I Can't Believe I Did This On Camera...

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[Music] another wonderful meme time intro this time by palomar4233 look people we're gonna have to work on your usernames get rid of numbers in your usernames all right numbers and your usernames are dumb they don't work you're not going to get picked up by hollywood if we got numbers in the usernames you think i'm going out here with jacksepticeye666 no it's just a clean name it sounds like a stage name it's perfect well it's not perfect it's a septic in it which is just gross but thank you very very much palomar i'm just going to call it palomar all right we're not doing the 4-2-3-3 unless those of some very significant important meaning to you in regards to like a familial thing or something like that then if anything i apologize if i'm drowning your culture and your heritage right now with this but very fantastic intro thank you so much and with that everybody welcome back to mean time it's been such a long time actually i had some memes kind of prepped for the next episode of meme time and i had other stuff that i was i wanted to like showcase because we played like resident evil and subnautica and stuff like that um but then i went away for a while so i don't know if those are even relevant anymore and most of the memes today are probably going to be like take your time jack please we're here for you jack's taking a break let's show him some support which is delightful but for me it doesn't lead to content how does he go from unpopular screamy guy to popular lime-haired screaming man to a [ __ ] could be male model i don't know how do we do that it's just top of the morning coffee genetics and a lot of self-loathing over the years so what do you mean unpopular screamy guy even before youtube i was kind of popular with my friends i was funny i was witty right also i love that to a [ __ ] could be male model use this photo this is not a very flattering image of me i've had much nicer pictures of me taken y'all never think about that what if jack is short because he's afraid of heights no that's big brain look it's just genetics baby i i'm not short i'm perfectly average to height it's just that you guys have a [ __ ] up sense of perception that when you see me here you tend to think that i'm taller than i actually am so when you meet me you're like wow you're quite short actually as i sit like a full foot above half of you i've met you guys you guys are short okay i've done many meet and greets you guys are short houses i'm average height i'm not even tall and i still tower over most of you and yet you come out here and get 9 000 upvotes oh good for you are you two friends no yes [Laughter] that's very accurate it flip-flops every now and then as well one of us will say no and the other one will say yes sometimes we'll both say no i don't think we'll ever both say yes i'll record a video at felix again soon give us ideas because every time it's like i want to record a video with you but i have no idea what to do but now we're actually allowed to hang out in each other's houses again because of covert restrictions kind of getting lightened over the years uh vaccines shout out whoa uh world's going back to normal but now that we can actually hang out in person maybe we should record a video in person again it's about time for the bottle flip challenge again here it is i want jack to come back boo but he needs to get better so take your time jack yay oh no he's not hot sexy yes i feel fine today breathing's good acid reflux is good digestive system is good not great but they're not a hindrance today so here we are recording a video what a treat your health and mental health are important take as much time as you need this goes out to everybody not just for me uh it's very very important to you get off social media i see so many of you living your life through social media these days isn't it terrifying how much of the internet and how much of the world is controlled by teenagers on their phones on social media like cancel culture is all teenagers shouting at each other anything that gets popular or the stan culture that gets crazy worship is all teenagers all of that is just teenagers sometimes hornier than others but it's all teenagers controlling what the world does controlling what we buy what we see what we interact with it's terrifying i did not have any power as a teenager i had no power over myself i didn't have the internet as a teenager and now all of you are out here ending people's careers and making others terrifying jack's inventory organization in resi8 yeah you're not wrong except i sold uh whatever the best go whatever the best handgun is here i probably sold that one and kept the shitty one and then i probably had room for a third gun somewhere and then didn't realize it and then moved a bunch of stuff around look people got very upset at the resident eight series resident eight resident evil 8 series it was very hilarious to watch people in the comments being like oh my god jack actually had room for that gun and he ended up moving all this stuff around and wasting bullets on something and it made me want to pull my hair out as i watched the series i'm like okay there's lots of grass outside let's go touch it shall we oh god and you're watching disney channel ah this is terrifying we look great though we would make a very good disney couple she would come out of the forest going i'd be