The SADDEST Ending Yet? | The Henry Stickmin Collection

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I’m glad they addressed the way they treated Mirror Matt. It’s nice to see it cleared up, because it was getting hard to watch them berate him all the time.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/DramaticHacker333 📅︎︎ Oct 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] um [Applause] hey guys and welcome to gta live where yes we are still alive we're back on the couch and yes we are back on the couch and no we are still not live live streaming because it's really hard to do that with a baby it's really hard and we when you the covet stuff has really changed up the child care situation and so we just we just juggle ollie all day yeah and and that's fine and we and we squeeze in the gt lives when we can and so that's a nollie reference yeah okay we're our lives are just great i'm so sorry we just got done before we started rolling a camera steph and i had to reconvene because she had ollie in the morning and we had to have a poop update yeah she gave me a big poop update he got some medicine from the doctor yesterday and she was like you know just so you know heads up this might give him some diarrhea so stephanie leads in i haven't seen stephanie all morning i've been on calls and she's been out with ollie taking care of him and she's like you know how the doctor said and i'm like you don't even have to finish the sentence like that's one of those senses that you just imply the ending you don't have to go much further it was explosive this morning so it's been an exciting morning all around matthew is scripting me with pooping not personally just helping others women don't poop as well it's very dainty anyway um the poop the process of pooping female hood in general what is the dainty thing we have a couple of announcements as we start gt live today do we yeah we do one the first one is is sad news or maybe happy news for i don't know depending on how you look at it our beloved tricaster is finally dead maybe we should do a funeral for it [Music] press godspeed tricaster we'll we'll have a funeral service to fair you over to the other side you served us i won't say well you served us sometimes when we smacked you on top and weren't catching fire all right okay that was news number one what's news number two second news is is to address an issue that came up in our last live stream right in the one that was published the other day there are no live streams there was no live stream but we put out a video the other right where gt alive we put out a video the other day where was it the one that i filmed like two months ago and that finally got uploaded because we ran out of new uploads it might have been it might have been it was where um matthew and i were giving matt our our assistant matt here a hard time and everyone thought we were being really mean to him and so we wanted to address that by first saying that we are sorry that we absolutely had no intention of being genuinely mean in any way so we realize and recognize that to a lot of people who watch the stream that what we said came across as mean and i feel really badly about that and i wanted to say i'm sorry to who to the stream in general okay because the reason i say that is so yeah to the stream in general because we work really hard here to foster a really positive community and to and to make everybody feel welcome and so if we're saying things that come across as not welcoming to someone who's in a room with us that's a problem for our whole community and we work really really hard to make this as supportive a place as we can because you guys support us and you guys support each other and so we never want to come across in a way that's not supportive seriously you guys and and it is so so you know and the reason i called i'm like to who wasn't to like dismiss uh talking to the camera about it but because it felt weird because it was too matte right it's amongst us so you know we have had a lot of i i had a long talk with matt about it the other day and i think there was a lot like there was a lot of good stuff had and we're you know talking to him about kind of how we move forward and how we kind of delineate his job role uh because a lot of it ultimately boils down to and i explained this to him and he understood is this idea of you know jason filled his spot to begin with and it became just this meme on the live stream right that anything happened yes it's hashtag blame jason right and then chris took over from there and kind of slotted into that same role and matt to me was slotting into again it's just like whoever's behind the camera for the live stream or for these hashtag blame whoever it is right and it's this like gentle ribbing and you know it varies in scale but it's all kind of like part of the act right it's all just like but i realized the difference here is that with jason and chris they had been team members much longer than matt had been right you know beyond team members we had we've known chris and jason for a long time matt matthew and jason used to work