What Crazy Orders Have People Placed At Your Restaurant? (r/AskReddit)

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waiters overdid what's the most ridiculous order someone's placed in how did you deal with it I worked at a national pizza chain for a while as a manager we used to get this guy who would order all the time he was lactose intolerant so couldn't have cheese and had severe heartburn when he ate red sauce he would order an excelsa cream with no sauce and no cheese I told the guy if I did that the toppings would just fly all over the box but he didn't care we ended up just baking the dough separate from the toppings and put the toppings in a small winged box on the side for him guys said no other pizza place would do that for him and he turned out to be a great repeat customer who always tipped well I will say one thing about the picky pizza' people you get it right for them you become their new best friend and it kind of feels good not a waiter but a cook had a lady order her tofu scramble burns so I cooked it hard she sent it back because it wasn't burnt enough so I cooked it harder she sent it back again and the waiter said she really wants it burnt so I got a wok super hot put too much oil in and proceeded to burn the crap out of it my chef came by and lost his crab I explained it to him and he watched me burn just ruined the firm it was black and smelled like a tire fire she ate all of it and said we were the only place to get it right she came back every weekend for it and we had to train new cooks how to burn the living Frick out of her food for her I still can't comprehend why she would eat that I had a customer sent back well-done prime rib three times because it wasn't well done enough the Cook said freaking at the fourth time and dropped it in the deep fry for at least five minutes then the customer asked for a side of ketchup I once had a guy place his order and then say and give me one of those spaghetti appetizers I had been working there for a couple months and we had no pasta dishes whatsoever on the menu I politely tried to clarify this but he wasn't having it he just kept getting more irate he insisted that he eats here all the time and he always gets the spaghetti appetizer eventually he gets up from his table storms over to another one and points at what he wants on another diners table he was pointing at their coleslaw and yes as far as he was concerned I was still the butthole from not knowing what he was talking about the strangest request when I worked for Starbucks I helped open the first drive-through store in the area so it was a learning process for some customers a lady orders in the drive-through lane and iced venti vanilla latte with twenty two sweet n lows and a 22 sweet n lows like two two customer sigh yes twenty-two sweet n lows me okay please pull up now at the drive-thru we put the extra milk and sugar in the drinks for the customers when in a cafe they would add it on their own so the person working the bar looks at me like for real this lady wants twenty-two pack soft sweet and low in a latte that's what she said so that's what we made her they lady pulls up and pays for her drink I hand it over and tell her to have a nice day she stops and says oh can I get those sweet n lows now I just looked at her and said that they were already in her drink boy was she P she wanted us to hand her 22 pack soft sweet n low and the drive-through so that she could take them home when I worked at a hibachi sushi Japanese place this family came in with an adult son who had some kind of mental disability and only wanted to eat breakfast food the mom asked if we had bread we didn't she went to the gas station next door and bought bread and came back and asked me to toast it now there is no toaster in the restaurant and I had to explain to the 100% Chinese barely english-speaking kitchen to cook three eggs rare on one side sunny-side up and bread medium-rare toast it worked out and everybody was happy chef were super confused as to why anyone would want that bread medium-rare is an amusingly logical way to describe toast nicely done I worked at a pizza parlor and the most ridiculous request was one that could have been so simple a lady calls and orders a small pepperoni pizza with no pepperoni I clarify and ask her so just a small cheese to which the woman clearly annoyed by my lack of understanding says number a small pepperoni with no pepperoni I again clarify and ask you want a pizza with sauce and cheese only yes a queso a cheese pizza no I want a small pepperoni with no pepperoni we made her a cheese pizza she didn't call and complain still not sure what the frick she thought she was ordering my only thought to this logic would be a particular sale going on pepperoni pizzas $6.99 limited-time cheese pizza still seven point nine nine plus dollar sign one point five zero toppings I had a woman call me back to the table because I didn't place her nachos close enough to her she asked me to push them closer to her customer asked for a spaghetti with a side of more noodles and extra sauce because they were going to share so I said you'd like one spaghetti and then an additional order of spaghetti they told me I wasn't getting it and they