When Did You Find Something You Wish You Didnt?

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when was the last time you were snooping and found something you wish you hadn't yesterday my roommate ditched out of state right before rent is due so naturally i am curious how he left his room and what not got more than i bargained for room is a disaster beer bottles and food all over but the thing that got me most was his anal vibrator and a huge pile of fck wads if i ever see him again i may just go to prison hire an investigator find his parents address send it all to them with a note your son left his stuff when he bailed on paying rent i was around seven or eight snooping in my mom and dad's closet i found a file with some papers including my birth certificate it had my sister's name as my mom and for dad it said unknown so that was my first indication i was being raised by my grandparents yeah that was a pretty crappy day edit throw away just in case my mom lost her phone so while at their house i fished out my dad's old iphone 4 and charged it up so she could activate it and use it while waiting for her replacement the phone was a few years old so i decided to look through the pictures for fun i'm ref king snoop i stumbled upon a very naked photo of my dad a f king mirror selfie jfc dad and immediately threw the phone to my mom and disgust my mom's face turned white and said this picture was definitely not for me and that's how i accidentally exposed my dad's affair i wasn't snooping but i used my wife's laptop one day because my computer was dead i found that she had a secret email account and was active on a lesbian dating site i'm male condoms in dad's backpack he only use that backpack when he's on business trips edit misspelled word thank you everyone who tried to tell me it may be a reason for that i just don't think about it i'm good at blocking out this sort of things mum and dad are still married never separate as far as i know also dad doesn't hunt i found it years ago and then i moved for university and never talked about it and definitely won't now but again thank you kind strangers for offering ideas read it is warm and creepy and gross all at the same time it might not be what you think maybe it's something innocent like he likes to jerk off into condoms then suck the jizz out of them i found a really detailed journal my mom kept while she was fighting cancer about three years after she died she wrote in it describing how the cancer was getting worse and the treatments getting harder to cope with was pretty hard to read but it made me kind of glad that her nightmare was over death doesn't always have to be as sad as people make it out to be for a lot of people it's a release i found a friend's reddit profile i found out how lonely and depressed he feels all the time despite appearing to be one of the happiest and most outgoing person i know i definitely make sure i include him in any plans we do if i can i never told him that i found it my dad and i have a bad relationship one time he and my mom went out of town for a weekend and i heard the house to myself found his ipad went through his emails most of which were with either his brother or sister piece together that the reason my dad doesn't like has a self-righteous attitude towards my aunt is because she accused their father of s sorely abusing her and my dad didn't believe her and turned the family against her my grandpa did the same crap to me when he'd visit us every summer and i've never told my parents and now i never will edit i met a woman i'm a woman too and i knew she was on her second marriage she never talked about her first husband and i assumed she had a bad divorce and never brought it up i eventually googled her name and found out her first husband died of cancer we have been good friends for a year now and we still have never discussed it was on a road trip with my parents looked over my mom's shoulder to see who she was texting it was the guy she was cheating on my dad with similar story my now ex-husband had been acting odd and on his phone a lot if one of our kids were near him he'd position the phone so they couldn't see even put a password on the phone before this he'd always let the kids use his phone for games my middle son he was 10 at the time 16 now thought he would be funny and guess the password based on what he could glance at while walking by he gets the password and brings me the phone and is visibly upset i look down at the phone and there's an email my husband had sent another woman telling her how he missed her and loved her etc i only read the first few lines before i confront him he just laughed my son sat on the front porch that night with me would not leave my side he's still a sweetheart at 16 and very protective of his mama when my father died i was going through his computer looking for information regarding accounts etc i looked at his internet history to see what may have been important in his life leading up to his death apparently he didn't know about incognito mode when surfing prn about 11 stroke 12 staying at my uncle and dance they went out for the day and i stayed back as i was feeling ill looked in their closet found the suspicious video popped it in lady in greenhouse spreading herself nice started fapping realized it was my aunt finished when i was snooping through my parents closet in middle school while they were out and i found a toolbox full of sx toys and penthouse forums so yeah found a bunch of letters written to and from my parents about my dad's infidelity i think they wanted to really think about what's on the page it's cased me significant emotional distress because i'm not supposed to know and i can't tell my sister or talk to them about it people who are technically my equals at work get paid more than me but yet they introduce me as oh this is you throw our elk away he's our main guy ask for a raise and if not start looking around i was about seven or eight years old snooping around my parents room and found an original copy of the joy of essex an entire book of ugly hairy people climbing on top of one another sx became a scary nauseating thought after