like and i have some sort of like companion that's an animal it's either a reindeer or a moose or a dog or some sort of like pet rat or something like that you know they put in a animal companion that has no meaning and purpose in the whole thing like moana moana has like a chicken or something right and it's like why is this chicken in it oh cause kids are dumb and they just want to see a goofy looking chicken serves no purpose my storytelling needs to be concrete in my disney animated movies how else am i gonna believe that moana's gonna overcome what does she overcome i can't remember the movie sucks look what i saw while randomly watching tv a good man ronnie the irishpeeler.com go there and all your troubles will go away the only tears you will have are tears of joy because granny's got her try his good man ronnie i actually bought an irish peeler i've yet to use it since we moved it's just been sitting in a box somewhere all of these things that i've bought over the years after doing these videos i really need to do a video on them jack doesn't do meme time for months the whole freaking world [Music] yeah whoo that sadness out cry it out yeah cry for me [Music] can't use this song though i'll vibe to it but we can't use it in the video yeah give me your tears give me your sadness oh it gives me power it fuels me sometimes i like to withhold the meantime for you just so you'll be sadder for longer so i can pavlov you into watching this series so you have to come to me to get your happiness i thought that jack was having some health problems and i think this could help him it could be eoe and autoimmune disease look i i appreciate these comments and i know a lot of people have a lot of experience going through a lot of the things that they have but i've gotten at least 50 emails and like direct messages or like something i haven't gone through the comments enough there are a million comments on this video and elsewhere of people telling me what is wrong with my body and what it could be and so many people are like i've gone through this exact same thing and my experience was the exact same and i've gotten like 10 different solutions to it so i'm just going to listen to my body feel what it's feeling go to my doctor get his sort of recommendations on it and work it out that way there's this is basically me going to like google and seeing all these things that align with what i want and then it's basically confirmation bias and i'm like hey doctor do you think that i could have this and then the doctor's like no you probably just have like a bad valve in your stomach that's not letting the acid close off it could be this it could be one of the things somebody mentioned to me but i've gotten a lot of them and they're all different information so i can't really take any of these too seriously jack trying to be serious the camera whoa nice colossus poster bro yeah it's looking at all my my figurines and stuff to be fair they are much nicer to look at than me so that's why i have them there you might as well they're gorgeous i love them very dearly something that i wanted to do while i was on break was i wanted to build like lego but i didn't have any lego to build and i was like well i like i like building the lego but i don't like having it i don't like displaying it and i don't want to like tear it apart and then put it away somewhere it's just taking up space in my house so what i got was uh adult lego which was like uh i didn't want a gun down because i don't like gundam so i got a metal gear rex for metal gear solid one and i haven't built that yet because it came too late so by the time i'm back to work it came so i'll just take some time here and there to like piece it together it's gonna be very fun i'm 31 years old you guys always act like you're better than me costa ness cafes starbucks top of the morning coffee yeah cause i am we do coffee we do tea now you can go get top of the morning tea look at it long island strawberry irish breakfast black tea orange blossom oolong tea oh baby we do hot chocolate we do cold brew we do well these are returning soon because it's actually very hard to get the bottles for the cold brew and to actually ship them and everything because liquids are very heavy it's ridiculous um but we have teas and we have coffee we have the whole shebang so if you want to get something for yourself or someone you love go get it and it's coming from someone that you can trust on the internet what if nescafe costa or starbucks ever sat in front of you and said buy my coffee while drinking it never it tastes delicious the welderman jack and gabba's pirates oh why is evelyn do it first of all this is wonderful i don't want to like take away from the artistic quality of this because this is phenomenal i couldn't do this this takes a lot of effort but i just love that evelyn's like do you think he likes me oh one day i'll be with him [ __ ] i bang my knee and it really hurts out oh ah soon may the wella man come to bring us sugar and tea and rum other youtubers latest content miri watching meantime because it's the only cure for sadness there you have it there folks and this sums it up beautifully oh god i literally can't see jack now doing this i bet jack himself will be embarrassed i was embarrassed a week after doing this oh god and at the time i thought it was the most hilarious thing ever i thought wow i'm so quirky and funny oh god it's not even edited well look at this