I Opened A Dime Sized Black Hole In A Room - Room Smash

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lab coat and eye protection required when working in this area yeah we don't have time for any of that okay this chemical isn't gonna figure out its own composition eureka is highly reactive to bullets whereas my face is not wait why would a crash test dummy be bulletproof like if you're testing how safe it is for an suv to drive into a wall you wouldn't expect the wall to be armed what's up guys welcome to room smash where i can only imagine the developers of solar smash decided that opening a black hole the size of asia right next to the surface of earth is fun but opening a black hole the size of a basketball underneath a mannequin who can't handle a couple of sips of light beer would be even more fun uh i wanted to hit him with a black hole but i threw a salt shaker at him oh there it is okay well that wasn't entirely wrong there is quite a bit of shake i love that this guy in the back is just like it's not the first time someone spread a hole in this bar and it won't be the last i'm just now noticing that these weapons aren't particularly descriptive like some of them you can figure out but then others you get stuff like a rock what does that even mean am i gonna throw a rock at him or is a meteor gonna come crashing through the ceiling and wipe out the bar there's no way of telling you just gotta no i'm gonna throw a rock at him rise and shine jerry okay you don't have to go home but you can't stay here how about this one do you think it's an electric floor is it an earthquake is it a harry potter transformed into a house it feels like i'm ordering a drink and i could get anything from a sippy cup full of milk to a skull full of absinthe it's a complete mystery you just gotta roll the dice or in this case shake the house yeah it was an earthquake and that is a whole lot of broken glass i guess you two don't really care though it's not like you have flesh or the will to live here's another good one like what does that mean it's just an explosion symbol that could be anything from the uh bottle rocket shoved up his butt to punching in the code to a pocket nuke there's just no way of telling it a complete mystery and a bit of a mistake i love the fact that his arm just rolled across the bar like i'm gonna clean this place up one way or another well now that the bartender has been evaporated i guess that makes you my responsibility let's go ahead and cut you off no more drinks finally something the rock can accomplish i don't think it's gonna help when it comes to waking you up though if anything that just kind of makes things more difficult all right so what can we do to wake you up maybe a little karaoke yeah nothing quite like the embarrassment of a voice crack to really get the blood rushing i don't think you need the microphone in your ass oh that was a sticky grenade i mean those things are meant for taking out tanks and it's not making getting you up and out of here any easier when it comes to committing insurance frauds how much video evidence is too much because i'm thinking we just torched the place leave no evidence behind we'll have fire clean up our mistakes and then we can cash a fat check and walk away it seems like a reasonable solution you know if anything i think our little bar experiment here went write down the pooper because apparently the entire bar is fireproof okay we're just gonna leave i think it's safe to say we wasted more than enough time day drinking and committing felonies so hopefully we can get a little science done you know we need to get back to work and the first science that interests me is this giant vat of chemicals back here and how rock proof it may be turns out it's incredibly rock proof really that's kind of disappointing i was kind of hoping that it would just explode and release a cloud of artificial e girl farts into the air that's probably not good isn't this how planet of the ape started lab coat and eye protection required when working in this area yeah we don't have time for any of that okay this chemical isn't gonna figure out its own composition eureka is highly reactive to bullets whereas my base is not wait why would a crash test dummy be bulletproof like if you're testing how safe it is for an suv to drive into a wall you wouldn't expect the wall to be armed it's already 20 after 12. like maybe if we didn't spend all morning incinerating drunks then we would have enough time for the full ballistics test but as it is right now i'm thinking something that's a little bigger a little faster would probably get the job done yeah he's not going to be thinking a whole lot after that heard of me wants to test just how precise some of these weapons are by picking off individual bottles of chemicals but then the stronger more fun part of me just wants to launch an rpg hats them yet good luck explaining to your funding source that the last table blew up and it wasn't your fault i can guarantee at any point in time there are thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people on facebook who are freaking out at the idea of scientists opening a black hole in a lab somewhere so how about we make these boomer conspiracy theorists write and actually go ahead and open half a dozen black holes in a lab and see what they do oh they just kind of played catch with the dummy's heads and stuck a table in a wall [Laughter] well i tried to suck everything into one corner in the hopes that fire can finally clear me of any wrongdoing like there's so many colorful chemicals in here something has to be flammable eager farts have to be flammable come on now like i i just i don't understand it's like the gas burns off but then everything is left unsinged what's the point of having molotov cocktails if nothing burns it's like an illiterate person having a library oh this place is just asking to get screwed with but i feel kind of bad like just because i had a rough morning at a bar and then a bad day at work doesn't mean i could walk down the street and kill somebody's career they're not even here it's close there's no one around i wonder if i should throw dynamite at it yeah that sounds like a good idea oh even got a little button so what if i throw more um there gonna be a limit to this okay there is a limit well that's a bummer i was kind of hoping i could fill the whole store front i love that i quickly went from not wanting to screw with this place to how much dynamite can i pack inside oh my god i think i'm blind [Laughter] all right well no more store is it safe to assume this isn't going to help the situation no i kind of want to try that again but i also kind of don't want to blow out my monitor i