The Tapes Are HAUNTING Me! | MatPat REACTS to The Walten Files

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whoa hey jeez yikes [Music] nope nope nope nope oh god oh geez oh no no [Music] hey guys and welcome to gt not live where we're not live today but we are doing something scary and that is talking about the scariest thing known to mankind water damage to your house uh yeah uh for those long time viewers of gt live you'll remember about two years ago top of 2019 where uh steph and i lost the entire first floor of our house to extreme water damage because people do not take care of their stuff uh they sell you houses and they don't disclose things and then all of a sudden you're left holding the bag and no one is there to help you out so we lived out of the office for like a week that was super cool we had a newborn baby that was super cool uh rough rough time that was also around the time that uh there was a whole mcn debacle with like uh the company that we were working with stealing a bunch of money from us and a bunch of other creators so 2019 real stellar year across the board uh but anyway uh we've since moved right we live in a place of the world where we're much happier but uh of course true to form uh you know water damage happens again and this time again it like no one takes care of it which sucks uh just because oh wear and tear on the house or we were in the process of fixing things and like you know the contractor doesn't do a good job or whatever and so it's either like you get a lawyer to hold their feet to the fire which sucks and is way too costly and isn't worth the time or you pay for it yourself but then it wasn't your fault to begin with anyway long story short there's a bunch of fans blowing outside because we had to take out basically a wall in order to dry it out because there was a bunch of water stuff getting in so that was cool and to find out that again it was like one of those problems that's been like 10 years in the making and like parts of the wall are like rotted out so yeah super cool um i had i had to write an emergency email the other day to mapping like do not come in the house is on fire but not really it's the opposite of fire it is super wet right now um luckily it would not catch fire because that's the one thing that it would we would not also want here uh but anyway the reason i bring that up is because we're talking about scary stuff to me and stuff apparently just water in houses aren't the scariest thing uh but to most of the internet animatronic horror murder stories that is the scariest thing and so we are continuing and hopefully uh completing kind of our initial pass through the three main parts of the walton files so if you've been watching uh we actually just did a film theory on this uh literally a couple days ago where uh we're exploring the walton files we are picking apart kind of this this snaff inspired story but it doesn't really seem to be and i think that's one of the things that's interesting here is the more and more that i think about the story that um martin walls the creator of the walton files has done here yeah there's haunted animatronics yes there are bodies being stuffed into suits yes there are you know creepy imagery and puppet stand-ins and this and that um but i think what's cool about it is whereas fnaf is animatron animatronic horror stories right where the the monsters are the animatronics it seems like this story is telling a human story with animatronics right uh and i think that's the difference right uh fnaf is very much about animatronics first then the humans come secondary here it's starting to feel like the humans come first and the animatronics are kind of the secondary characters it's telling a human story first and foremost about relation human relationships family uh what exactly that means what are memories and how that applies like how that stuff can sometimes twist and turn and be scary um and be imperfect so anyway uh long story short it's it's an interesting series we're on part three of the kind of three main official uploads that have been released so far so we're gonna finish that one up today and you know by the end of it hopefully you have enough information for maybe a secondary film theory about it because i'd love to cover more of this um and it seems like you guys are really enjoying it too so i'd love to keep talking about it martin walls is a very talented creator i love the story that he's concocting and i can't wait to see what else he's got coming so anyway long story short uh when last we left off we were in part three uh sophie is starting to get talked to from this video game this arcade cabinet that she found or has been kind of introduced to her um and the cabinet and her kind of starting to have this like weirdo conversation back and forth as she i guess she starts unlocking memories from her past so without any further ado let's hop into one files three and see where this whole story uh goes bunny farm goodnight all right let's start this creepy wait so what was that that was sorry there was some so and like i said anytime there's flashes okay so this is the gray puppet animatronics so uh in upload two relocate project uh it's called out that there is a puppet stand in so just like fnaf has the marionette um you know the ashley her name was i believe uh if i remember right she's