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let's try and get one of these codes okay all right let's go - aw Bobby same every time hard oh okay oh okay it's so unsettling every time [Music] [Applause] hey guys and welcome did you to live welcome to the game welcome today welcome back to the game of GT live and the game of the days is welcome to the game after this game last time there was a lot of lost sleep mostly on this side of the couch and I think that's when we installed extra security cameras but then we were afraid of the security cameras and so Matthew basically became an insomniac for three weeks while this game just crept its way right into his little psyche I slept in front of the bedroom door so that no one could open it also before we begin if welcome to the game - is anything like welcome to the game one be aware that this is a very mature stream you are Clint Edwards an investigative reporter for one of the leading online news sites you are investigating mysterious disappearances and murderers related to the Deep Web you are deep in your case and about to make a breakthrough but then you're gonna call from someone least expected protip different Wi-Fi networks will have a better page load in page loaded times oh boy oh great 2016 Colo Wow okay great oh I think I have that camera I [Music] heard you were looking for me check this out it might help you on your case thank you this site here just went live I've been monitoring for the past hour and every so often if different girl shows up asking for help Oh gray are streaming to their phase page but it seems that people holding them are rerouting their stream to this platform it might be cutting off all cellular data except for their face page at least that's what I think they're Hajis seem to be some sort of boating platform the viewers seem to be taking votes for something I guess it's not good so it seems like it's gonna be oh my gosh so it seems like one of those ah the classic internet story of the internet votes whether you live or die great oh jeez spoiler alert I feel like in all of these stories they always die I mean it's the Internet right here comes a new girl no these games my name is Amelia Lewis [Music] yeah a boat a boat oboe reddit oh no oh no it's buffering oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I was just researching something I found he is not he's got it worse like dislike ratio than Rebecca hey Murphy I want to see her feet sorry this one at least the comments are like the shadow web is a hole or bubble the Deep Web requires special soccer which is not easy to get she mentioned the prey which is interesting because they mostly operate on the normal Deep Web I have a feeling that she might have stumbled across something more sinister and they're using the prey as a front hold on let me look into this a little bit further I know who she is this Adam guy is very helpful right he's also really calm about this I just saw someone I mean comments are awful thankfully for people they did no she she thinks she's on her phone her traffic was rerouted you think she's like broadcasted individuals I saw the film son mentioning men in masks well she reminds me of a document I read a while back they're more of a cult no one really knows their official name but online we refer them to as Noir I'll send you that document to your desktop Amelia seems to have a great deal of information it could be a huge resource to your investigation let me see if I can source up the shadow web tunnels you stumbled across oh geez I would buy oh I can't vote for you we want to click it we want a heart we want to heart you think he's gone wonderful shadow web live streams actually get like this many viewers because this is I mean that's a lot right that's more than like a lot alike that's more than most like Twitter and YouTube streams that'll be really scary some kind of warehouse facility cookies they haven't gotten to me yet but they will they do ah six six six oh no oh man no one-click the death skull don't ruin the c6 this game these games unlocking this should reveal the location of where she's being held this lie seems to have a cutoff time at 4 a.m. tonight after that the tunnel she used and places on your desktop for a.m. tonight okay okay so oh man it's like five nights at freddy's but out of 6 a.m. it's 4 a.m. and instead of being goofy it's actually oh it's really intended terrified shadow WEP encryption key the key will be broken down to eight different hashes scattered across the Deep Web you must explore the Deep Web and find these hashes okay alright cache will have an index value associated with it you must keep this in mind while you compile the master key okay so if you were to find a cache that begins with the number 1 it will be the first sequence the master key okay hover your mouse over everything and see if it actually I would even check the pages source code okay so okay alright that's a clue the Deep Web it says some pages will only be available during a certain time window oh yeah this whole same page that is down be sure to check back later okay all right us get here skips tales oh my gosh why you did skip his digging this club is really scared man I don't believe me he's like don't go in here okay threats unless some documents on your desktop more information on that be on the lookout for traffic in your networks in accordance with the department's new cyber crime initiative morons for forced entry will be given expedited approval will be filtering Deep Web activity based on heat map data of illegal sites visited heat map data and attempts of felonious activity further investigation will be conducted on the proposed sub suspects and a warrant issued if found ok necessary investigations have you could okay well wait here