What's The Craziest Thing A Teacher Punished You For?

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people have read it what was the dumbest thing you got punished for in school elementary school was in the bathroom store taking a dump during lunch someone runs in and starts kicking all the stall doors into where it becomes a pain for kids my age at the time obviously to open them kerblam door swings in toward me just a bit and get stuck i'm trying my best to get the dang door open to no avail don't remember how long i was in there alone just crying but one of the lunch aids comes to lock the door to the bathroom for the day here's me get me out of there then proceeds to yell at me for being in the bathroom at that time she goes so far as to take me to the office to have my mother called in which they do instead of letting me explain myself when she shows up and i explain myself to her she gets irate and tears everyone in the school office a new one no matter what i did from then on i never had my mother called while i was there one of the best things that happened to me in middle school specifically was that my mom was really active at the school and knew a lot of the administration this meant that in any situation where i would get in trouble they'd have the knowledge that this is mrs this is god's son i never acted out but it definitely helped with bullies eighth grade our school had a weird layout where you had to walk through classrooms to get to another classroom as i was passing through one i was telling my friend how this new video game is freaking awesome the teacher pulls me aside and asks what i said i told her i said it was freaking awesome and she scolded me for using a substitute for a bad word what this b ain't even my teacher and she's telling me i can't use a substitute i asked her what about don or heck aren't though they technically substitutes she got all red in the face and huffy and said go to the principals right now for talking back i told her i would be late for class which is right through that door she didn't appreciate the added defiance and grabbed my bicep and dragged me into the classroom she told my teacher what i said and yelled discipline him however you feel is necessary my teacher nodded and she huffed out of the room my teacher bent down and whispered that she gets grouchy in the mornings just be careful what i say when i pass her and that was that grade 7 one kid made fun of another kid the wrong kid and wrong kid pulled him out of his chair and pinned him to the ground and started yelling at him then he started bashing his head against the tile floor there was lots of blood like immediately i wasn't thinking i just ran over from my chair and tackled the kid who was doing the smashing off the guy on the floor as soon as the fight had started the teacher ran from the room and got the principal and they both ran back and in the door just in time to see my tackle next thing i know the principal was pulling me off of the other kid and literally carrying me to his office i was pretty upset i never did well with violence so i just cried in his office i was confused from the whole thing but once i calmed down he asked me what happened and pretty much the second i opened my mouth he called me a liar and said he saw everything and knew what i did and couldn't believe i of all people would do that i couldn't get a word and to tell my story the kid who had his head slammed was taken to the hospital i was told that and really only that and how serious what i did was they called my parents and said i did it and they needed to come at once and get me i was suspended and likely would be expelled i couldn't believe it when my mom got there she just told me not to say anything she was crying and said she never thought i'd do such a thing when i got in the car i swore up and down i didn't do anything i think she believed me but she cried the whole car ride home i sat and stewed i don't know how long it took them to actually talk to the kids in the class after that certainly it didn't happen in the hour or whatever it was between when the incident happened and i got sent home but it should have been the first thing there was a call to my mom apologizing to her and saying i actually did the right thing and then at the end of the school year like a month later they gave me some community award at the end of year assembly for what i did but i never forget the initial reaction when they had me scared i'd be kicked out of school for doing what i thought was the right thing trying to go to the library during lunch they said i needed a hall pass fine i went and got one then they were upset because the whole past didn't have an end time on it but the teacher who gave me the pass was the same class i'd return to after lunch it was a split period class and when i tried to show them my schedule to prove that they sent me to the principal's office for insubordination i just wanted to do some research for a paper jokes on them that teacher ended up just giving me several pre-signed passes because in his words that is just really dumb i really don't understand the whole us concept of hall passes so freaking weird yawning i was in math class and while the teacher was doing a problem i yawned not loudly not exaggeratedly i just covered my mouth and did a silent yawn teacher sauron literally stopped teaching and stared me down i turned red and just sat there and she squared her shoulders and said since you aren't going to apologize for disrespecting me you can get out of my classroom it's too boring here anyways for you i suppose i was confused and asked why and she said you're just too smart to be here so get out i went to the office and couldn't tell them why i was in trouble when the teacher called down she said i yawned and looked bored the principal wasn't very happy with her