together at defy way before even you know like the youtube stuff took off and i have known chris since he was in sixth grade so we had a very long history with them that i think allowed us the foundation and understanding that we were friends and that even if we gave them a hard time or even a really hard time and sometimes they gave it right back to us especially matthew um that there were no hard feelings and that it was genuinely in good fun um and it's the kind of thing where if you're really comfortable with your friends you can you can say things that come across as like a little bit colored and it's no big deal but matt doesn't have that history with us which we did not appropriately take into account and we would never want to hurt his feelings or make him feel like he's not welcome when he's doing a really good job yeah and that's the thing right is i think like because of the the year situation and because of again like you've seen it this year with the live stream right like we're not doing it live because steph and i are so kind of like inundated with taking care of oliver and squeezing these in when we can i'm starting a new channel yeah there's been a lot of stuff it's just a weird weird year for and we are fine like you guys also send us messages sometimes being like are you guys okay we are fine we're doing fine we're just really busy um but everyone's busy like it's it's the kind of thing where we this is really important to us doing gt live has been really important to us and we're going to do it as long as we can and we just like it but it's one of those things right where like i think because of all of that right it was kind of like hey matt you're on board accelerated timeline like yeah like just get thrown into the fire where it wasn't really this kind of like hey let's build up let's build that rapport so that way you understand that this is the sort of thing that like you know we give you give it takes you know it's it's it's that sort of joking report also every once in a while you run into a moment where you're like in the middle of something and you're you don't realize exactly maybe the impact of what you're saying and so if we ever run into that situation we always always try to course correct like as soon as possible if we're joking about it on the livestream or or not if it's unclear if we're joking about it if we're talking about on live stream that isn't serious like it might be like a minor thing but it's not anything super serious right like it's not the sort of thing that like if there's an actual problem he wouldn't be airing it you know like with an employee yeah we would if we actually yeah if there were any actual issue we that episode would not go live yeah cause that's not fair to the employee that's not fair yeah that's just a bad situation to be working in like you know if you're hearing about it it's it's meant to be in good fun whether or not we necessarily got the tone right i think sometimes but yeah if there's serious issues you might hear about it in an anonymous story that we tell like months or years later but you're not going to be hearing about it in person that's not going to be happening in front of you guys just because that's that's not the right thing that's not the place for that so anyway okay long story short friends um we're gonna play interesting yeah so we're gonna play a game let's play a game shall we uh so we're still playing henry stickman we're gonna finish it off hopefully hopefully i don't know this this witty banter at the beginning we have tried maybe it's not witty banter maybe it's labeled serious banter oh serious banter we've also tried to start this episode not not for the not with the apology or the announcement of the tricaster anything but we we sat down to film this episode last week sometime and ollie just started like crying in the middle we had to stop so just like yeah we yeah we got started we've looked at this opening screen for for henry stickman like three times now trying to finish this game so we're gonna do it we're finishing it today we had that we had the whole intro we had gone through all the witty banter or whatever and then ollie had a rough time yeah we think he might have an ear infection or something yeah fast forward a week and now we're doing it again so hey okay uh we're playing every stickman hopefully we can beat it shall we hello okay so last time we were playing through all the different endings we cleared out a good amount just to refresh your memory uh my left contact is popping out of my eye which is fantastic uh so i'm just gonna squint the entire time it's wonderful here i'll be your left eye thank you thank you for being my eye patch where are two humans with three three two one blink okay three two one blinking uh here we're gonna do let's do some charles storyline okay shall we okay let's do that uh fled undetected ellie abandoned and we're charles okay so we did all the ellie stuff now we're gonna do a bunch of charles stuff how's that sound steph that sounds exciting great let's do that does that sound exciting you don't seem excited i'm i'm cool