Has An Old Friend Horrified You Of Who They Have Become?

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have you ever reconnected with an old friend only to be horrified of who they've became i knew a girl in high school who was pretty cool we went on a class trip and spent a lot of time hanging out then later i went to a few punk shows with her seven or eight years later i was back in town visiting i stopped at a gas station to fill up and this emaciated dirty creature stepped out of the shadows and asked me if i had any spare change it was her she looked like she hadn't eaten in days and had track marks all up and down her arms she didn't recognize me i gave her the few bills i had in my pocket and left kind of haunts me to this day edit four months later she actually messaged me on fb recently looks like she kicked her habit and is doing well today my husband ran into an old friend and invited him over to hang out it had been about five years since he had seen him the old friend shows up with the sketchiest hoe bag you can imagine missing teeth sores the whole nasty set the chick makes a beeline for my bathroom and spends like 45 minutes in there before bolting to my patio and puking over my balcony i had had enough so i kicked them out as they were leaving they looked around my apartment and said you have really nice things we will be back when i went into my bathroom i found an orange cap from a syringe on the floor tl doctor if it has been five plus years since you have seen someone do not invite them to your place you have really nice things we will be back i would take that seriously if i were you they probably will be back two years after we broke up an ex contacted me out of the blue and we decided to hang out while dating we talked a lot about dropping out of high school and getting our gets so we could go to college early i never did either one and he decided it would be a good plan to drop out but never get his get he was playing the yu geocard game pretty much full time this was a while ago and living off of his mom he was living in this sht apartment full of garbage with a friend his girlfriend and her baby i ran for the hills so you didn't fall for his trap card why run for the hills that's a keeper not horrified but i recently reconnected with a childhood friend who from what i remember was a nerdy fat kid with minor aspergers i reconnected at the age of 18 and he is now a nerdy ripped 6-4 monster of a man with a klingon batlift on the wall and every star trek action figure mint in box signed by the actor who played them he decided it was time to get into shape to pass the starfleet fitness tests the power of 4chan's fit my ex found me on facebook after we broke up she dropped out of college got into intravenous drugs and did some internet prn she wanted to know if i wanted to come over to her halfway house for sx i did not i found out that an individual whom i played sports with many times giving me rides to practice and games was running a near multiple year long internet scam they posed as a parent whose child had cancer using pictures they stole from other people and their children around the internet the scam ended up gaining scores of supporters and went so far as selling personalized wristbands with the child's remember the child is not real name on it they are now under investigation for possible money laundering however it is not proven that they did or did not this scam was so large that there are multiple large news groups that picked up and reported the story which is how i found out my mind is still blown from my discovery what a clever kid it's amazing what you can accomplish when you abandon all social standards and disregard good morals my best friend from when i was nine got hooked on pills and never learned to spell we used to stuff our bras together a few years back i met up with an old friend to find out that he only wanted to hang out so he could pitch a pyramid scheme to me fcku dude same shitty with me it was a going to party thing she drove and picked me up cause i had no idea where it was after going away to college and coming back to my hometown i was horrified to find out that my best friend turned into a neo-nazi kkk guy this is the same guy that i would have dinner at his house mom and dad loved me and even his nephew he had gone to the extreme by getting nazi tattoos and even wearing racist shirts he still was very nice to me and invited me over where he was proudly displaying his rebel flag tats nazi symbols it was hard for me to think this was my friend who would pick me up every day for school and drop me off by the way i'm a black female i still somewhat talk to his sister and parents i had a best friend from seventh grade on we were inseparable had matching tattoos bought a mini school bus together painted it green she lived with my grandparents for a while in high school because her mom threw her out right before i went to college she started using drugs and naturally i was worried devastated i was also approved back then but then again crack is never cool close bracket i went to a bar for my 21st birthday in my hometown because i'm born around christmas and it was winter break unfortunately none of my other friends were 21 at the time so i was just kind of sitting at the bar drinking bay breezes with my mom i decided to call my old friend up when she showed up she was so burnt out that she could hardly form a sentence she was really f ked up on something 2. i remember feeling like someone punched me in the gut i still miss her i ended up hearing from one of my old childhood friends and neighbor that one of our other childhood friends in the neighborhood who i hadn't talked to in over a decade murdered his college girlfriend and is spending life in prison now we were best friends from like 5-13 years old until our family moved when i was living out of the country a friend of mine who i had already not seen for years was hit by a car back in the us of a when i got back 10 months