just wanted extra noodles and some sauce on the side I told them we would have to charge for extra noodles and they ended up not wanting it they somehow thought free spaghetti was a reasonable request had a lady order our filet mignon when it was brought out to her she said with disgust that she had ordered the filet not a steak she proceeded to argue that a filet mignon was a type of baked potato rather than a steak people need to stop pretending they speak French not so much the order but the guy tried to cook the meal through me by shouting directions from the other side of the counter I worked it as a server at a ritzy Country Club on Cape Cod in this women once brought in a paint chip and told me she wanted her cosmopolitan to be the exact same color as a pink paint chip sounds like she'd been eating those paint chips oh how I miss my old regular we are not a fine-dining establishment it's a small family-style Italian restaurant this lovely gray-haired gentleman would call ahead so that we could put a salad bowl in the freezer for him after that I would go to his spot at a bar or the closest one open to it and set a large dinner napkin down that he placed his salad meal on I would then place an empty wineglass with a napkin over it for his request just in case the dinner napkin didn't specify that the seat was taken once he got there I would go to the back and make his specific salad very little lettuce extra mushroom extra tomato extra onion no shredded cabbage and no cucumber that would be after I get him to ice-cold beer glasses for his 70 stroke 30 sweet on sweet tea mixture with an extra glass of ice he would then attempt to engage in a 510 minute conversation about our specials for the evening and how he could alter them the guy came in between 3-6 nights a week and always tipped fairly he was the kind of nice old guy that would get you and your wife birthda cards because that stuff was important to him he then moved 45 minutes away and we never see him anymore miss the heck out of that old man though one couple in particular made the chef's rage so hard she just walked out wife ordered some meal and makes a ton of changes to it she gets the plate takes one bite and sends it back because she doesn't like it husband orders $60 lobster plate the lobster tail comes with pepper sprinkled on top the husband sends it back and wants a whole new one with no pepper on top apparently his wife wanted to try one piece but doesn't like pepper I would love to be an a' restaurant where a waiter or manager tells a person okati customer that the chef has left the building because of their order and there will be no more food as a waiter at a coastal restaurant we occasionally had dolphins come in the harbor right to where people would eat these two old ladies came in and before they placed their orders demanded I release the dolphins for their amusement it took a good 10 seconds of silence before I realized they were serious I passed this request on to my manager and then continued to eat free jumbo shrimp we wish to be amused release the dolphin's peasant it wasn't so much the order that was disturbing but the postorder request he asked me to chew up the food and put it back onto his plate no medical reason no missing teeth not old just creepy as Frick he got very upset when I declined I had a 4-top once that one of the gentlemen was ordering and asked for extra onion and he made extreme emphasis on extra onion so I go to put the order in and I have to talk to the chef to make sure he understands extra onion so when the order comes out I get a side plate of a cut whole onion i giggle and take the order to the table I put the orders of food in front of all the other guests and leave onion man for last I sent his plate of food and extra onion down he looks up at me and starts laughing the whole table is now laughing I am like death--it apparently wherever they go no matter what he always has to ask for more onion and this time my snarky chef nailed it I used to work at Whole Foods as a juicer and this one guy would come in every day and order 12 ounces of garlic juice to go which is like $20 bTW after a couple weeks of seeing him order the same thing I asked him to drink it in front of me because I didn't believe it was humanly possible to ingest that much garlic he downed it all in front of me and said this along with much garlic comes much loneliness I laughed and he said no seriously I work from home this isn't a food story percent but I worked for Whole Foods as well one day a customer wanted us to light a bag of our charcoal briquettes in the parking loss so she could see how much smoke it produces because her condo association frowned upon a lot of smoke from grills my [ __ ] co-workers actually considered doing it 10 years in the service industry checking in at the Italian restaurant I worked at as a server bartender manager for five years we had a lot of regular customers come in and had some strange requests most were nothing too special but one guy would come in 4-5 days a week and he would never order a nothing on the menu unless it was a busy night and we wouldn't have time to get crazy on the slow nights though he would order things with sources we didn't normally