What Are Some Offscreen Secrets Of Reality TV? (r/AskReddit)

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redditors who have been on a reality TV show what are some of the off-screen secrets we aren't supposed to know I worked for a bakery that was on and won Cupcake Wars the premise of the show is to surprise the Baker's with a few more often than not odd ingredients and see what they're really made of in reality we found out the ingredients a few months before the show had we not known there's no doubt we'd have lost there are definitely people who thrive under pressure both in performance and creativity and they have better things to do with their time than crank out cupcakes for Food Network tell an unprepared contestant they have 40 minutes to make a delicious cupcake using tater tots and nine times out of 10 you'll have a middle-aged woman sobbing into her mixing bowl that lady is usually my mom met someone on a plane once who was on house hunters after she purchased her new house the show came and taped her viewing that house then they took her to two other houses to make it seem like she was going to pick between the three in reality she had bought a house before they even taped the show must be why they always get the house they pick instead of getting outbid by someone else I've known the Long Island mediums family since kindergarten a lot of the minor plot is scripted and the house is not in a cul-de-sac like it appears in the intros a friend of mine was on that old MTV show next one guy four girls she was the first date off a bus she's really pretty and a super cool girl she and the guy hit it off and he offered her the second date or whatever she accepted but then the producers asked her to get back on the bus because they didn't get a good shot of her coming out of the bus originally she went back on waited for action when she came off the second time the guy yelled next I have been to Carlo's Bakery the bakery from Cake Boss while there we learned that the wedding they were filming in Italy was completely faked and they never actually got married kind of ruined the whole experience for me I live five blocks away buddy is never there unless he's filming a commercial my uncle played a local Native American historian on Syfy's girls he didn't know crap about the Native Americans of that area and only lived around there for about eight years he just passed away but our family got a hoot out of seeing mb/s through some TV by auditioned for the voice last year and it is a horribly long process I was at the audition site for more than five hours but the strangest part is that they put you in two rooms by genre even if you don't sing that genre so an incredibly talented pop singer won't get in because they were placed in a country genre room it's pretty odd that is odd I auditioned for the voice as well last year and they didn't do the genre thing we just stood in line for like six hours and then got grouped in rooms of like eight random people I used to work in reality TV almost everything is planned ahead of time TV is expensive to make and no one has the time or money to make an entire show of real moments some shows are more real than others cop follow shows are usually pretty authentic anything with celebrities is probably all fake most dramatic phone conversations are fake I did voiceover once as a nurse calling with bad news if you want a free wedding sign up for a wedding show with a host they have a reputation to uphold so they are invested in giving you a good event and you could get a lot of free stuff out of it cut I'm sorry officer but you were in our light when Darryl threw his crack pipe at you them dove over the fence we're going to need him to put his pants back on then shoot the sequence again oh and Darryl this time when you get taste try to scream a lot more really get into the moment my cousin went on Judge Judy once sued her ex bf for something or other and the producers told her things like make sure you tell her right away as the other person is lying don't wait until she asks you and don't make eye contact with her it makes her mad having seen the show she knew better and ignored everything they said she won but not after being berated by Judge Judy for being a liar even though she had all the evidence needed I was called to be on a show like that I bought a lemon car and somehow a TV show got hold of my court filing they probably figured it would be dramatic TV since the seller was a friend of the family but freak that the last thing I want is to get told off on TV finally I have a story when I was 14 I applied to one of those own Mackay / shows although this show was just a room first off all the application process is crazy first you have to write in then you have to make an individual video and then a video with your whole family before they finally call you to tell you they asked if you can set up a camera or something which totally ruins the surprise then once chosen you have to leave home for like a week on your own dime luckily this coincided with my spring break so I didn't miss any school at the start I Dida consultations with the designers that lasted all of two minutes in reality it took forever to film because we had to keep repeating stuff and kept being asked the same very leading questions they put up all these lights to make the rooms much brighter than they actually are also the pieces you still attach the lights are still on our ceiling not sure how why the entire time I was on camera I was being told what to do I was definitely more of an alternative kid but they put me in this preppy little skirt and braids and told me to be super overexcited about everything I will say though the reveal is very authentic I loved what they did the sad part though is that because of time and budget restraints a lot of the amazing stuff doesn't last long for instance they made me this huge beautiful custom desk if the wood was never finished just painted and it started chipping off after like a year also my curtains which I didn't have before were basically stapled in place and they don't