We Tried Flamin' Hot Cheeto Ice Cream

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[Music] hello and welcome to another video today we are venturing out once again to get a weird thing that we found on the internet if it's terrible we're gonna take the brunt of it if it's good well then we get the benefits of it benefits that's what I was looking for so there's this place down in Orange County called drilled drill D drill posh PD so I guess it's an ice-cream place but it solves this flamin hot cheeto ice cream I suspect there's other flavors there but that is the Golden Goose that we're gonna be going down and getting today oh yeah a bit of a trek for a cone of ice cream that might taste crazy I'm down for anything flamin hot cheeto related ever we've previously tried the flamin hot cheeto pizza yeah was decent but like not crunchy but I feel like if this is like a spicy ice cream with a garnish of a few flaming hots I am so down that could be very interesting a spicy ice cream a little bit of a different concept but flaming hot cheetos never really have hurt anyone before I don't know my never hurt anyone before I feel like you might you know like don't put it in your eye okay so with no further ado let's jump in the car make the trek to this place and try this out whatever this is that's that's that's going that's like this is the cyclone transition us into the car yeah you do like one who's like Spinney screen things should move divided like a fat low alright so we are on the road yes we're heading down to your Orange County right now I really love we just got coffee we just got coffee I don't check our air it looks like there's like a little bit of traffic so it's gonna take us like an hour so we're gonna amuse ourselves in the car about a couple of vlogging cameras that just harass you with so this place was very far away it was a pretty long drive Tyler resorted to like singing or was it rapping is impromptu shaggy I'll put it that way I am a huge fan of flamin hot cheetos i'm a flaming hot cheetos lover one might even say like an addict my mom actually had to like weave me off of them in seventh grade because she got really freaked out by the red dye for tea but I used to eat like a medium bag of flaming hot cheetos and drinking orange Gina an orange Gina why I said that wrong an Orangina after school every day in seventh grade that sounds amazing the perfect snack I saw recently one of those like weird food combination videos that Cheetos in milk like it's like cereal is like really good so what that's what I saw because it's like it's a cheese on milk because it's like dairy on dairy it's like not that awkward so like I feel like maybe this will be channeling that a little bit yeah so I'm pretty optimistic about the flavor of this you know what I feel like it's gonna be kind of like those Mexican candies that are like mango and chili paste together Oh spicy spicy and sweet okay and then we were there alright I think it's in this strip mall oh there is oh you see it I feel like for being in sort of a random strip mall the ice-cream place does have kind of an x-rated name nc-17 at least yeah why is it called drilled for ice cream place this ice cream is a sexual experience he said you could go on a date here you're gonna can't drill help you that's you started it what I see neon sign it's the calling card of an insane Monaca damn it I need a neon sign we need to get any on signs I have to pee I have to pee really badly it's a long drive walking into the store you were just kind of like washed over with like lots of pink and lots of like cereal boxes alright so here's the neon sign it says I just got thrilling are you gonna stand underneath it inappropriate sex jokes aside after doing a little bit of research we found out the reason why they're called drill that's because they have like this high impact high speed drill they mixes up ingredients with the ice cream to like make like one completely fused soft-serve ice cream flavor so all the menu they have a decent amount of sort of like interests ice-cream combinations obviously the flamin hot cheeto ice-cream that we had gone there to get but also like a Lay's potato chip one and also another one that caught our eye which was like an avocado mixture so we ordered two of the hot as hells and after a decent amount of like commotion in the back which we then realized was the trilling they arrived oh it's beautiful they were more pink than I thought they would be and there also weren't like actual flamin hot cheetos sticking out of them yes so I feel like they could almost be mistaken for like a strawberry ice cream I here is our inaugural height and we go right to the job ready so upon first taste as someone who like is not that sensitive despised I was pretty taken aback by how spicy I found it the cheeto flavor like hits you right away spicy it kind of like delivers the spice on the ice cream and like a liquid form like into the back of your throat you think that like eating hot cheetos with milk would actually like cancel out the spice but you say it's amplifying it yes are you okay Tyler are you alright that said I found it like extremely delicious alright I gotta try mine yeah let's do it so by its appearance it didn't overtly look like a flamin hot cheeto flavored thing but the flavor of it was