i'm launching is that what that says i've been sitting here this entire time trying to read what that word says it's it's like wrapped around the button it's very hard to see reading is tricky sometime this is a code well broadcast the remnants of a top hat [Music] treasures and artifacts they have stolen throughout the years these treasures are worth quite a lot of money so we gotta make a lot oh stickman's getting some ideas all right riding on the train this is checkpoint inspection team five we are all clear okay oh i think we go top at box i think we go magic hat i think we blend in what hat wise i guess wait what all right look at that magic hat work wait what boom look at that so good at this game magic and technology always backfire in this game oh geez so many new faces oh i guess not uh all right do i pull a mannequin no do i pull a window do i pull a sit sit no that's not gonna work yeah yeah we could sit i'll just have lost my hat apparently that's it ooh green hat should use me i'm saving that seat for my friend hello you gotta answer come on come on engage yeah no this guy just took it you gotta engage you gotta do it man oh come on so always on my train it's more like let's see all you have to do is say something oh sorry buddy yeah just move on to the next one i think we technically won that right come on i want to pull a mannequin whoa check out this crazy coat rack little hat holder person can i take your hat i wonder what's out the window oh no see that was like oh no that was going to be my concern with the window option actually i i'm like at some point he's going to hop out this window it's okay i might have blown this round of choices see i don't know right i call fine oh cool train beautiful setting right oh get down get down henry henry henry free transform scaling down there yeah that's amazing yeah that's the years of photoshop in the making right there make sure you're scaling back up there you go control z that let's get everything packed up before again hey among us yes among us crossover that's funny that is weird how strange it was all part of the master plan among us at henry stickman connected universe that's a lore episode right there that's gonna happen okay can you play as henry stickman among us that would be great okay infinity cube infini cube ooh store anything of this cube it's got virtually limitless storage thanks to its creative use of pocket dimensions oh we'll never run out of space with this bad boy oh leaf mood just place these on any object and it turns into a leaf transport the biggest things with relativities the suck pack vacuums up anything you aim at its guarantee certainly does suck um leaf mode i feel like if we try to use it's going to turn us into a leaf that's my prediction infinicube might be interesting we're gonna suck something big and it's gonna kill us right yeah infinite cube is the way to go okay yeah just load things into this pocket dimension cube right what full oh making room okay oh jesus what come on this is why you don't get out of here you're supposed to be able to fit also this is supposed to be like google storage space it never ends it's an infinite cube store anything it's got virtually limitless storage it's nice to create use of pocket dimensions man you'll never run out of space with this bad boy i am false advertising i am disappointed oh what and the infinity cube didn't work jesus right come on disagree oh wow look at that car oh nice did we beat it boom look at that easy oh nice look at that look at that wow okay everyone today's the day why is it empty in here why is it empty in here oh cleaned him out oh i'm the ceo oh i even got a jojo mask oh man and a nice majora's mask mask and an e-mail oh majora's mask mask uh it is it's a uh i think it's from it's the stone mask from majora's mask it's one of the like less popular ones uh got a diamond helmet nice next thing you know henry stickman's going to be joining super smash brothers uh okay let's clean this one up yeah well we're here so let's start at the beginning again we got this like a beast let's see guys we should hop in how did we lose one i think you should throw it in the cat just to be safe and it's gone never underestimate laziness i suppose we should hop in is that bush always there i'm not sure i'll give it the test oh no the bush oh jeez oh fire is the best way to test for fake props that's amazing i love that yeah you got always got to be aware of the uh the prop test right here you go pinchers oh no that's right uh smack great i figured that last stop brick wall here we go pictures i don't know what this is going to do for me here oh completing the mission oh no oh man oh that's gonna affect my rating that's a bummer okay and finally window back to the window window of opportunity has passed well that was delightful that was three quick ones okay uh leaf mode turned me into a leaf right oops never trust a leaf oh man all right so that was quick okay that was quick and easy great nice okay let's go back to the beginning all right this time let's do so that was charles plus ghost inmate we already did uh charles with