The Grumps Vs. Sonic Boom!

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hey i'm grump i'm not sue gruff and we're the game grumps sonic first sonic boom tonight you have a beautiful singing voice sonic boom thank you rise of lyric okay first of all i want to just say yes i love this logo the only problem is i've now i've heard this is the worst game ever ever well so the story the story is right now that um yeah i mean we're playing this like right when it came out um yes and uh they did not send out review copies oh always a good sign um i guess that even even though they didn't i guess there was like an embargo on reviews so like they like they weren't letting anybody review it don't tell anybody but we worked [ __ ] for a year on this [ __ ] um so i guess the the general idea is that they rush this for christmas and it's just as bad as sonic oh six oh my dream so yay let's do it here we go okay should i just preemptively break my own neck to like avoid doing this i mean you should see ya oh damn no damn damn you know releasing the water bottle really [ __ ] breaks the illusion of a snap oh wait amazing plot right off the bat no my neck wait what the [ __ ] is going on yeah should we know what's happening right this is like act three yeah sorry uh he's dead he's straight up dead like i mean sorry it was about to be christmas we didn't have the time to write the first two acts yes yes oh my god okay so what we've established is that sonic has an ascot and he's dead yes oh my god you're playing okay all right oh my god you're so fast there's like no [ __ ] animation for anything [ __ ] wow wow and apparently my spin is uh like a ribbon around what is that i feel like we're beta testing right now oh my god this is a little like alpha dude this is crazy okay this looks like it was made like early ps2 era this looks like it was made five days ago it probably was yeah yeah they were like we gotta ship it it goes out tomorrow they're like but i'm not done with the graphics yet all i have is a picture of a hedgehog on a piece of paper that's just a [ __ ] like a pencil drawing ah good old game running at 10 fps ah that's nice oh good old platform spawning out of nowhere oh my god i didn't i didn't think wow that was that was like i don't want to [ __ ] on like someone has obviously worked very hard on this yeah i don't know hard as a but man man this is not finished this is not a finished game yeah seriously and we're only eight seconds in have sonic games been like this before oh dude yeah every 3d sonic game is bad whoa controversial statement because we we played uh a shadow of the hedgehog and and that was bananas too but like it was i don't know they finished it yeah that's what it is somebody was like well you know this isn't very good but at least we tried this one's like i don't know if i don't know i don't really know what it is you know what let's reserve judgment let's reserve okay okay we're only five minutes yeah you know this is the end this is the tutorial the area okay so great you have a lot of rings yep 100 a lot of rings in fact you can't collect anymore what right your number's not going up you can see yeah you have the maximum number of rings i'm just done with ringing no more rings for you oh my god it's it's perfectly cartoon glove-sized don't touch that that's hamburger helpers good temple oh god hey guys you guys are my friends it's just like yeah like ah wow they really did it uh-oh whoever was directing their sleep we'll we'll add in all the voice acting in december oh [ __ ] and then the next game go up on november 8th that december comes around and they're like the games went out for a month no man press the button press the hand button yeah he didn't even press his hand yeah it's just a button you can just kick it and it would be work guys this way where death is not he's like what oh only i could walk faster wow i'm speed walking as fast as i can something's wrong something about my hand there's no time like the present wait there are presents i feel like there's like something gross inside me now that i've seen this and i need to get it out this game yeah like a weird leech parasite yeah i need a i need a sonic colonics and wash it down with a gin and tonic like everybody's chronic everybody thinks you're weird yeah they're like they're like what are you talking like that's you're overreacting and then you go to the doctor and it's like you actually have a parasite yeah he like looks at the x-ray and there's just like [ __ ] like it's a smiling parasite waving a little blue hedgehog yeah well i found a one one up from sonic and yeah i've i've been seeing an enormous uptick in this in the last 28 hours since this game came out oh so we're doing this [ __ ] at the same time wait so he's over there actually doing a level that was designed first of all he's like boy these platforms are ubiquitous what the [ __ ] is he doing look he's he's just having a good time over there yeah oh yeah i didn't even see him in the back [Laughter] all right meanwhile tails is like gosh these obstacles are indefatigable i'm pretty sure knuckles is just stuck now well i'm trying to like get a view of him he's having like a yay moment is he yep he's still over there did you see that yeah there he is he's still hopping up and down hey knuckles how you doing over there uh yeah oh god oh god just just working out you know gotta keep this figure just imagine i'm like oh the game broke me i'm caught in a fun loop fun loop knuckles how you doing over there yay help me literally all right sweet got it oh beautiful i hope we don't have to wait for knuckles oh dude if you do this is going to be a short playthrough hey don't you think i'm sexy it's not a good [ __ ] look on his face like [Laughter] jesus yeah can we get separate houses please has their relationship ever been established amy and sanic yeah i don't yes i yes no are they [ __ ] just get to the chase why don't you ask any [ __ ] sonic fan fiction writer and they'll tell you any fantasy why am i getting a phone call right now i don't need a phone call maybe it's maybe it's someone telling you that sonic and amy are banging oh my god hello i this is scourge fan 76 yeah dude any fan fiction writer of any subject will tell you that those two subjects are banging oh that's true mr spock and captain kirk of course they're banging finally in vegeta 28's fan fiction yeah how do you think they're they spend so much time together up in space kirk the dirk yeah it's only logical history hey sonic you all right back there you need a minute i'm going to stay here and check my shoes apparently he's he's got to go fast yeah i've been breaking things with the hammer my inflatable hammer should break this and she hits it and it's like squeaky should have brought my feel hammer could this shaft of light trigger the exit door i've done it twice already is this like dramatic irony where like the character like every character has to learn it this looks unfinished as well doesn't it look at how i [ __ ] jump i'm just like don't these walls look like someone like went into their boss and they're just like so in about three weeks we should get the final model in oh the game's out okay but yeah but right now it's just i don't know it's like a craggy wall it doesn't really match the environment or anything but uh somewhat metallic which is weird but you can you can see it that's that's the most important part because we have to work on it see that it's a wall yeah and they're like great well ships tomorrow oh oh oh okay can you not put my name to this yeah can i not be in the credits like the [ __ ] credits rolling it's just like ted smith ted smith ted smith like all [ __ ] aliases [Laughter] everybody's ted smith ted smith that smith ii ted smith iii why is his chest glow good question thank you this is a lovely watch tails friendship bracelets amy's a girl like come on i recalibrated the shackles into an energy beam you know in the last 30 seconds with no tools yeah good old tony stark over here oh next time on game grumps hold aydah lasso oh you can lat uh with the n or beam let's find some dynamite is that a is that old tails oh [ __ ] tails you never told me yeah you never told me tails oh that was my uncle from a thousand years ago some weirdly freaking tails out right now do you know like when i get close do you know like when i get closer you're just like a really close talker yeah sonic could you yeah please oh hey my name's cliff dale's like looking at him like what does that mean he's my brother i like him i don't go to thanksgiving because of him i'm here who am i yeah could you maybe introduce me please not cool sonic was that like a like an 80 year old man saying not cool would be to go after them you boys pwning noobs out there tap the screen and look at the secrets oh there's a secret wall right there are you seeing that yeah that's pretty cool actually good work this game dan if you ever say anything nice about this game again you're gone yeah you're gone yeah i have a like um barry will be not so grump tomorrow i have a pool of hydrochloric acid in my bathtub wow just waiting for your body to deteriorate i will [ __ ] kill you and disintegrate your body so your mom won't even get to look at your face in the casket do you not like this camera the world would probably be a better place if uh this game [Music] we're burned burnt just for every copy of it burned oh do you think like you know how they recently dug up the e.t atari cartridges that were buried in the desert yeah it's very all these before yeah do you think they'll like they've got a big empty hole just replace them there's nothing intuitive about this [ __ ] level this is the weirdest this is this is this is classic classic sonic gameplay i mean come on guys really i mean santa hedgehog at its best 10 out of 10. can i just say [Laughter] the verdict is in my sonic boom is an instant classic join up with your old friends amy my only criticism is why can't i give this an 11. really more of a critique on the gaming [ __ ] uh review system oh god i can't even speak anymore the one bad thing i can say about this game is that it's not bad okay okay okay you're okay don't cry we're only on episode like six of this i think i've lost track already i feel like i'm taking crazy pills let's uh let's go back to cliff insert it slowly into your anus hey cliff why is he so bright you come back and you're like ah yeah and he's like hold on let me let me check the mysteriousness yeah it it told you to no secrets no yeah be great if it was like actually telling you secrets it like goes into his mind and he's like man i gotta take a [ __ ] yeah or like you look on the wall and it's just written there like tails [ __ ] amy i'm i'm sorry are there shadows of rings that aren't there [Laughter] wait look up maybe that is super high i'm looking up as hard as i can there's nothing there's nothing up there oh no oh i am pretty busy right now how many people are gonna tell us to [ __ ] off in this game yeah and and and also tails [ __ ] that's gross hold on let me see if i can like i can like what has become of me can you see me now doctor the radiation from the biplane so i was going through the uh the first sonic boom episode and i noticed as i was watching it there was some uh weirdness with the game so you can see is that properly exposed pretty much every transition between cameras i don't know how you want to call it for a cutscene has some kind of graphical weirdness in this game so you can see here we're going through the end of this shot here and then they freeze well knuckles freezes they're still moving but the particles kind of keep moving for a couple frames and then we move into this frame and then all of a sudden eggman's there that [ __ ] happens and you can actually see that explosion's still happening in the background there go back to that that's one frame and so like they're here this explosion's happening and they teleport here and that explosion's still happening back there so when you watch it back and you're watching for that it's like pack it just it just it just it just grabs you wow oh he's just gone oh yeah he just appears wait he's up there it's like i just i don't know i'm sure i'm sure making this [ __ ] is hard but i mean there you go it's going all crazy it's like every his trails appear before him yeah ahead of him because that's he's right before the turn there so that's where he was and then move them through back him back there for that scene and oh my god oh oh and he froze again there you can see his trail disappears wait wait and then he pops in on this scene no well yeah yeah yep he's just like like being thrust awkwardly oh my goodness it's like all these weird lighting glitches and stuff you can see sonic running nothing behind them black frame all of a sudden all his friends are there wait so okay okay so you're going go back and just play it yeah just watch this it feels like you're blinking it's like it's like and there there's a couple times where that black frame is there for two frames which is a crazy long time i think it might be this one it does it with that one too oh no he's frozen again yeah you can see they keep running even though they're stopped yeah why does knuckles and sonic they stay there i don't know and then my leg just kind of jimmies a little bit gotta go fast and then they're all frozen kind of and then we have two frames of black keep moving it's just it's just i don't know this game cost sixty dollars [Music] [Laughter] this game got sixty dollars actually looks like a man kind of just like gradually slows to a stop up there oh yeah yeah he's just like i'm done he's like racing along you can see his trails kind of shortened yeah and he just they just kind of stop him yeah he's just like i'm done they don't commit to the movement even in the animation yeah and then you're playing the game wow i just i i just found another little thing here it's like sonic awkwardly freezes on this little speed bump thing and then you can see that uh amy and knuckles are running on nothing at the beginning of this shot here and they oh now we're running on a thing wow they're like straight up just like on nothing at the beginning of that and oh here we go going real fast oh there's a really good face here i wanted yeah that's that's a good that's a good eggman face uh but uh was that like a weird like tearing oh yeah yeah there was a where was that there's just like a weird like graphical [Music] there we go right there it's just like he's just got like a little like lip clutch hairline yeah yeah um need to remind you this is this is pre-rendered yeah i can't i mean it it's clearly in engine yeah but it must have been pre-rendered because it looks compressed video yeah so it's they could have fixed this all i don't know it's a mystery so they're running here you can see up here amy is running she might be running on this kind of barrier thing but it looks like she's running on oh no she's on the barrier then she kind of slides off of it as we move ahead oh it's an extra shot my bad i'm getting ahead of myself here yeah yeah knuckles don't care there we go so she's running on nothing here um and knuckles kind of runs across this nothing gap and like plays some face plants into that and then he jumps out of that and you can see right about here they uh metal sonic moves and they move um eggman oh they both jump ahead here oh yeah they like like the whole thing just kind of jitters ahead and then we get that and then oh they're jumping onto him it's like f oh and there's another like they're falling and then hit like every single shot they're just like teleporting things around so it works for that shot but they're leaving that in the frame i don't know i don't think it's overly nitpicky be like this is gross wait so this is where sonic ended and he's been replaced by knuckles and amy then sonic's teleport here as is everyone and then they all disappear you're going oh and then they and then they do go and then they do appear holy [ __ ] that all happens in the span of like like half a second yeah so they're there which is where sonic ended and that cutscene started for him they're teleported up ahead sonic dis oh no it's not still there but all his friends appear then disappear and then then he falls then they reappear one by one like knuckles falls in front of him too yeah but he's not running yet he's like still having his like hair physics or something let's watch that in real time because that's fun oh my god whoa how did i miss that it's like jesus oh wow that's a nightmare i've seen comments for people too who are like is youtube buffering weird like though the frame rates like all messed up no this is this is this is how the game capture is that's how the game runs save your money kids impressive don't invest in sonic the sonic mark is crashing right now buy low sell high what's happened the teleporter has gone horribly wrong [Laughter] oh no oh boy i think i'm literally getting sick from from playing yeah yeah it's it's uh it's pretty rough whoops did you just [ __ ] drown immediately from going into knee deep water 100 rings