Cops, What Is Your "What The Heck Happened Here" Moment? (r/AskReddit)

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cops offered it what is the most what the Frick happened here moment you've experienced EMT but I got to jump in on this one we responded to a call at a motel 6 near Washington DC we get to the room and there's a skinny guy in tighty whities at the door screaming incoherently we go inside the room and see what he's pointing at a dude about 300 pounds butt-naked covered in baby oil that was completely unresponsive on a tarp we try to get him on the stretcher but he keeps sliding off we use the sheets and even curtains to try to get the oil off him to no avail we eventually have to call the fire department to help us get him up and even when we get him on the stretcher he slides right off eventually we get him strapped in and take him to the hospital he passed away without ever regaining consciousness apparently what happened was this married father of three flew to DC to meet his internet boyfriend and one of their kinks was the dude taking ambien and letting the other guy face freaked him doctors suspect that the ambien caused his epiglottis to relax and baby oil got into his lungs where it blocked his alveolar I'm still curious how notifying the family went on that one former cop was a rookie deputy and got this call that a man got his foot caught in a garden tiller and was bleeding profusely it was a 20 minutes drive running code so I had time to plan out my actions I figure the ambulance would be about 10 minutes behind me so I was gonna turn okay above the knee and I assumed he'd be unconscious and or needing CPR I get learned it's a big boat farm building with two guys just standing there smoking I grabbed my medic bag not a medic but it had tunic a/c collars gauze et Cie I run towards them to ask where the patient was and they were white as a ghost just smoking while pointing behind them I went inside and behind the big John Deere tractor was a huge PTO driven tiller about seven feet wide and three feet tall there was my victim with his back against the tractor tire his left leg was sucked in the tiller and wrapped twice around it with the sole of the shoe next to his face and toe pointing towards the left his femur shot out underneath the tiller and was beautifully white with no blood he looked up at me and said can you help me now keep in mind I'm 21 thought this was a garden tiller and assumed I'd be able to do something but I was completely out of my element two ambulances the Rural Fire Department extrication team a welding company to cast the Machine apart on-scene a helicopter and a surgeon that came to amputate on-scene later he was free I want to pass out just from hearing this story can't imagine what it must have been like to be there late to the party but my favourite so far has got to be the tale of the UFO aliens I was a cop on the rez for a while and had my fair share of crazies one night I'm out driving around and I get a call from dispatch there's a UFO out in one of the farmers fields a carry so I get to the house and talk with the guy we know each other he doesn't seem to be that loony I turned my spotlight onto said field and sure as crap there's something not quite right there it's metal and crap so I go be bopping through the furrows and hoping my Scotty nurse isn't showing because this is freaky it was an autumn night with the wind howling and clouds blowing overhead I get closer I have one hand on my holster gun and the other shining my flashlight I was rehearsing what I was going to say to our new overlords and then my brain finally clicks as to what the frick it actually was a word of those stupid mylar balloons all blown up and caught on some weeds I'm talking like 20 of those suckers just chilling and scaring the crap out of me I grabbed them and walked back out to the farmer he started laughing and then I did too I handed them over to him and got back in my squad still shaking the sad part was he passes away a few years ago and his family gave me those deflated balloons that he had kept I have them in my basement now eta holy crap I work overnight so I apologize for getting back to everyone so late I used to work as a cop on the sisseton-wahpeton reservation is South Dakota loved every second of it from playing stoop with the little kids where we'd sit on the front steps of someone's house and eat snacks to finding all the different loopholes to get someone help I miss it but it's not conducive to family fiverr thanks everyone for all the upvotes Awards et Cie - I'm taking a slightly different approach in answering this question a couple of months ago I got a cue a questionable activity call it's a catch-all for anything suspicious the caller stated she believed someone had snuck into her backyard climbed up onto her second-floor deck and then left an imprint of their done on her sliding door I show up to the call about five minutes later and she's mad at me because I didn't schedule an appointment to come over and her kids saw me she didn't want her kids to think something bad had happened after we get past her anger towards me for showing up she shows me the glass sliding door in question in all fairness to the caller there was a sizeable smudge and imprint on the glass however the imprint looked nothing like any dong I've ever