When Did You Realize You Were Dating A Horrible Person? (r/AskReddit)

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at what moment did you realize your date was a horrible person she told this story about how someone she supervised had asked for a holiday off verbally she said it was fine then a friend invited her to a get-together for that holiday she really wanted to go so she pretended that she didn't remember approving verbally and denied his written request so she could take time off instead this is one of the worst ones in here what an awful selfish human being I was talking about my studies in wildlife biology something I'm passionate about and he would go out of his way to disagree with any opinion I had so I switched topics and he did it again we went through a dozen topics with him adamantly disagreeing with every opinion I held and actively arguing with me I finally got tired of it and quit talking and answering his questions he didn't apologize he just said I love getting you all worked up it's really a lot of fun to make you angry I have no idea what I'm arguing against but it's funny you're getting so angry aren't you having fun he was doing it on purpose to pee me off the entire date hug I dated a guy like that not sell intent and blatant but after we broke up he admitted it was something he learned from that pickup artists book butthole I tell you he showed up drinking a beer out of a McDonald's Cup pointed out all the stores he couldn't go into because he and his ex sharp lifted from them invited me to his car to drink Bud Light platinum platinum is the fancy Bud Light though I was on a date when I was 15 he grabbed me from behind and tickled me I kept saying no but he didn't stop I tried to get his hands off of me and accidentally hit him in the balls he gave me the silent treatment the entire dates to punish me because I'm abusive then later on he told me he didn't want to be seen with me in school because I was embarrassing to him and that I would end up disabled like my parents Jesus Christ the only thing I can say is at least he saved you some time when she pulled the plate away from me on our first date and said that's enough I liked you because you were skinny even lesbians can be gross buttholes to a girl on a first date I note out of there so fast when he said I have a present for you during the movie and then spit a piece of gum into my hand Kevin's dating now haven't dated since college but one of my buddies recently went on a date with a girl he met on tinder she answered the phone and was talking about her child so when she got off the phone he asked something along the lines of Babis etre holding up all right without batting an eye she responded oh that wasn't a bad a sitter that was my husband you would be surprised on how common this is there are a lot of people in open marriages or they stay together for the child I have met a few anyways chickens are wonderful creatures he wouldn't stop talking about fricking his exes after we had freaked that sentence sounds like dr. Seuss erotica when he insisted he wasn't gay bird a straight guy who likes frickin dudes all the numerous times he talked about how being gay was wrong when he parked in the handicap parking spot I told him it was wrong and he just laughed it off I went a date with a girl one time that complained that I didn't part in the handicapped spot she bitched the entire way into the restaurant we walked into and complained to the hostess about how she had to walk across half the parking lot to come inside when he said you're pretty smart for a female female didn't think people actually said that kinda crap when he asked me if I'd ever been with a black person because he couldn't handle some in a sloppy seconds in case anyone wondered how it went I told him I couldn't be with his nfo bond he called me again a sucker as I left I had won on a date a couple of years ago sat in the pub of a girl not the best looker in the world but she seemed genuinely nice over previous conversations so I wanted to meet her and see where things went 45 minutes into the date she sighs and says can we go to another pub I don't want to be served by him pointing to the black barman I said sure old boyfriend she replied no I don't want to be served by a dirty black bastard he should be in the fields away from civil people safe to say I finished my beer and left her at the table I've done the online dating thing off and on for two years now and have some stories that keep my friends and co-workers pretty entertained one comes to mind though this was actually my first puff date over a year ago after chatting with this girl online for a couple days we decided to meet for dinner the first thing I noticed was that she differed significantly from what her pictures portrayed but hey I'm already here and maybe we can have a good conversation I'll see where it goes we sit down and she starts to talk and talk and talk I mean I'm all for good conversation that it would be nice to get a word in edgewise at one point the waitress came over to ask our meals were and my date shot her a dirty look because she apparently felt that the waitress was interrupting her I've never eaten a steak so fast in my life when the check came and I did the gentlemanly thing and grabbed it she actually said I'd normally cover the tip but she was just rude I paid gave the little it was nice to meet you sideways hug and booked but one of the few things I was able to get out during our conversation was that I had to head to Walmart to grab some incidentals because I had just moved into a new place I drive over there after the date I'm getting out of my car and guess who's waiting for me in the parking lot this chick followed me around Walmart just talking and talking I finally just looked at her and said listen I can't do this this isn't going to work please just let me get what I need to get in peace and go she started crying in the middle of the store but never heard from her again you dumped a plentyoffish girl at Walmart there has to be a joke here he told me that he freaked a 14-year old when he was in his 30s said it was consensual I threw up in my mouth a little when he told me he used to show up on dates and just leave if the girl seemed to s or done for him see I'm still here so that's good who want I love the guys that are so up their own but they think that's a thing to brag about