gone that is the only real threat you have had this entire game a pond let me check the temperature of the water real quick oh my god that is ridiculous and you've already got half the rings oh yeah of course oh let's find out this guy who doesn't want to talk to me are you talking to me [Laughter] jesus christ it's like the least friendly group of npcs i've everybody hates you yeah and it's just there's no like irony or anything they just hate you not even the characters want to be in this game leave me out of this i just i saw what happened at the lake looks like they needed these tents built does that mean you have to build tents yeah let's build some tents i guess okay i did i did i did oh it costs money all right i did it now it's [ __ ] roller coaster tycoon [Laughter] oh boy oh boy who is responsible for this yeah i don't know who built that i don't know man don't you love shoving scrap metal into a sign and then all of a sudden you have a town that's the cool thing yeah totally that's my favorite [Laughter] i have no idea what the [ __ ] i'm supposed to be doing dude i have so many questions i have literally no idea at all yeah there you go yay i'm i'm running that's a sonic thing to do there you go now i'm over here yep like maybe some character mumble the thing that i had to do maybe but every character i can remember would just told you i didn't want me around yeah well cliff maybe cliff told you something but he doesn't want to talk to me anymore i went up to me to say anything anymore there's literally nothing oh this this game this game is nothing and i would be like i would be like i'm gonna put the controller down and look up a walk-through right now but there's no [ __ ] walkthroughs i thought she said this is not a great game this isn't a good game leave please just like easter eggs see that yeah that looks fun yeah how do you get that come the fun's all over there wait and then behind me there's just [ __ ] it seems to like go to the right yeah follow it to the right over here yeah all right okay [Music] let's find what tell me cliff give me a sign i don't [ __ ] know there's [ __ ] up here but i've already been up here and there's nothing i bounce and then there's this but there's a [ __ ] guy who doesn't want to talk to me why don't they use some dynamite oh now it works now it's a thing i do i don't have enough money for the dynamite but i can't get money because there's no stages anymore oh yay okay so next time on game grumps i guess right i can't i don't know what to do dan i know you're having a breakdown and i'm [ __ ] feeling it too sonic boom where's all the secrets at they're nowhere there's no more secrets dan what's the [ __ ] the animals can't help me help me i need to help myself no please i'm gonna go dan please dan please [Laughter] yeah there you go if that doesn't say everything about this game i don't know what it does [Laughter] do you know what's going on does this make my head look uh like it's in a wall stupid does this make my head look stupid [ __ ] lego shoes dude wow wow so check this out if you ever want to get high yeah and i do you just choose knuckles and you jump jump bang and then pause it and then you go out and you can keep doing it forever you just keep doing it forever yeah supposedly there are people out there that have beaten this game in one hour because of this glitch you just keep going you just keep on going oh [ __ ] oh wait oh yeah you have to be good at it so i could just get to the very top of this mountain if i wanted i mean what's even up there can you even go up there candy yeah like have you have they programmed it so that like oh hey everybody oh my god whoa okay oh guys my friends are up there with no wait they fell to their deaths oh okay maybe they'll show up again well i'm gonna make it to the top of this this is awesome i [ __ ] love oh look in the distance this is beautiful i'm the king of the world baby look at those polygons [ __ ] oceans man i'm going all the way up are you are you you go all the way you're not going to stop on the cliff all right so yeah let's see the cliff here i am [Laughter] oh god i can't deal we have to pause okay okay all right pausing that's working now flying along at the speed of knuckles what the [ __ ] is going on i think i'm pretty much i think i'm there but yeah oh it's four hours later i have it here over there i have a beard now i made it with the knuckles glitch on the center platform and i don't know what this is that's a crown oh it's just a crown okay cool got it i'm pressing oh right that's right i'm pressing a what are you maybe that's just on the wall it's not like an instruction all my people go bring your hands down bring your hands down let me see if everyone else does that it's got a little electricity it's saying hey see like i'm not supposed to be up there anymore but guess what with knuckles i can be up there oh dude you don't you don't play by [ __ ] nintendo's rules is this nintendo cool sega i know right [Laughter] where are you going where you go where are you what is this i'm over here okay this is where i'm supposed to be really yeah it's the um are you crazy sure about that that does not look like where you're supposed to be that looks like the end of the universe i would say see it stops appearing it's for real all right so this is uh this is called end of world yeah this is like that episode of futurama where if you look out you see anti-knuckles and your group like oh god oh god oh no oh no oh god forever oh god no oh jesus is this what happens when you die [Laughter] [Applause] oh thank god you have 100 rings [Laughter] looks like i'm just here now oh my god really i think i might have broken everything what says it's time for me to reach maximum velocity all right so your opinion sonic boom if we could weigh in for a second great game or greatest game well i don't think anything's going to change i am ridiculously shiny now though i love it well of course you are you've descended to heaven ascended i wasn't all right this ended you fell yeah you fell into heaven all right well i guess maybe i can maybe wait i can hop back up all my friends came with me did you see that now you're just skydiving straight downward motion oh yeah i'm going faster now oh god i can see forever it looks like i'm diving like yes it does because are you in water are you an air who really [ __ ] knows at this point or who really cares oh god damn it i'm gonna go back up now what is up how do you even know what up is i can go back if i just if i just use the glitch that i used to get here dude you dropped a thousand feet awesome no maybe it's just right up here i'm gonna go ahead and reset the game save and quit i hope it doesn't save me here oh man it's like welcome back this is like that equation you were telling me about divide by zero well no dead to me minus five equals sonic minus five solve for sonic i wanted to come up with a more complex one where you actually had to solve it and it wasn't like blatantly obvious oh oh man we have been on some weird adventures on these shows oh i know do you remember the time that you and i um fellated each other i don't actually have a fun time really you remember when was that well i got to talk to turtleman baby tails i know a way to open it sonic hey sonic i know a way to open it [Laughter] knuckles you can sit this one out oh can i goodbye door hello advancing through the game with your friend knuckles done made it i don't got to do jack [ __ ] bro when i got my boy knuckles just imagine sonic being like amy and tails i'll need your help knuckles you could sit this one my god whoa totally i did it we made it here she says i am the one but is we'll wait for you here guys looks like we should be heading upwards and it's like heading upwards interesting i'm pretty good at doing that whatever comes my god damn it aaron you are just disappearing into [ __ ] so how the game works there's a part of me that really doesn't want this play through to be just this episode after episode in fact that part of me is all of me what is happening right now you know i'm just i'm just where are we oh i'm totally like oh god well oh no oh no you fell off the nothing into more nothing with different [ __ ] physics i don't want to mess up all the the stuff i did yeah what a waste it's not my fault they didn't put that there the button green button sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't it it really that is really that's it isn't it it just sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't nope that wasn't one of the lucky times maybe it needs to be amy that activates it no i did it i did it with knuckles oh my [ __ ] god it works are you are you [ __ ] serious let me take care of it this button is a myth just like the female orgasm hey button would be really great if you got pressed right now oh man i want to press it that's what i want to do are you quoting me no [Laughter] but no you gotta wait for the game to tell you if you want to press the button i know i want to press the button i want to go through hexagon door [ __ ] super jump over something else but no boy this is the roughest i've never seen south park really yeah it's not a show that i i would let my kids watch it's pretty good no i think it's vulgar and rude and it really goes to show you where we're at as a nation what's funny anytime we get we get accused or like uh other you know friends of ours on the internet get accused of like [ __ ] being dicks or being too harsh or being racist or being whatever like you can pretty much just point to south park and be like uh they did 10 times worse and they just won an oscar that's true let's so we should start being more and more vulgar yeah what if ffa the food national what's the food one sdc the fda fda yes franklin delano [Laughter] asheville have you perhaps not slept in a couple of days i'd okay i want to tell you a little story please do susie barry and i stayed up late until 5 a.m last night playing plants vs zombies i mean late like so late it was early 5am like when you left when you left the space was it like was it dawn when we went to get dinner the sun was up that is the worst although we sadly ate in silence at home i can't because we were so burned out from hanging out all night right we were just kind of like eating i can't and then barry went home i could never like oh i have a trumpet now somebody's rooting tooting baby oh next time on gabriel hold on shut up listen to this yeah that's not a trumpet tuba dot wave oh there you go that's what i meant yeah go faster you said you could go faster there we go you lied to me i'm sorry i didn't think about it hard enough i get whoa i told you about that right my [ __ ] third grade teacher miss barish whose horrible voice still haunts me to this day you want to you lied to me what did you lie about well [ __ ] she was like i didn't do my homework like always yeah and and she uh what are you gonna do tell her you didn't do your homework that's the thing she was like did you do your homework dan and i was like yeah like you're just so you're a scared eight-year-old kid uh and an adult gets in your face and you don't want to like you you are you're already ashamed that you didn't do it um and then uh and then she was like okay put everything in the center of the uh center of the table and i'll collect it and she was like where's yours dan and i was like i i put it in there because you just panic yeah and she was like and then she looked through and she's like you didn't do it you lied to me [Laughter] you didn't do it yeah she got all of my face she made me like walk outside and sit in a desk in the hallway and write an apology letter to her wow yeah i'd like to redo that apology letter now actually no i had to give it to her oh yeah and then she called my mom and my mom was like she sounds psychopathic you do your homework but like don't worry about all the rest of this [ __ ] my mom is awesome she had to defend me from like a bunch of crazy teachers she's a nice lady she oh yeah you met my mom yeah she's great she's so rad i love her she makes me smile debbie love you dab love you doobles doobles you should probably explain people are probably gonna think you're weird for calling your mom deb i feel like i've explained it once or twice before really well yeah cause i mean i i've always called my parents by their first name uh just because i kind of learned how to speak before anyone taught me so i just called people by what i heard other people calling them yeah so like which seems like a lot like it should happen a lot more commonly yeah i guess i don't know what happened but like but that's why i call my grandma mom because i heard my mom calling her mom so my grandma's mom and my granddad's pop and my mom's debbie wow yeah or doubles or doubles mcdoublestein if she's come to be known so dubs for short so if nobody if nobody did all that [ __ ] by like generation three everybody would just be calling each other by their names yeah why not it like i remember other parents at like pta meetings like if i'd be like hey debbie that all the other parents would be like yeah like is he adopted yeah it's so disrespectful from a different marriage she was like it's just a [ __ ] sound why don't you release the sphincters sonic generations more like sonic when orations as in when is this game gonna get good wow aaron you know what you [ __ ] nailed it that was in no way a stretch you nailed it sonic unleashed more like unleash my shits onto the game because it's so bad i thought you're gonna say sonic generations more like sonic penetration [Laughter] into my [ __ ] butt sonic colors more like sonic colors of the wind because that shit's like pocahontas mediocre at best oh that's what i like i like sonic colors damn it sonic uh what are the other ones people like you who else can i annoy in this rant sonic heroes more like sonic bureaus as in it gets makes you feel drunk i guess yeah my boy knocks oh sweet i'm playing as nux again bro yeah oh [ __ ] oh how are we ever getting all the way up there how will we do it next time on game grumps i'll figure it out [Laughter] i'm having a lot of fun playing this game with you dan i'm enjoying i'm having a great time the only thing that could be better yes is if you were fellating me dude video games in a bj i agree it's the best but where you're about to go is where it goes horribly wrong a bj with my bf i won yeah i won oh my god that's expensive what okay did you win in ebay you know the uh the atari uh the dig things oh yeah aaron uh bid on one of the et cartridges that were buried in the nevada desert and recently unearthed um i everybody knows that story right yeah okay i bid on one um and i i like you know how it like auto bids for you yes i knew i was gonna be filming when the auction was over so i um i just put in like an insane amount like like a little bit higher than i would perhaps you should have yes yeah and uh it totally was like almost there oh man is it working no i'm like oh yeah dude it's a piece of history dude okay yeah i agree so yeah but i'm kind of like ah that's a lot of money for beat up cartridges it's all dirty and [ __ ] it's okay once it's framed and up in your room yeah you'll love it you'll be super happy [ __ ] it it'll be up in the grump space so yeah look at it yay and tell that yeah well it's a great conversation piece right because then people are like why do you have a gross atari game on your wall and then you'll be like well here's the reason i'm glad you asked and then everybody santa claus what are you doing here also yeah it's not december it's like you've been extra nice this year your lips look extra nice next time on game grumps oh i didn't make that joke dan i wanna i wanna share this with you oh please 1175 oh no four digits oh voracious this is this is what 1175 gets you on ebay oh my god inbox oh it's all [ __ ] up yeah got [ __ ] dug up from a landfill that's hysterical i already [ __ ] did this dude i don't i don't i'm confused there's gotta be a button to press somewhere toaster that button that's the one we just came from is it yeah well no it's not check it boom yeah it should do something it's making the platforms spin yeah and then i do that one are you super crazy sure did i just do this yeah this is what we just did and you chastised me for telling you you didn't just do it well wow you don't want to sit down and play video games with me damn bad then i'll find someone else to sit down and play video games with me like barry or susie or ross or markiplier or ted the friendly janitor hey guys you guys playing video games today what are the games that you play i haven't played video games since 1976. but i guess i'll give it a shot and he's like amazing pong asteroids or nothing well i'm the man i guess where the what the [ __ ] dude yeah find the map find the map there you go on the map on the map on the map on the map on the map wait maybe it has something to do with the whole okay i get confused every time you do this i'm ripe fresh out of ideas it's it's like lit that's the end dude this game is over it's done now perhaps you should just check a walkthrough