What Was The Most Absurd Rule Your Parents Had?

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people over dit what is the most absurd rule your parents had growing up no glassware even though we had a bunch my dad told me we drop it it would break we wouldn't clean it up he'd cut his foot and die and it would be our fault as an adult I came back and took all the glasses after I asked him if he was scared about cutting his foot still problem solved my parents were two different flavors of crazy so there's more one of my chores was recycling once a week I'd have to sit down with all the recycling bins and separate all the plastic from the cardboard and cut it all down so it would all fit equally this took a few hours one day I watched the trash truck come by pick up my neatly organized trash and toss it in carelessly I confronted my father about it and he told me it's what he wanted this would be a point of contention until they finally switched to a big rolling bin you couldn't organize my dad has OCD and control issues lol we had the same rule only allowed soda or water bottles with a screw on cap and it could never leave the dining room table no drink in my room ever not my parents but my grandparents if they'd see you sitting and relaxing they'd point out chores that you have to do instead eventually we'd just catch it when they were about to come inside the house and start cleaning just to look busy strict parents make the best lives my parents are from Alabama I'm not my dad was in the Navy so I grew up all over as such they are rabid University of Alabama football fans when I was a kid and there was a televised game in our area I was required to be in front of the TV festooned in Alabama gear to cheer for the team if I refused I got grounded I wish I was making that up I couldn't have any friends over my mom was scared they would steal random stuff 10 years later and she still says my friends stole her pillowcases they were some dandy but pillowcases though you can't have a phone even a flip phone bill we want to know where you are at all times and it's your fault if you can't find a phone to let us know where you are every hour I think you're me wasn't allowed to leave a friend's house once I was there like even going next door to another friend's backyard if I didn't call on the hour they'd call and demand to talk to me a few times my friend's parents would say they weren't sure where we were even if we were in his room or in the driveway my parents would race over and take me home immediately no hanging anything on my walls no posters pictures absolutely not allowed I tried to compromise and put a poster on the side of my bookshelf and it didn't last one day until she threw it in the trash while I was at school oh also no friends can come over ever birthday parties are family only and I couldn't go to their houses either so I had my first sleepover with friends after I moved out that is so sad my son is in basketball with a kid who doesn't get to go to parties and has never been to a sleepover we tried to invite him to my son's last party and his parents just ignored the invitation they're in sixth grade over the summer my high school gave the option of reading two books and writing two five page reports on them if you completed and passed you would automatically get an A on the English midterm every summer my parents would ground me and my sister until the reports were finished the only things we were allowed to do is go to our sporting events and finish the reports my parents weren't all that strict but this just seemed weird I personally would have rather taken the two-hour midterm instead in our house candles needed to be lit at least one time this was my grandmother's rule and she claimed it was tacky and tasteless to have a candle with an unburned wick I grew up and went to college believing this insanity I would quietly judge others if I saw NAND burned wick on a decorative candle I'm better now up voted because I chuckled at the mental image of you glaring at candles in people's homes no electronic devices or playing anything or reading any comics or novels during whole of the school year Sam Asian before you ask don't use the good guest towels which were always hung in the bathroom you had to go to the linen closet to grab an everyday towel we never had guests over anyway so basically don't use the decoration towels my parents had a few but my least favorite was our curfew rules we had to be home by nine o'clock on weekdays if we were allowed to leave and ten o'clock on weekends we lived over half an hour from town and for every minute that we were late we got grounded for one week no excuses or explanations allowed also to be considered home meant being inside with the door locked and all outside lights turned off get home on time but stay outside with the dog for a minute before coming in grounded for a week hit a couple of unexpected red lights and get inside at 10:00 at 4:00 grounded for months I would leave and not come back parents like that are horrible oh jeez let's see no laughing and no talking loudly can't be in the bathroom or shower for more than 10 minutes had to set timer each time they'd barge in and check after time was up my mom was very much against masturbation posted this in ray to another threat here no knives at the dinner table till I was 