I can't enjoy myself with somebody I consider to be less intelligent I met two guy at a bookstore he asked me out on a date and typically I'd passed but he was different than the typical guys that approached me we were going to meet up at one of his favorite bars that had a nice patio out front I received one text that evening saying he was excited to have dinner but he'd be a little late I get to the place and run into an old friend I'm talking with my friend for a minute and my date shows up he looks like he just ran a marathon with sweat pouring from his face we sit outside on the patio with our drinks having a funny conversation then this car comes flying up over the curb almost hitting us on the patio a woman gets out she looks angry and she's wearing scrubs she immediately starts yelling at my date what a Frick is wrong with you you stole my car and left the kids alone while I'm at work I slowly start to back away you get sad hit son of a B multiple hits a cheering crowd has formed around the patio one my date is apologizing and dodging hits that was the moment I realized my date was a horrible person if this were a romantic comedy he'd have turned to you and said wait I can explain as you walked away by happenstance you wind up having to interact with him again for an extended period of time then fall in love I don't know why my brain went to that place but there ya go when she started belittling our waiter from not putting enough ice in her drink I mean she pretty much told him he was worthless and that he would never have a real job she didn't know that it was my night off from being a server myself I didn't even say anything to her just got up went and gave the guy a $20 tip and walked out hopefully she didn't have any cash to pay the tab I'll be looking for another post in here about a guy who just randomly stood up and walked out of a restaurant mid-sentence it was somewhere in between and ranting about how all divorced women are evil gold diggers and that global warming was made up by companies who want to trick us into spending money on environmentally friendly products my last boyfriend cheated on me so I had one of my friends start saying he violated her and this was 20 minutes into our first date I got the Frick out of there immediately holy Frick I would have frickin rewound time to never meet that person this girl I was with started talking about her birthday when she told me that she's had bikinis and mussels at her birthday parties since she was 10 when I asked her about 10 year olds being ripped she responded with well yay I don't hang out with losers I laughed and she then told me she was serious and that she only hung out with cool people I was like now should have said same here and then left when he tried to touch my tee dude was weird as Frick he had some creepy lip smacking thing going on too I guess he produced too much spit I don't know he also tried to sit on the same side lock the booth with me when I told him to get on the other side he said it felt like a freaking job interview so yeah her first and only date he tried touching my glory hole at least three times it's a first date it practically is an interview when I was in high school early 2000s I dated this guy for several months for Valentine's Day he was supposed to pick me up for a date I waited in my parents living room until 9:00 p.m. and he never showed up devastated on being stood up for the first time I threw my new dress on the floor and cried in my room suddenly around 10:30 p.m. he bursts in the front door with a giant white box he was drunk he sat it on my parents kitchen counter and then left before I could even see him and then he drove off I opened the box it was a cookie cake with a picture of an angry Santa face on it with the words Merry Christmas cracker scrawled on it in black and white icing I kid you not as this guy and I were talking on OkCupid he mentioned that he was in the middle of moving apartments and Nick and I specifically offered to help him move his TV since I had a car and he didn't and that's not exactly something you can easily transport on the subway or in the back of a cab so I show up to his apartment expecting to move the TV quickly in there lunch together only to find that it's the two of us and an empty cargo truck he hadn't actually moved there nothing into his new place yet and he was expecting me to help him move I should have just laughed and nope the Frick out of there but at least I got a good workout in helping that butthole move to top it off he didn't even offer to pay for lunch either holy crap your nice person went on a first date with a guy who was in med school while I was working on my bachelor's we had decided to meet at a coffee shop close to campus at a specific time I get there wait ten minutes then 15 20 have walked away there I called him and he argues with me saying it was at a later time because he had just gotten back to his apartment after working at a clinic okay fine it could have been an honest mistake although I know we had said that first time we get to the coffee shop at the new time I went over to a friend's for an hour to kill time and proceeded to have the most boring conversation ever he didn't want any coffee he suggested we get coffee and proceeded to make fun of people who enjoy coffee such as myself I was having trouble remembering what I originally liked about this guy but figured maybe things would turn around he wanted to go to a local club I was never into the club scene but sure what the heck he asked me if I wanted a drink before going up to the bar I told him what I wanted and we walked to the bar together because he offered I assumed he was willing to pay as soon as we get to the bar in the bartender notices us my dates links behind me and says why don't you get this first round sweetie the bartender was just as shocked as I was but I didn't want to make a scene so I did he didn't even finish his drink I did but when he asked if I wanted a second I decline he called the next day to ask for a second date but was confused when I said no thanks you know the worst part about it it seems like you were really trying to give this guy all the chances in the world and he just could not give a crap within 15 minutes he went on a rant about how cheap his father isn't finished it up with I mean he's no Jew I'm a Jew sigh he's only half Jew he's Jew ish someone