I fell in love with my teacher, but someone had to ruin it all... (A movie-worthy r/ProRevenge tale)

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welcome to another episode of our slash Pro revenge entitled gossipy which sabotages my totally legal romantic relationship with my former teacher ruins her career and runs us both out of town how about I destroy yours and your entire family's whole life lady insert obligatory throwaway account explanation it applies I come from a really small town think of the littlest most nothing happens here city extended layover in your flyover state nightmares and my home town is even more quiet than that think half a mile or more between neighbors a single Main Street downtown one McDonald's one department store one movie theater with three screens where everyone goes Friday and Saturday night church every Sunday everyone knows everyone else or at least knows their business the whole city is invested in the fortunes of the high school football team that sort of place graduating class of 60 not because the senior class was dumb it was just a tiny high school I didn't really fit in at school and kind of was a loner by choice I cringe about it now that I'm almost 26 but I was a wannabe emo goth rocker I still got invited to party with the other kids not because they liked me necessarily but because there just wasn't many people to invite my mom baked cookies and cakes for church and when she wasn't doing that she cut hair in the town's one salon my dad owned an internet cafe for a while windows were hot once everyone even in our little nowhere town got Wi-Fi he turned it into a tack service business is always slow because most people did their own taxes but he didn't really depend so much on his business he served 20 years as a petty officer in the Navy and so he and mom got by on his pension in high school I worked at the private burger place that competed mostly unsuccessfully against the town's single chain fast food restaurant my boss always told me I should ask my mom to cut my hair to stop looking like a dang girl thanks old man so with all this boredom everywhere you can imagine the sensation miss amber Fontaine caused when the high school hired her to be the 11th and 12th grade English teacher miss Fontaine was a French extraction and had moved to America in her later teens to go to college in New York she was only 24 and very beautiful she spoke perfect English but did so with a very pleasant accent obviously all the guys loved her and lots of women hated her she appeared oblivious to all the attention however and just stuck to her job really we didn't know too much about her she mostly kept to herself and nobody ever saw her hanging out with any men in town and it wasn't for lack of the men's trying it soon became clear that she wasn't into dating any of them in our city had to offer much later on I found out that she had just taken the job in our small town to gain experience with a future goal of being a college professor in a big city a sort of two-year plan obviously I had a crush on her we all did it was and still is a small church-going town so nobody really acted out on his urges or tried to harass her or anything like that as guys we talked about how hot she was amongst ourselves usual locker room stuff teenage boys do but that was it my one real out of school experience with miss Fontaine was when she stopped by the burger joint I worked at and saw me working there she told me I had a nice smile and that she wished I smiled more because in school I was always frowning because I was in my emo everything sucks face when the food prep has came up with her food and handed it to me to give to her I was impressed and not at all surprised that she ordered a salad she didn't strike me as someone who ate the greasiest slop we sold there in school the following Monday she smiled at me in the hall and I smiled back then she said you're learning but not in a condescending or patronizing way just a fun kidding way and I exchanged a smile with her every time after that and that was the extent of my great highschool romance with miss Fontaine exchanged a few hellos and smiles during my senior year when I was 17 things change the follow year though I was 18 and still working at the burger joint when miss Fontaine comes by the restaurant oh hey Opie she says and asks with real seriousness are you going to college I tell her the truth I'm working with my band I cringe about this period in my life - playing guitar and saving money for Community College only sort of truth about the last thing honestly most of my money I spent on weed and ecstasy I was the main vocalist in addition to being guitarist and our bands only other members were Jerry the bassist and gave the drummer both of them were just out of high school like me and like me they had no plans to go to college Gabe worked at the same burger joint as me and Jerry who had been one of my best friends in high school ironically worked at the chain fast-food restaurant down the street from my restaurant our lives at this time revolved around wasting our youth skateboarding getting high and playing in our punk band we like to think that we played an emo Punk metal fusion but looking back our sound hasn't aged well miss Fontaine tells me that now that she's in her second year of teaching she has a better sense of how to do things she tells me that she wished that her current students were as well-behaved and put in as much effort as me I learned mediocre grades throughout school but consistently earned an A in English because I like to read she says she'll see me around a few days later she comes into the restaurant again and we get to talking and she asks me if I'd like to go to a movie I can tell she's bored because there's really no one her own age for her to hang out with in town or if there are they're all lame I think we both get the feeling that it's natural we should hang out and now that I was completely out of high school and she wasn't my teacher and we were both adults by this time I was newly 18 and she had just turned 25 why not so that's how it started we'd meet up in the early evenings totally innocent and go to the movies bought to dinner at the one good restaurant in town miss Fontaine was cool about letting me slide when it came to paying for our dates because she knew I made minimum wage it was actually me who started to push our relationship to the