later he had just gotten out of pt and physically was doing very well so we start talking reminiscing on the old times talking about what we had done since we last saw each other turns out that in the years we spent a park he became a massive racist card carrying member of one of the us nazi party and a night of one of the many clans my story is close enough to share couple of years after high school some friends and i were discussing the recent arrest of another guy in our grade another friend mentioned this guy was going through the police academy with him until he suddenly stopped coming this guy used to throw big parties in high school where there was lots of alcohol i had never been invited but new guys that had turns out that at these parties the guy would tell others that he had a girl that would give them a [ __ ] but was shy and would only do it if they were blindfolded and had hands behind their back somehow someone found out that there was no girl suddenly no one would admit that they had gone to the parties commerce suddenly no one would admit that they had gone to the parties como i had never been invited but new guys that had sue yeah i am that friend colin my life went to sht after high school everyone reconnects with me they see how bad a hole i'm in and they just bail and never talk to me after that edit thanks for the reddit gold i don't know if i'll use it or how much i'll get out of it but the super up vote is nice i found a childhood friend that i hadn't seen for 25 years or so on facebook turns out he's a huge racist now on a related note a guy i knew from the army 20 years ago that was a racist skinhead is now one of the most tolerant people i know american history xx i feel like that's what happens when old friends reconnect with me you need to stop trying to sell them amway i got a phone call two days ago from someone i've known for 20 years we haven't spoken 10. he called me to tell me he has prostate cancer and has around two weeks left he wanted my shipping address so he could send me his most personal items he refused treatment and isn't telling his family they live across the country i'm the only person he has told so yeah horrifying doesn't even come close to this i went to a 25-year elementary school reunion where i found out that a guy in my class was now the principal of a middle school he was well respected well liked and doing a great job i was very impressed back in grammar school he was the crazy kid in class who could never sit still was always getting in trouble and was barely passing his classes after 10 years on the job while still principal it comes out that he never should have gotten the job as he had no prior experience or training or degree and that even if he had all of the right certifications his arrests convictions and jail time would have made him ineligible this didn't come into play because he forged his fingerprints while applying for the position all of this finally came out because he was arrested for statutory pay seems he had sex with an underage high school student he met online the kid recognized him as his middle school principal and told his friend about it his friend told his parents and the parents went to school officials the kid was 16 and the principal was 44. the case is pending my best friend eric from elementary in middle school i moved after eighth grade and recently reconnected with him after four years of absence turns out he dropped out lives with five other random junkers is addicted to pcp and got a restraining order against him from his mom for beating the shitty out of her to think we used to ride scooters i'm more horrified that they are the exact same person my girlfriend all through high school left me after about a five-year stint for a drug dealing idiot during high school she was the captain of the cheerleading team and an avid church goer about six months ago she created a facebook account and sent me a friend request and an i'm i had heard she was bad off but had no idea during the i'm she asked how i was doing and i told her that i was raising a family and working on my m s while working full-time for a local college when i asked her how she was doing i got no reply i later sent her cousin that i am friends with a message to ask her what was up she told me that she has four different kids from four different dudes in which she has custody of none and is a prostitutes and crack where i wished a lot of bad things on her but never this much isn't that what facebook's all about i'm surprised often at how people i was pretty tight with in high school who were kind of wild and rebellious and fck the system are super super conservative adults i know it's a cliche but in real life it seems strange every time to me i didn't sell out i bought here's how the voicemail from one of my best friends from college went hey how's it going man i haven't talked to you in forever how are things you should give me a call back when you get a chance i'd like to talk to you about some insurance products that i can offer you talk to you later f can [ __ ] i went to school with this kid let's call him phil i was never too close with the guy as we were in different majors at our art school had a few core classes with him we would talk from time to time seemed like the normal nerd type one of the anime enthusiasts that would show up early to play hacky sack with the guy who wore a cape and the girl with a cat ear headband generally a nice guy ran into him grabbing some food about a year after graduation we were both there alone so i asked him to sit and eat with me to be nice he accepted we spent the next 30 minutes catching up he started acting very strange towards the end of the conversation as if there was something he wanted to tell me but couldn't we parted ways two days later i see his face on the news he had went home that night and stabbed his mother father and sister to death tl doctor saw a kid from high school i hadn't seen since killed his family later the same night