next part this is such like 2014 youtube content which i think it is because when i was in this was right after i moved to this place and that was when i hit a million subs which was in 2014 this just screams i don't i still don't know what i'm doing yet kind of content it's badly framed it's badly shot it's badly edited it's badly choreographed i would do so much better now i i won't but i could sean looking at into evelyn's eyes wow look at those reflections yeah because i'm reflected in them of course i would i get to see myself it's just a tiny version of myself and it's kind of upside down but it's there free guy new trailer where's jacksepticeye i was in one of the trailers um not the ones that go up on youtube and all that kind of stuff because those are big promotional ones that are for shareholders and for the big shots and for hey look come watch our movie and people want to see ryan reynolds and jody homer a lot more than they want to see jackson but right now we're not a surprise guest joining us my fellow canadian ryan reynolds hey ryan well thank you jeff and hello summer game fest there he is can we just can we just take a minute to just breathe him in what a what a sexy man what a wonderful man i know what you're thinking and no i'm i'm not here to announce i'm the star of eldon ring i think and and he made an elden ring joke smart handsome funny in the knowledge of video games is there anything this man can't do it's it's coming it's coming people wait for it wait for it wait for it there's ninja that's not me there's laser beam that's not me everybody knows who this blue shirt guy is bait that's pokeman that's not me we did it we made it oh not only do i get to be in the movie um but i get to play myself in the movie i even get a shout out for my channel i also like that this video that i did for a blue shirt guy uh has nine million views i appreciate the director's faith in me thank you sean appreciate that but i told you guys i was in the movie i wasn't just pulling your leg um everyone thought i was playing qbert in the movie because ryan reynolds made a joke about it and then i was credited i don't know if it's actually changed yeah it still says jacksepticeye is playing cubert no i play myself it's so cool though i'm so happy to be part of that i'm so delighted to be in it so if you want to see that trailer it's the summer game fest version of it that came out but yeah for you guys coming out in august i'm very excited about it from the developer of fireworks mania be sure to jack us this info where's our boy huh where's the big septic guy in the sky and let's say something might already be in the works you guys i was just kind of joking and memen all right i wouldn't take any i'm irish a lot of what i say is sarcasm uh i wouldn't take everything i say to be 100 literal all the time you hear that americans okay sarcasm it's it's look it up but that's very sweet i i will definitely check that out if there is something about me in the game because apparently i missed a giant firework in that so might be fun to go back and try it out again the only cure for sadness people paying hundreds for therapy jacksepticeye fans watching mean time look what they need to mimic a fraction of our power look that's my best jk seventh impression that i can do why did you make me do this god invincible is such a good show i will say that i kind of knocked it a little bit at first because when i watched the first when i watched the star the first episode i was like oh the animation's a little off like after watching something like jiu jitsu kaizen and then coming to something like this it's like oh like some of the frames are kind of like choppy here and there but do not let that deter you from this show invincible is absolutely incredible i would love to be able to make something like this um i adore that show it's so fun to watch uh and omniman is such a good character so please go watch invincible can i be in season two can i just have like a little voice here and there can i be like a character that dies and just goes like i would love that god listen to all the voice actors in it i was like jesus christ i need to get off my ass and try to be in more things like this because it's so [ __ ] cool do you guys realize that the other meme that came out of it that think mark think that that meme now is suffering like what is it called is it the the mandela effect unusual phenomenon where a large group of people remembers something differently than how it occurred okay that's what i was going to say but i would have butchered it um where it's like a luke i am your father or something like that like it's kind of the same line but it's a little different but people say think mark think when really all he says is think mark that was it and now people say the meme wrong it's weird this is an instant replay of jacksepticeye doing math because it has one two three four one two three four sixteen slots oh very funny we have fun here in the jacksepticeye variety channel wait my math is correct though right are you just pointing out that i was doing math oh honestly don't get it though four by four is 16. it is right there is no meme just showing doing math oh okay you need one to be amazing main channel second channel shorts channel group channel other youtubers one channel excellent meme i get it a lot of youtubers have a lot of channels and yes i only have one channel well technically i tried to make a vod