seen in fact the imprint looked really similar to the dead bird laying on the deck next to the door when I pointed out the dead bird and explained my belief that no dong had been placed on her door the caller became incredibly irate and told me she moved to our city because it was supposed to be very safe but now she was thinking of moving away because naked people throwing dead birds at her house was more than she could handle realizing I would not be able to rationalize with dong bird I left and wrote my report some people don't deserve to call nine-one-one Opie trying to paint themselves as in the right here by just casually glossing over the fact that the bird was hung like a horse II checked below for a police sketch artist's rendition of the suspect my dad told me the one time he went to a house and under women pulled something out of her shopping back and started hitting him with it he's trying to stop her but the other officers are all laughing finally he realizes that she's beating him with a corn cob ha ha a plot twist one time we got a call about a minor wreck and a highway corridor we get there I'm handling the accident a hundred yards down there is a car on flats and another further down from that unrelated to the accident one of the drivers walked back to us and told us a sketchy guy had been stopping at these cars door for his help in fixing the flats the theory was that he threw something on the Road to flatten the tires so that he could help him get money from the drivers I'm stuck at the back end of this mess on the radio trying to get another unit to detain the shady guy all of the sudden I look over and there's a guy in nothing but a hospital gown and an IV hanging out of his arm just totaling along the shoulder the nearest hospital was several miles away so I have no idea how he covered that distance with nobody noticing so here I am with one a car wreck - a guy possibly flattening tires on per-person 3 and escaped hospital patient all completely unrelated on a major highway late at night what was the deal with the hospital patient this one happened to my friend first day on the job he's driving with his partner normally we don't have partners but for the first six months when you start you are paired up also we have community volunteers which are like unarmed but trained individuals who assist a peace officer so three people total he's driving down a highway when he sees a man on the side of the road near an entrance to an access road for a cottage the man is naked and covered in blood and pointing down the access road trying to get their attention turn on lights and go down road the man is signaling them and when they pull over he just leaps into a woods and starts running alongside the road they follow they get to a cottage and the door is open they turn to look at the naked man and he's gone vanished into the woods there is also visibly blood all over the door and Derick supervisor gets out goes into the trunk gets the shotgun and gives it to the unarmed auxilary saying something like cover out back and try not to shoot us we are going in he and my friend draw their pistols and go when they get inside there is blood everywhere like from a movie all over the walls furniture just everywhere enter the living room there is a man on the couch with a couple knife wounds to his stomach but his alert and seems actually not that bad but he's holding a pitbull on a leash if you let that dog go it's dead says supervisor guy ties leash to side off couch puts his hands up but won't say a word is there anyone here what happened are you ok nothing he's not answering they place him under arrest and auxilary takes him to the car they continue searching upstairs clearing rooms out until they get to one of the bedrooms they look in and there is a guy under some covers but still obviously awake show me your hands the guy hears them throws the blanket off to reveal he is also naked stabbed and basically about to die from blood loss paramedics come house is fully cleared out as it turns out the three guys including naked forest man were all drug dealers just having a get together they started doing ecstasy and after getting really high it turned into a bit of a gay orgy in a moment of lucidity one of the drug dealers realized he wasn't gay and grabbed a knife which escalated into a gay orgy knife fight hence all the blood that was day one oh my god I'm laughing way too hard at this one guy realises he is not gay and grabs a knife a friend of mine as a cop in the UK and his story is more WTF as he saw it unfold but missed how it all started it was his first week out on patrol and he was assigned to an experienced partner they respond to a burglary in progress and are told that a nearby dog unit was on the scene already when they arrived at the property they hear a commotion outside that's clearly between an officer and a suspect and they opened the garden gate to assist the dog unit what they then witness is a suspect facedown on the grass an officer stamping on the suspects back whilst holding his arm up near her hip and shouting stop resisting and the police dog absolutely going to town on this guy's buttocks with his teeth the suspect is and surprisingly struggling and resisting and then ends up kicking the dog the dog then latches onto the guy's leg starts ferociously tugging pulls I