I'm Expecting The Unusual | BeastMode Part 1 | Dr. Dharius Daniels

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what do we say about the lows of this past year and what do we do when the bottom seems like it has fallen out from under our feet or when it seems like we've just run out of gas or no longer seeing the better of life james church we're in a season where excuses have become impractical and adjustments are necessary so join us as we pick up the pace and dr darius daniels gives the seven keys to unlock the lion inside of us in a new series called beast mode coming to teach us not only how to do something but to be someone mark chapter 6 verse 1 says jesus left there went to his hometown accompanied by his disciples when sabbath came he began to teach in the synagogue and many who heard him were amazed where did this man get these things they asked what's this wisdom that's been given to him where are all these remarkable miracles he's performing isn't this the carpenter isn't this mary's son the brother of james joseph judas and simon aren't his sisters here with us and they took offense at him and jesus said to them a prophet is not without honor except in his own town among his relatives and in his own home and he could not do many miracles there except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them i want to talk from this subject in our time together this is an affirmation it's a declaration of ours i'm expecting the unusual on this first sunday of 2021 i'm expecting the unusual if that's you put me too in the chat me me too um i can recall and remember growing up in mississippi my my father having a unique interest in the animal kingdom and interest that borderlined on the extreme almost a healthy obsession with everything animal-like to the degree that he would watch movies like i'm about to go old school everybody buckle up crocodile dundee watch shows from national geographic i'm going old school again and read articles from something called in excuse me read information about animals from something called an encyclopedia yes and because we had one television in our home we had to watch whatever he watched and i initially thought that these animal shows were boring on until i began to reflect back as an adult on those experiences and see how they were actually beneficial i i see evidence of our eternal god's ability to use everything and to waste nothing god is a sovereign steward who will take even the most seemingly random non-consequential irrelevant experiences in our life and use them in a way weave them together in a way that adds value to our life in ways we could have not planned for prepared for and didn't even know how to pray for i need to pause for the cause right there and remind somebody because your god is a sovereign steward there's nothing in your life that's wasted you may not know the value of that experience yet that experience may have seemed to take more from you than it added to you but i want to remind you not to become presumptive and to label something prematurely as irrelevant because the bible says god takes all things and he works him together for your good and he's gonna weave this thing together with that thing and we that thing together with this thing and if you're observing it in isolation it's gonna see it it's gonna seem irrelevant but when you allow god to begin to put all of the pieces of your life together you'll see like a puzzle he'll make something beautiful beneficial and something that's going to be a blessing to others i want to tell somebody nothing is wasted nothing's wasted nothing's wasted he said i put your tears in a bottle nothing's wasted he said those who sow in tears reap enjoy remember this kierkegaard said life is lived forward but is only understood backwards so when you're crying you just think you're hurting what you don't realize is you're sowing [Applause] you didn't hear what i just said and you don't even know that when you're crying you're sowing but you don't know you're sowing until you get to a season where you see the harvest from those tears and those same things that you said broke you in one season are the same things you'll look back and say that made me i thought it broke me but it actually made me because i wouldn't be who i am right now if god had not allowed me to go through that nothing is wasted nothing's wasted nothing's wasted nothing's wasted nothing's wasted nothing's wasted and because he's a sovereign steward it means he has the last say regarding whether or not something's wasted not you y'all better i don't know what that is right there i said because he's sovereign he's got the last say about whether or not something's wasted not you so even when you waste seasons because he's a sovereign savior he'll redeem time he said he said you he said if i left your welfare and your well-being up to you you would have blown it you would have mismanaged it you would have wasted but i am so determined to get you where i want you to be i will let i will not let you get in your own way now i need somebody to be honest right here that will admit i only am where i am cause god did it in spite of me not because of me because there are some times the devil wasn't in my way i was in my own way but because my savior is sovereign he's got the last say over my life he wastes nothing and even when i was sitting in a house with only one television feeling like i was underprivileged missing out god was using that season to prep and prepare me for my assignment i want you to catch this i realized later in life that watching these shows and these interests in animals improved my hermeneutic when it came to what's that mean the glasses that i put on like when i when i read script so we can read the bible and we not all see the same thing it depends on the glasses you're wearing you understand what i'm saying so there are people who have good hearts