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[Music] Luke chapter 5 beginning at verse number one it says one day as Jesus was standing by the lake of Gennesaret the people were crowding around him listening to the Word of God he saw at the water's edge two boats one belonging to Simon and he asks him to push out a little bit from the shore do you see that do you see that okay so he acts Simon to push out a little bit from the shore well I'm confused what just happened did I skip a verse Yes No maybe so I did I'm sorry everybody looking at me like okay I skipped a verse my bad I'm sorry he saw at the water's edge two boats left there by two fishermen oh this is important who were washing their nets which means they think they're done fishing then the text says he got into one of the boats and one of them along an assignment an accident put out a little from shore he sat down in the boat and taught the people from the boat and when he had finished speaking he said to Simon he said listen put out deep into the water and let down your nets for a catch Simon answered master we worked hard all night haven't called anything but because you say so I'll let down the nets and when they had done so they caught such a large number of fish that their nets begin to break so they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink this ends this particular part of passage I want to read for today's preaching presentation I want to talk from this subject here it is this is a thought I want us to think around and it's a question the question is are you listening family I possess something in my pockets that I believe is pertinent to today's preachment I possess something in my pockets that would not normally be possessed by a preacher at all or secondly not possessed by a preacher in the pulpit do you want to know what I possess in my pocket I hold in my hand some dice I want you to inwardly and silently reflect on what comes to your mind when you see these somebody say hey for some it it it causes them to revisit stages seasons activity that's engaged in in cities like Atlantic City or Vegas for others it reminds them of uncles cousins brothers specific people in your family over in a corner at the family reunion fellowshipping with one another but I believe these dice are really salient for my sermon in a different way because these dice for me represent the way the enemy wants us to make decisions when it comes to marriage he wants us to roll the dice when it comes to should I start or stop should I sign or not should I continue or should I pause he wants us to roll the dice and he wants us to roll the dice because he understands how consequential our decisions are he knows that our decisions our destiny determinants everybody say destiny come on say it like you have one say destiny destiny when I say destiny I mean gods preferred future for you you do know God has a future he prefers for you I'm referring to God's intended in for your life I'm I'm referring to God's place a potential for you that's what I mean when I say destiny but you do know you can't roll your way into destiny you must walk your way into destiny the Bible says in Psalms 37 24 that the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord that's what David said the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and though he may stumble listen to this he will not don't y'all mess with me this morning he may stumble but he won't fall for the Lord upholds him with his hand whoa did you hear me he says even when God is ordering your steps you may step into some stumbling seasons but when you begin to fall God knows how to catch you in a way so that your fall does not create permanent injury is there anybody in your in here who can look back over your life and say I've made some steps that could have been catastrophic I've made some steps that could have cut me off from experiencing God's best from my life but it hurt me but it didn't kill me God did you hear what I just said it hurt me but it didn't kill me it slowed me down but it didn't stop me I got bruised I got battered I got cut but I'm still here because even when I started to fall God caught me and didn't allow my steps to sabotage my future I don't know who I'm preaching to in the house today but keep on stepping the steps of a good man are order you can't roll your way in the destiny you can roll your way into a room you can roll your way into a meeting you can roll your way into a connection but you can't roll your way into destiny you must walk into destiny you must step and what do I mean when I say step what are steps in the Bible what is that because I can step I can walk and walk in circles consider this just because I'm moving doesn't mean I'm moving yeah yeah listen to this listen to this when the Bible refers to steps what are steps steps are systematic and sequential acts of movement that give me from one place to the next my steps are systematic left foot right foot or right foot left foot systematic right but they're also sequential there's the order one foot in front of the other if you get the order on you may stumble so what are steps then steps biblically are decisions my decisions should be systematic and sequential and when my decisions are systematic and sequential they take me from one place to another so God ordering my steps is God ordering my decisions are you hearing what I'm saying because my decisions are the way I choose for myself what he's chosen for me destiny is what he's chosen for me my decisions or how I choose what he's chosen destiny is his revelation of what he wants for me the decisions that I make are my agreement and saying I want for me what you want for me because God chooses for you and then gives you the option to choose what's been chosen is that not what happened with a man named Moses when he was speaking to the Hebrew people in the Old Testament in the book of Deuteronomy which gets the