like oh my gosh what's that thing hanging on the wall it looks different why's it got strings so this gray rabbit seems to be the puppet stand-in so it's interesting that he's popping up a punch also as i was working on that first film theory flashing back to that first upload i had to watch it a bunch of times um it's easy to forget because there's so much happening like each upload is very dense but the fir one of the first images you get is of a gray rabbit who speaks backwards and says you're you're starting to remember they're coming for you uh and so that gray rabbit seems to tie in he's like one of the first most important images that you see he is kind of representative of sophie it appears to be regaining her lost memories that's a sad bond sad bond oh okay there's a high chance that bunny farm don't tell me i lost all my risks i i'm not entering that clown level again okay uh file has been corrupted or its information has been altered replaced by a third party we recommend you unplug the machine immediately opening the file may lead to unknown glitches and errors and levels if you don't want to continue if you do want to continue we warn you the machine could suffer major mayor changes it's going to be a mayor it's going to run for public office take over the town uh and as its worst case it's a complete shutdown deleting all valuable information okay i think this this is the same way wait was that was that actually something in the bottom what was that did you see that man like there was a this what is that that's real weird is it two people huh that's really suspicious i have no idea what that is that's really subtle i thought at first it was kind of like one you know how oh hey there's spooky stuff coming up uh like a small miniature of what's coming up later but no it seems like it's one of those glitches that pops in that's weird i don't know what that is this this is a save where the glitch occurred and i really feel like i should dig deeper into this i would agree with that wave okay oh my gosh there's so much this is a long upload and there's just like a lot crammed in okay so this is error code oh seven two two just to make note of that i'm expecting to see a bunch of glitches since like the same file is corrupted so yeah okay huh carrots if you collect enough apples you'll be able to uh i love it let me just double check it's on the highest setting it is still on 480p yep there it is you could be able to collecting more food each okay you're gonna be collect apples to become a carrot what do you see it more clearly than i do i thought it said poop but it's food food yeah food you're gonna collect more poop that's true eating more carrots will make you poop more all right let's see interact there's no way i'm reading that never forget the most important thing is that you are having fun that you are having fun okay the clown i can't read that there's no way you can read that if if i need to read it i will find a way to but i can't imagine that there's no way i can darken and brighten and lighten images all day long and i can color shift things but turning low quality things that are blurry into high quality things that i can see that's that's asking a lot oh wait oh geez oh my gosh there's so many like just short flashes of stuff okay wait okay oh god what was that okay what is this what is this he prom he promised to take care of the two the two kids during that day oh can you see can you make it out a little bit is it clear for you a little bit two kids okay he promised to take care of the two kids during the day he told the parents everything was okay okay it's sad that we can't remember you sophie sophie uh right something soon we'll be together forever and ever oh yeah together i see you together we'll be together forever and ever r.i.p rip the toy the boy the lovely red lovely red what is it childhood maybe children children the two lovely red children yeah two lovely red children okay so oh oh okay and then they both die may 2nd 1974. okay but they're not twins because they're two so one was born it looks like 1952 and one was born in 1955 but they both die at the same time so okay so two red children die same day when someone's when a caretaker screws up basically he promised to take care of them and then it was not okay all right all right well there you go which is also weird too two red children so right now up to this point in the story we've heard a lot of names we know what animatronics are haunted by which people we know that sophie's recovering her memories and that they are coming for sophie um the only other name that's kind of unclear at this point is is charles we heard the name charles uh with uh buzu that no not boozy the clown billy the clown um at the end of relocate project so we still don't know really what the dark man is or the shadow man we don't know what the like white and purple bear is we're figuring out what the puppet is and we don't know who charles is just trying to like scan and see if there's anything interesting was there anything on that on that jumper now it's just just a recording jump there's just so many cuts okay now okay banny all right let's go and bandy's possessed by rosemary those are pigs those are pigs correct [Music] right this is actually martin walls pitch for an anime based on based on these characters oh yeah yes you speak their loved