next level after a while I started to hold her hand when we walked places and finally we started kissing never in front of anyone she taught me a lot of French words and phrases over the next summer and fall while we were going out my parents knew I was sort of dating my former teacher but since it was keyword former they didn't really raise any stink about it miss Fontaine would always try to convince me to go to college but she did see our band play a few times when we got a rag at the roller rink and she was nice enough to not tell us what she really thought of a seller well we didn't have sex until we had been dating casually for nearly two months that was my idea too but she admitted that she really liked me and she wanted it to happen ever since we reconnected earlier that year after I had graduated I'm not the kiss-and-tell type but my band made sort of knew that the dynamic and my relationship with miss Fontaine she had been amber ever since we first made out had changed they appeared cool with it I stopped doing so much dope and really began putting money away to save for college the JC near my house was super cheap amber would often tell me she thought about applying there for work but said that she really wanted to move to the west coast or back to the East Coast to teach at a college eventually she told me she'd like me to come with her after a few months I was in love with Amber and she was in love with me too he said we didn't throw our relationship in people's faces or show public affection but it's not like we pretended not to know each other either and they had come around the house and my parents really liked her and thought she was a great influence on me I didn't exactly cut my hair but I was neater and more presentable and eventually I really did begin enrolling in GE classes at the local 2-year but things went downhill fast out of seemingly nowhere amber got called in for a meeting with the local school board this is my secondary account of the situation as amber was the one there not me there had been reports that she was dating a former student romantically they were talking about me and that she was having a sexual relationship with said student when he was still a minor and still attending high school of course she denied everything of course they believe nothing she had sent me a desperate text and since ours is a small town I think I've mentioned that a couple of times already I was at that meeting in literally ten minutes I told them the truth that I was in miss Fontaine's class in twelfth grade and that I was her student that was all I told the truth that we reconnected several months after graduation and only then did we begin dating and I was over 18 the opinion of the board was essentially looks some we appreciate the noble effort you're making to defend your friends honor but we're looking for the truth here not emissions I insisted that I was telling the truth and not trying to cover anything up after a lot of tears amber was simply warned that it wasn't becoming of a teacher to be seen with students outside campus even if they are former students and we assumed that was all we were really wondering who complained about us or who would make up tales about us having sex while I was still a minor and a student of Amber's I was staying at Amber's apartment by this time I kicked in a portion of the rental course I had even met her parents albeit only on webcam they're good people they don't speak a lot of English but amber filled them in on missing pieces they knew my age and they were cool about it we assumed it was just small town gossip and that it would blow over boy were we wrong over the next several weeks after Amber's meeting with the school board vicious rumors started to spread about her I won't insult your imagination you know what people were saying one day my boss at the burger joint just told really had to let me go some flim-flam excuse about the store losing money my hairstyle was driving away customers whatever dude amber told me it wasn't my fault and promised to support me while I looked for another job but then one day she got fired too she was working as a probationary teacher it meant that during her first two years she could be fired for any reason and actually no reason had to even be given explanations were for those who earn tenure we both knew why she was getting fired but the district strongly implied that it was simply because she was an ineffective teacher in her defense I looked at the data on the district website and the number of students from our school who did well on standardized tests in her subject area leaped by double-digit points during the time she was a teacher there her numbers were far above the state average and to this day since her departure those same schools have nosedived amber told me that students tended to respond well to her and she was very popular among the students it was true that she was immensely popular when I was a student and I'll assume the same carried through the year after I graduated aside from the obvious fact that she was eye candy she was simply a good teacher and a good person and that's why the kids liked her lots of students threatened to riot when she was fired but being the non dramatic non attention-seeking person to use amber asked them to just focus on their studies and doing well and helping their new teacher adjust when he or she arrived to take her place my dad told her shield to sue the district but amber didn't want the drama besides she said she was allowed to resign so that it wouldn't show up on her record Azhar having been fired also she said that the district promised not to try to revoke her teaching credential her own parents suggested maybe she ought to come home to France but she insisted on sticking it out in America my parents were cool in that they offered to let her move in with us while she figured her life out she's lucky that her parents are well-off because they gave her some money to relocate to California she asked me please to come with her that she loved me and we could start new there I've always wanted to move to fornia so I jumped at the chance my parents were happy that I was in a relationship with a good person who obviously cared about me and gave us some money too we got an apartment together in the los angeles area neither of this drove so we both got bikes to get around our new area was a world apart from my old life