Weather Control Was A Mistake - Rain On Your Parade

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i really wish i hadn't used a pokemon analogy when explaining the one-two punch of electricity and water because like now all i can think about is how pikachu could quite easily piss on someone and then use thundershock and it would be super effective every single time and like yeah i i know it's probably the 10 000 volts of power surging through your nips that does most of the damage but it's the rodent urine that paralyzes you these are the things that no rational person should think about while on a mass killing spree [Music] what's up guys welcome back to rain on your parade a game where i used to be a happy little cloud that looked something like this but now i'm a very different kind of happy little cloud that looks something like this you could say that i'm really excited to drown humanity a bunch of you guys were actually saying that we need to name our cursed cloud and i'm thinking squirts so if you don't remember the journey of squirt thus far we got a bride wet on our wedding day helped a dumpster fire get its revenge clutched a match of cs go and made a mortal enemy of the sun and turned a public park into a frog forest like it was a real eventful video i definitely recommend checking it out but for now we're gonna move on to raining on an amazon warehouse i don't know if i have enough water to wash away that many pee bottles oh boy the voices in my head are telling me to burn it all again what i don't see how i'm supposed to burn anything is a cloud like i'm really good at putting out fires but i'm not very good at starting them of course we only have one worker on site so i was kind of hoping that i'd be able to wait for him to do something important like hop in the forklift or climb up on one of these missile shells and then when i soak him he'd screw up and start a fire but i'm starting to think he's never going to do anything this is clearly somebody who gets paid by the hour if i come all the way over here and soak you then how do you feel about that are you gonna go and start a second fire there's one fire over here already which i can't put out that's good because i don't wanna put it out oh he's just gonna go on lunch yeah he had a hard morning that makes sense hold up a second can i become an oil cloud okay yeah i dare say that'll make it pretty easy to burn at all especially because there seems to be some kind of prime day deal on crates of explosives and red barrels yeah it could lead back to the fire and bring it over this way and light this place up like a christmas tree on the sun oh man no amount of bezos bucks they're gonna be able to fix this once i'm done this smoldering crater is gonna be seen from space i would feel bad but at the same time at least i got the worker out he didn't deserve this he was getting paid minimum wage to wander around and do nothing i'm still oh actually i don't want to go empty do i like i said i don't know what happens when a cloud is empty do i just cease to exist i've got a whole lot more pain to rain down while every firefighter in this area code is dealing with that warehouse it looks like we've got a choice we can move towards action or towards chill or the third choice of heading over toward whatever this thing is like again i know i said this at the end of last episode but drowning it would be doing it a favor you know what once you get up close to it and you can see his little hot dog legs and tail it's actually kind of cute which makes my stupid clown in the background so much funnier all right let's just head over here and skip what boosh oh i framed down presents or locks of woods or hands what was i am so oh i'm raining down pets because he's a good boy that's adorable can i drown it though oh crap hey again what fantastic progress you're making young cloud oh one day you'll be as big as me did you know that some clouds have the power of thunder is it possible to learn this power you might ask why yes you could purchase new powers with cloud bucks they're a lot like v-bucks but not nearly as popular and you can obtain cloud bucks by trading in thunder coins or by giving john wick the last four numbers of your credit card and thunder coins come in packs of 12 you could purchase for just just kidding there are no currencies or microtransactions here you unlock things simply by playing the game what a concept all right thank you mr large strange cloud but you didn't actually answer the question where do i get thunder i want to be able to balt people i've been asking for that since the very beginning i'm not really sure how i expected this to work but i was kind of hoping i'd be able to get a little thunder down under by squirting all over this giant mushroom tip um i seem to be out of water that's a problem isn't it because now i can't go anywhere oh don't tell me i just wasted my water now go get some from the ocean crap uh fellow clouds help old man cloud i'm screwed i think i know what your problem is how about we play a little thought game steve buscemi danny devito chris hemsworth there we go yeah leave it to the god of thunder to