second iteration of the law he says to them I said before what do I feel like preaching today he says I said before you blessing and cursing is that what he says life and death and he said please choose life he says I'm giving you the ability to choose because I am a God who is the ultimate expression and epitome of love and love always has a choice if you can't choose that's bondage not love [Applause] are you here he says I give you a choice because I want you to choose me if you don't choose me it's not love is it something giving you a choice to choose for yourself what I've chosen for you I prefer this for you but but you you got to choose you have to colabor with me in building the life I intend for you to live and the way you colabor with me is through your decisions and the devil wants us to make dice decisions I don't know about you I can't speak for you and I won't pretend to but I know about me I'm too old for dice decisions see when someone loses in dice when they're dealing with resources you lose something you may be able to get back but when you roll the dice with your life it costs you something that is irreplaceable and that's time and I don't know about you I don't want to learn everything is the wrong way when I'm on the wrong way I want to know some stuff is the wrong way before I start going that way so I hadn't wasted three years going a certain way to figure out that it's wrong now I got to backtrack just to get back to even I don't want dice decisions and so the enemy knows that decisions are destiny determinants and because of that he wants us to live with dice decisions because he knows your decisions are like dominoes one thing affects another see whenever I choose something I do see I'm choosing something I don't see and so in order for the enemy to disrupt the continuity of our life he puts before us a choice that looks like more than what it is oh my therefore when you choose what you do see you're choosing what you don't see which is what he really wants you to choose so if he wants you a heart heart the Bible says only the pure in heart shall see God so you'll project your the condition of your own heart upon God so if you don't feel good about your project that on God so if you don't feel worth it you'll project that on God and you won't be able to receive God's love cuz only the pure in heart can see him as he is so if so in order for the enemy to pervert our perception of God he doesn't bring to you a perverted procession of God he tries to get to your heart he doesn't say here's heartbreak choose this yep he said here's a relationship choose this and when I choose the wrong relationship I chose heartbreak and if I keep dealing with chronic and consistent heartbreak it's going to impact the condition of my heart so that my heart becomes hardened and it is not pure and only the pure in heart can see God he says I'm not just gonna give you stress I'm gonna get you a sail that side was too quiet I'm coming just I'm not gonna give you stress I'm gonna give you a sail ah [Music] because when you choose what you do see you're choosing what you don't see and the enemy is aware of this and this is why he wants to influence us to the degree to make dice decisions so when it comes to my decisions in 2018 when it comes to your decisions in 2018 we must come out of dice decision-making when it comes to issues and areas that are consequential for our life we must learn to listen what do I mean what I mean is found in our foundational text in Luke chapter number 5 you read it with me we read it together the scene opens with Jesus walking along a lake called janessa Rhett and as he is walking along that lake he begins to teach God's Word and as he teaches the crowd grows to the degree that he sees two boats that are docked by the lake he asks permission to get in one of the boats to put distance between him and the crowd so he can teach effectively and as he gets in that boat he teaches and then looks over to the owner of the boat a man named Simon and says Simon let's go out a little deep so you can catch some fish now Jesus by trade was a carpenter Pete Simon by trade is a fisherman so you have a carpenter telling a fisherman let down your nets for a catch so Simon says to Jesus listen man we've been fishing all night long we've come up with nothing you build houses I catch fish on top of that I've washed my nets I washed my nest which means I'm done but my emptiness calls me to quit don't make me run the impedance of my net is what made me wash them I didn't catch anything so we're done cuz sometimes frustration makes you say you done when you've been working all night and the net keeps coming up empty that emptiness will cause us to get to a place where we're so frustrated that we abandon that activity because I'm not gonna keep doing this and coming up with nothing [Applause] but Jesus saying let down your nets for a catch is the equivalent of suggesting to us that just because you finish doesn't mean God says you're done and that God will make you eat your words and when you have washed you're next you'll say let it down again and when you say I'm through with that he'll say no you aren't and when you say I'm never going back he'll say yes you are and when you say I'm not taking this he says yes you will because just because you're finished doesn't mean God is done is there anybody here that knows God will make you eat your words and forgive who you never said you will forgive and to help who you never said you would help and to go back places you never thought you go back to give me that net you Finnish God say you not finish till I'm finished with you and I'm not finished with you yet he gets so so Peter says this he says okay now listen Peter's got to make a decision now he's got to make a decision who he's gone allowed to influence his decisions cuz in his mind he's saying I've been doing this all night I come up with nothing now you got