People QUITTING Their Job Without THINKING (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit redditors who ragequit a job without thinking what was the last straw I actually did this like two months ago for the first time I'm a bartender and I was working in some shitty Mexican restaurant downtown the tips were because the food was so we were barely ever busy so already I'm living in Nik making barely four hundred a week when I'm used to making more than double at this point I've been there two months and I hate it more and more every day around this time my mother gets really bad pneumonia and due to complications it degraded her heart so she has to have open-heart surgery to repair a valve it's a risky procedure and my mother is touching 65 now let me state that staff turnover was incredibly high because in addition to us making horrible money the manager was a complete and utter [ __ ] most staff left after a month so when my mom gives me a date for her surgery I go to my manager and give her a basic breakdown of the situation until her I need four days off from X to Y so I can be with my family she says no problem but just to play it safe I send emails and texts to her confirming that I indeed do have these days off she agrees I think or no problem well I was dead wrong three days before the surgery the Shedd Yule for the week comes out and I'm scheduled through the entire week I immediately go to my manager and ask what the is up because I'm not wasting away behind this moldy rat infested bar in the West Village while my mom has surgery no this woman has the nerve to say I didn't request off at all when I show her my paper trail stating that yes I got him did put in a request she says what difference does it make if you're there the surgery is going to have an outcome whether you're there or not and starts to rattle off how I need to be a team player and I'm a per sheet by requesting often yada yeah her voice fades off and I literally see red I say nothing and go back to work this is at 5 p.m. happy hour and Arash starts at 8 I'm the only tender on today fast-forward to 8:30 my bar is slammed I have a bunch of drink tickets from the servers and it's a mess total ow my manager comes behind the bar and instead of offering any assistance she tells me to not bring home drama to work I stare at her in disbelief for a moment truly stunned that such a tone-deaf Morin could possibly be in charge of anything I laughed in her stupid face and walked right out the door and went to go see my mom TL DR manager says making margaritas is more important than my dying mom P's mom made a full recovery I was 21 working at a UPS was a truckload of the first year became the fastest loader in the warehouse just because I like working quickly only wanted to become a supervisor because my manager was really easy to work with and always wanted to help with solutions to problems once they promoted me to supervisor they transferred my manager to a different warehouse and didn't say why worked as a supervisor for a year and once peak season arrived mid-november early January things were getting crazy and my manager was just a yes-man to his boss never helped solve issues just said figure it out or just get it done well in November my best friend and I had won a World Series of beer pong satellite Tony to get a free entry and stay at the Flamingo in Vegas for the tournament worth $600 tournament was from Jan 1st 5th well during peak season it's nearly impossible to get time off and I looked at this tournament as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity with my best friend things were just getting so crazy and they weren't approving any vacation requests I wasn't getting assistance from my boss with the workload so I just said it I'm out come to find out my manager his boss and four other managers got fired for changing time cards to make their productions numbers look better which I found out is why they shipped Michael manager away course he wouldn't participate in the dirty deeds my best friend and I placed 46th out of 5 redeems it was one of the best memories I have to this day no regrets I used to work as a housekeeper at a really shady hotel wasn't the best job in the world but the pay actually wasn't that bad the owner and his wife were horrible to everyone especially the housekeeper's I eventually worked my way to being the head housekeeper but they kept referring to me as a maid I don't know why that bothered me so much but it did anyway the rodeo was in town and we were really busy I had every single room to clean and none of my other housekeepers were showing up for work so I asked my boss where they were and he said he gave them the day off they're young and had stuff to do they were all high schoolers and I was 19 at the time it was summer so he decided he wanted them to go out and have fun and leave the 65 rooms to me I was already mad at that but then it got worse I get to about my 15th room I'm exhausted and I just want to get one more done so I can take a break I knock on the door no answer so I'll let myself in only to see a man standing naked in the doorway I apologize and try to leave when he calls me back he said he wanted me to clean the room I told him I couldn't while he was still there and certainly not while he was naked he said I had to do it he was a guest I go to my boss and explain why I wasn't cleaning that room he told me I had to do what the customer said if he wanted to be naked and in