Moving On From The Life You Thought You Wanted

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[Music] alright first Samuel 16 verse 1 we're in a series called moving on this message I'm gonna teach today it's gonna take me two weeks to finish it I'll do part one today and part one next weekend part two next weekend first time you'll 16 verse 1 everybody the Lord said to Samuel how long will you mourn for Saul since I've rejected him as king over Israel listen to this family feel your horn with oil and be on your way I'm sending you to Jesse of Bethlehem I've chosen one of his sons to be king I want to talk for a few minutes and tag a title to this text use it as a subject for this sermon everybody please pay attention I want to talk about moving on from the life you thought you wanted moving on from the life you thought you wanted family if there is a word that I would use to describe the dominant emotional state of many of the persons I have the privilege of interacting with that word would undoubtedly be frustrated frustration family is becoming an emotional epidemic there are many persons seated in sacred spaces like this singing happy songs clapping happy hands exalting a happy God but not living happy lies there is one segment of the population that is dealing with frustration in life they are frustrated with someone they're frustrated with themselves or they're frustrated with some things and then there is a another segment of the population that's not frustrated in life they are frustrated with life it seems as if when they audit and examine all areas in their life most if not many of those areas are not operating in a way that is consistent with their expectation family I wish we will be honest as we sit in this sacred space and admit we all deal with some frustration and I want to be clear that I don't believe it is the intention of our eternal God that we live in a constant state of frustration when we look at the words that the Bible uses to describe the emotional state of people who follow the person and the practices of Jesus frustration would not be one of those words Jesus did not say come to me everybody who is weary and I'll give you frustration Paul in the book of Philippians did not say God will give you a frustration that passes all understanding so I want to be clear that the Bible reveals that those who live the King's way Jesus's way people who follow the person live with the power and follow the principles of Jesus will live with the dominant emotional state of righteousness joy and peace in the Holy Spirit that's Romans 14:17 right the kingdom of God is not meat or drink but righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Spirit when I'm doing things the King's way I'll have a right relationship with God right relationship with myself right relationship with others and I'll have joy and peace but although it is not the intention of our eternal God that we live in a constant state of frustration I do want to be clear God does use frustration and I want to suggest that frustration is your friend that frustration is the equivalent of the check engine light on an automobile it is an indicator that something needs attention and something needs adjusting and how many here are honest enough to admit that there are some things in our life that would not go undergo transformation had it not been for frustration and I want to suggest I said that we're you know how some of somebody ready to fight y'all don't know about that people online say it one more time you got one more time to say stuff while we doing with every syllable though you got one more time to say something else to me what was my point what am I talking about huh frustration is your friend right I want to suggest that frustration can be an indication that we need to give attention to or adjust our expectations you see family frustration is a result of failed expectations so when I'm dealing with frustration I got to check my expectations because that means I'm expecting something I didn't find I'm expecting something I'm not getting I'm desiring something and it's not being delivered to me and in this room everyone in this room has expectations about your life some of those expectations are unspoken meaning they're not on a vision board they're not a part of a strategic plan you have not articulated them but they're written on your heart but some of those expectations are also unconscious it means you don't even know you're expecting it until you don't get it and you're frustrated about it that's what makes relationships so complicated because you're trying to figure out what somebody want who don't always know what they want but they get mad when they don't get it I felt loved over here so that's what am I making sense yeah we we we aren't always aware of and conscious of what we're expecting until we deal with the disappointment that comes from its absence some people don't know they want attention until they get a group get in a group of people and everybody gets it but then we have expectations we have expectations some of them are unconscious about the way our life was supposed to turn out and the way things would be at a certain season in our life about where we will be financially where we will be professionally where we would be relationally where we will be geographically there are some people who didn't think they would be in New Jersey in this season of their life and there are some people who didn't think they would still be in New Jersey in this season of their life there's some people who didn't think they would be single in this season of their life and there are some people in this room watching me online who didn't think they would be single again in this season of their life there are some people who didn't think they would be in their career field their vocation in this