they don't have walkthroughs oh my little guy goes in there the game the game probably told me that but never really explained it go buddy but you know i think i actually remember seeing tales say buddy bot right i didn't know what they were talking about okay so uh hey comments [Laughter] i think so which is actually current you would show us the location of the map here in the past so that we can use it to stop lyric in the future [Music] are you processing i'm not processing this powerful enough there's only one powerful stop but only you can use it because you're sonic and you're the best and everybody loves you the map room we'll go there next time on game gross hey look it's glados from portal oh thank god we have 100 rings thank god yeah it's really going to affect our future i'm going to invest it in wells fargo it's great to see you why does she have like a little like robot pimple that is i believe uh i believe she's indian and she's been hit by the bindi bomb i'm not talking about the [ __ ] red every robot has a red dot i'm talking about the thing that's sticking out on her side oh duh is it just me or is everything in this game like way too shiny no not shiny enough if you ask me really you would add a couple more beads of highlights that would blind you if you look directly into them it does look like someone took a can of wd-40 to this entire world and was just like i think that'll do them i love sucking on huge wieners i remember wrapping my lips you know like when we were maybe a couple years ago when we were still getting to know each other you know like it takes a little while before like you realize what someone's like you know where someone's boundaries lie in terms of like oh god you know ex like what you can say what you can't say and uh and we were talking about hanging out and i was like i want to say like i'm so [ __ ] pumped up i can't wait but i was like it's too early i don't know if like he'd be you know whatever i so uh i was just like i'm excited to see you man and i think you responded with like dude i cannot wait to get inside your [ __ ] he's amazing i think he can do that i guess we're friends now i guess that is official oh man oh i want that text now it's years old already man i'm really excited to hang out with you i cannot wait to ravish that body with my [ __ ] and semen yeah it was like i'm gonna get your dick so hard that it explodes into a million tiny dicks i remember it like it was yesterday i'm gonna cover you like a birthday cake [Laughter] oh man it really did set me at ease though oh man i was like cool that's good i'm glad i'm glad that was then yeah that was what happened with that statement all i ask out of a friendship is that like you break those walls really quickly where you don't have to like wonder is like this okay what i'm saying yeah it also gets us in trouble on the show all the time because i talk to you like i talk to you in real life but other people are like whoa that's not cool for me yeah that's not okay with my boundaries dan i thought you and me were friends it's really funny that's really funny yeah it was like that for kevin with a little bit when he first came in oh sure because like we didn't really know him so i was like can i say like yeah you know whatever is it okay that i want to take your tiny filipino body and bend it over the table and just [ __ ] take you to frisco town for days is it okay that i'm talking about yeah sticking my erect wiener in dan's butthole i wonder close to this new person that i would like to get to know a little bit better because like welcome to the staff kev yeah welcome by the way dan uh how large is your [ __ ] today i would love to take a look at it show it show it show it bigger than ever el presidente oh man i can only wonder what what uh what text kevin has been adding to this situation along the bottom of the screen or the top of the screen wherever you want i always thought like wouldn't it be weird if i went back to like high school like right now and i like really took it seriously dude oh my god i actually died whoa they just bring me back yeah and here you are stakes are high because like it was hard then right but it's probably hard now too i'm sure it's especially since i have all this like work [ __ ] to deal with yeah it was hard because it was boring yeah and in general like uh presented by um uninterested people in a boring manner yeah that's true like the the classes where the teacher was awesome like you can make any subject super interesting if there's like passion behind it dude i i always have these dreams where like i go back to school and i'm like doing it and i'm really stressed out and then like at the end of every single one of those dreams i'm like i don't need to go to [ __ ] school i have a job and then i just leave those are the weird do you ever have those dreams where like a loved one dies and like you're super sad and then like years pass in the dream and you go through the entire morning process and then like it you eventually get over it like as the years move on and then you wake up and you're like oh my god my dad's alive has that never happened to you it's the weirdest [ __ ] you go through this whole emotional [ __ ] thing no maybe i should have just kept this talking about school next time all right geez man just waiting for that big like oh my god i totally did that no that's not ever i've had dreams about like a zombie apocalypse and then i'm like like terrified to like leave the house or whatever right and then i wake up and i'm like oh it's all okay yeah like wow none of that happened yeah like an old zero of it because it's like it's so real in your dream and you're like what am i gonna do like my life has changed completely i'm this is [ __ ] up and then you wake up and you're like oh man coffee i have to pay thanks next time okay okay later sonic boom oh buddy bot did he just suicide himself yeah i mean oh that's his job buddy bot he gets paid in in virgins in the afterlife check this out watch it he loses his robots and then he's like yeah well hold on he's like yeah hold on he's like he's like hold on he's like goddammit yeah [ __ ] that's so ridiculous he's got bandages on his feet that's why he's running so fast all the time he's got bandages everywhere foot injuries he only has bandages on his feet and maybe his arms yeah that's every appendage he's like one not as wee-wee he doesn't even have one he's a [ __ ] asexual uh hedgehog first of all i was gonna say he's one-fourth on the way to being a mummy so that's pretty decent bandaging secondly that's a killer brennan fraser movie i really it is good i i really don't like thinking about the genitalia of of uh famous video game characters you don't like his four-headed penis what echidnas have four-headed penises what did you not know that they have one penis and then at the end it has four heads what what's that [ __ ] up that's some hentai [ __ ] all right kidding a penis how do you spell the kidneys e c h i n d i l i is that what he i thought he was a freaking hedgehog as in sonic the hedgehog at least knuckles penis has four heads i don't know what a hedgehog penis looks like okay well he only has two heads i'm about to find out looks like i can add ed hedgehog penis to my amazing google search terms i'm just a kid now look i'm [ __ ] a kid in a penis all right i'm getting there you're not going to be like you pay attention you pay attention to the plot i'll look up animal dicks i mean plot uh green guy saying words in a robot suit robot says oh and then gets hit people are going to get upset we're going to get upset oh yeah because the game has the great good the goodest plot oh yes here it is yep it's got four heads oh it's a nightmare not only are they four heads they're like they're like red and swollen oh no first of all if you look up echidna penis the first thing you will see is a youtube video called the world's most terrifying penises is it just like a compilation video of the guy making it oh and he's like check this [ __ ] out dude you know what wow the pig the pygmy loris also has a foreigner yeah one chef four heads that's interesting actually i went to the bronx zoo a couple years ago and you were looking at penises all day well what is your want just hear me out okay go for it uh we listen uh i went with my friend and she and i had never been romantic um and we went and saw the the loraces the slow lorises and we watched two of them slowly bang each other and we like looked at each other and was like are we is this are we supposed to bang now is this a sign like is this if this was an 80s movie that we would take this animal [ __ ] as like a sign that we should be together but and then like some david bowie would play or something fashion not that david bowie you're an [ __ ] russia what is that actual lyric i've never actually known what the real lyric is and to me it's just you're an [ __ ] what's that the the pushing down on me pushing down on you you're an [ __ ] that's that's what he says all right it's so clearly you're an [ __ ] hold on i am clearing my google search term of echidna penis oh you know how i know this is a good uh transcription of david bowie's under pressure lyrics because it says you're an [ __ ] no it starts with boom body they wrote out the umba babe that's okay wow there's a lot of he did bait up yeah dude this is crazy man it's talking to the [ __ ] babas you didn't know that he was communicating with the babas on another planet okay you ready for it i found it [Laughter] it's pressure pushing down on me pressing down on you no man asks for under pressure oh no man ask for oh my god it's you're an [ __ ] it's todd you're [Music] it's just kind of like it's like a 3d movie you know how it is yeah it's not like pixar it's not like a story that will make you uh cry in the first five minutes oh like up which i'm still [ __ ] emotionally recovering from five years later yeah great let's do it next time gross oh wait zip line the slip line will be our best bet tails i think it's our only way was that sonic yeah did sonic just say that yeah was that his voice that's correct you just have to point me in the right direction buddy wait no whoa whoa that is not like what his voice sounded like i know am i just a like a weird [ __ ] yeah next time on game cups hey you know how in the david bowie song under pressure yeah it's like yep isn't that a lot like ice ice baby uh it's exactly like ice ice baby because i says baby sampled that yeah that that's funny because like that wasn't a thing back then right or like it wasn't as common so when like people were criticizing him for it he was like no there's a different note in it and it's like no it's sampled yeah no it's the exact same thing well i remember like because uh can't touch this um by m c hammer uses a sample of superfreak james and i remember being [ __ ] stunned because i was right at that age where i was like a little kid like can't touch this i heard that first you know because that was an enormous hit at the time and like later when i heard super freak i was like whoa this [ __ ] ripped off m.c hammer 20 years ago [Laughter] [ __ ] rick james yeah i would i would probably let him uh at least sniff my butt rick james yeah he's dead all right unfortunately this [ __ ] little spot for the robot i didn't see that he was uh did i not see that he was great you know rick james uh and his wife kidnapped a girl and held her as a sex wave like held her as prisoner did you not know this here we go here we go to google no way absolutely oh my god dude you know i guess it really isn't like like how famous you are isn't really a gauge of how sane you are no cocaine's a hell of a drug as they've said many times uh kidnapped girl that's so [ __ ] up yes yes it is okay let's see hold on i'm right there i'll kidnap you if you want [Laughter] if i want sorry i'm a super friend i can pretty much guarantee you don't want to be kidnapped isn't this super freaky yeah that's as super freaky as it gets did she just have like a bag over her head for like a long time and she's like no let me go let me go she's like now and then finally like takes off the bag they'll like have sex with her and she's like then rick james he's like james courtney james he briefly got involved in quote-unquote pimp activity oh yeah let's say solo career so that was like a solo career yeah personal life it's probably under personal solo career oh yeah wow he really did go into pimping just by himself great um a pimping super group legal problems [ __ ] bad season oh okay here in 1993 wow that's he's a little i think he was probably like in his 40s by then probably too old too old for kidnapping you should know better in 1993 he and future wife tanya or something were accused of holding wait wait wait what's her name hijazzy whatever yeah it's not important we're accused of holding 24 year old francis alley hostage for up to six days tying her up forcing her to perform sexual acts that's not cool and whoa and burning her legs and abdomen with a hot end of a crack cocaine pipe during a week-long cocaine binge in 1993 while out on bail for that earlier incident rick james for that [ __ ] yeah that little whatever indiscretion rick james under the influence of cocaine assaulted music executive mary sauger at the st james club sauerkraut claimed she met james and jazzy for a business meeting but said the two then kidnapped and beat her over he kidnapped two people oh [ __ ] dude jeez he was found guilty of both offenses but was cleared of a torture charge oh good for him oh yeah that's you know what justice really is still alive he served two years in prison and lost two million dollars for that two years that's it i didn't wow man when you're famous you really can't get away with murder yeah well at least kidnapping damn at the very least god damn rick james yeah um [ __ ] that david bowie is writing a song about rick james it's funny though like he is on us so yeah rick james [ __ ] he's a kidnapper if there's an artist and that artist is an [ __ ] but makes really good art like right is that egoraptor is it morally right to still appreciate the art i say yes yeah like and i mean of course it depends you know like who knows if michael jackson was a child molester i don't know i hope not because i really [ __ ] love his music but like as i've as i've gotten older like i just learned to like separate the art from the artist sure you know cause like you'll just you'll just miss out on too much [ __ ] that will like make your life better well let's say let's say for example there's like like a music artist and like you know they're like really really good but they're like a [ __ ] [ __ ] and like the only power you have over them is to like ruin their career because they're a complete [ __ ] right like i mean that's pretty vindictive and like i i guess no to that but like you can understand somebody doing that and like is that okay that this per this this complete douchebag right like but how would you ruin their career i don't know she's ready twitter [Laughter] it's not worth it man like honestly like every time i see like an insanely hateful youtube comment not i mean not towards us but like towards anybody i'm like man your time would really be better serve making art yeah that's true or like doing anything just like all the time you spend [ __ ] on other stuff is like time you're wasting um creating something yourself yeah you know i'm just gonna jump no i have i have flying tail powers that's cool i'm into it what you know what was the thing like when they were designing this game or like he's going to be a fox with multiple tails and it's like okay that's like a japanese thing whatever sure but then they're like and then they spin and he flies like a propeller it's like okay first of all that's not even physically possible right right the two tails yeah they get twisted up unless they exist on a pivot yes yes or they revolve around the butthole in a circular wheel-like fashion so like while he's flying like every so often like a little a little poop spray will it come out in the middle why does it have to be like [ __ ] muck spray everywhere like [ __ ] yoshi and mario sunshine like oh god [ __ ] head sorry gets it oh oh that's right because they know they're in the past god i wish sonic had just dropped an f-bomb there yeah see you in a thousand [ __ ] years no mention of it like geez like cut to the guy in the voice booth like the director like hey hey steven cliff's excavation that sad turtle just at the bottom what do you need help with buddy hey can't cook without the ingredients yes he does not look how i thought he would look yeah definitely not like oh i'm the chef yeah i've never seen an italian beaver before [Laughter] except for never mind i'm gonna open the oven oven up in the [ __ ] face all right i'll go save your food good one did she just wait did she just make a joke and then pat herself on the back for it yeah that's exactly what happened who burned his toast good one nailed it self high five claps above your head i think we're making good progress though yeah i think we're about a quarter of