the room while I cleaned then that's what had to happen I threw my cleaning rag at him told him to off and left the rest of the rooms to him earlier in my career in residential HVAC I thought it's be a good idea to branch out a little to add some tools to my tool bag so to speak so I took a position as a lead installer at a smaller company it wasn't particularly bad it just wasn't in my wheelhouse and I grew to dislike installing and tried to shift back over to the service department my manager knew I wanted to transfer but wouldn't let me despite my prior X and instead hired another tank now part of the reason I didn't wanted to install anymore was because of the salesmen they were idiots the concept of a tape-measure was completely lost on them and there were times they'd overpromise at the expense of me and my assistant one day in particular the residential salesman had us install the wrong type of evaporator coil makes the cold happen in an attic without taking any measurements beforehand it didn't fit between the joists and when I asked for someone to come help I was told to use your imagination we managed to get it done sort of but at 5:30 at literally fell apart I was apoplectic called the salesmen and unloaded on him we acted together just enough and we left the next morning at the shop the salesman tried talking to me and I quit on the spot he said that we had a meeting with a Lenox rep and to reconsider please just think about it he must have thought I agreed because when I went to turn in my timesheet in the meeting room he began to introduce me as the lead installer and service tech when it's slow so I look at him and reply psh I was and walked out my first job in aircraft maintenance was for a grumpy old dirtbag I was a completely green apprentice fresh out of school and the old bastard had no understanding of what his obligations were when taking on an apprentice and expected me to just already know everything he'd sent me to do jobs unsupervised wouldn't provide any instructional guidance then get upset if I mess something up he chewed me out for taking too long to do stuff he'd occasionally call me into his office and quiz me on random then belittle me for not having all the answers telling me he was going to phone up his buddies at the college and tell them how disappointed he was with the quality of their graduates guy was a total hypocrite too didn't have current manuals for any of the aircraft didn't properly track parts and hardware he literally had a room full of random spare parts with no history and took all sorts of shortcuts one time during a windscreen replace rather than measuring out the hardener for a sealant he eyeballed it she'd was supposed to set up in a couple hours but it hadn't hardened after three days so he made me paint over it we were supposed to cut open and inspect every oil filter we replaced looking for metal that could indicate a failing engine he'd store all the old oil filters on a giant workbench without labeling them them after a year or two go inspect them all at once if any had metal there was no way of knowing which aircraft it came from he got away with being shitty because the Transport Canada inspector responsible for audits in that area was a friend of his and he'd boast about how audits consisted of them bullshitting over doughnuts in the break room for three days anyway it was the last day of my probation and he called me into his office to tell me he had a very difficult decision about whether to keep me on I told him I'd make it easy for him and quit on the spot I worked on a farm throughout high school for a very wealthy couple the husband was a successful commercial real estate agent and the wife trained dogs to do huntin field tests I primarily worked for the wife assisting in training the dogs but as it was a farm I did various things for the husband as well the husband was a raging alcoholic who would get pissed if you wouldn't share a drink with him when offered when his wife was out of town participating in competitions with the dogs I would have to drive over to the farm multiple times a day to feed the horses clean out their stalls et CET see and I would often run into him but I tried to avoid it when possible because he made me uncomfortable anyway I was like 17 and it was summer so I accidentally slept through my 6 a.m. alarms one morning and didn't get to the farm until around 8 to feed the horses and clean out their stalls not like it mattered horses can't tell time the husband was there and had already been drinking as I could smell it on him and he started laying into me about being so late he told me I was a poor white trash piece of and if my parents let me oversleep for my job then there worse white-trash pieces of and I won't ever amount to anything just like them yada yada I told him he could take care of the horseshit himself and that I quit and as I was leaving he was yelling at the top of his lungs that he would find me and kill me I never went back when I was in-between jobs I applied to work a construction job that needed harness trained people I was just coming off working as a solar installer so I figured I'd give it a shot first day on the job they take me up to the top of their scaffolding section to clamp down beams no biggie I asked whether walk boards or scaffolding walks after this floor because all the other floors have walkways whereas this one is just one inch beam 3-foot gap one inch beam all the way across 100-plus feet