Jesus who he's just heard speak who he has so much respect for that he calls a master I just met you but you've demonstrated a degree in a dimension of mastery you are a rabble now you are rabbi your teacher so he's just heard Jesus teach God's Word and he's a carpenter and he's a fisherman yet at the same time after hearing you teach he says this because you say so I don't know if this is gonna work but because you say so this is not normally the way this is done but because you say so and people about to look at me like I'm a bit confused when they see me fishing during the day when it was customary during those times to fish at night but because you say so I'm going to submit my expertise to yours and even though I'm a fisherman you made the fish I feel like preaching in here today so even though I'm a fisherman you made the fish and I'm going to submit my expertise to your expertise because you are an expert at everything and if I was so good at what I'm doing maybe my nets wouldn't be empty right now because no matter how trained and effective and efficient we are there are all limitations to our own intellects and we need somebody to come help us and to pull us outside the boundaries and the limitations of our own acumen somebody that knows what I don't know I need somebody that sees what I don't see I need somebody to help and assist me and what Peter does is he says you're expert at everything so you know what I'm gonna do imma just listen cuz right now I'm empty and the Bible says he come up with so much fish so much fish that they have to call for his partners to come and help is that true they have to call for the partners to come and help so watch this he gets helped and others his partners James and John they benefit listen to this they benefit from the decision and the expertise of somebody else you didn't hear what I just said okay the Bible says when Jesus walked by there were two boats is that right two boats is that right Jesus only got in one boat is that right all the fishermen were washing their nets Jesus only gets in one boat one boat catches the fish the other boat is at the dock or is docked they have to call for that boat to come help them carry the harvest that's the result of a decision Peter made do you hear me okay are y'all ready for this I said are y'all ready for this okay if they not willing to keep their boat next to yours when it's guilty don't you call them when it's for you didn't hear what I just said if they won't put their boat next see us when it's empty then don't you call them when your boat is full I want people around me that are around me for me not for what I can do for them I don't want you when I'm four I want you to show up when it's empty and what happens is sometimes people move a boat too fast sometimes you wonder why has God connected me to this person and my both emptying their boats empty and gods like I didn't connect you to them for where you are I [Applause] connect you to them for where they going huh and if you'll stick with them long enough you'll be able to benefit from the overflow of the harvest they're going to reach because God will connect you together when the boats are empty so that you can't benefit when that boat is full somebody don't say it to anybody but just say it out loud just say don't leave me two souls say okay I felt more bass in somebody's voice over here say it one more time so the enemy can hear you say it say don't leave me too so no don't don't leave me too soon I may not have it now but don't leave me too soon here it is here it is I'm done Peters boat listen to this don't miss it Peters boat ends up for naught because of his fishing skill same boat same pond same net that he had fished in all day and came up with nothing he's in the same boat get that same net in there same Lake and he dropped the net at the wrong time but whatever Jesus say drop it it's the right tack you missed it Peter was the only one surprised that they caught fish Jesus when surprised because look at the text family look at the text the text says Jesus told them let's push out to the deep so you can let down your nets for a catch y'all missed it before they even caught the fish Jesus told them I'm telling you to move cuz you're getting ready to catch something Jesus says I know what's about to happen in the future you don't know us about to happen in the future and if you move when I tell you to move you get ready to run into a blessing make sense so you know why Peters boat came up filled with fish not because of his fishing skill it wasn't because of his hands his hands didn't get him that blessing his ears did see it didn't matter what Jesus said if Peter wouldn't have listened if he didn't have ears to hear if he didn't have a willingness to submit his own expertise to what he felt like Jesus was telling him to do see see the Red Sea wasn't parted just because God spoke it was parted because Moses listened the Jericho walls didn't fall just because God spoke they fail because Joshua listened Peter didn't walk on water just because Jesus said come Peter walked on water because Peter listened and could it be that some of the problems we're calling problems are hearing problems y'all are talking to me if Peter was probably trying to adjust his nets and reposition the boat and do everything he could to get fish when he was coming up empty and God fixed it with his ear I'm talking to somebody in here somebody's watching me online you getting ready to hear your way out you didn't hear you get me see see listen to this listeners the effectiveness of God's Word is not just tired watch this to its content it's also married and tethered to its timing it's not that just God knows what to say what makes him so amazing is that he knows witness say it and if God is talking to you about this now that means there must be something in your future that's going to require you not to make dice decisions you must be about to