the way through i don't think so it's not like 13 percent when we left that's not true it's a it's at 18 that was like five episodes ago oh sure so you don't think like i mean what this is what episode like 37 i have no idea 30 12. i completely lose track we've done like four sessions for this game i think so yeah so that's like what 20 28 close to that yeah yeah so [ __ ] man that's 18 that's not even one percent of game per episode that's pretty sad that is pretty sad i don't know if that says anything about the game or about us probably both yeah all right i'm on it i'm on the case no there's no need there's no need for that right now but i want to get high you want to get high don't you want to get high yeah wait i came up with a really good joke today and i want to share it with the audience please it made you literally bust a gut laughing it made me yeah i don't remember it oh man okay you were like losing it completely okay this might be a made-up scenario but let's continue you were so [ __ ] into this joke then say it all right dude out loud i don't know man it might like it might kill people yeah that's probably yeah it might be so funny that people would die so funny that i forgot it later in the day oh no no dude well you have a special like you know you've been laughing a whole lot so you're just okay okay go ahead like a laugh tolerance use words to say it all right all right all right it's really funny though okay all right here we go yep it's really funny starting now what if yes you made a cartoon right about pokemon getting high right and called it pokemon oh wow dude hold on i have to laugh i can't do it i can't bring myself to do it it's so funny you forget to laugh i actually had a smokeymon t-shirt when i was in college are you [ __ ] serious yeah they make them oh my god you think you're the first person to think of that yes yes and i was jesus it's the funniest joke ever that t-shirt you imagine pikachu with a blunt in his mouth and a and like you know tired eyes and he's like and he's like pikachu like he's a little smoky weed make you a feminist a little sassy you know because he's got like a high self-esteem because he's like every time you talk about the effects of marijuana it drives home 50 times over how you've never smoked weed once in your life like you know when you smoke weed and it [ __ ] lifts you three feet off the ground and gives you a spanish accent and you're like hola i am super high right now yeah literally that is what high means right all right next time i gave you girls more educational marijuana uh jokes yeah don't do drugs kids we we're not and again marijuana is not a drug oh [ __ ] dude damn did i just get political did you just open up that can of worms that can of worms where that's already legal like get them up get them off yeah sorry worms everywhere boy you are on [ __ ] fire today [ __ ] did you bring worms in the gump room dude i sure hope god i sure hope talent is sexually transmitted for when we make love later digging into my skin so i could get some of that didn't tell me these were ring words because we're playing songs all right next time i get gross [Laughter] oh hold on i need a little more tea if talon was sexually transmitted jennifer aniston would be the most talented woman on earth oh my god you're saying she's not okay a rude second implication she's not bad biggity boop welcome back what's up girls how's your reese's cup i haven't eaten it yet well tell me how it is once you eat it i'm gonna i'm like taking the weird cupcake like brown wrapping paper off of it right now i literally hate that a 100 hate what i mean the [ __ ] rapper around the reeses it's like another step of rapping that i have to [ __ ] deal with why don't they remove it why don't they [ __ ] remove it it's like i get they have to make the shape of it you know why would they remove it they're the ones that put it on because when it's when it's shaped already [ __ ] it should be removable um actually what you're saying like it's it's already the shape of the cha you don't see a [ __ ] weird brown wrapper around snickers bars to keep their shape yeah and those are packed with peanuts packed 100 really satisfied according to them yeah that's what i say to to ladies sometimes like i really satisfy really really i'm packed with peanuts caramel and nougat yeah you know that's the thing is like a jewy caramel center [Laughter] mmm count me in it's delicious i might be able to vomit right now wow that's really slow did i slow down there for a second yeah can i can i do can i just like you can clone me what uh wait hold on so you could have eight penises [Laughter] [Music] there's food in there okay did you see the knife in the fork nope it's rings yeah great food means good rings mean also good everything means good game means bad okay and here we go thought i was done with this nightmare but no what do you mean nightmare you're right it's a dream and here you oh you can oh are you seeing this [ __ ] in there are you [ __ ] seeing that [ __ ] [Music] that doesn't look right good graciously next time on game grumps yeah that figure's right it's flexing in midair i did this yeah that was me wow okay that's not okay that's not good i have a very special guest who would like to welcome you back to game grumps hello knuckles around the [ __ ] thing no big deal oh no hanging out with my friend oh no half amy oh how far can you walk out of here i don't know that's that's a good question wow wow all right then all right how does this happen you're having a good time [Laughter] oh no oh my knuckles [ __ ] up dude thank god they were there already god knuckles [ __ ] bash your way in all right so i don't or use the door i think i don't i can't get in there unless i get the crystal once i get that crystal damn i know right i know i what a shame it's like you know you know it's like when i hate it when games make you play them selfish this isn't play this is torture what rick james was acquitted of yeah no torture yeah just kidding just kidnapping just kidnapped someone sexual slavery it's fine it's not torture if if it's if you've made a good funk song if you admitted that you're a super freak everybody knows that god where the [ __ ] do i go in this like this this situation is that's a good question i was i did i just come from here i did didn't i didn't i did i not this is the earth's penis right here it's very small in comparison it is a micro penis why the [ __ ] check out that bumpy jam there's a lot of bumpy jams going on here weird that there are footprints that go nowhere also look man like that go ahead and say this game's bad game all day but you know what you gotta appreciate it for what it does it makes it makes me think about what about turning it off hey it's so sweet it's nice shut up wow somebody's becoming a grumpy gus wait hold on i have this power yes aaron yes you do i don't know i wasn't thinking about that okay for a second there oh now we might have had a problem yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] i forgot how to do it for a second i lost the rhythm the rhythm and the rhyme ah damn it it's [ __ ] hard sometimes okay tell you what right let's do next time on game grumps and then when uh we come back to the episode you'll be up there all right okay all right hey welcome back welcome back so we got to the top you may be wondering where i am right now boy we fell i'm inside the booth okay oh we're out [ __ ] we're out so there's nothing inside the boob right i pressed the green button and it didn't do anything i guess and these still don't work so i guess i'll just go over here now so everything's good yeah can you can you ask the the dictionary of alexandria to tell me what bygone island is you got it what i do here comes the pause where everybody is pausing now okay hi welcome back the greatest show you've ever seen game grumps where we pay attention and follow rules and instructions coming back i'm almost back uh i don't know if it was told to me or not at some point but these rings sanik can do a thing you can just walk on it you can just walk wow and if you if you want to just switch between characters i'm going to barf do that too look at him out there [ __ ] cocky confident in himself i can turn this into wine if i want to just don't want to guys want to come out here no great we can't can't come out there sonic oh but it's nice whatever [Music] get out all right all right all right god damn it i don't know what the [ __ ] i'm supposed to be doing dude i i don't know is that where the explanation happens there is it [ __ ] dude it's not you dude you're not even close like i don't know i don't know you do know i'm sorry you said it it's so i went over here and [ __ ] knuckles says a thing okay you just you walk up and he's like dude lyric come on the heavy lifting or some [ __ ] what a dump oh it's the thing you're supposed to do go around this nonsense i don't know how to get to where it wants me to be i don't [ __ ] know oh did you write the prima guide for this 35 episodes in tensions are running high i didn't know it's okay and these characters are so slow this is supposed to be sonic the hedgehog take it and take it over sonic she runs like a [ __ ] doofus rolling around at the speed of sound it's more like rolling around at the speed of ground oh [ __ ] that doesn't have a speed unless you're talking about the rotation of the earth which is actually very fast it's very fast very fast it's very fast very fast but how the [ __ ] do i get over the wall i don't know how close are you to the wait i do know of course you know oh god oh my problems are solved losing our minds plans all my problems are solved now that i'm knuckles i'm just gonna jump over the wall hold on i gotta remember how to do it yes dude don't get that just jump over the wall i'm gonna jump over the wall because i'm knuckles i have the power to jump high as a kite i am losing my [ __ ] my name's knuckles i jump in the air don't do it with a care i got dreadlocks for hair then i have four penis heads oh things are getting weird yeah oh did you break it yeah there we go all right so now i'm on the top of the wall it looks good i am clearly not supposed to be here i don't know about that where even am i wait what the [ __ ] am i playing peekaboo with [ __ ] sonic and knockouts here whoa whoa whoa sonic good chill out sweet sorry okay okay okay okay cool uh all right i guess i just gotta i mean i it's just water now right this is right hold on i gotta check the map right map there's not supposed to be water there no it's supposed to be land clearly it sure is wait what about over here there's gotta be [ __ ] over here this is a pickle you're a pickle i mean pickles oh did sonic oh there we go yeah all right wait wait wait it's like a great wall of china over here okay oh whoa whoa whoa all right now wait now i think land appeared really nope no whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa shut up chill out chill out okay okay oh there's [ __ ] over here is there yeah there's like a wall to climb what even is the point of this area there's nothing over here this is the end to get that crystal on the ground oh boy dan you're pushing my [ __ ] buttons what a dump where am i and what are they supposed to be floating up there am i supposed to be over here i don't think this was meant to be a part of the level i think i'm in a level that they like hit off from the world yeah because look at that that's not for real right there why would they make a climby wall right and why would they trigger him saying what a dump oh god wait try over here what have i done i can't i can't that's the end of the wall dude yes i can't go right i can't go right or left oh i can't even i can't even jump oh boy can't even jump off oh boy oh boy there you go if i try to jump over here it's not going to let me there you go and there you go all right well oh god let's get out of this hell hole we are uh making some good work i lose my [ __ ] mind over here no this is really good it's really really good oh i found it i found it i found a little secret you know what i bet nobody found that that was just us that found that we should be proud our parents are proud all right i'm gonna call my dad so he can be like i finally love you wait enormous parts of this level just appear and disappear at will it's like real life yeah it's one of the most realistic games i've ever played oh boy oh boy is that like a celebratory oh boy like oh boy i don't even know what i'm feeling anymore can i can i like just walk through this yes yeah you can of course yeah yeah and oh here we are in the tree oh where where am i where am i where am i where i don't want to fall off you're there you're there oh god no no no no no no no no where am i oh there's the wall there's the one okay no no no no no no oh god knuckles you really get my hair going wow well oh thank you sonic for giving me my space oh sonic you okay you okay there buddy you will be missed doing okay we'll be missing you having problems there all right knuckles is like yeah you like that [ __ ] i'm gonna get back on this wall okay so i can traverse more of the stage oh oh oh oh it's a thing that is just the thing that's there this is like something like the [ __ ] artist was like i'll leave this here in case i need to copy and paste it later this place needs some tlc you better believe it hey level designers get your [ __ ] together this game does seem to be like as confused as we are like oh definitely we gotta fix this place up yeah load up maya yeah dude hey there we go it's totally totally there maybe we'll work this out next time on game grumps okay oh oh god somebody did you just [ __ ] aaron hold on hold on quiet [ __ ] okay hold on i think i think i have to activate it by like going in here okay whoa what what what is it what the [ __ ] is this like what what the [ __ ] just happened real now can we walk on it what the [ __ ] should we do yeah i think you can fix it tails just close your eyes and make believe oh can you walk it now can you it's just here now is it go go it's totally just here now dude cheers oh god what hat oh jesus oh the game is it's not it's we are not on the same page here it's just a whole new world now beautiful it looks like and the camera is really weirdly uncomfortably close to where i am it's like like what it's never been like this oh man you know what don't question it just [ __ ] suck up those rings and and keep running okay who knows how long this could last whoa whoa whoa you know what next time on gabriel next time on gabriel we'll explore this new world in front of us wow everybody welcome to my town are those like nazi-esque hands yeah saluting him like mickey mouse gloves yeah that is the doofiest propaganda i ever done welcome to why are these microphones facing outwards should you notice that [Laughter] all the people with all the hands are talking and he's listening to yeah yeah i just wanted to hear you clapping like i wonder man cause wonder man they have to be self-aware right he's the hero this game needs like for for the the people working on this game to be like we gotta get it out before christmas guys and like nobody has like a like a ptsd-esque flashback where they're like they're like no no you remember the last three times we did that yeah they're like oh no no it's like the game's not done man well was sonico 6 the same thing was that like yeah it was released earlier it wasn't done i guess if you play the demo that they released uh on the xbox 360. it's actually like really polished of o6 yeah and everyone was really excited for it they were like oh man they really got it right this time and then and then it came out and like even that god damn dude even even that level that was in the demo is like [ __ ] up beyond comparable how does that even happen i i don't know i i don't know how does the game degrade i really don't know it might be that they were like they like put a different team on the demo or something they were like all right we gotta get this demo out like let's make it look nice and get it all fixed up and yeah i just don't care the [ __ ] launch thing is right there i can't get to it though also did you notice that like in the logo they have for this game it's like red button like that's what it's called but like the the o in button is a red button so you can't really tell it's a letter so it just looks like the red butt that red button give me some of that give me some of that give me something i fell kevin go ahead and put that up for the red button logo yeah red button there it is boom the red button oh delicious like like a baboon so who's that all right uh oh you know it's a trixie jam hi oh you give me shinies please dan sorry it's too real there's so many people that are like like genuinely yes okay sorry give me shinies hey there you go what the [ __ ] just happened with sonic you ever shot did you see that he just like peddled a bike in the air and her sparkly ring is still there so that's good yeah that is good that's helpful yeah [Laughter] next time i'm getting grumps oh really yeah oh thank god [Laughter] but not the roasted land wieners