ellie yeah girl girl girl girl she has a name okay stephanie and also this reads launch i i now i know with a rocket launcher i see it now once you see it you'll never unsee you know the word that's written it's been one time okay charles henry henry i heard you died yeah ever since they got that orbital station set up they've been super strong oh now that i think about it you and i made a pretty good team in the past oh did i accidentally no what are you even doing i'm clicking everything steph oh no did i freeze it uh yeah oh poop oh poop i froze it oh no no no oh it's gone it's all collapsing oh it's all failing oh no we're gonna close this and wait for microsoft to respond here cool look ooh el gato footage okay let's reload reload we've broken it forever we've lost all progress we will never finish the game just chalk it up on the list of things that we've never finished on gt live we have beaten it a bunch of times that's more than we can say for some games just because we weren't a completionist about it there's a lot of endings here it's a lot to do let's do this one one more time that says launch by the way what yeah i know it's it's tricky it's a tricky one i'm sorry the the outside letters the l and the c they're very they're very distorted there's significant distortion in the curvature of the outside letters that's all i'm saying easily write any place don't click everything click something you say that henry i heard now that i think about it you and i made a pretty good team in the past debatable i bet we can take them out it's starting to get personal oh what do you say what do you want to help me take them out for good oh man yeah all right follow me i have a way we can get into space uh-oh trust his way into space that's already concerning charles an endless vacuum with no oxygen what do you think there it is all right how do you want me to bring you in oh this is so exciting it's just like last time where i die repeatedly okay beam aboard drop off trash ball or air cannon none of these sound like good options right none of these are particularly solid i think we do beam aboard okay yeah i'll just beat you right aboard it's never gonna work he's gonna completely miss yeah oh oh welcome aboard uh all right it worked shockingly sort of yeah air cannon it sounds weird but this air bubble is gonna keep you breathing so you get to the side wings right there's no chance it's also really sturdy so you don't have to worry about it i was gonna say i shouldn't be a problem is he dying in there oh i told him yeah he's died yeah he's died man he just he just inhaled a lot of air he just inhaled that air uh trash ball of trash what it's a good idea trust me this is also a slow moving one no see i told you it was a good idea the top bats have no clue you're there now yeah how am i getting in i'm gonna stick back here though so they don't detect me should still be able to help you get inside from here though super accurate laser shot oh no hot knife i don't know oh we got to pull a classic char gotta pull a classic charles [Music] oh wow that actually works what we're in we're in i've always i can't believe it i should probably find a way off the station before it explodes go go uh oh looks like the door's jammed this is the only way through 1984 is the code uh no it's 1987 the second bite i think we go let's vent if we're doing among us references oh boy we're running out of time yeah we are oh oh nice new bio from fall guy uh oh oh which door oh this one's got a broken window which i'm concerned about oh this one says luxury which is totally a lie so it must be this one that everyone ran into for a reason throw them out engaged oh geez right shoot well if we're going down we're taking him with us exactly luxury it is luxury cool hello got room for two more no apparently not rude oh man hey they had plenty of room right come on all right that's concerning that was intense i can't wait to go home oh no surprise pink cat guy don't worry about it oh no charles charles oh that was shockingly poignant got him though oh no oh that's so sad oh no charles oh charles [Music] oh that is so top at sad been destroyed excellent needs what's wrong oh sure oh the billion hero ending oh that's so sad oh i have some goosebumps i do too i got goosebumps he's been so useless for so much of the game what an idiot he's killed us so many times the one time he dies i feel so sad he saved us he sacrificed himself he did that was so cute and so sad oh that was so sad oh charles charles oh that's great oh that's so tragic i guess we gotta finish this off swing by i guess cool i didn't know you had it in you hey chief what what a guy detecting a government ship approaching reading comics there it is all right well he drove into lasers yeah that's fair that's that's going to get you killed yeah see driving straight into lasers not a good plan so super accurate laser shot here's where charles kills us a little nervous but i'm gonna fire a super accurate laser shot right next to you super accurate you'll make a hole you can climb through and get inside you know we're under attack maximize