ones i want to see them and take care of them and play with them all right i need you to pay attention to what i said and follow the instructions okay i will follow your instructions sexy horse man so first of all do not open the cages unless i tell you okay don't open the cage just kidding open the really cage funny yeah i think i'm gonna open the cage now yeah bad are you full fanny you're the worst i told you wait oh wait wait wait there was something moving in the back right there you see it looks like who knows who knows i just saw that there was something back there uh maybe that's like one of the rosemary faces or something like it looks like someone was dead or peeking out back classic you know your classic dead peeking out face you know how it goes huh i wonder what that was i'm assuming it's a dead spirit or something anything in this brief moment again there's a lot of good opportunities to hide stuff as layers just pop on quickly what have you done did not follow it looks like they each entered a different door we'll have to find keys for each door okay oh there's uh i'm assuming that's martin wallace or sorry martin wallace uh martin walls uh that's walt and jonathan walton um right there that's his missing poster it looks like okay so basically we have to catch the pigs i think [Music] okay gotta find the keys for these doors check your backpack there's always a secret key in your backpack that opens up the animatronic forest collision detection where's that collision detection notice a few errors collision detection's hard man i get it i programmed video games for a while i get it i understand you know you got to map out where everything can't touch that coach yeah you see a blue key under oh geez right there real man that is well hidden [Music] i would have never gotten that very astute sophie good job wait what if you take this yeah oh this is so pet scoppy this feels very pet scoppy to me [Music] it worked i i would not have anticipated that one then you can push the couch i'm assuming yeah there you go good one problem solving for the wind there all right should lead to this door all right go to blue door [Music] you got this oh spooky room it's a pizzeria and bonds pizzeria bonds origin story strangely oh all right i didn't see anything there oh there's felix his picture on the wall now the co-founder looking a little bit weird in the corner oh slide puzzles ah slide puzzles are the worst [Music] i played a lot of educational games okay computer growing up i know what to do and all of them had just an egregious amount of slide puzzles so i got pretty good at doing them like i started to figure out the the mechanics of it but side puzzles are tough i noticed that these errors act in a certain way as if that unknown error mentioned earlier was something or someone trying to talk to me or trying to get me to do something hmm it's almost like the game is trying to talk to me suspicious uh it looks like whatever is going on wants to get me to do something because [Music] especially because these all occurred when i interact with the characters could it have something to do with them yes the pill sophie i've also noticed that i talked to myself a lot it's all right hashtag relatable welcome to the life of being a online video game personality just you you just go through the monologue oh wait wait wait wait wait hold up oh geez you just go through a personal monologue oh oh that's creepy oh that is that's one of the creepier ones that's appeared in the series so far oh banny that's a spooky banny man that's intense okay wait okay here we go okay what does that say employees employees only uh employees something right right gold bold yeah that's what i'm seeing right that's weird there's the picture of them again i don't know what these other pictures are susan woodings okay so we know susan is the spirit inside of banning bsi techno support audio log number three uh june 30th 1974. germany's birthday party finished an hour ago i decided of course there's someone named jeremy there's always someone there is cleaning the place this week has uh been uh strange especially because of the opening uh i find it weird that they open the place even though mr wharton stood a few weeks ago i hope he's doing all right rosemary came in today and asked if we'd seen him around uh i'm pretty worried about it this is terrifying i don't know if this is meant to be like a normal picture of him or a scary picture of him it is horrific like i think the pictures of walton are so horrific in this in this series like he's the scariest thing just the way they contort his face uh everything went according to plan uh this was the first birthday party in the restaurant and i feel it turned out pretty well so walton disappears first and then the it so it he disappears right before everything opens up a few irregularities in the stage and in the audio animatronics as the engineer and the person who basically built the animatronics to begin with it was easier to notice these especially in bond that something something fell off uh the limbs weren't moving properly they look stiff and old mainly in his right arm they keep they keep mentioning his arm it's always the arm earlier in the real i think it was relocate project no no it was the first video there was something about his arm too take a few more minutes to take him