We Actually Went To Area 51 - H3 Podcast #145

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Did anyone go WTFFFFF when Ethan kept mentioning high schoolers fucking their teachers to his brother? Like I don’t understand at all how he tthought that was appropriate

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/moosegoose90 📅︎︎ Sep 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

Any one in Canada knows Trudeau likes his costumes (and event appropriate socks.)

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

Ian confirmed for the next season of The Bachelor?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Calrax 📅︎︎ Sep 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

I love Ethan but he dropped a few yikes on this one (big black dudes are scarier than big white dudes??). Also as a non-American: do you guys enjoy the blind patriotism rants?

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

I think a lot of people are a bit taken aback by Ethan’s shock humor. But to be offended by it is in the same vein as being offended by Bill Burr or Dave Chapelle stand-ups; it’s not for everyone but at the end of the day it’s still comedy. The man is just trying to exercise and explore his funny bone. It’s his job and that’s the direction he wants to take it.

I see a ton of “he went too far” or “I don’t like how he said that in front of his wife”. That’s the point. Has he ever gone too far? Is there a limit to comedy? Absolutely. The mother fucker has dropped the N bomb before. But that’s the ground he’s willing to explore and ultimately take heat over.

I’m not saying don’t complain or discuss it. That’s the point of the subreddit. I just wanted to give some perspective.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/pffftyagassed 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

Wasn't the American national anthem written about 1812 rather than independence? I'll be honest thought I don't even know what the 1812 war was about, its not really taught here. I only learnt from Reddit that England burned down the Whitehouse (dick move). Its really interesting to hear American perspectives on the revolutionary war though, how its like an underdog story of brave men fighting for freedom inventing democracy (lol). I can't tell if it's indoctrination, cultural differences, or a mix of both.

Also Mt Rushmore is maybe one of the most outrageous things humans have ever built but it is fucking sick to be fair.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/g0_west 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

Jalien Statham at 1:06:15 is pretty fucking funny.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/SemenDemon182 📅︎︎ Sep 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

id love a podcast meetup somewhere in LA!!!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/boobhats 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

Kinda reaching to roast every single ounce of that pregnancy video...