actually told me that I had Frick tokens and I was permitted to have four why four I have no idea when he told me he was drunker than usual because he forgot we had a date and then made me pay for the entire dinner I already told him before we met up that I always pay for my own dinner on the first date so he didn't have to worry about it apparently he decided I was going to pay for his too he worked in downtown Detroit as a security guard I realized he was an awful person when he started sending me pictures videos of people along with his hateful xenophobic commentary that he thought was hilarious when she told me she was glad we were seated away from those ni just got up and left the restaurant right then and there when he asked me for a bj while dropping me off at his house when I was in high school I went on a date with a friend of a friend from another city I was too young to drive so my mom picked us up from the arcade when we dropped him off he insisted we come in and meet his grandparents my mom and I followed him in and his grandparents told us to have a seat we were chatting for a bit and then my date bolted to another room and came back with hands down the largest lizard I've ever seen in my life it was four feet long and had milky colored skin my mom jumped up in terror and shrieks she's terrified of lizards my date started laughing and put the lizard in her arms poor mom was afraid she'd hurt it as she dropped it and so she kept holding it and she was crying my dates grandparents were laughing with him I was yelling at him to get the lizard off my mom it was a mess I stopped all contact then flowers started showing up on our porch for three weeks I was getting roses almost every day one day my mom actually caught the kids grandfather dropping them off she confronted him and he said something like I'd do anything for my boy he loves her we had met once before that disastrous date and never again sins a few weeks after that the kid called to tell me he was killing himself because I wouldn't go out with him but keep in mind I was 14 at the time all this was happening last I heard he went to juvie for something frickin related and came out with a face tattoo I don't even remember his name to look him up it's been about nine or ten years since I heard anything awful creepy person so that's what enabling is when he spent the day telling me about the variety of people he had sold weed to and following that up with the fact that he would give me a good price if he got laid that night wink wink I was not amused he just kept talking about how happy he was that I was actually as pretty in person as I was in my pictures and told me about his horrible other dates where they look busted and he had to ditch them also tried to sell me life insurance I got my sushi to go bonus points for the life insurance when we were supposed to see a movie and he attempts to grope me during a murder scene nonetheless sir really he attempts to grope me during a murder scene nonetheless no less equals nonetheless during a murder scene no less the absurdity was heightened by the fact that it was a murder scene during a murder scene nonetheless it's at least it was during a murder scene as is appropriate when she didn't show up he told me about how his brother hit a girl walking on the side of the road it was dark no streetlights she was wearing dark clothing the girl died think she was about 15 he was angry because his brother didn't get compensated for the damage done to his car me dude a family lost their daughter him yeah and that's sad but what about my brother's car when her phone went off in the theater three times he told me he and his friends enjoyed stealing Christmas lights and other lawn ornaments from strangers houses he never understood why I found it so horrible as an adult I told my date a childhood story about being stalked to a friend's house from the grocery store and after turning the stalker down when he asked me out catching him masturbating outside the window later that night I was 15 at the time and the stalker was in his 30s my date rolled his eyes and said sarcastically yeah it must suck being a pretty girl holy crap I mean um maybe he was envious he just wished a 30 year old stalker would masturbate outside his window when she agreed to go on a date with me dang girl have some standards when on the first date she tried to jump out of the car on a highway to kill herself three times first attempt through the window second attempt by opening the door third attempt she started to take off her seat belt and I pulled over and stayed on the shoulder until she calmed down fun times he told me that he and his run made use to argue all the time and she peed him off so he poisoned her pet turtle I backed away as fast as they could and while still protecting my life when he caught the waiter a C and B for placing our glasses of water on our table and said they would be right back the restaurant was really busy needless to say very awkward silence the rest of the meal metus guy on ok stupid for sushi I showed up all cute and normal he's wearing all the black leather with spikes huge mohawk a spiked collar the works we definitely were the odd couple downtown and got a lot of WTF looks the whole date was awkward and quiet he walked me to my car after the date and asked me if I wanted to come back to his dungeon I'm Way too polite but was able to say no as nicely as I could then he started going off on how I'm so sheltered I'm totally not have everything paid for for me I totally burned and B me out saying he has a huge heart do whatever he says and bla bla bla I just told him it wouldn't be hard to find someone to go to his dungeon with him then at first I thought it was weird that he wanted to hold my hand after we ordered and were waiting for the food I knew he was a horrible person when he kept holding my hand when the food arrived do not interfere with my ability to lead never ever if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now [Music]
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 100,293
Rating: 4.90481 out of 5
Keywords: dating stories, worst date ever, worst date, worst date ever story time, worst date story time, worst date experience, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit
Id: 9g5diT6FESA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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