to the back stage just to make sure everything's okay i'm the only one left uh chris left some hours ago and felix didn't even show up i'll leave and close the restaurant when i'm finished oh man here we go strap in strap in what do we got there's susan [Laughter] i love that just like the picture of her face over top okay what do we got going on okay she's an engineer and so i'm assuming this is just the story of her getting spring trapped or you know shoved into banny okay [Music] whoa hey jeez yikes [Music] nope nope nope nope oh god oh geez oh no no no i do not want do not want no thanks oh again the audio design of this thing is so uncomfortable oh gross oh give gifts give life oh jesus is this her looks oh jeez i whoo hey i am still alive but i can't move and i'm having trouble breathing and my stomach feels weird oh gosh the the messages of people is weird too because the first episode ended with they thought i was her from like the dead body on the ground uh the second one had messages of you know she's no longer screaming and this and that she was still alive so it seems like they're all still alive but they can't move ugh gross oh it's terrifying that's really disturbing and obviously bond is the one but so okay we're all on the same page here right that bond is very clearly walton like somehow bond and walton fuse together i don't know if he's killed i don't know if he runs away whatever but it seems like bond is somehow in like the arm or sorry a walton is somehow in the arm of bonn and now he's going around killing people maybe like it seems like that's the case but i also don't want to call it because there's no real evidence to show that the two are bond is very clearly behind all the animatronic killings and stuffings i just don't know if it seems one to one like all walton and bond would be one of the same i just don't want to call it yet because there's really no reason to think that so he gives gifts he gives gifts and gives life yeah there it is so there's susan in bandina oh level complete great job soapy you just made susan beautiful yay [Music] music is so awful yeah so [Music] the effects here are so intense i love it how you feel about that one sophie got any response soapy no no reaction to there all right but that was a little bit teasing and scary but very confusing yeah if if i was playing i'd be like i'd just nope straight on out just like you know what we're done with this i'm i'm over this thanks but no thanks going on hard no thank you very much it felt like i was being told a story or a certain event i mean clearly i was regularly theorist wait a minute it seems like it's trying to tell me something the pills have been making me forget a lot of stuff from my teeth it was like grey rabbit my childhood and like i started taking them for a reason but i really don't want to think about it there you go there's the pills thing oh there was a jump sorry let me just make sure there's nothing there man there's so much in this about it okay that was just a random jump i'm not seeing anything carrots i'm curious where this is going because it keeps coming back to this this like coaster segment i'm not sure oh linda thompson do not touch linga okay so linda crankin uh crankin is the last name of felix which is the co-founder so the co-founder's wife is involved somehow okay ooh redacted redacted stuff is terrifying to me the knowledge that like you know it exists but you're not allowed to see what's on the other side that's actually really scary to me i would play around with the brightness of these but i'm not seeing anything that would indicate that there is anything in there here let me let me just do that real quick just because we have it pulled up um but i don't i don't really see any anything here that would make me think that there's yeah see there's nothing shifting around there let's do brightness just double check yeah nothing nothing nothing i figured not usually you can tell at least you can usually get like just some idea that it can be adjusted in some way oh man so many redacted files ooh october 64. okay so 64 that puts this after whatever the red children's birth is but before most of everything that we've seen felix has been acting weird lately he's been drinking here more than usual we're drinking more than usual and very i'm very worried about him i don't know what to do he came home at 4am i don't know what to do okay so oh darn it darn it closed captions uh he's been acting weird he's been drinking more than usual i'm very worried about him i don't know what to do he came home at 4am he was crying he seemed very unstable and stressed i don't know what to do okay well i appreciate the closed captions help me out there at least if the closed captions want to fill me in on any of this stuff that'd be helpful too see this stuff i have a little bit harder time reading man a lot of redacted documents okay thanks for showing me this yep this is so helpful this is great okay there we go august 23 1965. i know i haven't talked here as much as i used to here in my diary uh this month has been so so so crazy i moved in with felix last week he was very happy about it yesterday jack and rose okay so jack walton rosemary had their third chi third child a little girl molly molly walton jack and felix have been pitching up the restaurant idea with a company that's interested the