we go investigations also concluded that individuals who constantly switch networks are not treated so we constantly have to switch our Wi-Fi now ok or else we'll tip off the cops given force or disorienting device ok so my god you're good police are gonna beat us up with soon learned that Luke's had been responsible Oh a legal torture another violent oh great so he's coming after us - okay and there have been reports of random homicides involving him a forced entry with a fatal gunshot okay so he's gonna come in and shoot us okay so how do we avoid him okay oh there's a very small number of reports believed by the CIA to be the same killer of surfaced from individuals who have managed to hide okay so we have to hide from Lucas so he's the one who's gonna break into our house and we're gonna describe there's a bald man with a suit so if we see a bald man with a suit we have to hide golly okay zone wall is an integrative firewall okay so these are the minigames so people could head so again from the first game people can hack into your game if you're on the Deep Web too long and so there are many games that you have to do to like repel the attack okay stack push oh my gosh you'll be presented with a stack gray just say so defendant against the stack overflow attack using the stack pusher you must push the stack nodes through the popper nodes wait we don't even know how these work oh no this is okay oh wow what does well that sucks whoa that whoa I don't think we did well oh geez much the thing what is the thing push push push the oh god how is this work no push no wait the game just okay okay the pusher node can go anywhere on the grid to activate a said that it's basically there being like play faster first give us a break man can't you see just take us just take me to your weird no okay okay what okay this one eight six eight six good okay okay one one seven okay good yeah I can memorize two numbers in sequence here let's go to the shadow bucket Oh No great Adam again he's like what are you doing about das coin toss the coin is a cryptocurrency cryptocurrency you will lead Dahlia to make money now to what you will need Dolph Quay great how do I earn top I'll shake you likely path it's okay this is how much does coin you currently have I mean you're doing that anyway you owe me money for it I went ahead and purchased you a remote VPN oh I got a oh yeah that generate Utah's coin during a certain period of time oh girl run through these devices for me to do their deeds depending on the location you place it in widen the amount of toss when you generate so be sure to place it at a good location in your apartment complex so put it in see what it generates under the dots coin menu by clicking on the daus coin logo be sure I said a good location you can see what it generates under the dosqueen mix are you painting you purchase from the shadow market will be delivered via Deep Web drone do your dead drop location this is where your remote VPN is now located to get there simply X to the lobby what do you picked up the package the items will be available to you in your permanent go okay oh okay okay great over to gameplay from Jiji lab says something Sally okay we're already making more progress than last time how did I get out of the chair first off like that isn't of itself was a miracle because it's not WASD like you would expect nor is it like let me click out of be at control it's not space not enter we're how did I get out of the chair oh oh right click obviously nope you know what this here yeah move it somewhere else I want this outside okay so I do want this outside okay we're gonna put it on it's stuck out there ya know door leave me alone okay here we go where are you putting it I'm putting it it looked like a person didn't it through here we're in the house it was the chair okay but I too thought it was a person yes I was also very concerned about that Hajis can I put my device out here no it has to be I think does it have to be on your own oh no it's meeting your apartment complex somewhere right he said I can put it anywhere okay there we go so now I'm gonna put that there just just for the heck of it that Oh Agnes just at agnostic Oh says how many is a game about the dark web where you're basically walking in the dark oh go true there we go oh yeah what happened whoa whoa whoa oh the door shut through me okay oh oh this is just a creepy-looking homie right here alright so apparently there's a maintenance room somewhere out here okay so wait so they said I can pick up packages oh okay back alley oh wait this is what people died yeah don't hide here don't hide here why are we here we should be looking on the Deep Web oh no solving crimes oh now wait stuck in this closet get out of the closet I hear it's wrong I heard the the drone right that was the drone did the drone drop something off for me well I think that was just machinery no that was totally a drone was it okay I said wait where are we supposed to pick up stuff well he sent me stuff but I I'm not sure if it was already in my apartment like the thing the thing that I already owned oh wait Clint that's me Oh watch there be like someone in here already like ready to kill me there are people brewing in over here dice oh okay here you presumably oh this make your router oh this is my okay oh I get it okay xx Robin love xx says lock your front door there I can't lock it right oh wait oh oh hey whoa okay see what oh yeah totally this makes perfect sense here I'm gonna put it higher up so it gets a better signal right that seems to make sense every person who's like knows a lot about the Internet is probably like that's stupid that doesn't that doesn't make any difference at all oh it does oh you're so right you know what maybe it'll also signal to the hackers that I