but bad eyes and they uh they're glasses right i can't unpack this biblic i did a uh a master class called biblical intelligence i talked about this they got sand on their glasses right so then right so so some people have a hermeneutical pain so that affects the way they read the bible some people have a hermeneutical power they got power issues so that effect that affects the way that they read the bible are you understanding what i'm saying okay and so so this this affected the way i read the bible because the bible was written oh that new testament in agrarian societies where the primary commerce was like agriculture and animals so when god begins to use animal analogies and when jesus begins to use animal analogies because i they're using those analogies because the people they were talking to in that period of history understood you got that we don't necessarily understand animals that way so when jesus starts using animal analogies and when the bible uses animal analogies it's difficult for us to get the fullness of what god's trying to say but because i was in that house with that one television who had a father who had this hobby this interest that seemed unspiritual unrelated to my formation in any way god was using his hobby [Applause] to shape me on how to read scripture so i would read the bible and i noticed not only did my earthly father have this interest in animals my heavenly father did that all throughout scripture i see writers using animal analogies listen to me to describe human personalities he's never calling humans animals but he uses animal analogies to describe human personalities right jesus said things like be wise as a serpent right but if i don't know how serpents act you got me i don't understand why he uses that analogy but then he says be humble as a dove when paul is writing to people in corinth regarding how to manage their relational life he says to them all right don't be unequally yoked together with unbelievers he's using that term because it comes from the old testament when israel was instructed not to yoke up a ox and a donkey i've taught you that before two different natures the donkey's compliant the donkey's not compliant the ox is compliant and when you put both of those together under the same yoke you got two people who are connected together intimately but not are but are not led by the same leader the donkeys led by the one that's giving them the command now excuse me the ox is led by the one that's giving them the commands the donkeys led by their own will and stubbornness so when the master says come the ox wants to move but if the donkey don't feel like it the donkey's not going to move and paul says when you yoke up together with unbelievers in order for you to move something's going to have to happen it means that the donkey is going to have to become more like the ox or the ox is going to become more like the ducky did you hear what i said because when the master calls you you cannot be governed by your own wishes and your own will and your own desire because the donkey's a metaphor for the flesh that that rebellious part of us that wants to be in control and that wants what we want when we want it this is why the bible says when abraham got ready to sacrifice isaac the text says he put his saddle on the donkey because the only way you can give what you want to keep is if you got control of your flesh come on you got to put a saddle on the donkey the donkey's going nowhere after you get through praying and fasting the donkey's still going to be there because the flesh is always a part of your experience in this world you got to crucify it you got to fight it you got to pull it in solitary confinement but he uses animal metaphors jesus referred to the religious fundamentalists of his day as vipers you vipers you snake right but but we don't understand the poisonous nature of vipers we don't get the energy jesus is using when he describes pharisees that way y'all follow me he's saying the pharisees he's uh he's like just like poison is in the mouth of a viper your might full of your mouth full of poison and you spitting poison in god's name just because you put god's name on it doesn't mean god is in it that's poison you call that submission but that's poison y'all not talking to me you called that love but that's poison you're calling it one thing but it's something else he's saying you religious leaders he said you got poison in your mouth [Music] and just like a snake calls it a viper causes damage to other people watch this watch this causes damage to other people about what it is does with it mouth its mouth jesus was saying you religious leaders you're causing damage to other people by what you do with your mouth and sometimes watch this you got to catch this it's never the bite from the viper that kills you it's the poison that stays in you when they take their mouth off you did you hear what i just said so it's so the things that people said about you didn't kill you what killed you was the poison that stayed in you once they took their mouth off oh my god now you understand the beauty of the imagery with the apostle paul who when he gets shipwrecked the bible says out of the fire comes this snake and this snake this viper bites paul and paul shakes it back into the fire and the people that are looking at him are waiting on him to swell up and die and paul basically said this is the way one of my friends puts it paul basically says watch me not die he says because normally when somebody get bit like that they get swole you didn't hear what i just said he said but i know how to shake that snake back into the fire i know how to shake it into the spirit i know how to handle this bite spiritually so that it does not poison me and destroy me emotionally here's my question i don't know why i'm here here's my question though who bit you 10 years ago and you still swallowed about it who who