High limit coin pusher season 3 episode 25

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[Music] hey everybody welcome back to the coin pusher today we got about 150 quarters we've had from previous games so no buy-ins on this one i got a humongous tower in there i don't know if they'll knock it down or not we're going to give it a whirl butterfingers oh it's moving oh yeah we're making some 20s 50 billboard fall off on that left side nice oh there's another 50 on there right we just got it too on our last video we did a 600 giveaway i told y'all i'd uh show it here on the video so while i'm down here collecting all the all the winnings i'll be playing a video that i'd i'd picked the uh the winner of the last game so the winner's already been paid but it is what it is it's gonna be in here in the video yeah i'll be right back all right everybody we're just gonna be using a random comment picker so all we gotta do is put in the page that we want to look up and it's going to show we got 101 comments we're going to click start and it's going to show benny henderson congratulations benny henderson you've just won all right let's get back to the video congratulations benny all right we got 340 bucks already doing good yeah oh gosh probably 200 quarters so yeah congratulations benny henderson he's the winner of the 600 giveaway oh yeah it's doing good [Applause] i can just get that big old tower to fall down i don't know if they'll knock that bango thing over or not i don't think i've ever had a tower in there that big before it's got to be the biggest tower i've ever seen we'll definitely try it out though that's the last of recorders right there [Music] let's check it out see what we got right around we got 200 bucks pretty good not bad at all i got about 300 quarters also oh butterfingers dropping them everywhere so let's get them in there and hopefully push that big old tower over come on baby [Applause] [Music] 20 bucks on the left is about to go got about 50 quarters left about 25 now [Music] all right that's the last of them right there oh we got that 20 bucks right there at the very last all right let's check it out see what we got all right we got 20 bucks about 300 quarters probably 350. it's doing good let me just get that tower to fall over let's get set i got jackpot set at 50 000 so i don't know if there's 50 000 in there but there is that's what we that's our goal looks like a whole bunch of them are the blue ones blues are 10 pace there's a whole bunch of 500s right there though all right they got some 500's at the very bottom also so we got a potential to get quite a bit we just get it to fall over we've got about 100 quarters left [Music] let's get them in there hopefully get some good pushes got 50 bucks over here on the left side about to go about 20 quarters left that's the last of them right there [Music] all righty let's check it out see what we got right around got 70 bucks it's not bad [Music] about 300 350 quarters again come on oh butterfingers oh we just got that 50 dollar bill nice [Music] i don't oh that thing is going to fall over or not i haven't seen a budge in a long time that's the last thing recorders though all right well let's check it out see what we got oh yeah pay 50 bucks oh about 350 quarters probably [Music] maybe 400. come on i don't know come on well it'd be nice if we get that big old tower to fall over i don't know if they put that put these things at an angle to somehow make them more supportive i don't know i see it quite often they got them all angled like that it's the only thing i could guess that's the last several quarters right there [Music] all right let's check it out see what we got well we didn't make any money but we got about 400 quarters again [Music] [Music] so [Music] still got 40 dollars down here [Music] come on [Music] hope y'all having a nice day i know i am considering how cold it is hope y'all stand warm oh we got four quarters left let's get them in there all right that's last every quarter right there we still only got that 40 bucks all right well let's go gather up our quarters be right back all right we got about 400 quarters again [Music] so [Music] oh that 20 is starting to move [Music] it might be a good sign that the tower's moving a little bit too got about 40 quarters left that's the last of them right there yeah 20 is moving so hopefully that tower ain't too far behind all right well let's go collect our quarters be right back all right about the same thing got about 400 quarters let's just keep her going oh that tower is moving old butterfingers i got a little excited about that i seen that tire move oh butterfingers [Music] gonna get that twenty dollars here real soon 20 bucks is 20 bucks [Music] that's the last every quarters all right oh it's going to be close we might get it we'll see yeah we'll get it here soon though they go gather up the quarters again be right back we might have lost a couple it might be down to 350. oh