the shield oh my god that was unexpected but also a very cool way to die right that's amazing it's a knife that's so hot it can cut through any you material it didn't you you didn't you didn't tell me it would pop out of my head yeah it's it's not it's spring loaded in there all right so we got vent let's lift one two yeah we skipped leg they just ain't gonna work oh who lifted with your back apparently so uh hack it i think i can hack this panel to get the door no you definitely can't disagree yeah yeah i have no idea oh that's great oh that's unexpected that's okay absolutely 100 true okay so that was a good one i like those okay so charles with international rescue operative [Music] that h just does not look there's like a backward i on the end i don't know it's true it's it's a it's a strange font i'll give you that it's a stranger very strange fun we're just not going to let it go or yeah probably not until we finish it perfect waiting for you to get here let me just get right to it all right awkwardness discover that the remainders of the act lane have been seen building some kind of rocket they've been gathering their remaining members and supplies here in the jungle they're able to get this station into orbit they'll be impossible first that's what i hear in every other ending henry but we could really use your help on this one help us out i'm the government man i can do it owing you a big big old favor you'd be the perfect man for this yeah what do you say henry you plus me equals us charles you and me straight to the top putting all our potatoes in one sack on this one don't let us down boys oh boy all those potatoes in one sec we can just leave the facts all but alone i think i'm getting targeted by a sand turret yeah oh yeah let's go ahead and deal with that yeah oh jeez oh wait what those are our options so surface air missile to save char we got to save charles so we know that there's an ending where charles dice we gotta save that we gotta save him i think we're gonna do a drawing i think the drawing will lure it away sure that's my prediction let's definitely go with that it sounds like a great idea draw faster oh only clowns the trapeze or the invisible bridge all seem like such great options these are all such winners well as we learned in a previous run this is a very far distance and so running even on an invisible bridge would not be enough to get us there in time technically jetpod i think is i feel like helicopter you across great all right oh too high too high oh yep oh wow oh man it looks like every member so i'll cause a distraction while you make a run okay what do we do subsonic wave isn't gonna is that's gonna be bad for all of us yeah i was gonna say that's just gonna make everyone poop remote topic it's gonna he's gonna send out some brown noise there's gonna be a lot of brown going on oh no tv broadcast don't tell ollie he's already having a shoe i know we just talked about that they're all having bowel days uh tv broadcast everyone's distracted by tv right oh big screen hey guys come check this out someone's streaming tv out here oh classic seinfeld oh no oh come on henry keep your eyes on the prize what's the deal with giant tv broadcast there jerry i think i can remote hack into it you keep doing those fortnite dances dancing robot i guess this rocket has an internal engine room it probably like manages the electronics or something great thanks charles i'm not a rocket doctor do your thing buddy okay do our thing wrench red herring power button i think we go basic power button power button switch it off whoa can i hit on i can't hit on i was just sometimes there's easter eggs oh well i'm a fire in my laser there right uh the red herring clearly yeah yeah there it is the fish isn't going to help anything can we get the crew to look at that and wait are we helping with the engine no they're sending something from the storage nice enabling that engine is definitely going to buy you some extra time now here's what i'm thinking if you can get up to the cockpit you can gain confidence disable it and lock everyone inside then i'll call in the reinforcements and we'll make these arrests easily it's a pretty good plan right it's a great plan amazing plan so good oh painting portal bugged you confused about bug juice and the old swapper swapper rooney oh boy oh pulling to mario 64. [Music] yeah oh yes hey oh what oh come on just because we weren't perfectly equipped to play mario 64. we were so close i think we could have done that i think we could have done me darling there we go bowser swapper it's lee swap places just point at the raw the person we all swap with i use this every day it's great thanks gadget game wait gadget gabe is switching with someone every other day how do we know how to trust him shockingly oh did you fix the engine well i hold it right wait a minute this is where we started oh yeah ship division and now you're here to bring down the rest of us henry are you in trouble you're in trouble say flank steak no wait trouble say nothing i still can't tell oh actually i can see it from here yeah it looks pretty bad flight