15 or so we were given a weekly allowance of five dollars and had to buy all of our own toiletries with it TP toothpaste shampoo et Cie couldn't use theirs or our siblings if we ran out kind of a good teaching method but weird too no soda ever don't drink milk only use it on cereal could only watch G rated movies until I was 16 we had to clean a lot my mother was very OCD we had to clean two full rooms each top to bottom down on hands and knees scrubbing type clean each and every day plus other choirs had a chart with rotating assignments if we didn't get enough stars we didn't get our allowance see above do not accept gifts from anyone ever wasn't allowed to read Harry Potter because the witchcraft mum's role funny because my dad read the first one to us as kids when it was bath time I'm sure I'm forgetting others but those are the first that come to mind Christ your parents ran the house like a religious preschool most of the time the rule was just don't be disrespectful but that was just an excuse for my dad to beat us for anything everything and nothing it was just super vague so we never know we were going to break it until we did and once we did we generally didn't know what exactly the thing we did wrong was so he breaks his own rules my parents would get mad at us for treating the house as a crash pad we all had jobs school bands extracurricular they'd be us out we stay home all day hanging on the couch or in our rooms than they'd walk in the room and be about us lazing around the house too much I think they just didn't want kids wasn't allowed to sit on the couch at my dad and stepmoms house my sister and I had to sit on the floor with pillows we would have movie night and my dad would be in his recliner stepmom would be on the couch with the dog and we would be on the floor it would almost make sense if the dog hadn't been allowed on the couch instead of us eta there was also a bathroom we weren't allowed to poop in and like someone else said we weren't allowed to use glasses for drinks we each had a water bottle jug that we would refill and keep in the fridge me too when I was like four my grandparents bought a brand-new white couch and I could never sit in it eventually I moved in with them permanently and when I was 15 I finally could sit on it it was like a decade old at that point we were absolutely not allowed to eat at McDonald's my dad's role so every month or so my mom would pick me up from school early on a Friday and we'd go to McDonald's honestly one of my favorite childhood memories then when I moved out for university I gorged myself on McDonald's forbidding things is not a good parenting tactic just makes it all the more appealing which has me questioning my ban on tick-tock for my two kids now as a teacher please continue to ban tick-tock lots of mature content on there with absolutely no way of monitoring what they see we were only allowed to use the computer for 30 minutes a day even for homework but could play as many video games on the PlayStation and watch as much TV as we wanted I don't understand to this day if I was caught singing along to a song and knew all the words I'd be punished by reading prayers because I had to know all those by heart too I mean sorry that Britney Spears had better song writers I guess oops you did it again my best friend in high school was not allowed to come home after midnight which meant if it was 11:45 p.m. and we were 20 minutes away from her house she would have to scramble to find somewhere to stay for the night that'll make absolute sure she was home before midnight which is no fun when you're 18 years old I think it was something about either not wanting to be woken up by her coming in or worrying that they would think someone was breaking in I honestly don't remember all I remember is her sleeping on my floor a lot this reminds me of a young girl who was murdered in my country by a sexual predator Paul Bernardo she had gotten home after curfew so her mother locked her out and she was murdered that night mum wouldn't let me read Harry Potter because it had magic she also wouldn't let me watch the how to train a dragon movie series because apparently dragons were associated with the devil she was as a devout Catholic yet she had no problem with me reading The Hobbit or the Lord of the Rings or watching Dragon Tales faithful Catholic here my dad is even a deacon my whole family are Harry Potter Junkers I have an HP tattoo nothing annoys me more than Catholics take issue with HP it's not a gateway to the devil sigh no phone allowed in bathroom so I couldn't wank maximum 10 minutes in the bathroom than they will the door constantly so started watching pee on our TV and wank completely naked on sofa now I live alone I wasn't allowed to have short hair female I'm talking about shorter than shoulder blade length my dad doesn't care my mum vehemently hates seeing me with short hair to the point of screaming matches about it this is the only thing she has an issue with she's very set to the idea that since she has youth didn't get to do and try cool things with her body I should be able to she's all for things like dyeing hair and tyst for tattoos I spent a year during high school convincing her into letting me get it cut to at least a bob one day while out with her idly wondered aloud if our super fun favorite hairdresser at