bust some major moves there must be some God moves in your future there must be decisions that you have to make that require insight that is outside your own intellect maybe God is fine-tuning your ear because you're going to need it see the fisherman's got to listen to the one who made the fish whatever you working where he made it you're trying to figure out do you trying to figure out what to do with people he made them we're trying to figure out what to do with our kids he made them are you hearing me whatever you're struggling with whatever area you're coming up empty in he's got expertise in listen three things real quick here it is if I'm going to listen I need three things number one I need revelation somebody say revelation you know the word revelation when the Bible uses the word revelation it's not talking about creation so you see the storm is here right everybody say thermos said arm is here okay this thermos has tea it's a specific type of tea that's designed to keep vocal cords coated and healthy okay so would you agree as often as I speak I need this tea so this is something I need make sense it's right here in it and because I see it I can benefit from it but if it's cover I can need it and be walking past it claiming tea is coming my teas coming my god tea coming to me right now I bind the spirit of thirstiness in Jesus name gnome what there's C see this this is what happens with some people with God everything you need is there C because then God is um now he's multi-dimensional he's everything all of these names that are used to describe him describe various aspects of his personality and who he is and so you can be clear on God who saves you but be blinded to the one who speaks to you so some of you need the word revelation means disclosure its unveiling you need the veil pulled off of this aspect of God so you can benefit from it because in first Corinthians chapter 12 verse number two one of the criticisms that Paul made of the Corinthian people prior to their conversion experience was this he said you were listen to this you were influenced and led astray to mute idols is that powerful he says you were serving a god who couldn't speak he said before you met the real God the God you were serving was mute and this is what I've learned is that you don't have to be an idolatry to have a mute God you can be a Christian and have one be walking through looking for answers not knowing God's like trust in Allah with all your heart lean not into your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he will die read your path Oh God who spoke to Adam who spoke to Moses who spoke to Joshua who spoke to Elijah who spoke to Elijah who spoke to Malachi who spoke to Isaiah who spoke to Jeremiah who spoke to Daniel who spoke to Obadiah who spoke to Zechariah who spoke to Zephaniah who spoke to Haggai who spoke to nail who spoke to Jonah that's Old Testament pastor who spoke to John the Baptist who spoke to Jesus who spoke to Peter who spoke to Barnabas who spoke to Paul pastor those are apostles who spoke to Philip the Deacon [Applause] one who communicates to his people through promptings and intuitions and and in all of our voices and thoughts that come to our mind through scripture through people through experiences one who does whatever's necessary to make sure when it comes to destiny determining decisions his people are having to make these decisions rolling the dice saying I hope this the one I'm about to link up with them for the rest of my whole life and I'm like I hope he says I'm a shepherd who wants to lead you Paul says it's me we need we need a revelation that he wants to speak because some of us have come from camps where you have seen abuse and therefore you've abandoned what's been abused right when the way you address what's been abused is not by abandoning it it's by correcting it yeah so this way you know cuz people say God tells them everything and some of that's not God pastor how you know the difference well we're gonna teach you that in this series because the Word of God becomes the filter through which you're able to try and test and vet what you're hearing that's why some people said you know God just let me away from the church I said I said I said god bless you I say myself what I didn't god and then about that guy now God might lead you away from a church but he's not gonna say in one scripture don't forsake the assembling and then lead you not to assemble that's why I need number two I just only revelation number two I need proximation I need intimacy I need closeness in first Kings chapter number 19 the Bible says God didn't come into fire he didn't come in the wind but it says he came in a gentle whisper or a still small voice God doesn't scream he whispers you only hear whispers when you're close coz altima late what he wants is not for you to value his voice he wants you to value him ultimately what he wants his relationship with you and me right I mean that's that's that's in a woven throughout the fabric of the entire description he was revelation he wants a relationship with me he wants relationship with you it's one of the reasons it's one of the reasons you don't want to mute God because it's okay to have a mute God as long as you dealing with black and white issues right wrong good bad but what happens where you got to make a decision and it's not black and white what happens when you got to make a decision and it's three doors and all of them good doors what what do you do when you're dealing with something and you you're trying to accomplish something and you run into a roadblock how do you determine is this Satan trying to stop me so do I need to push through or is this God's Way of telling me my time and doing this is up see that's not black and white that's great it's my season here up have I done all I can do have I made all the contribution God wants how do how do you that's not black and white that's great so