in the air they tell me they don't have any okay I'll deal after a few hours of grueling work I depleted my gallon jug of water and was getting dizzy I called down to the elevator operator to bring me down without missing a beat Lee shouts climb and walks off to smoke a cigarette I climbed down all 14 or so stories on angled beams with no harness while bordering on heat exhaustion walked up to the foreman told him he was going to kill someone and it wasn't going to be me and left edit to all the comment is talking about reporting them to OSHA I got the job fire a friend of a friend and I couldn't even tell you the name of the place now this was about six years ago at the time I just wanted to be rid of them but yes I absolutely should have notified OSHA it was a Wednesday I got a call from my mom when I was at work to tell me that my dad took a turn for the worse and maybe had a day or two left to live I immediately went to the company owner small business and told her the situation and I really needed to leave right away since he lived a few hundred miles away she told me she understood but since I was working on some important projects I should just come in on Saturday since he should be dead by then I said okay turn walked to my desk deleted all my personal files from the computer left my badge and keys on my keyboard and walked out dead past on Friday and I turned off my phone that night until the following Wednesday or Thursday while I spent time with my family I already hated the job and the owner for other reasons and found a new job a few weeks later so I can't say I regret anything edit thank you everyone for your kind responses this happened a few years ago my father had dementia for a decade before this so we were all prepared for it not that have made that easier but the wounds have healed and I find I'm able to remember the good times with him more now than I did when he was so sick I'm doing excellent nowadays but really appreciate how much concern some people have for a total strangers well-being I was 18 years old I took a year off between high school and university to work and save money at a part-time job at a self-serve gas station to earn a little spending cash as almost all of my full-time job money was going to university savings new assistant manager started instantly had a hate on for me and treated me like a lazy sob because I had arranged with the past assistant manager the mom of one of my school friends to work to slower weeknights 10 hours per week every time I talked to the new assistant manager she tried to pressure me into taking shifts that interfered with my full-time job and she started saying that I wasn't a team player it wasn't fair that the manager wouldn't change the shifts I'd agreed to I needed to take more hours etc two months after new assistant manager started I got in a car crash it wasn't my fault I t-boned a lady who ran a red light and the lady barely managed to get her car to the local police station where she filed a false police report stating that I ran that red light while I'm at the police station new assistant manager calls to ask me if I can come in two hours early PACA 45 minutes from the time she called I apologized said no sorry I can only come in for my regular start-time assistant manager freaks out apparently everyone I work with says I'm lazy I don't care about my job I never do anything to help anyone out I'm self-centered she works hard but I don't appreciate her on and on like that until I hang up on her I show up at work five minutes before my regular time storming in the customer in trance rather than the employee in trance slam my key on the counter in front of a couple customers tell her I was in a bad not at fault accident and when she called I was trying to resolve the false police report that was filed about me and that I refused to work another minute for that company as long as she was an assistant manager there assistant manager has a wide-eyed look and attempts to say something as I walk out the door and never return I worked for a landscaping company that operated more like a Renault M scheme I only worked for them for like a week they mostly targeted students and immigrants who needed work in the summertime and would take anything with promises like make your own schedule make x1r and work outside they target desperate people those without proper documentation even and they paid cash so everything was under the table and I'm 100% certain they were not paying taxes I was stupid enough to go for it when I was 18 went to the info seminar and instantly got terrible vibes that I figured hey I don't have anything else going on so why not the day of they pick us up in a cube van like 15 people crammed in without seatbelts and drive us to a location then they give us aeration machines and we go around trying to sell plans and aerating lawns basically whatever you sold you would get to keep 10% of the money and the company kept the other 90% you also had to work like a 15 hour day in the hot Summer Sun no supervision all day no bathroom breaks or anything unless you chose to took them yourself and you'd have to find a bathroom to use too anyway I did this for a few days and the pay was miserable let's say you collect $1,200 well you get to keep $120 $120 / 15 hours is $8 / HR and at the time minimum wage was higher than that well sometimes I got a little higher than that but much of the time it was around minimum wage or lower the second day we went