Wedding Planner Saved Disaster Wedding & Bride Will Never Know It - Askreddit Wedding Secrets

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wedding planners have read it what is your best the bride must never know story not a wedding planner but the wedding planner for one of my good friends wedding went above and beyond friends mother was a horrid woman very self-centered narcissistic the way you feel about umbrage the first minute into the Harry Potter movie you feel that way in two seconds meeting her she was banged by friend and uninvited a week before the big day the final straw being her mother was going to wear a wedding dress not a white dress which is bad enough no actual wedding gown to her daughter's wedding it was a hell of a week doing everything we could all do to help friend and her soon-to-be husband relax enjoy and get that witch out of their heads day of wedding it's beautiful in a beautiful church everything is fantastic the wedding planner he was like the magical fairy godfather just guiding and leading and managing one transition into another flawlessly if there were hiccups nobody knew or saw it he even had set up professional childcare in the church his children room for those there with young ones the vows ceremony flowed into the reception room then the horrid beast showed up stomping up the hallway wearing that dress looking like tore up Carfax lady she didn't even make it to the reception hallway the wedding planner jumped her like a Secret Service agent I don't even know where he came out of one moment crazy lady next wedding planner silent ninja strike hand over her mouth and dragged her out so fast that US maids in the groomsmen didn't have time to even gasp bride and groom never found out she got in they think she was arrested in the church's lot she probably shouldn't have done what she did having out-of-state warrants out for her and they didn't find out even that much till after their month-long honeymoon which was probably due to even the rest of friends family wanting nothing to do with her mother all of us have continued to recommend him or use his business her own events back in Co since there he looked bad crazy in the eyes took it on like a boss and then went about the rest of the day like a pro Disney cast member right here at my wedding my maid of honor was responsible for holding my husband's wedding ring until we exchanged them in the ceremony and the best man was holding mines I was super distracted goofing around with my dad getting ready to walk up the aisle and didn't think to double check with maid of honor before we got the show on the road during the ceremony I'm definitely paying all my attention on my husband and my grandfather who was officiating the ceremony and not on my maid of honor or bridesmaids so I didn't even notice when my husband's aren't popped up behind me and slipped the ring to my maid of honor maid of honor played it off really well and I had no clue she'd forgotten the ring in the room we used to get dressed and ready nobody said a word and would have gotten away with me never knowing had my aunt not been recording the ceremony for me I noticed about a week later when my aunt posted the video to Facebook that his aunt popped up on the pulpit with everyone I asked my sister a bridesmaid what happened and she lost it laughing my poor maid of honor felt horrible she'd forgotten about the ring but my husband's aren't saved the day when my sister and maid of honor managed to wordlessly communicate what had happened and she found the ring and got it to us in like 20 seconds was a bridesmaid who was in charge of save-the-dates invitations and anything else involving paper I designed and handmade their wedding invitations using home devices and DIY hacks it was pretty complicated to do so on a home printer I was doing layered printing so I was very focused on getting the alignments right about 60 invitations in I realized that I spelled her name wrong twice I have known her for over a decade and have witnessed many type has made by strangers I never thought I'd be one of them I started over and ate the cost of the mistake fortunately pretty marginal obligatory not a wedding planner story when my wife and I got married we chose a deep winter date we had a friend make up all the buttonholes and bouquets and picked them up the day before the wedding as we were getting married in another town my wife's bouquet was quite large and was in a bucket of water to keep it fresh we stayed in separate rooms obviously a small hotel in the town and I left the flowers in the car to ensure they stayed as fresh as possible unbeknownst to me at the time that night was going to be the coldest of the year and plummet to about minus 12 degrees Celsius the following morning my wife had got up early with her party and already gone to the venue to get ready I got up and got ready then headed out to the car to drop the necessary flowers off with my father-in-law at the wedding venue before heading to the church got to the car the bucket with her bouquet had frozen solid I headed up to the venue and got her dad out like a champ he took over and got the wedding planner to find every hairdryer in the place to melt the ice so the bouquet could be used I left him to it and when my wife turned up at the church she looked amazing and was carrying a nice free wonderful bouquet she had no idea there was any problems at all my first wedding as an independent planner I took on because the bride had some major problems with her venue this was a high-end hotel in a major city so having these kinds of problems should be unexpected she knows about some of the things they did wrong but not nearly everything the wedding turned out okay so I didn't need to tell her things that weren't necessary she already had enough trouble I would hate for her to be more upset than she already was the biggest problem was when she booked the room she had a new staff member assisting her with the sale she booked a blackout date which is a big no-no because most of the staff is on vacation then the salesperson assumed that reception style setup was appropriate for a wedding reception style means most people would be standing and there would only be cocktail tables and bars banquet style is appropriate for wedding since there are large round tables for everyone to be seated for dinner so she booked a room that was way too small