yeah we just made 20 bucks [Music] i think it'd be a good sign when that that 20 falls should be a good sign that tower's moving pretty good on us [Music] maybe we should try i don't know if it'll work but let's try doing just one [Music] side i don't know i'm thinking the left side might be better the tower is kind of over here on the left side a little bit maybe you can chip that out right there might be a little less weight there too i don't know the tire is pretty zigzaggy it's kind of hard to tell where most weight is probably right over here i had to guess that was the last several quarters that went by pretty quick all right well let's check it out i think we got 20 bucks down there oh yeah yeah we got that 20 dollar bill about 400 quarters still let's get to it stay on that left side notice we keep getting a lot of subscribers i appreciate it welcome aboard no butterfingers i don't know we may have to let's go back to pushing all over the whole thing again it doesn't seem to be doing what i wanted to do [Music] all right that's the last of them we've got the quarters real quick like 350. [Music] [Applause] has a lot of quarters i dropped in about about 150 of them at once come on baby push that tower you can kind of see the quarters sliding underneath of there as it's pushing it's doing something just not enough yeah i'm gonna grab the quarters out of here [Music] yeah same deal we've got about 400. oh butterfingers [Music] [Music] [Music] come on you can do it dropped another quarter that's the last of them i'll go grab the quarters real quick all right we got about 350 quarters ah this thing is being stubborn i've had some stubborn towers before oh butterfingers probably never that stubborn that flight i ain't moving at all [Music] we're gonna keep going at it i got about 50 quarters left [Music] that's the last of them right there all right about the same about 350 quarters [Music] so [Music] [Music] twenty dollar bill still on there old butterflies [Music] so so that's the last of them we made some good money but uh we got about three for 350 quarters we made some good money already if we have to walk away from this big old tower i guess we'd have to i'd rather not though oh butterfingers oh it just moved a little bit wow amazing how tire can just slightly move and gets me all excited i've seen it move a little bit more still got that 20 on there though it hasn't moved that much [Music] so quarters left all right i'm gonna grab the quarters real quick same deal about 350 of them so [Music] ah it's not looking good fellas [Music] ladies not looking good at all [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh butter thank you that's last every quarter though [Music] just go ahead and grab them real quick same deal about 350. oh butterfingers [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] got it kind of stuck up there there they [Music] go [Music] all right well that's the last of the quarters right there i really don't know if this is worth worth going any further though they might have got us on this one fellas might have got us [Music] [Music] well gonna go talk to him see if they got something heavier we can put in there maybe that'll knock it down be right back all right well i went and talked to him they you have noticed the silver in there is missing they told me i could buy that silver off of them for 10 000 bucks 100 of them i could use those to throw in there they didn't promise me that i did work but i said i could give it a try all right it's work i'm gonna give it a try i think it'd be my probably worth it if it works i should be able to make some good money if not we just lost 10 000 bucks [Music] that's the last of them [Music] hope it helped [Music] so oh you made a dent so all right well that's eliza recorders right there i can go talk to them see if they got anything else we can buy from them stick in there get right back we uh we talked to them and for twenty thousand dollars they let us stick a whole bunch of copper in there you can't really see it in a bit and a bunch of earbuds see if i can't raise it up see what's in there we got all kinds of stuff hopefully that'll be enough to [Music] get that fall over so far we've got a 30 000 buy [Music] most we can i guess we can win now is 20 grand and we can't stick that stuff back in here twice work it might work i've moved it a little bit [Applause] [Applause] [Music] my [Applause] oh we're not out of course [Applause] that country [Applause] wow [Music] alrighty well be right back hey we did it we got that 20 bucks nice so we got about 350 quarters we have one in six of those earbuds hopefully this gonna start paying off 30 000 in this game so far [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] right there [Applause] right [Music] all right let's get to it this very big one over here to fall off [Applause] wow it fell three more pieces of copper [Music] [Applause] reload [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] all