What Declassified Government Secrets Are Terrifying?

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what are some declassified government documents that are surprisingly terrifying this isn't really a classified document but at one point the us government was telling people to build your own bomb shelter to protect your family and it showed how to dig your eight foot by four foot by ten foot hole in your backyard and if there is a nuclear threat to get your family and go in there and cover it with a door so obviously that wouldn't really protect anyone in the case of a nuclear attack later it came out that the purpose of telling families to do that was so if there was a nuclear attack on american soil they wouldn't have to bury as many bodies because the families dug their own grave so yeah not classified but along the same disturbing stuff the us government did when the space shuttle challenger was destroyed it was reported that all seven astronauts were killed instantly it was revealed decades later that some not all of the astronauts survived the initial explosion as the cockpit cabin had enough protection to not be breached for two minutes and 45 seconds they were awake and aware as they plummeted toward the atlantic ocean understandably nasa knew that the news of their terrifying death would have crippled the space program even more than it already was read the book one second after it's about what happens after an amp attack on the u s it's based on actual government studies and estimates it is terrifying there are over 50 mishaps with nuclear weapons by the us air force in the 1950s alone boeing x-37b unmanned space shuttle it just spent 720 days in space doing god knows what in east germany a committed freedom fighter and her husband had dealt with having her home raided while she was away being arrested on the way to protests and all sorts of state-sponsored harassment after the war fell she was able to read the documents the stasi had kept on her and found out her own husband was an undercover agent and had written many reports on her activities with a bloodless banality operation northwoods a plan for a false flag operation that came from the joint chiefs of staff and department of defense in 1962 and given to jfk who turned it down the plan called for the cia to commit terrorist actions against u.s civilians across the united states and frame cuba allowing us the right to invade and oppose castro and the communist government there it was declassified and can be found online at the jfk library terrifying that no one knows or seems to care that this was suggested by our government to the president [Music] cia invested millions in trying to make cat spies 20 million dollars to be precise project sunshine the u.s government brought remains of dead infants to test for radiation when they took limbs from them the parents were never told one mother wasn't allowed to dress her daughter for her funeral because doctors had removed her legs and didn't want her to find out when they performed a lobotomy on rosemary kennedy due to her being intellectually disabled at 23 years of age her father arranged a prefrontal lobotomy at the time the procedure had only been done about a hundred time in you s it failed leaving her unable to speak intelligibly and incapacitated she was conscious during the operation they say that the neurosurgeons or whatever they are called ask the patients to count from tend to know when they should stop cutting down i've heard that they stopped when her speech was incoherent saddest thing is that she had to endure it for 64 years all that because her family couldn't risk any political embarrassment semicolon i remember something about a heart attack gun i read some time ago basically a poison gun that once shot is untraceable in the victim's body and leaves no mark on their body sry if it sounds rly vague i don't think it's classified but project thor using a satellite bomber to bomb a city imagine a missile or a bomb coming from space and before you know it your city is destroyed by a falling missile bomb it was called rods from god basically it would have used kinetic energy no explosives it would have used a series of two thousand pounds tungsten rods to destroy and vaporize without the radiation of a nuclear bomb it was only avoided because we signed treaties with the russians not to weaponize space can't remember the source but apparently there is a legit order signed by hilter to his nuclear researchers saying if they have a viable nuclear explosive start loading into v2s immediately not declassified but leaked operation yellow hammer the government tried to say it was old but it had an august date on it jeffrey dahmer's full confession a couple of hundred pages of pure madness necrophilia dismemberment skinning lobotomy body part preservation cannibalism dahmer became pretty close to his interrogating detectives dennis murphy and patrick kennedy and provided a lot of detail to them a lot of it in a pretty candid offhand manner one u.s bomber accidentally dropped a nuclear bomb a short distance from a major u.s city can't remember which but luckily it didn't detonate mk ultra partially illegal forced mind control experiments utilizing psychoactive drugs conducted by the cia in 1950 s 60s surprised no one has mentioned the panama papers they've been out for a while but there's been little coverage of them tldr of them lots of money laundering that was tracked pointed to major governments and global businesses semicolon edit amazon prime has a series called the giant beast that is the global economy they talk about the panama papers in a couple episodes not really terrifying but f head up operation paper clip where after world war ii the us government took nazi scientists and shipped them to america to do science some of them came straight from nuremberg cells the most noteworthy being werner von braun von braun built the v2 rockets with jewish slave labor every day they would execute the five slowest workers in front of the other workers to incentive them to work harder once he came to america we shipped him to huntsville alabama really declassified but leaked room 641a it was a room in an att exchange with a whole bunch of monitoring equipment for the us government completely legal under the patriot act their reasoning for vietnam such a devastating waste of lives on both sides see the vietnam war documentary by ken burns operation unthinkable while never fully developed it was a hypothetical uk war plan that would have started wwii before world war ii was even over it called for allied troops to attack the soviet red army at berlin and push them out of europe entirely not having the manpower to fight them alone the plan not