for all of the guests she had and there was no staff available on the day I had them move bars out into the lobby there's a table into the lobby I had a head table set up on the dance floor and then broken down for dancing I rearranged their whole itinerary to fit in the room it was still too tight I did tell her that the room was booked inappropriately that she didn't know but the venue was dead set on her not knowing my biggest problem was how much I had to fight day of the event the banquet manager was mad that my client was booked on a blackout date not my fault she had booked the event prior to me being involved the banquet manager had all along been trying to make this wedding a disaster to prove herself right that's why there had been three coordinators quit over nine month period I went and double-checked all their orders before the event and they had the wrong dessert order since the wedding was over a holiday the bakery wasn't even open I finally understood why they seemed to refuse to have a tasting for the desserts also this couple spent 75 thousand dollars on just this venue if I had to guess this whole wedding cost two hundred thousand I don't have all their bills but it's definitely over 150 thousand second story is from before I was independent I had worked for a large venue in a major city that had five weddings a night it was in 2006 when everybody was getting the same David's Bridal apple red BS and we had four brides in the same dress this is usually not an issue we would concern ourselves with but two of the brides were major a-holes so we did spend the evenin trying to keep them apart from all the other brides that's the problem with being in the wedding business somebody will be mad because somebody else is wearing the same mass-produced dress I went into the wedding business thinking it would be glamorous and I know a lot of people think that you're really managing people and their emotions it's a lot of money to spend on something that's not really tangent the amount of pressure Brides can get from peers and family is insane or it's the opposite the pressure they put on their peers and family it's just unacceptable it wasn't this way before Bridal TV shows started those shows made things exceptionally difficult for me over a three-year period completely change the game and no it is not reality TV I'm a wedding planner who just got married this part month I messed up the date on my own wedding day yup I do this for a living and I missed that the date was wrong on months of mas turns out the bakery had made it today early complete with the gold-painted pineapple topper and had it at the venue before our post ceremony photos were done had I been the coordinator and not this bride one this never would have happened and two no way the bride ever would have found out the girls in the family have made it tradition to wear my mom's wedding dress for their weddings it's a beautiful mid 1960s dress with tons of pearls and lace and things and a crazy long train it had been in a cedar chest for about 15 years since its last use and needed to be restored due to last my new terrors my niece was to pick it up the morning before the wedding as a gift to her I paid for the restoration and the Rees ditching and sizing whatever it's all called she let me go with her to see it sized and fitted and it's one of my favorite memories I love that girl so much I had concerns about how flippant and lackadaisical the dressmaker had been during the hallelujah way too many no problems and of course and don't worry to make me feel like she knew what she was really doing she finished two days early sweet I called her unpaid then asked her to hang on to it since I wanted it in safekeeping not in my car or house I got there the next day the day before the wedding and she didn't have it she made a mistake and shipped it to st. Louis from Richmond two days before after a few minutes of finding out where it went and calling the recipient another bride waiting for a dress I checked Google Maps and got on the road then an air less than 30 hours until the wedding I called my sister mother of the bride and told her what was happening and forbade her from telling my niece there was a backup wedding dress so it wasn't a total catastrophe but tradition is tradition 26 straight hours of driving later the dress was getting and wrapped and my niece was putting it on for the big day it was perfect and looked amazing on her then the group photo of all the other leaders who had worn it was taken my niece never knew until months after the wedding when the dressmaker called her to apologize for the mix-up screw that Daffy dressmaker for doing that my niece is expecting a baby soon and I'm so stoked I'll go the extra mile for her too if needed groom here and my wife definitely knows but our friend who was supposed to do the legal side sign our marriage certificate we had a separate pastor for the ceremony for him and a girlfriend but then stopped responding to messages as the wedding got closed and didn't show yes he is still alive luckily my groomsmen happened to also be ordained and happily signed our marriage certificate also the cake people decided the best way to hold together our three-tier cake was through using bendy straws instead of dowel rods as supports in the cake bendy straws this wasn't even a small Padang corporation it was a local chain company that many people have used and recommended the cake slid off and they had already left the venue so our wonderful catering company and venue staff did their best to put it back together and used extra roses to hide the damage after the wedding my wife called the cake company to complain and the manager was snarky saying that using bendy straws was normal and part of their policy and said the best he could do was offer like $50 and a free anniversary cake which may have been fine but due to his attitude was not finally he huffily snark tout man what do you want me to do to my wife over the firm so since his attitude didn't change we put in a request to talk to the owner the next day the owner calls and lo and behold is very gracious states that in fact no it isn't their policy to use bendy straws and offers a full refund as well as reassures us that the issue will be dealt with that huffy franchise manager I still can't get over that bendy straws it's in the name that they Bend I was the bride when the wedding