season of their life and there are other people that didn't feel like they would be changing and starting over in this season of their life we all have expectations of when those expectations aren't met at least a frustration doesn't it but maybe God wants to use this story of Samuel in the scripture to get to the source of our frustration maybe God wants to use frustration to help us adjust our expectations and to help you move on from the life you thought you wanted because there's one guarantee I can make from this platform to you and that is life will not go the way you expect the only thing that is predictable is the unpredictable so this means an essential life skill we all need to learn is we need to learn how to manage what we don't see coming [Music] because something is gonna ring your doorbell that you didn't expect something's gonna happen in your life that you didn't expect something's gonna happen in the life of your child that you didn't expect something's gonna happen in the life of someone that's close to you that you didn't expect but just because you're surprised by it doesn't mean God didn't see it coming and just because you were surprised doesn't mean you aren't ready God's been getting you ready for what you didn't see coming because he saw it coming before you did and I believe this story here with Samuel can aid and assist us in doing so Samuel ladies and gentlemen was a prophet he was a judge in Israel now that word judge in the Old Testament doesn't mean what Judge means in our current cultural context here in America in the Old Testament that was a season in the life of Israel where they were guided and governed by judges they were a combination of conflation of spiritual leaders and political leaders spiritual leaders and political is there's a whole book of the Bible called judges that reveals the life and the leadership of people who served in this capacity in Israel and Samuel was one and that's how God led Israel but Israel start observing the activity of other nations and they saw other nations had kings and their kings had horses and their kings had castles and their kings had chariots and so Israel started over indulging in the activity of others and it created in them an appetite for something that wasn't for them so they started saying we want a king to i'ma say it again they started becoming obsessed with the activity of somebody else and they created in them an appetite and a hunger for something that God didn't have for them because you will never we will never figure out what God has for us if we are obsessed with what God has for everybody else did you hear what I just said we will never discover what God has for us if we are obsessed with what God has for everybody else and uh and I'm seeing this really manifests itself with a social media phenomenon and it's an incredible tool for connection incredible - for dissemination of information for the spreading of the gospel I get that but the backside is you can become so obsessed with what is happening in the life of everybody else that it creates an appetite in you for their life and not yours it got quiet right here it can cause people to confuse greatness and followers and conflate them as the same thing so Ezra said we want a king - and gods like you don't need a king you think that's what you want but you don't want we need a king - gods like you think that's what you want but you don't want it we need a king - you think that's what you want but you don't want so eventually God gets to the point where he does with them what he does with you and I when we will not learn from instruction God decides to teach us through experience he says okay since you now are calling into question the credibility of my character and my goodness and you feel like I'm keeping something from you and you feel like I'm restricting you I'm gonna do to you what the New Testament reveals the father of the prodigal son did to him and that is since you won't listen to me by instruction I'm gonna let you have Luke there it is what you think you won't and once you get it you're gonna try to send it back you're going to see you're gonna see that you have to learn that what feels like restriction is protection and so God gave Israel what they asked for and the king did exactly what God said he would do he ruled faithfully Samuel who was a judge picked his king named Saul Saul ruled faithfully for a season and then all of a sudden as Saul got elevated he got infected with a disease called arrogance yeah he got so arrogant check this out he got so arrogant he built the monument of himself while he was still alive he could have at least put it in the wheel and said when I die y'all build the monument I mean he said no I want to see this myself are y'all hearing me and I'm not gonna bother this but I feel like so often we focus on in Scripture how difficult difficulty is and difficulty is difficult but I also see in Scripture how difficult it is for people to maintain success and their spiritual commitment because when you look at Israel's story in the Old Testament they didn't do too well with success they get successful forget about God get in trouble call on God God bring them out they get successful forget about God get in trouble call on God God bring them out then they get successful forget about God get in trouble bring them out because the immature have to stay in crisis to stay committed God a'mighty the immature have to stay under pressure to pray because many people don't know how to evolve in their reliance upon God because maybe in the initial stages of their relationship with God they had to depend on God for things that they no longer have to depend on him for and they think because they have to depend on him differently that they don't need to depend on him at all so maybe in one season they they needed God for