallow he started choking so I ran to wake my dad up for help at the time my dad had to late night jobs so he would sleep until 2:00 in the afternoon he was angry that I woke him even though I was obviously scared he didn't get up and started screaming at me calling me crap I gave up on trying to get him up and rush to my little brother I performed the Heimlich maneuver on him and he suddenly spit the candy out we both started crying out of joy and fear five minutes later my dad came out of his room screaming then started to hit me at the time I got angry at my brother for getting me into trouble thinking back on it now I think I saved his life I don't regret a thing when I was probably 10 or 11 I was at a younger cousin's birthday party one of their neighbours kids were there probably around 7 and was really annoying at one point he bit me on the arm and I just stood up and backhanded him across the face hard enough to send him to the ground crying I got put in timeout or some crap and pretty much had to sit by myself for the rest of the party later on I found out this kid was known to be a biter and stopped doing it after that keep your pimp hand strong my friend when I was 9 I went to school one morning to see several of my friends surrounding a little girl who didn't dress like the rest of us she had obviously dressed herself and had chosen a Christmas dress with mismatched socks and her mom's heels the kids were taunting her and throwing rocks at her she just stood there in her little dress and Cateye glasses crying I ran out from the group and stood between her and the others and I yelled at them to stop hurting her I was ostracized for years after that incident and I still look back on it as a defining moment of my life to stand up for the little guy I was that little girl not literally sorry read it and your goddamned hero I wish had gone to my school coma when I was 11 and my little brother was born I practically raised him for the first year of his life because both of my parents are alcoholics and drug abusers one night he woke up in his crib crying and I ran downstairs to feed him my mom complained that she was tired because he never sleeps and she proceeded to yell and yell and yell swearing incessantly I didn't want my brother and that kind of stressful environment so I politely said please don't speak like that in front of the baby boy did she have a cow directed her yelling at me told me to never correct her because she's the parent I just took my brother to another room in the house even though she really hated it I don't regret standing up to her like that when I was seven I gave a homeless man my cookie at the mall my dad was so upset with me he told me all the terrible things that could have happened to me but I knew I did the right thing the homeless man thanked me and smiled he couldn't stop smiling sometimes homeless people are only that homeless not all of them are drug addicts not all of them are insane not all of them are lazy some of them are just people who've been given an unfair portion of bad luck in this life yet through all of their tribulation many of them become some of the most grateful and appreciative people whom I have ever had the privilege of meeting moved to a new school and stood up for the kids being bullied I got in a fistfight with a kid who was beating the crap out of mentally handicapped kid we both were sent to the office he got a 10-day suspension in 13 stitches I got 17 stitches but no suspension and commended on it later on in life by the principal after learning the actual reasoning for reference I was brought up in a foster care household and have adopted siblings who are also slow I don't deal well with the abuse that the mentally handicapped receive update Wow I went to sleep shortly after this post and just got off work this morning and all these awesome responses thank you guys so much it means a lot I once saved up $20 to get some toy I think it was a Spice Girls Barbie at the time I was about 6 I think to a six-year-old twenty dollars takes a long time to collect and is a small fortune as I was heading into Fred Meijer with my dad I saw a dirty looking dude and a hungry looking dog sitting on the ground next to the trash cans I asked my dad why that man was so dirty and he said the man has no money and doesn't have a shower or a house and he continued on into the store and I pondered this for a minute I ended up giving the doodle my money my dad there lysing we had made the trip to the store for nothing and realizing that I had given all my money away was very very angry and I was severely punished in the following days still I feel proud about it TL DR I gave a homeless man 20 bucks and got my butt beat for it not a single fret given in the sixth grade I was in class with my classmates waiting for the teacher to arrive a boy Shane and his girlfriend was sitting behind me and were shouting and roughhousing the girl accidentally stabbed Shane in the palm of his hand with a pen resulting in a deep puncture wound a lot of blood and a slow panic but seconds later our teacher entered the room Shane did his hand under his desk and our oblivious teacher began his lesson meanwhile Shane and the girl were behind me sweating I turned around to see his the wound and watched as the blood began to trickle and pull into the cup of his hand it looked gory so I raised my hand and said Shane's bleeding our teacher was P Shane was sent to the nurse and then the principal's office and our whole class was punished with a writing assignment the principal came into the room to scold us going as far as to inform us off what the janitors would now have to do to clean up the bloody mess in the hallway a few days later Shane returned from the hospital with fresh stitches in his hand turns out the stab wound was so deep that it caused nerve damage and he lost some feeling in his palm Shane was P at me and threw some insult my way that I can't remember when I saw him in the hallway I felt bad and we never spoke again until he was expelled later in the year for being a troublemaker actually you know what I never felt bad about that Shane was always a dong to me and I still did that butthole a favor by getting her