name cyber fun tech okay three kids susan one of their kids she seems older that's interesting okay so we have so we know they have three kids okay ah it was so close december 26th christmas was nice they built a doll a gray rabbit for ed and molly okay so those are the two kids then eddie and molly molly named it rock so i'm assuming ed and molly what are the red kids who die tragically prematurely molly named it rocket felix drank a lot yesterday that's been a problem okay so that's going to play off he's a good person but he doesn't want to address this it's getting worse and worse but he doesn't notice he feels bad about it doesn't try to change it okay so felix is struggling with alcohol issues [Applause] it's getting worse he's so submerged with their project he doesn't realize how much damage he's doing to himself how much damage he's doing to me he keeps going places only drink sometimes even stays at the warehouse for the sole purpose of drinking he doesn't listen he never listens okay who's writing this sophie is it sophie writing this because the thing is the earlier note said jack and rose just had their baby their third baby which that would be oh maybe this is oh oh oh this is uh crankin's wife you think this is his wife writing this yeah right that's gotta be it right okay i forgot that it started with the wife oh okay closed captions not gonna help me on that one i i don't know what to do i am so worried i just cannot help blank what do you think matt make it yeah i blank i i'm so worried blank make it i just cannot i just cannot ha i just cannot ha i just cannot ha right so worried i something handle it huh it's also weird that they would reject whatever that name was okay dear felix by the time you're reading this i shouldn't be home i know you're confused i'm confused too what you said to me last week hurt me a lot but open my eyes hopefully this opens your eyes too our relationship is okay yeah it's his wife our relationship isn't healthy it never was i'm leaving brighton this morning you're in the warehouse with jack and the others as i'm writing this by the time you're reading this already been hurricane it's going back to fnaf uh for those who don't know uh hurricane hurricane is the name of the main town in the the original fnaf trilogy novel so it's a connected universe my friends it's all one and the same all coming together i i know you're busy today doing jack a favor something related to a school party i can't remember uh but please go there i can't remember please go there when you have the time as to me i'll try to uh build my own life while i still can you should do that too i love you goodbye i am sorry linda i am so sorry okay so i yeah okay so i i have a feeling i know where this is going uh felix is drinking his wife leaves him his which just causes his drinking to get worse there's he's doing jack a favor presumably with the kids probably ed and molly ed and molly wind up dead because of felix's drinking that is and they are the red children that's my guess i shouldn't be reading this [Applause] i did say do not touch at the beginning just saying carrots good for your eyes good for your memory let's see where we're going next up can we release this game i would love to play petscop walton files i i'd love a game to be made where you can play this stuff that'd be super fun lily's birthday a lot okay well hey i saw someone flash on i definitely saw that moment okay who's that oh that's just let's just boo zoo okay what a wonderful surprise i'm supposing you're here to help me set up lily's birthday party right apparently wonderful yep you see i need someone to help me set up the games for the party say why don't you help me set up the games sounds appropriate yes sign me up wait was that something in the background there's like a brief flash or something like right there you see it oh it's definitely a face yeah yeah it's definitely face oh it's even clearer on this the screen that you see yeah it's it's terrifying yeah it's actually horrific isn't it yeah mine is overly bright so that way i can see things a little supposedly see things more clearly uh to compete with the big light that's in my eyes but so what i'm seeing is actually slightly different from what everyone else sees but yeah that was well what are we waiting for let's get started it'll be lots of fun will it that giant face behind you does not bode well for this party is someone gonna get bite is this the bite of 87 this is it maybe oh spooky birthday party just don't put any kids into animatronic mouths you could say that this is his happiest day hi hello what sophie's reactions are very muted for what i would expect of a person in this situation i feel like again i feel like this could be related to a person trying to tell the players something maybe even a ghost because it really makes it seem like the people shown on screen died it does it does this is her application to be a writer for the theater's channel are they really dead what they might not have actually been alive there we go okay well i'm going to a new room [Music] ladies and gentlemen boys and girls what's that step right up get ready for entertainment like you've never seen before oh okay real quick just want to make sure again there's like so many flashing screens that i'm uncle okay oh i think this is maybe this is chris walls or sorry but