What If Earth Struck The Biggest Planets? - Solar Smash

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in all fairness throwing a meteor at a gas giant is like throwing a pebble at a fart it just doesn't really have the effect that you're looking for but maybe a moon would be a little different and i'm sure earth won't mind sharing its moon or just jumping right in itself wait what uh hey earth do you see a core in there no and it's gone [Music] what's up guys welcome back to solar smash the only game where like a leftover burrito you can freeze florida solid then weeks later reheat it and it'll only have gotten a little bit worse but like if you didn't say anything i'm pretty sure nobody'll be able to tell the difference now according to you guys there's been a big update to solar smash since the last time i was dragging my nuts around here and i'm noticing some new planets i heard word of a secret planet out there somewhere fingers crossed for uranus too but we've also got new weapons and i gotta say that's what interests me most this freeze ray because every other item in the game can only be used to hurt a planet but maybe i want to help for a change you know global warming is a real kick in the pants maybe i can do something to stop it preferably without having half a continent look like a pr stunt for icy hot gone wrong well that is definitely new and really cool it looks like the earth actually has atmosphere now or at least visible atmosphere if you look at it with just the right angle to the sun unfortunately i'm trying to protect that atmosphere from the sun so i'm thinking maybe we can just cool the sun down a little bit i don't think the freeze ray worked as intended may have just blown the sun up and the earth okay you gotta look at the bright side of things especially now that the sun is gone because it's gonna be extra hard i did stop global warming because it's all just gonna heat up at once and then pop no more global warming we just have a whole bunch of earth nuggets that's also new and really cool do you think i can actually interact with these as well oh yeah there you go i've got a frozen earth nugget flying right past me i don't think this is helping the situation actually we may want to control z that real quick you really gotta love having infinite space mulligans to make mistakes with go away florida nobody asked you i can appreciate the trying to freeze the sun might be a little bit too intense okay too extreme we gotta dial things down so i'm thinking how about we try to freeze the center of the earth that way if it gets a little bit too warm up near the surface we can go underground we have a drill we should be able to easily pass through the center without hurting anybody nobody will die in this process i'm sure of it go on drill thinking you're probably gonna come out somewhere i was gonna say north of australia but not if you make a giant u-turn where are you going that's gonna come out right in the center of asia that's the worst case scenario no not india you could depict a more populated area two billion people died all because siri gave that drill the wrong directions you know what screw it don't hire people to do a job that you can do better yourself i know how to stand perfectly still plus i haven't killed anybody on this side of the ocean the other side however we tagged 19 million so that's probably no big loss uh we'll just blame that on the dingoes i know for a fact some of you think this is a dumb idea but you can't tell me that it doesn't look too hot to live in there right so i i'm gonna help if i freeze things and it should be much more habitable except i don't really know what happens to gravity in the center of a planet might be a little bit confusing overall though we haven't had any more deaths and it's looking pretty good maybe we should fly through it and give it a check never did get very good at flying this thing with mouse and keyboard but i really want to inspect my work so hopefully it's not gonna matter like if everything went according to plan then this should be incredibly safe and it is it's not too big not too small not too hot not too cold it's just right elon musk and the three bears and the boring company can eat my ass i'm the one running the show now i'm not sure what would happen if the ocean's bored in here still not really positive on how gravity is working we'll drop a few apples run a few tests i'm sure everything will be fine it looks like i missed a spot we could just go ahead and clear that out okay listen like one life is well worth the path of progress is it too late to take back all that confident boasting and just file this idea away under oopsies with the rest of them because i was trying to freeze the ocean around the entrances to our tunnel so the water can't get in for safety reasons and i may have triggered an itsy bitsy teeny weeny ice age that killed all living things on the planet even santa how do you free santa to death he should be used to this kind of thing he's magic i don't suppose the rest of the planet is magic and that i actually can just reheat it and everything will go back to normal nope it's pretty much just a terticle in space now even though i think i unlocked one of the secret planets oh well you're not uranus too you might think that an intergalactic explorer like me would be excited to find a planet shaped like a snowman but no i i know this is just another turtle in space with no population so i'm just gonna have a space ghost punch him in the dick and then we can all move on with our lives get the wind up and the pitch and i'm gonna call that a strike because he