make even a cloud squirt ooh unlocked thunder ability speaking of thor thunderlicious try it now what on these random people walking around the stage are you sure about that seems like a bit of a dick move yeah you guys better run i'm coming for your photocopiers that's not exactly the mayhem i was hoping for of course the moment i figure out thunder and lightning i just happened to blow over a place called umbrella city rack up as many points as you can within the time limit experiment with different ways of earning points okay so i can probably rain and bolt which is a pretty good wombo combo when you think about it like i wasn't really thinking clouds were gonna be like some kind of nuts pokemon like imagine if there was a leaf fire type that could spit wood on you and then burn it nature is crazy i really wish i hadn't used a pokemon analogy when explaining the one-two punch of electricity and water because like now all i can think about is how pikachu could quite easily piss on someone and then use thundershock and it would be super effective every single time and like yeah i i know it's probably the 10 000 volts of power surging through your nips that does most of the damage but it's the rodent urine that paralyzes you these are the things that no rational person should think about while on a mass killing spree how am i doing 37 000 points is is that goods i i don't know what's good who's even keeping track of score right now is it the old cloud is he proud of the mayhem that i'm bringing down on these silly little wet creatures i've still got 30 seconds left i feel like i've blown everything up already let's top up on water and then i wish that the electricity could be used to shock people it's just used to get rid of umbrella city's umbrellas that's not nearly as fun it cut you out and i think i can burn the flowers but that might not actually be worth any points screw the police no oh dumpster fire there we go dumpy would be proud i could have turned into an oil cloud and then spread the fire all right 38 000 that's fifth best ever wait what hold on a second i was rambling about pikachu peeing on people how did i get fifth in the world that makes me want to actually try i'm not sure what the deal was with that big rainbow bucket that i picked up halfway through it looked like it was worth a whole lot of points it might have something to do with my silk streak because i noticed when i build up the soak streak that i got a bit of a rainbow building behind me which looks a lot like the bucket so maybe i could keep doing stuff like this and that's worth a whole lot of points times 30 all right and there we go we got the bucket and then the buckets would assumably give me a lot of points oh oil okay that's fine now we can rain down on stuff and spread the fire blow things up i can use the lightning i don't even need to spread it from the uh dumpster fire itself oh we gotta get the hot dogs though don't don't forget the hot dogs there we go now uh back over to the water because i want to get back to soaking people i could probably burn all this stuff too right here we go you burn all of this and i got 28 000 already and i'm only like halfway through can i bolt people i can bulk people okay so that's going to be like an infinite source of money or points or whatever you want to call this there we go got another rainbow and it gives me infinite water and freezes the time oh my god this is so useful thirty thousand come on we're gonna top up our water anyway just in case come on come on come on come on oh i think there was actually a garden all the way over on the left but i gotta go to the right because i see a dry body there we go oh that was a skull does that mean they're dead they're still walking dead man walking oh wait we got a secret there that's worth some points and how am i doing worse only 32 000 when i know what i'm doing that doesn't make any sense i think it might have been a bit of a fluke you know what i think myself and squirt feel pretty good about fifth place so we'll just leave that there and head over towards casual where i'm gonna ruin somebody's livelihoods destroy the yellow wheat corrode all vehicles soak all humans scare off all the crows sever the supply lines starve the locals and conquer the world i'm having a real hard time figuring out whether this sheep is the cutest thing i've ever seen or if it reminds me of a walking testicle either way i'm gonna hit it with lightning and where are you going get back here you little dick muppet i wasn't done with you yet i want to rain on you and then hit you with lightning oh okay i can see their skeleton when they're being shocked for a second there i thought i fried the flesh from his bones i wish never gonna be that lucky maybe someday i'll grow into a great big cloud but for now i'm just gonna start minor fires can i put that out yeah there we go you're welcome i just don't want the whole place burning down i'm not done with you yet i got a whole bunch of water as well as houses to blow up somebody in there is having a real bad day did it tell me to scare away the crows do you think blowing them up would be the same thing apparently it