maybe this is martin walls just sequence of events or something i think that i think that this is not something i should be seeing i don't think this is canon that's not canon i think this is something from editing memorize take a close look at this picture yep time's up let's play no shut up no more for you come on banny's in the upper right band he's in the upper right and bottom left there's three boo zoos yeah that's a boo zoo that's boo zoo yeah there you go good one nailed it oh billy where's that billy the clown where you got it you know oh no that's a bond oh dear oops try again oh do you remember where billy was you're just there good job well done i love these games as a kid i love them all the time yeah right no no no no no warmer warmer yeah good one oh dear really [Music] that's weird well done [Music] odd either that's the mistake of the game where is it's trying to tell us something right say yeah [Music] oh huh that's weird what is this telling us uh-huh yep i don't know who you're trying to match that one with at this point i thought you had it right twice so [Music] i know it just won't open congratulations you're very good at this right it's time for the real game let's play spot the differences this one's a bit hard okay so it seems like this is trying to tell like this is leaning in on who is because we don't know who's in busu right we don't know like what spirit is connected to boo zoo so i'm assuming that this is so we know billy we know shaw we know banny we have an idea of bon bouzou is actually one of the only ones we don't know um so it's telling us that whatever this new spirit is for this latest section is his it's time for the real game let's play spot the differences kate love these games this one's a bit hard look at this image okay this one's hard look at this image stuff uh let's see cloud apple b man i love i love spot the difference that's not the difference as a kid let's move on to the next image shall we yeah i was gonna say i think that's all of them look at this image cute look at this image yep all the shadow man in the background you spotted a difference don't eat yellow snow there bon you spotted a difference good job yeah as a kid growing up when you would go to like bar and grill restaurants there was always the like pit boss a difference which is where you could just like play very simple mini games you were like a quarter of pop i would play spot the difference all the time [Music] look at this image no way billy's got eyes come on spooky animatronic with eyes i've never heard of that you spotted a difference great job the person's soul nope that's not the difference try again what you spotted a difference great good job but yeah i would play those for hours i love those spot the difference games do we know you oh hey hello spot the difference uh let's see one of them is it the background is that what i'm noticing congratulations you completed my game no [Music] so who is that who is that is that chris chris walton is he part of the family that's the only name that we don't really okay missing wheel oh fourteen missing wheel seven fourteen missing wheel seven fourteen missing single seven fourteen missing wheel seven point oh zero seven missing little seven four [Music] nope don't love that yeah great good times for everyone i don't remember my face is kind of starting to make more sense to me i mean as [Laughter] what oh sophie she's like oh yeah this is this is totally normal every time i play a match two game oh yeah this is exactly it this this is all starting to make sense oh that was so creepy much sense is something like something like this can make yeah it's one of those things where you're like oh yeah this this is clearly totally normal i'm fine with this this is this is oddly strange not oh my gosh this is horrific although to be fair steph and i had this conversation the other day if you're actually in a horror movie scenario if you're in a horror movie situation you you don't realize it because you're just so primed into like thinking it's like normal like no this couldn't actually be real right like it's hard to actually identify that moment you cross into like this is a weird game to oh this is like a real thing that i actually need to be concerned about right yeah i have no idea right i like to postulate what i'd be like in a horror movie scenario right but it's fully fight or flight at that point but but even you have to recognize that you're in a fight or flight moment is i think part of the challenge like steph and i literally we had this we were re-watching the conjuring movies because the new conjuring movie came out which was not great uh unfortunately because i'm a big fan of the conjuring films um but it's one of those things where we're like man if you were in a haunted house with like knocking windows and people being spooky and whatever like would you get out and i'm like oh immediately and stuff's like oh i would too and i'm like no you wouldn't because we went to new zealand and we stayed in this hotel we did an instagrams a series of instagram stories about it but we stayed in this hotel and like there was a lot of creepy stuff uh the hotel it hotel itself was like pitch black there was like one person with like a bunch of like uh questionable tattoos like not saying that tattoos are scary or anything but like she had like it