barely noticed you kidding me fine then see if i care i know a whole bunch of space ghosts that are just eager to punch somebody in their south pole this guy's tougher than he looks you know what everybody in this solar system likes to think they're a tough guy until i borrow them a new butthole and fill it with bombs we'll see who gets the last laugh when i decided to play solar smash this morning i didn't think i would be finding out how many explosive balls i could fit into a planetary snowman's but here we are and he's still got a great big dopey smile on his face which makes me think he might be into this kind of thing to each their own i'm just hoping to get the effect that i'm looking for with an anti-matter bomb come on now oh okay first we get the expansion then the collapse what i want is the oh yeah that's the pain in my ears that i was hoping for are you kidding me right now i got four ass nuggets four lowly dingleberries and that's it i i mean he's not laughing anymore but that's not what i wanted this thing was literally designed for detonating planets it's its only purpose if we can't kill the snowman like this then i give up i just don't care anymore this has to have the effect that i'm looking for please i've got a lot more new stuff to get to i can't let this thing beat me oh okay yeah he's looking a little hot all over which i don't think snowmen particularly like yeah there we go thank you much appreciated now for the pop oh you'll love to see it snowman nuggets as far as the eye can see i kind of want to freeze them but i feel like that would just be doing him justice we gotta let frosty rip in peace out here in the space void hot damn jupiter is looking extra thick all of a sudden i gotta back things up a little bit you're a beefy boy like i i don't think jupiter is technically a new planet to solar smash pretty sure i've ruined this before but i've been told that things act differently now so if i hurl a rock at you like a spoiled intergalactic toddler then you will absorb it did i just get that rice i mean it is technically a gas giant right yeah it's still perfectly round where i hit it okay well when in doubt launch some nukes because now i'm really curious is there a herd part in the center it would have to be right there's no way that all this gas has enough gravity to keep itself together in space maybe the sun does that i don't know this is actually gonna be a learning experience and the nukes did absolutely nothing might as well have tickled the thing listen jupiter you're not the first planet to play hardball with me okay how about i fire an anti-matter missile at your eye be willing to bet you'll feel that god knows my frame rate will every time i do anything and the gas physics kick in then the universe just kind of chugs like a powerpoint slideshow behind things hopefully the pop will oh it actually pushed all of the gas back around the planet but did we find a core uh it doesn't look like it but i think it's filling back in yet absolutely is that's wild so i'm guessing after a minute or two all the gas is just gonna pour back into the empty spot and i mean you'll never be pretty again don't get me wrong but you'll probably be a perfect sphere we'll all be damned one day cycle later and everything is back to normal relatively normal i mean obviously the eye is completely ruined and all the bands are screwed up but it's a sphere again if we're gonna find a core then there's one thing that i know we can turn to cthulhu he's all about getting a mouthful he's not gonna show up and just take a whiff dig in real deep big guy and see if you can find something for me oh he literally just left with a whiff so there must not be a center this even though he didn't go very deep it's filling up faster this time by the time i finish talking it's going to be back to normal i can't believe this so we're just gonna have to go all out we could try drilling oh that's a genius there we go unless you decide to take a turn please don't get lost again i'm sure i upgraded your navigation after how things would screwy with earth you just gotta go straight down the middle it's gonna take a while jupiter's pretty freaking big but you're bound to meet little resistance considering this is all just a cloud i didn't take into consideration that even if we did find the center the gas would just close over the tunnel and we'd never know jupiter is really trying its best to protect its secrets but i'm not gonna have any of it there's gotta be something else i can use here in all fairness throwing a meteor at a gas giant is like throwing a pebble at a fart it just doesn't really have the effect that you're looking for but maybe a moon would be a little different and i'm sure earth won't mind sharing its moon or just jumping right in itself wait what uh hey earth did you see a core in there no and it's gone i've thrown a lot of stuff at the earth over the years but this is the first time i've ever thrown the earth at stuff i could definitely get used to it how about i open a black hole we'll see how much gas we can absorb but more importantly we'll see if we can then throw the earth into the black hole i guess it could oh it's gonna close come on well at least it kind of opened the way there's less gas there so you could just pile on in and get completely absorbed anyway all right i think we're hitting center though because we've got a bunch of rocky chunks flying out it's just not definitive those could be earth chunks i don't know this for sure but if i was a gambling man i would bet good money that jupiter's gases are mostly stuff like hydrogen helium you know things that are