actually move overall an interesting experience and hey I got some free stuff out of it which was nice cause my family was poor a friend of mine tried out for American Idol and she said it always seemed like the people wait than they get their big shot in front of the TV judges in reality it's a ton of steps and hours of waiting to go through loads of intermediate judges who decide if you're either TV material the insane or terrible people or actually good enough to move on I was once profile don't show where they interviewed me on camera and also shot a lot of b-roll shots of me doing stuff first of all the interview lady couldn't have cared less about me until the word action then she was all concerned looking and acting like she was my best friend camera off back to business then for the b-roll they made me do all kinds of things to look sad even though I was not sad at all they made me well not like forced me but you know wanted me to wring my hands and look off into the distance they actually said now wring your hands and look off into the distance it was clear I was a pawn in their production plans didn't care for the experience I was on a tattoo reality show it wasn't necessarily planned but I had to redo some scenes like the introduction and follow-up interview everything else was authentic I was on Antiques Roadshow which I suppose is a reality show of sorts it's actually pretty legit but considering its PBS that shouldn't be surprising the main thing you don't realize is how long you wait in lines your ticket has a time on it to help control when you arrive so foot traffic isn't bad you get there and wait for about an hour in line at the front of the line you get your items checked each person gets two and these tickets direct you to the next line you need to stand in I had a watch in some art so I had tickets for the time peace and Asian art line after the first hour and a half of waiting you ate in the main room basically how the setup works is that there's a small circle of banners and tables in the middle of the room which obscure the outside where all of the lines are directed everything is filmed in the middle of that room you go through the line and when you get to the front an appraiser looks at your item if they like it they go and talk to the producer to see if they'll film if they film you're taken to a small back room where they've got makeup and might make adjustments to your clothing like if you're wearing a branded shirt they'll make you change but they actually advise you to went youthful clothing if you're coming to the show then they do the interview after you sign the release if your item is valuable they actually have security escort you out to your car all in all it was pretty efficient and none of it seemed fake it took a really long time about five hours of mostly standing in lines I'm so glad to hear it isn't horribly fake I love Antiques Roadshow veneer my family was on the Food Network for our restaurant once pretty much the entire process is fake the producers faked scenarios so that there could be more drama and suspense in the episode even the portrayal of one day was actually spaced weeks apart having my family members come dressed in the same outfit so that it seemed it was all in the same day I don't know if any of you watched till remember the short-lived reality show my life as Liz but I was on it as an extra for a couple episodes the first season followed her as an awkward teenager who despises preps and going to high school in Texas the second season followed her when she moved to Brooklyn New York to pursue art history in college this is where I come in my private art school Pratt Institute surprisingly relished in the fact that MTV was going to be filming on campus and even allowed them to recruit extras from the student body I think all they were thinking about was exposure what I didn't know is that these extras were cast as her filler friends and the crew was only allowed permission to film outside of academic buildings the friends that had got chosen let it completely consume them I also knew Liz personally and every time she saw me she never remembered my name because I never had a speaking role needless to say I was really disappointed in how fake the show actually was the majority of it was scripted and it was supposed to show what going to art school was really like their portrayal of it was completely and realistic and the scenes of her in class were shot in a completely different location it frustrated me to think teenagers were going to watch this and think I want to move to New York and live a life like this you don't because it is nothing like it is on TV most extras didn't get compensated for their time either I'm glad I finally got to get this off my chest my friend was on x-factor he says that off camera all Simon Cowell would do a smoke cigs and do push-ups haven't been on a show but worked in TV lighting lighting takes forever there are literally hours between takes if there aren't then the lighting was set up beforehand that means that the stars have to stand in a very specific location during those impromptu scenes they aren't impromptu you at all I saw one episode of The Bachelor where the couple decided to make out Frick in the shower it was one of those tub showers with the curtain while the curtain was a translucent white with a purple tinted light behind so that the silhouettes could be seen in the act this was the worst example of a staged scene I have ever seen in a reality show I mostly do concerts but got to do my first movie last year got called in as a specialist to programme DMX for a dance scene two freakin days for a 15 minute portion of the movie I was on the reality TV show wife swap almost five years ago I was 11 at the time and my mom got switched to Arizona anyway there are really no behind-the-scenes secrets most of it is manipulated in editing to make things more dramatic and twist our words around but our behind the scenes thing that is awesome as they buy you pretty much any food you want I was uncommon with me pretty big in the UK the Basildon