money maybe now they don't need money but you need them for your mind because it can't give you peace it can't give you a counsel it can't arrest your stress it can't give you a breakthrough it can't give you watch this it can't give you the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness it can't keep you in perfect peace and keep your mind stayed on him maybe we don't need them for a job but you need them for joy hallelujah don't get the degree on the wall and forget who got you through everybody graduated thank you lord you could be magna laude or summa laude but everybody graduated thank you Lord but most people don't know how to evolve in their reliance and the spiritual immaturity is sabotaging your own success God's like I want to elevate you but if I do I'll lose you this is custom because the only way you stay committed is in crisis so saw starts when God will tell him to do something he would do part of what God said and then he would inject his own opinion and so it got to the point where God said to Samuel who picks all he said all right I can't work with him anymore he's like what he's just yeah he says I can deal with people that aren't perfect but I can't deal with people I can't trust God can use people aren't perfect can't use people he can't trust he's got to be able to trust that his people are gonna do what he says so he says okay so I need to he said I need to pick another king samia's like what I got to go back I gotta start over I'm too old to start over I thought I was past this season in my life how am I in this season in my life starting over again is there anybody here that knows what it's like to start over in the area in a season in your life where you thought you'd be finishing like I'm starting over Sammy was like I thought my king pickin days were over I thought I'd begun doing stuff like this in this season of my life and all of a sudden he gets in this emotional space and he stays in a sunken place so long that in 1st Samuel 16 verse 1 God has to speak to him and say Samuel how long are you going to mourn over what I reject it now this is dope because God asks him the question the fact that God asks the question is an indication that Samuels morning isn't going to change God's mind God's like pouting works with your parents it may work with your man it may work with your girlfriend but it doesn't work with God God's like you cannot manipulate me with your mood I've rejected it I know you thought life was going to go that way I know you thought this is going to be your career I know your thought it's going to end up this way I've rejected that and the ex Samuel how long are you gonna more now when God asks a question he doesn't need an answer when God asks a question he's not asking a question because he needs to see something he asked a question because we need to see something he asks a question to help us see something we don't see y'all ready for this samuel was stuck in mourning for a long time but he didn't even know he was stuck so God has to ask them a question how long you're gonna be that way how long you gonna keep talking about if you had done this differently in 85 you'd be somewhere different now how how long yeah how long how long are you gonna beat yourself up over something you can't go back and fix life is not a Word document you can't delete it you got to work with what you're working with you got to believe that God can take your mess and turn it into a miracle you got to believe that God can take your mistakes and turn them into your ministry you got to believe that God can take your dumb decisions and use them to get you into destiny he says how long how long are you in the morning he says you can't fix it so this is what he tells him he says fill your horn with oil [Laughter] you didn't hear me and be on your way now the horn it was like some say a ram's horn doesn't say boy it doesn't matter it's a horn but they were used a horn and they would make sure it was how long the inside because that was an apparatus that they were used to hold the anointing oil and the anointing oil was all they were pour on people who occupied the office of a king a prophet or a priest and that anointing oil was a metaphor and a symbol number one of God's appointment it is it is it was a visible way of God saying I've appointed somebody to this particular office and it is also a visible sign of God's watch this assistance it is God's Way of saying not only am i appointing a person to do this I am assisting them in doing it I'm giving them my assistance I'm putting my super on their natural they can sing but I don't put them all on their singing they can preach but I'm gonna put some oil on their preaching they can serve and do business but I don't put some oil on it because they all makes all the difference did you hear what I just said it is the anointing the word the New Testament uses is Christ Christ is not Jesus's last name Christ means Anointed One and Jesus Oh y'all better catch this with Jesus ladies and gentlemen ascended to the Father he gave us the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit anoints us appoints us and assist us in doing a specific work and when you are knowing it you do it different hallelujah I know we don't do a lot of you I don't like to do a lot of this in church but will you just do it for me one time just look at somebody and tell them you look greasy telling that you look crazy it's some off on your life God has anointed you it's something different on you is something different about you when you do it you do it different cuz you've been anointed to do this hallelujah but he says take take it and go to Jesse's house y'all alright can I have five more minutes he said taking and go to Jesse's house in other words saw represents his past he said go to Jess house because my next king is there Jesse's