really flammable borderline explosive stuff that a thunderstorm would have a heyday with if i could blow up the planet that would be even better just lighting a fart with a match right no i kind of expected more i'm getting nowhere fast here i feel like we're making progress but it's really hard to tell like things are getting smaller but it feels like i'm trying to drink the ocean every time i take a sip there's just more in this place is that the center it's still looking pretty gassy but i'm not seeing the gas fill in some of these holes oh no there it goes come on there's no way it's significantly smaller now so i'm definitely getting somewhere what if we just try to go through the center you know what screw it if there's a core then i'm gonna find it even if it means hollowing it out oh there absolutely is yeah that's that's rock right there so there is a center to jupiter i just gotta try to find it before my frame rate dies there you are you sneaky planet is that it no more gas you're all out jupiter doesn't have any taco bells which means we've got ourselves a perfectly smooth stone planet interesting does it have a molten core i wonder does doing this create a molten core actually this might not be the most scientific way of exploring these things but that's really cool let's try to blow it up some of you are probably thinking that solar smash is actually kind of educational and you'd be right i mean the one thing that it's taught me is that there's no such thing as too many maximum power nukes to blow up a planet that's been pissing you off for 20 minutes straight goodbye jupiter it's so friggin bright and tough what the hell are those nukes doing it did it again i thought it might be a fluke so i shot more there they go weird there's no way it was because of the gravity there's not enough left for there to be significant gravity because my nukes are just trying to find jupiter they're looking around like well this is clearly the wrong place oh there you have it jupiter nuggets for lunch i feel good about that i wasn't 100 sure about jupiter but saturn definitely feels new like i would remember hurling stuff through this minefield that's surrounding it and i know we like to call them rings but let's call a spade a spade this is gonna be dangerous no matter what i do i'm kind of hoping that i can hurl the earth and not a moon again yes the moon would be too small the earth however is gonna plow through those rings like they're nothing and we do have a chunky core but a gassy exterior it's kind of like a really crappy candy did the earth come out the other side no it's lodged in there now okay so how are we gonna ruin your day saturn last time i shot an anti-matter missile at one of these things it ended up pushing gas all over the planet the explosion is just way bigger than you would expect and there's an implosion so if i fired a bunch of them at the same time oh you can see them all coming in that's so cool then i'm kind of hoping that we'll just like hourglass it all the gas will be pushed up and down at the same time and then like an eight just kind of dissipate give me what i want do something cool oh that's pretty well timed didn't push nearly as much as i was hoping for just kind of bit chunks out of it oh and the rings are getting smaller oh no they're actually pulling in because the planet is shrinking yeah you could so clearly see it here so because the gas is gone it's reforming smaller because it's reforming smaller it has less gravitational pull and then the rings are even i'm getting pulled in just little bits at a time and we can see the stony center that's awesome okay we're we're real close now what are we gonna do to finish it off maybe just kind of delicately burn it away i don't want to lose everything here we've come so far i don't know about you guys but that's looking pretty gas free to me and the rings are pretty well gone as well we're just left with the crusty center that's not a whole lot to look at it's interesting but once you get to the end of the journey you're just kind of like well i guess we'll blow it up now don't you worry about a thing saturn i'm not gonna let you go alone be sure to toss the earth into the mix as soon as you get a little bit hot there we go oh yeah we got mixed nuts this time beautiful all right you know what i think that's gonna be it for this episode of solar smash guys i'm pretty sure there's still a whole lot more for us to uncover like new planets other secret planets i don't think there are any more weapons which is a bit of a disappointment but they added a lot to the fundamentals of the game you know everything is a little bit more detailed everything works a little bit differently and i really like it so if you guys want to see another episode as always be sure to like this video leave a comment letting me know and maybe i'll pass gas again soon but thanks so much for watching this video i hope you enjoyed and i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 670,983
Rating: 4.9500027 out of 5
Keywords: solar smash, solar smash update, solar smash game, solar smash gameplay, solar smash funny, solar smash funny moments, universe sandbox sim, universe sandbox, planet sandbox, planet simulator, black hole earth, earth destruction, earth destruction game, planet destruction game, solar smash new update, solar smash freeze ray, solar smash ice beam, solar smash jupiter, solar smash saturn, solar smash secrets, solar smash secret planet, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: J63_LttEYXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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