a cost cutters was working she snapped and shouted that if I wanted if so bad we were driving over and doing it now or I could never mention it again I agreed and she angrily drove me over and glared from her seat as my mid back hair was cast to a long pixie donated it to when we returned home she locked herself in her bedroom and refused to come out or talk to anyone for two days kicked my sister out of the house when she visited and ignored ads calls while he was in Canada I love the cut so much that I kept my hair that short for six years before I got bored and grew it out again to this day when I asked why she doesn't like my hair short she gets incredibly mad and refuses to talk about it that's so dumb my dad made it clear that he didn't like me to have short hair and would comment on it but he never outright forbid it too bad he can't see me now I decided to get the best of both worlds and have gotten half off my head buzzed for four years now longest I've ever kept the same cut I had to read a book a week not assigned at school if they didn't like it they chose one for me I have never been more grateful for such a Rabb sir drool my mother made me read with her for an hour every night before bed no exceptions I agree it was a good rule no dragon balls aired or any anime for that matter because those cartoons are made to recruit kids into Satanism my friend Carol sent me a hotmail chain about it none of that one-piece crap the fruit is possessed by a devil while we're at it fruit is banned too it'll get you haunted my mom forbid me from wearing clothes with cherries on them when I asked her why she just said you know what it means none no we don't friend of mine told me his parents spanked him and his siblings until each one lived in his or her own place still had other forms of punishment but if they felt it was necessary it didn't matter if the child was old enough to vote dad would whip out the belt from what I heard they're still close my mom stopped spanking me when I was 11 and I started laughing while she was spanking me no TV other than early evening Saturdays and Sundays the idea was that we should do homework or revisional read I still read all the time and never watched TV for over 50 years now I had the opposite result I now watch TV all the time my TV is on if I'm home all day long until I fall asleep my parents restricted TV to only on Friday night Saturday night and occasionally on a Sunday night if we didn't have school the next day I wasn't allowed to paint my fingernails anything other clear or clear with sparkles until I was like 15 absolutely no idea why but even to this day I hate having my nails painted me too I remember stealing my mum's nail polish once in a while and any color I applied she said was too loud TF that means now I'm not really a fan of nail art and I know it's cause of her so I'm kind of P about that they made me play outside like a real kid every day during the summer i legit wasn't allowed inside unless it was pouring down rain or 100 degrees that would be a rule that sounds good on paper but in r LT makes no felling sense age ten wouldn't give me money to buy pokemon cards age fifteen would give me money for cigarettes didn't end up getting into Pokemon but I'm still a smoker I hope you break that habit it will destroy your life eventually me and my older brother were categorically not allowed to eat McDonald's food when we were younger because our parents hated it we missed out on countless birthday parties et Cie my parents even hooked me from going on a rugby tour when I was 10 because there was a McDonald's near the campsite needless to say there was only one place we were going when my brother got his driver's license we missed out on countless birthday parties et Cie my parents even hooked me from going on a rugby tour when I was ten because there was a McDonald's near the campsite it's worth preventing my child from having a social life as long as my child doesn't eat McDonald's I know of a family that still don't allow their adult children to have a Facebook or Instagram account they'd always been a bit suspicious of social media anyway but even when the kids turned 18 the parents didn't let up on their rule no not even allow their kid to have an account in they'd friend them like a lot of people my age on Facebook do one of them has a secret Facebook account under an alias as a result so I guess that rule has failed oddly enough that same family has no objection to other services such as PlayStation Network and YouTube which I guess is social media in a way as their kids have accounts on there but for some reason they have a problem with Facebook and Instagram it just baffles me in all honesty that's weirdly debilitating in the modern world people don't trust you online without a social media to verify that you are who you say you are and employers will sometimes literally pass you over if they can't find anything my family was completely auntie electronics until we got to high school then we got to Firefly which was capable of calling four numbers home parent cells and emergency number it changed when iPhones came out and schools began incorporating those into their classes my dad had a rule of no talking at the table it led to me learning how to eat quickly and just get away from the table today I enjoy eating with friends and my