though I know Amber's own teenage years were in Paris so Los Angeles wouldn't be as much of a culture shock for her I immediately enrolled in a local Community College and got a job as a waiter in a popular French restaurant our gimmick was that some of the server's actually spoke French over the last several months amber had taught me a lot of French so I was a popular server in that restaurant because I gave it authenticity unfortunately for amber the school district misled her about her teaching license when they promised not to have her license revoked they spoke the truth but they left out the part where they would attach an official reprimand to it that accused her of inappropriate relations with students under her charge so whenever amber applied for teaching jobs this would immediately come up as a red flag on her applications another surprise red flag was that schools that she applied to would notice that she was fired from her last job no I wasn't she say I resigned yep but it says here you were forced to resign to avoid termination for cause and there is seven years older than me but I think in some ways I know a lot more about how nasty Americans can be than her everywhere she went dolls would slam career-wise she appealed to the state teaching license organization and they said they'd look into it but months later nothing came up calls to her former school resulted in her getting the runaround no one knew anything so for the next several months I was paying our day-to-day bills and helping to support amber though I must acknowledge that the loans both are sets of parents gave us help tremendously and we couldn't survive without them finally one day amber tells me you know what duck trying to teach public school and Opie I'm pregnant so two pieces of good news many many months later amber and I are happily married wedding was beautiful in sunny Los Angeles Amber's parents and mine and our families all attended we had a pregnant honeymoon in France we now have a son Rishel you I am closing in on earning my a and information technology I've been promoted to maitre d at the restaurant and have health benefits for my wife and son we live in a studio apartment but at least it's a huge studio and it's enough for now amber stays home with the baby but she also teaches online English and French courses for a private school so even though she's blacklisted from teaching in the public k12 district she can still teach which is her passion more months pass and I got my first job in IT troubleshooting computers for a small company downtown I make double what I used to at the restaurant and my employer has a program where I can finish my BA while I work and they will subsidize 50 percent for free and the other 50% they will dock from my pay in small monthly installments sounds like an amazing deal and I take it we move to a bigger apartment amber is making her awesome contribution both as a mother and to our finances with her tutoring we are planning for her to eventually go back to school for her gradual degrees so she can finally fulfill her dream of teaching college Oh more good news Opie I'm pregnant again life is sweet haha so while everything is going awesome one day I get a text from mom she was at a local school board meeting with her neighbors regarding a build proposal to hire more teachers apparently over the past few years the population has grown and the high school needed to expand so now it's a two horse town mum says while she was at the meeting my mom ran into Jerry's mom Jerry the bassist from my old band that I quit once I got into a serious relationship with Amber my mom never met Jerry or his mom or at least in a way that connected the to me the reason was because I never brought Jerry around our house because for a couple of years Jerry was my drug supplier he had the hook-up for anything he wanted well what does all this have to do with anything my mom doesn't know Jerry's mom but she has her and some other lady talking about me and amber my mom heard them saying that Jerry had been the one to tell everyone about amber and me supposedly having sex before I graduated and his mom went straight to the school board their names as informers were protected under confidentiality I had lost touch with Jerry over the years and had stopped playing music with him long ago I knew he resented all the time I was spending with my chick it's a shame because he used to be such a good friend of mine it sucked that he was behind getting my now wife and mother of my child and soon-to-be child Ren fired from her career Jerry's mom was a teacher at Amber's former school of employment it became a joke of ours that his mom had such a huge stick up her @ss regarding prim and proper behavior and was a goody two-shoes teacher whose tea didn't stink yet her kid Jerry a student at her school is basically the biggest drug dealer in town also looking back I know he had a crush on amber too and probably always resented that I got to be in a relationship with her while he didn't maybe it's because she knows quality you jerk I was interested to learn that Jerry's mom was now on the school board I didn't tell amber about all this right away I just asked her to tell me what she remembered about mrs. Jerry's mom she told me that Jerry's mom was always really mean to her and often one of the main instigators and getting everyone the adults on campus to exclude her from teacher social activities it's one of the main reasons why amber didn't make friends with the other teachers amber tells me that the male teachers tended to be nice to her at first but female teachers overwhelmingly despised her before they even knew her Jerry's mom amber told me was also the teacher she knows who started a petition not to renew her contract for even a second year at the school this was the first I heard about this evidently only a few female teachers signed the petition but the petition was placed in Amber's permanent file as evidence that the staff lacked confidence in her they were basically setting her up to be fired even though she was doing a good job teaching and the students liked her well I'm more Cali than IOL these days but I still keep in touch with a few kids now grown up I knew in school including gave the drummer from our old band from what I hear Jerry manages the burger joint I used to work at because the old guy who owns it retired I have a social-media account but only use it to