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/sabett 📅︎︎ Sep 25 2019 🗫︎ replies
oh my god this gasp is gonna like destroy everything that we know until it breaks the Gatsby is gonna get me deported we are one hand someone one of our neighbors banged on the door they banged on the wall what's the problem I can't make a little noise in my own office oh the door just opened welcome everybody they say pocket we're gonna need a new door today's episode is sponsored by yours truly Oh Jay Simpson and hello not OJ Simpson hello fresh and ring is sponsored by we have no affiliation with OJ they give their friends just to be clear we are affiliated with hellofresh and ring today I come to you with the news that Eva has undergone her oath ceremony and you turned in your green card and it's official you are a full-blown US citizen now I cannot afford it I just got here from the ceremony right and it was so weird to give them my green card I feel like it's part of my identity yeah sure that green card it's like you always got to have it on you and now it's like it's not on me and so you hire stranger Fickett but I'm I'm curious they gave me a certificate and I guess now I can apply for it passports what you need is the passport right Wow congratulations that's really exciting thank we've also I have footage of that actually here I have footage of us so I had no idea what to expect and there were so many people like to be exact there were 3,700 people just in my ceremony I think they do it 3700 yeah I thought it was gonna be like 20 people I didn't meet my phone man honestly by ringing on the door I got my phone blown up that was a ring notification by the way yeah that's what it sounds like calm sponsor this episode bring accomplished h3 so I thought it would be like 20 maybe 20 people and I thought I'm gonna go in a stage Thomsen shakes your hand yes that I was gonna read the oath and we were gonna record it it's not at all you're like one of literally 3,700 people and then they read the oath on this stage and then everyone repeats it well I guess we are in like the second most populated city in America mm-hmm meet that we'll check that but mmhmm yeah Los Angeles is number 2 by New York so I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you had so many people there but god damn yeah so it looks like they do it a few times a day - I don't know what a few times a day maybe not marry it's not every day I don't know how frequently they do it but it looked like it was set up for more than one holy ceremony so tell me about what was tell me about it you were in there with 4,000 people what would happen what happened lots of waiting and waiting and then they had a few music videos oh really yeah that's pretty funny like like why why was America weird like music thank God for the USA oh and the founding fathers and well that's and then we had a video from Trump congratulating us What did he say he said I don't remember like you know congratulating us and then that it's very special I'm surprised you didn't throw in some like congratulations on becoming a u.s. citizen half of you I wish would have not passed the exam I'm working to that no but what did you feel like a like an honor because I saw you guys someone saying the hose that star-spangled banner you made the oh did it feel lighter like I mean you know pretty nice and pretty there was an emotional part with the judge there's like it's like they make it a court even though it's just it's not I think back in the day yeah we'll have one due to one court all right so it needs to be a court so there was a judge there well and she said that it's very like like emotional for her cuz she was once in our shoes oh so that was kind of cool that is cool she got Theory really yeah but she told her story of she came here with her parents and she tell that have twice a day that story though I don't know and she twice a day I wonder that too what if that was just a special thing for maybe but the room was probably electric because a lot of this big dildo to a lot of the people in that room I mean every yeah that room was probably yeah deal and they kept saying this is your day and everyone's like yeah I saw that they were all going crazy from their American flags yeah it's a beautiful thing man marriage is so great it's good cuz you got to become an Israeli citizen and like what was that for you he's not no there's nothing yeah basically there's there's nothing it's true America they make it they make it a special thing because it is I I love America I've been learning about America a lot through year I mean stuff that I already knew that I learned as a child but stuff that you can't really appreciate as a young child but as an adult when you learn about the founding fathers and and what they went through and why and thank you and why they established this beautiful America the thirteen states they came together to what the ideals that freedom that men can govern themselves that freedom is an inalienable right bestowed upon us by the one true creator that no man could ever take away these are ideas that had never been ingrained in a government before democracy was born here in America and put into action action the American experience is just incredible did you know that George Washington owned like 300 slaves and upon his death he freed them all because he came to learn that slavery was a was it what it did not work with their idea of what freedom meant he came to understand that through the influence of people like Alexander Hamilton while his old life was against slavery these men they fought and died your heart think no I just get excited I love ya I love democracy and I love America yeah we the people I know that now and oh they had someone sing the national from the video okay that was pretty cool it's beautiful and I finally understood the lyrics like you know I always hear it and I have no idea what they're saying because it's kind of hard they give you a lyrics yeah I like that it says that it's the home of the free and the brave that's right home of the holy land of the brave yeah it's true the men who fought you know when the Revolutionary War went down everybody thought America had no [ __ ] chance Great Britain the kingdom that greatest empire that ever existed to that point the world power it was a world superpower they America was supposed to get their face stomped in mm-hmm but these they are brave and they are free [ __ ] did it they beat the English dude do you know what I'm saying yeah we just watched that Alexander Hamilton so this is why George Washington is such a badass I love their name and the fourth George Washington they say he's the best one he a lot of people say is the best president of all time he set that precedent people wanted him to be king but he said no I will only serve two terms I will set this important precedent because we are a democracy we are not a monarchy mm-hmm it's crazy all this stuff that we're just used to the American exactly we need to we need the room anyway thank you for becoming a citizen I'm so proud of you and I'm glad that nobody could kick you out of the country now for our high jinks so if you kill somebody you cannot be deported you can lose your right to vote but you cannot be deported you can still be on Twitter yes you can still tweet nobody yes the founding fathers say freedom is an inalienable right and as well as tweeting have the freedom to bear twitter honey mm-hmm tweeting is an unalienable right so here let's watch this video of you sending that video that I got it this is like a Google my why not one day game and this mag that's when I was like oh [ __ ] this is real when they hand you the flag on the way oh and you're walking actually hello [ __ ] yeah damn I was never issued a flag a little bit and your mom was sitting at the back of they separate you from the applicants and the guests and your mom was with theatre and there were so many people and I gave her my phone because we wanted her to record if there's any good footage and I wasn't sure if her phone was good so I was sitting with no phone it was like maybe for three hours and lots of waiting with no phone is pretty horrible feeling and then I'm unalienable right the eye I couldn't see them there were so many people I had no idea where they were and then I kept hearing like babies crying I was like oh [ __ ] what is it going on I hope the theatre is fine but just to give you guys an idea yeah yeah exactly you can't see so many [ __ ] people on the left that's all the applicants all of this and on the right is all the guests where was it was it in a big stadium yeah remember where um III was 300 the convention where was it what all right Convention Center oh yeah it's Dan oh my goodness so the government's shelling out some major dollars to rent to rent a space man yeah holy [ __ ] they could you know they could just give you a certificate and say oh but they they go that extra mile they do and that's feel special because let's face it our forebears fought hard and long during the Revolutionary War when they said you