bit you 10 years ago and they're still soul about it you see these animal analogies but you not only see animal analogies to describe us you see animal metaphors to describe jesus just so that y'all know all year i'm only teaching about jesus i'm only preaching from the gospels everything i preach you all to you all year this year will be from the gospels so just in case we get into june and you're like oh yeah he's been in matthew mark luke of john that's cause the holy spirit put on my heart reacquaint your people with jesus i'm about to show you how jesus can help you in dayton i'm about to show you how jesus can help you with your mind i'm about to show you that jesus is really the answer but the these these these animal metaphors are often used to describe jesus too and there are only two used to describe them lamb and the lion and those of us who model his life whether we're introverts or extroverts or ambiverts whether we're hard or soft natured whether we're passive or aggressive or passive aggressive when you get jesus you get watch this you get lamb and you get lion some of you lean naturally one way and some of you lean naturally the other so jesus gives you both because everybody needs a little bit more one than the other see some of you a whole lot of lying and you need a little bit more land and then some of you are a whole lot of lamb and you need a little bit more lion but if you got jesus watch this jesus frees you from the prison of your natural personality let me let me say that again i said jesus frees you from the prison of your natural personality he doesn't eradicate your natural personality he doesn't remove your natural personality but when our personality is not managed in a healthy way it can be limiting it can be paralyzing it can be imprisoning so that we are not imprisoned by some of those natural tendencies jesus said imma help you get born again and when you get born again you can be free from your passive aggressiveness and now you don't have to make slice slick comments to get a point across you speak the truth in love why because you've been born again come on [Applause] because i want you to be born again so you get born into a new family and when you get born into your new family it helps you eradicate and address the issues that you picked up from your family of origin that way watch this that way your future is not determined watch this by what home you were born in or the spiritual or emotional or relational health of the people that lived in your house he says they may have contributed to you being a certain way but they don't they don't have the power to keep you that way once you've been born again i give you a little lamb and i give you a little lion and you got to know when to use which to step into all that god's called you to be now maybe you're getting a revelation i've been preaching 20 minutes and you like when is he gonna get to the text i've been preaching the text already because in this season after a year wrestling with a global pandemic you got to catch this you sir you ma'am listen to me must recognize it's time to go be smart come on what pasta pasta what do you what do you mean when i say beast mode i mean here it is here's a working definition for you beast mode means assertively undergoing an evolution that will cause your advancement i'ma say it again because i'm distinguishing between cultural connotations of the word beast mode and kingdom connotations of the word be smoke i'm saying when i said beast mode somebody wanted to start something somebody wanted to start a business somebody wanted to launch a location somebody wanted to start i don't know but here it is when i am using the word beast mode i'm not talking about your doing i'm talking about your being beast mode isn't just about what we do beastmode's about who we become it's not just about working harder it's about prioritizing the pursuit of my best self and realize that when i become my best self come here i'm gonna do my best stuff hey hey hey hey hey it's realizing that like a lion i'm not the biggest animal in the jungle i'm not the strongest animal in the jungle but i'm the most dominant animal in the jungle because i try to be nothing else but a lion a giraffe is bigger winner than a lion but a giraffe can't take out an elephant hey hey hey some of you are trying to be your some of you are lions trying to be giraffes you're trying to be bigger trying to be more known but you lightweight and you don't have any strength and you don't have any fortitude and when adversity comes at you you don't have nothing to fight with cause a lot giraffes are big but they can't fight and i don't know how you made it through 2020 being a giraffe and you're definitely not going to make it through 2021 being a giraffe you got to believe that your lion is enough [Applause] it means watch this assertively undergoing an evolution that will cause your advancement it means to go hard go as hard at your growth as you do on your brand [Music] [Applause] it means to pay as much attention to your personal development as you do your own social media page it means to care more about the the internal state of your soul than you do your outfit and your optics i'm not saying those things don't matter i'm just saying that going beast mode eating posting more on your platforms it's it's becoming pastor what are you saying i'm saying instead of trying to roar like a lion i actually become one this not the season to be practicing your roar when you become a lion you get one you don't have to try to roar when you become a lion oh my gosh and see contrail i don't know if you've watched lions lions don't actually do a lot of roaring they make moves not noise [Applause] did you hear me they make moves not noise some of the prey don't even know they coming lions be working on stuff and you don't even know they working on it all of a sudden they just drop