is they're very resilient crows okay and i remember that i need to corrode all of the vehicles i guess you would corrode by raining on them enough maybe or add a little bit of electricity into the mix doesn't seem to be the case oh what are you freaking out about it's not like i'm gonna blow up your cherry can yeah you might not want to let the fire spread in your crops i'll get that hold on i i got it there you go you're not doing your job at all are you oh a little bit more of a fire hey my fan is back you can have a little bit of water because i know you're into that kind of thing here we go oh i can actually grow the crops i don't want to do that though dude i'm pretty sure i want to destroy them right sever the supply line starved the locals listen i know i'm a bit of a city slicker cloud okay but i gotta ask is this the yellow wheat it doesn't look like it it looks like pineapples or corn okay it's corn that i can pop so first you grow it then you pop it then you find a secret yeah if we have all of the remaining humans try to survive off popcorn they'll get lethargic and angry here we go a whole bunch of fire anybody want to come run around in this no it's not all right well we made a real mess out of that i power this thing up no i need to corrode it how do i corrode things the fire spread to the wheat i never even got a chance to do that one i'm a danger to myself oh i was hoping that these barrels would explode or give me some oil get out of here crow because if i had oil then maybe i could use that to corrode the vehicles i don't know oh never mind we don't need oil we got radioactive waste is this gonna do bad things to you oh oh oh i actually killed someone nope just made them pass out well isn't that boring i mean how much radioactive waste can you really spread i think this is the last vehicle but i probably don't want to do that because then it would finish the level yeah i want to soak all of the humans first is this counter soaking hopefully it does oh can i get this sheep the sheep is radioactive proof weird i don't know how this happened i think i scared away the last crow with a little fire that just accidentally started there's got to be more people around here somewhere there's another one okay and you know what you can also have a bolt on me still looking for more i'm short a couple of soaked humans oh there's another vehicle down here okay so we're not completely done yet there you are mr ranch owner i don't think so okay so now i just have to melt the vehicles and maybe some more of these crops then we'll be good to go humanity will be well on the road to failure as if they weren't already i was joking earlier about blowing up a house but if i can actually do that no of course not that'd be asking too much come on man what are you gonna ruin all my fun i just want to see poop fly everywhere i don't think that's asking too much i also can't screw with this house i feel like i should be able to though you never know when there are going to be more secrets lying around so we gotta get you i think you're good and corroded and then there's one more pickup truck down here and we're goods i think we're good i unlocked some house decor and a whole lot of human misery i think that might actually be the end of squirt's little adventure at least in the demo if we go to the ending here is there gonna be another level or they'll finish the story all right i think that's enough stories for tonight i want more grandpa don't worry more stories will come you just have to be a little patient and wish list the full game on steam grandpa you didn't take your medications again dude you can't be chilling for giant corporations during bedtime oh no no one found creations isn't a giant corporation it's just a few people trying to make cool games from their bedrooms and it would mean a lot to them if you wish listed hmm i'll think about it all right then sweet dreams goodnight little does the kid realize that it's actually all a delusion i've been suffering from malnutrition ever since the clouds cut off our food supply all right you know what i think that's gonna be it for this episode of rain on your parade guys seriously though the developers did send me an email saying that they were really happy with the video and that they would send me the game if you guys want to see me play the whole thing so if that's something that interests you then be sure to leave a like in the video leave a comment letting me know and if you want to check it out for yourself then here's some information that i can't be bothered to read nothing's much watching this video i hope you enjoyed and i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 306,916
Rating: 4.9691763 out of 5
Keywords: rain on your parade, rain on your parade game, rain on your parade gameplay, rain on your parade demo, rain on your parade early access, rain on your parade funny, rain on your parade funny moments, cloud simulator, cloud sim, cloud game, rain game, funny moments gameplay, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: xm5oNDvDbwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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