won't stand a chance when the 13 original States the half of them didn't even want to fight because they didn't think that we stood a chance to get the English but there was a special few who stood up and said no we will not stand against tyranny about with taxation without representation we will not stand without religious freedom freedom of speech freedom of the press we have these unalienable rights we have the pursuit of happiness like liberty and justice for all these are the American ideals that we would put a flag in the sand and we said this is America and we fought huh and we died we starved we ate our horses we were famished hey yes we ate our horses because we had a lack of supplies that heroin you know what I'm saying and goddamnit Liam when that white flag waved we look to God and we said freedom is my god-given birthright then no man could ever take and I bow my head in reverence until I forked and I thank God and Jesus in George Washington first of his name Mount Vernon that stands forever so I have a dumb question hoots now that I know all the figures who's on the amount and the Mount Rushmore yeah so let's see we've got we got we got George Washington here let me pull it up father of our country he is the father of our country George Washington such a [ __ ] badass you know people always try to scrutinize him because a lot of people go back in history and they try to be like rewrite and try to figure out how this guy was a George Washington is one of the only people in American history that stands up to scrutiny he's described by those who knew him as a god-like figure he was he was a principled he was fair he was balanced they said of him first to war first to freedom George washing is what he said of him you know what I'm saying dude this guy is such a badass he owned a bunch of slaves he was born into a family that owned slaves he inherited his slaves from his family so he you know when you're when you were raised that way it's difficult and I'm such a divisive issue at the time but near the end of his life he came to understand that it was at odds the ideals of freedom you have George Washington here wait for it Jefferson come on hold on Thomas Jefferson yes was he like he was the guard president Thomas Jefferson was the third president right he was that he was the political rival of Alexander him yes he was from the south Hamilton was in charge of big government he's going to establish the Federal Reserve Hamilton was opposed to all the or Jefferson was opposed to all those things but he was a great American obviously Teddy Roosevelt the one and only and of course Abraham Lincoln nice so a testament to our great to our great leaders came before us very cool yeah that's pretty sick that they just like [ __ ] yeah apparently is supposed to be a more epic but they like ran out of funds and stuffed working I think yeah I think that's you like [ __ ] this stone man who's got time for this [ __ ] yeah something to finish it I think Trump should be up there no Trump would do that right the Commission himself to be added that honestly looks incredible though here's that go I wanna go there look at that that looks so good chopped into the mountainside that's sick dude Teddy Roosevelt was one of the most badass human beings ever Teddy Roosevelt was like used to ride into war dude with the Rough Riders and [ __ ] kill Indians bro you would killed so many Indians I think it probably is but he's the one to be fair all these guys probably killed [ __ ] loads Indians yes that's true but he's the one that established national parks mm-hmm he was like he was all about nature and preserving the beautiful nature of our country Teddy Roosevelt George Washington Oh such a legend god bless his soul anyway congratulations ela thank you we're all very proud of you we by the way the main thrust of this episode is that we have got an investigative journalist on the ground at area 51 on September 21st the day of the event tiny no 20th whatever was he was there on the day of the event Ground Zero interviewing people talking to people we've got that here today an HP podcast exclusive mm-hmm so that's what's coming up a little bit later we had our Teddy fresh rip and dip event in New York City that's where we were last Friday it was a blast was ahead it was so much fun I thank everyone who came out I mean the turnout was amazing I was whenever I do these meetups I'm all the back of my mind I'm like bye people here yeah the morning of we were both kind of like scared that no one's gonna show up or something but you know you I don't know man you guys just you just never know what to expect yeah I know but you guys are hey you know we're not making like YouTube video like main video so I don't know if people [ __ ] whatever but they came out you guys came out and it was wholesome it was beautiful we had armed guards there they didn't even have to draw the security was amazing they were armed just so any of you guys know that you were buying some [ __ ] but they didn't have to another weapon no it was fantastic here's some of the footage I haven't seen this actually everyone was telling us the line was crazy but I mean we couldn't really know what were there for five hours from 11:00 till 4:00 I don't know what time this was you know that a French faces in the crowd man you guys are awesome good there was all kinds of people onto the street looking into the windows like I think they probably expect someone more famous mm-hmm they're like who's in there all these tourists you know because we're in like a fashion district of Manhattan and I love that piece and but man everyone was so nice I was just so happy yeah damn it was so sweet it was so cool it's nice to just people like you know I listen to your podcast lots of comments on a podcast yeah lots of nice words for you guys back there by the way yeah Ian and Dan and lots of happy birthdays - Zach yep I said oh yeah this girl we were just gonna leave and this girl was Gatlin okay we should do a podcast meet up sometime for you for you guys to meet everyone this is a band where we couldn't see everyone yeah this music sick dandy third I window thanks I wrote it myself okay rippen dip calm you can still grab the collection although a lot of it's sold out which is insane - there's the main pieces are still there the hoodies and stuff thank you guys oh my god I'm a flattered beyond words I'm humbled I'm flattered I'm thrilled and I'm especially glad that security didn't have to kill any money but I went up to the security I was like yo you guys just keep your eyes open it's a crazy time keep your finger on the trigger Oh and as we took taxis to the meet-and-greet one for us and one for my mom and my sister who were all also there they came to watch the other and we get out and about to start the meet and greet and then he things like oh [ __ ] I don't have my back yeah everything even lost his bag alone thing yeah well I want to be one of the rip and dip people tracked him down somehow and I got all my [ __ ] back yeah but ain't but I was amazed now dude yeah I would've been so [ __ ] without that but anyway I was to the security I was like keep your finger on the trigger bro you ready to draw at any moment so luckily nobody died but thank you guys for coming out seriously and you don't know how close you were to being killed my day so I was like if anyone hugs me too long bro that's what I said to them so some of you guys who are really enthusiastic to meet me may have died on this day so but anyway nobody died and I'm just very thankful for that right ela I guess that crowd sounds so cool man anyway yeah trip and dip calm if you want to grab some pieces there's a lot sold out it's doing incredibly well I'm so I'm so thankful most lecture there and what I do want to say a lot of times people ask so this stuff we we don't restock it's a one-time thing okay just so you know if you're wondering that's how it goes and that's how we like to do it with that collab yeah I'd be rare it's a national thing yeah they are available at Zumiez - yeah yep exactly but the plush doll the slippers ooh beiiy be anyway that's all the good things have been going on in our life and I also before we get into all the meat and potatoes I want to give a happy and gay or happy wedding to yours truly [Applause] look at the beautiful married I mean love these two such sweet these two are so sweet so congrats on aisle of both of them we should send them again yeah I totally missed that I just actually did just happen yeah okay they look great Jason clean up first of all she looks beautiful yeah your gown is beautiful but she's a pretty girl that doesn't surprise me Jason cleans up like one time I saw him he like cut his hair and he looked real nice the second time ago vodka he cleans up good man he looks good dude that's really nice I love these guys god bless them all god bless everybody just don't hug me too long or I will pull a weapon on you right either no okay let's see I did the Gatsby entry I had knocked the door off the hinges we talked about all this okay see nice that