tee off and then runs towards the new cops on the scene with it it turns out that was a false leg which no one except the suspect knew at the time and my buddy the cop said he just froze whilst trying to figure out how the heck he calls this in and whether or not he should retrieve a man's leg from the police dog I've never been a cop but my dad was for several years and I've heard plenty of stories from him the one that I think fits this thread best came from early in his career when he was still pretty much a rookie he and some of the other cops got called to a house to follow up on an old woman who was suspected to be dead when they get there they find out the woman was a big-time holder with stuff stacked to the ceilings and paths leading to each room barely big enough for one person while my dad is walking around taking all this in one of the other officers suddenly puts his hand out and tells my dad to stop right where he was dad asked why and the officer said you almost stepped on her my dad looked down to find the old woman dead and buried under her own stuff pretty common situation with hoarders I found three kids one day running next to a busy highway the eldest was five we finally got them identified and figured out they lived about a mile away we got there they were in the care of their adults 20-ish sister while their parents were on vacation for two weeks the sister decided she'd rather pop xanax and a smoked weed than deal with the kids so she locked them in their bedroom for about ten days occasionally sliding food and water past the door there were peace stains on the baseboards in the bedroom from where the kids had decided their bathroom should be finally the five-year-old had enough and figured out how to unlock the bedroom window and make a break for it that's nowhere near the darkest stuff I've seen we don't like to talk about it I used to be a cop we got a call from a guy who claimed to be the victim of a robbery and was incapacitated in his home and had only just managed to reach his phone and call us we arrived to a trailer home that was totally empty except for a man in hardcore fetish gear tied to some sort of adult swing I mean there was nothing else in this house except the [ __ ] tied to the adult swing nothing no furniture not even curtains okay dude what the frig adult [ __ ] well you see officer I hire two Asian H to spank me while I was in the swing nothing illegal there no physical acts just some spanking and they'd leave well the girls arrived tied me to the swing two Asian guys showed up beat the living crap out of me then pulled up a u-haul trailer and stole literally everything that I owned before leaving me hanging here with my cell phone because they said they knew nobody would believe my story anyways but the cops would probably chase them for a murder I still don't know if I believe his story but never found any evidence to suggest that he was lying either I just didn't find anything at all this is like a Quentin Tarantino film opening scene cops show up and slowly the story is pieced together through a series of seemingly unrelated events in no particular order in high school I took a criminology course as an elective and our teacher was a retired officer when we asked him for his weirdest story he told us about a repeat offender the offender was a homeless gay gentleman that had upon Shawn's four exhibitionism he said he got a call out for someone exposing themselves in public and when he arrived on scene he found said gentleman with his ankles to sky naked as the day he was born with a half-empty bag of avocados and a can of Crisco after taking him to the station they found the other half of the avocados strewn about the back of their Cruiser not a cop that worked as a park ranger came up on a scene with blood everywhere who's sticking up out of a Styrofoam cooler a truck bed full of blood beer cans everywhere and a rental hope had on the picnic table perfect welcome to a campground full of children not my story of friends they were responding to a car accident on the freeway I don't remember the details but there are several levels of emergency this was the lowest level nobody seriously hurt get here but don't rush they pull up and the first thing they see is a severed leg laying in the bushes then a car on its roof everyone starts to panic a little bit until they figure out what's going on turns out the driver has a prosthetic leg and takes it off when he drives when the car rolled it flew out the window driver was totally fine just a few bumps and scratches but missing a leg too many to choose from I forget em all so how about none fatal ones that are kind of upbeat car in a pond guy bought the car hated it got so angry he literally drove it into a pond and they left ticket for littering cause I jumped in to see if anyone was in the car car wrecked in a tree in a tree like up in the middle of the branches I just don't know how half missing decomposing dead body from natural death turned out the many cats in the house ate half that person okay that one's gross a riddle long had a warrant and got taste by the office of their way with trying to run from that was a more of WTF moment hearing it over the radio guy going through a divorce and decided to renovate his house at 2:00 a.m. with a sledgehammer by taking out all the walls and furniture