and showed up and they drove us to another city an hour away it was pouring rain all day nobody wanted to buy dick I don't blame them and nobody wanted their lawn aerated in the pouring rain so I ended up with like nothing at the end of the day and it was miserable the next time I came back in the morning we drove out to some suburb and the guy gives me this talk about how last time I didn't make enough money and I needed to pick up the slack this time because these machines are expensive I'm clearly not trying hard enough etc well that pissed me right off so that day I took the aeration machine out and busted my ass did my best to sell did the a aerations where I could worked up a sweat I'd collected $1,800 by the end of the day at the end of the day you would wait at a certain spot and they'd pick you up with the machine and bring you back to the station so you could deliver the money and get your cut so instead of going to the pickup spot I went to the grocery store and bought a bag of sugar and poured it in the gas tank of the aeration machine and left it by the side of the road then I took the bus home and pocketed all the money I ignored all their phone calls and eventually they stopped calling they never took identification or Social Insurance numbers or anything so they had no real proof I even worked for them in the first place this was about 10 years ago now and my only regret is that I didn't do that the first day edit yes I was talking about Canadian property stars not afraid to name and shame them because they are scumbags for a couple of summers during college I was a dishwasher at a local youth Correctional Facility the job sucked but the pay was really awesome about $3 dollars more than the minimum wage at the time and I was able to get free shitty cafeteria food most of the staff really didn't give a about the job and the kitchen was always gross for example the industrial dishwasher we had was almost never cleaned before I got there they would clean it maybe twice a month when the supervisor would bother with an inspection the dishwasher was like a mini carwash you would put the plates on a conveyor belt and they would go through each section before coming out that means all the gunk all the leftover food on the plates that were usually not even completely cleared off isn't really cleared off this is doubly true with those plastic cafeteria trays because the curves on the tray especially the back is perfect for collecting gunk I was completely grossed out by this all the staff used the same stuff as the kids so they were eating off of these filthy trays bowls plates et Cie so I would always clean the dishwasher before I left which was super tedious but completely worth it it would even work better when taken care of properly fast-forward to a college break I think it was spring break and I decide to pick up a couple of shifts to make some quick cash it was a standard shitty day I also had to be a server that day which is always awful so come around the end of the day I go to dissemble and clean out the dishwasher and immediately regretted that decision like I mentioned taking apart the dishwasher was tedious and there were a lot of different compartments to it the most important one to clean was basically where all the trash would go after wipe form the plates which was like a gutter in the bottom of the machine as I get closer down to this gutter I can smell that it hasn't been cleaned in a while it smelled awful so I take a deep breathe and undo the hatch and was immediately hit with literally the worst thing I've ever smelled I can't even really put into words how awful the smell was I would imagine it's met pretty similar to the comebacks if it was also home to a collection of putrid big cheese rotting meat and a heaping scoop of pig's I immediately threw up didn't even have time to gag or process what the was happening I hightail it out of there and my cow Walker's ask if I'm okay to which I answered with a resounding what the when I asked when's the last time someone actually did a thorough clean of the dishwasher one guy shrugs and says probably when you cleaned it last which was on Thanksgiving break I just left didn't say anything didn't even both to grand my backup from my locker I just left my boss called the next day to ask why I wasn't in and I told him to off not rage but it was definitely spontaneous in college I was third key basically a shift lead I could open and close without supervision at a games top back around 2004 or so definitely still in the corporate Overlord arow but before the absolute nosedive and service all the employees were pretty tight-knit hanging out after shifts and coming in early to hang out before clocking in we took pride in knowing our customers treating them well having a good time and personalizing the experience in our stores game of the month display of the front counter with a shrink-wrapped copy of Superman 64 and its strategy guide someone had traded in action figures along the display shelves posed in funny scenes changing the name on each other's nama tags and seeing how long until they notice faxing weird should we made out of old magazine cute outs to the other stores in the district in formal game tournaments we even got the mission to temporarily hire a couple regular customers for the halo 2 midnight launch in short a corporate nightmare we got a new regional manager I may be wrong on the title don't remember that well she oversaw probably