stick but that yeah that's not definitely not going to get us sleep dark it's going to bounce off the thing horn leaders left details for this plan and i had to dig [Music] [Laughter] okay then everyone's surprised by the horn he did it all right lock it up man they have no weapons oh oh wow this is kind of it's kind of bad now oh okay all right all right at least they didn't blow him up in there oh we crushed him yeah best friends yeah this is uh this is every last remaining member getting hauled off fine work indeed boys thank you you really do make a fine team i'm promoting you both into special coverdops agents what henry's not even enlisted yeah man unless he doesn't want it he'll be running a lot more missions together with charlie oh special rovers adorable these guys are so cute cupcake so worth it panel yeah don't know what to do here oh gosh so it kind of looks like the sand turrets shooting all of its missiles but that can't be right i just wanted to make sure oh no no kind of seems like the opposite thing to do that is correct stop there it is oh oh oh took out the turret for you saved you charles saved yeah there you go good old time invisible bridge all i've uh teleported that platform in there for you yeah go ahead and just uh make your way across then i didn't put it there that's funny next so you might want to cover your ears that's why you don't crank the speakers up to 11. uh here we go ready wrench [Music] that was only a level two engine that's funny uh okay next okay we did this let's do what is bug juice this will turn its user into a bug be a fly on the wall and listen this is a terrible idea oh no okay click on mini stickman oh jeez i thought it was gonna be stuck as a bug forever doesn't i was gonna say an hour in bug years oh that's funny great and sleep dart one sleepy boy coming right up then and i had to dig through mountains of paperwork to find it and now of course it's dirty glass that's what happens when you go into any glass that spots out bad guys take them out from here don't worry there's zero chance that i'll hit you with this oh i'm losing control oh boy this is bad oh boy there we go oh no oh charles oh poor charles all right that's all the ones for that so that's good charles cow plus oh we did that's all charles right we did yep charles plus ellie yep that's all the charles wowza look at us flying through it pure-blooded thief plus ghosted mate we haven't done it okay oh we did one we did it yeah we did everything with ellie so we okay and then we did one random one down here so okay so ghosted mate here we go great just cleaning it up right cleaning it up one at a time okay slowly working through oh yeah we made off diet okay oh ellie will remember that we left her ellie will remember that that's right okay topic plan continues to remain untouched by the governments of the world their rocket launch earlier this week has placed the space station in a stable orbit around the globe the station has plenty of room to store all the clans members as well as the stolen valuables among these valuables are also thought to be the ones responsible for the theft of the romanian ruby and the tunisian dice station allows the topic to easily raid any place on earth let's do it let's get some more jams hey chief our satellites have picked up a hostile pearl's before swine garfield yeah that'd be funny if there was like a combination that just like ended right exactly do a barrel roll i click on barrel roll fly in a straight line and do nothing no i can't click barrel come on barrel roll oh no he's firing the big bomb ah you can't barrel roll your way out of that one nope yes it was an aileron roll oh that was a very one of the very first episodes one of the very first episodes of the game look our reach has spread i'm glad that we were able to preach the good word about proper airline maneuver tech terminology someone else might have figured that out you know i mean it's true but yeah i i still appreciate that it was an aileron right i know anyone who gets it right i'm like good for you yeah it was it was an aileron uh mosquito mode okay okay that's a good idea nice maybe all right that's shocking right oh yeah we completely missed and they're uh they're on the ship now completely missed we spent so much money on that okay big fan oh watch out for that big fan vault let's do the big fan whoa whoa there's a lot of options here oh my gosh uh let's do let's let's get this one out of the way because we know it's going to kill us yup there we go don't do it come on oh that's awesome it worked ruby it worked oh my god it worked oh come on yeah oh that's awesome oh i love wall clip as an option yeah right i think i think we're going to try wall clip just don't get caught inside it's it's really hard to pull it off oh yeah oh no oh you're flipping out of pounds right you have to be framed perfect perfect move guys perfect this is a frame perfect move we're gonna clip out of here clip out of bounds um we just hit open yeah just hit open yeah great right come on that works super well hey imposter see something say something that's so funny i love you