it on you and they're like what you've been doing you're like i'm making moves not noise [Music] instead of trying to run like a lion i become one instead of trying to be strong like a lion i become one you can't be strong you have to become strong you got me does that make sense get like hey it's time to be strong no you can't just make up a decision to be you have to become strong and that's what i mean when i say beast mode i'm talking about going hard in the paint about your growth and i believe it's prophetic because some of you need to know the only thing in your way is you i don't care what's in your way it can't stop you when you become a lion am i making sense and so and so jesus is the ultimate expression and example of the kind of lion we need to emulate and becoming more like him going beast mode lord this is about to i want you to listen to me okay the bible says be slow to speak quick to hear right so it means we should we should be more reflective than reactive like you see and so i can see this is an issue in culture with the way people respond to stuff especially the social media space without even reading it right just like people going off and it's like you going off based off of your misinterpretation of what somebody said if you actually just read what they said or listen to what they said it would have answered some of your questions and addressed your issues right so the bible says christians shouldn't be that way slow to speak quick to hear so i want you to listen to me oh my in a christian culture if you're part of a christian culture that idolizes deliverance then the whole goal of growth simply becomes to abandon vices and not to pursue purpose let me say that again i'm not saying liberation is not important part of jesus's ministry is a ministry of liberation he said i came to set people free but the freedom is not just freedom for freedom sake it's freedom to become who you could not become if you are not free it's freedom to do what you couldn't do if you weren't free but when you idol something that when you make an idol out of something that should be an instrument oh i don't have time for that right that's what certain sex do it's like no this is just this this is supposed to be an instrument to the main thing but you just made the instrument the main thing so if your part if you come out of that culture and that's kind of your religious upbringing when i hear beast mode all you thinking is stop sinning that's important but you gotta do more than that to actually carry out your assignment and walk in purpose do you understand what i'm saying because there's some stuff that's in your weight it's not sin procrastination ain't sin but it will assassinate your assignment procrastination always puts you in a place where you're living with prophetic um declarations and you never step into manifestation so when you're a procrastinator you always god's getting ready to and you never get into god did yeah god's getting god's getting ready to yeah he's always getting ready to and and it's always this is going to be my year right but when you break that vice you look back at 2020 you say it was my year and then you'll look back at 2021 and say and that was my year too and then you'll look back at 2022 and say and that was my year too because to accomplish your assignment you got to do more than abandon vices you have to adopt some virtues this is what peter says in the new testament when he says add to your faith right he says you got favor add to your face virtue so so there it's not just about abandoning vices it's about adopting virtues am i all right can i have five more minutes i haven't even got to my text yet can i it's about a band not just about abandoning vices it's about acquiring virtues it's looking at the virtues of jesus and saying what is it about this man who went beast mode i'm talking about you talking about beast mode 33 years change the world be small i'm talking about a man that was so popular that he would teach he's like i gotta get out of here he will leave get on the boat with his disciples they roll into the other side people like you ain't leaving me they running on the shore to get to where jesus is i'm talking about people like zacchaeus climbing a tree come on now think about a civil leader climbing a tree at a climbing a pole at a parade saying jesus come to my house tonight am i making sense y'all we need to look at his life and say man what what a virtues i need to die not just what i need to stop doing yeah i'm gonna need to okay stop sinning all right but but what else do i need to pick up you understand what i'm saying i don't have time to deal with this because but it's just like this um we need to be moral but christianity is not moralism because what's happening is you've got people who are moral and you're still racist though so yeah like y'all not talking to me right it's like your mom brother you're racist and you're denying the reality of racial inequities in this country you you're a moral and all in slaves it's it's moral and mean moral and don't give to the poor moral and sexist morality thinking that the male gender is superior to the female gender so it's like the male got a little bit more the image of god than a woman but you moral so i'm not saying morality is not important slow to speak quick quick to hear i'm not saying morale's not important i'm saying for a christian it's not enough that doesn't make you like jesus jesus didn't feed the hungry because he was more he didn't just heal the sick because he was moral he just raised the dead because he's moral not performing a resurrection is not immoral he did it because there are virtues that he needed to possess to carry out his assignment oh my gosh are y'all hearing what i'm saying here and so the next seven weeks i want to teach you some of these virtues i want to teach you seven of them they're actually core values