that experience found out my ex was cheating on me ironically i only snooped because i wanted to put my mind at ease i know nothing is going on but i can't shake this feeling of impending doom so i'll just check and reassure myself haha i was naive full stop full stop edit i've read all of your stories and so many of them end positively it's so heartening was reformatting a guy's laptop in the barracks back in my army days the guy was really stupid we were in it training for one thing and he should have been more than able to do it himself but that's besides the point so my buddy and i go into his room and mostly plan to reformat his laptop and fck with it the whole turning the picture upside down screen capping the desktop and rotating it stuff like that but just before we wiped the laptop we found loads of child prn like terabytes of it when we called him over and asked him what the fck this was he was proud of it he said now dude it's cool look she loves it it was at this point when i had to restrain my buddy from literally throwing this guy out the third floor window while two others helped this guy to the sergeant's desk he had some difficulty with the stairs my great-grandfather's diabetic pee in a small glass vial didn't know what it was until i spilled it then came the rancid smell and my mom telling me as it is next was a snake and an alcohol bottle filled to the brim seeing that when i was eight years old was eerie but ultimately didn't end there ha ha when i was younger my grandma got a kidney stone removed and asked the nurse to keep it in a bottle to give to my brother that's when i realized i wasn't the favorite grandkid i found my sister's double-ended penis-shaped dildo thereafter referred to as the double dick i showed it to other kids whenever i could i found out that my mum who had forcefully taken me off my antidepressants and antipsychotics twice because medication isn't needed for those kinds of things has been on antidepressants for about 14 years hypocrite reading my husband's at the time roommates facebook messages when we were just roommates many of them were about the crazy girl he lived with and how much he hated her broke my heart honestly but it was my fault for looking i was the crazy girl medicated and happily married now edited for clarity after my mom died my younger sister and i were going through drawers looking for her life insurance papers we pulled out a drawer in her nightstand and found an old envelope pulled it out it had polaroid nudes of my mother from the time my dad was in vietnam my sister and i looked at each other put them back in the envelope and put them in my dad's nightstand when he dies we'll shred them don't shred them bury them with him i checked my dad's computer history when i was in high school accidental snooping i was actually trying to find a site i had been on recently tons of gay prn came up life has never been the same since that day i once did this accidentally on dad's pc i regret it to this day my dad is the best his most visited pages were youtube news and politics love you dad was looking for my birth certificate in my mom's safe i began snooping around the safe a little more out of curiosity when i found an envelope with my name written on it in my mom's handwriting even more curious i opened the envelope and pulled out a piece of paper with more of her handwriting on it it explained why she put me up for adoption i was pretty shaken up by it she nearly gave me up sad part she's a sht human being and i sometimes wish she had years ago i was digging through my mom's sock drawl looking for a pair of low-cut socks to borrow since mine were all dirty and i didn't have time to do laundry i felt something rubbery and was confused until i saw what it was i had accidentally grabbed my mom's dildo how are you finding life since you chopped that hand off i went to my parents tomb to get something on my way out i stepped on a used condom i was barefoot when i discovered my maternal grandmother had four different kids with four different men before settling down with my grandfather my grandfather took them all in and later had four kids of his own with my grandmother he loved them all the same and died protecting them update some guy wanted to kill my oldest uncles for supposedly stealing his canoe my grandfather found out and met the guy halfway to the river and he got shot trying to block his way this happened in mexico where the law existed and the guy was never imprisoned a few years later the guy died after killing a cop the cops family found him and got their revenge my grandfather was a great and interesting man he was a vegan but at the same he would hunt and fish so that his kids could have food on the table he grew his own vegetables and washed his own socks i wish i could have met him i'm not a particularly nosy person so i haven't really found anything too terrible ever but my mom is the worst about invasion of privacy i came home from campus one day to find that my old mattress had been replaced with a new mattress signaling to me that my mother had been by my house while i was gone without telling me having swapped my old mattress out meant that she had to have noticed the huge nylon straps that ran under the mattress to each corner for tying a person down also the 60 plus feet of rope that had been on my floor was not there anymore i began looking around and found the straps and the rope both in my bedside drawer where the cuffs for the straps were already stored my mom knew it was bedside table rope a book full of sx positions in my dad's bedroom it had a plastic cover a thing my father did to all his favorite books when he was in uni this is a good one i had a [ __ ] i worked with who didn't like me and i somehow found out my boss's password for his email i was snooping because hey you asked and saw an email from her where they were talking about me and she made a comment about me being andre did all the time looked up my ex-girlfriend's real name she gave me a fake name for the whole relationship and i was so smitten to believe her her friends vouching and finding out that she's popular in her hometown and the news