crossover excellent work i knew i could count oh funny hang on a minute that's so weird right what what is the timing of that that's so strong right because i'm like that wasn't just added like two weeks ago i mean it is a new this is a new installment in the game right but the game itself has been around right but the relationship with among that's so interesting i wonder how weird is that there's got to be something going on what oh me man can we pull this game into a theory about among us right can we do it among us stikming crossover ooh chance time chance time never works well for anyone i think we use the emerald and it'll just reflect it back okay oh use it as a shield you fall he was really happy all right i guess it is chance time okay one sec chance time jazz time uh oh oh no oh i give it to you is the worst it does all the time that's right it's so true that would be the ending that's so funny oh nice oh nice no right hand man what happened what's going on breach in orion lounge find him we can't let him get away with this again not twice hey chief we spotted him outside get him stop him fire supreme dominance now whoa okay charging up supreme dominance warrior nice disco ball laser oh what emerald super henry load save we can load a save state grow and shrink i don't think that's gonna help i think super henry's the way to go yeah super henry oh i didn't collect all my chaos oh man started look at henry just getting decimated absolutely crushed load save dominance for you yeah i figured this is gonna just load save a bunch as well okay yeah that was it okay that's incredible oh jeez what a great ending yeah fun wow riding home in a tin cave why did it disappear matthew i did not that was not my fault that was not my fault that one was not my fault oh man that one was not like to be fair that one was not my fault calling it no not me maybe me it wasn't me yeah it was totally it wasn't me it totally was the program it wasn't me i'm playing this game too aggressively guys right you just you're really into it that's the problem like i'm gonna stick me in this up i will reload yeah that's probably a good idea we're gonna reload the beautiful thing is we can probably start from anywhere oh see that's true okay chugging along play play there's so many endings right there's so much we wound up this was this one so we're here okay okay so gross drink this gives me a second chance to get the destiny it gives me a chance to get the pictures on the wall oh good one of the escape pod i'm gonna try there a little bit so yeah i don't know i don't think it was me i don't know man i don't know if our computer is strong enough to play this mission has been completely destroyed we are unsure of the exact details at the moment several escape pods have been seen entering the atmosphere the topic chief's escape pod was found but there is nobody inside government forces state they do not know whether he survived oh man jewelberry blueberry yeah awesome jewels awesome love it look at that zero of seven yeah just for us uh yeah yeah so you always got to hold on to your butts hold on to your butt you got to pull down the butt okay leap jump farther oh boy yeah the worst yeah no one can actually pole vault except the people you see in the olympics right the only one the only people who can actually accomplish a pole vault all the people who know how to pull balls right catapult yep again same thing as someone who built yeah trebuchet they are far superior as someone who built a trebuchet i can attest they are far superior crucial need more running need more runway healthy parking rocket yeah no oh yeah oh great bridge gotta build it longer oh my measure one's cut twice there it is cannon awesome kaboom baby and finally this guy eject is going to shoot it out yeah goodbye oh it's gone forever which to be fair is not mission failed right right to be fair i just didn't walk away with it okay smash it oh hey strawberry [Music] whoa you charged up oh right yeah see you overcharged that's why your power level got too high you can't do it it happens to the best of them it does it's worse when that happens so we did ghost inmate we've already done uh convict allies presumed dead presumed dead launch and there are so many we're cleaning it up steph after this we only have two main like hubs left okay we might have to go to another episode it might have to be the final episode i have to go for another one have to be a final episode ooh borscht not available well look i was just wondering if the rocket plan was still in action you know the rocket plant firing up that space station into orbit there's something yeah the one where we can just sit around no you know luxurious lounges plenty of room great view of earth far enough away from any meddling governments no one happens here right we're leaving from that jungle base then right what relax mate no one's going to be listening in here you really think someone's going to try and steal an entire rocket oh yeah yes revealed the only thing missing was the dramatic zoom steal an entire rocket easy yeah i've got our primary motor transportation