of our church that need to be in our hearts and the first one is in this text it's the virtue of honor your assignment requires honor your assignment requires honor i don't think you can add value to people if you don't value people you're right and i know we live in a culture where we're really more concerned about using people we're concerned about selling over serving come on it's like so so it's a it's it's it's it's weird because it's the the spirit or the attitudinal disposition the behavioral trends of this age trend more toward like an anti-honor culture so like people are like pawns people are means to an end we do not see people as god's children you don't see the people we don't see the people we date that's god's son that's god ah that's god's daughter we don't see the people that work with us or that work for us that's god's son that's god's daughter and they carry the image of god in them and they they they matter so much to god that he died for them and they need to be treated in a way that is reflective of that watch this you're going beast mode to help people not to devour them i'm not making sense y'all honor what does it mean it means high respect worth or distinction it's the ethic of the kingdom it should be a way of life for the believer for every single relationship that we can operate in the scriptures encourage us to operate with honor we are to honor honor god malachi 1 6 if i'm your father where's my honor honor parents exodus chapter 20 verse 12 honor your father and mother so that you may live long in the land of the lord in the land the lord your god is giving you i'll have time to unpack that but honor doesn't always mean intimacy if they're not healthy when i say healthy i'm not talking about physical health i'm talking about emotional health right honor is not an excuse for abuse it means that sometimes to keep honoring you i gotta limit my interaction with you because you're not healthy enough for me to be around a long time and not slip into something that's gonna affect my witness and my injury that's too real for you but hey that's all i got for you this is a no-cap community it is right because some people say that honor your father mother you got parents that are abusive and exploited and manipulative and some mean well but they just got some stuff that they have not worked through and it is not emotionally healthy for you to subject yourself to that but you can still honor them but sometimes to do that you got to put distance between you and them honor spouses first peter 3 7 honor civil leadership on our spiritual leadership and jesus personifies this family i mean when he when he deals with people he he he touched lepers when no one else would touch them because he valued them and he hung out at a well with a woman at samaria when the disciples were like you shouldn't even be talking to her because he honored her and he allowed a woman with a checkered past to take her hair and wash his feet because he honored her he ate and hung out with people that others felt like were not worthy because he honored them he died for them and we too are to be people of honor and here's the benefit of it y'all ready for this here's the benefit of it i'm getting ready to throw something the benefit of it is this text says mark chapter 6 finally pastor darius text text teaches us something text teaches us that honor watch this not only adds value to others but honor gives you access to the unusual that when you become a person of honor when you adopt the virtue of honor god deals uniquely and unusually who with those that operate in that honor i'm not going to bother this but worship is honoring so hey god is omnipresent he's everywhere but when people honor him in worship and with worship he manifests his presence because he responds differently to honor he said oh if you're gonna honor me i'm gonna show up i'm gonna sit in that pew i'm gonna sit in that chair with you i'm gonna hover in your home because because honor gives you access to the unusual and right here in the text jesus is in his hometown the bible says he's teaching in a way that people are amazed they're amazed at him they're amazed they're amazed and the bible says though the bible says that even even though they are amazed their amazement is captured by their familiarity and they're like in this the carpenter's son right right it's like i know god you see if you catch that their familiarity with jesus is a metaphor for our familiarity with god so their familiarity with him limited him this is like in this the carpenter son so all they got was some good teaching when he was able to do more than teach he could have touched the bible says he could not do many miracles there that's verse six he couldn't do many it didn't say he didn't do any he said he couldn't do many so a few people got what was available for many because a few people had honor jesus said a prophets would not not without honor except for among those that he's familiar with and watch this here it is some people are not experiencing the usual the unusual because you think you know god too well you're too familiar you don't think it can blow your mind now you don't think you can turn it around now you don't think there are still things their eyes your eyes haven't seen and your ears hadn't heard and your heart has not conceived your familiarity the familiarity with worship and we just kind of calm and all right it's going to be the same old same old instead of walking in the building or logging on and say god's getting ready to blow my mind he's getting ready to blow up my spot today it's honor i'm done a few got what was available to many because they operated with honor and i'm telling you if you want to go be small and have the kind of impact that jesus had we got to think that way i can't do it without becoming a person i honor it doesn't take spiritual strength to be rude to be dismissive