my band has a new name roasted the roasted land wieners oh it's gotta be a proper nap yeah but it'll be under r for where can you find who for me oh salty's brother he's a salamander okay salty on my map no all right so guess what you'll never see your brother again bye [Laughter] i don't give a [ __ ] i don't give two shits i'm trying to go to the [ __ ] you know just like clearly don't do it you just walk 10 feet and you're like he's dead we fought he's dead we found him today yeah we buried him so that you wouldn't have to deal with the trauma yeah that'll be forty dollars just out of nowhere it's gonna be 50 bucks like we never agreed on a fee or anything and a couple food stamps yeah and some of those roasted land wieners he's like i i've only got only got a couple pens well looks like you're gonna have to pay up in another way that roasted land winners yeah roast your land wiener pretty good right now that's what i'm talking about you've already got 100 rings don't bother [ __ ] you know i like playing games with you dan because you're a realist i mean [ __ ] i was all about collecting rings until recently and then i'm like wow that's a big old stack of barrels there's secrets yeah secret secrets tell no one secret secret whoa look at all these useless [ __ ] rings that's awesome oh i love this game it's so funny okay great job all right proud of you well yes the game put me in an unfair situation why are you collecting the rings aaron ah damn it it's just a [ __ ] it's like pablobian dude i think you need amy for this because it's pink do you yeah i do all right let's give it a shot let's give it a shot yep i can't i can't not be knuckles is that right yeah they're they're too busy in an infinite loop of stupidity so i can't i can't be any of them boy you know we're all busy there's a lot that this exact vantage point and moment says about this game huh yay well you can't switch to her and then jump up that thing oh yeah i can't oh okay it's just because they were caught in a stupidity luke oh man i think that just happened again goddamn and now i can't move the camera so so that's nice whoa whoa all right yeah now they're up here okay cool oh my friends somehow they managed to get on the higher platform so see oh my god see there you go no way yeah yeah hell dude oh man you just bleed rings when you're on here wait hold on i gotta see this oh man [Laughter] oh goodness me you know what i gotta say man i think this might be the first time in this game that we've ever done things the way we're supposed to oh yeah we used the pink thing for amy the yellow thing for tails and we opened a door like correctly yeah good job well it looks like everybody here has their own little thing going on yeah and the red is for knuckles to climb everybody has a chance you know what dan i should listen to you more often you never do you got good ideas thanks and the ramps are blue for sonic yeah sonic boom we'll never doubt you again until probably 30 seconds yeah less less if you're if you're feeling not as generous you are just hemorrhaging rings whatever hemorrhaging [ __ ] dried period blood on the wall ew yeah that's what it is oh yeah yeah it is those crowns yeah i should go to the dentist huh get some crumbs what were you saying before with dentistry oh yeah cavities cavities that that's um because our editor kevin is so sweet he gives us cavities damn yeah like that kev how do you like it how do you like how do you like two grown elder men calling you adorable does it feel good it's like oh god why yeah he's like putting in my two weeks oh i was um there we go wait can you turn sideways so there's just an arm sticking out yeah that's what i like that [ __ ] like there's no excuse for that no there's no excuse like it's one thing it's one thing like when we like sort of break the game no it's like it's like guys let's play hide and seek ready don't let me find me you just clearly see the back of her head and you're like ooh cutscene let's pay attention to it no it's just a loading screen yeah it's just it just comes back and you're exactly where you were except there's less [ __ ] there it's the unloading screen [Laughter] oh man that's awesome all right hurry up and load the this the funny thing is like oh god dude come on just [ __ ] warn me are you okay did you hit yourself at the back of my head on the couch oh no because i started laughing and then like i realized i was too close to the mic when i was laughing so i shot my head back and bashed oh no that's no good oh like the we do with these episodes in a row right so this is like episode three of this group and like this game just like slowly breaks you down with its stupidity like you just can't take anymore after a while look at this that that's missing a ton of frames barry will be able to go through that like the [ __ ] zapruder film and the what oh that's the the footage of kennedy being assassinated that's been like back sonic you having a good time [Laughter] don't speed me up don't speed me up don't speed me up this is kind of cool stop getting the hang of it slow me down no no you have no say in any of this what's up i want to slow down all right god all right let me just danger ahead casually meander sonic movement walk us to save you see how they like they like zip over to the right one oh i say it i see it i can can i like go yeah i can go backwards nice bye guys see you later they're like where are you going oh boy i'm just gonna go ahead and go back oh well see you guys and oh man well that lava looks nice no oh it does it does it looks kind of goopy no it's uh it's probably the worst i've ever seen but it's not that bad that's pretty bad it looks like a [ __ ] ps1 game dude come on we'll give it more credit than he deserves this is nuts oh now i'm hungry because he said nuts for nuts yeah got it i want to see if i can do this this game is like i want to get to a loop that's what i want this game is kind of like you're unintentionally funny dad like you'll be laughing at like what he does because it's so ridiculous but then as soon as he actually makes a joke it like makes you stop laughing yeah he's like i tried i tried yeah is happening oh it's a fight you gotta fight dude good thing you have a hundred rings do you still have a hundred rings what the [ __ ] just happened dude i don't know it's just like the silently oh never mind they're leaving and knuckles is happening did you see that shadow what the [ __ ] what is happening right now oh god damn you all right buddy this is like this is like a glitch with that like occasionally breaks out into a game [Laughter] oh my god jeez man it's it's just getting worse too like it's like they they did this in chronological order yeah and they as they ran out of time they had less and less time to do it i don't know can't get over there i gotta go over here enter beam thanks for the hint tails i didn't need it but thank you do we rock i feel like we're gonna rock enter beam time jinx i know my friends are helping me too that's nice welcome back hey girl i'm fighting a giant green glowing eyeball that's right no big deal mm-hmm i just grabbed him with my whip at the wall just like everybody else and then he disappears into the ground all right right off the [ __ ] bat with this episode oh i don't ask much from my video games no you don't but sometimes well yeah sometimes yeah sometimes i'm very demanding this is job for buddy bot oh i'll go in this hole right here get in there buddy pot oh no he's not going to go in the hole not we just accidentally oh god that's nice buddy doesn't look like a job for buddy bot anymore come on this game is for kids right oh sure if they want it to be yeah in the in in one press release i'm sure it's for kids in another press release they're like it's for the nostalgic adults really franchise he grew up with zane and then another press release this is hardcore pornography meant only for 18 plus get your kicks on route 66 i wish this game had like um the zelda chest opening sequence that you hate but like times 50. like it just keeps swirling around here and then like it stops like when it reaches critical mass it goes back to no it's uh it's what is that what is it called this level is pretty yeah it's nice right yeah see how they [ __ ] it up i know i like it i i like to think of the the actors you know like being in this game they're just in a booth and they're just like oh cool sonic game i'll do it and they do a good job and stuff and then you hear it in the game and it just makes them sound like a douchebag this game yeah well we we uh is it the same voice actor is it like mario where they have like a sonic guy sometimes sometimes that sounds like no well well it's consistent sometimes from game to game oh okay but like i i think in this one they got a new guy i think they got all new people really like nobody sounds like anybody yeah because sonic for a long time was jaleel white yeah he was like yo man i'm starting to hit you it's time to go fast it's pgs we gotta go bro which ones were is he in using the cartoons uh over game's headless acting wow yeah he was he was down to his yeah hey sally come on sally you're right yeah yeah chili dogs whoa gotta go fast too slow bro wow i'm sure that didn't wear thin after a while no no it sounds like just music to the ears that you could yeah forever he was he was the quintessential sonic voice i think for anyone who might was that the girl he wanted to be with always but then what's it what's his name like jerk what the [ __ ] did you just see that did you just see them walk out of the wall like oh hey sorry [Laughter] kevin can you roll that back wow oh my god jeez oh hey it's time for next time on game rooms is it really yeah oh [ __ ] dude that went so fast oh man that sucks that i sounded really excited about it yeah no he's like what really next time i came crying oh man do you that's your answer for everything yeah okay okay okay amy jeez like what the [ __ ] i just fell through the rock yep all right yeah sonic is like is like having his way with amy you know what she's well they're into it they're like dating are they i don't know probably they're they're they're they're going at it like a couple uh like a couple consensual adults i wonder what hedgehog sex looks like i'm sorry continue please they're going at it like a couple of rambunctious rascals right and then he's like ah man i can't find i can't find the the prophylactive go on and then and then sense and then tails just busts in and goes interbeam this looks like shop for buddy bought it just like slowly like me meet me walks up and they're like converting to hedgehog penis i kidnap penis a kid that's right yuck all right progress and then i guess we'll turn left at something yeah go into the city and i'll turn left okay all right okay it's not that hard to load a game i've seen plenty of games do it oh jesus they loaded so hard and veered me to the left we're that's not us by the way that's not the capture that's actually happening in the game everybody just give me give me what i want in life ah jesus jesus jesus criminy just can't do it it's starting to lose your balls over here my balls have been lost like ages ago yeah i know i know my balls took a trip on the wild side oh i would just have to go around oh i just [ __ ] all right just to go whoa what the [ __ ] what just happened is that new what was happening i don't know i just got some stuff though all right like oh you went the right way this time great the game's rewarding you for yeah not cheating i'm standing hey girl i need to protect this who's this [Laughter] we're gonna go to slow poke island let's do that was like so genuine yeah she's pretty hey i don't know uh i yeah well i forgot that she was an animal for a minute i was just looking at like the figure like and her stance like yeah that's a sexy oh damn it i'm the king of the world do you see all this land everything the light touches is some [ __ ] that i can cheat my way over jump by jumping this beautiful world could all be exploited by this one i'll do anything for you what the [ __ ] was that that was your sequel it's opening oh yeah it really isn't like a song is it just kind of that was written by chris o'neil oh what is it yeah it's great i think i'm pretty sure he actually doesn't like it either really he's like i do not like it it's just uh well he didn't he didn't i don't think he knew like how much of an impact the show was gonna have i was just like hey can i have a theme song for my stupid show and he was like yeah whatever and he like did up a thing and and now that it's like this thing he's like oh man i wish i made that theme song better yeah well that's always oni he's he's a real perfectionist yeah which is awesome that's why his [ __ ] comes out so good i know he's [ __ ] the man and he's also [ __ ] the mate the man is zach um i don't know what's going on that's not true by the way i don't wanna we said that too matter-of-factly that's cause he's [ __ ] the man yeah named psych me i wish chris would stick it in me it's been a while like dude you always take [ __ ] like just a touch farther than perhaps it should be what do you mean just telling the truth oh yes it's my favorite part of the game again oh here we go let's hit it come on man [ __ ] let's hit it i like harry just like oh oh they're god dude i'm like trapped i'm like trapped on the track they left without you i'm like completely trapped dude you can't move up no it's like because it thinks i'm no i can move up i just try to see it it's like it puts me on here and then it's like yeah you're on here now oh okay whoa then they're back no i'm just gonna no just gonna take my time you know i really gotta no [ __ ] just go fast this guy's fast no i wanna get to a loop where this is this is the case no no stop stop do you see them falling off and disappearing and then coming right back up try to get them to fall off oh nope no i did it oh they're back okay okay no no no no no stop okay i want to get i want to just quickly get come on come on come on come on come on oh no oh i want to stand upside down that's my goal dang it in life jesus okay we're back okay well then see you see them all falling back oh man we have fun here we have fun i mean like i have to say though like in terms of what we were hoping this game would be it really has come through for us oh yeah it's definitely one of those flying [ __ ] colors well i guess i'm just i'm just doing this now i i will say yes uh you are the first person to have described the beatles to me in a way that has made me interested in listening to them really yeah i'll make you a sweet mix did hello main character did i break the camera i think i broke the camera what do you mean i broke the camera look it's not it's not falling i'm just like i'm just like [Music] what this is really getting hard to defend hey what's going on all right see ya oh you wanna hang out later oh my god okay there we go there we go there we go i got it going god man this is so weird so [ __ ] weird oh boy oh boy i think there might be more [ __ ] i don't know dude i'm like losing my mind right now you know what if there's any quote out of context of you that describes this whole playthrough it's i think i could [ __ ] i don't know yeah it's rough it's rough when did i say that just now like 30 seconds ago are you so out of it that you're like just [ __ ] words are happening these words are spilling out dude checking in with your brain first what is going on i just [ __ ] that tower with that turtle dick you like that tower oh damn oh where am i going now um boy oh boy where i can go i think what do you think what do you think well you think [ __ ] i don't know blue streak speeds by sanic there too fast for the naked sonic naked yeah sonic he can really sonic he's got you better find that [ __ ] verdant crystal or i'm gonna [ __ ] kick the living [ __ ] okay hi here we are welcome back i i hope uh i hope you guys are ready for five very sleepy episodes of sonic the hedgehog it's like 2 a.m it's 2 a.m we haven't even started recording sonic stuff yet god damn oh just we just yay it's christmas is done yeah we just had a lot of christmas stuff and and the star bomb album came out and it's we none of us have slept in weeks and it's it's good everything's good everything's great why am i playing when i complain if you if you if you went to sleep and you had a dream at night yeah of beautiful sonic antics like you're running around with tails and knuckles and in this universe not in the old universe oh sure the gate's opening i'd probably kill myself listen to me in stereo coming in left channel coming in right channel [Music] um whoa whoa whoa what the [ __ ] just happened nailed it all right well it's up here so i can just right here anyway go on about about the divorce story no it was just it was crazy because sometimes i'm not generally a monogamous man you know like commitment kind of makes me itchy but like there are certain times where you see you know sometimes you're like i don't want kids and then there are other times where you're like maybe i could have kids and then you actually see a screaming