is joining us on Friday there's question thread on this table ready for that Casey nice that ladies and gentlemen that's cool we've got all kinds of [ __ ] I was really organized but now my dog is a [ __ ] mess because it's not your fault Dan cuz you just did what I told you to do but he put a bunch of links at the top and it I thought I could handle it but I can't and it's just throwing me off completely so I've got all I've got like a cringe trifecta here for us today it's a trinity of cringe I've got a pregnancy cringe I've got a cringe pants and I've got a cringe interview it's a trifecta they're all special wonderful beautiful cringe snowflakes of their own decorating let's start with the cringe pregnancy this one was making its rounds on Twitter quite popular if I'm being honest with you guys it's got almost 9 million views on Twitter my first reaction was I was like man these guys got to be youtubers or something this [ __ ] is so corny but in actuality I think it was a tick tock I mean there are love pits yeah the vertical kind of tells me that it was not you two there's pits of hell lower than YouTube like Dante's uh you know Dante's levels of Hell so I thought YouTube was the lowest level but apparently not now first of all ABC News I mean what what the [ __ ] are you doing why who are you they go you were my best friend soul mate and just in a few pushes you'll be the most amazing mother or daughter could ever ask for that's annoying statement just a few bushes she's not even in labor by the way I mean it is but she's not like on the she's not in the delivery room but it's almost like rude it's more than just a few pushes like shut up right just a few pushes that's all that it yeah just a few tears your whole body's gonna tear also just some months of recovery maybe she won't be the best mother and a couple pushes maybe takes time maybe being parented a little more to it than a couple pushes dude well anyway why is ABC tweeting this they say husband of the Year surprises pregnant wife with book of motivational message to encourage her during two-day labor now guys think about this the the notepad is pouring out to torch the camera my uh Michael from Schmo yo so here you could read it right this is the orientation you cannot she can't even read what's on the paper can you read that ela that's review I mean to be fair the text is really big okay but dude it's not facing me well we got a watch because I don't understand angle yet alright husband of the year I got competition here illa ABC News ain't [ __ ] they got inmates we dating videos about my ass being husband of the year I can already tell you the motivational messages isn't the last thing I would want to hear that's what I keep seeing a lot of women saying like if my husband tried this [ __ ] during the but anyway this is all [ __ ] they planned this ahead of time for views its look at the shot what their stunts like dude homie said okay I see what you mean yeah it's not even facing thinker like I don't read it maybe if she squinted she could read it if it's for her why isn't him facing her yeah because they wanted to put her stomach in the shot to sell it right this is probably not even his first take if I'm being honest okay now I have a lot of questions you guys will notice that there's two songs playing at the same time why the [ __ ] this bothers me then nobody points it out there's two songs at the same time they're not even in harmony there's like a soft piano riff and dude strumming a guitar and they're different [ __ ] songs bro why what the [ __ ] okay breathe baby like we've been practicing did you notice your documents not facing her yet idiot I've been your biggest fan look how she's rubbing her belly to look I've laughed at the same joke ten thousand times I don't know which melody to jam to what's worth it like when do you call a bear with no teeth what do you cuz I want a gummy bear bro seriously move the [ __ ] on also our issue is she deaf why is she not talking he's you know I'm like why is no one talking the music yeah how is nobody pointing out that there's two songs playing and conflict at the same time that the just pulled away like that anyway I get the feeling he's blasting through it too right like he's trying to time it like yeah there's a time limitation on Instagram or something breathe baby young guys are telling me to breathe only the nurse by the way you Britt you breathe when you have a contraction like only the nurse can tell you to breathe in my opinion three Bush no don't push it's like you're not doing anything so you have to not say anything oh yeah there's this moment she goes up wait there's a great moment here when he goes he basically is like oh yeah this is my favorite luscious he goes people ask us this is the best line ever did so romantic he goes when people ask how we made it this far what the [ __ ] you talking about you look like you're 22 we made it this far I don't know then maybe there's like known somewhere but I call them ok I tell them a lot of Prayer a lot of patience he's basically saying I cannot stand you how do we make it this far a lot of Prayer and a lot of patience for your dumb [ __ ] gummy bear joke you know what I'm saying like I'm not flattering you're not you're not a hundred years old you've been together for like 80 years yeah a lot of Prayer if how are you guys still together if somebody asks you going to God right that's not a compliment somebody goes hell how did you guys you guys are you know I think I've been together so long a lot of Prayer and a lot of patience that's something you would hear from like your parents after 50 years of marriage yeah with like a hint that they hate each other yeah a lot of patience a rough a few rough times already this is your first pregnancy she gets me okay breathe baby oh my god no patronizing every time I see that breathe and wink the night before our wedding day we were sued some advice we'll never forget it said don't forget to prayer we are going to be tested but there is no test we can't face together that's the advice bro just like in the vows after two years of being married that's it prayer patience after two years dog did you plenty of flats to you what's a test at the Testaments like [ __ ] [ __ ] hit the fan like they're having an awful like what's an argument Oh a pregnancy lost all no he finally got his good man you look like idiots damn they've been through plenty of prayer and plenty of patience man he like yeah he gone and did it to you man he had to do it to him I got sucked into okay fine I'll give you that but I still do not condone two songs at once that [ __ ] is [ __ ] up [Laughter] don't tell me to breathe breathe it's like yeah obviously I'm breathing I'm not trying to die anyway yeah I'm over this [ __ ] but like bro you're facing the camera you're not facing her hello right yeah so you and you read this so you're not doing it right you got a point in bit into the camera yeah so it's like that can you read that no I mean with that sighs not fired probably meant but it's like this I'm going okay breathe baby breathe you're the most and it says like you're the most breathtaking yeah I like some more some of them were kind of long to get the camera to by the way he's not even looking at her he's facing the camera so he's doing like this yeah honestly I would be pissed because if you were trying to make like a deal a video out of it yeah well she's in on it all right Ditka Steve she's in there rubbing her belly in whatever I just don't know why a be Sue's ABC news got to get involved you know what I mean there's two songs playing out once what the [ __ ] just being slightly thick in my mouth I feel hate in my heart for this man if my husband did this was in labor I would have punched him in the face exactly that's my feeling my feeling is just like ready to punch I'm sure this is an acceptable grounds for divorce and I think that's when I knew the marriage was over he was definitely in on it guys set up the camera and everything how the [ __ ] a BC news gonna tweet that and then tweet about Nancy Pelosi and Alan hearing like come on you can't have it both ways dude husband of the year all right so that's cringe that's one aspect we're at a break time let's take a break we got two more crazy to breathe you ten breathe the trend the cringe Trinity and then we've got area 51 on the ground reporting you guys this is uh this is a big deal okay we'll be right back hello fresh is America's number one meal kit get easy seasonal recipes and pre measured ingredients delivered right to your door all you got to do is cook and enjoy and if you guys go to hell of fresh calm / h3 podcast 80 you're 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everything you need to build a ring of security around your home here's what you need to do go to ring.com slash a tree that's ring.com slash HD I'm just telling you start with the doorbell you're gonna be addicted it's freaking insane you can keep tags on all these parks and friends and friends and family but nothing's gonna slip by welcome back everybody