only relied heavily on american forces but also called for the rey armament of german soldiers who would then fight alongside the allies the plan didn't get much traction because public support by that point would be being close to zero and the americans weren't interested since they still had japan to deal with and a war against the soviets would likely lead to a soviet japanese alliance among other obvious issues with the plan not really terrifying i suppose but it would have fundamentally reshaped the world that we live in today had it gone ahead what frightens me just as much as how many of you guys in this thread know all the stuff how did you hear about it where did you read it how much is true how much is a misdirection for other things how was it covered up check out the stuff they don't want you to know podcast they cover all sorts of things they do a good job of presenting the known facts and then diving in the rumors and theories they also do a great job of describing the difference between conspiracy theory and conspiracy fact the u.s military has a directive in the case of a zombie apocalypse in it it states that every person no matter what nationality or how their stance was to the us before the apocalypse should be treated equal does it take rf kings zombie apocalypse for the military to realize that everyone should be treated equal prescott bush trying to overthrow the u.s government and install a fascist regime with himself at the top comes to mind him and a bunch of rich guys got pissed they couldn't keep financially destroying the country wikipedia the business plot idk why i'm not able to paste a link not sure if it was ever classified but the netherlands sold cocaine during world war one to both sides of the war prolonging the war a couple of years because higher-ups could stuff their soldiers with cocaine and keep them going that whole thing where the fbi was while tapping martin luther king and sent him a letter telling him to kill himself or else they were going to start a huge news campaign about how he cheated on his wife wasn't great the cia are bad sure but the hoover fbi doesn't get enough press on some of the ruthless tea they were up to cointelpro in general is crazy and if you think it or something like it isn't still happening you're deluding yourself the one that says birds are fake their surveillance drones all the birds died in 1986 due to reagan killing them and replacing them with spies that are now watching us the birds work for the bourgeoisie removed by the us government the mk ultra mind control experiments the cia basically tested various means of mind suggestibility control through many front organizations the main intent was to improve interrogation methods but later expanded into other avenues of research such as making sleeper agents pests were performed both with and without knowledge or permission on large numbers or american and canadian citizens while some files have been declassified or leaked the bulk of the files have either been destroyed or remain classified as a result larger statistics on the project such as death tolls numbers of subjects and personal involved and research gained can only be estimated as of today all the good tea in aatip is redacted so it reads like a comic book it's not a declassified document but a friend of mine that served in desert storm told me some things every morning during master their group was given a small pill to take supposedly to protect them from the toxins the iranians were releasing into the air my friend thought it was odd and he never swallowed his pill just as some other members of their group didn't years go by and all of the people that he still talks to that took the pill have cancer of various types as well as a plethora of other medical issues the ones that did not take the pill seemingly have nothing wrong with them other than normal effects of being middle-aged some crazy stuff and often the military enlisted become guinea pigs for the government without their knowledge or consent operation mockingbird operation northwards operation paperclip the fact that we pardoned unit 731 the list goes on and on unit 731 makes menjel look like a pediatrician with good bedside manner the complete f king madness that was char noble the only man who survived being in the power plant had to have every bit of skin replaced he can touch gasoline people basically melting from the inside concrete walls turned to liquid people vaporized in the initial explosion firefighters falling to their knees and vomiting their little guts up panama papers operation northwoods it was a plan which jfk turned down to carry out a number of domestic terrorist attacks and pin them on cuba so we could get the american public and lawmakers in favor of an all-out assault just looking at stuff like hurricane katrina is terrifying the army corps of engineers warned about the lovers failing the government ignored their warnings and they broke one of new orleans best known hospitals was permanently shut down as an end result not to mention the fact that lsu had the money that fema had given for the renovation and reopening of charity hospital was redirected to building a new student hospital instead not declassified but rather leaked by a man named gary webb who committed suicide by shooting himself in the back of the head twice with a shotgun wrote a book called the dark side detailing how the cia smuggled crack into inner cities to be distributed among lower class black neighborhoods damn america you guys are f ked up came here hoping to find some secret mi7 activity in england left here realizing i'm never visiting america don't worry they will visit you ask me in 2057 the rendelsham forest incident nuclear armed silo based in the uk top secret security clearances and they have a ufo come and disable their missile system at the height of the cold war and possible missile exchanges well documented the government has a real zombie apocalypse plan for if sht goes down they do but it's just an exercise in planning it's a great case for the pentagon action officers to practice oplans i don't remember the exact name but there was a us government project to create individual profiles of all people detailing all aspects of their lives but it was scrapped in 2006. the year facebook opened to the public the kennedy declassified documents causally has a section about trailing hitler's movement through argentina and nobody fcking cares fisa courts almost never deny requests for warrants for surveillance the existence of those warrants is classified in 2005 they had 2 000 requests denied zero you cannot represent yourself or appeal since its existence is classified a 2003 congressional hearing revealed that agents