house represents his future he says feel your horn were oil but it tells him where to take the oil because some people are progressing because you takin the all to the wrong place you wasting your oil on something that ain't going nowhere you wastin your oil trying to resurrect a life that God wants to keep in the grave you're trying to use all your talents to create something God does not want you to create you know this is tough because it attacks the myth that God exists to fulfill your dreams if God exists to fulfill your dreams you use in him no he uses you we don't use him this is what's crazy oh god says to Samuel is to go to Jesse's house but y'all ready for this now we know at Jesse's house he picks the next king which is David who defeated Goliath but God didn't tell Samuel to go pick David he said just go to Jesse's house David represents detail and God is telling Samuel I need you to move without detail because some of us don't want to move until God tell us all the details he said but if you'll get to Jesse's house I'll show you David if you'll get to Jesse's house I reveal to you the detail and David was a better king than song David was a better King than song David was a better King than song David was a better King than song because what's in front of you it's better than what's behind you you're David represents your future your song represents your past and David is a better king that solved and some people won't move on because you don't believe God can outdo himself in your future you see watch this see that was a day that was a day when I was in my 20s I would be preaching this thing a totally different way I'd be standing on it this way I'll be standing on a chair preaching right now I'll be standing on a chair hoopla and God's in touch you tell them I'll be see I'll have all the energy now oh yeah in my twenties I'll be standing on chairs now I got to sit in once they give me a minute let me I'll be back but just because my chair preaching days are behind me doesn't mean my best days are behind me I don't know who this is for but I want to tell you your youngest days might be behind you but that doesn't mean your best days are behind you because your David is better than your son and the enemy is trying to trick you into holding on to something in your past when God's getting ready to blow your mind with something in your future [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Sall represents the people's pic david represents God's pit saw represents what people thought they wanted David represents what they really needed because I don't care y'all about to make me preach I don't care what your dream is that you have for yourself God's pick for you it's always better than your pick for yourself eyes haven't seen your ears haven't heard [Applause] [Music] your heart has not conceived the great things that God has in store for those they love he will do exceedingly am I in the book abundantly above all you ask or think you send here tripping on this little dream you thinking about and God says what I want to do for you is beyond what you asked it are taken move on some song cheating yourself robbing yourself selling yourself short because you're in love with the inferior [Applause] if I didn't move on from soul I'd be in a courthouse now I'm in God's house [Music] I'll let y'all be seated I'm done here it is here it is the enemy understands the implications of not moving on from the life you thought you wanted and next week I'm gonna tell you how because you can't do this with willpower like that's not the way God's kingdom works he says we people who don't have relationship with God they do things with willpower the Bible says we don't wage war the way people of the world wage war so we don't do things that way we have power beyond our own will so next week I'm gonna teach you how I want to give you three reasons why you should move on from some move on from the life you thought you wanted number one I'm not saying this will happen but this can't happen if you don't move on from the life you thought you want to if we don't move on from the life we thought we wanted number one we can dip into depression now when I say depression I'm not talking about clinical or chemical depression right that's not my wheelhouse that is not my call and god raises up other people to deal with those issues that there are real psychological and physiological challenges that people have they didn't pick it they aren't weak sometimes there are chemical imbalances sometimes things are inherited sometimes we don't know what the origin of it is but just like we can inherit high cholesterol and diabetes and tendencies for all of these things some people struggle in that particular area it doesn't mean that they're weak in faith it doesn't mean that they don't love God and God knows it means that they don't it doesn't mean they need an exorcism but that's not what I'm talking about I'm talking about what dr. Archibald Hart calls who was the former dean of psychology at fuller seminary he calls situational depression well there is it no where there isn't a physiological or psychological or some chemical imbalance there where it's situation depression which is the state of sadness that is a result of a series of traumatic event like you'll have to have one big event sometimes you keep getting hit with something over and over and over and over and you wake up one day and you're in a state of sadness and you can't get out and that state dr. Hart says is a consequence of individuals in ability or unwillingness to accept your new normal [Music] it is an inability to accept this is my new norm I'm in my forties I hadn't had kids yeah that's my new normal I made mistakes in my life it set me back I'm not where I want to be that's a new normal a loved one that I wanted to be with it with