contact people in emergencies I never update anything my profile is practically blank online I'm not one of those people who checks it daily or uploads pics of my lunch didn't post about marrying or having kids or moving to LA I told the people left matter directly Jerry was still my friend on social media even though we stopped talking ages ago so I clicked on his profile yep he definitely managed my old place of employment I clicked on his friends and Families profiles and recognized his mom my old history teacher she was on the school board now sanctimonious as ever I think I mentioned before that I came from a small town and in a small town there often isn't anything for board kids to do other than do dumb stunts and do drugs and for the biggest loser kids of all a group that included me we were dumb enough to record ourselves partying and talking sh t and doing the aforementioned drugs that's exactly what my band used to do all the time whenever we had a show we'd go around taping ourselves using our cell phones we'd take video of us rocking out skating drinking beer in the vacant lot and take video of us getting high we'd also talk to the camera I haven't thought about the old recordings in years but I never erase them from my old phones I'm the kind of guy who hoards his old cell phones not because I think they'll increase in value or that I find them especially interesting but I kind of think of them like file cabinets of my past because I don't erase anything aside from phone numbers I don't really transfer day from one phone to its successor easy as it would be my current boss knows I used to do drugs and they don't care in IT I'm told everyone used to get lit and many still do I asked my wife offhand if a new job knows about what happened in our old town she says yet but that they don't care about any of that they only care that she teaches expert level conversational French that's what their clients many of them travelling professionals demand many of her co-workers she tells me had real felonies on their records but her employer was a firm believer in rehabilitation copasetic so I check some of my old videos and find what I need I have no trouble finding videos of Jerry getting high as a Mathur de coeur that's like practically every video and in practically every video he brags about how his parents know he's a druggie and a dealer and want to ship him off to the army and make a man out of him the video I really want is nope it's not on this phone maybe the LG nope just more of Jerry rolling on ecstasy at a rave we snuck out of state to attend when we were in 11th grade maybe my old galaxy bingo Jerry talks about how his mom knows all about his drug use and sometimes even smokes weed herself with his dad and how they caught him with cocaine once and yelled at him and his dad kicked his @ss but then Jerry came home the next day from school to find that his mom was cooked out on the kitchen table and she had called in sick that day the video was time-stamped I think that'll do I still don't tell amber it would only upset her in her condition but I asked my mom for the contact info of all the people who are on the little town school board I already know the school's basic email address and I graduated not that long ago and most of the administrators are still mid-career at my former high school I still have their emails I make a throwaway email account and attach all the relevant videos to it and send it to everyone that matters in town all the teachers the administrators even from elementary and middle schools the church the pizza place the burger joint owner the roller rink boss you name it they got the files the files where Jerry exposes himself as a coked-out drug dealer with his mom having full knowledge of the fact and her and her husband even indulging in the drugs themselves the next day amber asks me while she's feeding our son honey why are you so happy I tell her and she starts crying no I'm not sad she assures me I'm just so happy you did this for me then me amber Rishel you and our bun in the oven go for a walk because it's such a nice day still need a haircut not getting one do I even need to say what happened afterward all this ancient history shouldn't matter but in a small town it's devastating the videos are just soft Jerry talking trash who knows if he's even telling the truth doesn't matter in a small town gossip becomes gospel kind of like how everyone believed amber and I were ducking before I turned 18 even though that was 0% true and they ran us out of town on a rail my parents had to endure the fallout of my disgrace when I left town years ago with that French [ __ ] as all the idle busy bodies have dubbed my wife mum and dad made their peace with it and have none themselves to the slurs and always stood up for us they are what's good about small-town America Jerry got fired from his job police searched his house that is to say his mom's house and found a lot of drugs evidently when the rumors went flying that mrs. Jerry's mom had a drug-dealing son kids busted for drugs if a high schooler caved under pressure to admit who hooked them up oopsie so he was telling the truth jail for you you see blocking de OCHA bag his mom was summarily dismissed from her job along with all the appropriate black testing that being a drug abusing child endangering fraud committing public official entails my mom wasn't clear on the details but there's a possibility she had her husband might face jail time it came out that Jerry's dad had been cheating on his wife for years with a woman from the church Jerry's whole family are persona non grata they want to leave town but can't pending court case until then they'll just be hated to their face I'll hate them from across the country small town everyone knows everyone or at least their business which means sooner or later word will slip people will drop the it's confidential Sherrod and figure out that I was responsible for a family's downfall idgaf Jerry you listening good come with me row row you made it to the end you're ducking mad lad I'll cut you a deal smash like and subscribe for more curated content more light it's free and that's a great price
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Id: 8vNF73g_99A
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Length: 26min 35sec (1595 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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