who made fiscal applications didn't understand the concepts or probable cause and agent of a foreign power both requirements for fissure to apply even when the results of that surveillance result in charges the government has successfully maintained that they do not need to say what the surveillance application said in 2000 the fisk found that three agents has lied in at least 75 applications those applications were not invalidated of course bush later decided to just have the nsa do surveillance without a warrant and when the supreme court found him and that and others guilty of violating multiple amendments and laws obama signed a law pardoning them all i'm seeing here are great ban names user sire overthrew the democratically elected leaders to install puppet dictators all over the world wonder why central america south america africa and the middle east are doing poorly we destroyed their government and put crazy people in charge all of the scp files exclamation point i'm joking though it would be terrifying if at least some of it was somehow real [Music] operation northwards i feel like epstein's documents are going to become more and more disturbing not so terrifying but during the clatolco student protests in mexico the reason sht ticked off is because of mexican military snipers disguised as civilians fired upon the crowds this is kinda important for me as my mexican grandfather refuses to believe that there is video and photo evidence and official documents that prove the military's role in the clatololco massacre the president at the time even had an interview where he admitted to it but i don't wanna argue with my grandfather because my dad says tea would go down and he's old i'm not sure how much more he can take this isn't declassified but all information on gun deaths i've been able to find on government websites have been from 1993 to 2011. those years saw a steady decline in gun deaths 2012 to 2017 had a strong increase i can't find anything on 2018 stroke 2019. i don't know what's worse though the fact that the government is hiding the increase or the fact that the non-government websites are ignoring that most of the deaths are suicides they tried to make a spy cat turns out it didn't work and it got hit by a car i read this earlier but just how bluntly put it made me forcefully exhale through my nose i don't like the pig human hybrids people need to know more about man bear pig project pluto if we ever used it it would pretty much end life as we know it it would have been capable of irradiating large areas of the globe within hours i remember noam chomsky revealing a memo indicating that the us had blocked american mennonites from sending pencils to cambodian schoolchildren after the vietnam war now i know that's not outright terrifying but the mindset it takes to make that decision a worldview and way of thinking about humans that comes from a cold dark place ned's declassified school survival guide have you noticed how most of these are from america the cia and how much unchecked power they have is legit scary if this is just the stuff we know about think of what we don't know have you noticed how ridic is an american website yes because america declassifies this sort of thing other places with the means to do so typically don't the ones who do have similar things to leak including uk and canada but they are smaller countries and thus don't have quite the same repertoire of things to declassify look anywhere other than the first world and you'll find the same goes if not worse it's just that russia isn't declassifying there's any cold war ideas that they actually did follow john lennon around and nixon had a very strange obsession the documents are quite surreal to read so far as i know there was a book that was written by a relatively unknown man called chan thomas correct me if i'm wrong called the adam and eve story the book was along very similar lines to the works of charles habgad and his books on earth crust displacement however the only difference between these two is that the adam and eve story was classified by the sire and only recently became declassified however the book itself was heavily sanitized for release leading to over 70 of the actual book to have been completely emitted from the declassified doc there's even entire pages missing from earlier chapters with seemingly no explanation as to why and after reading it one might reasonably come to the conclusion so what the hell was in this that the sire felt they needed to completely hide this book from the masses until now and they still won't let us see the good majority of the book either because honestly a lot of what they left in it makes the book and its premises sound far-fetched as hell despite the sanitized version still managing to make more sense than the works of charles hatgood all of the birds died in 1986 due to reagan killing them and replacing them with spies that are now watching us the birds work for the bourgeoisie with all of these terrible atrocities committed by governments in the past that have links and proof it leds me to one question what the hell are they doing to us right now a good amount of people already know this does anyone remember there is some story that most of the gold bars in american possession are fakes or something but ppl can't release that information because it will destroy more than one national economy operation mockingbird where it was found the cia employed about 400 top journalists in the 1960s to put out propaganda they were caught but it never stopped diet love pass that's some of the freakiest tea ever basically a group of college kids went on a hiking trip in siberia they don't return and the rescue party went out to find them they found the bodies scattered around with various injuries one was found with their eyes and tongue missing none of them were clothed they were just wearing underwear in temperatures so cold skin exposure could lead to instant frost bite their clothes were found neatly packed up in their campsite along with their stove and the rest of their supplies radiation was found on their clothes as well the tents appeared to have been cut open from the inside when the time came for their funeral the ussr tried to cover up their deaths even tearing down pamphlets about the funeral on the college campus where they were living before they died freakish tea edit what i personally think happened is that the hikers witnessed a soviet weapons test and then they were killed by the military because they weren't supposed to witness it you
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Length: 23min 27sec (1407 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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