right [Music] well i just realized i had my wireless microphone off so hopefully you guys could hear me there the last couple minutes if not sorry about that [Music] i was saying in case it didn't go through we get all this once we get all the copper off let us stick it back in one more time there's one of them one more to go hope the whole goal here is to be knocking down that tower got an earbud over there and a piece of copper on the left so that's the last of them right there oh sweet we got it so that means we can they'll stick all that stuff back in there for us i'm gonna gather all the copper up so y'all can see how much it is before we let's stick it in there yeah there it is it's pretty heavy i have to stick that back in there be right back all right we're back so we had to make like a wall of them all the stuff let's see if that did us any good that's moving a little bit oh the 500s are poking out right there it's like i might work [Music] i think we at least made 500 bucks [Music] oh yeah nice oh that copper is falling now are we done running out of quarters [Music] all right around me a thousand bucks already still got a long ways to go to make our 30 000 back but hopefully we get it let's get to it [Music] i don't know how long the video is for you all but i've been here over an hour at this point right here oh my gosh that was heavy it's kind of scary really [Music] old butterfingers [Music] yeah it's working [Applause] wow [Music] i got too much stuck up there trying to wait for that to calm down a little bit [Music] all right that's probably good all right i'm gonna grab quarters real quick oh lost a finger all right all right we got 600 bucks nice not doing too hot on quarters and half dollars though there's apparently quite a few stuck in there hopefully they'll fall out here soon i'm gonna run out of quarters now once it starts paying off that wouldn't be good we got a long ways to make our money back [Music] wow copper's heavy [Music] [Music] that was the last of recorders right there tower's moving a little bit too goodness gracious that's the last ever copper we don't got it all didn't we huh all right let's get to it we're right around got 12 200 bucks we're slowly making our money back i found another 500 bucks so 12 700. even better [Music] see if we can't get that big tire to fall over moving around quite a bit old butterfingers oh nice oh there goes nice oh yeah wow [Music] [Applause] that might have been worth 30 thousand dollars just to see that big old thing finally fall [Music] oh my gosh we're definitely getting our money back now y'all thinking i was crazy spending 30 grand but i think we're gonna make our money back now all right let's check it out be right back all right we've got six thousand ten dollars not bad right there's okay right there's that ten dollars makes it six thousand ten dollars and we've got about 300 quarters let's see what we can get oh wow [Music] oh yeah [Music] hey another 500 bucks i just found i was in there with my quarters old butterfingers how's the last ever quarters right there all right time to go collect be right back wow check that out i didn't bother to count it but that's a bunch i think we still got a little bit to go for break even but all right let's get to it about 350 quarters old butterfingers [Music] i almost almost didn't do those buy-ins almost gave up i was kind of dumbfounded when they offered charge me ten thousand dollars for some half dollar quarters for some silver half dollars and twenty 000 for those copper and the earbuds that seemed outrageous but i guess it all paid off that's the last several quarters though i'm gonna go collect all recorders be right back oh okay i'll check out the light out that is insane i didn't count that either we'll tell it all up at the end that's how we're doing we got about 300 quarters and quite a few half dollars so oh we're butterfingers we run out of quarters this time i'll tally it all up see if we already made it to the fifty thousand dollars because that's the max the pay so it wouldn't do us any good to go any further oh wow well i'll tally it up here in a second we've got a few quarters left all right that's the last of them see if you can't get a push or two out of it all right i'm gonna tally it all up be right back all right looks like we could have quit a little earlier we ended up with 61 30 or yeah 61 000 30 so that's freaking awesome fifty thousand dollar max pay thirty thousand dollar buy-in so we made twenty thousand dollars profit not too bad all right well y'all like what you're saying do me a favor hit that like button subscribe and we'll see you on the next video you all take care
Channel: Coin Pusher
Views: 189,509
Rating: 4.7810841 out of 5
Keywords: Coin pusher
Id: mn6b849LUWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 44sec (3344 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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