articles her father works for lockheed martin and that she was actually dating someone else the entire time i was dating her that fake name sht worked i guess but god it hurts to this day and that was over three years ago i think i'd be getting better right now fam still heartbroken i went snooping for christmas presents as a kid and found a jurassic park t-rex toy christmas morning came and the toy read from santa that's when i knew my mom's dildo your mother needs love 2. when i'm not there after my mother passed and not speaking to her for years prior i was left to explore her bedroom of course wooden penis flute and the bedside table for late night wooden penis flute sessions i'm guessing i found my dad's extensive prn collection my dad's prn collection was so f king filthy he had everything from glory holes to [ __ ] lactatin i mean god damn and it was all on vhs in a box labeled work training and procedure videos from when he used to own a business i was old enough high school to not give us tea but also old enough to see my dad as what i'd consider human i mean hell everybody got a kink and that was his it's whatever he's happy i was fixing up my boyfriend's phone because he just returned the loaner and needed all of his stuff restored after a repair i had a couple drinks in me at the time or i probably wouldn't have snooped but he had been acting pretty distant the last couple months so i checked out some text messages between him and his friend honestly i was hoping to find something sweet or reassuring but instead i found out he was trying to find a nice way to dump me without hurting my feelings and rather than sit on that info i confess that i snooped and confronted him about it that was a sad day we still care about each other and will remain friends as we were before we started dating but i really really love that man i just loved him more than he loved me i guess colin i found my parents chocolate body frosting in our fridge in the garage i was in high school when i found it and still haven't told them that i know it was out there fixing my grandmother's laptop and found what either would be the answer we started the laptop but needed to find the page again so without thinking i opened the history now i'm pretty hard to shake but nobody is ready to suddenly discover their grandma's taste in prn my boyfriend syringes and burned spoons he's been clean for almost a year now though while pregnant curiosity got the best of me and i decided to go through my so's phone come to find out i wasn't the only one carrying his child yikes went through my ex's phone the friday before christmas last year due to him acting weird and anxious for two months found out he was soliciting and responding to craigslist personals offering a suck-and-go experience also found dick pics that definitely weren't sent to me that was the morning of s nine hours drive to nashville to spend a week with his family for christmas most awful experience of my life that f kept me up as i had developed quite the loving relationship with his eight-year-old got the hell out of there as soon as we were back oh man i was at a friend's house and he left me for an hour or so to pick up some other friends from a train station about an hour away i figured i'd be cool and surprise everyone with a few joints when they got in i was rolling on his dad's pc desk when my roach kind of slips under the keyboard so when i lift the keyboard there is a bit of paper stuck to the bottom with the password written on it he has a smoking hot mom so i decided to perv it instantly regrettable a search for pictures yielded like hundreds of pics of his dad in women's clothing stashed in a hidden folder called medical records i shut down the pc and never spoke about it to anyone i have not seen my friend in a fair few years but i hope for the sake of his family it's all still hidden his dad is some big time financial director for a well-known supermarket chain i don't really know how it would affect his career if everything got out found chicken fillet bra in mum's room when i was a little girl and i was so upset because i thought she was going to have a boob job and get an infection and die like a lady i saw on 1990s reality tv wait wait okay tell that story again from the beginning my ex's phone he was being super shady with his phone once so i asked him why he denied being shady so i checked myself i knew he had been talking to someone from his new job which i thought was unusual as he wasn't the type to talk to people other than the people he already knew he was extremely unsocial anyway he saved the number as work two which i quickly realized was not a work friend snooping in my mom's closet one day looking for ex mars presents found her lingerie instead learned my lesson earlier this week my husband's sxts with one woman tearful seems like you don't want me anymore so i'm done message from another woman and weird group of 30 plus men where they share prn in the room and one of them advertises hookers and no it my mom had this way of celebrating our birthdays my siblings and mine by gifting smaller presents during the party and revealing the best present at the end so 12 year old me wanted to know what my gift was for my birthday and i found a bike hidden in the back of mom's closet it was nice and i was initially pretty excited but when my mom revealed my bike i couldn't muster any level of enthusiasm for it she took pictures and i couldn't even smile that's when i realized that birthdays are really for other people and that it's okay to let people keep their secrets what i did was wrong because it was selfish and i still haven't been able to tell my mom about it you
Channel: The Daily Show With Reddit
Views: 51,116
Rating: 4.8895597 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, reddit story, reddit cringe, reddit funny, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, best reddit stories, reddit posts, top reddit stories, funny reddit stories, funny stories, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts
Id: EHahQ5lmkq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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