medical help he should have been thanked for speaking up before he lost consciousness and bled out in the middle of class I don't get why the teacher was mad or punished the whole class sixth-grade makes a bit of a difference I can see why he was angry now I'll first overlook that and thought it was somewhere around second or third grade when I was 13 stroke 14 I was living with my dad who had a tendency to emotionally and verbally beat everyone down when he didn't get his way he had treated my mum really badly and she had left a year or two prior after a very heated argument one day I had PMS and I was having a little teary he told me that I had to stop crying now as I was bringing down the mood of the household I told him to freak off I didn't use language like that usually so it was a bit of a thing he went mental as me so I proceeded to explain to him exactly why his relationships always go badly because he is a selfish child in a bully and listed the ways in which he was a generally crap person in reply he gave me a shove into a wall I then proceeded to pack up my things and walk about 10km to my mum's house I've lived there since to this day I am the only person who stood up to him and told him what I really thought I'm from Morse said six miles to make it easier for you Americans to understand or something it was around 10 kms which was fairly far especially late tonight to this day I am the only person who stood up to him and told him what I really thought good for you I was seriously dating a girl in high school three years who was very thin at a point ballerina she confided in the early in the relationship that she was anorexic and at times Buhl image of Bali but mostly because her mom would say snide things about her weight even though she was very underweight for her height I often told her she should speak to someone and she would say her mother wanted her issues to be a secret after the first few years of dating we talked through a lot of her troubled thinking and she got to a healthy weight and had stopped purging one night her mother was mad at me for some reason and asking me to leave her house she said her daughter had deserved better than me emo atheist kid because I wasn't like them conserve Baptists bigots I responded with a tirade against her neglect and abuse of my girlfriend's at times nearly deadly anorexia her mom was like a deer in headlights and never let me into their house again I was in this self-defense workshop with my gel scout troop or something and I asked the lady teaching at AI scratching a guy with your nails would be a good way to get him to release his grip on you no way she said here I'll show you scratch me she grabbed pretty firmly on my arm so I scratched her as hard as I could I drew blood she didn't let go but then she started yelling at me at me all like look what you did I'm bleeding now you really should think about your actions and I spent the rest of the day feeling terrible about it looking back she literally freaking asked for it always scratch at best he lets go and you get away at worst you'll at least get your attackers DNA under your fingernails for the autopsy I don't believe in spanking as a parent I was spanked severely as a child and that type of hitting is not spanking it's not even borderline abuse it's extreme abuse anyway on with my story when I was a kid my mom and no ex stepdad were pretty severe alcoholics and would cram my stepbrothers my younger brother and I in the car and go to their favorite Mexican restaurant several times a week they would get smashed there and then drive home with the lavas kids in the car we lived in a small town and had to take the freeway to get there about 20 minutes away I was about eight or nine when I finally refused to get in the car I told them they were drunk and I didn't feel safe my mom would always yell at me and tell me that she was going to be driving because she was less drunk than my stepdad and forced me into the car one day we had spent the day at the beach and has almost traditionally we went to this restaurant they had been drinking already at the beach so they were already buzzed by the time we arrived they were crazy crap faced like way more than usual I told them there was no way I was getting in the car they started screaming at me to get in the car and I wouldn't budge this time I ran back into the restaurant crying planning to ask to use their phone to call my grandma to come pick me up one of the waitresses that recognized me and asked me what was wrong being very young I bluntly told her that my parents were very drunk and I was scared to drive with them she knew I had other siblings and called her her manager he called the police and they came and almost gave them a DUI they of course would have now but in the 90s they weren't as strict I think they got taken home and another cop car took us kids home I was punished severely I was grounded for two months and spanked pretty bad their alcoholism increased severely until I was 14 when my except dad blacked out and crashed his brand-new motorcycle they've been sober ever since and I'm 21 I'm glad they're both sober now it kind of pisses me off that it took losing a motorcycle to do it and not almost killing their kids every week be : anyway I felt bad for years for inadvertently calling the cops on my parents 'but as an adult they frickin deserved more in fact I hate that I was even punished for that good deed as a new mommy I'm utterly appalled and I hope my daughter is as awesome as I was TL DR my parents were crapped faced drunken tried to get my brothers and I to drive home with them and I inadvertently called the cops on them and was punished severely for it now I'm proud of what I did as a kid I was really really shy and awkward shocking for a redditor I know I only had one friend a girl who lived next door to me and she was two years younger than me so I had no friends my own age as I got older late elementary school my mom kept pushing me to hang out with these girls who lived down the block from me I would go over there because she forced me to but these girls were the popular girls who would torment me and make my life miserable but then act all nice when our parents