looked like a bunch of like pentagrams and stuff fine i don't care but that coupled with everything else pentagrams and stuff you read the hotel manual like that they left in every room and there was all this talk about fires and people dying on the premises and like creepy spooky stories like that um dead children specifically like oh this was an orphanage and it caught fire and you're like what what am i actually reading here the uh the mirror had like a weird red stain on it which i was like nope absolutely not um and she even talked about the uh the religious gathering that was coming the next day and we're like oh what what is it and she was like really cagey about it anyway it was just one of those things where like i have seen enough horror movies that a lot of this stuff is just like we're the only people here it's an old house it's all dark it doesn't actually feel like a commercial establishment it feels like we could literally be like a sacrificial right at some point that's not cool uh so i insisted that we we jump out of there steph's like no it's it's fine it's fine i'm like you know what 99 you're absolutely right it is totally fine but i have seen enough horror movies i'm not taking the chance i am getting out of here and we did and i felt better for the rest of the night it was weird yeah that sounds terrifying right like th that's the thing like everything added up because we were also out in the middle of nowhere new zealand and i'm like we're in the middle of a cornfield i'm reading the hotel stories about how an orphanage of children died here along with like a priest like you know that's the the fact that they even thought it was okay to tell their customers like that's the thing like nope i'm gone sorry i'm definitely stephanie in the scenario though are you you're everything's fine right and right and that's the thing it's like you got to know where your limit is and in real life it sneaks up on you and it's going to catch up anyway i'm here today to tell the story don't use that hotel in new zealand these are all faces of people people that i think i knew when i was younger okay here we go sophie's memories are coming together and for some reason my brain just forgot about them the pills what happened to them there's this missing poster i doubt they're alive anymore i mean maybe they are but it's unlikely because i would have heard from them by now they're looking for you in the animatronic suits this game really tries to make it seem like these people died it does not in very pleasant ways either no i really don't want to think about it anymore but jesus yep that is all accurate i i genuinely don't know if digging deeper into this is the best decision but it's a good question curiosity is killing me right now ah there it is see you're always curious i don't know it's tough because on one hand it's like hey do you want to remain ignorant but this is also like lost buried memories i don't know to me you gotta find out what your memories are huh weird that's a weird image oh heavens this place is so beautiful what are you doing here oh i just really wanted to check on you and see if everything is all right oh that's so sweet from you however i already finished my task this is gonna be fun it is not going to spoiler alert it was not fun [Music] contrary to popular belief hide and seek it wasn't fun oh here we go i'm bracing for this one this has got a big lead up to it here we go what you got game found her she's behind a purple filter she's in she's hitting the chicken sandwich it's in the burger okay fine shaw i need to find the sheep e m uh that's ed and molly the red kids uh is there's that white and blue bear that seems to be popping up a bunch this episode [Music] it's a broken fence [Music] oh okay i think this might be leading up to that franken moment like maybe he nothing to see here okay maybe the broken fence is him driving off-road and like maybe he broke the fence and his car went off the road which is why e m the red kids are off to the side or are they buried or something like they died in a car accident i could see that um interesting nothing to see here are we sure there's nothing to see here that looks like spring trap back there seems like we got an evil animatronic ai he always comes back even in properties where he's not invited he's just always there there's the other so it's weird the gray rocket rabbit is trying to bring back her memories but also this like white and blue bear the white purple bear seems to be wanting to like represent her memories or her past or something it's weird check that thing on the ground what's that what's that is that a chicken or a cheese cow you're looking for shaw click on something that looks like it yep there you go founder man with graphics like this stan step aside ps5 walton files bunny farm you found me graphical fidelity like nobody's business there it is what we got what is that shape oh that's the body parts that's um rosemary's body part shape from uh relocate project that was enough i had so much fun playing with you how about you [Music] how about we hide now how about that um where are we hiding hiding in an animatronic suit that's where we're hiding hiding in the scooping room [Music] okay they're gonna come for me a bunch of flowers around there nothing to see here so am i hiding or are they seeking me at this point