facebook has allowed me the horror of watching old friends become in real time it seems life for people after college is either drugs pregnancy or jesus oh god i had my old best friend from great school track me down and asked to hang out i was like sure why not i drive out to his crack addicted father's trailer where he is staying and it turns out his life went to shti after moving away and had been in and out of jail since well on his last trip in he found jesus and was aboard that i'm atheist so we spend the first part of the day talking about how i'm going to hell but as the day goes on we decided to start drinking and after a bottle of whiskey he asks me if we could go to the woods to commit suicide so we could be happy together forever i know pfck out drove 20 minutes drunk ash tea stopped at a walmart and slept till i was sober first and only time driving drunk i still get txt every now and then asking me to go to church with him edit that is honestly the only somewhat good excuse for dui i can't think of i was looking to buy a car and was at some random used car lot i've been talking to the sales guy for a solid 20 minutes before i realized i went to middle school with him he was really haggard looking and missing a tooth this story doesn't really go anywhere the end i saw an old friend of mine from elementary school begging outside in supermarket we sat down and had a coffee i knew he got into drugs quite early but we lost contact years before that he told me that the doctors gave him a year tops due to problems with the hardened liver and junkies don't get new organs he seemed very sad but somehow as if he had accepted that he screwed up and would not get a second chance i heard from my mother earlier that he had a child his parents live next to mine and apparently gave up on him but supported the child in the mother he said that even though he will die soon something from him will stay behind his daughter when we said goodbye he wished me luck and i could tell that he envied me for having a life to go back to i did not know what to say when i was younger 5-9 years old i had a neighborhood friend who had a very negative view of herself and struggled in school she asked me for help once and we made a habit of going straight from the bus stop into the woods behind her house to go hiking and do our homework this carried on for years and is what i attribute to my love for the outdoors when i was 10 my parents split and i had to move away she told me she was afraid that she wouldn't do well in school anymore and i assured her that she would be fine and that i'd be in touch i didn't keep in touch this was in the 80s and i was too young to understand how important those years can be flash forward to two years ago and she finds me on facebook yup she's a stripper and before i get any questions about it yes she's incredibly hot now but i am very happily married to someone even hotter i ran into my ex-girlfriend from high school once at a restaurant she lost a lot of weight and turned into a hot lesbian the only thing that horrifies me is that i was the last guy she dated colin same thing happened to me think of it this way after dating you she must have thought well gee if i'm not into a great girl like sub zed then i must not like men at all maybe not haven a bunch of friends ain't so bad actually in my case it's the other way around he turned into a better person for my delight whoa whoa whoa save it for the alternate thread that'll front page tomorrow my best friend in high school went away to the army after graduation we lost touch after a few years i found her on facebook recently only to discover that she is now in love with god hates gay rights with a passion and is on her third marriage we had a couple catch up conversations over facebook chat a few weeks later i posted a story about the supreme court decision on doma and she sent me a huge rant about how disappointed and disgusted she was in me and how god will surely strike me down for my support of gay marriage i would message her every day i'm still not smited i was contacted 10 years after graduation by our class valedictorian he wanted to let me in on his multi-level marketing organization the real world sucks i was in junior rotc in my freshman year of high school there was a kid who i would sit by who would always be reading a book about world war ii german warfare everyone else in the class would call him a nazi for being so interested in german weapons but i would say it was fine because the germans really did have great weapons everyone stopped teasing him since the asian guy i'm the asian guy said it wasn't racist couple of years later i was at my local library getting a book when i see the same kid he had a huge swastika tattooed on his neck so i guess he really was a racist i can only imagine what smaggles friends thought about him at the hobbit high school reunion sort of related i guess i just never knew him as well as i thought worked with this guy smith in san diego cool guy went to his house for super bowl etc 3-4 years later now stationed in japan i got called to go see the company seo was actually the exo of my command in san diego as well scared all day up until the meeting lowly e4 at the time he starts asking questions about smith eventually i find out that smith and his wife are being held in the brig on base jail for almost killing their one-year-old child the kid had over 100 broken bones never heard any more of it after that until i was in washington getting processed out another year later or so a different friend who stayed in san diego emailed me when he say the smith guy was in the newspaper something about the court trail starting up never found out the result though you
Channel: The Daily Show With Reddit
Views: 103,721
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Id: 9uXRFY9kahg
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Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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