baby and you're like nope yeah so like that's kind of what this was with marriage for me um it was a husband and his wife and uh i was sitting there writing like just doing whatever in a tiny coffee house and they are like right in front of me like it's like this awkward setup where like my chair is set up perpendicular to their table so i'm like looking into the center of their conversation basically like a foot away and um the husband is on the phone he's like doing business calls or whatever and the wife is being really patient she's just like kind of hanging out and uh he talks for way too long and you can see her eyes kind of glazing over and uh then it's done and he hangs up the phone and she kind of gives him a look and he's like i'm sorry i'll be more present and i'm like oh you guys have talked about this before you know like i'll be more present isn't your words man okay so so he hangs up the phone he's like sorry i'll be more present and uh she's like okay so like they get like um they they get their food or whatever and uh and then he gets another phone call immediately he's like sorry babe gotta take this and he's on for like 10 more minutes and i just see her completely shut down she's just like [ __ ] it she pulls out a book and she starts reading and like so he finally gets off the phone and he's like uh we're moving again hey sorry about that babe i i i'm here now and she's just like without even looking up from the book and they just sit there like they eat their food in total dead silence she like never looks up from the book and he's just sitting there like nervously like looking around and i see the rings on their fingers and i'm like oh god and then they just left and i was like wow that's tough yeah have fun with that you guys yeah yeah just so much bliss till death do you part and then i saw him eyeballing the hatchet next door oh man for himself oh god oh geez a self-hatchet death yeah you got you gotta want it yeah you really you got to be like a hatchet enthusiast i want to go out the only way i love yeah he died doing what he loved killing himself wow don't lose sight of what's important to beat the game he's still super crazy tired [ __ ] you he's not you wondering ice guy no you know what you can you can be honest that was for me all right [ __ ] you yeah i'm sick of your [ __ ] all right yeah you should really just stop eating and producing producing biscuits of [ __ ] fudge [Laughter] milk milk lemonade around the corner fudge is made oh is that right yeah it's that's how physiology is [Laughter] [ __ ] i can't remember we had a whole [ __ ] thing about that [ __ ] no oh damn it no it's okay you'll be fine sound like you're drowning all right it's perfect yeah that's a wrap it's a wrap everybody we got it you can shut you can you can go home now yeah it does feel like a lot of this was done in one take doesn't it like they only had the the the actors like they're non-union so they're just like [ __ ] it you can't tell me what to do yeah like oh here's all drowning scenes i'm going on break i will tread carefully drowning sound yeah i did that with my mouth i wasn't actually drowning that's part of the skills that i have don't be scared yeah there's no water in this place he like calls his daughter like listen when you hear me do the sonic game when you play that it's gonna sound like i was drowning don't worry daddy's fine and she's like she's shad i'm 35. you never miss it he's like i know it's because i'm too busy doing drowning sounds wait you're no you're never what visit you why are you calling me about this dad yeah it's been 10 years yeah oh that's right happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday is that good enough for you yeah jesus god neck neck neck just like your mother who i never talked to anyway i'll be in my trailer yeah yeah if you need me i'll be cashing my sonic checks do you think the people who do the sonic voices eat at sonic on their break of course to stay in character looks like i'm gonna need a milkshake did you ever see the mega 64 video about sonic the food place both no i haven't it's like them eating at sonic and they're like awesome and they're just like why do we keep coming back here we always think whenever we're like let's get sonic it's going to be great this time but it always ends up being mediocre i've done that i've absolutely done that but like they're actually talking about sonic the hedgehog oh yeah we've we've had we had a place called famous dave's i don't know if it's a chain but there was definitely one in jersey and we'd drive by it like every night and we'd just be like someday we're gonna eat at [ __ ] famous daves it just became this big thing and we were like and eventually it got so built up that we were like you know what i bet it would really actually suck if we went there let's never go there and then we were like [ __ ] no let's go there it'll be awesome and it sucked it's suck and it ruined the magic of driving by famous daves and being like famous dave whoa famous [ __ ] day he's got that [ __ ] repetitive vowel sound it's got that assonance i love oh yeah [Applause] [Laughter] oh we're tired number one oh it's metal this is like sonic's goofy ass reflection in his face it's metal hell i don't know i i missed it isn't it cool how that shadow is at an impossible angle yeah oh and it's a second shadow the elusive double shadow unless there's a ring way up there yeah that thing didn't load what that thing over there didn't work oh boy so oh the ocean didn't load up oh boy so that's cool i'm gonna be walking to my doom right now guys it's getting real tough get real tough to sing your praises you know i [ __ ] i broke the game so it just makes sense i was listening to this really funny comedian how magical was it yourself oh that's very flattering um but he's funny he was talking about like a strip mall massage parlor that wasn't quite in the up and up and so like at the end of his massage like the the woman she can't say do you want a hand job and she can't say happy ending either because that's like clearly too obviously code so she like leans into his ear and whispers do you want me to make banana cry and he was like whoa no thanks i mean i love him and he's a funny comedian i never understood code words right because like if it's so encoded then it should not be decipherable yeah and what if there's a crying banana nearby and then joke's on you you [ __ ] missed a piece of sentient fruit have you ever had too much cocaine that you like you kind of freak out a little bit you know sam i have not okay i was never i was never into into cocaine yeah never i was never an upper guy yeah i was also never a hard drug guy yeah that's cocaine's too hard yeah i know it's like mega man right it's really hard yes the tuba [ __ ] yeah let me hear it again you ready for this [ __ ] do it hey amy you want to hear something cool yeah [Music] she's like i can't hear i love i loved it hello superman's real name is peter sparker my little nephew when i visited him my mom was like tucking the men and like my my smallest nephew he's like two so he like barely speaks but like she was tucking in the other one the other one's asleep and then she turns and he's just standing in his crib like eyes open looking right at her in the darkness and he just says like deadly serious fighter man's real name is peter parker mystery solved yeah the children really do have clarity on the world spiderman spider-man why isn't there a superhero named fighter man i know i don't know if he spells it f-i-d-e-r or f-i-g-h-t-e-o i like to think it's f-i-d-e-r uh fighter man spider-man fighter man he fights a lot he's fighter man yeah punches guys and he kicks his name is spider-man look out all right green button press it liquid nice that was a nice joke yeah is that really that's exactly what the reviews of this game says this looks good thank you for this thank you for this aaron it's not me i always wanted to you're it's just doing that yeah i'm not pressing anything this [ __ ] game i have the camera to do it's like oh you got five seconds before your show ends here let me give you a quick seizure yeah you guys you guys there's a little bit everyone you guys didn't have oh god get it off the screen dude please okay welcome back to another exciting round of my god they made a video game with my co-host dan it's cold in here it is chilly um this is from uh sonic boom part 31 uh people noticed this because it's actually quite visible in the the game i'll just go ahead and play it a real person you just kept running uh is that i mean you [ __ ] okay there we go so it's a few things that happen in rapid succession as is often the case in this game knuckles drawing on amy blips in and out of existence as is her want yeah um you might not notice that they actually teleport in and t poses up there um they just they kind of blip into existence they're just like we're ready so that's that's future knuckles that's future knuckles getting ready ready for he's in the waiting in the wings so to speak uh a bunch of crazy camera stuff and then there's uh two sonics that's my favorite yeah and uh he sort of like falls into place there yeah he's like wait for me guys you like kind of blow through yeah it's just like doppelganger oh man get out of here so like one magical second the time streams crossed right so uh oh that's so inexcusable yeah that's bad that's that's a bad show you know it's like it's like when you're you're going to see shrek at the christmas house and you can also see a video of shrek while you see the real shrek it's a bad show yeah that's it shrimp yeah strike the halls all right anyway i love them all uh so that's really bad and then also so they go flying actually i wonder are they running on nothing when they yeah so they're they're they're they're still running before they're like oh no where'd the ground go and they go flying up in the sky and there's this beautiful animation then flipping around all right can you all make a sound that's very nice uh yeah it's all right and then later uh when that happens go back is that another sonic that's messed up okay okay he's supposed to be there i'm like so used to [ __ ] seeing sonics fly all right also knuckles shoes are going through yeah amy's just sort of sloshing through that ground there she's kind of squinting yeah everything looks bad in this game um that is that's awesome yeah oh this was fun i mean this happened before but like they have this particle effect of his beam and they teleport him ahead so then his beam is still there and it's just like uh just just don't ignore that that's not too bad that's not supposed to be there so then up ahead uh you beat him up again and then the same exact thing happens i was like that looks familiar i wonder if that actually is the exact animations frame for frame so i layered the earlier animation on top and you can see the camera angle is slightly different but it's frame for frame the exact the exact same thing which like whatever like i i get why they do that it's not like a big problem i'm not gonna i'm not gonna fault them for that i just found it funny um let's see oh up here was uh another fun thing so yeah here is uh metal sonic dyed spoilers or whatever the good old one frame zip pan yeah so he disappears or whatever amy's there for a single frame and then she's sort of they like slid up out of i don't know i don't even know she's not even the tallest character so i don't know why she's the only one there it just it just blows my mind uh there they are with that crystal and have a good time one last thing i wanted to point out was between episodes um i actually used some of this audio for like an end slate uh thing but just just watch this yeah you even you were like what the [ __ ] that was some tyler durbin [ __ ] that's the salad and [ __ ] so if we go frame by frame you know boop boop uh oh you see that that's amy falling in an existential nightmare for one frame just flipping like and then she's gone yeah so [ __ ] bizarre i see it now but like if you go back no no no no like to where her frame is [Music] like i thought i was looking at like a pink fish monster with lips coming at the camera oh yeah are those like the eyes yeah that's why i was like oh god what gross yeah oh and he's apparently a fish monster yeah and let it go forward a couple frames okay yeah what is that whose shadow is that's her calling oh that's her phone look at that and then when does she appear oh there she is wow she's like hey guys you miss me guys you know what you know what i love the last time we saw anything like that happen was 1987's chester cheetah too cool to fool i just love how she looks like she's in some kind of nightmare existence oh yeah alternate dimension and she's just like just briefly he's able to visit our world beautiful wow so that's sonic boom let's keep playing leave your thoughts in the comments above below below this is steve what's up what's up bros uh hey what's up bros this is steve this is my partner steve we're there's two steves how's it going uh i'm steve was that established yeah well that's that's this is steve i'm steve uh we really haven't made an effort to uh determine which one is which or what the show is about so we're just steve yeah pretty you know what it's weird that we both have similar voices as well aaron if i can break character for a second no you cannot probably our best opening ever just really one for the ages one we can all be proud of hey so uh god anyway you're on two steves you ready to go aaron we haven't played this in a little bit all right back to character all right we're ready to go steve tell me a little bit about yourself oh you know over here i like steve around do some steve things whoa me too that's crazy no [ __ ] way yeah it's it's it's nuts how similar we are dude these characters have no personality or distinguishing features other than that they're both named steve they both sound like this yeah can we just make two steves can we actually make that a show yeah of course two steves episode yeah hey i'm steve yeah and then and yeah we we actually won't make any game commentary or talk about anything relevant we'll just keep reiterating that our names are steve don't forget steve yeah what's that steve tune in for the steve power hour what yeah it's tomorrow at three to die because it sounds a little bit like steve mentioned that i'm steve yeah yeah three check it out at 3 00 pm do you think um do you think the game uh designers of this have seen any of our play through and been like these sons of [ __ ] like people are going to think this game sucks now people really trust these guys opinions and we put our heart and soul into releasing this game in four months and yeah no they're probably like [ __ ] they're probably out of a job not because this game sucks but just the nature of the industry yeah not because of us it's like it's done the end go home oh yeah i'd be curious to know exactly how many man hours went into this i would love to see a post-mortem on this and just and just see all the developers and they're like all right so this is the part where we actually had to not finish it this so this wasn't at all supposed to be what this is yeah we actually had an idea to make it good but um we just shipped it out like the director's commentary you put it on you're like and the first thing they say is like so this is our jurassic park game that was uh last minute reskinned as a sonic game whoops you can tell here here here here here and here that it's clearly supposed to be a jurassic park game yeah take it back yeah do it [ __ ] and dive [ __ ] sorry that getting a little too getting a little too heavy for you there's always the one person that says something too [ __ ] real yeah that was super alternative dude like like the parents at the um at the little league game come on billy this kid's got nothing [ __ ] him [Laughter] oh god there's something a little too genuine about like the guttural oh [Laughter] we always had that like one dad uh like that in our our [ __ ] baseball games just the one clapping dad yeah shove a wow in it don't worry timmy this picture hasn't got [ __ ] [Laughter] show him who's awesome and show him who's a piece of garbage yeah i swear to god timmy can i talk to you for a second uh i was a failed sports star myself so i am living completely vicariously through you so you need to step up yeah you really need to get your [ __ ] together oh damn yeah don't worry amy's invincible yeah don't worry that's just a [ __ ] buzz saw that she took to the chest yeah no problem hey i'm grump i'm not surrounded and we're the game grumps oh welcome back to janine garofalo's expedition find that what what you got to clear these openings with me first all right can i open with janine garofalo's expedition absolutely all right run the intro again what hey i'm grumpy i'm not sue gruff and we're the game grumps hey welcome back to janine garofalo's expedition yeah to mount everest yup i'm sorry i added in that last part as well yeah you know what i'm gonna need clearance on that future can we start over there hey welcome back to janine