it doesn't take spiritual strength to honor those we admire it takes spiritual strength it takes a lion to look at the leper and say you matter to god so i want to give you three action items here these are this these are sayings that we got uh a friend of mine on the northwest named kevin gerald i got these from him years ago we put them in our church and i want to share them with you here here are three things really simple point number one honor up live a life where you honor up this starts with god doesn't it what do we mean it means it's easy to easy to say god i love you but how many know some people live with love but don't have you can love somebody you dishonor some of you some of you that's your reality in your home you're loved but you're dishonored god ask the people in in malachi 1 6 if i'm your father where's my honor see i just just need some respect that's it that's it that's all honor is just some respect honor god i know this is counter-cultural but also honor those honor those that god sends as mentors coaches leaders in your life now the way the enemy attacks this is by eroding the credibility of leadership [Music] that's what the it's it's not just about the leader it's it's always also about the credibility of leadership and the ability to feel like someone's credible enough and safe enough to actually lead me which is different than speaking to me and preaching to me that's gifting you have to leave me with your life not your words [Music] and all of us have seen a lot and heard a lot but you can't abandon what you need i don't know where i'll be without my pastor i'm glad i didn't give up on pastors because some people exploit pastor and pastors and it becomes this spiritual pyramid scheme yeah yeah [Music] we're just giving up giving up giving up giving up and nothing ever flows down i'm so glad i didn't abandon that i would have missed out on one of the best things that happened to me [Music] cause honor is the key that unlocks what god put in other people for you honor will draw it out when people honor your time you'll give them more of it and what's scary is y'all with me here what's scary is we can be abstinence and not know honor up number two on or down there's really no such thing as down but i want to use the word down to refer to people that society treats as less than your mentees your employees the homeless [Music] jesus said he said when you do it to the least of these you do it unto me [Music] he says everybody not homeless because they lazy you don't know what happened everybody may not have had a mental breakdown because they weak you don't know what they walked through honor what that just just respect and number three on on up on or down number three honor all around i got these from kevin girl on all around it means my peers my friends see this some of you been blessed with good friends so long you don't understand it's a blessing [Music] you hadn't bled from betrayal so you don't understand how unique having a solid team around you is [Music] you don't know so you can't take that for granted just because you're not disrespecting doesn't mean you're honoring honor all around these appears watch this because the david that's carrying your armor today might be the one who's running the palace tomorrow jonathan jonathan the david that you're hanging out with today might be the king tomorrow and he's going to look for somebody in saul and jonathan's house to show kindness to and mephibosheth is going to benefit from honor that came from someone he didn't even have a relationship with [Music] i know this is not cultural and this is not cultural christianity but it is kingdoms and i'm telling you you can't get to where god wants you to be without this you got to go beast mode here got to go beast mode here you're not gonna feel it it's not gonna be he be jesus you gotta go be smart with this and i pray god gives us the grace to do it [Music] honor up on or down on all around here's here's the mark of a person living like jesus it's not how people feel about you when they leave your presence it's how they feel about them when they leave your presence did you hear what i just said it it's not it's it's not how people feel about you oh i'm impressed with him he's a it's not about how they feel about you when they leave your presence it's how they feel about them [Music] because they came into honor when they came into you father i just thank you now and i just give you praise for this word that you've given us we've been challenged today to be better to grow more and i just pray that you give us the grace and the eyes to see your people as you see them people who are worthy of love and honor and i pray that i pray that there will be a revolution of it a resurgence of it in jesus name i pray that you just raise raise up people who will turn the tide and the trend of culture in the church and that that that when when anyone walks through our doors and logs on to our stream they they they have an encounter with your people that visibly demonstrates they are loved they are valued and they are yours [Music] may your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven in jesus name amen
Channel: Dharius Daniels TV
Views: 163,039
Rating: 4.9378862 out of 5
Keywords: dharius Daniels, change church, td jakes, Steven furtick, John gray, chad veach, chris durso, Levi lusko, rich Wilkerson jr, toure roberts, keion henderson, dr. jamal bryant, Craig groeschel, mike todd, carl lentz, ron carpenter, Robert madu, trent shelton, Eric the hip hop preacher thomas, Stephen chandler, dr. Matthew stevenson, Judah smith, devon franklin, dr. Tony evans, mike McClure jr, John maxwell, Joel osteen, Bishop Dale C. Bronner, Pastor Miles McPherson
Id: 3yKtrlZNxyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 1sec (2701 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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