don't live in this apartment tune in tomorrow when we actually play the game because now we know how to play it oh my gosh now that we figured out everything okay let's try and get one of these codes okay all right let's go to Abu Dhabi [Music] oh okay oh okay it's so unsettling every time all right hey we can do this we know how this works no yes yes yes yeah yeah nice yeah it's a half block do I need to like check out my house uh uh Susie ninety-seven says oh man oh man it's scary games Friday oh wait it's still no Andre go grey oh oh okay you're ready to walk in the shade oh this looks like it might have this has interesting stuff do you wish to walk in the change here yeah okay great okay I'm ray rayd walk in the gray okay maybe maybe while I deal with this hacker the page will load all right here we go oh these are so tough all right good to go just what okay okay and over yeah yeah got it should be that's behind come on yes yeah oh yes it's so good okay return you've changed your mind if you've seen it wait are you ready to begin yep still still we're so excited about this shoot wait the whole doesn't stop refresh no ha poop we walk in the shade yes sure thing ah yep still want to walk in the shade I hear me check to my Wi-Fi I feel like I've been on this one for a while sure here you go are you ready to begin let's try Latos look at me I'm Gandalf the Grey right gray beard over here good collar me gray beard I'm a gray Jedi Latos come on man it would be awesome if you like know what is going on one half of a lifetime there so it could be any word it could be any anything you know that there's gonna be one on this website though cuz it cuz it's boring how dare you Stephanie you just you just don't understand grey watch now when do you live where you get to be educated with horror says exit DRI DRI anammox JT you're gonna die if you don't change the Wi-Fi okay great nerves of steel says err Edessa the FBI is coming says no name uh H lock the front door says Tyler Nagy I don't know how to do that oh no we're in there hall oh no oh no I'm sweating so hard right now but but says why are they so oblivious but people who are oblivious don't know what they're missing so where do we go do we lock it can't walk maintenance room good everything is out I'm sweating so much mr. Boies right there it's right there okay stop 801 main the main break because everything's out including the hall there you go lock the MF front door says Tyler [ __ ] I the runs if we knew how to lock the front door friends don't you think we would do it don't don't you guys think we would do it here here's the front door where's the waters Oh Matthew good one guys yeah good I will have an after the chat yeah I'm so proud of you guys well done okay I'm at 13 can they buy a faster internet connection I think I'm gonna switch back over every time every time it's not an effective way yeah the game this soap y-you know the game is so still yeah they gave him so still otherwise there's nothing else moving okay except our own beating hearts black waves poems I want some poems okay poems surreal ah come on at least one opened up this is this is beautiful oh wait yeah cloak nope come on anything oh wait no oh come on you're ready it's moments like this one scary stuff happens I'm just excited that we opened like three websites at this point I know I love casts a be-what Wardlow says the cat meow but I thought it was a burglar nearly had a heart attack yeah yeah it's the realism of this game that gets to you Oh oh jeez great great awesome I totally see this as a real website fluffy fluffy dog goes let's see his cast oh oh jeez it's got a lot of cats he loves every kind of cat well he has a lot of cats yes too many cats oh well there's oh wait oh wait what is that oh no it's just links oh I thought of on maybe it'll lead to something good these sorts of like really well fleshed out pages make me feel like something's there darn it okay this is also a game at Fincham Corbin says the door cats are too cute but this game says red ninja 186 it could be any word No ah it could be any like I'm trying to watch over your shoulder to like see if I can see anything there are so many words on this page come on there's got to be something people are really wanting us to look at the door to like check the door I mean oh no what the heck oh no this the SWAT team got us after all that the it was we were busted by the fuzz I was switching my network like every five seconds and I thought you were being paranoid I was like no way he needs to do it that often what so it seems like we didn't do a lot and admittedly you know we didn't get any parts of that secret code but-but-but I know how to do that now we are at least we know more of the steps in that process yeah I'm so scared right now that was welcome to the game 2.0 if you want to see welcome to the game 1.0 click the box to the left please oh yes if you want to see the full uncut livestream from today click the box to the right so much wandering around in the dark so scared right now don't forget to subscribe
Channel: GTLive
Views: 359,325
Rating: 4.9597669 out of 5
Keywords: welcome to the game 2, welcome to the game ii, welcome to the game 2.0, welcome to the game, horror games, horror gameplay, scary games, scary gameplay, welcome to the game 2 all deaths, welcome to the game 2 gameplay, game theorists, game theory, gtlive, gtlive welcome to the game, gtlive welcome to the game 2, gtlive welcome to the game part 2, gtlive welcome, matpat, matpat scared, matpat welcome to the game, matpat welcome to the game 2, matpat scary, jump scares
Id: gO86d7H-HTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 11sec (1391 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 11 2018
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