make or special dessert concoctions even though we prepare dessert daily and did not make them to order the craziest thing he ever ordered though was a donut explosion to be clear we did not know know how to make donuts however there was a Dunkin Donuts next to our location and he sent one of his favorite servers next door to pick up a dozen random Donuts when he came back the customer told me which ones he wanted on his dessert and I proceeded to go back into the kitchen and whip up his dessert to his specification it consisted of two donuts topped with vanilla ice cream layered between the brownie cake that was our house specialty and topped with Shambaugh and a port-wine fig sauce that we put on pork chops this was one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen in a restaurant but he let me try a bite and it was frickin amazing needless to say he wanted it a few more times before I left that restaurant I worked in fine dining for a while I had one lady order creme brulee french toast with a fruit loops crust and a bottle of champagne with two cups of orange juice we made it actually we made a whole batch in the workers ate it it was actually really good it was a hotel restaurant everyone with that amount of money who doesn't hold a fabulous extravagant crap like that is wasting it all I have a cold grilled cheese please so uncooked no cook it just serving cold had this skinny guy order two foot lobster plates and a Revie steak I just sat back and watched him dominate at all after 9:00 p.m. we have all-you-can-eat pancakes some dude ate 17 pancakes the wrister here we had a Narcotics Anonymous convention in town once I had someone order a 16-ounce cup with as much espresso as would fit it was something like 18 shots cost about 25 bucks and he downed it at the counter and went to another na guy wanted a 16-ounce cup with half vanilla syrup and half espresso a lady regularly asks for a cup of regular coffee with a large spoonful of butter stirred in we do breakfast sandwiches on bagels and crew Wow sayings and a business man with a group of his colleagues had ham cheese but he wanted it on a chocolate croissant I think my favorite incident though with a lady that wanted a latte with half nonfat and 1/2 soy a triple shot with one regular shot one decaf shot and one half CAF shot heated to a specific temperature double cupped one Splenda and one equal stirred into the shots the works basically the guy behind her thought it was as ridiculous as I did and he loudly asked for a mocha Bulls drink with 1/3 goat's milk 1/3 cashew milk and 1/3 giraffe milk cooled with a chip of ice from a Norwegian glacier and topped with nutmeg and gold flake then he said wait is your giraffe milk Fairtrade ok never mind then I'll just have a cup of coffee he still comes in I love that guy when I worked at McDonald's someone asked for a quarter pounder medium rare light catch up with an extra toasted bun it was a very slow time and we were all amused by it so I made one for him he came back to compliment my cooking eta this happened in 1980 we used real grills and spatulas to cook the burgers then we didn't know about Ecoline ground beef I made it by cooking it a little less than normal so it was still safe in any case I was waitressing at a banquet once and the meal was over now time for coffee and speeches I pour coffee for a table and a man points that his cup and says I'll need a refill in seven minutes so I set my timer and returned in seven minutes at 7 minutes again I asked and he nods so I returned every seven minutes and topped off his coffee for the rest of the banquet at the end he hands me his business card owns a personnel placement agency says if you ever need a job call me you just never know who you might be serving a man sent back his plate because his hash browns were too hot like dude just wait a little bit had a guy send one of our service to the kitchen about seven times which is down the stairs far away from her section to inquire about the weight of different hamburgers all of them were the same yet he insisted she go down and check and would watch to make sure she did he sends her away to mull it over for a while and you can see him snickering with his equally doubt she looking two sons finally the guy decides he wants a 24-ounce grilled burger with nothing else but the patty no seasoning or anything not like some hulking bro trying to get extra protein just an old butthole who wanted to Frick with the poor server ate a bite said he didn't like it and ordered another burger tipped a very solid 0% after telling her it had all be worth it this is why we are all mildly functioning alcoholics the last sentence describes the restaurant industry perfectly a customer ordered a triple grandpa burger this is a common mistake customers often made with us a grandpa burger is a triple patty burger so they often say triple grandpa burger when really they just mean the one three patty burger but after this one guy I always clarified that was what they wanted because this guy actually wanted a nine patty burger I asked him twice to make sure I wasn't hearing wrong but no that's exactly what he wanted not only that he wanted cheese on every single patty so that's nine five