garofalo's expedition to mount everest cool wait i didn't actually clear god damn it is it okay yes all right run the intro hey welcome back to shane garofalo's expedition to mount everest starring me aaron hansen why would that be starring you because well somebody's got to narrate it oh okay she's on her expedition she doesn't have time you're right you're right okay i'm sorry all right run the intro all right hey welcome back to janine garoppolo's expedition to mount everest starring aaron hansen uh not starring dan avedan um can we [ __ ] so i'm just out i'm just out then yeah well i mean did you want to be you're gonna [ __ ] strong army on this one yeah of course i want to be in it i've always wanted to go to mount everest run the intro again hey welcome back to janine garofalo's prediction to mount everest starring aaron hansen and i guess also starring dan expedition ex well [ __ ] run it again welcome back to janine garoppolo's expedition to mount everest starring aaron hansen and also dan avedan who is apparently a stickler for [ __ ] pronunciation yes now we can start game grumps hey i'm grump i'm not sue gruff and we're the game grumps so i'm fighting some guys yeah you sure are oh man forget all that [ __ ] we said about mount everest also janine garofalo hi yeah you're the best if you're watching love you um [ __ ] dude this [ __ ] game i swear to god did i break it did i break it i'm pretty sure i broke it is there a way to can't amy like triple jump i think she can triple jump whoa yeah what the what yeah how did you know that i don't know i didn't [ __ ] know she could triple jump yeah dude so i think someone came up to me like in a starbucks and told me that but it didn't it didn't matter until now yeah what the [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah yeah it was this girl i think her name was sabrina but she's like no amy can triple jump i was like cool good talk okay see you later like no context yeah yeah not even like hey danny we can triple jump yeah cool thanks thank you sabrina appreciate it all right don't get that ring aaron i wanna see if i can get over here oh okay and i can slash can't am i supposed to i get that i hard to know i get the feeling i'm not supposed to god damn it aaron no i can do it they showed you the bridge they were making just for you to just go trust me man all right i trust you i did it why would i not trust a man in the exact position you're in right now i made it wait hold on hang out with the trees over here and you can just whoa whoa i can just vanish temporarily hi tails oh hey how's it going buddy she's like why am i here yeah what have you done to bring me up here oh sorry hey guys hey everybody the whole gang is here wait look out into the ocean what oh sure no like further to the right it's like some kind of horror movie here's something over there uh yeah what is that oh it disappeared oh there it is there it is there it is okay okay we got it we got it can i take the oh no no no i'm good okay water's fine water's totally not harmful to me okay well that was like barely enough to like gently bathe your feet i'm running fast because i'm knuckles and i'm in a sonic game i have to run fast that's the whole point and it just drives you to the air so like it's rising oh lyric is rising oh there you go you've got a title that was a nice one yep it's true creeper gorge yeah you just go in there and it's like did you see the tits on that girl oh yeah oh god i'm having fun playing this game are you having fun or is that a lie it is mostly he alive isn't that ironic no it's just alive unstoppable whoa that is cool i love how this game [ __ ] goes back and forth between insanely slow and like too fast to even like register with the human eye just gotta get back just gotta go get these rings gotta go fast no no no come on back there it's so dumb hold on i gotta you're in the middle of a cool dinosaur skeleton and all you could think to do is oh nice activated oh there you go can i go over there i want to go over there yeah just bounce use the buttons okay yes see i did it yay i gotta see what's back here you are killing my vibe no i like how they don't follow me too yeah they're like oh jeez every [ __ ] minute with this [ __ ] with the [ __ ] thing i don't want to ugh all right fine yeah go stupid loop look at all these rings wow look at all these wings what a quick chance these rings was annoying they're making me feel so fast right now [ __ ] sonic it was like i guess i'm here this is like the one time you can finally like yeah okay thank you aaron that was very good get to see him break through the glass thing that was super fun isn't that ironic no as a matter of fact you know aesthetically this game is like just a level above a piece of [ __ ] hey welcome back to micros dirty jobs yes today game grumps i'm gonna start this off with a haiku all right uh sonic the hedgehog you are the best game ever it's snowing on mount fuji that's not actually correct i could just see that painted on a scroll that was not five seven five uh how about this one um knuckles echidna yep holy [ __ ] four penis heads it's snowing on mount fuji from now on i'm making an official decree even though it does not contain five syllables i'm declaring that all haikus must end with it's snowing on mount fuji that is a new rule you can you can be like oh what is yuki furu that's like four i don't mind no you can't say fuji oh man i was gonna try to say in japanese and see if that fits it's okay it's okay it's not like the [ __ ] haiku police are gonna bust in and be like oh [ __ ] damn dan shut the door they're gonna bust it down we got a five seven seven syllable situation here five yeah the 577 is like their haiku police code oh we have fun on games sometimes we do this is a very bizarre level yeah i don't i don't know that i relate to it very much hi aaron hansen oh [ __ ] hi aaron hansen you are my best friend hooray it's snowing on my fuji rock and roll baby don't give me sass or else i'll it's not [ __ ] oh god i'm the worst at this i just love that he said like sweet it opened up a path [Laughter] get that crown and we'll we'll cap the episode with that all right right when i get the crown you need to cut off the episode okay ready three two hey oh hi uh welcome back to glowy tails oh that's pretty he's very glowy he is very glowy that is an entire aura of tail when did this happen i i don't know man that is really weird is he always magical we just never noticed because the world was so bright i was always playing his knuckles yeah cause he gives a [ __ ] about tails wait was i just walking no i can't i can't even walk back up yeesh because she's just no she's i'm coming almost there getting closer well i will see you later don't don't say that there's enough fan fiction for you [Laughter] nice try [ __ ] i'm not trapped in here with you you're trapped in here with bird just like slams his face down like [ __ ] burning oil he's like ah [Laughter] welcome back to the legend of the blinking rings [Laughter] happy happy happy happy happy [ __ ] up amy jesus criminy she's hot though so what you think just because she's an animal i'm not legally allowed to have sex with her wait i am not an animal the cops are like yeah exactly that's the problem [Laughter] i boned an animal her name was roxanne yeah let me tell you in the sack she was a great she was a great racer roxanne we were cuts we were on the same page the whole time what the [ __ ] soccer man we won the charity event like a potato sack right in the sack we were practically in zinc i i thought you were just like making statements as someone who's like never had sex but is like trying to convince people that you have [ __ ] this yeah no me and that girl brune helga she took me into her room and then we did we turned out the lights and then i put that the you know you know and then i and then i kissed her between leg and she was like keep keep going and i was like and i was unstoppable yeah i kept on kissing yeah she lost her virginity for the fourth time that night [Music] i made her go home [Music] [Laughter] she was going all over the place i was covered in her go geez all right let's [ __ ] where'd you get that shirt by the way the one with the hammer and the nails just nailed it a fan sent it oh that's awesome yeah it's so awesome half of my [ __ ] t-shirts are fan sent oh that's true i really love it fan scent that sounds like a like a like a mythical bloodline i'm fan scent oh i have to grab him out of his thing there's actually a lot of that at magfest fan sense be sure to shower before you come to a con everybody yeah that's important and after you've been at the con for a couple days yeah in fact just keep showering every day oh dude can you explain this to me because i never found out what the hell it was what was the [ __ ] thing with the wendy's thing on the train video people got upset at us yeah yeah because it wasn't it definitely wasn't a brand deal so we we had we were playing this game and like we didn't realize because we never look at the menus right um that in the bottom right it was like displaying our serial key for the game okay like the whole time right so we were just like oh [ __ ] that's been up there the whole time all right well replace it with i don't know a wendy's ad hey right um so like oh but kevin didn't realize that like he shouldn't put it through the entire thing well that's the thing right like that's what we said to do right so he did it but then like it kind of occurred to us that like for the first six minutes there's literally no explanation for why there's a wendy's ad in the bottom right hand corner so people were like what about the sell-off [Laughter] that's like because i [ __ ] i saw that there was like a brouhaha about it yeah well i saw the video and i was like that's a really old burger too like they don't sell that anymore what is going on i always forgot to ask you about it but i i think it was also on top of the fact that like it wasn't like it wasn't a great episode like oh okay i know what we were doing so oh okay it was just kind of like you know fuel to the fire but it was really funny like like the first time like i came in and i think it was barry or that that was like hey so uh that trials fusion episode right like i was like what's wrong with it they were like there's like a wendy's at and i'm like oh yeah i remember that and he like loaded it up and the like dislike bar was like 60 and i was like whoa whoops sorry so yeah that is hilarious so yeah so people got pissed off at you for being a sellout for a non-existent brand for a burger that doesn't exist it's the best so oh i don't even like wendy's i [ __ ] love you you love wendy's hey wendy's if you ever want to if you ever want to uh give me a big sack of cash that you occupy your burger don't worry we we'd clearly be happy to sell out we put up wendy's ads for free imagine what we'll do for [ __ ] yeah we've been putting out the burger king like the yumbo burger like since the 70s and it just coincidentally came back and people are like oh you [ __ ] the jumbo burger you know you could just jump there you go there you go you're the one who always wants me to not do it yeah but damn it i'm willing to make an exception well it was getting it like it the the pause screen was like lagging because this game couldn't handle a couple menus oh yeah so so it threw off my rhythm it's like pause and the game's like whoa whoa whoa easy now it's like when you're it's like when you're sweating too much during intercourse i don't i can't relate and then like and then and then you're then you feel uncomfortable and that has never happened to me what really well cause i don't have like properly working sweat glands so i don't sweat a lot oh yeah yeah but i'm sure it'd be fun to just drench your lover yeah grossly not i mean i don't know if that was clear but what i was saying just like as it just rains down upon her i don't think anybody likes it really before i met you and oni and like that whole crew like i had no idea what it took to animate something and i have a whole new what is going on with the shadows on his what is happening with all these shadows we have two ways to go what the [ __ ] cut scene was that what was that for another game this is from sonic the flying adventure when did they get a plane uh tails has a plane does it but they they never really established it in this i guess jeez man that's true when did he get it i just love that it's like whoa whoa wait a second hang on a minute that's like [ __ ] that is one step away from like donkey kong driving in a monster truck and being like what's up here i am in the donkey truck damn yeah didn't it feel like a couple episodes ago we were like headed towards um like the end of the game yeah it didn't feel like it was building towards something and this is just really just taking its foot completely off the gas yeah i don't know i guess i guess there's there's obviously not a whole lot of um thought put in so you know maybe maybe they maybe they planned something and they were like ah well yeah yeah i guess we'll do a laser puzzle or maybe somebody like didn't i don't know like uh when they were in the like the design meeting they just had like a bunch of [ __ ] i'm sorry i'm trying to concentrate on what you're saying should just [ __ ] go nuts they just they just had a bunch of like sheets of paper like all laid out and they were like this is how the game's gonna be right and then like the office dog came in and just went like this just about all the papers went everywhere and got all ripped up and they were like oh no falling all over each other like a three stooges they're like what are we gonna do not the pie in the face i like to imagine that like every time like all these characters could drown at any time drinking a glass of water it's like hey you gonna finish that no have some [Laughter] this does kind of have a third grade play sort of feel to it like this whole operation like i feel like once the credits roll on this game like the only people who would stand up are like the game developers parents and they're like [Laughter] that's my son he did this and they're like oh stop it this is embarrassing you're embarrassing me why'd they even come but then when they're like when they're like you know like 38 or something and they're like talking to their parents that like a dinner or whatever they're like it really meant a lot to me that you came and their parents are like who are you no you know what i miss i'm still eating fruit stocks you know what i missed let's start the episode you know what i missed what because it's been like like you know like a couple hours wait you missed doing it or receiving anything [Laughter] guys stick together and they just like they all like slather themselves and like [ __ ] hedgehog spit which is sticky i don't know if you guys knew that [ __ ] [Applause] you i gotta tell you you've really been all over the map in these first 45 seconds of this episode oh look man you really gotta give it your all when you're doing game groups oh man head first diver to the abyss i love [ __ ] who doesn't i mean come on i know except for women that guy just did you see him he freaked out for a second can can whoever's i think it's kevin kevin can you please show him flipping out for a second that was crazy that was nuts because that was and actually kevin run back the echidna junk from that episode two two episodes ago okay wow that's a big penis yeah yeah why why did they what's with that camera angle a kid dick and we're back what after this fight what's that was that like a cold open and then this no yeah like that whole [ __ ] half anything i don't like you sang i'm just like and we're back and like did we have to start the episode over oh boy the ultimate dick move yeah oh god oh god no no no no what [Laughter] wow almost died eating that fruit snack oh i'm gonna miss this kid i will too actually what's special here yeah wow the plane the plane a [ __ ] fantasy island reference from 1975. i'm sure that's going to resonate really strongly with the 11 year old kids this game is [ __ ] designed for during that rant there was like 40 glitches i know i watched them all i watched them all but i was like i can't stop them descending into madness yeah and now rocks are appearing no oh my god my friends now they are the ones to be crushed by rocks hey if you uh if you've ever sucked a man's wiener you have hairy palms i don't think that's even how you looked at your palms that means that you sucked the man's wiener i didn't yeah you you're sitting right next to me i didn't look i was looking at you we were talking yeah you did whoa does that mean you suck the man's wiener that's messed up dude you know if your hand is bigger than your face just punch somebody this is our favorite thing to do in [ __ ] in like middle school or whatever this is like if you farted you you have hairy palms and then the one guy that looks at his pops it's like you did it watch out lasers let's finish this lasers amy's really trying to get amy her curry tails is like really you gonna [ __ ] what is this what is