seven or eight locations who wasn't really happy with her off-brand we were which I get it we were 100% off-brand but we also did really store good reservation and subscription numbers good trading numbers all the stuff they normally look for but we weren't doing it the games top way for about a month we were butting heads with the new regional manager she ended up using our store as her headquarters as she traveled from store to store in the district perfectly professional but also everyone was obviously unhappy with how much we had to change about our operations still we kept it light and fun even as the pressure to conform to the standard build up one morning I came in to open and checked the red book which was a daily log we would update with goals for the day notes to the next shift basic staff I checked the previous day's entry and saw that our store manager had been fired I called him to confirm and found out he had been fired for not meeting a low tier metric but we all knew it was for not being the kind of manager they wanted in retrospect this was totally appropriate a store manager wasn't managing the way they wanted so he was let go not only acceptable but also probably the right idea from a corporate standpoint but I wasn't interested in the corporate standpoint all I cared about was that the job I loved the place I loved and the people I loved were being completely tossed aside I had watched our customers become less happy over the past few months I had watched my co-workers start caring less about both the work in a play and to me this was the final straw I wrote quit on the day's to-do list I drove to another nearby location to drop off my keys with one of the other managers I went home and played Knights of the Old Republic on mice barks then started looking for new work I found out later that day from the assistant manager who stayed on for about another year at a different location that the regional manager who had made the decision too far the store manager had to come in and open the store and operate it herself until the closing shift came in that felt good it was the best job I ever had but I don't put it on my resume still stay in touch with a couple of the guys we got away with a lot of fun before it got shut down I don't think the change was for the better Rite Aid I was desperate to pay my rent so I picked up a kashirin job my dislike started when we changed our ID policy cashiers must asked for an ID from everyone for alcohol cigarettes lighters and cough syrup no matter how old they are drunk couple comes in late one night to buy some wine I asked for their ID and their demeanor instantly changes from fun and jiggly to ice cold the husband says you're kidding I explained the policy that I don't agree with it but I'm required to ask or I can't make the sale he immediately starts in on me how he's old enough to be my dad they have kids older than me etc okay so can I please see your ID they asked me to call a manager fine I can't hate myself anymore already so whatever manager comes up and is as much of a dick as I am and asks to see their ID even though he's technically allowed to override the transaction if he chooses he does not choose the couple then starts in on him as they walk out but their final line stung that girl needs to go to school so she can get a real job instead of harrassing paying customers I have a four year stem degree with a major and a minor I was just struggling to find a job like every goon else my age but the final straw was an extreme couponer a couple days after this we were a superstore and had everything from cheap clothing to home storage so we attracted a lot of extreme couponers I was told I was not allowed to make any exceptions to our coupon policy whatsoever this was Hamilton at every single morning huddle meeting no exceptions to our coupon policy fine it's not my job to ask questions a lady comes through my line with her binder full of coupons and a full cart I get everything scanned in and she starts passing over her coupons I pass one back and explained she can't use it on this purchase for X reason it's been a few years but I believe she was trying to stack manufacturer coupons on one item she passes it back and tells me I'm wrong I really know what I just told her and hand her coupon back again she pulls out a cell phone and pulls up our coupon policy and says I want you to read this say you understand your policy I push her phone back to her and say I already understand our policy [ __ ] has the audacity to talk to me like a child and say we did no of course she rages with her item under manager the whole time as we wait for the manager she's belittling and the rating me manager comes up rings the coupon through tells the customer she's right and looks at me and says it's only $0.13 so I'll just give it to her because it's not worth arguing I looked at my manager and said the reason she treats our staff like this is because she knows you'll give in if you didn't break your own policy you wouldn't be giving her permission to abuse your staff I called out six forever the next day thank you so much for watching the whole video please leave a like and subscribe
Channel: Slime King
Views: 65,946
Rating: 4.8397083 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, reddit
Id: bBCmr0HUdg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 0sec (1800 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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