reason and scolded her before sending me back to class but still what the frick mayo the principal wasn't very happy with her reason and scolded her looking at this thread i'm glad i haven't had any of these teachers when i was in the sixth grade i had a doctor's appointment on a test day so i came in late my teacher sent me to a neighboring classroom to take the test while they went over the answers on the very last question i ended up doing eenie meenie minnie moe and the teacher of the neighboring classroom happened to look over at me as my pencil was going back and forth between answers she stopped her whole class and yelled did you just do any meanie mini thinking i had just committed murder told her no so she freaked out and called my teacher outraged i had a very nervous walk back to my classroom and my teacher was just like sup and didn't even mention it i wasn't saying it out loud i was doing it in my head and she assumed i did it based on my pencil moving back and forth between the two answers which makes it even more stupid of a freak out not me but a classmate dude got in trouble for following the rules perfectly when i was in eighth grade i had a teacher who was super strict like a total control freak and wouldn't let anyone so much as speak without raising their hand and being acknowledged one day the teacher was particularly distracted and a kid raised his hand to go to the bathroom now this kid was notorious for not giving a single frick even by eighth grade standards i'll never know why but instead of just breaking the rules and getting the teacher's attention he sat in silence for a few minutes put his hand down and straight up pee himself i think it was in protest of her ridiculous zero tolerance for anything at all policy but i'll never know for sure the best part of the story he waited until she was finished doing whatever it was at her desk and raised his hand and asked if he could call home for new shorts the teacher obviously asked why and he responded by telling her he pee himself because he didn't have permission to use a bathroom and didn't say anything because he wasn't given permission to speak you could literally see how mad the teacher was because he technically didn't break any rules and couldn't be punished but that didn't stop her from writing him up for p himself which if i remember correctly the office threw it out when he explained the situation from that point on the new rule in the classroom was if there's an emergency just quietly go relieve yourself absolute madlet props for that dude honestly he freaking made pee yourself cool i was around eight at the time sitting in our school assembly with everyone singing rudolph the red-nosed reindeer little me thinking i was hilarious sang out used to laugh and call him names like fish face and then laughed at my amazing wit my teacher instantly gave me daggers and tells me i have after-school detention so i'm annoyed sitting in detention forced to write out the lyrics to the song over and over thinking wow this woman is passionate about rudolph after 45 minutes i mustered up the courage to ask what's so bad about saying fish face as it turns out she thought i said frick face still had to stay in detention for another half hour like pinocchio was the one we grew up with not shaving catholic school boys had to be clean-shaven every day i'm greek the company that makes brillo pads pays us royalties i'd shave in the morning and have a five o'clock shadow by 10 a.m shortly after lunch i had legit stubble two detentions and a force dry shaving before i went and one morning presented myself to the dean of students to show how nice and cleanly shaven i was and then reported back after lunch with an almost beard punishment stopped after that i don't know what i would have done if the dos had left the school before graduation i guess go through it all over again fifth or sixth grade i told a friend i liked a girl or had a crush on this girl he wrote her a love letter signed my name and slid it in her locker the next morning i got called to the office my teacher was there with another teacher holding the note ask me why i done this i didn't do that i said they got my notebook to compare the handwriting completely different but they insisted it was identical i gave up after about 30 minutes and accepted my punishment of one day lunch detention eat lunch alone whatever two days later i found out who did it hahaha good times getting beat up by two other kids in the bathroom when i was in fifth grade we were doing our end of year testing so we were supposed to be well behaved and serious they gave us a bathroom break so a large group of boys all went when i came out of the stall one kid grabbed me from behind and held my arms behind my back and another kid kept punching me in the stomach and chest my teacher came storming in everyone dispersed and she grabbed me by the arm and dragged me back to class i was forced to write the two boys who beat me up an apology letter she threatened to have me expelled from the entire school district if i didn't and never gave me the chance to explain myself me being a fifth grader i thought i had to listen to her and i was always too afraid to tell my parents out of fear of getting in trouble the two boys never got in trouble i was the only one who did and i was never allowed to explain my side of the story i was into serial killers as a team inner it's interesting how the human brain works kind of way someone mentioned a rather famous one randomly while we were on break in a class i said oh yeah he's super interesting went into no details the teacher says who is that you're talking about i said oh he was a serial killer known for killing young boys boom trouble name written on the board as a troublemaker sent to the principal's office i was also sent to the office by the same teacher because