were around I was try to avoid going over to their houses all the time and my mom would get furious at me well in high school they all ended up becoming hard-partying drug using class failing skanks and I did great in school and went on to college pushing me to be their friend is one thing my mom admits to being wrong about but only because of how bad they ended up being later in life not because they were so mean to me she still won't believe that they were mean : I'm a girl I don't understand why parents don't believe kids when they say someone's mean yet kids can lie but usually not about that type of thing when I was in sixth grade my best friend told me that she was going to the mall to meet a guy she was talking to on the Internet and she told me not to tell anyone so naturally I went and told my mom right away my mom told her mom and she got grounded she didn't talk to me for months after but I didn't care because I believed that I saved her life saved her from getting violated then people from the Internet are dangerous or so I've heard I feel this is relevant but no one got in trouble just felt like sharing so like it if you want anyways I was 7 years old and at the local hockey rink on Saturday for open skating this kid was skating backwards and I wanted to know how so I asked this kid a little bigger than me just knocks me on my butt and skates away I go up a game to ask why he did that and he did it again this time the third time three-strikes-you're-out when I went up and he went to do it again I grabbed my wrist and uppercut him on his butt both my arms together then I jumped on him and popped him in the face both of our fathers were watching his father told him to knock anything down that moves on the ice my father was proud end of story thanks scumbag dad I didn't get in massive trouble for this but I'll throw it out there anyways my parents took me to a McDonald's when I was around 7 years old I was playing on the play structure when a four year old came up to me and started pushing me around and punching me my parents were watching waiting to see what I would do my dad later told me years later that my mom was frustrated that I just stood there and took it instead of hitting him back when my mom walked up to me and asked me why I let him punch me I said he's so tiny I know I could hurt him if I wanted to but he doesn't know any better my was shocked my friend came out as gay and his parents were violently opposed to this he had a boyfriend in a different state and his parents banned him from talking to the guy they cut him off from the internet completely my friend would put emails on a disk and give them to me and I would send them to his boyfriend for him and bring letters back for him from the boyfriend huge trouble from that one BC the friend's dad was one of my teachers I do not regret it at all I freaked out at my stepdad who raised me and split a bunch of family ties all my life I'd been scared of him and how he had treated me as a young child but I was getting older the abuse had lessened with age and my stepdad had two kids of his own after 9 years together my mom and stepdad divorced and he married another woman with a small child a four year old girl my mom and stepdad remained civil and we all played family together I was about 16 then and I still had to spend time at my dad's house I was reading trying to stay quiet like I did over there when the little girl comes running around the corner and softly runs into my dad he snarls at her and shoves her at the nearby wastebasket and she falls down and starts crying as he yells at her I lose it and shove him backward pick up the girl before he has time to say anything and get in my car and go I had a talk with the little girl and told her that he did that to me too and that she should tell her woman that he is being bad while I drove around I headed back to when I knew her mom would be arriving home and handed her off to her mom my dad couldn't do anything or else he would have to explain why I left so he played it cool and I left right after I've not been back I heard a month later through my half-brother that my dad's wife had just up and divorced him he left for a business trip and she was gone when he came back and he had no clue why I'm still glad about that I was maybe nine ish and my dad took us to his friends for a BB q we played with their kids had fun but when it was time to go my dad was clearly drunk his friend knew it and jovially asked if he was okay to drive but didn't offer any objections when my dad said no at this point I know what's going on but I'm super nervous saying no or speaking up to my dad is just something you didn't do halfway through the ride home I'm scared shitless and by this time my brother is too because he is all over the place so we unbuckle our little brother and ected out the friggin car at a stoplight not the safest thing as hindsight we run to the corner and watch him oh god is he P I can see it and in an effort to get to the sea crashes into the light pole long story short we all ended up at the cops shop and his license was revoked for a couple months when we sitting in the office after the accident I felt so ashamed over how I'd gotten my dad in trouble even after a couple officers tried to cheer me up and even after my mom got there and tried to tell me I did the right thing and she was so happy we were a ki still was too ashamed to face my dad it's the rottenest feeling as a kid I don't know what sort of look of terror I had on my face when he finally came through the door but he looked at me for a couple seconds and just broke down bawling because he was crying I started crying again and even after he told me he was sorry I still felt horrible about it for a years after now even though I still remember that horrible feeling I felt I'm glad it happened because it was the last time it did only sort of related when I was a kid I was a huge liar and very manipulative even now at 24 whenever my mom asks me anything she thinks my answer is a lie no matter what it is she'd spank me for lying at a young age and tell me to never ever ever lie so now I don't I tell the truth even when it's disadvantageous to me because it's the right