I've got our on the field reporter aka my brother Sean who drove on though down to area 51 to be on the field and get the get the scoop as you guys know it's been in the news lately area 51 they wanted to raid area 51 someone made a Facebook group that went viral everyone started RSVP'ing yes for a meme there ended up being like millions of people and on the the lead-up to that this was a great little scoop Dutch youtubers who were on vacation were arrested and jailed when they tried to get near area 51 leave it to youtubers who [ __ ] everything up I mean really they are the bottom tier they are the Dante's Inferno lowest level though is being a youtuber to Dutch friends said they wanted a good look at the mysterious area 51 before leaving the US they ended up in a Nevada jail they were arrested about three miles deep into the Nevada national security site the site near area 51 which been focused on conspiratorial theories for decades the two men say they never planned to participate in the raid they just wanted to do it the two of them we didn't have any intention of storm it because we leave on the day before the actual storming date we just wanted to go there good logic when arrested on September 10th both men told deputies they could read write and speak English and had seen the no trespassing signs at the entrance of the site but they said they want to take a look at the facility police said isn't there science in area 51 that said like you will be shot on sight if you enter like they're very I don't [ __ ] around there dude caution signs around area 51 you know what I'm saying look at this [ __ ] yeah hey you're not supposed to Beit Shean what the hell Sean's on hold by the way but we're getting that restricted area no trespassing but on this point you will be ma isn't there one that says that they'll murder people so help me out here Dan six months imprisonment yeah that's pretty the murder part is just implied something that was like you'll be Shawn's right oh wow this was outside area 51 this oh well that gives it away warning area if you want the UFO scooping up a guy yeah oh the funniest part about this story that I'm leading to is that so they pleaded guilty to trespassing and illegal parking they were sentenced to one year but it was well it was suspended and the two will spend a total of three days in County each pay two thousand two hundred and eighty dollars officials said they wanted to make an example out of them that area 51 is not a tourist attraction they work this is my favorite part here [Music] when arrested he had they had on them cameras phone laptop and a drone can you imagine thinking you could just fly a drone area over area 51 like these to pose those youtubers God it doesn't get any dumber than that I'm glad they caught him what imagine if they said though they're like they just flew a drone over area 51 made a YouTube video about it but they didn't well anyway we've got my brother here like shunt the great Sean Klein Sean welcome to the show now Sean my brother of 34 years Sean is two and a half years older than me is that correct Sean two years nine months older to be exact Sean is a high school high school right teacher yeah high school physics teacher in Nevada he is beloved by the student body he's a very good teacher correct me at five I'm embellishing but I don't think I am I'll take credit for all that now a lot of your students know you as my brother right yeah I think is it is it the likeness they think that the you that you look like me and then they noticed that you have the same last name as me yeah I get this a lot we're like I'll just like be teaching and like a student cost me that I came mr. Klein do you like do you know this like youtuber guys came like h3h3 I'm like why you got like the same last name now I'm just like um you look kind of like him like yeah it's my brother that or is it annoying it's like whatever like it happens a lot kind of that's kind of funny do you get it do you find that you get extra respect from the students when they find out you're my brother yeah it like brothers like yeah but then I'll get like this like yo mr. Klein like I don't get it like your brother seems like way different than you I mean that's true we do a very different plan I'm like yeah I'm a teacher well well you understand we're two different people yes that's true yeah although we are more we are very different more than most siblings maybe but maybe not also the same but people did always think we were twins growing up so yeah well we were pretty close in age and you were a little bit taller for your age not a little bit shorter a lot Detroiters though not a lot don't be dramatic don't be smarter than yourself I mean I was pretty small well you've grown up into a bright young man my brother's jacked by the way I'm fat and he's very jacked my brother so you see him don't [ __ ] around you know I'm saying that message to all his students out there come across have you ever has ABS ever been a fight in one of your classes like a physical fight um I've almost had a fight what later last year I had this incident where this girl went to the bathroom and then another I let see we had like these past these bathroom passes and so you can let you out at the same time so I let one girl out and she went to bathroom and she was you know taking her sweet time another girl goes into the bathroom and she hears overhears her talking about another girl in my class and she's like talking [ __ ] about her and so he comes back and tells the girl yeah yeah and then they were like she came back and they're like what you can disrespected me and they start yeah yeah sounds a little bit ratchet you've been yes yes way sir would you describe what you describe a confrontation is ratchet someone told me that term one of my duties that a little ghetto I guess right gonna be the definition lowest reality it was you know it was it was it was unique I'm gonna choose not to use any derogatory absolutely smart keep stay professional no they're they're great they're great girl do you have any I mean the you know you hear the trope about the hot female teacher do you ever get any females coming on to you as the as the handsome you know single he's got muscles I'm not saying does he [ __ ] his student I mean of course he does I'm just curious so what's the experience like as a high school teachers I'm sure it's uh there's a lot of ends and a lot of outs Dan now Shawn answer the question I think most most of the students are pretty respectful um I know like in my younger years as I'm like 36 no one was 37 but when I was a bit younger a bit less gray hair I definitely like had girls that like it was pretty clear there was like a crush and I'd be like hey yeah you are not staying after school you know yeah yeah yeah that's very smart very wise it will easier now why cuz nobody there's less interest in you because you're older yeah I'm older now yeah and that way has there ever been any sex scandals at your school with like teachers and students um I think they're so great that happens like I I type I mean I've only I've owned this is only my second year at this school I think there was some case of something like few years back but I I can't I can't recall but I mean it's like I know in in Vegas it's like it's yeah this thing's definitely happened but ya know I don't I don't know if any of the cases I feel like all the teachers when I was growing up were like old and no one yeah no one would even think to write yeah I reckon I was when I was in school yeah like all they were all like in their fifties and speakers and it was like ah gross and then I went back after right after I'd finished college and I was doing substitute teaching at my former school and like all those old teachers had like retired or died and they were all replaced by like you know doing something fresh blood yeah I can see yes I think in Vegas I think those incidents happen more than other districts because the there's such high turnover of teachers in in Clark County and so there's a very large percentage of teachers that are in twenties and thirties versus most districts it's probably a smaller percentage mm-hmm imagine [ __ ] a high schooler as a teacher ooh that sounds good no I'm kidding that sounds awful Jesus Christ well Shana that I'm glad that you have yeah do you know come on that one so this is my brother Sean a little introduction to the man the myth the legend himself now Sean I did an incredible reporting he went out to area 51 on the day you did all the research you did you got everything set up we've got all a bunch of footage we're gonna watch her shortly but I wanna can you clarify for me Sean first of all there was the original Facebook page but but there was three different events that happened there was the area 51 base camp the alien stalk and then there was one in Las Vegas that was hosted by the original Facebook page owner can you please explain what has going on with those three events and how do they how are they related so it's just like 21 year old college student guy and he just