caused his future ex got awarded the house didn't arrest him was still his house just keep the noise down please I used to be a cop and one day I was dispatched to a home invasion robbery in progress once I arrived I entered the house where several people ranging from senior citizens to young children were zip-tied wrists to ankles they said in Spanish that the homeowner was in one of the bedrooms and that he got off some shots at the suspects I went to that bedroom and just inside the door was her adult male laying face down I rolled him over and he was obviously dead having been shot seven times including one in the foreign area on the other side of the room was the homeowner he was still alive and had also been shot seven times but none were fatal he was still clucking his empty pistol he kept saying I got nizam apparently what had happened was that the whole family was in the living room when four suspects kicked in the front door the homeowner said he ran to his room to get his pistol to defend himself as they were coming in he said he had to load it so while they zip-tied the family he hid in the room after a few minutes passed the dead suspect and the others started searching rooms he said when they got to his he stood up and they opened fire on each other the homeowner said four people shot at him and he didn't know how many he hit he said he didn't know he got it at first but when he tried to chase the suspects as they ran out he collapsed he was as in both legs the abdomen and left arm the guy was such a bad button he survived the incident he had actually hit all four suspects one died and the others showed up at two different hospitals about an hour later the idiots didn't wear masks so the family was able to identify then they got life in prison I personally think they were going to kill everyone and that is why they didn't wear masks they targeted that specific house because it was harvest season and they had hundreds of pounds of processed herb in different stages of packaging on the property some was hanging to dry in a barn some was in a big pile broken up in a bedroom and the rest was packaged in shipping boxes ready to be moved when this happened recreational marijuana was not legal yet the homeowner grew it for a medical dispensary but was way over what he was allowed to grow not me but my dad's a cop they went in an apartment to get a dead man and had to check is it card it said he was a Caucasian expat from the UK so they were confused as to why the body that they found was that of a black man's as it turns out his body had just turned entirely black because he'd been dead for so long the newbie that they made retrieve the body vomit in fainted but apparently newbies are made to retrieve the body so he had to do it in the end oh crap I feel sympathy for the newbie I was a pacified during a public argument between two strangers I passed by before the police rolled in what I witnessed a foreigner trying to fight with a Greek vendor they started throwing each other around people step in to separate them but they won't let each other go one guy loses his pants and underwear the other guy is trying to swing at his balls a young girl rushes in with a chair and breaks it against the head of one of the randoms who tried to separate them an older grandma throws her shoes at the girl the guy who got hit by a chair throws the shoes back at the grandma who gets hit square on the face the younger girl takes her shoe off in a smacks his head again while the grandma runs over pulling the girl's hair the guy finally gets a grip on the other guy's Don while one other guy who is separating them is biting on his head trying to get him to let go all the while the woman is screaming from the balcony above them you thief stealing balls from children thief I so you give back the balls to the children yay idk I the man I literally want to see a reconstruction film of this I'm not a cop but a friend who has told me about a call from an apartment building where the tenants were complaining about a snow coming from one of the apartments when they went and they found the bathtub full of fecal mater turns out the occupant had a scat fetish his parents had money and had to hire a crime-scene cleanup crew from 100 miles away to come clean it up he had never before that day heard of a scat fetish come to think of it I don't think I had either not a cop but my parents were officers who would sometimes tell me things one night in the jail an inmate was on the floor unresponsive the officers and nurse come in to give him chest compressions or whatever and the dude is just dead turns out he broke off the temple piece off his eyeglasses and somehow managed to wedge it into his chest so while they were giving him chest compressions they were actually just shoving that piece off his eyeglasses more and more around in his chest what a creative suicide you have been visited by the romantic girl comment love is magic so you never fall in the friendzone if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 54,155
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, cops of reddit, cops, police, cop stories, police stories, strange police, strange police encounters, weird cop stories, cop
Id: LXmgzYeN7NU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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