The Sad Truth Behind Reality TV Shows (r/AskReddit)

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serious people who have been guests on reality shows such as remodeling weight loss pawn shows what really went on I worked on one of the final extreme home makya versus the 7 in 7 episode where we built seven houses in seven days in joplin MO after a huge tornado wiped out a lot of the city the construction crews were all run by local general contractors and their teams donating their own time which was really awesome none of the hosts did any of the real work they just did a few things for cameras Ty Pennington was a huge doubter bagand ever he only came out of his lavish tour-bus for a few minutes at a time to shoot his scenes the week of the shoot he went and got belligerent drunk at a bar in town and made an ass of himself oh yeah and the house I was working on was framed with 8d nails I wasn't part of the framing crew inspector never said anything I was on judge judy back in 2010 our case was real and handpicked by the the production team we had to pull the case from real court in order to go on her show the decision of who wins and loses is made up before you even walk into the courtroom set the audiences all actors paid to sit there judge was wearing jeans and slippers under her robe also she's incredibly quiet in real life as in I had to really strain to hear her all in all I got a paid three day vacation to LA and stayed in a decent hotel I also got paid to be on the show and when I lost a show paid the other guy for me pretty amazing really I was on homes on homes in the second season we had our weird Cement bullshit floor replaced with granite the crew were very nice and almost everything was authentic with two exceptions work took about two and a half weeks and they presented it as being a two-day job and Holmes didn't do much work on our place not for lack of ability but simply because he was busy as hell his crew were great and he chipped in and led where he could we paid for materials but the labor was free my family won a kitchen Mackay ever from the Martha Stewart show they said they sent us on vacation for the last week of construction but in reality we stayed home and ate in our base the whole time they filmed us driving up the street had us change our shirts and then filmed us getting back back from the airport can't complain though the kitchen was nice edit just to be clear we were never promised a vacation we were aware it was just something they were telling the audience because it sounded much nicer than we made the meet in their basement it actually wasn't bad eating in our basement for a while but I can understand how that sounds bad I was on what not to wear Emma I will say the hours were really long and they don't make you throw everything away also Clinton Kelly was one of the nicest people I have ever met went above and beyond to help me get clothes that worked even staying on off-camera at the 15th hour of a day to get the right pants Stacy was nice too the weirdest things were the up-close reshoots if you pointed at anything while being filmed they become an afterword and do an up close of your hand doing the motion we learned towards the end to just stop pointing throw away and probably too late for anybody to see this I was a contestant on Survivor Pearl Islands for the most part nothing is really scripted although obviously it's cut way out of order for dramatic effect I learned you can always tell by the pimples that appear and disappear on contestants from scene to scene some people are surprised that we were provided toilet paper and tampons plus a spot to shit and throw away the paper which was good because most people had to get up to blast a diarrhea dump at least three times a day from eating rice cooked in stagnant filth water no matter how much they boiled that water it still tasted earthy and had grains of dirt in it I don't know if this counts but I'll answer anyway I was on the MTV game show the substitute that was structured as a reality show the premise was that some students were in class expecting a substitute teacher and surprised the substitute each of the school hired is actually the host of a game show and the students participate in it well as you can imagine this was complete bullshit we found out that we had a chance to be on the show about three months before filming and every student over 18 in my high school was allowed to apply for a chance to be on it out of the 200 or so people that applied they picked 60 enough for three episodes we had to sign a bunch of contracts and non-disclosure agreements leading up to the actual filming and then when the day came to film we piled onto buses and drove to a sketchy little studio in Manhattan filming of the three episodes took about eight hours total and all in all it was an absolute blast but everything was completely manufactured if our reactions weren't good enough then we refilmed the segment and the director would come out and tell us what to do the host would introduce one of the questions in size separate ways and they would pick the best one also we were told to laugh at every single joke no matter how cheesy ten tenths would totally do again but zero percent of it is actual reality I remember the room had element of like five different subjects in it there were atlases hung on the wall next to biology staff also there were so many lights there was no ceiling to the room we were in just dozens of stage lights I went on a show called the year of making love where we filled in an exam to scientifically match us up with our ideal partner it studied our likes dislikes and what we looked for in a partner we all had to drive up to Birmingham or someplace and there was 1000 people 500 women 500 men split into genders we sat on each side of a hall when numbers would be called up and a man and woman would walk onto a stage meet and walk off down the aisle my one didn't show up I'm sure it will be disappointing and not at all surprising to hear that Antiques Roadshow is pretty much like it looks a dusty crap was not selected for a special segment but we did have our R items appraised they filmed the segment's right out in the middle of where everyone is lined up waiting so you get to see it unfold the one thing that they don't show is how much research the appraisers do I mean sometimes they'll say on TV I did some research or I consulted with colleagues but I think most times a viewer might come away with the impression that the appraisers clap eyes on a piece and immediately understand its significance but generally they have elapsed some reference books to turn to as well as memberships on the fine arts auction sites which show prices realized in previous sells also I was a volunteer on a short-lived McKeever show called school pride where they renovated public schools I work several days slash nights at the Detroit area school that they made over I don't know if it was because the show was new or what but it did not seem very organized and a lot of the student volunteers on site didn't have enough to do because no one had a plan for them I think they must have made a monster effort in the last few days when the segment aired they showed some very industrious looking work sessions and those weren't going on at all when I was there nice people though I'm not sure the producer on site ever got much sleep my high school