a new student was threatening to shoot me in the head after she verbally threatened me for a while she started making shooting motions with her hands when the teacher wasn't looking finally i said to her stop threatening to shoot me and yep said the word shoot so i got sent to the office my explanations didn't matter to them god forbid that class talks about any wars or history in general when i was in sixth grade i had a group of high schoolers beat me up so badly i had to go to the hospital i was minding my own business reading my onimorph's book when these guys stole my book ripped it up then picked me up and body slammed me to the ground they all started kicking and punching me until i was out cold i woke up on the bus floor with a bus monitor the bus driver and the principal trying to tend to me those kids got suspended they had footage on the bus cameras i thought it would be the end of that instead two of the guys had younger brothers in my grade those two younger brothers spent their free time harassing me and trying to cause a scene they beat me up a few times not as bad as their brothers and called me a lesbian because i work baggy boys clothing i got in trouble because obviously i was doing something to instigate their negative behavior only i wasn't i guess the only saving grace was that all my teachers vouched for me being a shy quiet kid with good grades and good behavior if the middle school principal still wanted me to get detention at the end of that school year my parents had had enough and switched me to a different school so yeah tl dr got in trouble because i happen to be a regular target of bullies what a bunch of losers what kind of high school kid does that to a middle schooler or anybody honestly it blows my mind if we had happened at our high school it would have been game over for those older kids one time my teacher was explaining a math problem on the board and she made an arithmetic mistake i raised my hand and pointed out the mistake and she looked at her notes and verified that she had transcribed it correctly i tried to argue that just because it's written in her notes doesn't mean it's correct and that she should investigate here and now unfortunately i was just a kid and couldn't explain that very well she thought i was being rude and sent me into the hall ah the old i'm an adult you're the child situation i freaking hate them i remember in the eighth grade i had a nosebleed during recess and i ran inside to the washroom to get tissues and stop it from bleeding i got in trouble because i was supposed to ask the teacher first if i can use the washroom the logic considering my nose was dripping intense blood some teachers are so idiotic oh just remembered another one in the seventh grade me and my friend had to apologize to the class because we would speak turkish to each other and it was unacceptable to speak in another language other than english and my teacher said that's not allowed because she doesn't know what we're saying however she said the italian people can speak italian because she can understand it our teacher withheld us from lunch and gave us a big lecture on how me and my friend are inconsiderate for speaking in another language to each other comma it was unacceptable to speak in another language other than english i get it because they don't understand what they are saying but punishing someone because of what language they speak is just outright idiotic when i was in kindergarten some snot-nosed brat put stickers on the legs in our classroom since i was the only one who really played with the legos everyone thought it was me the teacher yelled at me you put stickers on my legs and made me sit at my desk for the rest of recess it was in the middle of the winter so it was indoor the whole time i sat at my desk my teacher stared me down it wasn't until at least next day or a week later that everyone smartened up and realized it wasn't me who put the stickers on the legos in fifth grade some of my other classmates had this super creative game at recess that had two rules one find the biggest rock two throw it at whoever the heck you want i thought if i didn't play i would get it with a rock like some kind of idiot some kid found a big rock hit me in the head with it and when i told the teacher i needed to see the nurse i was sent to the principal's office because the kid who threw the rock was a good kid who wouldn't do something like that unprovoked members of any authority with such prejudices acting on the basis that their cliches must be right are the worst for doing homework ended up being sent to the principal's office for doing calculus homework and studying for the upcoming cal kp exam during an imposed reading period which was really homeroom where they forced us to read non-educational items sports illustrated cosmo etc to try to increase students interest in reading for fun you weren't allowed to do anything other than read during that time luckily the principal just laughed at me when i explained why i was sent to him and told me my time was served in the time it took me to walk to the office and back thinking back i was wrong he didn't let it go i got detention how did i serve my detention by doing calculus homework of course nothing destroys a kid's interest in reading like being forced to read i was in hospital for a broken leg and the teacher put me in detention for missing a lesson when i tried to explain to her that i broke my leg she said that it doesn't matter and extended my detention for talking back my friends and i were having a race to 300 comma i'm a first-time redditor and you kind strangers helped me a lot p.s my leg healed fine but i still had to attend that detention that is terrible the pay teacher recently gave one of my students a f because one of her legs was broken thus she was unable to participate in basketball