all in one special I was the dude who cooks chips cheese and gravy for shoots and gigs Dave lamb the narrator doesn't write his own stuff people will only search your room if you want them to find stuff arguments are encouraged and if anything is missed by the cameras it has to be played out again a second time sometimes the camera cruel prompts you to do certain things at certain times for example guests didn't like me cracking my knuckles which when tapped on the shoulder I was told to perform I have a friend who used to frequently see filming of Jersey Shore live because he was from Jersey but he says that they have scripts hanging above the camera and it's not really real what is this blesser for me I was on the show Trading Spaces family on TLC if you haven't seen it basically you switch houses with a neighbor for a couple days and remodel one of the rooms in their house with a one thousand dollar budget a designer and a shared carpenter on screen they show just the families working bid behind the scenes there's like six - ten other people that come in the room to expedite the process that's his painting also the catering was delicious and delivered right to the kitchen and I was a fat little kid was in a club when breaking Amish law was being filmed in Vegas real bottom-of-the-barrel reality TV anyway the producers gave them the alleged Amish tons of booze and brought girls over to their table the alleged Amish danced like fricking idiots and at one point danced with one of the go-go dancer type club employees it was at the now-defunct adei CT at the Palazzo so there were tons of people dressed in shocking and very suggestive outfits I'd love to give you juicy details but it was not all that exciting signed the release to be on TV and never even bothered watching the episode to see if I made it into the show can't be more fake than Amish mafia approximately 80% of reality shows are made in post-production entire storylines are created literally from found footage mixed with what is called frank and bites which is where interviewed lines are created from pieces of a bunch of different interviews so we can make anyone say anything we want also little fun fact if a cast member is a dong to the field producers while shooting the editors will back up their team and make that cast member look worse when it comes to editing source I'm a reality TV editor I was on an episode of a show where people hunt for houses internationally they film the show after the people have already bought the house they just take everything out and have them walk through it like it's the first time they've seen it also if you're watching and see any personal effects ctc it's automatically not gonna be the house or apartment they get producers by default pick the winners they want footage fairness in competition is not an issue two minute challenge you won the money in seconds but it was boring you can have the money but do it again if you win again pretend like it's the first time if you lose pretend like you're devastated you will get the money anyway your time is running out time had already run out but the contestant was popular with producers you did it you did it you won are you excited you beat the two-minute mark actual elapsed time four minutes and 45 seconds you're lost but it was boring try again if you win and the footage is better then you get the money have a do-over our setup has ruined this girl's chances should we give her a do-over answer number she's not fun to watch anyway a person wins $50,000 in the pilot the series is shot with a new host bring back the pilot contestant again I don't know if they got the original $50,000 in addition to the money they won in the series shoot our lawsuit still hasn't settled from the last show we produced executive producer get the cheapest of everything cheap props don't tell other crew if we buy one group lunch make them buy their own lunch keep lunch a secret cheap production cut costs drug addicts cruel desperate they will work cheaper shot Emir helicopter I don't feel like driving to location in Long Beach I was on Kitchen Nightmares with my friends and family we ate on the before day nothing at our table was fake but I don't know about the kitchen scenes never watched the episode we did get our food for free because we complained though it was really crappy the waiter seemed pretty nervous in front of all of the cameras though also they just told us not to look at the cameras when they came by I did briefly meet Chef Ramsay when I was taking out the trash for the store I worked at which was next to the restaurant he was smoking a cigarette it was pretty cool I just said hey chef and walked away because I didn't want to disturb him he said hey back I was once a referee for WWE all of the wrestling you see is staged all of it as many here have already stated the reality part is pretty minimal very heavily scripted the director would tell us to do things and if she didn't like what she got she'd have us do it again some notes of interest they only had one camera so for competitions they actually started each team at a different time so they could film us starting then edited it together to look like it was all simultaneous same for finished times the entire season was shot in five days even though episodes released weekly and they tried to make it look like a whole week had passed one day they even had us bring a change of clothes so they could shoot two episodes they were constantly trying to get us to bad-mouth the other teams but everybody really liked each other hours of b-roll footage and they would only use the five seconds where you finally give up and say something kind of vaguely negative after they've been badgering you the whole interview you have been visited by the dojo beer master comment delicious so you always have beer in your life if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit reality tv, askreddit reality, reddit tv shows, askreddit tv, reality tv
Id: tSqUEB2BhmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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