genuinely think that's screwed with the brightness things look different now either the monitor or my eyes hold up a second can we combine things if i broke this window with a couple of rocks you're not enough to screw with anything inside but enough to give us easy access then i might be able to fill the place with dynamite we could put some on the shelves maybe a little between the shelves careful careful and then i'm thinking we could open a black hole and when all the dynamite is swirling around in the black coal um i'm sorry did i just open a black hole inside of a china shop and it did nothing these plates are still standing and yet when i press this little red button i'm deaf this time okay why do i even try can we try another black hole real quick because the last one was a bit of a wet fart but this one didn't break a whole lot of the china somehow but okay sure why not you know i i've been saving this one i don't know what it is but it looks like something is gonna strike the planet and hopefully turn this entire shop into a crater that would make me feel a whole lot better uh oh oh wait it's the laser and we can leave marks on the walls oh you gotta be kidding me now you're just asking for it you guys really thought i was gonna draw a giant dick on their wall didn't you well no i'm canadian okay i genuinely feel bad for having destroyed their livelihoods for a cheap laugh that being said i still don't want to get caught so hopefully they have insurance i mean come on they must the money won't go to me but it'll go to a good cause restoring their magic pots because they don't burn or get sucked up by black holes i'm starting to think that these molotov cocktails are made by fisher price this is a dramatic difference from what we're just coming from instead of having nobody around we've got everybody or at least three individual families we got green we got reds we got yellow how about we make this a bit of a contest you know it's gonna be like crash test dummy survivor thinking we throw out a bunch of black holes and whoever is left standing by the end wins we'll do a heads count that guy straight up had a black hole opened on his head and he didn't even take his hands off his hips what is happening that wasn't good enough okay we're moving on to round two those are the ones who got voted out how sturdy are you folks on your feet like what if i use a whole bunch of earthquakes at the same time not a single one of you will fall over okay then i can't imagine hitting you in the face with a rock is gonna do anything no of course not rock black hole it's all the same oh maybe now is the molotov's time to shine really doubt you guys enjoy fire all that much oh yeah that that definitely hurts quite a bit i i think the yellow team just got eliminated we would have none left so it's red versus green i'm gonna slow down time and open a couple of black holes just long enough for me to hurl grenades at them and then hopefully they'll get sucked up and thrown around randomly or i'll just destroy the containment facility we really don't want these things getting out okay that's a mistake i'll just throw the grenades willy-nilly how about that you bounced off his face as everything does and ooh red team took a pretty big hit there four versus two how do we move on to a ballistics test can you handle a oh no you can't handle the weak bullets okay how about you you can you can't you can't you can and i would imagine you oh he can't he was just barely holding on took way too much damage so red and green they're the only two left and i need to figure out a fair way of figuring out who the winner is uh surprise earthquake anybody no i swear the only thing that could make them assert more dominance on me is a t-pose i hate the fact that they're just constantly cycling between their strength poses oh i don't know i could try dynamite right down the middle that looks pretty fair right oh little too much i guess we're just gonna call it a draw it's got me wondering how much dynamites can i bounce off this guy's junk no i was thinking how much can i put in the middle of the room and then how will it affect the guys who are way that surprises me every single time huh so there is a blast radius they did manage to survive around the outsides i mean i doubt they're gonna be able to survive an rpg or two no that that definitely tickles the pickle i i feel like i've gone through all of the weapons oh no we haven't tried the shotgun yeah it does shotgun stuff and we got a gatling gun which does gatling gun stuff sniper rifle is just more bullets in all reality i don't know i kind of expected there to be more oh you know what i'm willing to bet i could dramatically change things up by slowing down time you know it didn't quite work with the black holes the way i want them to because the black holes don't work quite the way i want them to but willing to bet i could throw the maximum amount of dynamite and that's just gonna hang out until i press the button then we could throw a whole bunch of sticky grenades they take a while to go off then a bunch of frag grenades max those out is there anything else that's explosive that i can lay down how about some black holes why not and then uh molotovs you guys can get in there and i'll press the button that would be the button that would be the button actually working with the black holes did we make the black holes way stronger there they they actually managed to suck stuff up this time that one guy in the background smug i'm not even sure if this is like a really good party or a really bad party i feel like people should be dancing but there are pyrotechnics all right you know i think that's gonna be it for this episode of room smash guys a much smaller game than something like solar smash and i think probably even smaller than city smash which i haven't played yet if you guys want to see that or you want to see more of this maybe when they release more weapons or updates or secrets then be sure to leave like in the video leave a comment letting me know and maybe i'll return to squirrel with black holes and explosives again soon but thanks for watching this video i hope you enjoyed and i'll see you next [Music] time you
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 929,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: room smash, room smash game, room smash gameplay, solar smash, room smash funny, room smash funny moments, room smash update, room smash new update, room smash secrets, room smash walkthrough, room smash playthrough, room smash easter eggs, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: hYoD3rEBaOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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