mute god is good until you have to deal with the gray and so on the intimacy me it means I need the kind of relationship with him whereas the Bible says the Book of Psalms I become more familiar with his ways and it doesn't mean that I have this perfect connection and I never hear but there are some people who have listened to me speak long enough and frequently enough some have work with me closely enough that if someone comes to them and says that I said something off the wall they can step back and say no that doesn't sound like pastor or some it happens all the time stuff can be going over here and people say well I know pastor don't know that well I know he doesn't know that I know ladies and see that they don't know about that that would have been fixed they knew that something somebody just did someone they own right there that's it they didn't know that how can they say that approximation right nothing replaces that and so as a person gets more familiar closer with God that doesn't sound like you oh that yeah okay I had a dream I saw that that's that dream just scared me though that dreamed it that's that's not God yeah because some dreams mean some other dreams don't how do you know which one you won't if your God is mute is that good job any revelation an approximation and then number three I need mortification what does that mean modification means to put to death some things have to die God speaks the loudest when we're the quietest remember God whispers he doesn't scream because he won't compete so if we got all of these other voices and this is one of the things see pride is so dangerous that's why God hates it so much he's not weighing sin but he says this pride thing is so dangerous for you it the way it can destroy your life and one of the most dangerous kinds of pride is religious pride its Pharisee type pride because those right because those kind of minds become unteachable and when you become unteachable God can correct you and the only way you don't need correction at some point is if you perfect Gus is okay some stuff has got to be put to death cuz it's not been I'm not speaking but if I whisper in this room and some of you and the crowd is loud some of you get upset sometimes when everybody's going crazy it's like I can't hear what pastor said because somebody went when when other voices are speaking if somebody doesn't speak over there it's hard to hear him see the question is is it is God speaking it's are you listening and are the other voices volume in your life too loud what do you need to turn down is there any silent space in your life at all or have we so used technology to feel the boredom gaps in our life that solitude is an endangered species is your phone going to the bathroom is your phone going oh my god this is your fault does God have any space where it's like your mind is still that's why he tried that's why he has to get through to many of us when we sleep because it's like that's the only time you still he's like you've been wrestling with these problems trying to figure it out I've seen it happen so much I'm telling you what I know the whole idea of breathtaking ministry transformative worship experience everything that's really matter and been consequential to our church it's been this random thought know thus saith the LORD hath Darris but it's been this random thought that came in a time when my mind was still we've been wrestling with issues before and then all of a sudden my wife would wake up and say oh I know we can do we can do this this this this this you like wow just answers to issues been wrestling and trying to figure out meeting about and God in us in sleep won't let somebody get to the last level of sleep but keeps them where they're semi-conscious and send my sleep enough where boom I can give you an answer and wake you up and where you you have been fishing all night we came up with nothing all of a sudden with the same net same boat in the same pond it's full because you were willing to turn other stuff down my ego I want I need to turn it down that was a problem with Pharisees they could sit right under Jesus and still not change how can you do that I mean that's its truth it's coming from the ultimate expression of what it means to walk in truth so they couldn't criticize Jesus's example they couldn't criticize his articulation they had no legitimate reason to reject what Jesus said but here they are in the name of their religious convictions operating in a ego they had cut off the ear to the voice of God the answer to their prayer they're waiting on a messiah he's standing in front of them but their ego blinded them to see that their prayers had been answered I never want to lead a posture of a student lord teach me sometimes said this day when I pray I get on my knees mark Madison says that when you pray your words of what you say your posture is how you say it I need you to me to people depending on my decisions to roll the dice I got a family I'm trying to raise I got churches I'm leading I can't just be rolling the dice I need to hear from you I've wrote the dice in too many areas of my life and I've had to play catch-up in too many areas there areas I'm behind schedule now I need acceleration I don't need normal y'all not talking to me it's a matter of I don't need normal I'm behind schedule in some areas I need ketchup I need God to do for me what he did for Jonah if it normally takes three days I want to be able to do it in one I won't God to redeem my time can't do it with this I want my ego in the way I don't want my opinions in the way of what it ought to be like man sometimes I look at my life and I say man I should be further than I am right now who said that that's my opinion based on comparison and comparison is always at route it's a trap it's a trap it's a trap God says what I have for you is you is for you I heard one preacher I heard one person say it this way it was masterful the way he