family because we talk laugh and enjoy ourselves and become closer I grew up as a Jehovah's Witness JW so I have plenty no Christmas no Easter those two at least make sense as their religious celebrations no birthdays not even allowed to say happy birthday to people go to others kids birthday parties eat birthday cake I didn't celebrate a birthday through my entire childhood no after-school activities or weekend sports no friends unless there were JW's as well so two other kids in my school no TV or movies that had magical demons or stuff like that Harry Potter Lord of the Rings et Cie had to attend church they call them meetings three times a week and go out door knocking witnessing at least once a week plus heaps of other BS and if I wanted to leave also had to say goodbye to my family and friends if anyone leaves all the remaining JW's will shun them the JW's are a terrible cult ro I wasn't allowed to watch happy days this is back when it was on its original run in the seventies because my mom thought Fonzie snapping his fingers and all the girls immediately running to his side to COO over him was sexist and demeaning to women and I mean she's not wrong but it was a weird hell to die on especially since I was a voracious reader and she didn't limit what I was allowed to read at all so picture me not being allowed to watch Fonzie but I could read all the graphic sex that Sidney Sheldon and Judith Krantz could dream up to my heart's content my parents checked what I watched ferociously but not what I read lol my parents were honestly pretty chill they would have reasonable punishments and money as a reward but I do know that my cousin's would get slapped if they had gum I was on a zoom call with them and one of them was chewing gum and my on just slapped her right then in there and said where did you get that unpermitted gum I just sat there looking as a man complete silence one you can only marry someone which is from our home country and has the same religion too no sex before marriage three no partying drinking ever four you are a girl you have to be at home at latest at 4 p.m. 5:00 you're not allowed to hug boys of male friends 6 you have to be a good housewife and have to be able to cook and arrant allowed to speak against her a man and cook and clean for him RN him 15 and are in the closet open-minded atheist gosh they would hate me if I would tell them and for anyone before they even ask no I can't ever tell them 50 stroke 50 on Asian or Pakistani Muslim gee L hope you're laying plans you know the drill never get on an international flight with them scout alternate funding for colleges because they don't sound to up-up female education be willing to make a break for it wasn't allowed to lock my door until I left for college my parents were absolute control freaks and I still have a deep resentment to this day my parents took my sister's door one time I was really little so I don't know why but that craps flicked up no boys were allowed on my bed except they bought me a couch to have in my room so they could have an appropriate place to sit the poor couch was flicked on so many times it broke it's not really a rule but my mom was always against graphic novels and wouldn't really let me read them that much sure buy them at school book fairs because she thought they weren't hard enough and enriching enough for something I'm really good at reading and stuff so it wasn't really an issue to read a graphic novel once in a while big chocolate bars and large soda bottles were banned in my house by my mom we were only allowed to get smaller packs off junk food so that it could not be had anytime of the day and we wouldn't be tempted it did helped limiting how much junk food I ate crap I remember 3 liter soda bottles those were the good old life fat days when I was in kindergarten I wasn't allowed to say the phrase oh man when my parents came to school they would tell anyone who said that phrase not to still not entirely clear on why oh man that sucks I couldn't watch or read any piece of media where the main characters were high schoolers - my parents all high schoolers do is smoke drink party and freak so this meant no victorious icarly Drake and Josh etc they had to look up any book I wanted to read and if the main characters were in high school I'd automatically be banned from reading it this rule eventually dropped when I got to high school no video games ever I was only allowed to play games when I turned 13 and only for one hour per week and only on a weekend now I'm 18 I play game six seven hours a day I've made about four independent games and have helped design code and developed about 14 games in total I wasn't allowed to play outside past the driveway unless there was a parental figure or guardian watching me nor could I visit friends houses or hang out with friends after school and my family wonders why I grew up to have zero social skills and a non-existent social life if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Internet Is Fun
Views: 6,440
Rating: 4.9302325 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to, parents, strict parents rules, parent rules, absurd rules, parenting
Id: AyzlAd_GjQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 56sec (1376 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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