happening right now the left the right the left right forward back forward back forward back left oh sonic's over there now it's the sonic workout [Music] oh okay it was just [ __ ] up bounce on this button was that like the most hammy [ __ ] delivery i've ever heard of something weird let's bounce on this button hey next time on blue's clues coming to you live from the top 40. dude he's laughing at the top party we got a black party coming over here yeah blue ice circle there's a very special rock black with blue eyes you're called playing all their hits like don't feel the reaper and don't feel the reaper what about burning for you oh yeah godzilla yeah that's a good one yeah i do sorry blue oyster cult i actually love you yeah i do those are literally the only the three songs that i i saw them live what it was amazing did you yeah i saw them live at a redneck like well yeah because remember when i was telling you i used to go to remote locations for a radio station and jesus christ i don't know oh wait this might have to wait we better hurry those robots are turning something off yeah my interest [Laughter] i used to tell you like um or rather i used to uh do remote antenna setups for uh when i worked at a radio station in jersey wdha jersey's rock radio did you really yeah yeah you told me that i believe i did i think i did it on the show um so much i pay attention that's okay uh someone listened hopefully and yeah so one of the [ __ ] game grumps wiki he never ever ever said that never said that he's a liar one of the um uh one of the shows i did was blue oyster cult and so it was me and just like like the redneckiest crowd ever and like uh like just this dude like with like just all fat sleeveless shirts like grody mustache got like two kids on each of his shoulders i'm sorry and yeah i have to interrupt oh wait i have a face slapping machine oh my god youtube yeah oh yeah no it was just this redneck and i just have this image in my head of him like yelling at bloister cult the entire time to play various songs he was like the kids wanna hear godzilla and he's all drunk and uh blessed you caught was like all right they were cool wait like somebody on stage no no he was just a drunk dad in like the front row it's pretty awesome the kids want to hear godzilla yep all right yeah yeah they were like [ __ ] it we like that song yeah godzilla hence why we wrote it i like them yeah louis comic daniel day that's right yeah there we go yeah you got it everyone you can rest easy why would they build a ramp right into the lasers it seems like bad design i think the real question is why wouldn't they i mean it's if they know [ __ ] oh god oh god oh my god that was the scariest thing that ever happened to me in life there's a lot of [ __ ] that is just like moving around at its own [ __ ] willy-nilly face oh boy there you go where have you been yeah oh boy are they slowly walking toward me as i i don't know but it's time for game uh next time on game grumps boy that thing is like just ready to strike at nothing it's like just do it just just mmm i dare you to [ __ ] come into this space actually you don't have to you could just knuckles over there beat him in the side of the head good night there are plenty of [ __ ] in the sea they're all attached to fish and they take weird stringy downstairs oh gross they do i hate fish craps they're the worst they're the worst they're the worst uh you know what i never really thought about it but i i really hate them too i had i had a ton of goldfish growing up as a kid and uh you just you would just see looking at them just all the time they were so so gross stringy fish dumps oh my god my my first fish uh sarah um she uh we had her for like three years like an absurdly long time for a goldfish and um i was super sad when she died so my i asked if my mom could drive me down to the pond in the middle of town so i could like let her go um and so like we put we put the dead fish in the doggy bag and went down to the [ __ ] pond and i'm at the corner of the you know i'm at the edge of the pond trying to dump out the fish but like all the water parts of the fish is like dead stuck to the edge of the bag so i'm like shaking it while my mom is like laughing uncontrollably from the car and i'm all set you're like how can you be so insensitive oh i didn't know she was laughing until years later and she told me that's really funny yeah she played it really cool at the time she was like is everything okay dan oh my god is everything yeah okay so [ __ ] dumbass fish back with her ancestors after that they just got flushed down the toilet oh yeah i'm sure yeah couldn't put you through that heartache again no dude i mean or they just got [ __ ] killed like we had we had one fish we called the terminator that like devoured five of our other fish was it was it pretence a shark [Laughter] like a great white shark stuffed into a bowl on my parents kitchen counter terminator it's like unhinging its jaws like [Laughter] yeah that's great that's good pretty wonderful pretty wonderful times i i had a fish once really yeah it died they do that they i mean like that is like their favorite hobby is that like i wonder if that's why like parents get kids a fish like aside from the fact that it's a low maintenance uh pet it just helps them learn about mortality yeah it teaches them about life and death like early on because like you really get attached to a dog and like if a dog dies it's like [ __ ] devastating you know right but like you know fish dies it's like you only had it for like a couple months maybe yeah it's like you know what this happens to everything so just start sucking it up now yeah like it's not like it's not like you cuddled with it on the bed during like a horrible time in your life right you know your [ __ ] puppy was there for you but i have to say i can fish it really doesn't work if that's its intended purpose because like even though i went through that fish experience like it was still super sad when my dog died and then when i realized i was gonna die i was like oh [ __ ] i wasn't like oh thank god my fish prepared me for this realization like the realest bucket oh [ __ ] oh damn it i had things to do [ __ ] die dude yeah did they have bees in egypt uh if they had honey then yes they did have bees maybe it wasn't from egypt maybe it was like tibet they have bees in tibet i don't know maybe it was like b-town usa good old asian b-town the b-o the b yeah that's the that's the gay b nightclub oh man oh goodness hey yeah buzz buzz it's funny like a lot of like the gay stereotypes are very like forward sexually but it's like we're just as forward it just doesn't sound as entertaining somehow like if it's a straight guy it just sounds like more harassing oh yeah you know what i mean well i guess because like uh i don't know ah that's that's a good point actually it's really weird because like with with the gay stereotype it's like ooh where are you going honey and it's like it's kind of like silly and fun you know but like when like you a guy does it to a girl it's like let's [ __ ] soon in the near future i don't know i'm not good at this but like like well i think it's like it's like if a guy said wait you going honey it's like it's like oh get away from me yeah yeah well i i i think it's probably because that would be like said to like a a straight guy sometimes too which which is like oh you know haha a force is playful but he still might want to [ __ ] me because i'm an attractive does that make any sense oh oh perfect since clear as day at some point in this episode we were talking about mortality [Laughter] holy crap i can't i don't know i am never i am never like uh it never ceases to amaze me how deep and how shallow we can get in like the same episode [Laughter] talk about dead goldfish and i'm talking about [ __ ] the b-hole wow the rings are red now yeah man they're flying off the shelves and ugly as ever they these rings have never looked good in this game they really don't i think the reflective effects were turned up to like a million yeah and they're just reflecting like everything in the oh my god oh easy now that was like tragic i know you closed the door was there like a little blood in there it's just the red uh reflection of everything oh i see it's just brains and like friends oh there's people inside these like the entire whoopsies god look at that ring yeah it's very reflective so ugly well i'll collect them all up close it looks kind of cool but like from a distance it just looks like spots yeah glitchy oh yeah friends friends are a weakness i know like they just teach the wrong message i've been trying to get these [ __ ] off my back for years she like pushes them off this [ __ ] but they keep glitching towards me oh [ __ ] maybe this is the end oh wow all right lyric let's do this okay all right ugh guys defeat lyric is that right yeah for clearly establishing our goals win game [Laughter] breathe air now out you have to keep telling me or i'll forget what button do i press what button i'll do it once then i can't breathe it's an a or x oh god and with the beam we know [Laughter] go for it knuckles this is totally the end yeah oh i'm sad this game was the gift that kept on giving it really was uh now it's going to be extra hard to do game grumps episodes yeah because we've already oh oh god we've set the bar so incredibly high with the [ __ ] stupidity of this game damn it and why is why is the color coding for two sonics and no amy's see what i mean oh yeah there's two blue circles and no no pink ones oh right to the end sonic boom we don't know we don't know how to do we don't know what to do with amy i don't know hard to i'm not a girl i don't know there it is again hammer the hammer was filled with water i'm drowning there okay all right i'm sorry i criticized you this game is flawless [Laughter] did she just talk over her own screaming yeah god it's so exciting i can barely contain myself it's it's just is that this game's biggest failing would you say the combat i think those are its two biggest problems and the endless bugs yeah that's oh yeah oh yeah and the lack of character or plot development i guess um yeah well i don't care much about that but that's true yeah yeah they really don't like there's no arc or anything yeah really no clear story stuff happens and they're snarky about it that is really interesting i never really thought about that what that nothing has happened in this game yeah there's no there's nothing occasionally i'll talk to a squid who's like find my wife and we're like yeah whatever and then we just keep doing whatever we do you follow yellow exclamation points that's that's this game but like there was no moment where sonic was like oh i gotta go and well maybe there was and we missed it because we apparently we skipped like four hours oh very very true but like yeah there's no moment where like sonic was like i gotta go off and figure things out you know yeah even sonico6 had that i'm not bitching by the way like i will say [ __ ] i've truly enjoyed every moment of this oh of course me too but god damn i i'm glad i'm not pinocchio why those would be huge right it'd be like oh oh i think through the [ __ ] serene you'd be wooden and not real yeah sorry [Music] i'm going through pipes oh god like i'm far more beloved video game character oh well that's not true no it's true but sonic's beloved oh sure he's beloved but he's not as beloved as mario yeah who is i don't know any human beings that are as beloved as mario that's true too maybe obama just kidding i mean let's not get politically topical is he dead sure not obama but [Laughter] like first of all the frame rate's like 10. [Laughter] 10 frames per hour click oh what am i not dead no you're okay explore the world for remaining missions or collectibles i guess that's it i guess i beat the game very climactic interesting what it just explodes in her [ __ ] arms whoa tell me eggman saved us oh [ __ ] yes i totally was wait whatever happened to that [ __ ] the wait did he just die i guess so what the [ __ ] is happening right now whatever happened to that fifth girl with the boomerang oh yeah i mean again we skipped like four hours yeah that's probably what happened all right let's go yeah you don't you don't need to he can fly you'll have to toss me you don't need to he can you can do a spin attack yeah actually oh yeah because that's how physics works i mean you know what else can i say this is like wwf that wouldn't just seem to like knock her out with the no look pound like she's not even she's not even [ __ ] doing it and he's just like a face pad it just knocks her teeth out it's not every day you can hog tie a snake yeah i know it's actually impossible i would i do whatever in order to hog tie something you need limbs whoa it's shadow shadow it's like real what am i doing here yeah what is he doing here was he he was here wait it's time for him to make you and your friends got the job done wow his nose is shiny did he not say not bad oh yeah okay spoilers spoilers okay okay he just rips out lyrics [ __ ] heart it's like ah crushes it in his hand not my heart not my pudding cup i was gonna eat that later again yeah just hand exposed oh yeah oh there she you thank you is not it's not special oh he did find a squid wife what the what like really the the best penis heads they just like beat him up and left him there and then they were like all right he doesn't like to take it he just stabbed him with his knuckles wait let's just enjoy this okay wow that's actually the best looking effect in the entire game and we're done really really yeah that ending was too good uh oh we have your names cosmofumo like oh wow oh hey look the [ __ ] only stage of development before final cut god all of that amounted to them like knocking him down yeah doing a pound and just being like you saved a lot of people yeah like what happened to him what the [ __ ] happened to him what happened to anything well that girl got her spatula back yeah thank god oh well wow i'm glad that you could share with us with me quality assurance yeah wow uh production babies you can expect a letter in the mail my friends and a very special thanks to our families and loved ones for their continued that's nice like emotional support yeah yeah the family and loved ones are like um please please don't mention it yeah god damn it he would come home every day just in shambles like we have to release it tomorrow yeah yeah it's gotta happen it's gotta happen thanks for joining us on this adventure yeah thank you this was i i mean i i'll think about this one for a long time when i look back on my experience of being in game grumps sonic boom we'll be right up there with the things i think about and i'm just like wow that's a that's a thing that happened look there's two spaces between frank g i missed it like they couldn't even quality assure their [ __ ] credits yeah they spell quality insurance like k-w-a-l-i-t-1 quality oh michael w dong you're the best taxes oh god oh man wow 2014 this game's already a year old wow yeah already outdated what is oh oh that's quality assurance okay qa got it yeah so adrian daley james mcnerney yeah james howell yeah the functionality testers why are there so many there's a lot of them all these people are like tied up and gagged in a room i mean come on wow why is this ah god damn it could you hear that yeah i heard it that burns that is a second degree electrical burn ah christian bailey that's a that's like a mini christian bale what the [ __ ] are you doing get the [ __ ] off my set uh oh here comes the there's gonna be a sequel moment is that like a person oh it's robotnik i found it i love chocolate and vanilla swirl there aren't enough textures on my jacket sick bracelet um well what is that does that give him power yes i can see it when i put my keys in my door at night that'll sonic's like oh god no coming back online wait so did they ever like explain no like the the thousand year thing not that i'm aware of did i just i might have skipped it but i mean yeah it's possible well i'd love to do a q and a with the q a people because i have some questions like what the [ __ ] yeah why didn't you a your cue [Laughter] cue your a yeah oh man thanks again for joining us i don't even know how to end this i don't want to walk away well there's so much uh extra content we could do including the four hours that we [ __ ] skipped extreme mode yes please oh god my gamepad ran out of battery oh no i guess we'll just have to never do this wait what did i disconnect it oh i did yeah cause you got it got too extreme bro well next time on game next time on game grumps i hope you enjoyed this [ __ ] this ride it was a wild one something else we love you everybody see you soon bye bye wow wow it feels like the last day of school and like now i have to go out into the world
Channel: Grump Clips
Views: 1,470,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: M9c0g-lR9lE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 179min 19sec (10759 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 05 2021
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