thought it would be funny to post this on this fake event on Facebook as like a meme and it really started to take off I heard that the there's that little not video did you ever see that Oh what about him that no they they took like the where the old town Rose name yeah mm-hmm yeah so there's that there's that he he did like redid it it's like a cartoon as like a mean I was like the area 51 invasion after he saw this Facebook event and then I could really blew up Oh Madonna huh associated yeah so yeah so anyway it became really popular and it was like 2 million people and like originally he thought you joke but then he was like oh you know what like maybe I can take advantages in mind we can all like get the other and party because he didn't want people to actually storm at this one because he was like that would be stupid so he coordinated with the owner of the low alien hotel or in or Dever and in Reichle and so they were in the process of trying to organize something and he said that he got kind of freaked out because they didn't have a lot of permit and he sought to be to my people and there'd be all kinds of issues and then he and my end up liable so he just like cut ties with her and then he got contacted by Budweiser they're like hey we'll sponsor your event so he went and sponsored an alien stock event in Las Vegas but then the lady that owned the end she was like well I got all this free publicity so I'm gonna still host it and so she's still hosted and called the aliens clock would put like a hyphen in it yeah so competing is correct and then another company was like hey all these would be coming up from Vegas but let's make our own event it'll be like more organized and stuff and we'll have actual like speakers from alien documentaries and books and try and get some of that that crowd and that's that's the one I was so you went to so the one that you end up going to was the area 51 base camp and this was the one for the actual these are the people that were ready to raid area 51 I I don't I don't know about that but they were they were the alien of whose words I read it yet there was no definite like I feel like if there were going to be an alien furious they would be at this one because this is where they had like do an act first and it seems like yeah now what I'm wondering is why on earth would Budweiser think that a dude who only qualification was making a Facebook page could put on a festival yeah I don't know but I on the local news they covered it and it was like they were like you know like 2030 people that's it and it was a Thursday night like there was only like 30 people at the Budweiser sponsored [ __ ] I'm yeah I'm sure loud the night there were more people but yeah I wasn't very much and what about alien stock they said alien stock overall I think there were like two to three hundred people that showed up good and so ok so let's go to area 51 base camp which is where you were now first let me ask you how many people were at that one the total number of people when I was there was probably somewhere around a hundred hundred fifty that's crazy there's nobody yeah well and what makes it worse is the vast majority of them were just that page that oh yeah so Damon huh oh they thought there'd be yeah they thought there'd be thousands of people so the owner the guy that organized it hired all dis security they were like they're like twenty thirty police officers that he was paying to be there and he had like additional security there were all these like boo-boos and everything they're like fifty porta-potties oh yeah at one point I went use one Queen of Sparta potty ever Wow Wow so funny yeah those are the bankrolled uh uh I don't think the guy is like I thought I was there on someone from one of the news channels was interviewing him and he was really pissed yeah I know I'd have to pay all these people everyone was covering it like it's a real thing you know the whole time the Facebook group yeah in the noon news oh you know absolutely like when I was there there there were literally more people from like the there were more media people than there were idle event that's awesome well it's a bit of a schlep like if you don't live in Vegas I mean even from Vegas it's like a two-hour drive but if you're anywhere else like [ __ ] driving there right yes and you but you know what I thought it wouldnt be like like this really horrible like ugly does like I imagined like like I thought of Independence Day of Bruce Claus member like welcome her you know remember laughing oh yeah so that's what I imagine and it's actually not like that at all the area where it was it's like really pretty there's like a river I never liked trees and the lake and stuff yeah I was like what hmm that is surprising yeah the area 51 is a little bit further east from there like that like that this light is that like the entrance but the total like area that includes theirs if you wanted like massive well let's let's I present to you now Sean Klein presents an area 51 documentary stands aside Shane Dawson we've got the area 51 documentary on there and I'm very proud and excited to present it to you guys here so let's let's enjoy it together shall we here we go a bunch of alien merch so hearty bro there's like five how much money did they spend on yeah I don't have any Kevlar came off of materials found on the Roswell crash my Kevlar it's like not that crazy above material step the [ __ ] sidechain well we've actually landed it's just a glare right there the lighting in this shot is insane yeah it's just a glare when you heard memes are digital weapons you know that that was a stand out line of the evening and there's like there's literally like 10 people in the shot right now yeah this is a crazy stage right I mean this looks official this is better than the one they had at fire festival yeah this is actually better put together than five yeah and they had like 10,000 people [Music] [Music] we only saw the one individual I was there and she was ranting about some environmental issues and she briefly talked about Shawn was this the guy he was talking about yeah yeah I went found him I can't oh that's this guy's gone I love hearing from this guy do you know if this guy had an abduction experience I should my guess is that he probably does thank you cuz he says I can do thing like most people get abducted I'm assuming I don't wide enough that he says because I noticed he says during this interview that 5% of the population has an abduction experience sounds like you've got a dick sounds like an alien put a probe up your ass with something to do but anyway yeah I this is the real deal so here we go this is that the government's is sleeping in the debt in in bed with the devil basically it's a Faustian bargain that allowed us to get this exotic technology so that was basically in agreement between this prevent technology German engineers were then able to take that information and eventually created prototype will be the first working prototype in 1934 okay they had a fully functional fleet of your folks was it was it hard for you not to uh was it hard for you to go with the flow and not interrupt him with facts a mug no I thought it would be but like what he was saying was so out there I was just like so fascinate I'm like I'm gonna let this guy oh yeah that's the right yeah I'm glad and you did a great job of uh okay yeah we sir yeah we starts talking about interdimensional being oh my god I'm pretty sure Alex Jones believes that and they're connected to the Nazis yeah ever like that's why I said directed by Steven Spielberg because the villain who is not seasoned is what he's seek to overthrow they seek to kill and steal and destroy human beings by the way they really suck at killing humans because like the population keeps going up a lot from remove the stuff for the better life but God bless that's good yeah this guy's a legend man John definitely did find out there sought to kill it over it could be the know they're fighting against and [ __ ] they're telling you about [ __ ] chairs that are [ __ ] this tall Shawn I didn't follow the chair the chairs thing yeah what is he talking about he goes on he says that there's chairs that are really small chairs is that there's aliens could you supplement that with a little yeah yeah so I guess he was saying that he saw some evidence that that they have like these these narrative children 51 and they're very small and so since they're small like they're way too small for an adult human so it must be for alien so they have pictures of little chairs at area 51 do they I nothing I'm gonna pair up I know this guy didn't make a lot of sense well I'm pretty sure he's on lots the drug well there's one thing I do know for sure that he did find the promise for a better life in South different happy firma absolutely that's just not [ __ ] normal give a [ __ ] who you are yes describe to describe to me how a [ __ ] chair this big is picking anybody besides an alien and I'll [ __ ] scream to the goddamn gods but I think it's [ __ ] [ __ ] I think guaranteed [ __ ] tell