was on a couple of episodes of MTV made the girl wanted to become more popular and the prom queen MTV put on a shitload of different events in her name to encourage us to vote for her what MTV didn't show was that the reason she was unpopular wasn't because she was overweight or in the band or anything though both were true she was unpopular because she was a giant bitch like insanely rude and bitchy needless to say she did not win prom queen to their credit the show didn't try to reshoot it to make it look like she won or anything I was on American Ninja Warrior all in all it's legit the crowd reactions are often from different run / times the crowd noise may be doctored here and there the order of the runs may be changed and the commentary may be redubbed but that's all minor TV stuff that's expected everyone that worked on the show was incredibly nice it's clearly a TV show more than a pure athletic competition but that doesn't detract from it in any way in my opinion 10 tenths would keep watching late to the party hear that I have a relevant story I live near Detroit and had an old days own generating air purifier called a home as an for sale on Craigslist that I had picked up at a garage sale because it looked cool I got a call from a production company in California that asked if I would be interested in a on hardcore porn the shop is only a few miles from my house for a chance to sell my item they offered me $50 for my appearance and I could keep any money that was offered by the shop I decided to accept so they gave me a date and time to show up the place was packed because they shoot the whole season in a couple days then fly back to California first I did a brief interview with the camera outside the shop about what I was bringing and how much I wanted for it then I was ushered inside where they took my item and told me to wait until I was called up after browsing for a while I was cooled up by one of the assistants and they brought me to the counter where the main guy lay gold with the ponytail was standing we talked for a bit and he asked me about where I was from and explained how the bartering would work once the introductions were out of the way the cameras go on and he put on his TV character he seemed like a real nice guy when we were talking but a little sleazy when in character mainly the bartering process consisted of him making gay jokes about the name of my purifier and insinuating that I may be a homosexual he made me an offer for $5.00 and I turned it down then went on my way with the $50 from the production company I don't have cable so I have never watched the show but my parents watch it and have not seen me on it yet I was on made an MTV show about turning nerds into pickup artists slash charming people slash whatever term suits your fancy well technically rather I was at a party being hosted for the main star of the show my family and I happened to be vacationing at the Atlantis Resort in Nassau an island in the Bahamas when we heard about MTV hosting this party and fifteen-year-old me figured it would be fun to go as I walked through the entrance to the party I saw a pretty girl on a seat in the corner I asked her what she was doing and she said something along the lines of they asked me to wait here from being at the party and later watching on TV I learned that this was the girl that the star of the show got to go on a date with in other words MTV spoon-fed a date to a guy on a show about how to get a date I can't blame the girl for a ring to it she got to be on TV and all she had to do was go to a nice dinner by the dolphin enclosure with a fat nerd not the most exciting thing in the world but confirmed to me that yes reality TV is as fixed as everyone believes when I was 10 I was on this show the f-word my mum put in an application to be taught how to cook this was one of the ten minutes things aged within the episode as a sidestep because she was getting lazy and we'd always just buy takeaways law she got accepted and it was the most fun day Gordon Ramsay and his crew and him showed up one morning and spent the day with us we lived in a tiny flat without a dining table so they bought a beautiful one with them and let us keep it after as well as lots of other goodies but apart from that he was such a wonderful guy to us and when Gordon had finished teaching my mum how to cook paella we all sat down at the table my mum Timm me one of my mum's friends and ate it all together and discussed random shit for like an hour while the crew packed everything up I know the episode is on YouTube but I really can't remember the episode Alf I was some time could prob find it it was 12 years ago though we had a copy but it was misplaced while moving I do have a picture of him my mum and I though such a great guy did the home Matty ever show when it was in Philly the neighbours make out great some of the neighbours were sent away on trips too so we could take over their yards for storage and setting up a cabinet shop they also received free furniture and the surrounding neighbourhood can go to the hospitality area and eat some free food but as other have stated the construction is horrible they use leaf blowers and hair dryers to get the joint compound to dry faster after the show aired the bed that could lower into the floor was permanent disabled because someone could get crushed under it house was robbed a week after the show aired and the family ended up moving five years later which I heard is the amount of time you agree to not sell the house is a condition of being on the show I realize I'm late to the party but my family's house was featured on a season of this old the biggest thing in terms of what really went on is that we very cautious and rightly so about the promise of any free stuff unlike some other shows on this old house we paid the full price for them to do the construction basically on a contractor basis but the show does have certain materials that get donated as part of advertising sponsorship relationships now when that stuff is donated it's free for the show but it gets taxed as a gift to the people receiving it i.e us so my parents were very cautious in terms of working with an accountant and particularly at the design stage to make sure that what the architect was proposing wouldn't bankrupt us some of the previous old houses had had some horror stories that we'd heard rumors about on that front the advantage from our perspective wasn't that it was any cheaper it was that a the contractor team was exceptionally good and be that everything would get done on time and that was certainly worth it as for the reality aspect well I don't think this old house tries to go in for the drama as much as the other reality shows but they did feed my parents lines about the construction my parents are not DIY people so when they are talking about switches and wood grain and all this other stuff that was fed to them all in all a great experience and we are still in touch with some of them Roger cook in particular is awesome
Channel: ToadFilms
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Keywords: sad, truth, sad truth, reality tv, reality tv shows, shows, tv, truth behind reality tv shows, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, Updoot Reddit, TZ Reddit
Id: ahNJXvAujVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2019
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