here with me on earth forever is no longer here that's a new normal had to bury somebody I never thought I would have to bear that's a new normal somebody did something may have done something in a relationship to you broken your trust and you got to rebuild the trust and the relationship and it's a new normal [Music] and the enemy remember I taught this forever the enemy knows it's not what happens to you as the story you tell yourself and he wants the enemy wants to use those events those traumatic events to write a story for our future that's not true because what the enemy is subliminally telling us if I'm saying I can't be happy without this life amia was law school if I'm saying I can't be happy without law school that's me telling God you don't know what it takes to make me happy that's me telling God you not enough that's me telling God you're not the real source of my joy you and law school work and the enemy has been using this all throughout Scripture he used it in an Old Testament with a prophet named Elijah who dealt with situational depression this woman named Jezebel who was a woman of power she was manipulative she told imma kill you and he believed cuz she did she was able so he's he like oh my god and like nobody with me I'm alone and and he's asking God to take his life and God in first Kings 19 verse 5 sends a messenger and angel and Angelo's a messenger to him and says get up and eat for the journey before you is great get up and eat refuel replenish yourself eat restore yourself because the journey ahead of you is great meaning is long you got work to do it's miles in front of you you're not finished yet I'm not finished with you yet it ain't over for you yet your story has not been told yet get a eat and get up for the journey ahead of you is great not just great inulin great in quality that what I got ahead of you is great and maybe that's God's Word to us get up and eat for the journey ahead of you is great number two if we don't move on from the life we thought we wanted y'all we will avoid full engagement to engage means to throw yourself into to give your all to to occupy oneself with and when you've been disappointed you don't you don't engage the same you don't go out the stuff in life the same way have you ever have you ever gone to somebody's place to work and you like they don't wanna be here it could be that way in work it can be there in relationships to Canada you know you can be there and not all the way there it's like no I can't I can't fully engage I don't feel safe I've been through too much I can't I can't give you all of me and especially when you've tried to accomplish things in life and it doesn't work then you don't go at it with the same vigor you go at it half-heartedly and when you go at it half-heartedly it means something is took your heart or you're hiding it because some stuff we survived but it took your heart you don't have that same you survive but you lost something you don't even think it's thing still you don't even think it's still possible you think your mistakes are sovereign you think it's over [Music] and the enemy wants us to go and stuff have hard it because he knows we're violating a biblical principle called the law of sowing and reaping you can't mock God you're not gonna get a for your best result with a half-hearted effort he knows you're robbing yourself of your best result because you only get your best when you throw your full self into it every part of Jesus's body was touching the cross because purpose requires all of you and one of the best ways to get over a hard pass is to create an amazing future yeah I gotta go there's a man in the Bible named Joseph who had a hard pass and in Genesis chapter 41 he gets married and when he gets married in Genesis chapter 41 verse 15 it says before the years of a famine came two sons were born to Joseph and Joseph named his firstborn son Manasseh and said it is because God has made me forget all of my trouble in my father's household so you can give birth to something in your future that's so amazing that you forget all about the trouble in your past because the way to get over a bad pass is to create an amazing future but you can't do it if you don't fully engage I'm done I'm gonna say this and then Freight a benediction we out of here and number three if we don't move on from salt we can forfeit our favor what's the favor of God that is unexplainable undeserved preferential treatment it's seen in John 5 like when Jesus goes to this pool where there's a bunch of sick people and he steps over everybody and walks up to one man and acts this one man do you want to be made whole he acts one person out of everybody there do you want to be made whole he picked one that's favor somebody somebody might be thinking well that's wrong he should have picked everybody not if no no he shouldn't pick everyone if no one deserved it see that's that's read in the scripture with a hermeneutic Elizab entitlement where you feel like we're entitled no he Jesus wasn't wrong nobody deserved anything and so you can look at your life and you can see what God stepped over others and picked you well some people went through the same thing you went through and it didn't turn out as well for them as it did for you that's the favor of God and favor should not lead to arrogance favor should lead to appreciation people who understand favor become Prazeres I don't deserve it but he did it but God gives favor to accomplish what he wants for your life not what you wanted for so why would God give favor to somebody who's made a decision to stand still famous for your future and some people who wonder where's my favorite see all these things happening favorite where's my favorite your favorite is in your future [Music] your favors on the other side of you yes and I know somebody hears this message they say