said it young young pastor the Midwest he said this he said Jesus said to follow me you can't follow me and look at them I feel the Holy Ghost in here today I said Jesus said follow me you can't follow me and look at them the Bible says looking unto Jesus who is the author and the finisher of my faith I don't want to run your race I want to run my race Lord what do you want me to do I don't want my opinions to get in the way of what I think should happen in the way I think you should look in the way I think it should because God can be talking to me and my thoughts can be arguing with God and I don't even know it some stuff I could have got clarity on earlier where God wants us to purchase all that kind of stuff I could have got clarity on some of that stuff earlier but not even knowing I'm arguing with God because I'm resisting in certain places because I got an opinion about what should and shouldn't happen there God say kill it mortification kill it put it to death Paul said I die daily kill it but I don't know what I'm doing all all of us we gotta get to that point where we're there honestly I don't know what I'm doing all my degrees all my accomplishments all my expertise we can make one decision tomorrow and we all can wreck the entirety of what we spent our whole lives building we need God to tell us we're gonna drop our net I don't care how many fish you caught in the past we need to be a people who hear God not our ambition see in this cult boy if I had time in this culture the voice of ambition is so loud and that ambition is increased it's because we are overexposed social media which is a great tool and we use it it has allowed you to see way more than your heart can handle that's the problem so we got people starting stuff you ain't got no business starting we got people counseling people your life is not together your advice is not to be trusted you know your smartness is not the criteria that should be met to speak into somebody else's life I don't care if you smart I don't care if you articulate you don't know what it takes to build something until you built it and we got people out here giving people advice so you need to turn it off and sit down and take your own it I'm sorry I let me go you need to turn it off and sit down and take your own advice and build something that lets us know that you have food that that validates that what you're saying is true we're doing too much you missing God it's just ambition and it's well intention and you mean well but you shouldn't be torn cuz we overexposed you see too much god bless you and you you you blip you're doing good God's good to you did you see somebody else they killing and then you just come back you just I just you know you love your home do you see somebody else put something that you I just this is this suck this terrible I just hate this it's too loud and this is why some people interpret in a certain way this is why among up my community among what I do I have to be very selective about how much time I spend with people cuz I want that voice turned up in my life right cuz Association produces assimilation and if you're around super ambitious people too much then what's gonna happen is that's gonna jump on you and Paul said do nothing out of selfish ambition nothing is too loud listen [Music] I feel the Holy Ghost I feel the Spirit of God breathing and moving in this room the Paraclete the one that Jesus said would come and lead and guide you into all truth he's getting ready to talk to you I declare over you you are getting ready to make the best decisions of your entire life i prophesy over you this is a season of acceleration my god you may have went in the wrong direction but God is getting ready to blow a tailwind in your favor and you are about to accelerate and you're not just about to get back to even God's gonna do you like you did the prodigal son he's gonna restore you not back to the place you left but he's gonna restore you to the place you would have been if you would have stayed well listen everybody I hope you enjoyed that message hold on one second before you click me off here I just want to say thank you thank you for finding this YouTube channel as a trusted source of spiritual nourishment for you whether it's your first time or whether you're consistent faithful follower of this channel I just want to say thank you and secondly I want to actually to help me I want to reach as many people as possible with this life-changing message and one of the ways you can help me do that is if this message blesses you would you just share it with someone else that's it I'm asking you to share because I believe we're blessed to be a blessing thank you so much for your support thank you so much for allowing us to add value to your life if you are ever in the New Jersey Philadelphia New York area we've got campuses in New Jersey I'm live there on Sunday mornings for services and if you are in or know someone the Orlando Florida area we've got a church in Orlando it meets on Saturday evenings at 5:30 and I speak their live no video I'm in Florida on Saturday nights and I'm in New Jersey on Sunday mornings and I'd love to meet you greet you and to say what's up to you thank you so much god bless take care
Channel: Dharius Daniels TV
Views: 130,920
Rating: 4.9092693 out of 5
Keywords: dharius Daniels, change church, td jakes, Steven furtick, ed young, John gray, chad veach, chris durso, rich wilkerson jr, carl lentz, robert madu, pastor mike todd, pastor criag groeschel, eric the hip hop preacher thomas, devon franklin, toure roberts, john maxwell, trent shelton, pastor levi lusko, joel osteen, bishop tony evans, tony gaskins, dr. mastthew stevenson, pastor samuel rodriquez, keion henderson, jamal bryant
Id: hawrmW2Y9AQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 43sec (2983 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 30 2019
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