and soccer for two months the principal approached her and told her to change her grade from rf2na since it was not her fault that she cannot participate cleaning up too fast in kindergarten we pretended a bomb would go off so we had to clean up really fast apparently we were being silly and i've been scarred for life ever since i'm glad that teacher is probably dead by now another time i guessed the principal's computer password to login as them and go on the internet this was in 1998 each class had crappy macs on an intranet so when they found out i got in crap for hacking when the school called my parents they just laughed at them hung up told me not to frick around and we went for pizza in fairness they don't deserve getting passwords of stupid people is one of the ways you hack them a huge portion of hacking is exploiting insecure habits and gullible people i was in jrotc and a boy scout my parents were very concerned about my spare time and we had weekly pt days one day one of my classmates was literally green and since it was the end of the workout i sat him down in the shade and brought him some water as i'm giving him the sips my instructor starts yelling at me and him for not lining up with the rest of the flight he threatened to leave us behind and just leave us all without even asking why my friend was physically ill that's the army for you they have the nerve to tell a sick person to suck it up in sixth grade my stepmom always left the house at 8 15 to take me and my siblings to school i always got dropped off last since i'm the oldest and class starts at 8 35 i was always tardy to class and since i couldn't drive being 12 and all there was nothing i could do about it eventually after i accumulated quite a few tardies the principal has a talk with me in his office he was a very strange man who was always serious he decided to give me a week's worth of lunch detention for being late to my first hour when i can't drive oh and i forgot to add the bus didn't drive by our house to set the scene i was three years old in preschool minding my own business with a coloring worksheet the teacher was the mother of the girl that was sitting beside me marie even at three years old marie was actually more of a karen and would constantly complain to her mother about anything and everything someone sat a little too far away at lunch mommy x said she hates me someone used the green crayon when marie was thinking about picking it up mommy x still my crayon you get the picture anyway back to my coloring sheet i was filling in the sun with a bright yellow coloring in a circle from the outside and so i wouldn't get anything outside of the lines marie didn't like that i was coloring in my own way my dad who's an architect and artist taught me how to do that and my picture looked better than hers so guess what marie's chubby little hand shot up murray in the whiniest voice i have ever heard come from a child mommy citry is colouring wrong teacher what's going on here me i'm coloring m no you're coloring wrong show mommy at this point i was almost done with my son but i started coloring again the teacher didn't like how i was doing it as much as her brat of a daughter so she ripped the yellow crayon out of my hand and proceeded to angrily scribble over my son t see that's how you're supposed to color do it right next time me oh my daddy taught me how to color and i think i like his way better and that's how i ended up with the only detention i've ever gotten in my life at the ripe old age of three granted i just had to miss recess to think about what i've done but my parents were furious when i told them what happened at dinner that night i'm now a professional artist and designer and marie just got her second dui so things work out sometimes tl dr my classmate tells her mom i'm colouring incorrectly i get pre-schooled attention and my parents were furious i'm now an established artist and classmate is an alcoholic middle school friend busts out his brand new color display flip phone this is shortly after green screen nokia's and says check out this sweet wallpaper it's of a model in a bikini on a beach suddenly a voice behind us shouts pornography office now it was a teacher that neither of us had but knew everyone disliked so we're both in the principal's office watching the principal write whatever it is she needs to jot down when she asks do you both know why you were sent here my friend and i look at each other like i guess and principles just like you can go so nothing really happened and i assume the principal found it as [ __ ] as we did as for the teacher screw you miss wiga there's a reason everyone called you the butt digger damaging a bunch of textbooks by drawing swastikas and pentagrams on them i wasn't even at school the day they discovered the new texts books were graffitted i was in florida for an extra week of vacation but somehow someone saw me doing it the school attempted to send my parents a bill for the books and placed me on iss until i admitted what i had done i was on iss for the day and brought the letter home to my parents my parents had a lawyer on the school in no time i missed another three days class the school board got involved because the principal refused to believe her eyewitness was wrong and was adamant that i had done the damage even though the attendance sheet for the week had me absent and my parents had sent in a note that i'd be missing a week of school as i'd be out of the country if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: AskReddit Is Fun
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to, school, school stories, punishment, punished in school, school rules
Id: KdFdO2O2hkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 8sec (1448 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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