pastor Daris man it just seems so unfair so wrong that you know I can have a life I won't in I'm not saying that there may be some aspects of your life but you that God will fulfill your expectations and exceed them but I'm telling you the life he picks for you is better than a life you pick for yourself and I'm telling you my Bible teaches me that there are times where you have to offer up your eyes at your dream and he gives you a better one something that makes you happier and you want to be like Jesus right but he had to give up his the father told him I'm only gonna give you 33 years on earth if you if you older than 33 you live longer than Jesus and for some of you to talking about you to Yong what's your Excuse [Music] Jesus changed the world at 33 33 changed the world 33 yes gotta say Lord if it's possible for me to go do this another way I want to but not my will your will be done and because he gave God history the Father has highly exalted him and given him a name that's above every other name that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow and every tongue will confess and if you'll give up God will raise you up because his dream for you is better than your dream for yourself I want to pray for you as we go I'm gonna pray the benediction in this final prayer but I'm getting ready to pray I know there are a lot of times we pray for people to hold on I'm getting ready to pray for grace to come over in your life to let go I'm praying for grace to accept your new normal I'm praying for grace for you to stop wasting time fighting with God you're not going to win and you're gonna look up and you're gonna be at the latter season in your life and you're gonna be saying I wish I had surrendered a long time ago I'm getting ready to pray that you wave the white flag now next week I'm gonna teach you how but if you're not willing to loose your grip you're not ready for next week's revelation I'm praying that God will give you a grace to let go your David is better than your Saul trust me I promise you God knows what he's doing I don't care if your highest-earning days are behind you I don't care if your most popular days are behind you I don't care if your most youthful days are behind you that does not mean your best days are behind you David is better than solid glory to God [Applause] so father I pray right now for everyone in this room who needs this word for everyone who feels like you are talking specifically to them I ask you in the name of Jesus to give them the grace to let go pry their grip off of the old and help them to open their heart in their hands to the new we declare David is better than Saul and father we pray that you help us overcome our obsession with our past and help us to not consider the things that are behind us the things of all to behold a new thing you're doing I pray for the grace to let go and I pray as they give up that you will show up I pray for Supernatural opportunities to come to your people as confirmation that your God that's faithful to his word and you do what you say confirm for them that David is better than salt in the name of Jesus I pray for those whose hearts are so hurt that it makes them hard for them to receive makes it hard for them to receive this revelation I pray that you would heal the broken places of their heart that disappointment where the enemy has taken their heart give them their heart back Jesus do it in Jesus name I'm afraid not only for those that in this room before the person that clicked on YouTube or the app or whatever Avenue de to receive this word that that they would receive this word as your revelation for them that they were know in this moment you are speaking to them and helping them let go now God as we prepare to leave this place today may we not leave your presence bless us keep us cause your face of favor to shine upon us be gracious to us protect us provide for us and grant us peace this is my prayer for your life in Jesus name a man have a great week I'll see you Sunday morning well what's up everybody hey don't turn me off I know how it is I just want to thank you for watching this message from our series called moving on there are some entrances that are determined by how well you make some exits I hope this bless you if it did I want to encourage you to do two things one I want you to share it with someone text it to them email it to them we're blessed to be a blessing and two if you're not already subscribed to this channel subscribe so that you can be in the know about all the content that we're releasing right here on this incredible vehicle called YouTube and if you are in the Orlando Florida area I want to encourage you to join us we recently planted a campus there change Orlando I'm live it used to be Sunday nights now it is Saturday Night Live Saturday at 5:30 p.m. listen late enough for you to have your whole day early enough for you to have the rest of your night I want you to join us there and if you're anywhere in Pennsylvania New York New Jersey join us at our change Church locations on a Sunday morning it's incredible God's doing some incredible things I'll see you next time take care
Channel: Dharius Daniels TV
Views: 572,755
Rating: 4.9139404 out of 5
Keywords: dharius Daniels, change church, td jakes, Steven furtick, ed young, John gray, levi lusko, eric the hip hop preacher thomas, devon franklin, toure roberts, michan carter, jamal bryant, rich wilkerson jr, chad veach, chris durso, carl lentz, judah smith, dr. matthew stevenson, gary vee, tony gaskins, keion henderson, joel osteen, dave ramsey, john maxwell, bill hybels, trent shelton, mike todd, criag groeschel, pastor chris hodges
Id: zg0-nU6g2Hw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 16sec (2836 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2019
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