ounces beef patties of nine slices of cheese plus you know condiments and the like this wasn't even a big guy looked fit as a fiddle handsome about 25 years old and he was alone so it couldn't have been a dare I guess he was just really freaking hungry so I had the cook make it and we stood behind the counter and watched as he ate every single bite I wasn't even sure how I was supposed to react when he was done but he seemed quite pleased thanked us and left never saw that guy again work at a pizza shop here this guy and his son regularly come in on the dad orders a large cheese pizza with no cheese or sauce it's just the bread every single time the kid doesn't like the cheese and sauce or something on the other side of the spectrum we had a woman come in with her and asked us to put some pepperoni and cheese on our metal plates then cook it her daughter didn't want any dough well I don't even remember all the specifics but I once had this old lady come in to Olive Garden and order something and literally customize every ingredient we had one promo entree that contained risotto she asked me what risotto was and then asked me to switch it out for plain brown rice and squash neither of which we had we made all our sources in-house but they weren't made on the spot for each order she even tried to customize the ingredients in the source and the end of everything after I ran around trying to make her happy she complained to management that I was incompetent for not being a magician and changing how a restaurant works not a waiter but I worked at Subway in high school a guy came in and told me to put a lot of chipotle sauce on his sub he said put it on until you think there's too much and then double it his sub became a bread bowl filled with several cups of chipotle sauce he paid for it I gently handed it to him and he walked away in the deli paper and plastic bag it felt like a warm very full diaper used to be a waiter had a family come in and eat little boy eventually orders dessert vanilla ice cream and ketchup yes he put the ketchup on the ice cream no I didn't stick around to watch I wouldn't thrown up I went out to eat with a co-worker at a bar restaurant and she ordered a blackened cajun chicken sandwich no blackened no Cajun but the waiter says so you just want a chicken sandwich and she was annoyed and says n-o-o-o-o I want a blackened cajun chicken sandwich just no blackened or Cajun she got a chicken sandwich and I got the right to make fun of her for the past seven years family of four comes in to upscale pizza place every Sunday I've served them every week for a year three waters no ice one unsweet iced tea with ice pitcher of it on the side no ice order odd whole-wheat doughnuts no brushed butter or cheese oil on the side Pizza one large whole-wheat crust no sauce pickles double mahi-mahi portobello mushrooms cremini mushrooms red onions yellow onions roasted red peppers bell peppers zucchini spinach roasted tomatoes roma tomatoes diced tomatoes bazzill rice mozzarella no butter brushed on crust pizza 2 small whole-wheat crust no sauce double pickles scallops both mushrooms both peppers both onions all 3 tomatoes spinach bazzill Oregon Oh rice mozzarella no butter brushing on crust well done pizza three small cornmeal crust crushed black beans a source double mahi double pickles only cremini mushrooms eggplant roasted tomatoes and peppers no cheese and no brushing of butter on crust all four of em with individual sides of oil garlic powder and oregano that separate so 12 little sides for the table they take advantage of the Christmas gift card specials of 3 $25 for every $100 gift card they buy $400 in gift cards getting a free $100 it got to a point where if the veteran pizza cooks and I server were working this family could sit down and not say a word we'd have their order already going the only change would be sometimes order beer-battered pickles TL DR extremely specific order every week we knew it by heart as a line cook forever I can tell you strange requests need to not only be understood by the server but then translated to the cooks who most likely aren't in the mood for antics during a dinner rush over the summer I had a customer who came in for Sunday brunch and ordered a spinach and feta cheese omelet but she then had so she would like it made without eggs I clarified that she wanted an omelet without eggs not made with egg whites which is quite normal we made her a spinach feta salad and the customer was happy well at least she was happy that's better than the majority of customers in this thread boyfriend was a cook at a restaurant guy asked for a rare steak proper rare wasn't rare enough and he sent it back multiple times boyfriend got P put a steak on the grill for 5 seconds each side and sent it out to the guy said it was the best steak he ever had and gave a huge tip I once had a guy order of steak cooked by putting two plates in the oven for 10 minutes and pressing the meat between them for two got a $20 tip for that one I used to be restart a cafe I had someone order a ten shot latter I decided I'd make the same thing I've never felt so disgusting in my life I love coffee but too much I was shaking all day night I mean not course I finished