is just this mini scooter [Laughter] you're still fine you're still still still moving limbo what are you doing come on man right that's as far back as you go come on yeah that was pathetic hey can you oh yeah sure thing what that sick hump love that scooter action you're not allowed to change us register my other yellow guy oh oh that was a okay that's so hot look you're not allowed to change heads all right now drop it i was just really excited about getting i'm just really excited about getting in among us thing oh run from it the shell always arrives but it's so hot look you're not allowed to change heads all right now drop it on my nerves don't do anything yeah battering ram during the physics yep that's it [Music] awesome oh my gosh look but we got it open i'm just going to let it no leg squeak wheel yes it's going to help me oh climb off got a clear shot here yes go ahead hammer hammer hammer i'm gonna get out of them oh all you got is clear shots first try hammer what what's the different hammers they have just different sounds what just different types of hair and also you're going to now take off with a rocket that is with a hole in it okay he's hijacking the rocket gotcha see that's a hard food stuff what that's called you sure that's not a hook shot i think we let it go i think we let it ride i was wrong [Laughter] i guess i don't know there we go right there it is oh yeah nope complete mission completely no burn through to the fuel out of gas oh we almost had it and we've gotten away with it too yeah i knew that that one wouldn't work precision shot yeah there it is yeah right i'll shoot the chord okay [Music] nice there it is yes vacation in space one year later right that's not gonna be fun for very long isn't it welcome to stickman space resort apparently built out of a former top at base it's been refitted for your luxury enjoyment oh support have reformed and now work as crew members that remained on earth were arrested as you know oh man is run by the man himself henry stickman you may wonder why did he steal a criminal clan's rocket and decide to turn it into a resort we may never know but hey you wouldn't be here if that didn't happen enjoy your stay that sounds cool stickman space that's just really random so what a super random ending okay here we go this one was just run into it yep yeah great off to a good start and this one is the middle hammer little hammer what not much of a brain all right all right fantastic good good i think we should probably cut and and go ahead and finish this on a different episode yeah so next time we've wrapped up those right so the next time we have six more we have these three and then these three and then that's it and then we're complete we have completed the mission yeah we've definitely completed the mission several times over and we will have completed the game except for like a couple of bios right hidden object a couple couple of bios as in like a couple hundred although to be fair to be fair you've been doing a pretty good job i think you've been doing a great job of clicking a lot of things right we're almost at all the fails we've got ten achievements all right just saying we got a lot of achievements cooking all right we gotta find look assemble the crew everyone is here gotta find all the among us guys jeez we'll get all that fails all the bios man rub some butter on it weird lockpick pro speed run strats glitchless huh huh right makes you wonder makes you wonder about some of the stuff that you just missed as you play this game weird look 133 out of 222 that's really pretty good we're making progress that's so many 133 of 222. that's a lot it's a ton it is nice that they're kind of classified by what segment they're in but man there are so there's so many okay all right we'll we'll get through as much as we can in the next episode we will all right one time so there you go friends henry stickman we got one final episode left and i think that'll end our journey until i do a game theory about how it connects to among us we better oh we better finish this stuff it's october now we gotta get into playing some spooky games yeah what are we doing with ourselves we gotta get spooky yeah so next time but uh or after after we finish this one we've got one more to go with this all right guys all right guys we'll see you for it next time thank you all so much for watching we'll see you next time it's a video it was not a live stream it wasn't here but we're here and we're hanging out on the couch and we'll see you guys bye [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: GTLive
Views: 872,079
Rating: 4.9477458 out of 5
Keywords: henry stickman, henry stickmin, henry stickmin collection, henry stickmin game, henry stickman dance, henry stickman dance off, henry stickman distraction, matpat, game theorists, game theory, gtlive, gtlive henry stickman, henry stickmin gtlive, henry stickman series, henry stickman collection
Id: LEa1sBk9eIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 21sec (3441 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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