a different story altogether oh my god that's so good it's retained a little bit of its crunch yeah the whole crunch left to it it did taste sort of like flaming hot cheetos which was cool but it almost tasted like if you ate flaming hot cheetos as cereal it taste like if you put cayenne pepper on a bowl of Lucky Charms absolutely that Jeff I personally didn't think it was that spicy but there is something about just a little bit of spice that makes you want like a little bit of milk so it's almost like a circle where you just keep eating it because you're like oh it's so spicy let me have a little ice cream oh it's a little spicy let me have a little more ice cream oh it's a little spicy let me have some more ice cream it's a circle spice vice I do feel like later on I'm gonna feel like doubly bad where it's like ice cream and blame you but right now I feel better I can sense that coming here so we figured that while we were in Orange County we might as well try out some of their other strange ice cream combinations so we went for the avocado combo which was like avocado drilled slash blended into vanilla ice cream within frosted flakes and condensed milk all right so this is the fresh ahh though yeah if you like a tint of green in there yeah so it must be like avocado vanilla ice cream yeah I bet you this one's gonna taste like cereal too but this one makes more sense because it's actually cereal but they have that giant wall of cereal right behind you when it arrived it didn't look super strange Jenna looked pretty normal almost like a pale pistachio ice cream with some frosted flakes on top but the taste was interesting I can almost smell the avocado from over here it's very avocado II I didn't the avocado probably helps it feel a little bit more like actual food versus just like a sugar bomb yeah let me try it you try it so I thought I was like really not gonna like it off the bat and I really liked it that's awesome are you like that yeah I kind of got like guacamole vibes from it we're like the ice cream was the guacamole and then like the corn flakes were like the corn chips where did you get the crunch and you have a little bit of avocado cream I like it so based off of our like dessert liking profiles I feel like I would be the one pegged as the one who would like a vacatio ice cream yeah but I didn't love like all of the toppings together I just thought that the avocado was a little out of place like when I been into it I was like hmm but then Tyler found me a bite that was just avvocato and vanilla ice cream before and I liked that more see I like that better again with the frost in place in the condensed because it's more like appreciate the avocado for what it is versus like here okay so that was a very pleasant surprise yeah I was a little bit nervous about the flamin hot cheetos ice cream and then i was even like a little bit more nervous about the avocado ice cream and i really really liked both overall one of the things i really liked about this place is that you like make a new soft-serve flavor I love soft sir but I feel like sometimes it has like a more limited range and like hard serve ice cream I loved the flamin hot cheeto ice cream there was a decent amount of crunch like the flamin hot cheetos didn't get soggy which I feel like is the facial flaw of the other like flamin hot cheetos collabs I think that the flavor of the hottest hell was more successful for me versus the avocado one but I will definitely give drilled some props for creativity like they were trying a lot of stuff as you could see by their menu wall and there were a couple of like empty slots on their menus so it seems like they're gonna like come out with some new stuff so when we upload this video we're gonna also open a room on next beat and what we're gonna do is we're gonna make our own homemade flamin hot cheeto recipes not necessarily ice cream because we also don't know how to make ice cream but we're gonna take on another flamin hot cheeto recipe yeah it can be flamin hot cheeto fried chicken so click that link down below to jump over that room and check it out yes and even if this video didn't just go up you can still click that link down below and watch the room that we made about this flamin hot cheeto rib stuff look at bonus vlog exactly the room doesn't go away it stays there so you can always watch it yes thank you so much for watching if you liked that video make sure to smash or gently tap that like button if you want more videos like this make sure you smash or gently tap that subscribe button if you've already hit that subscribe button you can smash or gently tap that Bell icon to be notified every time that we post thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys next time that's mine I like that oh you're at it
Channel: Tyler Williams
Views: 2,103,307
Rating: 4.9718518 out of 5
Keywords: we tried flamin hot cheeto ice cream, flamin hot cheeto ice cream, hot cheeto ice cream, cheeto ice cream, ice cream, cheeto, hot cheeto, flamin hot cheeto, vlog, instagram, instagram food, food vlog, food, spicy, weird ice cream, safiya and tyler, tyler williams, safiya nygaard, safiya, tyler, tyler food, boyfriend, girlfriend, couple
Id: 38LAnu25pqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 18 2018
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