planner dropped the top two tiers of my cake and didn't say anything to me then had the catering department fix it by putting flowers all over the first tier to hide what happened my sister-in-law thought I knew because after they dropped it one of them came upstairs where I was getting ready and when they went back down she said it's okay we have to try to fix it no one ever came to me the only reason I knew is that after the wedding she told me they did a nice job of fixing it he even though she didn't think it could be fixed I knew there was something different with the cake but it looked nice so I was ok with that after hearing it I was heated but all in all I couldn't even tell nice one planner I was a wedding planner professionally for two years and stopped but recently my sister asks that I planned slash coordinator wedding since I had the experience I hit it off really well with her now husbands brother we slept together at the after party and we are both freaking out that my sister and his brother are gonna find out if so the holiday should be interesting sidenote is that weird is he my brother-in-law or just my brother-in-law's brother best friend is a wedding planner she told me a story a few months back about a wedding she had planned and the day of the wedding one of the bridesmaids had gone to pick up the bride's dress from the bride's wedding suit only two have noticed at the base of the dress there were lipstick kiss smudges all over it apparently or three-year-old flower girl had been given Mac hoop to put on that day with all the other female wedding party as they were getting there Mac youth and headed when the wedding party had left the room the flower girl had stayed behind with her parents bride's nephew maybe in an adjoining room suite while the flower girl's parents were in the other room most likely the flower girl went over to where the dress was hanging off a door and simply went to town on it with about 15 to 25 lips kisses on the dress in a how the white lace dress was demolished in bright red lipstick lips as you can imagine because the wedding dress was ruffles at the base where the flower girl had made out with a dress my friend the wedding planner was able to take I'm sure my mother wished this could have applied to them when my parents got married my dad had to call her while she was having her hair done to break the news to her that the demolitions and the building beside the reception venue had gone horribly wrong they sent some debris towards her venue and right through a wall my mother burst into tears on the spot wedding was saved by my grandparents next door neighbors who went screw it party at our place and ordered a ton of pizza for everyone I didn't have a wedding planner but my family whole family kept me from finding out about a huge issue a quick bit of background my wedding was a little rough from the start we were on a shoestring budget 14,000 start to finish including all incidentals in an area where 30,000 is considered a cheap wedding and things were not always going well the photographer didn't commit until a week before the wedding and on the day of the bus carrying my husband stepdaughter groomsmen and bridesmaids crashed into the venue no one was hurt and my maid of honor is a paramedic more than half of my guests are nurses first responders and paramedics we were covered just before I am set to walk down the aisle my dad says to me just so you know your grandma was feeling a little sick so she had to stay home today she was 94 made total sense to me one of my cousin's was missing from the wedding but they said she took my grandma to the doctor grandma can't drive makes sense it wasn't until two days later when I was in New York City with our out-of-state out-of-country guests that I see a post from my cousin with a picture of the view from grandma's hospital room she'd had a major heart attack the night before my wedding had surgery the day of or after can't remember which and all I was told was she was feeling a little sick because no one wanted me sad on my wedding day our aunts uncles cousins were all there to celebrate with me they all knew you're talking almost 40-plus people and they all kept it a secret bride and groom choose to do a sand combining thing in their ceremony two different colors of sand are poured from separate containers into one container by bride and groom representing unity etc they were going to leave for their honeymoon immediately after the ceremony and arranged for us to hold on to all their gifts and such including the sand bars until they returned well it got knocked over in our house and shattered and sand went everywhere we quickly bought all the same stuff from where they'd gotten it my mother-in-law was their wedding coordinator so she knew exactly what to get and where to get it look that photos taken from the ceremony and you placated the unity sand as best we could we never told them that their unity sand was actually destroyed and redone by us my sister didn't have a planner but she's very granola everything at her wedding had to be organic but this was in 2004 and in a small product town in Florida where the nearest organic grocery store was two hours away one woman baked her an organic cake but wasn't comfortable decorating it she did make buttercream organic icing and a friend of mine a cake decorator from Walmart did the cake assembly unfortunately the buttercream organic icing wasn't enough to cover the full cake so my mom and I ran to the local grocery store and bought non-organic ingredients it's been 15 years since my sister got married and she still has no clue that her cake was covered in half non-organic icing also the only food served at her wedding was organic strawberries nuts and cake yeah that reception only lasted about an hour especially since it was in a church reception hall that didn't allow dancing either [Music]
Channel: ASK GURU
Views: 58,679
Rating: 4.8428292 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, r/askreddit, askreddit stories, askreddit women, askwomen, askreddit girls, reddit girls, reddit women, askreddit wedding, askreddit wedding planner, askreddit bride, wedding planner, disaster wedding, wedding secrets, bride, worst wedding, wedding saved, marriage, engagement, wedding dress
Id: oWxYj7thEFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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