thing to do my mom and grandmother tell me now that I should lie when it will benefit me for example I had a job interview recently the interviewer asked what I was discharged from the Navy for it was a general discharge under honorable conditions because I couldn't meet fitness standards I told him that was the wrong thing to do what did he want me to lie you shouldn't have told him at all he asked me why I was discharged well you shouldn't have mentioned that you were in the military and what pretended I did nothing from 18 to 24 that's lying too so on and so on it may be to my disadvantage but if I'm going to get a job I'm going to frickin do it honestly and that pisses my mom grandmother off well you shouldn't have frickin beating me for lying as a child that's another example of older people thinking they're wise just because of age you riously more virtue than them when I was 10 years old I caught my cousin stealing my action replay for my gamma cube you see I had on to action replaced because my first disk broke so I had to buy another one so in order to discern the difference between my 2 action replay cards I took a golden Sharpie and marked a golden one on the back of my original action replay card well it had gone missing after my cousin spent the previous day over at my house and I only kept it in a certain position now my cousin was known for stealing things many things in our house were stolen by him throughout the course of many years it his grandmother whom he lived with never believed any of it because no one had any proof well the next day I go to play my gamma cube and I couldn't find my golden number one action replay card I looked everywhere but still couldn't find it so I told my dad and my he called his aunt the grandmother of my cousin and asked her to check my cousin's room for the card my cousin was sleeping so she was able to go into his room without him trying to hide it before she could inquire about it and when she was in his room she found it I myself was just happy to have my action replay back once my aunt came back over to our house that day but she was furious with her grandson for stealing and so when she came back over to our house she gave me my card and she said to me so what do you want me to do your cousin for stealing your game I could beat him up you want me to beat him I could ground him for a year if you want like I said I was only 10 at a time and my dad was standing right next to me when this happened and he was about to interject when I said I'm sorry aunt Carol but I don't feel as though it is my responsibility to decide how to discipline your own child my dad was literally stunned and my great-aunt Blair for a few seconds then left later after she had gone home my dad hugged me tightly and told me how proud he was of me for being so mature and responsible and for not indulging my great aunt in her immaturity and inability to raise her own children when I was 15 I destroyed my father's and lab and kicked his big scary M head friends out of our trailer who were operating it to this day I've never tried em that was in 1996 in Missouri ten years later my father lost his life to it in a horrible way it may not be me who I'm proud is shuv but it directly involves me when I was in the fourth grade I caved into peer pressure and decided to vandalize a car during lunch use Dirac wrote Frick on the hood of some nice red car I had no idea whose it was anyways skip forward about 10 minutes I've been showing some people who've come by what I've done even inspired another kid to use a pinecone to write Frick on a car albeit very small and a friend of mine comes by I show him what I did and he leaves a few minutes later the teacher comes by my friend had told on me which I'm glad he did mostly because everything turned out very well other than the couple months of torment coming from my parents and my parents car insurance was able to pay for the damages to the car the teacher who owned the car was actually incredibly nice and forgave me immediately if my friend hadn't told on me I have no idea what would have happened but I'm sure the guild would have started to pile up and if they did never eventually figure out it was me who did it I probably would have been in a lot more trouble TL DR vandalized a car friend told on me right after seeing what I had done thankful now not so much then I was about 11 walking home from school I was typically given $10 a week from my parents to spend on lunches at the cafeteria back then $10 sustained for five days it was midweek so I had a good amount of money in my pocket there was a homeless man sitting on the corner it was roughly freezing temperatures outside and the dead of winter and this man didn't even have a coat on he was shivering but he offered me a big toothy smile he asked if I had any change so he could eat I told him I'd be right back went across the street and into a place that served hot dogs and pork sandwiches the usual lot by both the man two hot dogs and a cup of hot chocolate exhausting my weekly funds the homeless man began crying and took the food from me thanking me profusely again and again I watched him sit the hot chocolate severing it and I could see the color returned to his fingers as he did so I could tell he was genuinely grateful that night I told my father I needed more money for school lunches and he asked me why I told him I bought a homeless man lunch and he delivered a swift backhand slap in my mouth from that point on my parents arranged prepaid lunches with the school staff so I wouldn't spend my lunch money on things I didn't need to but I knew in my heart I did a good thing even if it meant spending my lunch money that was meant to feed only me I can still see the homeless guys cheeks light up under the steam of the hot coco and I visit that memory frequently you have been visited by the IT lizard vote or experience bad internet for a month like and subscribe you magnificent person
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Id: WpeI6ArFvzQ
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Length: 44min 52sec (2692 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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