me I can't I have to go to [ __ ] work in the morning how much money do you think this guy's in the paper No 500 bucks I don't know he said this that yeah he's fine think about but I can tell you only the [ __ ] most brainwashed people who'd be sitting around [ __ ] watching theirselves dig [ __ ] I don't leave another word was it called when you [ __ ] sit and deteriorate okay where the [ __ ] else would they be I have to say it looks like everyone there is having fun looking legend what can I say it's hard-hitting reporting yeah I would have watched a full hour of this I would have loved dude I would have totally wash the floor now Shawn how did the cut come out was there anything fantastic that we neglected to include in the final edit yeah I know I don't think so I mean that kind of really captured the the experience of a a lot of unique characters well not really that many characters but a handful unique characters well did you get to see a UFO well the big question you know I was taught which someone the mum was saying one of the guys I was talking to I think after I stopped playing he was telling me that like on the way here he saw you up okay great fantastic yes I thought I saw a drone okay that's what though if they are forced actually like flew over some crazy [ __ ] just to [ __ ] with everyone there um well Shawn I would like to congratulate you on a successful mission out to there yeah base camp you came back unharmed yeah you came back with some golden footage you did a great job and I look forward to sending you on more journey of discovery would you like to do more reports for us yeah I think you're good at it I think you've got a knack for this were you ever were you ever in fear for your safety out there no because like I was telling people that I was heading out there and everyone's like because I post like an Instagram photo like head in areas and people are like oh my god be careful you say let me know when you get back I'm like why do people like so man let's meet these utopian people they're like they're like totally harmless yeah they seem bald it's all go like it's crazy the coverage of this story was just so insane that everyone was thinking like oh it was gonna be people ready to fight and then the government is gonna fight them yeah and it was gonna be like a civil war going on and then it's the media again like taking a story that seems interesting and then completely blowing ah yeah and this the government or the Air Force was making statements like don't yeah so it was all good but everything we ended up with a fantastic piece of journal I think that will go down in the annals the anals of history annals the anals of history so Sean we wish you all the best thank you we wish you well god bless god bless thank you very much well there you have it what was that talk to you later talk to you later yes and there you have it don't ever say that we hear the issue podcasts do not hit hard okay we take this job seriously one who says we don't do our research were you at area 51 based a distance obviously and that's it this is just the beginning of what did our research was in area 51 we were there boots on the ground mother-fricker that's just the beginning of what we're capable of we are not up and we're not putting this show is only getting bigger badder and crazier than ever now let's talk about Justin Justin trade now we shouldn't decide why you want to talk about cuz overtime blast limited so we'll talk about blackface okay Justin Trudeau tree do Trudeau druid oh yeah this story's just hilarious I mean we're almost done but Justin Trudeau can't stop wearing black it's like the funniest [ __ ] ever now look at that's like mega blackface that's like no-holds blackface dude like Oh what is a costume ma looks like just some yeah it looks really dark in that one I think ironically that's the brown face photo though because it was too black face picture can be deceiving though a black and white picture right exactly exactly well okay but regardless I mean he had definitely a black face long yes because everyone was like calling for his resignation I was like bro come on is the prime is he's not gonna resign cuz he did blackface like 11 years ago it's part of a costume just so stupid it's like you're telling me that the person he is the person he's become the Prime Minister of Canada all he did Skull Minh aided in his life all of his life's work and everything you want him to resign he's defined by this one moment 11 years ago that you just found undo everything he's worked so hard to becomes cuz he wore black face 11 years ago listen to yourself [ __ ] you let me go through the anals of your life and find something that's embarrassing and try to get you fired and yeah it's like it's like yeah you really asked and by the way Justin Trudeau's like super liberal he's like a mega Lib liberal like leader and they want him to resign because he did blackface 11u you know who's gonna replace him [ __ ] so nice ultra-nationalist well so you're gonna get yeah exactly you know who's gonna who's gonna replace him he's gonna run in blackface you know what I'm sayin yeah that's what you're gonna get [ __ ] idiots I'm so glad he didn't like give in to that [ __ ] he was like look I apologize it was stupid thing to do I mean that's some [ __ ] his hand is even dude that's crazy dedication bro bro that's crazy his hand is black but what it's not like it's not like he's doing this today exactly have you seen my black face recently that's what I'm saying you wanna define him as a man everything he's achieved in life because he did like one thing he did 11 years ago bro look how he's holding her neck though too it's kind of wild huh mm-hmm damn he apologize I should have known better okay fair enough we could all look back and say that thing you know I remember when I was a kid how old am I now 34 it was probably actually like 20 years ago but there was trick-or-treaters who came up in [ __ ] blackface what can you know like where did yeah and nobody said anything it was just like that kids crazy but not like nobody thought that kids a racist right he was just a [ __ ] crazy to paint your face black and go as a black person on Halloween but no but like nobody cared nobody was causing a fuss about it I'm just saying not that big of a deal here I'm truly shocked I don't know who this person is Elizabeth May I'm truly shocked by the racism showing the photograph of Justin Trudeau you must apologize real harm done and commit to learning and appreciating the requirement to model social justice leadership okay that's fun he didn't she didn't call for his resignation that's good hmm yeah okay you can be shocked and he can make an apology and we can and we can you know use it as a learning experience that's fine I I support all that she's his website a greatest thing though about this story too is that he it it kept like coming out is like a one after the other thing like there was one story he was like I'm sorry and then another one came out like okay seriously I'm really sorry well okay just made it seem a lot worse because I'm getting dragged out like that if he's doing blackface back then he thought it was okay so and yeah he's a serial blackface he's a serial blackface costume like you is what any defendant by the way this doesn't look like blackface it's a low quality black-and-white picture here we got we've got the photos here we got the receipts as the kids now that's black me and Sam apparently what's the context this one do you know uh it was like uh it was like a camp or something yeah he responds after the second one came out the fact of the matter is that I've always and you know this been more enthusiastic about costumes and it's sometimes appropriate but these are the situation regret to fight and you know this so I said I said okay well let's see let's let's look into the costume because I remember he was getting kind of goofed on for this whole thing where he would put on like the Indian outfit people were goofing on him so I do raise this racist - I don't think so I think he was just he was in India and he put on the outfit yeah if that's racist then what the [ __ ] is I don't understand anything more I thought I thought that's a nice gesture when you try - all right I don't think anybody was calling this okay they were just goofing on them I don't okay and we just because he made the defense about loving costume okay like all these fish he's like he's like - subtle shaves away from being yeah I think that's a Canadian military uniform oh yeah he's done at all I mean he's not lying dude he loves costumes goddamn Justin I think that is I think that is legit those are legit receipt okay now this now this is troubling okay no this is career-ending what is that a giant pimple on his [ __ ] anyway yeah I'm on your right the guy is a serial costume a dresser they're all like high-quality costumes and pigs and as the theater geek and if I pull up this Aladdin blackface you can tell like bro he got the turb he got yeah everything going on here I mean this guy is all in he painted