channel for like twitch uh streams because i saw a bunch of people like uploading my twitch streams i was like well if you guys are gonna do it i might as well do it myself um but then i was really streaming enough and i got lazy one channel is enough i don't need more channels it's like people with alt twitter accounts i'm like god why one twitter account is enough you don't need alts jesus um go outside touch some grass but look i i get it you like to [ __ ] out people who have other channels and they have all these other channels and they have a shorts channel everything it's just the way the algorithm works nobody wants to have multiple channels it would be great if you were able to upload all this stuff to one channel and have it go out to all the same people but the algorithm doesn't work like that if you have a channel that's dedicated to gaming then you start doing stuff that's non-gaming the algorithm's like i don't like that like stop doing that you either need to shift all completely to something else and then the algorithm starts pushing it to that audience who likes that or all gaming or then all shorts or all while shorts are different or all like a specific type of content that's why you see people make separate channels for this stuff i'm just too lazy it would do better if i put meme time and like funny song videos and all that stuff onto one separate channel because then the algorithm puts that stuff out to all the like non-gaming viewers and then this channel is all gaming that works so much better you make more money you get more views all that stuff i'm just too lazy and too disorganized to want to do that so i just upload it all here and hope for the best if some stuff does worse or some stuff does better so be it i just want to have it all in one consolidated place but that's why lots of youtubers have lots of channels it's called diversifying it's very smart to do that back in the day not so much but on youtube these days it's much better to do that to separate things all out so you get to more people as possible i get it you're just [ __ ] around with this meme it's still a very good meme and i still i still think it's very funny um but i just thought i'd give a little insight as a youtuber what it actually means when people do this because i don't like people putting me on like a pedestal higher than others for the even for a meme for the sake of like no jack's better because only as one channel technically not technically multiple channels from multiple different types of content is much smarter and a better business decision i hate underwater levels in any game it feels so good to be back in subnautica these are very different things it's like playing like crash bandicoot and all the levels are designed to like work above water and then you get to that one water level like mario as well where it's like oh god this is not what your game is good at some nautical's absolutely at home in the water and then when you get on land it's like uh this is clunky it's just the reverse it's an uno game it can't be that easy sean short gab tall it's that easy yeah the internet is not a very complicated place people just want quick easy consumable stuff that they don't have to think too much about and that's absolutely fine it's why reaction content does so well it's why looking at tick tock videos do so well that's just what people want to see all right sometimes it is that easy and sometimes that's fine sometimes i sit down and instead of watching like bo burnham's inside where i want to like get deep in the philosophy of things and what does it all mean and oh god am i uploading value to the world do i input value sometimes i want to just sit down and watch kids fall over and go stupid you i need need therapy therapy you need therapy i need meme time it's the only cure for sadness yes but please leave that as a joke please understand that it's a joke i know a lot of you do but i don't want people on the internet being like jack claims that you don't need therapy you just need to watch his videos therapy is very important and i would highly recommend it to anybody even if you don't feel like you have any problems let's give some appreciation to our favorite editor robin why not sometimes it's just that easy big big precious for robin he's editing this video right now robin say something to the people at home wow just me that never knew that jack met wilbur i did i'm out of a vidcon is this a vidcon maybe i can't remember oh beer in a hand what a lad i can't drink beer oh god i really miss drinking like a nice ice cold glass of whiskey at the end of the day like the weather's been so nice i want to like sit outside with my book and like sit in the grass and just sip on a whiskey but i can because acid reflux god can i get fixed already so i can drink again even coffee is like like right on the border right now i have to like really milkify my coffee so it doesn't [ __ ] up my stomach it sucks i need to get this [ __ ] fixed so i can go back to feeling like a normal person because i'm like sure i could go without these things and not this is going on such a tangent jesus i'm sorry uh so many of this so much of this video is just me explaining things and not doing like the funny ha ha that you came here for um but i what was i talking about there's a lot of things that i can't do right now that i'm like i could just go with the rest of my life without doing these things and it would