it I'm not wasting coffee pregnant woman wanted a peanut butter and pickle blizzard at the DQ I worked at she brought her own pickles it is against policy to blend things customers bringing into the blizzard but they are welcome to stir their own ingredients in it's my personal policy to not argue with pregnant women she got her blizzard when I worked fast food in high school we had a regular that would ask for half Diet Coke half regular coke and art had to go first she actually sent it back a couple times because we filled it in the wrong order I actually kind of hate it when the soda fountain is behind the counter not self-serve by like mixing stuff but no way in heck am i ordering it not a waiter but a cook I worked at an upscale pan-asian restaurant we were asked to make an almond chicken with the sides but the entire contents of the plate had to be put in a blender to be made into a shake for a woman who had recently had her jaw wired shut we made it it was actually quite tasty unusual requests but not actually ridiculous when you hear the reason for it I worked at a restaurant fish market type of establishment where we sold raw products that would also prepare the food on the spot one day I was helping an old Asian lady out and she told me had never had a whole lobster and would love to try one as she was shopping in the fish market portion I assumed she wanted it live so we went over to the lobster tank and she picked the happiest little Lobster out there I asked her if she wanted to pay $16.99 for either live or $22.99 for us to cook and serve it to her she decided to take it alive so I took some time to wave out and wrap it up in a takeout box for her to take home I put it down on the table and walk away a minute or two later I hear a commotion and come out to see this little Asian lady with a knife trying to cut off the claw of the lobster apparently she thought that she was supposed to eat this thing live I cooked it for her TL DR Asian lady didn't know you had to cook lobster before eating happiest little lobster now I am sad lady ordered mac and cheese sent it back because beer was cheese I asked her verbatim what did you expect apperently she didn't like looking like a [ __ ] in front of her peers I had someone order a warm root beer as in stuck in the microwave and heated up I definitely made a face but I did it really sucks to work somewhere that has bottomless pot and be sticking one in the microwave every 15 minutes I had someone ask me how many wings are in your 10-count wings I simply replied somewhere between nine and eleven to splendor one equal venti caramel macchiato and shot half CAF upside down with soy no foam and whipped cream extra-hot double-cap extra caramel on top imagine an auctioneer saying this my first job was as a barista nine years ago I laughed and said are you for real he didn't think it was funny day one hello I worked for a while in a vegetarian vegan friendly buffet restaurant now the great majority of people were actually really nice not particularly haughty about their diet or anything but I had two customers that were let's say different the first one came up to me with a plate already filled with various salads that she being a buffet have personally selected she showed me the plate and asked me do your salads have any raw ingredients in attendence ER because I'm pregnant see so I can't eat anything raw while still showing me her plate of definitely raw various veggies and fruits salads I was so dumb struck that all I could say was let me ask the kitchen to make sure and I actually did because his salad raw is one of these questions that make you question even the most basic things such as what a salad is or what hats are I asked the chef if our salads had raw ingredients in them he looked at me and said is she familiar with the concept of salad we ended up switching her plate for another one because yes our salads had raw ingredients in them however all in all she was really nice about it and didn't mind waiting a bit more for us to fix her plate the second one was however a bit more rude she came up to me and told me that she could only eat raw vegan stuff i thus directed her to the salad buffet because hey now I was pretty sure they were made of raw ingredients and that's when she scowled at me and said uh yeah but I'm getting a bit tired of salads you know your tremendous tea you bestow upon other people the task of finding you food that fits your incredibly narrow criteria and then you be that it's a tad unoriginal she later complained that we didn't didn't have any raw cake the cake was already weakened mind you it yep we had baked it but this is the only time I really thought you are an insult to natural selection you have been visited by the romantic Gao comment love is magic so you never fall in the friendzone if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 389,771
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit waiters, reddit waitress, reddit restaurant stories, reddit worst orders, reddit food, reddit food stories
Id: 3bHVwFfG18M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 33sec (1653 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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