his hand blocking [ __ ] sake when you paint your hand black that goes beyond black face I think that means he didn't painted someone did for him there was other people involved it's one of those legit we need to find out who they are and ruined their [ __ ] life too what I did he said what I did hurt them her people who shouldn't have to face intolerance and discrimination because of their identity this is something I deeply deeply regret darkening your face regardless of context of the circumstances always unacceptable because of the racist history of black face I should have understood that then and I should have never done it god bless it's funny after it keep caming out all these more black face fuzz and he was like they're like have you done this more than once and he's like honestly I've probably done it several times I can't really run that room nice it seems harmless though yeah anyone who wants a man to resign as Prime Minister the prime of his life all this man's life is culminated he's achieved so much at such a young age to resign and disgrace because he did black faced 11 years ago give me a [ __ ] break dude so was was he born like his dad was a minister yes yeah now that's it I mean I got a couple more things but we can we come save them yeah it's my dad's birthday and ah we gotta go get grab some dinner with them so I'll put up a I'll put a [ __ ] thing in it you say that I'll put a pin in it what are we talking about I'm gonna put a pin in it put something in it I'm putting a pin in it we can talk about it later okay putting a pin in it you did you know how I made it this far with you ela a ton of right prayer bro and every day I pray every day people ask that song so sad lots of prayer to God I've been asking about every day please give me the strength that's like you're one step away from jumping out of the window lots of Prayer patience good alright so that's it that are we looking how long we looking good we looking gold we're looking Goldie so on Friday we've got Casey nice tat the OM that I'm using the Casey nice that phone he's gonna like that he is gonna love that so so you know catch us on Friday and then the next week after that we got Bobby Lee and kalila coming in the grades that we've got don't we have more guests lined up when is the bachelor gonna bachelor finale we got it and we there's we got a lot three that's right oh [ __ ] Oh next week I think we're talking about next Friday yeah next Friday but we got we got some planning to do because we're already getting inquiries for the next Bachelor I think we have a I think we have a a bachelor for the next season mm-hmm we got I know why we gave it away yet but we will announce it on the last I was a very eligible he's very accomplished he's gainfully get very gainfully employed yeah and I'll say that dare I say that he's got a touch of magic and divinity in him as well right yeah in AD Wow is that a hint yeah yes it is Dan but until then I wish you a chase Tuesday so have a great week I'm gonna see on fry or not well tomorrow you know you see it on Wednesday not to z' day because it's a late we had to start later because it was a ceremony but I do want to say and as I close out this podcast how meaningful it is that you've come here and become a citizen of the under the you've stood on the shoulders of the Great's like Thomas Jefferson George Washington Alexander Hamilton and window and when the you know when the English camp doors when they rolled into New York Harbor with 32,000 troops and the world looked upon America like ants fools these ideals of freedoms idealists naive they would this they said that those ideals of freedom stand now over two hundred years later as a testament people often say what would the founding fathers think of America today you know what they would say and they would say they would probably cry tears of joy that their that the country they oh come on you can't move America was that a boot yeah what are you buying no America is beautiful one day I would say the it worked the Constitution that we wrote the Bill of Rights will everything we dreamed up birthday for 200 years ago can you imagine that they dreamed it will become the imminent superpower of the world coast-to-coast specific to Atlantic sea the sea to shining sea Dan we got a mobility scooter you imagine the tram read on what is friction a blue Dan I mean seriously you can go on Google and buy a mobility scooter and it's delivered to you the next week sea to shining a merry intersteno regional states 250 I run out of song I mean come on we'll give me the American music Dan for track I've been waiting for for this whole time you know I mean it's fine it doesn't matter that we can get genocided millions of Indians her about her heyday we had a manifest destiny God told us we must we must oh the land from sea to shining sea those manifest destiny it was a national policy there no other thing on the western frontier basically they had this Christian funded a policy called manifest destiny said that God destined us to have from coast to coast and that and it didn't matter what we had to do because it was God's plan for America didn't matter if we had to kill Indians didn't matter if we had to kill Mexicans of which we killed many we it was the American promise sea to shining sea that of course came much later than the founding fathers they had nothing to do with that so don't bring them into it well manifesto you got a well a manifest destiny came late after all the founding fathers and already set the groundwork for the great country we live in today dan what are you a historian what are you [ __ ] give me a break here okay it didn't know well the constitutional questions yeah yeah I will Dan dude me when I said I started now I do think that we need to add an amendment to the Constitution about mobility scooters what would it say that every every person can buy one mm-hmm I think that Lord he is the case but good I gotta think about it but I think it's gotta be there that would be the 38th amendment right 28th 28th amendment all right so what we got to read our congressman you gotta write the Brad chairman chairman that would be the weirdest [ __ ] note he ever got baby no that's beautiful that's three of our great Republic a Republic for which it stands indivisible I do need I I think mobility scooters should be a little cheaper it was a little peasant man it needs to be substituted by the government some sort of subsidy yeah sort of so it's a it's not a it's not a privilege it's alright yeah it is alright okay all right well you let's get you okay slow down you just been American for one day okay could you slow down it's always the commitment to own one all right let's say that it's alright slow it down there's it's almost our responsibility is American citizen I'm throwing him abilities good all right I got one plane right now hey pace yourself okay got a whole life I had to get being an American okay from sea to shining sea huh well guys it's been a fun packed field we're gonna go at some barbecue do them so what the [ __ ] up now baby yes mac and cheese mac uh maybe have some broccoli if it's sauteed in butter otherwise it's all spitless oh well [ __ ] [ __ ] on the table I will literally show you why don't you eat the spinach that's cooked in butter and create that [ __ ] tastes like garbage why would you even I don't get that like I hate cream of spinach it's awful who is a dream it's just a heap of nasty soggy spin it's not cream and it's not spam and you eating it like oh well you want to eat spinach because it's healthy but you know it's just coated in butter it doesn't even taste good I mean who would eat that I don't know correct me if I'm wrong tanner Ian do you like that [ __ ] and when Zach WA yeah yes you know I am why don't I want you to tell me the truth the cream of spinach [ __ ] yeah I'm sorry what in the show you know you're not listening I'm just watching your mouth you don't listen yeah we just keep it on mute back here to be honest mmm true okay so so which so do you enjoy it yes or not first of all we're almost in the same room do you not hear us anyway like but and also the door got busted oh but I'm not gonna tell you in I'm not gonna tell you what we were talking about we've been ranting about it for like five minutes well you gotta take a gamble do you like it or not the thing that you don't know yeah well you did say I would like yeah I heard that part and there you go I'll take your I trust you say yes you [ __ ] up don't ask your disgusts me rap you disgust me I can't believe that you would heat back that came on you let's send it out thank you it was cream of Spanish [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 695,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, h3h3, h3h3productions, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, area 51, ethan and hila, ethan & hila
Id: cX7gNjaveBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 24sec (5484 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 25 2019
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