probably be for the better because i'm much healthier not like drinking alcohol or ingesting coffee like constantly or not like uh eating spicy foods all day every day because i really love that stuff for like not eating shitty garbage fatty fast food all the time but every now and then it's nice but i can't do that sucks me waiting for sean to play some nautical below zero release like 28 days ago jesus yeah i oh i didn't realize the reaper yeah i played it it's all done you can go watch it now i hope you're happy it's mother earth not stepmother earth so stop [ __ ] her jack 2021 people from alabama jokes on you i'm into that [ __ ] wait did i say this i please point out where i said that i can't remember saying this and this is really funny i it's it's so weird because it's i think that this is a really witty joke that i feel like i can't give myself credit for saying this because it's it's too witty i would love if i said this this is really funny please point out where i said that jack makes a collab with bob wayne and mark again it's prop hunt huh they do bonercast there seems to be some misconceptions about what bonercast actually was or is or ever was um that it was like the four of us getting together and doing games or like a podcast kind of thing uh because it never originally bonercast was a joke me and bob said we played ghost recon wildlands i think and it was just me and bob and we came up with that joke for the boner cast and then we did prop hunt again after that and we mentioned it to american wade and then it became like a joke like between the four of us and then it just turned into this thing that like oh they have to do bonercast it's like it was like one time the four of us said it i'd great joke i guess i remember when they said they should have made the bonercast a real podcast but it never happened damn those guys were funny that was the plan for a while i floated the idea of a podcast to mark for a while and then we talked me bob wade and mark all together about doing a podcast together and then it just didn't happen so i get there's your lore i guess oh my brother has autism and all he do is watch videos like jacksepticeye he looks happy that's so nice this is why we do it at least i feel like because it's weird to think about this is so sweet to see it's so strange to think about like when i'm here recording these videos like i i know a lot of you are out there watching obviously it doesn't feel like as many people like a million people watch a video sometimes it's like i have no idea what a million people looks like um so when it gets individualized like this like there's so many people out there right now watching this video in a comfortable space like whatever they want to watch it on whatever device whatever you're doing right now there's a lot of you out there right now just watching this video and being happy and that really is why i like doing this and that's really why i continue doing it because the amount of times it's like sure that they have like the business side of things and everything with youtube but that's never been such a driving factor for me and the reason why after taking breaks and reevaluating things and why i keep doing things the way i do it and why i keep making content is because of this kind of stuff that it just means so much to me that people get so much joy out of this content that that's why i want to keep making them so thank you guys for watching i appreciate it the fact that i can like go away for something from my health and that people are so supportive of it and that they really care about you and want you to get better and then when you come back and people are still here and haven't forgotten about you and it's not just like a flash in the pan kind of thing that like that's the fear a lot of people have that if they go away that they'll never be able to come back because people will just forget about them but that's not always the case that your communities are there for you and we're all here for each other so i really appreciate that thank you guys so let's end this episode meantime on a wholesome note it got a bit more explaining and talkative than i would have liked normally i like these videos when it's just haha funny memes all the time but we've been gone for a while so it's nice to kind of get back into the swing of things with each other and kind of like chat i feel i i've heard everything you've said during this video believe me uh but thank you guys so much for watching um what's next i don't know what what do you guys want to see there's no real games out to do so let me know in the comments what you guys want to see on the channel what kinds of series what i've done in the past when i see like more scary videos or more like even if it's just like tick tocks or if it's reaction content or if it's a type of game or something like that let me know um and i'll take it in as a suggestion and see what people want to see but for now that's going to do it for meantime i've cured all your sadness today i hope that you all go out for the rest of your day and enjoy it thank you guys for watching [Music] you
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,308,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, meme time, funny memes, jacksepticeye memes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 59sec (1799 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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