oh spooky forest now there it is what you got [Music] classic disney [Music] here comes shaw [Music] we now interrupt this uh gameplay video for the dream ballet the dead animatronic dream ballet necessity of any artistic work i feel like all works are made better with the dream ballet as the classic musical oklahoma [Music] i know where he is rosie follow me all like lambs to the slaughter i get it she's like a sheep to the slaughter oh no oh it all makes sense she's being led like a sheep to the slaughter oh no oh that's sad i like that sophie's suddenly like oh that distorted face i recognize that do you do you so that that's the thing that pulled it all together for you the distorted human corpse ooh that is a rocket to hell jeez [Applause] oh jeez okay all right yeah i see this is good okay okay okay yeah oh my god okay all right all right all right this is this is this is unfortunate and i'm just gonna turn down the volume a little bit here because it's freaking me out this is a little too intense this is this is really intense all right so rosemary died shaw as we figured out there's oh here's all we're getting the greatest hits collection now oh it's all coming back to her on there's the red kids oh no what's in the well i've been wondering about this well i have no idea what the well is the well are long lost memories coming to the surface is it symbolic is it symbolic of memory ready [Music] oh yeah that's the white and purple bear doing his dream ballet again come on kamal welcome to my magic fountain of memories huh okay oh he's got a voice [Music] what is it you would like to remember so real quick it's worth noting here the face on the bear so one of the questions right this whole time is and i brought up earlier like where's where's walton he disappears and and it very clearly seems like he would be associated with bond but that bear has he has a face that is very reminiscent of walton's face like the way we've seen his like face contorted uh and like his eyes for whatever reason the bear's facing this moment looks a lot like walton's face to me um which i would like i i would like walton to not be bon ideally because it it feels too easy right now um and so for walton to be the memory bear would be just interesting uh anyway who are you who am i who are any of these people who r oh this is so pet scoppy i love it who are you yeah let's ask who are you who are you weird memory bear oh even adam the drawing question mark from the bottom up maniac no nothing really wtf man i draw you are you drawing a penis no don't do that that's immature sophie here goes nothing oh she's summoning the red red kids oh that was a creepy one i just wanted to make sure that there's nothing there come on oh that's a creepy that's a creepy bear [Music] oh here's the story of the red kids okay all right i think this is a good place to break this has been going on for a while i feel it's it's a long video um and i'm talking a lot but okay so this seems like it's the the beginning of the story right the the story of the red kids and we've rewound it back i'm assuming that these i'm assuming that they're all part of this one big family uh i think maybe the buzu face that we saw is probably the charles charles that we haven't been able to like find a person for yet uh that billy mentioned um ah creepy ah so creepy the sound design and everything um but okay so we have sophie getting her memories back she's starting to learn the secrets of her family rosemary clearly is her mother because she's like do i still look beautiful to you and she's like i remember her um i still don't know about walton i'm conflicted whether he's white bear or bonn uh white bear is still kind of confusing to me but i think we know kind of where things are headed right felix is a drunk he pushes everyone away he accidentally kills two of jack's kids um i feel i feel confident about that stuff this is interesting this is great i thought it would be done today but this seems like there's a little bit more that we have to kind of address it's a very long upload uh so we'll we'll see if there are any other like secrets hints lore details whatever but i feel good about like our grasping of the story at this point um and our knowledge of the characters so ah if you too some of those some of those scenes man uh some of those scenes are real disturbing i i don't love hearing like tortured screams of a person in the middle of a restaurant it's really disturbing that was that was really intense so with with that nightmare fuel into your brain holes congratulations uh just remember it wasn't a live stream but it was a video a video for you thanks for watching and i'll see you in the next one sweet dreams friends [Music] you
Channel: GTLive
Views: 1,577,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the walten files, fnaf vhs, the walten files 3, react, reaction, matpat react, matpat reacts, the walten files reaction, the walten files explained, fnaf, five nights at freddy's, security breach, fnaf security breach, fnaf security breach trailer, game theory, game theorists, matpat, matpat fnaf, gtlive, gtlive fnaf, fnaf vhs tapes, fnaf tapes, walten files, martin walls
Id: gZr2qn17HjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 55sec (3535 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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